Series I. Oral History of the American Left Main Series, 1940-2011, inclusive
Minka Alesh, Oct 26, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes discussion of the SNPJ (Slovenska Narodna Podporna Jednota), a Slovenian mutual aid society. Alesh discusses the organisation's membership, the politics of Slovenian immigrants, and the activities of the women's lodge, of which she was president. Alesh also discusses her involvement in the millinery workers' union in Chicago, her role on the union's executive board, union organizing, and strikes. The interview also includes discussion of life in Slovenia and immigration, the Slovenian community in Chicago, the Socialist Party, Eugene Debs, and financial support for Tito and Yugoslavian relief during World War II. Interview focuses most heavily on the period between the 1900s-1920s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 41 minutes
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Original Recording
Jose Alvarez, Mar 15, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes discussion of origins of Spanish-language Communist movement in Ybor City, Florida during the 1920s-1930s; community support of Communists and relation to surrounding communities during the 1930s-1940s; immigration from Spain, work in tobacco factories, and activities of unions during the 1920s-1940s; and Red Scare decimation of Ybor City Left during the 1950s. Also discussed is a meeting with Fidel Castro in the 1950s, before Cuban Revolution. Joseph Norrick was present for interview with Alvarez, and second cassette of interview also contains a segment of a different interview with Joseph and Ruth Norrick.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duartion: 87 minutes in two parts
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Original Recording
Freda Hogan Ameringer, undated
Scope and Content Note
Phone interview taken to support review essay of Ameringer's book that Green intended to submit to The Nation. Interview includes discussion of Ameringer's background and left-wing newspapers including the Oklahoma Leader and American Guardian.
Interview by James Green.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 84 minutes
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Original Recording
Freda Hogan Ameringer, Dec 11, 1977, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Tapes begin with a narrative about Ameringer's life, the Oklahoma Leader and other newspapers, activism among miners, her socialist family, and the early socialist movement, followed by an interview.
Interview by James Green.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 79 minutes
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Original Recording
Freda Hogan Ameringer, Jul 24, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Jim Green.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 146 minutes in two parts; Preservation note: second part has channel shifting, drop-outs, and significant volume fluctuation
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Original Recording
Vicky Amter, Feb 19, 1978, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes discussion of the Communist Party on the Lower East Side of New York City during the 1940s-1960s, conflicts with her Socialist father, experiences as Local 65 shop steward, the Jefferson School, harassment and isolation of CP in the 1950s, and reactions to emergence of the New Left.
Interview by Jon Bloom.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 80 minutes
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Original Recording
Herbert Aptheker -- Transcript, 1976, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Conversation includes discussion of college radicalism in 1930s, his MA thesis on Nat Turner, joining the Communist Party, academic life, and the Jefferson School.
Interview by Debby Cohen.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Harry Aronek, Oct 25, 1978, inclusive
Language of Materials
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the topics of immigration and the political and cultural activities of the New York Jewish community during the 1930s-1950s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 46 minutes in two parts
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Original Recording
Sam Ashare, Mar 30, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Dan Georgakas.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 56 minutes
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Original Recording
Jacob Aspiz, Apr 7, 1980, inclusive
Language of Materials
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes discussion of the Los Angeles Jewish Left since the 1930s, the rise of anti-Nazi "front" across Jewish community and Communists' participation in it, the isolation of Jewish Left during Cold War, Aspiz's literary interests, and his involvement in the Yiddishe Kultur Farband as a senior citizen.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 93 minutes in two parts; Preservation note: for part two, Side 2: The first 20 minutes is at a significantly lower volume
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Original Recording
Ben Axelrod, Oct 4, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Stanley Banach, March 23, Apr 11, 1984, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Conversation includes discussion of neighborhood background in Providence during the 1950s, army life in Vietnam and Germany, radical influences, and his political philosophy and aspirations. The interview also covers union activity at Electric Boat/Quonset Point, Rhode Island, organizing drives, and union activity at Brown & Sharpe before and during the 1982 strike.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 85 minutes in two parts
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Original Recording
Eugene Barnett -- Transcript, 1940 - 1946, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the topics of the Industrial Workers of the World in the Northwest of the United States during the 1910s, West Virginia coal miners at turn of century, becoming a unionist, lumber work in Northwest, and repression in Centralia, Washington.
Transcription of a radio broadcast from circa 1940.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Walter Barry, Oct 21, 1980 - Dec 4, 1980, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Barry's boyhood and first labor experience in Endicott, New York, the Trade Union Unity League and United Electrical Workers District 4, and the Westinghouse elevator plant in Jersey City, New Jersey during the 1930s-1950s.
Interview by Ruth F. Prago.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 137 minutes in three parts
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Original Recording
Irving Barshop, Oct 12, 1973, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Rosalyn Baxandall, Nov 8, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes a discussion of the differences between Baxandall's expectations and the realities of left wing culture at the University of Wisconsin-Madison from 1958 through the 1960s, after coming from New York Old Left background and having a brief stint at Smith College. Also discussed are gender relations in the left and academy; the relationship between music, poetry, theatre, and beat culture and politics in Madison; and the importance of the Rathskeller bar in academic and radical life. Baxandall also discusses her studies in French and history, academic role models, challenging cultural norms, the beginnings of the women's movement in Madison, and the impact of her time at Madison on the rest of her life.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The release form that Tamiment Library has for this interview does not include transfer of copyright. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from the narrator, Rosalyn Baxandall. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting this individual.
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Original Recording
Bertha Bazell, Mar 10, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Bazell's immigrant Jewish background, the Workmen's Circle, involvement in the Communist Party during the 1930s-1950s in Coney Island, New York and later in Fall River, Massachusetts. It also addresses harassment of left wingers by the FBI during the the 1950s.
Interview by Bill Schecter.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 52 minutes
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Original Recording
Irving Beinin, Jul 2, 1988, inclusive
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Ray and Rose Bell, Aug 2, 1985, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Topics discussed include working class life and union organizing in textile mills.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Fay Bennett, May 26, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the college anti-war movement during the 1930s, the American Student Union, Keep America Out of War Congress during the late 1930s, the experience of conscientious objectors during World War II, and postwar work with National Sharecroppers' Fund.
Interview by Jon Bloom.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 66 minutes in two parts
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Original Recording
Jack Bergen -- Transcript, 1967, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Bridgeport, Connecticut during the 1910s, life during the Great Depression, Bridgeport mayor Jasper McLevy, and the Socialist Party in Connecticut state politics during the 1930s.
Interview by Bruce Stave.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
John T. Bernard, Jun 25, 1977, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Recording of a Mesaba Park Cooperative Association tribute to John Bernard, a Farmer-Labor Party representative from Minnesota's Eighth Congressional District, who served from 1936-1938. It includes speeches by former Minnesota Governor Elmer Benson and others about Bernard's record in Congress, a response from Bernard, and music.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator of the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 158 minutes in three parts
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Original Recording
Daniel Berrigan, Apr 1, 1970, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
This recording was Berrigan's last interview before he went underground and then to prison. It includes reflections on his activities during the 1960s, including the Catonsville incident.
Interview by Marc Weiss.
Use Restrictions
The release form that Tamiment Library has for this interview does not include transfer of copyright. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from the narrator, Daniel Berrigan. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting this individual.
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Original Recording
Abner Berry, 1974-1977, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview describes the Communist Party in Harlem during the 1930s, including his involvement in Communist Party apparatus, personalities in the CP, relationships with other activist groups, and the CP's intellectual climate during the Great Depression.
Berry analyzes at length the relationship between Party policies on race and African American identity. This includes the initial appeal of the Communist Party for African Americans and the organizational implications of the CP policy of black and white unity. He also looks at how this policy fit into larger questions of African American national identity at time, including the CP's relationship with Garvey movement. He also speaks about the study of American history by African American CP leadership and the prevalent desire for assimilation. He also looks at the CP's broader policy towards a mass movement with an American identity, and he analyzes how Franklin Delano Roosevelt's policies and CP policies worked together during the Depression.
Berry also shares his memories of Party administrators and figures in Harlem. These include Richard Moore, James Ford, Cyril Briggs, Arnold Johnson, Merrill Work, Charles White, and Manning Johnson, who later testified before HUAC. He also shares his recollections of the 1935 Harlem riot and subsequent hearings and Robert Minor's involvement in hearings.
Also included is an analysis of Richard Wright's work and commentary on the Party, including discussion of Native Son and The Outsider. Berry describes of meetings with Wright, Ralph Ellison, and Theodore Ward, in which they discussed literature, especially the use of symbols. He also describes the CP's attempts to control cultural criticism, and comments on Socialist realism and its divorce from reality. Berry also discusses the Party's acceptance of jazz and folk music, and speaks of the theoretical implications of improvisation in jazz music.
Berry also discusses the activities of the CP and its interactions with other organizations. This includes his activities and politics in Politburo in the late 1930s; analysis of the trade union caucuses, including Mike Quill and the TWU; the reactions to the Nazi-Soviet Pact; the foundation of the National Negro Congress; experiences working with Garvey movement; and the work of the Ethiopian Defense Committee in Harlem. Berry also describes the Party's working relationships with ministers, including Adam Clayton Powell (Baptist), Johnny Johnson (Episcopalian), Father Phillips (Episcopalian), William Lloyd Imes (Presbyterian), and Father Divine.
Other topics addressed include the CP education programs for members in Harlem, the high turnover among CP members, differences in debate of African-American self-determination in North and South of United States, the activities of the Workers' Alliance at the Home Relief Bureaus, Unemployed Councils, and interracial marriage in the Party.
Interview by Mark Naison.
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Original Recording
Steve Beumer, Mar 11, 1975, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Beumer's family background in Indiana, his political activities there and in Detroit during the late 1960s-1970s, the Socialist Workers Party, and his experiences as bus driver and union activist in Detroit.
Interview by Claudia Hommel.
Use Restrictions
Release form assigns wide range of rights regarding use to Wayne State University. Please contact Tamiment Library or Wayne State University for more information.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 219 minutes in three parts
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Original Recording
Martin Birnbaum, Nov 6, 1977, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents the life and activities of a Yiddish "proletarian poet" including his childhood, immigration and literary work for New Yorker Volkszeitung during the 1920s, his friendship with writer Moshe Nadir, the role of the Left in the Yiddish literary community, the Proletpen circle of writers, Birnbaum's disillusionment with Communism and poetic realism, and his return to unrestrained lyricism.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 96 minutes in two parts
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Original Recording
Martin Birnbaum, Feb 5, 1978, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 58 minutes
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Original Recording
Martin Birnbaum, Feb 16, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the meaning of the "sense of humor" in Yiddish literary work and Birnbaum's own sense of humor contrasted with that of writer Moshe Nadir and Jewish popular culture.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 17 minutes
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Original Recording
Violet Wainio Bjong, Jul 7, 1984, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the activities of Wainio Bjong's father and mother, Finnish-American radical leaders during the 1920s-1930s, her activities in Fitchburg, Massachusetts during the 1930s, work on a Left-oriented daily in Fitchburg, life in Brooklyn cooperative housing, and reflections.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 65 minutes
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Original Recording
Fred Blair, Jul 26, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the role of ethnicity in Communist Party of Wisconsin during the 1930s-1940s; support of the Left from the Polish sector dating back to 1880 and support of other Slav groups from 1910s; role of Meta Berger in Wisconsin Party and Blair's ascendency to state leadership; unemployment demonstration in Milwaukee and influence on students in University of Wisconsin-Madison; increase of District membership with addition of northern Wisconsin; character of northern Wisconsin rural Communists; exodus of rural Communists from state during the 1940s-1950s, and the impact of McCarthyism on the decline of Communist Party support.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
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Original Recording
Norman Bloomfield, May 7, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview topics include the Young People's Socialist League during the 1930s; Trotskyism; the University of California, Berkeley campus; and work in shipyards.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 17 minutes
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Original Recording
Grace Lee Boggs, Mar 28, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
The interview includes a discussion of Boggs' Asian-American family background in Providence, Rhode Island; her education and involvement in radical politics in New York during the late 1930s; the Workers Party and Johnson-Forest tendency during the 1940s; Correspondence in Detroit during the 1950s; involvement in the Black Power movement with her husband, James Boggs; and comments on C.L.R. James.
Interview by Dan Georgakas.
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Original Recording
Grace Lee Boggs, Aug 6, 1986, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Topics discussed include entry into radical politics, the Johnson-Forest Tendency, and the relationship of culture and the Left.
Interview by Ellen Kellman.
Access Copy
Original Recording
James Boggs, Mar 29, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Boggs' youth in the South, factory life in Detroit during the 1930s-1940s, the Johnson-Forest Tendency, and activities in 1960s-1970s.
Interview by Dan Georgakas.
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Original Recording
Original Recording
James Boggs, Aug 6, 1986, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview regarding Boggs' involvement in the Johnson-Forest Tendency.
Interview by Ellen Kellman.
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Original Recording
Paul Booth, Oct 1969, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview discusses Students for a Democratic Society, its internal politics, relationships with other student groups, and demonstrations.
Interview by Kirkpatrick Sale.
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Original Recording
Frank Bohn, Mar 1, 1958, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes Bohn's memories of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Thomas Hagerty, the Catholic church, and the Socialist Labor Party.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Fannie Borun, Jan 6, 1981
Scope and Content Note
Political struggles within the International Ladies Garment Workers Union during the 1920s, experiences on trips in the Soviet Union during the 1930s, and women's role in the Communist Party.
Interview by Bea Lemisch.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 63 minutes
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Original Recording
Judy Boudon, Feb 7-8, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes discussion of Boudon's immigration from Panama, the Spanish-language immigrant community in New York during the 1930s, her work in offices and factories, the America Labor Party, the Communist Party, and women's role in the CP.
Interview by Ruth F. Prago.
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Original Recording
Thomas Brandon, Nov 4, 1976, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the Workers' Newsreel and Film and Photo League during the early 1930s.
Interview by Russell Campbell.
Use Restrictions
Copyright (and related rights to publicity and privacy) to materials in this collection were transferred to the Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives. Complete versions of this interview may not be published or copied without the written permission of Thomas Brandon or his estate.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 85 minutes; Preservation note: Muffled sound/low volume
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Original Recording
Original Recording
Miriam Braverman, Nov 8, 1984, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Paul Buhle.
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Original Recording
Jeremy Brecher, Mar 31, 1970, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Brecher discusses the activities of the Students for a Democratic Society between 1962 and 1965.
Interview by Kirkpatrick Sale.
Use Restrictions
Any rights (including copyright and related rights of publicity and privacy) were transferred to New York University in 1980. Use of these materials is subject to the approval of Jeremy Brecher during his lifetime.
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Original Recording
George Breitman, Jan 4, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the activities of unemployed organizations in New Jersey and the Socialist Workers Party between 1938 and 1954.
Interview by Jon Bloom.
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Original Recording
Harry Brier, Aug 26, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Brier discusses life in the East End of London during the 1920s-1930s, the Jewish character of Communism, anti-fascist activities in London during the 1920-1930s, his immigration to Los Angeles, and union activities, from the 1940s to the time of the interview.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
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Original Recording
Theodore Brise, Apr 18, 1980, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview contains discussion of anarchism and Arbeter Ring in Los Angeles, Yiddish anarchist activists, and the Rudolf Rocker Circle.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 45 minutes
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Original Recording
Brookwood Labor College, Oct 10, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Recording of a slide show on the history of Brookwood Labor College and Workers' Education Local 189, with comments by former Brookwood staff and students.
Narrated by Jon Bloom.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator of the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Niki Brorsen, May 20, 1975, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview contains discussion of Brorsen's family background and growing up in San Francisco and Chicago during the 1950s-1960s, the anti-war work, and Brorsen's decision to join the Young Socialist Alliance during the late 1960s. It also addresses her work as a waitress and activities in restaurant union during the 1970s.
Interview by Claudia Hommel.
Use Restrictions
Release form assigns wide range of rights regarding use to Wayne State University. Please contact Tamiment Library or Wayne State University for more information.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 119 minutes in two parts
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Original Recording
Peter Buch -- Transcript, Aug 24, 1976, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents Buch's immigration from Turkey and youth in Los Angeles, brief involvement in Socialist Zionism during the early 1950s, the Socialist Workers Party and Young Socialist Alliance in Los Angeles and nationally during the 1950s-1960s, the Robert Williams case, responses to Cuban Revolution, and the Vietnam War.
Interview by Douglas Cooper.
Heinz Buergers, Apr 26, 1980, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Beth Haskell.
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Original Transcript
David Burbank, Oct 6, 1984, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview contains discussion of Saint Louis radicalism during the 1930s, the Socialist Party, the American Workers Party, the Trotskyist movement, and the Workers Party. Also discussed is CLR James in Missouri and unionization of gas workers.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 63 minutes
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Original Recording
Ann Burlak-Timpson, 1977, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
This talk covers labor activities in Rhode Island during the early 1930s and her role as a Communist speaker, and organizer in Providence and Pawtucket.
Public address, Rhode Island Labor History Forum.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by creators. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holders. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 20 minutes; Preservation note: Audio quality is very poor.
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Original Recording
Ann Burlak-Timpson, Dec 18, 1980, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Burlak Timpson's labor activities in Rhode Island and Communist activities during the 1930s-1940s.
Interview by Bill Schecter.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 257 minutes in five parts
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Original Recording
C., Pete, undated
Scope and Content Note
This interview with a Detroit-based socialist, includes a description of his background, the appeal of socialism, and his involvement with the Teamsters.
Interview by Sam Friedman.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by creators. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holders. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
James P. Cannon, undated
Scope and Content Note
Recording of speech titled "What Socialist America Will Look Like."
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by creators. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holders. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Fanny and Herman Cantor, Jan 11, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers immigration to US from Russia and development of social consciousness, growing up in Hell's Kitchen in New York, radicalism and cooperativism during the 1920s-1930s, and reflections on younger radicals and current events at the time of the interview.
Interview by Milton Cantor.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 63 minutes
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Original Recording
Philip Caplowitz, Nov 15, 1980, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Caplowitz's immigration, the activities of Jewish Communists in unions during the 1920s-1930s, and Yiddish culture and the Yiddishe Kultur Farband during the 1930s-1980s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 77 minutes in two parts
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Original Recording
Wendell Carroll, Nov 30, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the activities of American Youth for Democracy during the late 1940s, the Independent Socialist League during the early 1950s, ISL positions on the Korean War, the Rosenberg case, the Communist Party and McCarthyism, and race and civil rights.
Interview by Jon Bloom.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 104 minutes in two parts
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Original Recording
Pincus Caruso, Mar 16, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the origins of Labor (Paole) Zionism in Eastern Europe and Caruso's role in the early 20th century; the formation and publication Yiddishe Kempfer in New York; the growth of Poale Zionism during the World War I era and brief publication of daily Zionist newspaper; growth of Zionism in the 1930s-1940s and support of Israel; and reflections on the failure of Zionists regarding Arabs in Israel and the conservative Israeli leadership.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 88 minutes in two parts
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Original Recording
Catholic Worker Conference, May 2, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Program held at Trinity College in Worcester, Massachusetts to honor Dorothy Day and founding of the Catholic Worker. Includes panel comments by John Cort and others regarding Day and the Catholic Worker.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator fo the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Reverend Don Chase, Nov 5, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents activities against the United States' intervention in Nicaragua in 1928, Christian Socialism in a San Francisco parish during the 1930s-50s, and Chase's interpretation of the Liberation Theology of the 1970s-80s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
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Original Recording
Bernard Chazanow, April 26, 1977, inclusive
Language of Materials
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents Chazanow's role as a political activist in Russia from 1898-1909 and the activities of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union (ILGWU) from 1909-1928.
Interview by Jon Bloom.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 54 minutes
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Original Recording
Bernard Chazanow, May 31, 1978, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
This recording contains an interview to supplement Chazanow's 1956 Yiddish autobiography, Days and Years.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator fo the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Preservation Note: Incubation was attempted on these audiocassettes, however they could not be digitized due to their condition.
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Original Recording
Rose Chernin, Oct 25, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents the origins and activities of the Los Angeles branch of the Committee for the Protection of the Foreign Born during the 1940s-1950s, Chernin's family life, and her relationship with her daughter.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Harold Christoffel -- Transcript, Jun 27, 1974, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents the early union background of former president of United Auto Workers Local 248 Allis Chalmers in Milwaukee, Wisconsin during the 1930s.
Interview by Roger Keeran.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Helen Ciminelli, Joe Richter, and Ann David, Oct 26, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the activities of SNPJ (Slovenska Narodna Podporna Jednota), a Slovenian mutual aid society, in Fontana, California, during the 1930s-1980s and the SNPJ role in Henry Wallace presidential campaign.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
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Original Recording
Alice Citron, Jan 6, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents Citron's career as a teacher in Harlem during the 1930s-1940s, her involvement in the Teachers' Union, her dismissal during the McCarthy era, and struggle for reinstatement.
Interview by Bea Lemisch.
Access Copy
Original Recording
City College of New York Memorial, Apr 13, 1980, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Recording of a dedication of a memorial for thirteen CCNY alumni members of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade killed in action in the Spanish Civil War. Includes speeches from ALB vets and historians, a recording of a speech by Ernest Hemingway, and musical performances. Speakers include Robert Colodny, Philip Foner, Joseph P. Lash,
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator of the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Egidio Clemente, May 11, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Clemente discusses his role as editor of La Parola and secretary of Italian Socialist Federation in the 1930s, Italian left factions in Chicago and other cities, and the left wing Italian presses.
Interview by Eugene Miller.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Lucy Ann Cloud -- Transcript, Aug 25, 1972, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the Industrial Workers of the World and Centralia, Washington case of 1919, with particular reference to IWW attorney Elmer Smith.
Interview by Tom Copeland.
Use Restrictions
Release form releases rights regarding use to the Minnesota Historical Society. Please contact Tamiment Library or the Minnesota Historical Society for more information.
Charles Coe, Dec 5, 1991 - Jan 9, 1992, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Emily Raphael.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Nat Cohen, Nov 5, 1977, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Discussion of disconnect between Communist Party leadership and working class society. Analysis includes discussion of relationship between leadership and rank and file members; the Party's inability to speak to the broader society's cultural interests; sports; the missed opportunity to engage with Communist movements in communities outside of New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles; and the relationship between art and the Party line.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Rose Cohen -- Transcript, Apr 12, 1976, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Recollections of studies at the Jefferson School of Social Science.
Interview by Debby Cohen.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Joseph Cohen, Ruth Cohen, and Frieda Koren, Jun 9, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview regarding "Carlo" (Jesse Cohen), a cartoonist of the Workers Party during the 1940s.
Interview by Jon Bloom.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrators and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrators and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 19 minutes
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Original Recording
Julia Conroy, May 14, 1980, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Theresa Diamond.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 39 minutes
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Original Recording
Olga Corey, Jan 18, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Olga Corey, the daughter of Louis Fraina (Lewis Corey), discusses her reaction to the movie Reds, reminiscences of father at Antioch College during the 1940s, and her own union activities.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 42 minutes
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Original Recording
Carlos Cortez, Jul 25, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Cortez discusses being the son of a Mexican-American activist who joined Industrial Workers of the World after San Diego Free Speech Fight, his father's life in Milwaukee during the 1920s, and his mother, a German-American Socialist and poet. Cortez also discusses his imprisonment during World War II as conscientious objector, the role of the IWW in Chicago Mexican-American community during the 1940s, his role as artist and speaker for IWW in the 1940s-1980s, and anarchism and the IWW.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 71 minutes
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Original Recording
Carl Cowl, Mar 13, 1983, inclusive
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 96 minutes
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Original Recording
Malcolm Cowley, Jan 19, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the Left during the Great Depression, the League of Professional Groups, "Culture and the Crisis" in 1932, the proletarian novel, John Reed Clubs, the Communist Party's Popular Front strategy, the Spanish Civil War, and reflections.
Interview by Richard Wormser.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Roy Curtis, Nov 4, 1984, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview with Roy Curtis of the International Association of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) Local 4.
Interview by Paul Richiuso.
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Original Recording
Joseph Cvetas, Oct 22, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Cvetas discusses his family's background with the Slovenian fraternal society SNPJ (Slovenska Narodna Podporna Jednota), participating in the fraternal society's activities as child, and fraternalism in 1980s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 63 minutes
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Original Recording
Sam Darcy, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes a discussion of Darcy's immigrant background, Communist activities during the 1920s, factionalism, Browderism, his departure from the CP, subsequent activities, and reflections.
Interview by Richard Wormser.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Sam Darcy, Nov 3, 1994, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Recording of presentation by Sam Darcy at State University of New York at Albany for the course History 3162.
Existence and Location of Originals
The original copies of these recordings are held by the University at Albany (SUNY).
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator of the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Sam Darcy, Nov 4, 1994, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Recording of presentation by Sam Darcy at the Campus Center Assembly Hall at State University of New York at Albany.
Existence and Location of Originals
The original copies of these recordings are held by the University at Albany (SUNY).
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator of the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Saul Davidson, Mar 16, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Davidson discusses a "United Front" of organizations for preservation of Yiddish language in Miami Beach, his activism in left causes and the preservation of Yiddish, and reflections on survival of the Yiddish language.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 45 minutes
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Original Recording
Sam Davis, Nov 15, 1980, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Topics discussed include the role of Jewish Left in New Haven, Connecticut since the 1920s, the nature of the Jewish community, the split of Socialists and Communists in the 1920s, the Yiddishe Kultur Farband choir, separation of Morgen Freiheit from the Communist Party, and cultural activities in the YKUF/Jewish Currents circle.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 16 minutes; Preservation Note: Due to its condition, one of the audiocassettes could not be digitized.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Zoltan Deak, Feb 17, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes discussion of the aesthetics of Hungarian-American radical press, including the publications Uj Elore and Hungarian Word from the 1920s-1980s. Interview also includes story of Deak's immigration and his interest in progressive press. Other topics include the circulation and internal structure of Uj Elore, and the shrinking of a distinct Hungarian-American milieu.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
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Original Recording
Jeannette Dean, Apr 14, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Dean discusses her family background, union activities, radicalism in unions, and the UE in Newark.
Interview by Ruth F. Prago.
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Original Recording
Solon De Leon, Dec 16, 1972, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes discussion of the Socialist Party and reformism between 1900-1920, Solon's break with Daniel DeLeon, the International Workers of the World (IWW), the Industrial Union League, and the Socialist Labor Party since the 1930s.
Interview by Malcolm Kaufman & Jeff Sklar.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 178 minutes in three parts; Preservation note: Audio quality very poor
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Original Recording
Albina Delfino, Jan 8, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Italian-American women and the Communist Party, the Needle Trades Industrial Union, the National Textile Workers Union, and her experiences as a CP organizer in Lawrence, Providence, Boston, and Corona, New York during the 1930s-1940s.
Interview with Ruth Prago.
Use Restrictions
Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. In release form, narrator granted Tamiment Library broad rights pertaining to use of these materials. Please contact the Tamiment Library for further information.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 117 in two parts
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Original Recording
Eugene Dennis Sentence Statement, undated
Scope and Content Note
Statement includes introduction by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator of the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Esther Dolgoff, Jan 27, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Dolgoff discusses anarchist women of the 1930s and the character of anarchism. Transcription is incomplete.
Interview by Bea Limisch.
Access Copy
James Dolson, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
A series of lectures by Dolson on life and involvement with Communist Party. First two disks are a lecture including Dolson's gravitation to Communism, the Red Scare of the 1920s, Dolson's trial for political beliefs in California, and a question and answer session about Dolson's life and political situation at the time of lecture. Remainder of disks are an interview with Paul Buhle in Providence, Rhode Island. Interview includes Dolson's joining of the Socialist Party in 1907, socialist journals, socialism in Chicago, the trial in California, formation of Communist Labor Party, activism in Pittsburgh in 1930s, the Dies Committee, the state of Israel and the left, and other topics.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Bill Dongas, Apr 3, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Dongas describes his experience as a Greek partisan in World War II, immigration struggles during the 1950s, Greek publications, and Radio-Chicago.
Interview by Dan Georgakas.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 77 minutes
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Original Recording
Dora, Mar 25, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
The interviewee, going only by her first name, discusses student radicalism during the 1930s, activities of the Communist Party, the United Electrical Workers, and social life and friends.
Interview by Bea Lemisch.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Pauline Dougherty, Jan, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Dougherty discusses her background in a shoe-producing town, college politics during the Depression, white collar union activity, the McCarthy Era, and reflections.
Interview by Sy Singer.
Use Restrictions
Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. In release form, narrator granted Tamiment Library broad rights pertaining to use of these materials. Please contact the Tamiment Library for further information.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 224 minutes
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Original Recording
Susan Drake-Raphals, May 7, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Drake-Raphals discusses her role in the Workers Party and C.L.R. James in the 1940s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Hal Draper, Nov 5, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Draper characterizes the interview as "a rundown on the birth of neo-Shactmanism," and it includes an analysis of Shactman's personality and the trajectory of the Shactman group's activities. As a part of this, Draper discusses the New International, discusses the paper's of board and editorship, his role as editor of Labor Action between 1949-1958, and the tabloid-like nature of that publication. He also discusses the merger of Independent Socialist League and Socialist Party and debates within the Workers Party about Zionism from 1948-1949. Draper also discusses the political disintegration of the Shactmanite group and his move to Berkeley.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
Any rights (including copyright and related rights to publicity and privacy) held by Harold Draper and Paul Buhle for this interview were transferred to New York University. Permission to publish or reproduce this interview must be secured from the Tamiment Library.
This interview is not to be transcribed without the permission of Harold Draper or his heirs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 128 minutes
Access Copy
Original Recording
Original Recording
Walter Duda, Mar 15, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Duda discusses the Lithuanian-American Left's activities around Connecticut's Brass Valley during the 1920s-1950s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 24 minutes
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Original Recording
Jane Dudley, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Dudley discusses the relationship between dance and left politics, the New Dance group, Martha Graham, and civil rights.
Interview by Richard Wormser.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Preservation Note: Incubation was attempted on this audiocassette, however it could not be digitized due to its condition.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Raya Dunayevskaya, Mar 24, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Dunayevskaya discusses Leon Trotsky and Trotskyism during the 1930s, the Johnson-Forest group during the 1940s, the coal strikes of 1949-1950, and the origins of the Marxist-Humanist organization News and Letters.
Interview by Jon Bloom.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
George Edwards, Nov 4, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Edwards discusses his political origins as Garveyite during the 1920s, his social life in the 1920s-1930s, his experience as semiprofessional football player, his work as a prohibition-era gangster and factory worker, his activities as a Communist organizer in the Kansas-Nebraska district during the 1930s-1940s, and his disillusionment with the Communist movement in Oakland, California during the 1940s-1950s. Edwards also discusses life in Ghana during the 1950s-1960s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 155 minutes in three parts; Preservation note: Tape incubated for binder hydrolysis
Access Copy
Original Recording
Herb Edwards -- Transcript, Feb 12, 1972, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Edwards discusses life in Wisconsin lumber during the early 1900s, the Industrial Workers of the World, Elmer Smith, the repression of the IWW, Edwards' time at San Quentin, and the ebb of the IWW.
Interview by Tom Copeland & Tracy Dalton.
Use Restrictions
Release form releases rights regarding use to the Minnesota Historical Society. Please contact Tamiment Library or the Minnesota Historical Society for more information.
Hodee Edwards, Nov 12, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Edwards discusses her background in Boston Jewish community during the 1920s-30s, her experience as a Communist activist in California during the 1940s, her activities crusading for women's rights, the publication People's World in 1949, her life in Ghana during the 1950s-60s, and life events from the 1960s-1980s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 126 minutes in two parts
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Original Recording
Peter Elish, Jun 27, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview addresses the activities of the Slovenian-American mutual aid society SNPJ (Slovenska Narodna Podporna Jednota) and the relationship between Slavic ethnic identities and the left.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 95 minutes
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Original Recording
Melech Epstein, Jan 9, 1974, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes recollections of Epstein's experiences since his immigration from Warsaw in 1913, including editorship of Morgen Freiheit. He also provides comments on Yiddish publications and Jewish life in America, the Cold War, Israel, and 1970s American politics.
Interview by Milton Cantor.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 61 minutes
Access Copy
Original Recording
Virginia Epstein, Mar 30, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
The interview covers Epstein's background in Dallas, Texas (born 1885) as child of mixed Episcopalian-Jewish marriage. It also covers her time in New York from 1908, Socialist Party activities during the 1910s, Communist Party involvement from the 1920s, the American Council on US-Soviet Friendship, the Committee of American Women, and local political activities in Queens, New York.
Interview by Ruth F. Prago.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Ernest Erber, Apr 23, 1984, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Jon Bloom.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
S. Evelyn, Jun 25, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Young Communist League; anti-Nazi and pro-Republican Spain; 1930s.
Custodial History
As of February 2025, this item is missing.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Seymour Faber, Mar 30, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes discussion of radical Zionism, the Johnson-Forest Tendency, and activities in Detroit during the 1930s-1960s.
Interview by Dan Georgakas.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 86 minutes
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Original Recording
Elmer Felhaber, Feb 5, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Felhaber discusses Minnesota newspaper unionism during the 1930s, the CIO and the Communist Party, the Ohio Left after World War II, and his travels abroad.
Interview by Bill Schecter.
General note
Index available
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 4 minutes; Preservation Note: One of the audiocassettes could not be digitized due to its condition.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Duncan Ferguson (Memorial Meeting), 1975, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Eulogy by Harry Ring for Duncan Ferguson, a sculptor and activist in Socialist Workers Party during the 1940s-1970s.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator of the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Dec 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes an analysis of the Beat Generation in retrospect and the relationship between the San Francisco avant-garde arts scene and anarchism during the 1940s through the early 1950s. Ferlinghetti also discusses the formation of the City Lights book store and publishing company, and artists in 1980s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Joseph Figueredo, Nov 3, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Figueredo discusses the Portuguese-American Left in New Bedford and Fall River, Massachusetts during the 1930s-1940s. He speaks the beginning of his introduction to politics during the strikes of the 1920s and Communist role. He addresses the lack of formal fraternal and cultural structure and absence of regular Portuguese-language Communist press. Additionally, the interview covers the use of local radio, Cold War pressures during the 1940s, his departure to San Francisco, and activities in International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) from the 1950s-1980s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 242 minutes in four parts
Access Copy
Original Recording
Bruno Fischer, Nov 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Morris Fisher, Mar 16, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Fisher discusses left politics and Jewish culture from the 1930s-1970s. Topics include labor Zionism and the Workmen's Circle, the Jewish Socialist Farband, and the Miami Beach Yiddishkayt.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Jacob Fisherman, Nov 3, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Henry Foner -- Transcript, Mar 29, 1976, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Foner discusses being driven out of teaching during the late 1940s, industrial and union activities during the 1948-1970s, the Communist Party, and Ben Gold.
Interview by Russell Karr.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Edith Fox, July 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Nora Wainer.
Historical/Biographical Note
Edith Fox was born in the Soviet Union, and her family immigrated to Philadelphia when she was a child. She became a socialist through her involvement in Hashomer as a child. As an adult, she joined the Worker's Party, then became followers of C.L.R. James (Johnson-Forest Tendency), and joined the Socialist Workers Party. Fox and her husband Art moved to Detroit and became active in the with the democratization faction of the United Auto Workers Union. The Foxes worked on a Ford assembly line for twenty years. They stayed in the SWP until the 1960s.
The interview was taken by Nora Wainer in Los Angeles in 1981 for an oral history project on radical women with a focus on Trotskyist Women.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Emmanuel Fried, 1977-1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Several recordings of readings and interviews of Emmanuel Fried. The first disk contains a May 1983 discussion for Buffalo radio station WBNY with topics including education, acting, union organizing, writing, impact of blacklist on career. The second and third disks are the recording of a Niagara-Erie writing conference held at St. John's Grace Episcopal Church in Buffalo, New York on Oct 30, 1980. Fried gives a reading from his plays and there is also a reading by author Peter Mathiessen. The fourth disk contains a radio interview of Fried by John Nash for WADU in Buffalo, taken in Mar 1980. The fifth disk contains a readings from the Labor Writers Workshop on Jun 8, 1977, introduced by Emmanuel Fried and broadcast on WBFO of Buffalo. The sixth disk contains the recording of a New Letters on the Air (Kansas City, Missouri) broadcast of readings and an interview of Fried from Jun 1978.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator of the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
William (Bill) Friedland, May 6, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Friedland discusses the cultural perspective of the Workers Party, role of music in Friedland's life and creation of the record Songs for Sectarians, college teaching, and sympathy for antiwar students during the 1960s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 47 minutes
Access Copy
Original Recording
Isadore Friedman & Max Fishgold, Mar 15, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview addresses union activities and the Left from the 1930s-1950s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 63 minutes
Access Copy
Original Recording
Mary Gale, Jan 29, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Gale discusses growing up in East New York and Queens in the 1910s-1920s, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union (ILGWU) during the 1920s-1930s, the Scottsboro case, and the American Labor Party. She also discusses family and home life in relation to her work and political activism.
Interview by Ruth F. Prago.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 115 minutes in three parts
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Original Recording
Sam Garber, Nov 5, 1979, inclusive
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Alex and Faye Gardner, Abe Kantor, and Hyman Hodes, Mar 15, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Topics covered in the interview include Jewish and Italian radicalism during the 1930s-1950s, the Unemployed Councils, the Workers' Club, Works Progress Administration, the Garibaldi Clubs, work as Vito Marcantonio's campaign manager, and union activities.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 77 minutes
Access Copy
Original Recording
Sender Garlin, Oct 14, 1976, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes discussion of Garlin's background in the Socialist Party in the 1910s and his time at the Daily Worker in the 1920s-1930s, including the paper's atmosphere and humor.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
Approval for direct quotations must be obtained from interviewee or his heirs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 122 minutes in two parts
Access Copy
Original Recording
Hugo Gellert, Apr 4, 1984, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes discussion of immigration from Hungary to the United States and return to Hungary during World War I. It also covers Gellert's work as an artist and cartoonist for commercial publications The New Yorker and New York, the Hungarian-American Left newspaper Uj Elore, and radical arts and literary journal The Masses. Interview includes Gellert's recollections of fellow Masses contributor John Reed.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Joseph Giganti, Jul 26, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes discussion of the Italian-American Communist newspaper II Lavoratore and its editorial staff and theatrical commentary. Giganti also discusses the nature of Italian-American Left in Chicago during the 1920s through 1940s, "anti-Red" police squad in Chicago, Giganti's expulsion from Communist movement, early Trotskyism, leftist activities of different ethnic groups in Chicago during the 1930s. Other subjects commented upon are the barber's union and Giganti's thoughts on the activities of various factions including those following Oehler, Lovestone, Cannon, and Muste.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 89 minutes in two parts
Access Copy
Original Recording
Katya Gilden, Nov 21, 1976, inclusive
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Original Recording
Custodial History
As of February 2025, the item is missing.
Todd Gitlin, Mar 1, 1970, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents the activities of Students for a Democratic Society during the 1960s.
Interview by Kirkpatrick Sale.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Barbara Gittings, Jul 26, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview discusses the gay liberation movement during the 1950s-1970s.
Interview by Howard August.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Jessie Glaberman, Aug 17, 1977 - Sep 3, 1977, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the Socialist Workers Party and Workers Party in New York, Philadelphia and Detroit during the 1930s-1950s.
Interviews by Lyn Goldfarb and Ruth Meyerowitz.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Martin Glaberman, Mar 29, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Glaberman discusses the Johnson-Forest Tendency in New York and Detroit during the 1940s-1950s.
Interview by Dan Georgakas.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Ruth Glassman, Feb 1, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Glassman discusses the American Youth Congress during the 1930s, World War II and shop agitation, women in factories, and the United Electrical Workers.
Interview by Ruth F. Prago.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 78 duration in two parts
Access Copy
Original Recording
Albert Glotzer, Oct 31, 1934, inclusive
Access Copy
Original Recording
Albert Glotzer, Dec 21, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Glotzer's family background in Russia and Chicago, the Communist Party during the 1920s, American Trotskyism during the late 1920s-30s, and the Workers Party during the 1940s. The last cassette contains a narration by Glotzer in response to written questions by Jon Bloom.
Interview by Jon Bloom.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 193 minutes in four parts
Access Copy
Original Recording
Lillian Gold, Apr 4, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Gold's youth in New York City, her recollections of World War I, seeking employment, her involvement in the Socialist Party in 1933, her activities with the War Resisters' League, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the trade union movement, and union work with teachers in 1950.
Interview by Sy Singer.
Use Restrictions
Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. In release form, narrator granted Tamiment Library broad rights pertaining to use of these materials. Please contact the Tamiment Library for further information.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Itche Goldberg, Jun 5, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Goldberg's role as editor of Yiddishe Kultur, his early literary influences, an analysis of the development of Yiddish literature, political and introspective approaches to literature, and literary criticism. Goldberg also discusses the future of the Yiddish language and literature.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Itche Goldberg, Feb 16, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview contains Goldberg's reflections on secular and religious aspects of Jewish cultural identity and an examination of unique characteristics of Jewish humor.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Goldens Bridge Colony, 1984, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
This recording documents life and political outlooks of the residents in this Westchester County cooperative community from its founding in 1927 through the 1950s.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Mollie Goldstein, Nov 7, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview topics include the Communist Party, women's organizations, price and rent protests in Brooklyn and the Bronx, and activism during the 1930s.
Interview by Bea Lemisch.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Nina Goldstein, Mar 19, 1980, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents Goldstein's early life in Russia and Canada, her work and political life in Brownsville and East Flatbush, Brooklyn during the 1920s-1930s, and the activities of the Communist Party. The interview also covers theMorgen Freiheit, the International Workers Order, Russian War Relief and aid to Israel during the 1940s, and the Jewish cultural movement in Miami Beach.
Interview by Bea Lemisch.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Walter Goldwater, Feb 15, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Goldwater discusses C.L.R. James during the 1920s-1960s, the Workers Party during the 1940s, Trotskyism, anti-Stalinism, neo-conservatism, Pan-Africanism, and Eric Williams.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Helen Goodman, Oct 20, 2002, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes discussions of childhood in Brooklyn and early jobs, the Great Depression, and work in defense plants during World War II. Activity in the UE Local 1707, American Labor Party, and Jewish Association Services for the Aged are discussed, as are May Day parades and her father's socialist activities. The interview also includes comments on the Paul Robeson concert at Peekskill and Rosenberg executions. Goodman also talks about members of her family and working with the Jewish Association Services for the Aged.
Interview by Laura Helton.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Michael Gordon, Mar 25, 1977, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Gordon describes his association with Frontier Films, and coming to film through a background with the Film and Photo League and Group Theatre during the 1930s. Gordon discusses and contrasts the politics of Frontier Films and Group Theatre. Interview also includes discussion of Gordon's work on various projects and associates in Hollywood and New York City.
Interview by Russell Campbell.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Grandma Was an Activist, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
The six half-hour segements of "Grandma was an Activist" include excerpts from OHAL interviews with Louise Thompson, Jane Dudley, Alice Dodge Wolfson, Meridel LeSueur, among others.
1) The Black and the Red 2) How Do You Spell Relief? 3) On the Line 4) They Shall Not Pass 5) Readin' and Ritin' on the Road to Power 6) Militant Muse
Historical/Biographical Note
Ruth F. Prago, a member of the Oral History of the American Left staff, developed the idea for a radio series based on interviews to be conducted for the OHAL collection. Together with Pacifica Radio, OHAL received a one-year grant from the New York Council for the Humanities to conduct interviews with twenty-five women about radicalism during the 1930s. Radio producers Beth Friend and Charles Potter used these interviews to make a six-part radio series titled "Grandma Was an Activist," first broadcast in 1983. One of the series interviewers, Bea Lemisch, and three of the women interviewed for the series, participated in a panel discussion at the 1984 Berkshire Conference on Women's History.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Leah Dillon Grant, Jul 24, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents Yiddish literary milieu in 1920s and role of interviewee's uncle, A.M. Dillon. Also covered are the Johnson-Forest Tendency, its leaders and activities during the 1940s, and cultural perspectives.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Janet Green, May 29, 2009, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview regarding Green's experiences growing up in the Bronx and working in New York City.
Interview by Jeff Eichler.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Samuel Greenberg, Oct 27, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents the activities of the Yiddish Left in Los Angeles and nationally from the 1930s-1980s. This includes Greenberg's analysis of various personalities in Yiddish literature including Leivick, Avrom Reyzen, Moshe Nadir, and others. He comments on the relative literary merits of the Morgen Freiheit, Forward, and Freie Arbeiter Stimme, and describes the break between the Freiheit and many writers on the Yiddish literary scene.
Greenberg expresses pessimism regarding Yiddish culture and working class political movements in the 1980s, and details his own loss of faith in the Soviet Union during the preceding decades. Facets of this discussion include the diminished state of Yiddish culture in the Soviet Union, contrasts between his travels there during 1930s and 1980s, and Greenberg's analyses of the reasons for the decline of Jewish progressive movement.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 80 minutes in two parts
Access Copy
Original Recording
Guardian Forum, May 26, 1973, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
"What Road to Building a New Communist Party?"; criticism of 1960s politics; history of class struggle.
Topics included: women's role in class struggle, role of race and nationality in class struggle, discussion of how new Communist Party would be organized, the tension between unity and sects, the activities of the October League
Hosted by the Guardian newspaper
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator of the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Sarah Gudelman, Nov 3, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes discussion of Sarah Gudelman's youth in Russia and Germany, her family history, immigration to Lower East Side in New York City and work in the garment trade. Other topics include life with her husband, the sculptor Gudelman, and the death of their first child. Also discussed are Sarah Gudelman's work as administrator for 18 progressive shuls in Bronx, her assessments of artists and Yiddish literary figures including Moshe Nadir and Itche Goldberg, and her involvement in the Communist Party.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Oive Halonen, Feb 27, 1978, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Halonen discusses Finnish-American radicalism in Minnesota and Oregon during the 1910s-1930s, participation in Spanish Civil War as member of Abraham Lincoln Brigade, and experiences as Seattle machinist during the 1940s-1960s.
Interview by Jon Bloom.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Michael Hanusiak, Mar 30, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Topics covered by this interview include the Ukrainian-American Left, the International Workers Order during the 1930s-1940s, the effects of McCarthyism, problems of organization, publications, and the generational continuity in the ethnic progressive movement through the 1980s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. In release form, narrator granted Tamiment Library broad rights pertaining to use of these materials. Please contact the Tamiment Library for further information.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 56 minutes
Access Copy
Original Recording
Louis Harap, Mar 19, 1978, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Harap discusses Harvard University during the 1930s, Jewish Survey during the 1940s, Jewish Life during the 1940s-1950s, the Rosenberg case, and Jewish Currents during the 1950s-1970s.
Interview by Jon Bloom.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Harlem Riots Inquiry, Apr 14, 1965, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview with Sanford Katz, the attorney representing defendants from the Progressive Labor Movement who were charged with involvement in the Harlem Riots of 1964. Subjects include criticism of actions of grand jury, selection of the grand jury, and the implications of holding Eleanor Goldstein in contempt multiple times over the same questions.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator of the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Michael Harrington, Oct 6, 1969, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the "prehistory" of Students for a Democratic Society during the late 1950s and the activities of SDS during the 1960s.
Interview by Kirkpatrick Sale.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 109 minutes
Access Copy
Original Recording
Michael Harrington, May 2, 1988, inclusive
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 190 minutes in three parts
Access Copy
Original Recording
Daniel Heartquist, Feb 5, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the Socialist movement in Sweden, Swedish-American Socialism, the Left in New England during the 1930s-1940s, and reflections on American Communism.
Interview by Bill Schecter.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 119 minutes in two parts
Access Copy
Original Recording
James B. Henry -- Transcript, May 11, 1976, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents the legal prosecution of the International Workers Order in New York State during the 1950s and Henry's role as ex-Special Assistant Attorney General.
Interview by Howard Brown.
Michael Henry, Jun 4, 1980, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Theresa Diamond.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 82 minutes in two parts
Access Copy
Original Recording
Philip Hochstein, Oct 28, 1986, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes discussion of immigration from Russian Empire, youth in Bayonne, New Jersey, and the press and the Left.
Interview by Diana Maull.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Otis Hood, Mar 24, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes discussion of Hood's union-family background, the New England Left in the 1930s, the Communist Party in Vermont during the 1930s, the Communist Party in Boston during the 1930s-1940s, Hood's experience in prison, and other reflections.
Interview by Bill Schecter.
General note
Index available
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 104 minutes in two parts
Access Copy
Original Recording
Walter Hoops, Oct 6, 1984, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents the Saint Louis Free Thought movement from the nineteenth century to 1940s, Hoops' background in Germany, his immigration to the United States, the Rand School of Social Science, the Socialist Party in Saint Louis during the 1930s, and Free Thought and atheism in Saint Louis from the 1940s-1980s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 73 minutes in two parts
Access Copy
Original Recording
Frank Horzen, Oct 26, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview consists of an analysis of politics in Fontana, California by member of the religious (anti-socialist) South Slav benefit association and steel worker, who later became mayor of Fontana. Also covers are attitudes toward Henry Kaiser and later (Third World) immigrants.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
International Labor Defense, Jun 21, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview with David Freedman, Sam Neuberger, and Fay Pasternak on International Labor Defense, National Lawyers Guild, and radical legal work in the 1930s-1940s. Interview includes recollections of Joe Brodsky, Carol King, Vito Marcantonio, and others.
Interview by Ann Ginger and Debra Bernhardt.
Use Restrictions
Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrators and interviewer. In release form, narrators granted Tamiment Library broad rights pertaining to use of these materials. Please contact the Tamiment Library for further information.
Access Copy
Original Recording
International Ladies' Garment Workers Union, Anonymous Woman 1, Oct 22, 1974, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by David Gurowsky.
Access Copy
Original Recording
International Ladies' Garment Workers Union, Anonymous Man 1, Oct 22, 1974, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview is on track 1 of CD ILGWU 1.
Interview by David Gurowsky.
Access Copy -- Interview
Access Copy
Original Recording
Original Recording
International Ladies' Garment Workers Union, Anonymous Woman 2, Feb 10, 1975, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by David Gurowsky.
Access Copy
Original Recording
International Ladies' Garment Workers Union, Anonymous Man 2, Dec 16, 1974, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview is on track 2 of CD ILGWU 2.
The narrator discusses work in the garment industry and figures in the ILGWU during the 1910s-1940s.
Interview by David Gurowsky.
Access Copy -- Interview
Access Copy
Original Recording
Original Recording
International Ladies' Garment Workers Union, Anonymous Man 3, Oct 24, 1974, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview is on track 2 of CD ILGWU 3.
Interview by David Gurowsky.
Access Copy -- Interview
Access Copy
Original Recording
Original Recording
International Ladies' Garment Workers Union, Anonymous Woman 3, Oct 23, 1974, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview is on track 1 of CD ILGWU 3.
Interview by David Gurowsky.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 60 minutes
Access Copy -- Interview
Original Recording
International Ladies' Garment Workers Union, Anonymous Woman 4, Nov 19, 1974, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview is on track 1 of CD ILGWU 2.
Interview by David Gurowsky.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 56 minutes
Access Copy -- Interview
Original Recording
International Ladies' Garment Workers Union, Anonymous Woman 5, Dec 27, 1974, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview is on track 1 of CD ILGWU 4.
Interview by David Gurowsky.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 23 minutes
Access Copy -- Interview
Original Recording
International Ladies' Garment Workers Union, Anonymous Woman 6, Oct 22, 1974, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview is on track 2 of CD ILGWU 1.
Interview by David Gurowsky.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 47 minutes
Access Copy -- Interview
Original Recording
International Ladies' Garment Workers Union, Anonymous Woman 7, Mar 12, 1975, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by David Gurowsky.
Access Copy
Access Copy
Original Recording
Original Recording
International Ladies' Garment Workers Union, Anonymous Woman 8, Jan 2, 1975, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview is on track 2 of CD ILGWU 4.
Interview by David Gurowsky.
Access Copy -- Interview
Access Copy
Original Recording
Original Recording
Evelyn Irsay, Jun 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Bea Lemisch.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
CLR James, Feb 25, 1974, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Recording of a speech titled "Africa and World Politics" at the University of Rhode Island.
Recorded by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator of the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
CLR James, Oct 15, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Abdeen Jabara, Mar 28, 1983, inclusive
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Jewish People's Chorus, Apr 14, 1980, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Excerpt from performance at Yablon Center in Los Angeles, California.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator of the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
S.J. Jokubka, Jul 28, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Jokubka's background in Lithuania and activities in Argentina during the 1930s. He also speaks of his editorship of Vilnis, a Chicago-based Lithuanian-language newspaper, since 1942. Jokubka also discusses the problems of publishing ethnic newspaper and the role of cultural activities in the Lituanian-American movement.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Howard Johnson, Oct 17, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Johnson's involvement in show business in Harlem during the 1930s and dancing at the Cotton Club. He also describes his politicization, his entry into the Communist party, community involvement during the 1940s, and figures such as Jackie Robinson and Paul Robeson. Johnson also analyzes the relations of blacks and whites in the Communist Party. The recording also includes a sound reel from his night class.
Interview by Richard Wormser.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Howard "Stretch" Johnson, Jun 26, 1984 - Aug 23, 1984, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Dan Cohen.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 330 minutes in five parts; Preservation note: Poor audio quality
Access Copy
Original Recording
Howard Johnson -- Transcript, Dec 1990, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
This interview is a part of the series "Oral Histories of African Americans" by the Center for Oral History at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. The interview covers his activities as a performer at the Cotton Club, as a Communist Party organizer, and as an educator.
Interview by Kathryn Takara.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Onni Kaartinen, Jul 7, 1984, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Kaartinen discusses his Finnish-American radical background during the 1930s, the Spanish Civil War, and fraternal and political activities from the 1940s-1970s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Morris (Moshe) Kaplan, April 15, 1980, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Kaplan discusses the Yiddishe Kultur Farband (YKUF) and the Jewish cultural movement in Los Angeles.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Maude White Katz, Oct 18, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Katz's early days in the Communist Party, the fight against white chauvinism, and the Needle Trades Industrial Union's activities during the 1920s.
Interview by Ruth F. Prago.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Ed Kempf, Oct 29, 1978, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Kempf discusses his role as New Jersey Regional Director of the Steel Workers Organizing Committee-Harrison-Hoboken-Jersey City, Crucible Steel, Otis Elevator, the Socialist Party, and the Socialist Workers Party during the 1930s.
Interview by Jon Bloom.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Aaron Kertman, Apr 7, 1980, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Kertman discusses the Yiddishe Kultur Farband (YKUF) and the Jewish cultural movement in Los Angeles.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 56 minutes
Access Copy
Original Recording
Anton Kerzic, Jul 27, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the origins of Slovenian-American fraternal movement in Waukegan and North Chicago, Illinois. Kerzic also covers his work in a cooperative grocery store during the 1930s-1940s and work with Finnish-American fraternal group in milk coop during the 1930s-1950s. Kerzic also discusses conflict between the midwestern and eastern factions of the SNPJ (Slovenska Narodna Podporna Jednota) and his role as founder of a savings and loan bank in Waukegan.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 89 minutes in two parts
Access Copy
Original Recording
Maurice Kish, Sep 23, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Maurice Kish, Oct 29, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Maurice Kish, Feb 17, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Brief interview with Russian-born painter about his family and his work.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Camp Kinderland Reunion, Jun 9, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Recording includes reminiscences, reading of letters, and songs and dances.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator of the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Mary Kolehmainen, Mar 10, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Koloehmainen discusses emigration from Finland, the activities of the Socialist Party, and the Finnish women's newspaper.
Interview by Bill Schecter.
Use Restrictions
Any rights (including copyright and related rights to publicity and privacy) held by Mary Kolehmainen and Bill Schechter for this interview were transferred to New York University. Permission to publish or reproduce this interview must be secured from the Tamiment Library.
Mary Kolehmainen must approve use of this interview, and wishes to be quoted by name.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Mary Kolehmainen, Jul 30, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Kolehmainen discusses her immigration to America, life in the Finnish-American Left, the activities of Finns in Boston area during the 1930s-1940s, her role as editor of women's weekly Naisten Viiri, and the support of Finnish-American movement.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 35 minutes
Access Copy
Original Recording
Joseph Korn, Apr 16, 1980, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Korn discusses the Yiddishe Kultur Farband (YKUF) and the Jewish cultural movement in Los Angeles.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Ernest Koski, Jul 31, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Koski discusses the Finnish-American Left in Mesabi Iron Range and the radical Finnish newspaper Tyomies.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Nettie Kravitz, Apr 1, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Kravitz discusses the Johnson-Forest Tendency, radical feminism, and activities on the East Coast and in Detroit, from the 1940s-1960s.
Interview by Dan Georgakas.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Rose Kryzak, Jan 4, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Kryzak describes growing up in New York City, her life as a Communist Party member from 1933, her trip to Soviet Union and impressions of it, the Communist Party and women's issues, and the McCarthy period.
Interview by Ruth F. Prago.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Jacob Kunin -- Transcript, Mar 2, 1967, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Kunin discusses ethnic groups and politics in Bridgeport, Connecticut during the 1920s-1940s.
Interview by Bruce Stave.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Kay Lahusen, Jul 26, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview with Kay Lahusen (also known as Kay Tobin) covers relationship between gay liberation movement and the Left, publications, and legislative campaigns during the 1950s-1970s.
Interview by Howard August.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Lang, M.P.G. -- Access Copy
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Discs are blank.
Ollie Leeds, Aug 9, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Howard August.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Meridel LeSueur, May 1, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview details author Meridel LeSueur's recollections of Minnesota radicalism during the Great Depression.
Interview by Jon Bloom.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Aaron Levenstein, Mar 5, 1974, inclusive
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Alfred Baker Lewis -- Transcript, Sep 8, 1967, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Lewis and his wife discuss the Socialist Party and the New England region during the 1910s-1940s and the civil rights movement during the 1940s-1960s.
Interview by Bruce Stave.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Fred Lilja, Jun 28, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Lilja discusses his immigration to the United States and his work as itinerant miner, lumber worker, and fisherman during the 1910s. He also covers the activities of Finnish-American Left in Monessan, Pennsylvania during the 1920s-1950.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Sam Liptzin, Mar 22, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Frank Lovell, Jan 19, 1990, inclusive
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Frank Lovell, Feb 2, 1990, inclusive
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Luisa, May 3, 1979 and Mar 30, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents the activities of the United Electrical Workers Local 431 at the Emerson Electric Company in Jersey City, New Jersey.
Interview by Ruth Prago.
Access Copy
Original Recording
James Lustig, Oct 20, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Lustig discusses the activities of Hungarian-American Left in the fur-leather and electrical workers unions during the 1920s-1940s, his own role in strikes, blacklisting in the 1950s, and work on Henry Wallace's farm. Lustig also discusses his involvement with the publications Uj Elore and Hungarian-American Word during the 1950s-1980s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
A.B. Magil, Oct 31, 1980, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Magil's in Yiddish culture in Philadelphia, life at the Daily Worker in the 1920s, and self-denial of Yiddish cultural activities for "broader field."
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
A.B. Magil, Jan 5, 1994 - Mar 27, 1995, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Allen Thompson.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Vito Magli, May 15, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interviews includes discussion of background as high school supporter of Vito Marcantonio in New York and youth leader of Marcantonio movement. Also covered is Magil's work as editor of Communist Italian-language paper, L'Unita and its support in mining regions and cities during the 1940s-1950s. Additionally, the interview covers Magil's retirement to Florida and reflections.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Mary Magner -- Transcript, Jan 26, 1975, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Magner's activities in the Bridgeport, Connecticut Socialist Party and role as executive secretary to Socialist Mayor Jasper McLevy from 1940-1957.
Interview by Bruce Stave.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Robin Maisel, Feb 28 and Mar 5, 1975, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers activities of the Socialist Workers Party during the 1960s-1970s, Maisel's work experience in print shops, and the influence of his parents' radical convictions and activities.
Interview by Claudia Hommel.
Use Restrictions
Release form assigns wide range of rights regarding use to Wayne State University. Please contact Tamiment Library or Wayne State University for more information.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Morty Manford, Aug 6, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview regarding gay rights.
Interview by Howard August.
Use Restrictions
Any rights (including copyright and related rights to publicity and privacy) held by Morty Manford and Howard August for this interview were transferred to New York University. Permission to publish or reproduce this interview must be secured from the Tamiment Library.
Morty Manford has requested that the interview be used for not-for-profit purposes only.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Julius Margolin, Dec 30, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview describes Margolin's activities from 1930s-1950s. Topics include the Food Workers Industrial Union, the National Maritime Union, the World War II no-strike pledge, the Communist Party view of Trotskyism, and the Korean War.
Interview by Jon Bloom.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Rita Margules, Jun 16, 2011, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Mike Nash.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Alice Marsh, Feb 24, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Subjects discussed in this interview include the activities of the Socialist Party during the 1930s and the struggle between Communists and Socialists in the Teachers Union.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Anthony Martocchia and Philip Lamantia, Oct 31, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Martocchia's anarchist origins in Italy and his anti-fascist activities in Chicago during the 1920s, the San Francisco/Las Gatos anarchist group during the 1930s-1950s, and his meeting with Philip Lamantia in the 1940s.The recording also covers Lamantia's sense of support from older anarchists in the 1940s and the importance of Malatesta for Martocchia. Anarchist publications in the 1980s are also discussed.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Matteotti Club, 1977, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Reunion of Rhode Island activists in Sacco-Vanzetti Defense Campaign, 50 years after execution. Disscussion of defense activities, mostly by Luigi Nardella.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator of the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
David Mattis, Dec 28, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Includes discussion of Jews in film, Yiddish culture, and the Morgen Freiheit and the Forward.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Grace Burnham McDonald, Aug 10, 1973 and Aug 25, 1973, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview is part of a series of interviews intended to document the activities of the Worker's Health Bureau, which was founded in 1920.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Tom McGrath, Mar 9, 1977, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers literature in the 1930s, poetry and the the Communist Party's Popular Front strategy, and Left Culture during the Cold War.
Taped responses to written questions from Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Tom McGrath, undated
Scope and Content Note
Recording of McGrath's reminiscences of the Chelsea neighborhood of New York during the 1930s-1940s, including the character of the neighborhood and radicalism there. Personalities discussed include Ray Condon, Mac and Maggie McLain, and Harold Gates. Topics include relationships with various unions in Chelsea neighborhood, waterfront workers and unions (including the National Maritime Union), a local radical newspaper called the Shamrock, McGrath's job with International Labor Defense, and conflicts with the Christian Front and German American Bund. He also speaks about his activities in Los Angeles in the 1950s. The second of the recording part contains additional information McGrath's background, including his introduction to radical left politics and student activism at University of North Dakota and Louisiana State University.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Ernest Rice McKinney, Feb 25, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Biographical interview with important African American radical, born in 1886. Topics covered include his youth and education, activities as Socialist during the 1910s, involvement with the Communist Party during the 1920s, his period as a "Musteite" during the 1930s and a "Shachtmanite" during the 1940s, the Unemployed Leagues, and A. Philip Randolph.
Interview by Jon Bloom.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Vida McLevy -- Transcript, Nov 4, 1966, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Topics discussed include the Socialist Party in Bridgeport and the career of her husband Jasper McLevy as Socialist Mayor of Bridgeport, Connecticut from 1933-1957.
Interview by Bruce Stave.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Medem Jewish Socialist Group/Forum on Jews and the Left, Feb 26, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Discussion by Paul Buhle and Arthur Liebman on Jews and the Left in the United States from 1890-1982, with questions from audience and response.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator of the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Sophie Melvin-Gerson -- Transcript, Mar 13, 1976, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes description of background and youth in Ukraine, Massachusetts, and New York. It also includes discussion of Gerson's involvement in the Young Communist League and the events of the Passaic and Gastonia textile strikes.
Interview by Alan Safron.
Clarina Michelson, Oct 29, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents strikes of department store workers.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Nick Migas, Mar 15, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers unionism and politics in Gary, Indiana during the 1930s-1940s, the relationship between ethnicity and race and nationalism, and the Wisconsin National Farmers Union in the 1950s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
John Mitchell, Mar 30, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the activities of the Packinghouse Workers and Communist Party in Boston, Massachusetts during the 1940s-1950s.
Interview by Bill Schecter.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Eva Mizara, Jun 24, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents Lithuanian-American radicalism during the 1920s-1960s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Restrictions
Interview closed, except with permission of Eva Mizara.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Mother Audley Moore, 1972, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents Moore's youth in New Orleans, the Marcus Garvey movement during the 1920s, the Communist Party in Harlem during the 1930s, and her break with the Communist Party.
Interview by Mark Naison.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Mother Audley Moore, Dec 23, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents Moore's experiences in the Communist Party in Harlem during the 1930s.
Interview by Ruth Prago.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Anna Morgan, Jan 22, 1981 - Jan 29, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Morgan discusses her Boston childhood, life in Cuba in 1917, and Chicago in the Depression. She also covers the activities of the Communist Party in Champaign, Illinois, Indianapolis, Indiana, and Columbus, Ohio during the 1930s-1950s.
Interview by Bill Schecter.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Gussie Moskowitz, Jun 4, 1976, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Moskowitz discusses her Hungarian-American background, the activities of the furriers union, the Communist Party, and general reflections.
Interview by Daniel Czitrom.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Elma Munckton, Nov 9, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Munckton discusses her experiences on a farm in Finland during the 1890s, emigration to the United States, life for domestic workers, and the activities of the Finnish-American Left in Bay Area during the 1920s-1960s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Emmanuel Muravchik, Dec 6, 1973, inclusive
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Jim Murray, Jun 20, 1984, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Discussion regarding Cultural Correspondence.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Access Copy
Custodial History
As of February 2025, the item is missing.
Original Recording
Rosemarie Muscat, Apr 13, 1980, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Beth Haskell.
Access Copy
Access Copy
Custodial History
As of February 2025, the item is missing.
Original Recording
Lillian N., May 19, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers activities at Brooklyn College, in the National Students' League, and with the Medical Bureau of Aid to Spanish Democracy during the 1930s.
Interview by Bea Lemisch.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Morris Nadelman, Apr 8, 1980, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Nadelman discusses his Yiddish Anarchist origins in Russia, Yiddish Anarchist activities in Los Angeles from the 1920s-1980s, Rudolf Rocker's personality and his circle, the activities of the Arbeter Ring (Workmens' Circle), and fund-raising for victims of Spanish Civil war.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
Any rights (including copyright and related rights to publicity and privacy) held by Morris Nadelman and Paul Buhle for this interview were transferred to New York University. Permission to publish or reproduce this interview must be secured from the Tamiment Library.
Direct quotation must be approved by Morris Nadelman.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Luigi Nardella, Mar 1978 and Sep 29, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
The first two disks or tapes are comprised of an oral history interview taken by Paul Buhle on September 29, 1982.
The third tape or disk is a speech delivered to Rhode Island Labor History Forum at Knight Public Library in Providence regarding unemployed movement in Rhode Island during the 1930s.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 116 minutes in three parts; Preservation note: on third part volume is very low
Access Copy
Original Recording
Al Nash, Dec 8, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Jon Bloom.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Steve Nelson, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers unemployed activities in Chicago, activities in anthracite coal districts, and the Popular Front and the Spanish Civil War.
Interview by Rick Wormser.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Original Recording
Walter Nelson -- Transcript, Apr 17, 1999, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Nelson's family history, education and work, and his involvement in the World Socialist Party (formerly Workers Socialist Party and Socialist Educational Society).
Interview by Katherine Brucher.
Esta Nette, 1978, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
One 1978 interview covering the history of the Pioneers, the Young Communist League, and protests.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Original Video Recording
Demosthenes Nicas, 1986, inclusive
Language of Materials
Scope and Content Note
Speech on Greek labor and radicalism.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator of the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Demosthenes Nicas, circa 1987-1989, inclusive
Language of Materials
Scope and Content Note
Nicas discusses activities from 1900 through the late 1930s, including the relationship between the CIO and Communist Party in Ohio, newspapers, and the impact of the Hitler-Stalin pact.
Interview by Dan Georgakas.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Rose Nobel, Feb 28, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Bea Lemisch.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Joseph and Ruth Norrick, Mar 15, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
The interview covers origins of radicalism in Indiana coal mining traditions during the 1910s-1920s, Joseph Norrick's role in 1930s-1940s Left, and perspectives on problems of "Americanizing" Communism in the United States. Ruth Norrick discusses her background in Terre Haute, Indiana, meeting with Eugene Debs, literary life in New York during the 1930s, Cold War-era blacklisting from United Nations Children's agency, and her work in journalism.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Clarence Norris, Feb 25, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents the Scottsboro Boys case, as recalled by one of nine defendants. Interview also covers the role of International Labor Defense and NAACP and the circumstances of his pardon.
Interview by Richard Wormser.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Paul Novick, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes discussion of the Morgen Freiheit and Yiddish literature.
Interview by Paul Buhle
Access Copy
Original Recording
Paul Novick, Jan 20, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Discussion of Yiddish culture and politics including his employment by the Groysser Kundes magazine as a humorist and his involvement with the Morgen Freiheit, which he joined in 1922 and edited from 1939-1988.
Interview by Paul Buhle
Access Copy
Original Recording
Paul Novick, Feb 9, 1985, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Stanley Nowak, Mar 30, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents the Polish-American Left in Detroit during the 1930s, cigar workers, the United Auto Workers, the American Slav Congress, different Polish-American Left organizations from the 1910s-1920s, and Poland in the 1980s. Only third disk of Nowak interview has been transcribed.
Interview by Dan Georgakas.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Marjorie O'Brien, May 7, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
O'Brien discusses her background in Wisconsin, the University of Wisconsin Trotskyist circle, activities in the 1940s, and her attitude towards C.L.R. James and Johnson-Forest Tendency.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Harvey O'Connor, Sep 27, 1977, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents O'Connor's activities in Seattle around time of 1919 general strike, his work in the Federated Press during the 1920s-40s, relationships with Communists and oldtime labor editors and ethnic radicals such as Ludwig Lore, activities in Pittsburgh during the 1930s, and the attack of the House Un-American Activities Committee during the 1950s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Edna Ocko, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview analyzes the relationship between the Left and dance in the 1930s-1940s, looking at form and content in radicalism and modern dance.
Interview by Richard Wormser.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Hugo Oehler, Jul 6, 1977, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Oehler's philosophical background and introduction to Marx, his involvement with the Communist Party, including organization through trade unions and undercover activities within CP on behalf of Trotskyites. Oehler further analyzes the struggles between Stalin and Trotsky supporters and discusses his activities in Spanish Civil War and opinions on French Turn.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Margaret O'Hara, Apr 22, 1980, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Theresa Diamond.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Gene O'Hare, undated
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Victoria O'Hare Von Hagen
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Bertell Ollman, Nov 5, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Ollman's background in Milwaukee in the 1940s-1950s, radicalism in Madison, Wisconsin, his political activities and intellectual growth in Madison Students League for Industrial Democracy, Students for Democratic Action, and his reflections on the Madison experience.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The release form that Tamiment Library has for this interview does not include transfer of copyright. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from the narrator, Bertell Ollman. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting this individual.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Celia Orlansky, Oct 27, 1981, inclusive
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Myra Page, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Jon Bloom.
Historical/Biographical Note
Myra Page was a Southern writer and novelist who authored The Gathering Storm and Moscow Yankee during the 1930s.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
John Pandera, Oct 22, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Pandera discusses the Left in the South Slav sections of San Pedro, California during the 1930s-1950s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Morris Pasternak, Mar 21, 1978, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Marvin Gettleman.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Louise Thompson Patterson, Nov 16, 1981- Nov 30, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Thompson discusses her youth in Sacramento California, her move to New York City, life in Harlem during the 1920s-1930s, and the Scottsboro case in the 1930s.
Interview by Ruth Prago.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Pearl, Feb 22, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes a discussion of Pearl's youth, her relationship with her mother, her mother's influence on her outlook, and her Panamanian/West Indian heritage. She also discusses work in a textile factory while at school, and a brief period in domestic work on Park Avenue in New York. Interview includes her philosophies on activism and struggle. She describes becoming an activist during the 1930s and joining the Communist Party. She also discusses Party actions and CP activity within the needle trades union. Pearl analyzes the nature of conflict within Communist Party leadership, particularly with relation to race and gender. She compares the difference between socialist approach and the CP approach. She concludes with thoughts on feminism, critiques of the Soviet Union, and friendship and family in the CP movement.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 63 minutes; Preservation Note: One of the audiocassettes could not be digitized due to its condition.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Albert Perocco -- Transcript, Jan 19, 1968, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Perocco discusses the Bridgeport, Connecticut Socialist Party and Jasper McLevy as Socialist mayor.
Interview by Bruce Stave.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Elaine Perry, Mar 26, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Perry discusses women's role in the electrical industry in New Jersey during World War II and the activities of the National Negro Congress. She also discusses the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE) and the International Union of Electronic, Electrical, Salaried, Machine and Furniture Workers (IUE) and provides general reflections.
Interview by Ruth Prago.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Irja M. Peters, Jul 30, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Peters describes growing up in Finnish-American left of the 1930s in Mesabi Range, her unhappy marriage to non-Finnish intellectual, and her return to her "roots."
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Sam Pevzner, Sep 24, 1978, inclusive
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Sam Pevzner, Jun 26, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Pevzner discusses experiences in the Pennsylvania International Workers Order (IWO), his background as a Jewish entertainer, his political conversion, and activities within the sphere of the Yiddishe Kultur Farband (YKUF).
Interview by Paul Buhle.
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Original Recording
Utah Phillips, undated
Scope and Content Note
Recording of the IWW folk singer recalling experiences from 1940s to 1980s on a WBJC (Baltimore) radio broadcast.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator of the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Marge Piercy, Apr 1979, inclusive
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Rose Podmaka, Jan 22, 1979 - Mar 19, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Podmaka discusses her background in coal and steel region of Ohio and West Virginia during the 1930s, experiences at the United Electrical Workers-Hatfield Wire & Cable in New Jersey during the 1940s, and the relationship between the UE and the Association of Catholic Trade Unionists.
Interview by Ruth Prago.
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Original Recording
Rose Podmaka -- Transcript, Oct 27, 1979, inclusive
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Ira Polansky, Nov 26, 2002, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview with a program director for Camp Kinderland documents Jewish political and cultural life and includes discussion of activities at the camp and childhood in the Coops, a radical housing complex in the Bronx.
Interview by Daniel Weber.
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Original Recording
Justine Polier, Jun 22, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Polier's recollections of legal work during the 1930s and the origins of National Lawyers' Guild.
Interview by Ann Ginger.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Popular Front Culture, Dec 1977, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Discussion led by Paul Buhle. Includes A.B. Magil, Steve Max, Steve Nelson, Nat Cohen and others, about the meaning of "culture" to younger generation in the Popular Front; attitudes toward sports, particularly baseball in the Left and in the Daily Worker; and neighborhood activity around cultural themes in New York.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator of the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Pearl Zeluck Porterfield, May 7, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covering the Johnson-Forest Tendency and the activities of the Workers Party during the 1940s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
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Original Recording
Albert Prago: Collection of lectures from the course "The Spanish Civil War and its International Impact", Oct 20, 1981-Dec 8, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
A collection of lectures from a Albert Prago-coordinated course entitled "The Spanish Civil War and its International Impact," held at the New School for Social Research in the fall of 1981. The lecturers were: Albert Prago (Oct 20, 1981, CD Prago 1-2), John Gerassi (Oct 27, 1981, CD Prago 3-5), Carl Marzani (Nov 3, 1981, CD Prago 6-8), Dante Puzzo (Nov 10, 1981, CD Prago 9-11), Victor Rabinowitz and Albert Prago (Nov 17, 1981, CD Prago 12-14), Maury Colow and Carl Geiser (Nov 24, 1981, CD Prago 15-17), Pete Seeger (Dec 1, 1981, Prago 18-20), and Albert Prago (Dec 8, 1981, CD Prago 20).
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for these recordings. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator of the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Albert Prago, Mar 20, 1991, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Don Amter.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
William Preston, Aug 10, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Preston describes the University of Wisconsin during the early 1950s, the impact of William Appleman Williams and others on historical studies, the Madison social and political milieu, his research on Industrial Workers of the World, and his experiences as a historian.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Timo Puropudas, Jul 31, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Puropudas, Buhle, and an unidentified man discuss Puropudas' Finnish background, his role as editor of Tyomies since 1970s, attitudes towards the status and future of ethnic presses, and Puropudas' life as recent immigrant. The recording also contains a brief segment of Buhle interviewing an unidentified woman who recounts a story of Finnish farmers being cheated by a land agent.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
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Original Recording
Paul Andreas Rasmussen, 1971, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Autobiographical narrative.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator of the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Paul Andreas Rasmussen, 1973-1974, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Rasmussen discusses his political background in the Illinois Socialist Party and Workers Alliance during the late 1920s/early 1930s, his activities within Socialist Party, the formation of the Socialist Workers Party, and expulsion from Socialist Workers Party in 1947.
Interview by Rich Klimmer.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 486 minutes in nine parts
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Original Recording
Paul Andreas Rasmussen, Apr 3, 1984, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes discussion of Rasmussen's political background in Illinois, the Socialist Party and Workers Alliance during the late 1920s through early 1930s, activities within Socialist Party and formation of Socialist Workers Party, and expulsion from Socialist Workers Party in 1947. It also includes a discussion of the Communist Party and conflict between its working class and intellectual elements.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 168 minutes in three parts
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Original Recording
George Rawick, Oct 4, 1984, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Rawick's family background, his adolescence in Brooklyn, experience around the Young Communist League and the Henry Wallace movement during the late 1940s, expulsion and attraction to the Shachtmanite movement, his activities during the 1950s, and the influence of the Shachtmanites on the New Left.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
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Original Recording
Philip Raymond, Oct 22, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the activities of the Auto Workers Union during the 1920s through the early 1930s, the political scene in Detroit, and the ethnic communities of auto workers.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
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Original Recording
Rose Raynes, Mar 21, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Raynes discusses the founding and activities of the Emma Larazus Federation and the International Workers Order during the 1930s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Ernie Reymer, Feb 16, 1978, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview regarding International Workers Order.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
George and Al Ribak -- Transcript, Apr 1, 1967, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview contains the recollections of two long-time former Socialist Party activists, including a description of the activities of the Bridgeport, Connecticut Socialist Party from the 1910s-1940s;
Interview by Bruce Stave.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Harvey Richards, Nov 5, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers labor activity in the 1930s-1950s, radical film-making from early 1960s, early work with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), and use of film as educational/fundraising tool. Richard also discusses making films about destruction of redwood trees and the Bay Area Vietnam protest movement.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
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Original Recording
Paul Richards, Nov 15, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Richards discusses his Bay Area background and contrasts the multi-racial, working class Left of Oakland, California with the middle class, largely white community Madison, Wisconsin. He also covers his activities as an open Communist in Madison during the late 1960s, his departure from Communist Party, observations about student Left, reflections on life since.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The release form that Tamiment Library has for this interview does not include transfer of copyright. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from the narrator, Paul Richards. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting this individual.
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Original Recording
Minnie Rivkin, Apr 7, 1980, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Rivkin discusses the Yiddish Chorus and broader Yiddishkayt from the 1930s-1980s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
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Original Recording
Lester Rodney, Dec 29, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Rodney discusses radicalism, sportswriting for the Daily Worker from the 1930s, and sports during the Cold War.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Amelia Romano, Dec 2, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents Romano's involvement in left-wing theater, particularly in the 1930s. Organizations discussed include the Group Theatre, the Federal Theatre, and the Theatre of Action.
Interview by Beth Friend.
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Original Recording
I.A. Ronch, Apr 14, 1980, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Ronch discusses political and cultural life in Allerton Avenue Coops in the Bronx from the 1920s-1950s, cultural life inside Yiddish-speaking sector of Communist Party, his role as leader of Jewish People's Chorus during the 1950s, and cultural and poetic activities in Los Angeles during the 1960s-1970s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
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Original Recording
Nina Rosenberg, Mar 14, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Rosenberg discusses the Yiddish cultural movement in Miami Beach from the 1940s-1980s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
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Original Recording
Sadie Rosenberg, Jan 11, 1979 - Jan 15, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Rosenberg discusses her youth and family life during the 1920s, the International Workers Order, the Trade Union Unity League, Young Communist League's activities in Brooklyn during the 1930s-1940s, the United Electrical Workers Local 427 at Solar Manufacturing Company in Bayonne, New Jersey during the 1940s.
Interview by Ruth F. Prago.
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Original Recording
Sadie Rosenberg, Oct 31, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Rosenberg discusses her family background and early life.
Interview by Ruth Prago.
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Original Recording
Paul Rosencrantz, Jan 15, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the activities of the Communist Party, the National Maritime Union, and factory organizing in New York and in Maine.
Interview by Bill Schecter.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 92 minutes
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Original Recording
Florence Rossi, Mar 17, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents the activities of the Hunter College Socialist Party and the broader Socialist Party during the 1930s.
Interview by Jon Bloom.
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Original Recording
Dan Rubel -- Transcript, Apr 12, 1976, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Rubel discusses activities at the Jefferson School of Social Science and the impact of the Cold War.
Interview by Debby Cohen.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Annette Rubenstein, Oct 17, 1976, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Discussion of literary environment and cultural criticism in the 1930s. Topics include: Masses and Mainstream, the Jefferson School, Realism as dominant style, disagreements between writers and Communist Party, the Party's role in 1930s America, detective stories, and drama. Writers discussed include: Dashiell Hammet, Leane Zugsmith, Ernest Hemingway, Alfred Maltz, Howard Fast, Mike Gold, Richard Wright, and Meridel Le Sueur. The interview heavily focuses on the outlook and intellectual currents of the Left in the 1930s, and some contrasts with the New Left are examined.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Annette Rubenstein, Dec 18, 1980, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Rubinstein's Long Island background and her political and union activities during the 1930s. These activites include the People's Mobilization, the American Labor Party, and day care and birth control informational campaigns. Rubinstein also discusses the School for Democracy and Jefferson School during the 1940s-1950s and the effects of McCarthyism.
Interview by Bea Lemisch.
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Original Recording
Annette Rubenstein, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Rubinstein describes joining the Communist Party, the activities of the American Labor Party activities, Mike Quill, the Jefferson School, leaving the Communist Party, and her life from the 1950s-1980s.
Interview by Richard Wormser.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Annette Rubenstein, Mar 9, 1993, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview regarding National Council of American-Soviet Friendship.
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Original Recording
Joe Rudiak, Jun 28, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Rudiak describes life in small industrial-town Pennsylvania during the 1920s-1930s, his union activities and Left affiliation, electoral campaign and red-baiting during the 1930s, life in Pittsburgh, and work in fraternal societies.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
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Original Recording
Joe Rudiak, Peter Muselin, and Bernard Luketich, Jun 29, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Nature and activity of the Croatian Fraternal Union, changes since the 1920s, the emergence of "progressive" leadership during the 1940s-1950s, and service to the membership. He also discusses the organization's insurance and cultural activities in 1980s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
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Original Recording
Julia Ruuttila -- Transcript, Sep 7, 1972, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the activities of the Industrial Workers of the World in Oregon and Washington during the 1910s.
Interview by Tom Copeland.
Use Restrictions
Release form releases rights regarding use to the Minnesota Historical Society. Please contact Tamiment Library or the Minnesota Historical Society for more information.
Kirkpatrick Sale, Oct 8 - Oct 11, 1969, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Recording is comprised of Kirkpatrick Sale's daily reactions to the Days of Rage protests in Chicago during October of 1969, which included the Students for a Democratic Society, Weathermen, Revolutionary Youth Movement (RYM), and Young Lords. Includes Sale's daily accounts, and segments from news reports that Sale recorded alongside his own interpretations of the events. Sale offers detailed descriptions of protester tactics and the clashes between protesters and the police.
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Original Recording
William Santora, Jul 25, 1980, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Santora describes early life in Jersey City, work at Emerson Radio New York, United Electrical Workers staff members helping to organize Federal Telephone and Telegraph, experience at the Westinghouse Elevator Company in New Jersey, and influence of the Left.
Interview by Ruth Prago.
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Original Recording
Sophie Saroff, May 15, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Recording of Sophie Saroff's 80th birthday party.
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Original Recording
Original Recording
Sophie Saroff, Dec 14, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Saroff's family background in Russia, the 1905 Revolution in Russia, the Rand School of Social Science, the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union (ILGWU), Camp Unity, and the International Labor Defense during the 1930s.
Per Saroff's request, a portion of the interview, representing audio that was lost between transcription and donation to the Oral History of the American Left, is read from the transcript.
Interview by Arthur Tobier.
General note
Transcript available, Box 2; Index available
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Original Recording
Finley Schaef, May 5, 1997, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
This interview with Reverend Finley Schaef of the Park Slope United Methodist Church chronicles his role as a leader in various movements on the Left in the late 20th century. These include the Viet Nam War anti-war movement, the abortion rights movement, the civil rights movement, and support for revolutionaries in Cuba, Nicaragua, and El Salvador.
Interview by Janet Greene.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by creators. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holders. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Daniel Boone Schirmer, Mar 18, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Topics covered include the National Students' League and the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO).
Interview by Bill Schecter.
Use Restrictions
Any rights (including copyright and related rights to publicity and privacy) held by D.B. Schirmer and Bill Schechter for this interview were transferred to New York University. Permission to publish or reproduce this interview must be secured from the Tamiment Library.
Direct quotations from this interview must be approved by D.B. Schirmer.
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Original Recording
Chaim Schwartz, Dec 29, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Schwartz describes his activity as a Yiddish poet and Yiddish cultural circles from the 1930s-1980s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
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Original Recording
Charles Schwartz, Apr 21, 1984, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Schwartz's background in Fall River from the 1950s-1960s, his high school radicalization, life and politics in Madison, Wisconsin in the late 1960s, experiences being down and out in California, his return to New England, and his activities in Left from the 1970s-1980s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
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Original Recording
Pete Seeger, Feb 25, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Seeger discusses the historical use of music as social protest, growing up in 1930s with folk music, the Communist Party song book, World War II, the blacklisting of artists during the 1950s, racism in America, and the Almanac Singers. Seeger performs songs at several junctures to illustrate his points, including union songs and a song about the Scottsboro Boys.
Interview by Richard Wormser.
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Original Recording
Berl Segal, May 4, 1977, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes discussion of the Workmen's Circle in Providence, Rhode Island during the 1920s-40s, ethnic socialist groups in Providence, and the activities of the Socialist Party.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Bernard Segal, Jul 14, 1992, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Dorothy Fennel and Daniel Walkowitz.
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Original Recording
Edith Segal, Feb 27, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Segal discusses music and dance and the Left in the 1930s.
Interview by Bea Lemisch.
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Original Recording
Irving Seid, Jun 4, 1976, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Seid discusses his New York background, the Depression and Unemployed Councils, and the effects of McCarthyism.
interview by Danny Czistrom.
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Original Recording
Tauhma Seid, Jul 4, 1976, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Seid discusses her youth in the Yorkville section of New York during the 1920s, cafeteria workers unionism, the Young Communist League, and the Communist Party during the 1940s-1950s.
Interview by Danny Czitrom.
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Original Recording
Leo Seidlitz, Jul 20, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes discussion of Brooklyn College radical politics during the mid-1930s, Trotskyism during the late 1930s, the Workers Party during the 1940s, and the influence of Max Shachtman.
Interview by Jon Bloom.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 115 minutes in two parts
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Original Recording
Leo Seidlitz, Aug 22, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview regarding Workers Party.
Interview by Allen Thompson.
Use Restrictions
Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. In release form, narrator granted third parties broad rights pertaining to use of these materials. Please contact the Tamiment Library for further information.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 73 minutes; Preservation note: drop outs at the beginning of each side
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Original Recording
Les Sentinelles Oubliées: Eva and David Rosenberg and Jack and Erika Karan, Circa 1990, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interviews with the Rosenbergs and Karans, taken for a French documentery titled Les Sentinelles Oubliées by Frédéric Rossif. Interviewees discuss their lives as Communists in 20th century America.
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Original Recording
Nina Serrano, Nov 16, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview contains Serrano's observations of middle-American culture as a Bohemian in Madison, Wisconsin during the in 1950s. She also discusses her recruitment into the Youth Labor League, her activities in the founding of the Peace Center, attendance at the Peace Festival in Moscow and travels in China, subsequent difficulty in school, Madison, and maintaining contact with friends from her time in Madison.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The release form that Tamiment Library has for this interview does not include transfer of copyright. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from the narrator, Nina Serrano. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting this individual.
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Original Recording
Mark Sharron, May 5, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers various aspects of the Workers Party, Trotskyism, Workers' Party, Max Shachtman, and the Shachtmanite movement during the 1930s-1950s.
Sharron discusses his travels with A.J. Muste through Holland and Paris in 1930s and a meeting with Leon Trostky in Norway. He also discusses his travels and experiences in Spain during Spanish Civil War and factionalism between different leftist elements, including the POUM, anarchists, and Stalinists. He details his interactions with POUM members and pro-Trotskyists and describes his arrest by anarchist leader on the Aragon front for affiliation with POUM. He also comments on the International Brigades, the Thalmanns, May Days, and reaction from others in the left when he returned to the United States.
He describes a visit with Trotsky and Raya Dunayevskaya at Trotsky's home in Mexico in 1938. He also describes different wings of thought regarding Russian question, including the Johnsonites, Cannonites, and Shactmanites.
Sharron then describes his service in Merchant Marine during World War II, and increasing involvement with the Workers Party. He analyzes the general outlook on on the Soviet Union during the second world war and impact on Workers Party politics in 1940s, particularly the San Francisco branch. He describes his travel to France after war and dissolution of marriage and analyzes the factions among the French Trotskyists.
Sharron also discusses his life from the 1950s, including engineering work in Morocco doing contract work for air force starting in 1951, the FBI monitoring of the left, reflections on friendship and relationships in left politics, and his second career in therapy. He also describes his falling out with Shachtman after Sharron went to FBI to renounce connections with Fourth International.
During the course of the interview, Bloom and Sharron refer to an earlier interview segment that the library no longer has record of.
Interview by Jonathan Bloom at Tamiment Library.
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Original Recording
Mark Sharron, Aug 19, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Sharron's childhood in Russia and Brownsville, his relationship with his family, his education at the City College of New York, the activities of the Young Communist League, his involvement with Trotskyism, his experiences in Europe, the activities of the Workers Party, and World War II.
Interview by Allen Thompson.
Use Restrictions
Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. In release form, narrator granted third parties broad rights pertaining to use of these materials. Please contact the Tamiment Library for further information.
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Original Recording
Mark Sharron, Nov 10, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Sharron's activity in the Trotskyist movement during the 1930s-1940s, Trotskyism and questions of international socialism, and the character of the Workers Party.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 46 minutes
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Original Recording
John Shenton -- Transcript, Jun 20, 1967, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the activities of the Socialist Party in Bridgeport, Connecticut during the 1920s-1960s.
Interview by Bruce Stave.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Moishe Shik, Dec 27, 1982, inclusive
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 63 minutes
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Original Recording
Anne Shore, May 12, 1982 - Jun 15, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the activities of the Communist Party, the activities of the United Office and Professional Workers of America (UOPWA), picketing of the Nazi ship the Bremen, Shore's experiences in Detroit during the the 1940s, the Civil Rights Congress and Progressive Party in Los Angeles during the late 1940s through early 1950s, the effects of McCarthy period on the left, and Shore's work for Local 1199 (Hospital Workers) during the 1960s.
Interview by Priscilla Backman.
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Original Recording
Meyer Shticker, undated
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Elias Shulman, Oct 19, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Paul Buhle
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Robert J. Silberstein and Howard Meyer, Jun 22, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the activities International Labor Defense and the National Lawyers Guild from the 1930s-1940s.
Interview by Ann Ginger.
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Original Recording
Fanny Simon, Feb 12, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents the activities of the Socialist Party during the 1930s.
Interview by Bea Lemisch.
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Original recording
Original recording
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Preservation note: Audio is muted, side 2 is blank.
Madeline Simon, Nov 15, 2002, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview contains Simon's reminiscences on Camp Kinderland and a discussion of music and Yiddishkeit.
Interview by Daniel Weber.
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Original Recording
Donald Slaiman, Dec 16, 1994, inclusive
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Original Recording
Jessie Taft Smith, Nov 19, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Smith's family background in Norwalk, Connecticut during the 1910s-1920s, the activities of the Young Communist League, the laundry workers' union, and Smith's social and political life in the 1930s.
Interview by Bea Lemisch.
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Original Recording
Richard Soble, Mar 31, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents radical legal work in Detroit during the 1960s-1970s (including "Red Squad" lawsuit) and a late 1960s rent strike.
Interview by Dan Georgakas.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Socialist Labor Party, Mar 17, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview regarding Socialist Labor Party "South Slavonian" language federation during the 1920s-1950s in Detroit and Cleveland. Interviewees include John Brlas, Mary Petrovich-Brlas, Vito DeLisi, Mary Korach, and Matt Korach.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Southern Negro Youth Congress, Feb 6, 1984, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Forum on the history of the Southern Negro Youth Congress featuring one-time SNYC activists Henry Winston, James Jackson, Grace Tillman Bassett, Esther Jackson, and Dorothy Burnham.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator of the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 120 minutes in two parts
Access Copy
Original Recording
Spanish Civil War Poetry, Apr 8, 1980, inclusive
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Digital transfer of the the second side of the second cassette was not possible due to poor condition of the tape.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Anton Srok, Jul 26, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the Srok's experiences in the Milwaukee Croatian Fraternal Union, 1930s-1980s and his labor activities in Milwaukee during 1930s. Srok also describes his experiences as an amateur Croatian-American actor in Milwaukee.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 71 minutes in two parts
Access Copy
Original Recording
Sid Stein & Eugene Dennis, Dec 1957, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Speech by Sid Stein from a debate with Eugene Dennis at CPUSA Executive Committee.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator of the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Charlotte Stern, May 7, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview regarding Stern's experiences as member of the executive board of Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee from 1944-1950. Second CD and cassette contains 2:56 of unrelated material on first track or side.
Interview by Dorothy Swanson.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Sholem Stern, Sep 18, 1978, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Stern describes his experiences as a radical Yiddish writer and poet in Montreal and New York during the 1920s-1930s.
Interview by Paul Buhle
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 61 minutes
Access Copy
Original Recording
Sholem Stern, undated
Scope and Content Note
Discussion includes comments on Morgen Freiheit, Yiddishe Kultur, and other Yiddish literary outlets. Interview also includes discussion of prominent Yiddish writers and the relationship between literature, the Jewish left, and the Communist Party.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Morton Stavis, Dec 9, 1991 - Jan 21, 1992, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Topics discussed include Stavis' youth on the Lower East Side, education at City College and Columbia Law School, Social Security Administration, unionism and civil rights, working with Senator Wagner, the War Labor Board, Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, Carl and Anne Braden, the Center for Constitutional Rights, and civil rights cases. Two specific cases covered are the McSurley Case of 1967 (regarding civil rights activists in Pikeville, Kentucky) and Philippines Case of 1986 (regarding property in New York owned by the the Marcos family).
Interview by Alan Thomson.
Use Restrictions
Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator. In release form, narrator granted Tamiment Library broad rights pertaining to use of these materials. Please contact the Tamiment Library for further information.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Isidor Steuzert, Oct 27, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents the activities of the Jewish Socialist Federation, the nature of American Communism, and the Lovestoneites.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 19 minutes
Access Copy
Original Recording
Chalmers Stewart, Jun 22, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview contains Stewart's reflections on CLR James.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Chaim Suller, Jan 20, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Suller describes his background in the Jewish progressive movement and discusses the problems of the Morgen Freiheit in the 1980s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 40 minutes
Access Copy
Original Recording
Elliot Sullivan Memorial Service, undated
Scope and Content Note
Speakers at this recorded memorial service include Sylvia Thompson, Madeline Lee Gilford, Ralph Elswain, Ruby Dee, Will Lee, Biff Liff, Jane Hoffman, Peter Seeger, and Norma Sullivan.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator of the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Arne Swabeck, Apr 7, 1975 - Nov 19, 1975, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Series of tapes recorded by John Shannon in the course of researching for an unpublished book. Topics covered in this extensive set of interviews include: childhood, travels, Communist activities, analysis of factional splits in the left from the 1920s onward, and reflections on the left at the time of the interview.
Interview by John Shannon.
Existence and Location of Originals
Original cassettes were donated to Columbia University's Oral History Research Office by John Shannon, and Columbia University also maintains a copy of the interview.
Audiovisual Access Policies and Procedures
Digitization of this interview was not completed, due to the poor quality of the audio and size of the interview. Based on John Shannon's session notes for the interview, these issues likely date to the original recording. Cassettes 246A to 246OO have been digitized. Cassettes 246PP to 246WW have not been digitized.
To request an access copy of materials in the undigitized portion of this interview, please contact with the collection name, collection number, and a description of the item(s) requested. A librarian will respond to you with further information.
Access Copy -- 1 of 2
Access Copy -- 2 of 2
Original Recording -- 1 of 2
Original Recording -- 2 of 2
Arne Swabeck, Oct 23, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the activities of the Scandinavian Socialist Federation and press.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
Any rights (including copyright and related rights to publicity and privacy) held by Arne Swabeck and Paul Buhle for this interview were transferred to New York University. Permission to publish or reproduce this interview must be secured from the Tamiment Library.
Researchers using this interview should be aware that Arne Swabeck made the following annotation on the release form for this interview: "Should anything I said during this interview appear to contradict my views as expressed at an earlier date, either written or oral, accept its earlier version to be the more accurate reflection of my views."
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 98 minutes in two parts
Access Copy
Original Recording
A.O. Syrstad, Jan 5, 1978, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents the activities of the Workers Party and the Independent Socialist League in Seattle, Washington during the 1940s-1950s.
Interview by Allen Thompson.
Use Restrictions
Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. In release form, narrator granted third parties broad rights pertaining to use of these materials. Please contact the Tamiment Library for further information.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 44 minutes
Access Copy
Original Recording
Loretta Szeliga, Dec 8, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Bea Lemisch.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Anna Taffler, Jan 5, 1978, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Taffler discusses the activities of the unemployed councils in Brooklyn between 1930 and 1934.
Interview by Jon Bloom.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Stephen Tendler, Oct 5, 1984, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Topics discussed include the activities of the Socialist Labor Party in Saint Louis from the 1930s-1960s, the Bulgarian Federation in Granite City, Illinois, and the reorganization of Section Saint Louis in 1979.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Norman Thomas -- Transcripts, 1960-1966, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview contains the reminiscences of Norman Thomas, the six-time Socialist Party candidate for President.
Interview by Harry Fleischman.
Norman Thomas 1932 Campaign, 50th Anniversary, Nov 19, 1982 - Nov 20, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
This recording of a reunion includes speakers Ruth Senior, Mickey Most, Herb Wolfe, John Herling, Noah Walter, and Michael Harrington. Speakers share their recollections of Thomas' first presidential campaign and discuss his career and influence overall.
Use Restrictions
REVISIT: Has signed release form, but may not be from necessary contributor. More like deed of gift? May actually pertain to OH 025 or OH 053.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Debate between Norman Thomas and Barry Goldwater, 1961, inclusive
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator of the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Bessie Thomashow, undated
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents the activities of the Workmen's Circle during the 1930s.
Interview by Jon Bloom.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Fred Thompson, Apr 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview regarding the activities of the International Workers of the World after 1924.
Interview by Dan Georgakas.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 89 minutes
Original Recording
Fred Thompson, Jul 26, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes an analysis of the nature of the language federations attached to Industrial Workers of the World, descriptions of prominent immigrant figures in IWW, and commentary on the eclipse of the language federations and ethnic press in the IWW.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
Any rights (including copyright and related rights to publicity and privacy) held by Fred Thompson and Paul Buhle for this interview were transferred to New York University. Permission to publish or reproduce this interview must be secured from the Tamiment Library.
This interview is not to be transcribed without the permission of Fred Thompson.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 87 minutes in two parts
Access Copy
Original Recording
Alan Thomson, Feb 11, 1993, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview regarding National Council of American-Soviet Friendship.
Interview by Stacy Sewell.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Ahrne Thorne, Dec 15, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents Thorne's background in Poland, his education as an anarchist, Yiddish anarchism in the United States since the 1920s, the relationship between Yiddish anarchism and Zionism, and Thorne's recollections of Rudolf Rocker.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Ahrne Thorne, undated
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Frank Trager, Nov 21, 1973, inclusive
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 98 minutes
Access Copy
Original Recording
Haunani-Kay Trask, undated
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Joy Shimabukuro
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Jerry Trauber, Nov 4, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Esther Travaglio, Oct 30, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents the background and activities of Esther Hartz Travaglio. It also covers the activities of "Gene" Travaglio, an anarchist and job-printer in Seattle and California.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 73 minutes in two parts
Access Copy
Original Recording
Jean Tussey, Oct 24, 1978 - Oct 25, 1978 , Mar 20, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Tussey's activities with the Steel Workers Organizing Committee, the Socialist Party, and the Socialist Workers Party in New Jersey and Southern California from the 1930s through the early 1940s.
Interview by Debra Bernhardt and Jon Bloom.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 111 minutes in two parts; Preservation Note: The third audiocassette could not be digitized due to its condition.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Uhro Tuominen, Nov 5, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents the activities of the "younger" generation of Finnish-American radicals in Midwest and California. Tuominen describes of the tenacity and decline of Finnish-American activity in Bay Area and the effort of Communist and non-Communist Finnish-Americans to engage in common functions.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 64 minutes; Preservation note: Poor audio quality
Access Copy
Original Recording
Gus Tyler, Oct 29, 1973, inclusive
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 78 minutes in two parts
Access Copy
Original Recording
Tyomies Panel Discussion, Jul 30, 1983, inclusive
Language of Materials
Scope and Content Note
Panel discussion including Mary Kolehmainen, Helen Kruth, Ernest Koski and other prominent editorial workers on the origins, development, and continuation of Finnish-language newspaper Tyomies (The Worker) and its sister paper Naisten Viiri (Women's Banner). Presentation includes history of paper, government intimidation of newspaper, achievements of Finnish-American press and people, the decline of the circulation, and the development of cooperative movements.
Discussion recorded by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator of the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Unemployed Organizations of the 1930s, Apr 30, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
A recording of a session of a 1983 New York State Labor History Association meeting. Includes a presentation by Roy Rosenzweig, followed by panel discussion with Saul Parker, John Gates, Rose Schuyler, and Brendan Sexton.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator of the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Unidentified Yiddish-language Poet (originally from Ukraine), Mar 21, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Narrator speaks about youth in Ukraine and Romania, introduction to poetry, influences (including Russian, Native American, African American, and Roma poetry), his books Flowers in the Snow and Eternally Green, the influence of Marxism on his poetry, and Moshe Nadir.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Willard Uphaus, Nov 9, 1980, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Recording of Willard Uphaus' 90th birthday celebration, by Bea Lemisch.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Willard Uphaus and Ruth MacLennan, Jul 20, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents the lives of Willard and Ruth MacLennan Uphaus, with a special emphasis on their activities in the 1930s. Topics include their meeting, the intersection of their politics and Christianity, their friendship with Claude Williams, and Socialism.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Vittorio Vidali -- Transcript, Aug 6, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the activities of the Italian Language Federation and the American Communist movement during the 1920s, Chicago and the Left, and Vidali's reflections on American Communism. Translated from the Italian-language Autobiography of Vittorio Vidali, a document on his years in the United States from 1923 to 1927.
Abraham Vishnu & Getzel Becker, Oct 25, 1978, inclusive
Language of Materials
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents radicalism and culture in New York and Miami Beach, anti-Semitism in the radical movements of Poland, life for Jewish workers in pre-revolutionary Cuba, and the importance of Yiddish culture for political movements from the 1920s-1950s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 124 minutes in two parts; Preservation note: Poor audio quality
Access Copy
Original Recording
Jacob Waisbord, Jun 28, 1993, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview regarding the Left Poale Zion and the Jewish Labor Committee.
Interview by Gail Malmgreen.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Hershel Walker, undated
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Frank Wallin, Jul 31, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents Wallin's editorial activities from the 1940s-1970s for the Finnish-language paper Tyomies and Industrilistii,, a Finnish-American newspaper affiliated with the International Workers of the World (IWW).
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Albert Warner, May 4-5, 1980, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview by Beth Haskell.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Susan Warren -- Transcript, Apr 17, 1966, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents the activities of the Committee for a Democratic Far Eastern Policy and the Jefferson School of Social Science during the 1950s.
Interview by Debby Cohen.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Arthur Waskow, Apr 2, 1970, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview describes activities and internal politics of Students for a Democratic Society. Waskow reflects on its eventual dissolution.
Interview by Kirkpatrick Sale.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 89 minutes
Access Copy
Original Recording
Mary-Alice Waters, undated
Scope and Content Note
A recording of Mary-Alice Waters' speech titled "Women's Liberation and the Socialist Revolution."
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this recording. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the creator of the materials. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from copyright holder. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Stan Weir, Dec 28, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview document's Weir's experiences in Los Angeles.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Stan Weir, Oct 22, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents Weir's analyses of the activities of C.L.R. James, the Johnson-Forest Tendency, and the Workers Party.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Original Recording
Custodial History
As of February 2025, the item is missing.
Stan Weir, Aug 13, 1983 - Aug 15, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview regarding Workers Party.
Interview by Allen Thompson.
Use Restrictions
Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. In release form, narrator granted third parties broad rights pertaining to use of these materials. Please contact the Tamiment Library for further information.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Louis Weiss, Mar 15, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes discussion of Weiss' emigration from Poland, his work as a dress presser, and activities of the The International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union (ILGWU).
Interview also includes commentary from an unidentified woman and unidentified man. The woman speaks to her experience in different progressive and radical organizations during the 1930s-1940s, including the International Labor Defense, American Labor Party, and others.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Myra Tanner Weiss, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Weiss' family and educational background in Salt Lake City and Los Angeles, the unemployed movement and Trotskyist movement during the 1930s-1940s, anti-fascist demonstrations, and her experiences as Socialist Workers Party candidate during the 1940s-1950s.
Interview by Jon Bloom.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Sam Weiss, Apr 8, 1980, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents the role of the Freie Arbeter Shtimme (Free Voice of Labor) in the labor movement of the 1920s-1930s and describes activities of anarchists within the Arbeter Ring (Workmens' Circle).
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Saul Wellman - Transcript, Aug 24, 1972, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the activities of the Communist Party during the 1930s-1950s, Wellman's reflections on the relationship between the Communist Party and unions, Communists and United Auto Workers during the Second World War, reactions to the Hitler-Stalin Pact, and the Left's activities during the Cold War.
Interview by Roger Keeran.
Saul Wellman: 65th birthday dinner, 1980, inclusive
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 144 minutes in two parts
Access Copy
Original Recording
Yvette West, Jan 19, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers West's family dynamics growing up, her youth in the International Workers of the World (IWW) during the mid-1930s, and the literary career of her father, Yiddish critic B. Rivkin.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Ed Wiese, Apr 24, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers Wiese's work in the Westinghouse Elevator Plant in Jersey City and the influence of the left. It also documents his time as president of Local 456 of the United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE).
Interview by Ruth Prago.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Jim Williams, Apr 2, 1970, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview regarding the internal politics and activities of Students for a Democratic Society on campuses across the United States. Williams also comments on reasons for the SDS split and the different Marxist factions in the New Left.
Interview by Kirkpatrick Sale.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Paul W. Williams - Transcript, May 11, 1976, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents the prosecution of International Workers' Order during the 1950s.
Interview by Howard Brown.
Tim Wohlforth - Transcript, Aug 29, 1976, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents Wohlforth's background in Bridgeport, Connecticut during the 1930s-1940s and Socialism and Trotskyism during the 1950s.
Interview by Douglas Cooper.
Alice Dodge Wolfson, Apr 1, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents the activities of the League for Industrial Democracy, the Office Workers Union, the New England CIO, and the Socialist Party during the 1930s.
Interview by Bea Lemisch.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Workers Party/Standing Fast Conference, May 6, 1983 - May 7, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Recording of an event commemorating the opening of the Max Shachtman Papers at the Tamiment Library. Panel presentations on 1) the character and activities of the Workers Party, 1940-49 2) Harvey Swados' novel Standing Fast, based on the WP, and 3) three magazines with roots in the WP, Politics, Dissent, and New Politics. Speakers include Herman Benson, Ricky Flanders, Albert Glotzer, Julius Jacobson, Irving Sanes, Morton Clurman, Paul Cowan, Lewis Coser, Robert Cummings, and Phyllis Jacobson.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Frederick Wright, Jun 20, 1984, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Wright describes the background of his family and his grandfather's influence on his drawing, his work as a clip-joint musician during the 1920s, going to sea during the 1930s, his work as freelance cartoonist for National Maritime Union (NMU), the Cold War, and his work for the UE News.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Fannie Yellin, Apr 16, 1980, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Yellin describes the anarchist circle in Philadelphia during the 1910s, the personality and ideas of Rudolf Rocker, and the role of the Rocker Circle in Los Angeles in publishing Rocker's work and facilitating his speaking tours.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Karl Yoneda, Jan 7, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents the Japanese-American Communist movement in the 1920s-1930s, the Japanese-language press in the 1920s and early 1930s, sectarian errors, cultural events, role in labor movement and opposition to the concentration camps that incarcerated Japanese-Americans during World War II, the Popular Front in the Japanese-American Left, and the state of Asian-American labor in the 1980s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Vincent Young, Aug 4, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Discussion includes Young's youth in New York during the 1920s-1930s, his involvement in a black masonic lodge, and the activities of the Congress of Radical Equality (CORE) in Brooklyn during the 1940s-1960s. Other topics include the Downstate Medical Center, New York World's Fair demonstrations, and housing issues in Brooklyn in the 1980s.
Interview by Howard August.
Access Copy
Original Recording
Mary Zackheim, Oct 24, 1978, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes stories about Moshe Nadir and other Jewish literary personalities, Zackheim's philosophies on life, and Zackheim's thoughts on the Communist Party. Second portion of interview is not not Mary Zackheim. It is an unidentified man speaking about Communist Party involvement in a strike.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 30 minutes in two parts
Access Copy
Original Recording
Meyer Zackheim, Oct 24, 1978, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the activities of the New York Left in the 1910s-1920s and the problems of the Jewish progressive movement in Miami Beach in the 1970s.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 17 minutes
Access Copy
Original Recording
Meyer Zackheim, Abe Glassman, Florence Glassman, Ben Kliger, and Rosenfeld, Oct 24, 1978, inclusive
Language of Materials
Scope and Content Note
This group interview, taken in Miami Beach, Florida, collects members' recollections of the progressive Jewish cultural movement in the 1920s-1940s. Topics discussed include how narrators became involved in the movement, trade union activism (especially in the needle trades), strikes, the Workmen's Circle, the Morgen Freiheit, Jewish theatre, music and theatre clubs, and factional divisions on the left.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form from all narrators. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the Tamiment Library and certain narrators. Please contact the Tamiment Library for more information.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 63 minutes
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Original Recording
Meyer Zackheim, Archie Rothenberg & Rose Lipshitz, Oct 24, 1978, inclusive
Language of Materials
Scope and Content Note
Interview regarding the relationship of culture and the Jewish progressive movement. Rose Lipshitz discusses the challenges of immigrant women in America of 1920s and the appeal of the Left. Archie Rothenberg discusses political activities of Jewish Left in 1920s-1930s. Additional topics covered include lectures, union activism in garment and millinery trades, women's roles in trade union and Left political organizations, the Bund and labor activities in Poland, the destruction of Eastern European Jewish communities during the Holocaust, and Yidisher Kultur Farband (YKUF) reading circles.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form from all narrators. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the Tamiment Library and certain narrators. Please contact the Tamiment Library for more information.
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Original Recording
Meyer Zackheim, Ed Weiss, Julius Silver, and Sylvia Silver, Oct 24, 1978, inclusive
Language of Materials
Scope and Content Note
Group interview concerning the relationship of Jewish culture and left movements in the first decades of the twentieth century. Topics include immigration following the 1905 Russian Revolution, the International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU), needle trade strikes, the founding of the Yidisher Kultur Farband (YKUF), political orientations within YKUF, the Morgen Freiheit, the role of women in the YKUF and garment unions, Jewish choruses, the concentration of left activities in Chicago in the early twentieth century, German-American socialist organizations compared with Jewish organizations, the Communist Party's relationship with culture, and the Soviet Union. Group likely also contains Mary Zackheim.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form from all narrators. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the Tamiment Library and certain narrators. Please contact the Tamiment Library for more information.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 124 minutes over two parts
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Original Recording
Joseph Zawadowski, Jul 28, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents the activities of the Polish-American Left in Chicago from the time of his father (1920s) to the 1980s and Zawadowski's own experiences in the Spanish Civil War.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 124 minutes in two parts
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Original Recording
Steve Zeluck, Dec 15, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview covers the Johnson-Forest Tendency, Trotskyism in Philadephia and Chicago, and Zeluck's reflections on C.L.R. James.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Duration: 63 minutes
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Original Recording
Steve Zeluck, undated
Scope and Content Note
Interview includes discussion of the Johnson-Forest Tendency, CLR James, and the Socialist Workers Party.
Interview by Paul Buhle.
Use Restrictions
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives does not hold a release form for this interview. Copyright (and related rights of publicity and privacy) are held by the narrator and interviewer. Permission to publish or reproduce materials must be secured from narrator and/or interviewer. Please contact the Tamiment Library for assistance in contacting these individuals.
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Original Recording
Charles Zimmerman, Oct 31, 1974, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents the activities of the International Ladies' Garment Workers Union (ILGWU) and the struggle between left and right in the 1910s-1920s.
Interview by David Gurowsky.
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Original Recording
Celia Lewis Zitron - Transcript, May 8, 1976, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Interview documents the activities of the New York Teachers Union during the 1940s.
Interview by Glenn Goldstein.