Series II: United States
Scope and Contents note
Series II: United States focuses on protest against the war in Vietnam, the civil rights and women's liberation movements and other movements and populations, including gay liberation, Chicanos, environmental activism, the labor movement, G.I. movement, Puerto Rican community activism, and political prisoners. There are several folders containing images of individuals, principally leftists, government officials, and celebrities, including the Rolling Stones. Organizations represented include the Black Panther Party, the Young Lords, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, and the Weathermen (aka Weather Underground). Notable images include a small, but significant group of photographs of the later-famous Women’s Liberation demonstration at the 1968 Miss America pageant (in the "Womenâ€"Sexism" folder). Disappointingly, one folder labeled "Demonstrations--Kent State" does not contain images of the images Kent State University anti-Vietnam War demonstration of 1970 (in which National Guardsmen fired upon students), but instead date from a 1977 commemoration of the original event.