Series VII. Restricted Interviews in Oral History of the American Left, 1976-1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
This series contains interviews collected for the Oral History of the American Left that were accepted by the repository as closed, generally for a certain amount of years. The majority of these restrictions are no longer in effect. Upon expiration of restrictions, interviews have been moved to Series I.
Conditions Governing Access
Access to interviews in this series is restricted. Interviews for which restrictions have expired have been moved to Series 1. Specific information on the restrictions is available at the interview level. Please contact for more information.
Ewen, Stuart and Elizabeth, Nov. 7, 1983
Access Restrictions
Interview is closed, except with the permission of the interviewees.
Access Copies
Original Audio Recordings
Stern, Charlotte, 1976-1979, inclusive
Access Copies, 1976
Original Audio Recordings, 1976
Transcripts, 1976-1979, inclusive
Interviews by Alan Wald -- Original Audio Recordings, 1976-1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interviews by Alan Wald on the history of Trotskyism and intellectuals in the United States. Interviewees include Michael Blankfort (Jul 22, 1981), James T. Farrell (May 23, 1976), Leslie Fiedler (May 28, 1981), Nathan Glazer (May 25, 1981), Walter Goldwater (May 10, 1981), and Stan Weir (Sep 26, 1980 and Jul 21, 1981).
Access Restrictions
Interview is closed.