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Bangladesh (5 pamphlets)

Box: 9, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Birth of a Nation: The story of how E. Pakistan turned into Bangladesh. Indu Gangaopadhyaya & Ranajit Dasgupta, Calcutta., 1971, inclusive

Box: 9, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Economic Exploitation of Bangla Desh. The Public Relations Department, Government of the People's Republic of Bangla Desh., undated

Box: 9, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Leaders of Bangla Desh Speak. Public Relations Depratment, Government of the People's Republic of Bangla Desh., undated

Box: 9, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Reaction Strikes in Bangladesh. Communist Party Publication, New Delhi., 1975, inclusive

Box: 9, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

The Revolutionary Union. India's Aggression in Pakistan: The Background of "Bangla Desh." The Bay Area Radical Education Project, San Francisco, CA., undated

Box: 9, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Why Bangla Desh? Public Relations Department, Government of the People's Republic of Bnagla Desh., undated

Box: 9, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South
2nd Floor
New York, NY 10012