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Daily Press (St. Louis, MO), 1865

Box: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Daniel DeLeon League (New York, NY), 1968-1969, undated

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Dan Wyman Books (Woodbury, CT): Catalog, 1985

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Dandelion (St. Paul, MN), 1978-1980

Box: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Danville Collective (Danville, IL), 1971

Box: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Database of American Labor Graphics (Berkeley, CA), undated

Box: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Data Center (Oakland, CA), undated

Box: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund (financial assistance to activists in pursuit of higher education), 1996

Box: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Day Care Action Coaltion, undated

Box: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

D.C. Anti-Capitalist Convergence, 2002, undated, inclusive

Box: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

D.C. Anti-Fascist Network, undated

Box: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

D.C. Anti-War Network, undated

Box: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

D.C. Nine Defense Committee (Dow Chemical), 1970

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D.C. Student Committee on the Transportation Crisis (DCSCTC), undated

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D.C. Women's Liberation, undated

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De Leonist Society, 1988

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Debs Amnesty Committee (Chicago, IL), undated

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Debs Centennial Committee (New York, NY), 1955

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Debs Labor School (New York, NY), 1938

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Debs Memorial Radio Fund (New York, NY), undated

Box: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Debs School of Social Science (Philadelphia, PA), 1935-1937

Box: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

December 4th Movement (New York, NY) (Black Panthers), 1970

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December 15 Indochina Solidarity Coalition, 1973, inclusive

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Declaration of Conscience Against the War in Vietnam, undated

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Deep Dish Network, circa 1997

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Defend Education, 2010-

Box: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Defenders of 3 Against HUAC (Washington, DC), undated

Box: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Defensa Institucional Cubana, 1962

Box: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Defense Committee (Norfolk, VA), 1970s

Box: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Defense Committee for the Prisoners of Texas, undated

Box: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Democracy March, undated

Box: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Democracy Now!, undated

Box: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Democracy Project, undated

Box: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Democratic Agenda (New York, NY), 1980s

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Democratic Congressional Committee: Election Campaign Handbook, 1906, inclusive

Box: 116 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Democratic Congressional Committee: Election Campaign Handbook, 1910, inclusive

Box: 116 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Democratic Left Book Review, 1974-1975

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Democratic National Committee, 1932-1960, undated

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Democratic National Committee: Election Campaign Handbook, 1896, inclusive

Box: 116 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Democratic National Committee: Election Campaign Handbook, 1900, inclusive

Box: 116 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Democratic National Committee: Election Campaign Handbook, 1902, inclusive

Box: 116 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Democratic National Committee: Election Campaign Handbook, 1904, inclusive

Box: 116 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Democratic National Committee: Election Campaign Handbook, 1908, inclusive

Box: 116 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Democratic National Committee: Election Campaign Handbook, 1912, inclusive

Box: 116 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Democratic National Committee: Election Campaign Handbook, 1916, inclusive

Box: 116 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Democratic National Committee: Election Campaign Handbook, 1928, inclusive

Box: 116 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Democratic National Committee: Election Campaign Handbook, 1932, inclusive

Box: 116 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Democratic National Committee: Election Campaign Handbook, 1940, inclusive

Box: 116 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Democratic National Committee: Election Campaign Handbook, 1952, inclusive

Box: 116 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Democratic National Committee: Election Campaign Handbook, 1956, inclusive

Box: 116 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Democratic National Convention (New York, NY): Non Delegates Handbook, undated

Box: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Democratic Party of Vietnam (cards), undated

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Democratic Socialist Federation (U.S.), 1957

Box: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Democratic Socialist Federation: Greater Miami Branch, 1964

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Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (U.S.) I, 1970-1980

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Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (U.S.) II, 1970-1980

Box: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (U.S.) III, 1970-1980

Box: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (U.S.) IV, 1970-1980, undated

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Democratic Socialists at NYU, 1998-

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Democratic Socialists of America I, 1980s-

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Democratic Socialists of America II, 1980s-

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Democratic Socialists of America III, 1980s-

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Democratic Socialists of America: Youth Sector, 1980s

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Democratic Student Association

Box: 32 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Demokratia (New York, NY), 1974, undated

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Denver Chicano Liberation Defense Committee, 1973

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Descendants of the American Revolution, 1940, undated

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Desis Rising Up and Moving (DRUM), 2001-2004, undated

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Detroit Coalition to End the War Now, undated

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Detroit Committee to Keep America out of the War (Vietnam), undated

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Detroit Free Press, 1970, inclusive

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Detroit Labor College, 1933

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Detroit Labor Committee for Peace and Justice, undated

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Detroit Working Peoples Association, 2005, inclusive

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Deutsche-Anarcho Syndikalisten, 1936

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Deutschen Sozialdemokratischen Arbeiterpartei in Der Tschechoslowakischen Republik, 1922-1923

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Deutscher Freihiets-Bund (New York, NY), 1935

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Develop Don't Destroy (Brooklyn, NY), 2004

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Development Education Centre (Toronto, Canada), 1973-1975

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Dial Publishing Company (New York, NY), undated

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Diggers Communications Company, circa 1967

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Dill Pickle Press (Muscatine, IA), circa 1970s

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Direct Action for Justice in Palestine, 2002-

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Direct Action Network, 1999-

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Direct Action Network (Chicago), 2002

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Direct Action Network (New York, NY), 2002

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Disarm Education Fund, undated

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Dispossessed Network, 2000-

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Dissent (New York, NY) (serial), 1961-

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Distributive Worker, 1971, inclusive

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Dollars and Sense (Somerville, MA), undated

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Draft Law Group (Yale Law School), 1968, inclusive

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Draft Resistance Committee (Detroit, MI), undated

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Draft Resisters Union Movement, 1967, inclusive

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Dramatic Society (New York, NY), 1937

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Drop the I-Word Campaign

Box: 32 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Drop the Rock (Rockefeller Drug Laws), 2001-

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Drunken Boat (New York, NY), 1994-

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Du Quoin Miners Defense Committee, 1939

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Dubois Theater Guild, undated

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Duke Progressive Alliance (Duke University), 2002-2003

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DYKE Action Machine (DAM!), 2002-

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Dykes Against Racism Everywhere, 1989-

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Dykes for an American Revolution (poetry), 1966- , undated

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Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South
2nd Floor
New York, NY 10012