Daniel Nilva Negatives
Call Number
General Physical Description note
Language of Materials
The collection is comprised of 6,827 black and white negatives shot by photographer Daniel Nilva. These images reflect Nilva's personal and professional involvement with trade unions, as well as his political interests and affiliations. Union photographs include images shot for the International Ladies' Garment Workers Union, the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Hotel and Restaurant Employees and Bartenders International Union, and International Union of Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers, among others. While many of the images record routine meetings and banquets, a significant part of the collection documents strikes and demonstrations, and a small but significant splinter group of the Communist Party of the U.S., the Communist Party (Opposition).
Historical/Biographical Note
Daniel Nilva was born in New York City on March 7, 1914, the only child of Joseph Nilva and Eva Bloom, Russian Jewish immigrants. Joseph Nilva worked as a painter-in a shipyard, and gilding and painting moldings of buildings--and as a pushcart peddler. Eva Nilva worked as a fan dancer on the popular stage; she taught Nilva to dance and he performed on stage with her as a child. Nilva's parents were divorced by the time he was in his teens, and may have separated earlier. In any case, it appears that between the ages of six and thirteen he was moved around considerably, living with each of his parents in turn, and then sent to board with and attend school with friends in the Midwest, in Omaha and Chicago, and finally to a farm in Roscoe, New York, where he lived until he completed high school. Nilva became close to the farm family and a lifelong friend of Leon Becker (later a criminal court judge), who also boarded at the farm. It was here that Nilva acquired his first camera, a Brownie box camera.
The 1930s were a formative time in Nilva's life- personally, politically, and professionally. He returned to New York City, where he attended Cooper Union, studying engineering for four years, although he did not graduate. He married Alice Mildred ("Millie") Elkes and became friends with three men to whom he remained close the rest of his life--Bernard Seaman, a labor cartoonist, Morris Stone, later an official with the American Arbitration Association, and Dr. Valentine Gregory Burtan, a heart specialist who had been imprisoned on a counterfeiting charge. Nilva also joined the Communist Party Opposition (a splinter group of the Communist Party, led by Jay Lovestone), and in early 1933 he went to work as a photographer for the Education Department of Local 22, Dressmakers, of the International Ladies' Garment Workers Union (ILGWU). Millie Nilva appears also to have been associated with Local 22 and may have worked there. Nilva documented functions and activities of the Local with his camera and photographed for the ILGWU newspaper, Justice. He did freelance work for the Bookkeepers Stenographers and Accountants Union's newspaper, The Ledger,as well. His primary cameras were a Leica Model G and a 4x5 Speed Graphic.
In 1937, Nilva's employment with Local 22 came to an end. The following year he sat for and passed New York City's civil service examination for photographers. At the recommendation of Jay Lovestone, he applied directly for a job with the president of the Civil Service Commission, but evidently was not successful. Nilva was rejected for military service in World War II because of his extremely poor eyesight. During the war, he worked in New Orleans at an aircraft factory. After that he had considerable difficulty finding work before landing a full-time job at the New York Public Library in an unknown capacity. By the 1950s, however, Nilva was working full-time as a freelance photographer in New York City, and maintained a studio at at least one address (Broadway and 27th Street). His clients included a variety of labor unions and progressive organizations.
Nilva's marriage to Millie Nilva did not last long. The couple had no children and were separated for nearly twenty years before divorcing. Nilva met his second wife, Sheila Cole, a writer, in 1957, when she was 27 years old. They married in 1964. Their daughters, Daniella and Stephanie, were born in 1965 and 1966. The family lived in a townhouse at 222 E 11th Street in Manhattan. Daniel and Sheila Nilva's early years together were a financial struggle; they had difficulty paying medical bills when he suffered a heart attack. Moreover, because of the heart attack's toll on his health, he was forced to cut back on his photography. By the mid-1960s, however, Sheila Nilva had opened an antique shop, which they then both ran -- featuring cameras and photographica, among other items -- that eventually became successful enough to support the family. The Nilvas -- partly underwritten by Sheila Nilva's freelance assignments as a travel writer for the New York Times, Harpers Bazaar, and Ladies Home Journal--traveled extensively in North Africa and Europe (as well as throughout the United States and the Caribbean). Nilva died September 15, 1984, of a heart attack, at the age of seventy.
Nilva's photographs appear in the collections of the Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives at Cornell University, and in the Manuscripts Department of the Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Telephone interview by Erika Gottfried with Sheila Cole Nilva February 5, 2001.1960-1984 Daniel Nilva typed reminiscences, by Sheila Nilva, March 2001 (at Tamiment Library).1920 United States Federal Census, Manhattan Assembly District 18, New York (Microfilm roll: T625-1218, p. 2A, lines 76-78). Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration.1930 United States Federal Census, Manhattan, New York. (Microfilm roll: 1571, pg. 3A, Enumeration District 801, Image 280.0). Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration.[Log of the MS Hurricane.] Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1897-1957. Year: 1951. (Microfilm Roll: T715-8038, pg. 142, line 18). National Archives Microfilm Publication T715. Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service; National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.Draft Registration Card for Joseph Nilva, ca. 1942. United States Selective Service System, "Selective Service Registration Cards, World War II: Fourth Registration; Local Board: New York, NY. Microfilm Roll: WW2 - 236840.Nilva, Sheila Cole. "Upstate Dude Ranch Roundup." New York Times, October 9, 1977; p.XX9Schiro, Anne-Marie. "Gift Baskets for All Seasons." New York Times, December 20, 1983; p. B14.Imported Face Masks Help Keep Boys Warm. New York Times, January 26, 1965, p.30.Gift for Green Thumbs: 1,200 Live Ladybugs. New York Times, December 23, 1971, p. 14.Display Ad 228-No Title. (in "Situations Wanted-Male-Commercial-Miscellaneous): "Photographer, experienced…". New York Times, December 19, 1937, p. 184.Obituary-("NILVA, Alice Mildred (nee Elkes)", New York Times, October 4, 1989.Entry for Daniel Nilva. United States Social Security Administration Death Index, Master File.
The Unions, Labor Organizations, Political Parties and Organizations, Personalities/Portraits, and Other Clients series are arranged in alphabetical order by client (that is, the name of the organization or individual that engaged the photographer to cover a particular event) and then chronologically within clients. The remaining series are arranged chronologically. The Unions series is further divided by internationals, district councils and then locals.
Organized into 9 series:
Missing Title
- I, Unions
- II, Labor Organizations
- III, Political Parties and Organizations
- IV, Demonstrations/Rallies/Parades
- V, Strikes
- VI, Miscellaneous Events
- VII, Personalities/Portraits
- VIII, Other Clients
- IX, Personal
Scope and Content Note
The collection is comprised of 6,827 black and white negatives divided into 570 separate shoots.
The images reflect Daniel Nilva's photographic work for labor unions, as well as his political interests and affiliations. Union photographs include images Nilva shot (mainly in New York City) for the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union; American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees; Hotel and Restaurant Employees and Bartenders International Union; International Union of Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers; Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union; the International Longshoreman's Association, and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. While many of the images are of meetings and banquets, a significant part of the collection also documents strikes and demonstrations; of particular interest among these images are the 1951 New York waterfront wildcat strike, surveillance photographs shot during a strike, the Teamsters' Ketcham strike of 1955, the Seafarers Strike of 1950, a 1956 civil rights rally in Madison Square Garden, a public meeting supporting the Hungarian revolution of 1956, a demonstration by dressmakers in the 1950s, and May Day parades of the 1930s. Nilva's photographs that relate to the Communist Party (Opposition)--a splinter group of the U.S. Communist Party--are especially noteworthy and include images of a CPO-related meeting at its headquarters at the New Workers School, in which striking murals by Diego Rivera are visible as background. The collection also includes images of and events sponsored by progressive organizations such as the Harlem Labor Center and the American Veterans' Committee. The collection contains a sampling of Nilva's non-union clients, which included charitable organizations such as the Deborah Hospital and Sanitorium and the City of Hope (both founded to treat and eliminate tuberculosis) that received considerable support from trade unions.
Individuals are documented as well--either in portraits or group photographs, including David Dubinsky, Eleanor Roosevelt, Jay Lovestone, George Meany, Harvey Olnick, Bertram Wolfe, Charles Zimmerman, New York City Mayor Robert Wagner, and friends Bernard Seaman and Val Burtan. Nilva also occasionally made copy shots of historical labor-union or political photographs. These images have been retained in the collection as they may no longer exist in other collections and may now represent unique photographic documents.
Each series is comprised of "shoots." A shoot is a group of photographic images shot by the photographer of one event--usually, but not always, on the same day. Each shoot has a unique identifying number (selected individual images within shoots have also been assigned individual numbers). The container list for this finding aid includes a complete list of shoot-level descriptions for all the images in the Collection; in the container list, shoot numbers are listed in the column for "item." Shoot descriptions include Nilva's original captions, as well as clarifications, corrections, identifications, and additional visual details provided by the processing archivists. These additions are enclosed within square brackets, so that they may be distinguished from the original caption information.
Selected shoots or portions of shoots have been microfilmed (R-7850) to provide reference access and must be viewed in this format; original negatives not microfilmed may also be viewed by researchers. Contact the repository for a complete list of shoots from this collection that have been microfilmed, with reel and frame numbers.
You can also click on the link within the shoot record itself in the container list below. Those shoots in which some (or occasionally all) negatives have been microfilmed are indicated in the Container List by: Microfilm. Researchers wishing to know if a complete shoot has been microfilmed can compare the number of images in a given shoot (in the Table of Contents below) with the number of images from that shoot they find microfilmed.
In order to help researchers quickly ascertain what this large Collection includes, a Collection Table of Contents listing all the Collection's series and clients, with their date ranges and the total number of images they contain, has been provided as a convenient overview (in contrast to the detailed, shoot-level descriptions in the Container List) of collection contents:
AFSCME, Local 1707/District 1707; 1940s-1961; 122 negs
Amalgamated Clothing Workers of Americas--Laundry Workers; 1950s - 1960s; 17 negs
American Transport Union; 1956; 29 negs
Bakery, Confectionery and Tobacco Workers International Union, Local 3; 1950s; 8 negs
Bakery, Confectionery and Tobacco Workers International Union, Local 262; 1950s; 12 negs
Bookkeepers, Stenographers and Accountants Union, Local 12646; 1911 - 1940s; 36 negs
Chefs, Cooks, Pastry Cooks and Assistants Union, Local 89; 1956; 14 negs
Hotel and Restaurant Employees and Bartenders International Union; 1950 - 1960s; 36 negs
Hotel and Restaurant Employees and Bartenders International Union, Local 1; 1956; 29 negs
Hotel and Restaurant Employees and Bartenders International Union, Local 6; 1950; 17 negs
Hotel and Restaurant Employees and Bartenders International Union, Local 11; 1950s; 48 negs
Hotel and Restaurant Employees and Bartenders International Union - Bartenders, Local 15; 1964; 3 negs
Hotel and Restaurant Employees and Bartenders International Union, Local 16; 1950-1951; 9 negs
Hotel and Restaurant Employees and Bartenders International Union, Local 144; 1951; 23 negs
Hotel and Restaurant Employees and Bartenders International Union - Cafeteria Employees, Local 302; 1964; 2 negs
Hotel and Restaurant Employees and Bartenders International Union - Waiters, Local 325; 1951; 4 negs
Industrial Insurance Employees Union; 1950; 6 negs
Industrial Insurance Employees Union, Local 1706; 1950s - 1951; 30 negs
Industrial Workers of the World; 1914; 1 neg
International Association of Machinists, District 15; 1956; 3 negs
International Brotherhood of Longshoremen; 1955; 3 negs
International Brotherhood of Teamsters; 1960; 16 negs
International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 1343; 1950s; 4 negs
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union; 1930s - 1962; 123
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, Local 62; 1960; 34 negs
International Longshoremen's Association; 1940s - 1954; 358 negs
International Longshoremen's Association, Local 99; 1962; 4 negs
International Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots; 1940s; 12 negs
International Union of Electronic, Electrical, Salaried, and Machine Workers; 1940s - 1958; 73 negs
International Union of Electronic, Electrical, Salaried, and Machine Workers, Local 441; 1950; 10 negs
Office Employees International Union, Local 153; 1950s; 2 negs
Playthings and Novelty Workers Union; 1950s; 11 negs
Retail Clerks International Association; 1949; 3 negs
Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union; 1947 - 1951; 34 negs
Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union, Local 1-S; 1950s - 1961; 126 negs
Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union, Local 3; 1940s; 1 neg
Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union, Local 338; 1948 - 1955; 69 negs
Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union, Local 474; 1950s; 6 negs
Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union, Local 1102; 1950s; 2 negs
Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union, Local 1250; 1940s; 1 neg
Seafarers' International Union; 1940s - 1950s; 78 negs
Textile Workers Union of America; 1950s - 1956; 18 negs
Transport Workers Union of America; 1949 - 1962; 101 negs
Transport Workers Union of America, Local 501; 1960s; 34 negs
United Automobile Workers of America; 1950s-1960; 37 negs
United Automobile Workers of America, District 65; 1956 - 1961; 215 negs
United Furniture Workers of America; 1950s - 1958; 30 negs
United Furniture Workers of America, Local 76B; 1952 - 1958; 165 negs
United Furniture Workers of America, Local 102; 1953; 6 negs
United Shoeworkers of America; 1950s; 27 negs
United Store and Allied Products Workers; 1955; 3 negs
United Textile Workers of America; 1956; 86 negs
United Textile Workers of America, Local 229; 1957; 18 negs
AFL; 1935 - 1955; 108 negs
AFL-CIO; 1950 - 1961; 380 negs
American Commission on Africa; 1959; 232 negs
American Labor Education Service; 1955; 3 negs
CIO; 1930s - 1951; 105 negs
Harlem Labor Center; 1950s; 4 negs
Histadrut; 1950s - 1975; 109 negs
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions; 1940s - 1960s; 12 negs
International Workers Front against War; 1930s; 142 negs
Jewish Labor Committee; 1949 - 1961; 96 negs
League for Industrial Democracy; 1946 - 1957; 8 negs
New York City Central Labor Council; 1950s; 7 negs
Trades Union Congress; 1955; 22 negs
Women's Trade Union League; 1957; 3 negs
American Labor Party; 1936 - 1940s; 64 negs
British Labour Party; 1960s; 1 neg
Independent Communist Party; [early 1930s] - 1940s; 322 negs
Liberal Party; undated; 10 negs
Demonstrations/Rallies/Parades; 1930s - 1961; 1193 negs
Strikes; 1886; 1950s; 141 negs
Miscellaneous Events; 1930s-1958; 153 negs
Baron, Murray; 1958; 4 negs
Beam, Gus; 1950s; 2 negs
Bloom, Max; 1950; 6 negs
Bloom, Mel; 1956; 2 negs
Burtan, Val; 1958 - 1961; 9 negs
Carey, James; 1950; 10 negs
Cole, David L.; 1950s; 2 negs
Columbia, Lara; 1950; 2 negs
Culbertson, Ely; 1946; 1 neg
Davis, Lester; 1960s; 3 negs
DeDefler, Linda; 1960; 3 negs
Eisenhower, Dwight D.; 1940s; 4 negs
Farrell, James; 1950s; 1 neg
Friedman, Carl J.; 1946; 1 neg
Goldberg, Arthur; 1959; 2 negs
Goldsmith, Gene; 1956; 3 negs
Hall, Paul; 1953; 20 negs
Harrison, George; 1950s; 2 negs
Iushewitz, Morris; 1950; 6 negs
Jaffe, Arnold; 1951; 3 negs
Jessel, George; 1950s; 24 negs
Kalster, Arthur; 1948; 6 negs
Koening, Murray; 1951; 2 negs
LaGuardia, Fiorello; 1938; 3 negs
Lawrence, Mort; 1959; 2 negs
Lewis, John L.; 1930s; 1 neg
Lovestone, Jay; 1934 - 1940s; 31 negs
Manson, Jules; 1956 - 1957; 8 negs
Mieblum, R.; 1950s; 1 neg
Mooney, Thomas; 1930s; 7 negs
Mozen, John; 1950s; 2 negs
Nehama, Saby; 1950; 2 negs
Newman, Oscar; 1946; 5 negs
O'Dwyer, William; 1946; 6 negs
Olnick, Harvey; 1949 - 1954; 8 negs
Persands, L.; 1920s; 1 neg
Pesotta, Rose; 1960; 15 negs
Richardson, Bob; 1960; 4 negs
Riebo, Richard; 1950s; 6 negs
Rogan, Larry; 1950s; 3 negs
Roosevelt, Eleanor; 1940s; 12 negs
Samovodin, Milton; 1951; 6 negs
Scharfman, I.; 1951; 5 negs
Schukin, Dave; 1960s; 3 negs
Seaman, Bernard; 1949 - 1954; 104 negs
Sepsin, Ralph; 1950s; 2 negs
Seymour, Horatio; 1952; 4 negs
Smith, Frances; 1957; 2 negs
Snyder, C.; 1957; 5 negs
Springer, Enrich; 1955; 4 negs
Steinbock, Max; 1950s; 1 neg
Steinburg, Julie; 1949; 1 neg
Tolstoy, Lydia; 1951; 6 negs
Wagner, Robert F., Jr.; 1950s; 1 neg
Watson, Arthur K.; 1950s; 5 negs
Welsh, E.; 1934; 2 negs
Welsh, Edward K.; 1957; 6 negs
Wishengrad, Morton; 1950; 4 negs
Wolfe, Bertram D.; 1934-1950s; 3 negs
Woll, Matthew; 1950s; 3 negs
Yagoda, Lou; 1959; 12 negs
Zimmerman, Charles; 1940s-1950s; 3 negs
American Veterans Committee; 1956 - 1962; 39 negs
Jewish Consumptive Relief Association; 1951 - 1962; 606 negs
Leather Craft Guild; 1940s; 16 negs
New York State Department of Labor; 1950s; 3 negs
Produce Exchange; 1950 - 1959; 12 negs
Rural Schools; 1955; 5 negs
WEVD Radio; 1930s - 1938; 7 negs
Personal; 1930s - 1950s; 245 negs
Conditions Governing Access
Materials are open without restrictions.
Conditions Governing Use
Any rights (including copyright and related rights to publicity and privacy) held by Daniel Nilva were transferred to New York University in 1994 and 1997 by Sheila Cole Nilva. Permission to publish or reproduce materials in this collection must be secured from Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives. Please contact tamiment.wagner@nyu.edu.
Preferred Citation
Published citations should take the following form:
Identification of item, date; Collection name; Collection number; box number; folder number;
Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012, New York University Libraries.
Immediate Source of Acquisition
The materials in Series 1 through 9 were purchased by the Tamiment Library, NYU from Sheila Cole Nilva on November 30, 1994. The accession numbers associated with this gift are 1994.029 and NPA.1995.013. The materials in Series 10 (unprocessed) were donated by her in 1997. The accession number associated with this gift is NPA.1997.023.
About this Guide
Edition of this Guide
Series I: Unions.
Language of Materials
Scope and Contents note
Shoots that have been microfilmed (R-7850) are indicated by Microfilm links under the title of those shoots in the container list. These links will open a complete list of shoots from this collection that have been microfilmed, with reel and frame numbers. (Note that in the container list below, a shoot is listed in the column for "item.")
Subseries I:A: AFSCME, Local 1707/District Council 1707, Community and Social Service Agency Employees Union.
Language of Materials
District 65; Textile Workers; AFSCME Local 1707 -- Alice and J. Price, [1940s?], inclusive
Textile Workers; District 65; AFSCME Local 1707 [Meeting? Also includes possibly unrelated shots of a park.], [1940s?], inclusive
Art Show, [1950s?], inclusive
Local 1707, Sep 24, 1954, inclusive
[Pickets on Centre Street, Lower Manhattan -- City Hall Area], May 26, 1955, inclusive
Corrections Officers Meeting with Mayor Wagner, Oct 24, 1955, inclusive
Executive Board, Dec 07, 1957, inclusive
[Meeting at Headquarters?], Dec 19, 1957, inclusive
Membership Meeting, Jan 21, 1958, inclusive
Meeting, Apr 17, 1958, inclusive
Meeting, Dec 02, 1958, inclusive
Meeting, Jan 7, 1959, inclusive
Picketing Federation of Handicapped, Jan 8, 1959, inclusive
Local 1707, Apr 12, 1959, inclusive
Installation [Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York], Apr 13, 1959, inclusive
Symposium: June Weling[?], Dec 1, 1959, inclusive
Strike [Signs: "We Want a Contract"], [1960s?], inclusive
[District Council] 1707: Strike Meeting, Feb 18, 1960, inclusive
CSME-INON: Strike Meeting [Separated as Damaged], Feb 18, 1960, inclusive
Memorial Meeting: G. Armstrong Guild Headquarters, May 12, 1960, inclusive
[District Council] 1707: Membership Meeting, Jan 12, 1961, inclusive
Pickets at Theatre Benefit, May 5, 1961, inclusive
Local Party, Jun 24, 1961, inclusive
[Meeting in a small room (possibly in the Brooklyn Labor Lyceum) of what appears to be union officials with members or potential members, many of them women, some African-American.], Jul 6, 1961, inclusive
Subseries I:B: Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America: Laundry Workers.
Language of Materials
Laundry Workers Health Center 222 E. 34 Street, [1950s?], inclusive
Laundry Workers Installation [meeting at hotel], [1950s?], inclusive
Laundry Workers Joint Board, Cong. [Congressman?] E. Allan, Oct 8, 1956, inclusive
Subseries I:C: American Transport Union.
Language of Materials
[American Transport Union Protest Rally at New York City Hall][Signs: "American Transport Union Mass Rally;" "Quill Has Got to Go;" "ATU Demands Real Bargaining Election for Representation"], May 23, 1956, inclusive
Subseries I:D: Bakery, Confectionery and Tobacco Workers International Union.
Language of Materials
Local 3 H.I.P. [Health Insurance Plan] L.I.C., [1950s?], inclusive
Local 3 H.I.P. [Health Insurance Plan] L.I.C., [1950s?], inclusive
[Local 262 Strike: Krispy Kernels], [1950s?], inclusive
Subseries I:E: Bookeepers, Stenographers and Accountants Union, Local 12646.
Language of Materials
[Copy negative of print] [Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Accountants Union], 1911, inclusive
Globe Strike, [1930s?], inclusive
[Pickets during a lockout by the Margon Corporation, in front of its headquarters at 235 Spring Street, New York City], [1940s?], inclusive
Subseries I:F: Chefs, Cooks, Pastry Cooks and Assistants Union, Local 89.
Language of Materials
H.I.P. [Portraits of unidentified men (probably union officers)], May 16, 1956, inclusive
Subseries I:G: Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees International Union (HERE).
Language of Materials
Bartenders Membership Meeting, [1950s?], inclusive
Hotel and Restaurant Workers Glucksterns Picketing, Oct 19, 1950, inclusive
Bartenders Thanksgiving, Nov 1, 1951, inclusive
Hotel and Restaurant [?] [Three men (possibly union officials) posed standing and chatting in an office.], [1960s?], inclusive
Sub-subseries 1: HERE, Local 1
Language of Materials
[Strike: protest "Strike Breakers" outside NBC Studios], Jan 9, 1956, inclusive
Union Label: Mayor Wagner, Lyman G [New York City Mayor Robert Wagner posed with "Miss Union Maid" and her female attendants, inside his office at City Hall, and on the steps outside City Hall; Wagner posed in his office with men (probably union officials) and a proclamation.], Aug 29, 1956, inclusive
Sub-subseries 2: HERE, Local 6
Language of Materials
Mrs. Felton 3340 Perry Ave., Bronx, wheel chair, Dec 7, 1950, inclusive
Mrs. Felton 3340 Perry Ave., Bronx, wheel chair, Dec 7, 1950, inclusive
Sherry Netherland Party, Dec 10, 1950, inclusive
Hughes [?] Contract Signing, Dec 11, 1950, inclusive
Basketball Team, Commerce High School, Dec 11, 1950, inclusive
Sub-subseries 3: HERE, Local 11
Language of Materials
Mike Ancone[?] Childs Contract, [1950s?], inclusive
[Portraits], [1950s?], inclusive
Meeting, Fraternal Club, [1950s?], inclusive
Sub-subseries 4: HERE, Local 15 (Bartenders)
Language of Materials
Webster Hall, Kennedy and Wagner, Sep 20, 1964, inclusive
Sub-subseries 5: HERE, Local 16
Language of Materials
Johnston Shop Meeting [Group portrait: men and women, African American and white], Jun 13, 1950, inclusive
[Membership? Shop? meeting; speakers and audience.], Oct 5, 1950, inclusive
California Signs [Billboard advertising a restaurant called The Californian as "the most fabulous restaurant on the Great White Way!"], Jan 15, 1951, inclusive
Sub-subseries 6: HERE, Local 144
Language of Materials
[Mass meeting at Capitol Hotel, New York City, in an auditorium with a circular balcony; images include speakers on stage, audience], May 31, 1951, inclusive
Hotel Front Service Employees Union: Membership Meeting, End of Strike, Jun 8, 1951, inclusive
Hotel Front Service Employees Union: Picket line, 25 E. 77th St., Jun 21, 1951, inclusive
Sub-subseries 7: HERE, Local 302 (Cafeteria Employees)
Language of Materials
[Cafeteria Employees Union] 25th Anniversary, Hotel Diplomat, Feb 4, 1964, inclusive
Sub-subseries 8: HERE, Local 325 (Waiters)
Language of Materials
City of Hope: [presentation of check and awards], Jun 26, 1951, inclusive
Subseries I:H: Industrial Insurance Employees Union.
Language of Materials
Local 1706 [Mass meeting in an auditorium; images include speakers on stage, audience.], [1950s?], inclusive
Insurance Agents [Union], Dec 28, 1950
Local 1706 Membership Meeting[?], Mar 29, 1951
Local 1706 [Mass meeting at Hotel Diplomat, New York City], Jul 13, 1951
Local 1706 [Mass meeting at Capitol Hotel, New York City], Nov 8, 1951
Subseries I:I: Industrial Workers of the World.
Language of Materials
Carlo [Tresca] IWW Meeting at Union Square [copy negative of print], Feb 11, 1914
Subseries I:J: International Association of Machinists, District 15.
Language of Materials
H.I.P. [Health Insurance Plan]: Portrait of Thomas Carey, Aug 24, 1956
Subseries I:K: International Brotherhood of Longshoremen.
Language of Materials
John Dwyer with Carey[?] and [Walter] Reuther; B. Slaughter[?] with McGowan[?], Dec 8, 1955
Subseries I:L: International Brotherhood of Teamsters.
Language of Materials
Local 1343: March of Dimes, [1950s?], inclusive
[Madison Square] Garden Meeting: James R. Hoffa, Mar 14, 1960
Subseries I:M: International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union.
Language of Materials
ILGWU 91 Show Stage Unity House [play], [1930s?], inclusive
Dressmakers, [1940s?], inclusive
Dressmakers, [1940s?], inclusive
ILGWU Delegation 40th Anniversary, [1940?], inclusive
Housing [Opening of Co-op Buildings on Grand St[?] on Lower East Side, New York City. Leaders and other Dignitaries include: David Dubinsky, Eleanor Roosevelt], Oct 22, 1955
Local 62: Boat Ride, Aug 12, 1960
M. Gross sworn in on Mayor's Commission (Wagner), Jun 8, 1962
Subseries I:N: International Longshoremen's Association.
Language of Materials
Breakwater Beef, [1940s?], inclusive
Gene Sampson, [1940s?], inclusive
[Independent ILA General Meeting at Madison Square Garden], [1950s?], inclusive
ILA, [1950s?], inclusive
Street Scene, Office of ILA, [1950s?], inclusive
ILA District 65 Textile Workers AFSCME Local 1707 [Patients waiting and being examined at ILA-NYSA Medical Center, and medical and dental personnel at work], [1950s?], inclusive
New York Waterfront Strike; "Wildcat" Longshore Strike, 1951, inclusive
Communion Breakfast, Apr 26, 1953
AFL: Election, 250 Hudson St., Dec 22, 1953
AFL: IWD Brooklyn Vote; NLRB[?] Vote, Dec 23, 1953
ILA: Communism [Although the caption doesn't indicate it, these are evidently surveillance photographs. They are shot through the windows of an automobile, hidden behind a newspaper (visible in some of the images) and through from the inside of a plate glass window--possibly a store or office--on what appears to be the second story of a building. The images are mostly of a group of burly men in front of a cafeteria or cafe, probably in Brooklyn, possibly by the waterfront.], May 19, 1954
Local 99: Education Luncheon, Astor Hotel, Feb 14, 1962
Subseries I:O: International Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots.
Language of Materials
Al O'Brien Marine Engineers Benevolent Association, 117 Maiden Lane, [1940s?], inclusive
Subseries I:P: International Union of Electronic, Electrical, Salaried, and Machine Workers.
Language of Materials
NLRB Hearings, [1940s?], inclusive
[Meeting], [1950s?], inclusive
State Hearing, Feb 3, 1950
G.E. Conference, Belmont Plaza, Mar 3, 1950
Westinghouse Conference, Apr 20, 1950
Elizabeth, New Jersey, Singer Plant [Includes shots of strike picket line; speakers on street in front of plant, reporters and news photographers.], Aug 30, 1950
[General Electric] Strike Conference, Belmont Plaza, Arthur Riordan[?], Sep 1, 1950
Sylvania[?] Contract [signing], Sep 11, 1950
Convention, Sep 20, 1950
Belmont Plaza, Aug 6, 1951
Conference -- Belmont Plaza, Oct 16, 1951
Conference Belmont Plaza, Lexington -- Sylvania Large Group, Sep 16, 1952-Sep 17, 1952, inclusive
Conference, Belmont Plaza, Apr 18, 1953
Carey at Jewish Labor Committee 10th Israel Anniversary, Town Hall, May 19, 1958
Subseries I:R: Office Employees International Union, Local 153.
Language of Materials
Office Workers Demonstration, [1950s?], inclusive
Subseries I:S: Playthings and Novelty Workers Union.
Language of Materials
[Portraits of an unidentified man (probably a union officer)], [1950s?], inclusive
Subseries I:T: Retail Clerks International Association.
Language of Materials
Bonwit Teller Leaflet Distribution, Sep 14, 1949
Subseries I:U: Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union (RWDSU).
Language of Materials
Annual Ball, St. Nicholas Arena, Nov 30, 1947
Contract Negotiators, Jul 11, 1951
Sub-subseries 1: RWDSU, Local 1-S
Language of Materials
Local 1-S Membership Meeting, [Oct 1950?], inclusive
Local 1-S, 125 West 33rd St.: NYC Att. Dick Pastor [Meeting in a hotel suite], Feb 20, 1951
Local 1-S, Macy's New Yorker (No. Ballroom) [Speaker at podium.], Oct 9, 1956
Local 1-S: Macy's Membership Meeting; Welfare Checks Manhattan Center, Jan 8, 1957
Local 1-S: Macy's Arbitration, Feb 26, 1957
Local 1-S: Macy's Headquarters, 290 7th Ave., Jun 18, 1957
Local 1-S: Macy's Arbitration Check and Credit Union, Sep 20, 1957
Local 1-S Macy's Credit Union and Dupe "million $" check [Meeting in a private office; ceremonial presentation of check at Credit Union offices.], Sep 24, 1957
Local 1-S Talent Group, Jul 9, 1958
Local 1-S: COPE [Committee on Political Education] Prizes, Aug 15, 1958
Local 1-S: Membership Meeting, Jan 6, 1959
Local 1-S: Social Services Graduation, Mar 2, 1959
Local 1-S: Macy's Stewards Meeting, New Yorker, Mar 10, 1959
Local 1-S Pickets: Beth David Hospital Workers Strike, May 20, 1959
Local 1-S: Macy's Strike Arbitration [Separated as Damaged], Jun 26, 1959
Local 1-S: Bond Winner, Jul 8, 1959
Local 1-S: Credit Union Committee, Jun 15, 1960
Local 1-S: Congolese Visitors, Aug 26, 1960
Local 1-S: Augustine Tompkins, Sep 21, 1960
Local 1-S: Leaflet Distribution, Macy's, Mar 23, 1961
Local 1-S: Macy's Negotiating Committee, Mar 28, 1961
Local 1-S: Macy's Contract Vote, Manhattan Center, Apr 8, 1961
Sub-subseries 2: RWDSU, Local 3
Language of Materials
Bloomingdales Local 3, Office Door and Two Men, [1940s?], inclusive
Sub-subseries 3: RWDSU, Local 338
Language of Materials
Al Levy, Local 338, 1948, inclusive
Arbitration--NY Delicatessen; Local 338, 1948, inclusive
Local 338; Harlem Groups; [Meeting; interior: group portrait of men (union officers?) in front of panel or banner emblazoned with legend, "Laundry Workers."], Mar 18, 1948
Local 338, Mr. Midgen Portrait, May 5, 1948
Local 338; Brooklyn [Meeting: speakers and audience], Sep 1, 1948
Leo Holtzer; Local 338 [Portrait], Nov 17, 1948
Local 338; Harlem Party, Oct 27, 1949
Local 338 [Fruit and Vegetable Employees Strike], [1950s?], inclusive
Local 338 [Portraits], [1950s?], inclusive
Local 338 Harlem Opening [celebration], [1950s?], inclusive
Local 338 [Worksite] [Food store scene; grocery store clerk waiting on customer.], [1950s?], inclusive
Local 338 Comedy Show, [1950s?], inclusive
Local 338 Me[?] Ornstein [Portrait], [1950s?], inclusive
Local 338 Meeting, [1950s?], inclusive
Local 338 Al Levy Rand Stores Card Party, [1950s?], inclusive
Local 338 [Portrait of unidentified man.], [1950s?], inclusive
Local 338 Arbitration [New Yorker Delicatessen], [1950s?], inclusive
Local 338 [Appears to be union officers and members meeting.], [1950s?], inclusive
Local 338; Al Levy, [1950s?], inclusive
Local 338 Retail, etc, Feb 16, 1955
Sub-subseries 4: RWDSU, Local 474
Language of Materials
Local 474 [Meeting in ballroom and auditorium in hotel; portrait and group shots at same event.], [1950s?], inclusive
Sub-subseries 5: RWDSU, Local 1102
Language of Materials
Local 1102, 204 W 55 St [Meeting], [1950s?], inclusive
Sub-subseries 6: RWDSU, Local 1250
Language of Materials
[Locals 1250 and 5] [Office Door 2 Men], [1940s?], inclusive
Subseries I:V: Seafarers' International Union.
Language of Materials
[Copy shots of demonstrators (probably union members) clashing violently with police.], undated, inclusive
Seafarers, [1940s?], inclusive
Barcelona SIU, [1940s?], inclusive
Seafarers' International Union Meeting, Apr 23, 1947
[Two identical copy shots of a street scene. Appears to show workers during a strike or labor disturbance. Smoke (possibly teargas), a policeman on horseback, and people running.], [1950s?], inclusive
[Copy Shots -- Seafarers, Interior of Ship.] [Worksite. Interior of a ship, seamen. Includes duplicates. Probably shot to illustrate poor living and working conditions on shipboard.], [1950s?], inclusive
[Copy shot -- men, bunk beds.], [1950s?], inclusive
[Copy shots of] Strike 1950 S.I.U. ties up 9 ships at Staten Island Piers, 1950, inclusive
Copy shots -- Seafarers [The ship "Oregonian" docked at pier; men sitting on the dock in front of the ship.], [1950s?], inclusive
[Copy shot of print -- Maritime Federation Kitchen No. 1], [1950s?], inclusive
SIU [Exterior. Two men descending stairs/gangplank on side of a docked freighter.], [1950s?], inclusive
[Copy shots of prints: New York Port Society -- Street Scene], [1950s?], inclusive
[Copy shots -- Seafarers -- Street demonstration], [1950s?], inclusive
[Two identical copy shots of men fighting on a wharf--possibly strikebreakers against union members.], [1950s?], inclusive
[Copy shot of print: people -- men in mess hall], [1950s?], inclusive
Subseries I:W: Textile Workers Union of America.
Language of Materials
[Union officers meet with rank and file members? Members examine TWUA literature.], [1950s?], inclusive
Pollack and Stevenson [Meeting in hotel suite. Principally showing two men—presumably Pollack and (Adlai?) Stevenson.], Sep 1956
Christmas Party for Children, Dec 22, 1956
Subseries I:X: Transport Workers Union of America.
Language of Materials
IT Award [Man being presented award.], Aug 11, 1949
[Broadcast on WOR-TV Channel 9 (press conference?) with Michael Quill and others (TWU officials? members? some appear to be uniformed bus drivers or subway conductors) seated at a table, with a Transport Workers Union of America banner on wall behind them. Television camera and a microphone are visible in some shots.], [1950s?], inclusive
[Victory Celebration], [1960s?], inclusive
[Local 501: American Airlines Strike], [1960s?], inclusive
[Interviews], Jan 12, 1962
Subseries I:Y: United Automobile Workers of America.
Language of Materials
Homer Martin, President, [1950s?], inclusive
[Richard Frankensteen?], [1950s?], inclusive
Sub-subseries 1: District 65
Language of Materials
District 65 Textile Workers; AFSCME Local 1707 [film wallet 3-3] [nitrate], undated, inclusive
District 65 Textile Workers; Local 1707 [film wallet #3-1] [nitrate], undated, inclusive
District 65 Textile Workers; AFSCME Local 1707 [Film wallet 3-2] [nitrate], undated, inclusive
District 65 Textile Workers; AFSCME Local 1707 [film wallet 3-6] [nitrate], undated, inclusive
District 65 Textile Workers; AFSCME Local 1707 [film wallet #3-4] [nitrate], undated, inclusive
District 65: Ralph Bellamy Interview, [1950s?], inclusive
District 65: Interview with Sammy Davis Jr. Gotham Hotel, 136 W. 55th, Jul 24, 1956
District 65, International Teachers [group visiting (?) at District 65 headquarters], Aug 3, 1956
District 65: Medical Society Luncheon, Jun 20, 1957
District 65: N.A.A.C.P., Nov 5, 1958
District 65: Retiree Violet Baily; [Separated as Damaged], Oct 2, 1959
District 65 [RWDSU on Strike], [1960s?], inclusive
District 65: Stern's Registration [Separated as Damaged], Feb 18, 1960
District 65; by Meeting; St Ann's Church [Separated as Damaged], Feb 19, 1960
District 65; Rehearsal; Barbizon Plaza, Feb 22, 1960
District 65: Community Conference on Race Relations, Mar 11, 1960
District 65:Youth Conference Headquarters, Mar 13, 1960
District 65: On Way to Forand Bill Meeting [At Manhattan Center], Mar 23, 1960
District 65: Shop Presentation of Plaque, May 25, 1960
District 65: Pre Labor Day T.V. Broadcast, [Sep 4, 1960?], inclusive
District 65: Women's Committee Cocktail Party, Sep 9, 1960
District 65: Neuberger[?] Speaks to NY Society for Ethical Culture, Oct 19, 1960
District 65 Dance Class, Roseland, Apr 14, 1961
District 65: Congressman [Emanuel] Celler's Office, Apr 21, 1961
Subseries I:Z: United Furniture Workers of America (UFWA).
Language of Materials
[Small meeting of union officers? Includes group portrait.], [1950s?], inclusive
First Retired Members, Jun 11, 1956
Craftsmen at Scala Shop, Jun 26, 1958
Sub-subseries 1: UFWA, Local 76B
Language of Materials
Furniture Local 76B Dance, Feb 8, 1952
Local 76 Picketing Plant -- Mass Picketing 102 St. 5 Ave., Mar 19, 1953
Local 76 Labor Board Election, Chesterfield Furniture, Mar 27, 1953
Local 76B Installation, Apr 22, 1953
Local 76: M. Singer [& Sons] Strike, Sep 23, 1953
Local 76 Committees, Dec 8, 1953
Local 76B Committtees, Nov 1956
Local 76[B] Election, [Jan 16, 1956?], inclusive
Local 76: Tony Vitrone [Portrait], Sep 11, 1956
[Local 76B portraits] De Cicco, Mar 28, 1957
[Local 76B] De Cicco Testimonial, Apr 6, 1957
Local 76: Ben Kreiselman Signs [members displaying informational picket signs.], May 23, 1957
[Local 76B]: Blood Bank, Aug 1, 1957
Local 76[B] Committee, Mar 4, 1958
Local 76: Blood Bank, Apr 10, 1958
Local 76[B]: Signing Contract, Apr 16, 1958
Local 76[B]: Strike Meeting, Sep 4, 1958
Sub-subseries 2: UFWA, Local 102
Language of Materials
Local 102: Steinway Lodge Pension Checks, Mar 31, 1953
Subseries I:AA: United Shoeworkers of America.
Language of Materials
[Large meeting or conference] Joint Council #13, [1950s?], inclusive
Subseries I:BB: United Store and Allied Products Workers.
Language of Materials
Store Workers: New Yorker [Hotel], J. Carey Speaking, Sep 21, 1955
Store Workers [constitutional convention]: New Yorker [Hotel], J. Carey Speaking, Sep 21, 1955
Subseries I:CC: United Textile Workers of America.
Language of Materials
[United Textile Workers of America convention at] Hotel McAlpin, NYC, Oct 22, 1956
Local 229 Christmas Party, Regional Office, 129 Lexington, Dec 21, 1957
Series II: Labor Organizations.
Language of Materials
Scope and Contents note
Shoots that have been microfilmed (R-7850) are indicated by Microfilm links under the title of those shoots in the container list. These links will open a complete list of shoots from this collection that have been microfilmed, with reel and frame numbers. (Note that in the container list below, a shoot is listed in the column for "item.")
Subseries II:A: American Federation of Labor.
Language of Materials
AFL Convention Atlantic City, 1935, inclusive
[Broadcast] 58th St. Studio [at A.B.C. Studio], May 29, 1947
Broadcast; 58th St. Studio, May 29, 1947
Statler-NY [Appears to be have been shot at the AFL-CIO merger convention at the Statler-Hilton Hotel in New York City. Includes numerous union leaders (negative 686-30 shows David Dubinsky, for example).], Dec 1, 1955
AFL convention (1--13) 12-1 (1--12) 12-2, Dec 1, 1955-Dec 2, 1955
United Garment Workers of America Nashville Convention, 1914
Historical Note
United Garment Workers of America union was affiliated with the American Federal Labor.
Subseries II:B: American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO).
Language of Materials
Meeting, Commodore Hotel, Jun 8, 1950
United Labor Commission, AFL-CIO Election UJZ TV, Nov 3, 1952
AFL-CIO Convention 1st Day; Labor Daily AFL- CIO Convention 2nd Day; AFL-CIO Convention 3rd Day; AFL-CIO Convention 4th Day; Radio Liberator; End Empty Hall; Unity Convention Eleanor Roosevelt; Puerto Rican Delegates; City of Hope, Zimmerman and Williams; Kenosha[?] Labor K, Att. Harold J. Newton, Dec 5, 1955-Dec 8, 1955
AFL-CIO Convention [Speakers include: Eleanor Roosevelt, George Meany], Dec 7, 1966-Dec 8, 1966
AFL-CIO Unemployment Office, Jun 25, 1958
AFL-CIO Meeting Manhattan Hotel on Behalf of G.E. Strike, IUE District 4[?], Oct 19, 1960
AFL-CIO Eastern Region Education Conference Shelbourne Hotel, Apr 25, 1961
Subseries II:C: American Commission on Africa.
Language of Materials
American Commission on Africa: Arrival of Students, Sep 10, 1959
Subseries II:D: American Labor Education Service.
Language of Materials
Eleanor Roosevelt, American Labor Education Service; E.R. Addressing Lucilee Conn, Chairman of Board, Hotel Shelbourne, Nov 14, 1955
Subseries II:E: Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO).
Language of Materials
[Meeting in an auditorium or hotel ballroom, mainly speakers shown. Banners include legend, "CIO" and slogans "Organize the Unorganized White Collar Worker" "Hail the work of the CIO."], [1930s?], inclusive
Furniture Salesmen, CIO Local 853, [1950s?], inclusive
CIO Steel Hearings, [1950s?], inclusive
CIO Convention, 1951, inclusive
[CIO Convention, Hotel Commodore, New York City. Includes Michael Quill and Philip Murray.], Nov 1, 1951
CIO Convention, NYC, Nov 5, 1951-Nov 11, 1951
Subseries II:F: Harlem Labor Center.
Language of Materials
[Harlem Labor Center meeting], [1950s?], inclusive
[Meeting; Includes door labeled "Painters DC 9." Mostly African-American audience. Harlem Labor Center?], [1950s?], inclusive
Subseries II:G: Histadrut.
Language of Materials
Histadrut Luncheon, Hotel Astor, [1950s?], inclusive
Histadrut Meeting, Hotel Astor, Dec 6, 1956
Histadrut, City Hall, Apr 4, 1957
Histadrut Luncheon for Moshe Bartal; Histadrut Representative to U.S. ; Kruzo [Pincus Caruso], Paole Zion; J. Schlossberg; Sarah Surchin, Pioneer Women; Cecil Human, Isr. Con.; Moshe Bartal, Histadrut; Dr. Begun, Chairman; J. Breslan; I. Nagler; Eddie Euro; I. H. Goldberg, Hatters, May 10, 1957
Histadrut Dinner, Sheraton Astor, Sep 18, 1957
Histadrut, Phil Murray Luncheon, Commodore, Sep 24, 1957
Histadrut, J. Avidor [sp?], Israeli Ambassador to USSR, and Wife, Oct 10, 1957
Histadrut Conference, Commodore Hotel, Oct 27, 1957
Histadrut, Israeli Entertainers, Josefa Schocken, Shimon Finkel, Nov 19, 1957
Histadrut, Bessarabian [?] Committee, Hist. Hqtrs., Jan 2, 1958
Histadrut, [Annual] Service Luncheon, Park Plaza, Jan 6, 1958
Histadrut, Picker Equipment, Jan 10, 1958
Histadrut, Luncheon, Astor Hotel, Jan 16, 1958
Histadrut, Branch 400, Feb 1, 1958
Histadrut, District 65 Contribution, Oct 28, 1958
Histadrut, Books for Israel, Marty Cohn Donor, Dec 2, 1958
Histadrut, Check from Local 10, May 16, 1975
Subseries II:H: International Confederation of Free Trade Unions.
Language of Materials
Free Trade Union Committee, ICFTU Luncheon: Francis, Edward, Tachin, Merison, Lovestone, Zimmerman; J. McLarin, Sleeping Car Porters; Noah Walters, Workmans Comp.; Maida Springer, Local 22 Laundry Workers; Ed Welsh, Rubber Workers; Louis Nelson, Local 155; Charles Zimmerman, Local 22; Gilbert and Jonas (Information Associates), [1960s?], inclusive
Subseries II:I: International Workers Front Against War.
Language of Materials
International Workers Front against War Convention, Oct 1, 1939
[International Workers Front against War (possibly affiliated with Communist Party Opposition), Meeting at Marxist Center. Diego Rivera murals are visible on the walls in the background.], ca.1939, inclusive
Subseries II:J: Jewish Labor Committee (JLC).
Language of Materials
Jewish Labor Council [Jewish Labor Committee?] Luncheon, Astor, Feb 12, 1949
Jewish Labor Committee: [Meeting or conference (possibly on the topic of discrimination in housing and education) held at a resort (probably the ILGWU's Unity House)., [1950s?], inclusive
JLC Mural Presented to Workmen's Circle, [1950s?], inclusive
Ceil Chapman, JLC, 530 7th Ave [Group photograph of workers in a shop and a meeting in an office. Ceil Chapman was a women's clothing designer. Perhaps this was her workshop and perhaps she is pictured in the meeting in the office.], Apr 27, 1950
Jewish Labor Committee, Mayor Wagner Swearing in, Charles Zimmerman, City Hall, Jan 19, 1955
JLC, [Photograph of a painting of B. Charney Vladeck speaking], Oct 27, 1955
Rand School [Conference called by the National Trade Union Committee for Racial Justice on the problems of African-American workers; at the Rand School, 7 East 15th Street, New York City], Nov 11, 1955
Jewish Labor Committee, AFL-CIO Convention: Averell Harriman and Charles Zimmerman. [Also, Zimmerman with Adlai Stevenson; Gov. G. Menner Williams. In all four shots the men are posed in front of a sign that reads: "United House of Labor."], Dec 6, 1955
Jewish Labor Committee, Weekend Conference [National Trade Union Conference on Civil Rights], Belmont Plaza, May 4, 1956-May 6, 1956
Jewish Labor Committee: Hungarian Protest Meeting [Madison Square Garden], Averell Harriman [In shot #9, additional caption reads, "Pat and Schnitzler." "Pat" probably refers to JLC's Jacob Pat.], Nov 8, 1956
Jewish Labor Committee Emergency Conference, Belmont Plaza, Nov 30, 1956
Jewish Labor Committee [at?] (Housing Meeting), [AFSCME, Local 1707], Jun 23, 1958
Jewish Labor Committee, William Green Plaque, Feb 5, 1959
JLC, [Dedication of William Green Human Relations Library], Apr 20, 1959
Jewish Labor Committee, Mayor's Office, Apr 17, 1961
Subseries II:K: League for Industrial Democracy.
Language of Materials
Student League for Industrial Democracy; [Meeting or lecture in auditorium; group portrait shot at a branch of the Workmen's Circle.], Dec 27, 1946
Luncheon Awards to Luis Munoz Marin, of Puerto Rico, Apr 13, 1957
Subseries II:L: New York City Central Labor Council.
Language of Materials
Central Trades Council Rump Meeting for Judge Ferdinand Pecora, McAlpin [Hotel], [Oct 27, 1950?], inclusive
Subseries II:M: Women's Trade Union League.
Language of Materials
WTUL [Women's Trade Union League], Scholarships, Jun 11, 1957
Series III: Political Parties and Organizations.
Language of Materials
Scope and Contents note
Shoots that have been microfilmed (R-7850) are indicated by Microfilm links under the title of those shoots in the container list. These links will open a complete list of shoots from this collection that have been microfilmed, with reel and frame numbers. (Note that in the container list below, a shoot is listed in the column for "item.")
Subseries III:A: American Labor Party.
Language of Materials
La Guardia [Madison Square Garden] [Signs/banners include slogans: American Labor Party/Re-elect La Guardia], [1938?], inclusive
American Labor Party (Top Officials): [Alex] Rose, Jacob Potofsky, Luigi Antonini, Louis Hollander, Andrew Armstrong, C. Strebel, 1936, inclusive
American Labor Party, Madison Square Garden Meeting, 1936, inclusive
American Labor Party, Roosevelt, Wallace and Mead, [1940s?], inclusive
Subseries III:B: British Labour Party.
Language of Materials
British Labour Party, Herbert Morrison, [1960s?], inclusive
Subseries III:C: Independent Communist Labor League.
Language of Materials
[Independent Communist Labor League], Meetings and Personalities [6th National Convention, Communist Party Opposition], [1930s?], inclusive
[Communist Party Opposition], Convention: Labor Day Weekend, Sep 1, 1935, inclusive
[Communist Party Opposition], Washington's Birthday Weekend, Feb 1936, inclusive
[Communist Party Opposition, 6th National Convention], 1936, inclusive
[Independent Communist Labor League] 1937 National Convention of the ICLL or 1938 National Convention of the ICLL, or the 1938 New York District meeting of the ICLL., 1937, 1938, inclusive
[Independent Communist Labor League], 7th National Convention, New York City, ICLL Headquarters, 131 W. 33rd St.; District 65, Textile Workers, AFSCME 1717 [Signs include: "Hail Iberian Communist Youth," "P.O.U.M." (Workers Party of Marxist Unification) [Copy shot of document in German, Spanish and French, dated November 1939, translated: "Platform of International Workers Front Against War"], Jul 4, 1938, inclusive
[Independent Communist Labor League] ICLL Meetings and Personalities, [1940s?], inclusive
Subseries III:D: Liberal Party.
Language of Materials
Liberal Party, undated, inclusive
Series IV: Demonstrations.
Language of Materials
Scope and Contents note
Shoots that have been microfilmed (R-7850) are indicated by Microfilm links under the title of those shoots in the container list. These links will open a complete list of shoots from this collection that have been microfilmed, with reel and frame numbers. (Note that in the container list below, a shoot is listed in the column for "item.")
[May Day Parade, 30-34th St. and 8th Ave.; "Bronx County Committee Communist Party"; [Signs: "Join the Communist Party Opposition USA"; "The CIO made Morgan Settle"; "Down with Imperialist War!"; "Free Mooney and Billings"; "Hail International Brigade"; "Support Anti-Lynching Bill"; "Workers School"; "Unity"; "Lincoln Battalion . . . Fighting in Spain."], [1930s?], inclusive
[Parade at Union Square. 1937?][Signs: "The Union for All Office Workers Join the BS&AU" (Bookkeepers Stenographers, and Accountants Union); "Communist Party Opposition"; "Communist Party of New York State Workers of the World Unite!"], [1930s?], inclusive
[Mass meeting in a stadium or large indoor auditorium; sign: "Federation German Workers Clubs of Greater New York--Hitler is Not Germany."], [1930s?], inclusive
[Anti-William Randolph Hearst banner at a parade (perhaps May Day?): "Keep Hearst Out of Schools], [1930s?], inclusive
[Speaker; banner: (Oppose the?) (Internati?)onal fascist offensive"], [1930s?], inclusive
[Anti-Fascist convention; in background a banner/sign showing image of man wrenching swastika. Microphones show the speeches are being broadcast on radio station WEVD.], [1930s?], inclusive
[Unlabeled. Street gathering? protest? demonstration?], [1930s?], inclusive
Austrian Demonstration, 1934, inclusive
May Day, 1934, inclusive
May Day parade, 1935, New York City., 1935, inclusive
May Day, May 1, 1936, inclusive
May Day, May 1, 1937, inclusive
Ford Demonstration, Dec 24, 1937
May Day, May 1, 1938, inclusive
Czech Demonstration, Columbus Circle/C.P.M., Mar 5, 1939
Charles Zimmerman [Two identical copy shots of an unidentified demonstration], [1940s?], inclusive
May Day, [1940s?], inclusive
[Labor Demonstration, includes sign: "This is What We Demand for Xmas"], [1940s?], inclusive
May Day, [1940s?], inclusive
May Day, [1940?], inclusive
May Day, [1940s?], inclusive
San Francisco, Waterfront fight started when some members of the AFL Sailors Union of the Pacific Coast fought their way through a picket line established by the CIO Ship Scalers and Painters Union., Oct 15, 1940
[Dressmakers Demonstration], [1950s?], inclusive
[Local 1-S DSWU--RWDSU May's Protest], [1950s?], inclusive
Civil Rights Rally [Madison Square Garden] Celeb., May 24, 1956
Labor Day, Sep 1, 1959
Labor Day, Sep 1, 1959
Pickets: South African Embassy [Anti-Apartheid Protest], Mar 30, 1960
Labor Day, Sep 5, 1960
Labor Day, S.I.U., Sep 5, 1960
Kennedy Rally: Garment District, Oct 27, 1960
District 65 Kennedy Rally: Garment District, Oct 27, 1960
[Labor Day], Sep 1, 1961
Labor Day, Sep 1, 1961, inclusive
Series V: Strikes.
Language of Materials
Scope and Contents note
Shoots that have been microfilmed (R-7850) are indicated by Microfilm links under the title of those shoots in the container list. These links will open a complete list of shoots from this collection that have been microfilmed, with reel and frame numbers. (Note that in the container list below, a shoot is listed in the column for "item.")
[Copy shot] Trolley Strike, 1886, inclusive
[Copy shots of:] Labor/Seaman's Strike? England/Lining up for Strike Benefits, [1930s?], inclusive
[Copy shots of:] Strike: 11/24/36 "We are prepared to fight to the finish"; "Protesting imprisonment of 7 seamen convicted of possessing dynamite during tanker strike 20 months earlier. Building is San Francisco Standard Oil"; 11/18/36 Strike bound S.S. Washington sails. Picketing US lines; Picketing Matson Piers, San Francisco 11/5/36; San Francisco "Three a Day" 12/7/36; Began May 9, 1936;, 1936, inclusive
Strikes: International Seafarers Union Members on Strike, 1936, inclusive
[Copy shots of:] Strike: Houston, Texas; Wilbur Dickey Dumped, Dickey Patrolman M.F.O.W., 1936, inclusive
Strike: Meeting in Lyceum Hall, 1936, inclusive
[Copy shots of:] Union Square mass meeting of waterfront workers 12/12/36 Strike began October 29, 1936, 1936, inclusive
Registering for Picket Duty, 1936, inclusive
Lang News Strike, [1940s?], inclusive
Met News Strike, [1940s?], inclusive
Cohn Hall Marx Strike, [1940s?], inclusive
Strike?: Roosevelt Home Hyde Park, NY, [1950s?], inclusive
Series VI: Miscellaneous Events.
Language of Materials
Scope and Contents note
Shoots that have been microfilmed (R-7850) are indicated by Microfilm links under the title of those shoots in the container list. These links will open a complete list of shoots from this collection that have been microfilmed, with reel and frame numbers. (Note that in the container list below, a shoot is listed in the column for "item.")
[Unlabeled Convention], [1930s?], inclusive
[An unidentified man (almost certainly New York City Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia) speaking at a podium at mass meeting or convention, his speech being broadcast on radio stations WEVD and WMCA; also, General Hugh Johnson], [1930s?], inclusive
Welcome to Soviet North Pole [Air] Flyers [Sign: "Soviet Pioneers of the Air"], [1930s?], inclusive
Banquet for Bob Edwards, Jun 23, 1938
Gen. Eisenhower Museum of Art, Apr 1, 1946
Hyde Park ,Roosevelt, Sep 7, 1946
Delegation to Hyde Park -- Eleanor Roosevelt, [1950s?], inclusive
Cora Bacor, Winner of UN Essay Contest Mayor Wagner, Eleanor Roosevelt, Oct 24, 1957
News Alliance Capitol Funeral, May 6, 1958
Haym Salomon Home Annual Meeting, 1970
Unidentified speaker addressing a crowd of spectators at an outdoor meeting, undated, inclusive
Miscellaneous Events
Series VII: Personalities.
Language of Materials
Scope and Contents note
Shoots that have been microfilmed (R-7850) are indicated by Microfilm links under the title of those shoots in the container list. These links will open a complete list of shoots from this collection that have been microfilmed, with reel and frame numbers. (Note that in the container list below, a shoot is listed in the column for "item.")
Alsop[?], J. H.S., [Oct 1946?], inclusive
Murray Baron [?], Dec 9, 1958
Gus Beam; R. Elber[?], [1950s?], inclusive
Max Bloom, Oct 18, 1950
Mel Bloom, May 15, 1956
Boklaw [?] Family, Aug 5, 1951
Burton [Burtan?] Family, Sep 19, 1953
Val Burtan, Sep 24, 1958
Burtan, V.G. [Val Burtan?], Oct 1, 1961
CIO James Carey, Jun 1, 1950
David L. Cole [Director of Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service], [1950s?], inclusive
Lara Colombia T.U. Head [Meeting (luncheon?) in a small conference room], 1950, inclusive
Ely Culbertson [speaking at a dinner], 1946, inclusive
Lester Davis, [1960s?], inclusive
Linda DeDefler [sp?], May 1, 1960
Dwight D. Eisenhower, [1940s?], inclusive
Eisenstadt, [1950s?], inclusive
James Farrell, [1950s?], inclusive
Flynn [Board of Education?], [1950s?], inclusive
Carl J. Friedman of Howard University, 1946, inclusive
Arthur Goldberg (Speaks -- Jewish Labor Committee), Jun 18, 1959
Gene Goldsmith, Oct 1, 1956
Paul Hall, Sep 23, 1953
[Copy shots of] George Harrison, President, Railway and Steamship Clerks, AFL, [1950s?], inclusive
Morris Iushewitz, Aug 1, 1950
WLIB [Radio], Arnold J. Jaffe, Mar 14, 1951
G. [George?] Jessel, [1950s?], inclusive
Arthur Kalster, Carnegie Hall Meeting, 1948, inclusive
Dr. Karl [?], [1940s?], inclusive
Murray Koening, Nov 27, 1951
Political; La Guardia; Thomas Dewey; Alex [Rose]; Dewey and Luigi Antonini, [1930s?], inclusive
Mort Lawrence, Gawdy 26 Bway, Oct 22, 1959
John L. Lewis; Anti-Nazi Meeting; Madison Square Garden; Note DD Johnson [David Dubinsky in corner], [1930s?], inclusive
Jay Lovestone, 1934, inclusive
[Jay Lovestone], [1940s?], inclusive
[Jay Lovestone], [1940s?], inclusive
J. J. [Jules?] Manson Portrait, Nov 23, 1956
J. J. [Jules?] Manson Portrai, Feb 17, 1957
Mr. Midgen Portrait, 1948, inclusive
R. Mieblum [? Nieblux?], [1950s?], inclusive
[Copy shots] Minkoff [?] -- Parents, [1950s?], inclusive
Tom Mooney; New[bold?] Morris and T. M.; Antononi and T. M.; Welcome in [Madison Square Garden], [1930s?], inclusive
John Mozen [Urzan?], [1950s?], inclusive
Saby Nehama, Nov 9, 1950
[A man (Oscar Newman?) accompanying a delegation of women and one child on a visit to Franklin D. Roosevelt's home, Hyde Park.], Sep 26, 1946
O'Donnel and Schwartz Accident, May 21, 1951
Mayor William O'Dwyer, [Jun 1946), inclusive
Harvey Olnick, Jun 1, 1949
Harvey Olnick Passport, [1950s?], inclusive
Harvey Olnick, Feb 19, 1954
Alex W. -- L. Persands [?] [Exterior, man posed with two women], [1920s?], inclusive
Rose Pesotta Family, Sep 10, 1960
Bob Richardson, Jan 6, 1960
Bob Richardson, Mar 17, 1960
Richard Riebo [?], [1950s?], inclusive
Rogan, Larry, Textile [Textile Workers?] C.I.[O?], [1950s?], inclusive
Eleanor Roosevelt, [1940s?], inclusive
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Portrait, undated, inclusive
Samovodin [Samorodin?], Milton; Swearing in by [Judge] Matt Levy, Dec 29, 1951
I. Scharfman at L.A.S. Affair[?], Jan 31, 1951
Schukin, Dave, [1960s?], inclusive
Seabury, [1950s?], inclusive
Bernard Seaman [Portaits], May 1, 1949
Seaman [Bernard Seaman's Daughter], [1950s?], inclusive
[Bernard Seaman with family], [1950s?], inclusive
[Bernard Seaman -- labor cartoonist -- Friend of Daniel Nilva's], [1950s?], inclusive
[Bernard] Seaman, [1950s?], inclusive
[Bernard Seaman Family], [1950s?], inclusive
[Bernard Seaman and Family], [1950s?], inclusive
[Bernard] Seaman, [Croton?] Meeting, Nov 25, 1950
Bernard Seaman, Feb 19, 1954
B. [Bernard] Seaman, Oct 1, 1954
[Copy shots] Dr. Ralph Sepsin, [1950s?], inclusive
Horatio [?] Seymour; Tammany Club; 364 W 23 St., Jan 31, 1952
Frances Smith, Jan 24, 1957
Dr. C. Snyder, Sep 12, 1957
Enrich [?] Springer. [Springer appears to be an African-American office-holder.] Judge Matt Levy Swearing in [? on Bible?], Oct 24, 1955
AFL-CIO Max Steinbock [Steinbach?], [1950s?], inclusive
Julie Steinberg, Dec 1, 1949
Lydia Tolstoy, Mar 20, 1951
Trare [sp?] Leimpkin, 1934, inclusive
[New York City Mayor Wagner presents Miss Union Maid with a bouquet.], [1950s?], inclusive
Arthur K. Watson. VP -- IBM World Trade Corp, [1950s?], inclusive
E. Welsh [Labor], 1934, inclusive
Edward K Welsh, 82 W. Montcalm, Detroit, Mich., Jan 11, 1957
Morton Wishengrad at typewriter, Jul 19, 1950
[Bertram D.] Wolfe, [1950s?], inclusive
[Bertram] D. Wolfe, 1934, inclusive
Matthew Woll, [1950s?], inclusive
[Matthew] Woll and Eric Jonston, [1950s?], inclusive
Lou Yagoda, Nov 24, 1959
Zimmerman, Charles, [1950s?], inclusive
Series VIII: Other Clients.
Language of Materials
Scope and Contents note
Shoots that have been microfilmed (R-7850) are indicated by Microfilm links under the title of those shoots in the container list. These links will open a complete list of shoots from this collection that have been microfilmed, with reel and frame numbers. (Note that in the container list below, a shoot is listed in the column for "item.")