Great Britain: Labour Party (14 pamphlets)
Box: 43, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Bolsover, Philip. Corruption: Comments on the Lynskey Tribunal. The Communist Party, London., 1949, inclusive
Box: 43, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
C.B. The Reds and the General Strike: The Lessons of the First General Strike of the British Working Class. Communist Party of Great Britain, London., undated
Box: 43, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Kerrigan, Peter. Wages and Income Tax. The Communist Party, London., undated
Box: 43, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Labour Monthly. Proprietors, The Trinity Trust, London., 1946, inclusive
Box: 43, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Gollan, John. Why Not Nationalise? Communist Party, London., undated
Box: 43, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Pollitt, Harry, J.R. Campbell, and R.P. Dutt. Welfare State or Warfare State? People's Press Printing Society, London., 1950, inclusive
Box: 43, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Ridley, F.A. Towards The British Revolution. Independent Labour Party, London., 1943, inclusive
Box: 43, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Smashing the Unemployed! Labour Party, London., 1932, inclusive
Box: 43, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Stevens, W.C. Wages, Prices, and Profits. Communist Party, London., undated
Box: 43, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Suthers, R.B. Simple Simon- The Socialist Scoundrel. Labour Party, London., 1932, inclusive
Box: 43, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
The People's Savings. The Labour Party, London., undated
Box: 43, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
The Reds and the Labour Party: Towards a Left-Wing Policy. Communist Party of Great Britain, London., 1926, inclusive
Box: 43, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
The Unity Campaign. National Unity Campaign Committee, London., undated
Box: 43, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Which Way for Labour? A Communist Perspective for the Labour Movement. Communist Campaign, London., 1986, inclusive
Box: 43, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)