Series III: American Committee for Cultural Freedom, 1949-1957, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
The records of the American Committee for Cultural Freedom include extensive files of minutes, correspondence, corporate and financial records. Documentation of public activities is similarly extensive. These include ACCF generated arts festivals, forums and petition campaigns; advocacy interventions in visa cases, deportations and loyalty-security hearings; the often unsuccessful courting of foundation grants for a wide range of activities; and numerous instances in which the Committee took on the role of warning intellectuals engaged in non-ACCF programs in defense of cultural freedom that they were allying themselves with politically tainted persons. Other instances of disparate responses among the intellectual community to Cold War issues are documented in such files as those dealing with the Committee's relationship with Arthur Miller, Bertrand Russell, and Jean Paul Sartre. The final subseries includes a small number of files that were previously restricted on the request of donor Daniel Bell.