Series II: Subject Cartoons, 1937-2000, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
Series II: Subject Cartoons consists of cartoons filed by hundreds of different subjects. This series is divided into two subseries, the first of which contains cartoons that were pulled from the Daily Worker and Daily World Photograph Collection (PHOTOS 223). The folder titles that the cartoons came out of were retained in this sub-series. The material ranges in date from 1937-1988, but for the most part is undated. The second subseries contains another set of cartoons arranged by subject. These presumably were used as a cartoon and graphic filing system for the Daily Worker/Daily World.
Subseries A: Daily Worker/Daily World Subject Cartoons, 1937-1988, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
This subseries consists of original and pre-press drawings. Roughly half the folders contain signed artwork. Artists that have considerable representation in this subseries include: Eric (James Erickson), Hayle, Sam Hill, Hal Kinkaid, and Snow (Haile Hendrix). Subjects represented in the cartoons are diverse and range from the Black Panthers, civil rights, and women to housing, the Ku Klux Klan, and labor history. The topics in the subject series are as diverse as the Daily Worker/Daily World's coverage.
African Americans: United States History, undated
African Americans: Voting Discrimination, undated
Agriculture, undated
Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union: JP Stevens Boycott, 1976, inclusive
American Bar Association (ABA), 1966, inclusive
American History: Space: Strategic Defense Initiative, undated
Automation, undated
Babies, undated
Beaches and Pools, undated
Bible: Illustrations, 1968, inclusive
Biological and Chemical Warfare, undated
Black Panthers, 1969, undated, inclusive
Bombings, 1970, inclusive
Bosses, undated
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 1967, inclusive
Children, undated
Chile: Demonstrations for, 1974, inclusive
China, 1972, undated, inclusive
China: Army and Navy, undated
Christian Crusade, undated
Civil Rights, 1966, undated, inclusive
Colonialism, 1965, inclusive
Communist Party of the United States of America, 1974, undated, inclusive
Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA): 21st Convention, 1975, inclusive
Corporations, 1969, undated, inclusive
Crime, 1945, inclusive
Daily Worker, 1964-1967, undated, inclusive
Daily Worker: Column Headings and Masthead, 1967, undated, inclusive
Daily Worker: Bazaars, 1962, inclusive
Daily World, 1975-1980, undated, inclusive
Daily World: Column Headings and Masthead, 1968-1974, inclusive
Daily World: Picnics, 1980, undated, inclusive
Democratic Party: Watergate Scandal, 1973, inclusive
Disarmament, undated
Draft: Demonstrations Against, 1967, undated, inclusive
Drugs, 1972, inclusive
Education and Students, 1964-1972, undated, inclusive
Elections and Voting, 1972, inclusive
Factories, undated
Farms/ Farming, undated
Fascism: United States, 1945-1952, inclusive
Federal Republic of Germany: Berlin, 1969, inclusive
Federal Republic of Germany: Rearmament, unated
Food, 1972-1975, undated, inclusive
Food Service Industry and Workers, 1969, inclusive
Foreign Citizens: Immigrants, undated
France: Revolution, 1969, inclusive
Freedom Riders: Demonstrations for, undated
Funerals, undated
Garment Workers, undated
Germany: Third Reich, undated
Greece, 1969, inclusive
Hands, undated
Health and Medicine, 1973-1974, undated, inclusive
Hippies, 1970, inclusive
Homelessness, undated
Hospitals, undated
House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) (United States House of Representatives Committee on Un-American Activities), 1948, undated, inclusive
House Painters, undated
Housing, 1969, inclusive
Hunger, undated, inclusive
Integration: Demonstrations for, 1955, inclusive
International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation (ITC), 1972, inclusive
Israel, 1970, inclusive
Italy: Ancient Rome, undated
Jefferson Bookshop (New York, NY), undated
Jim Crow, undated
Ku Klux Klan, 1963, inclusive
Labor History, undated
Labor Management Relations Act: Demonstrations against, undated
Labor Organizations, 1987, undated, inclusive
Labor Organizations: AFL-CIO, 1950, inclusive
Labor Organizations: Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America, 1977, inclusive
Labor Organizations: AFT: Rapp-Coudert Committee, undated
Labor Organizations: CIO Conventions, 1943, inclusive
Labor Organizations: Strikes, 1970, inclusive
Labor Organizations: UAW-Strikes-GM, 1937, inclusive
Labor Organizations: UFWA, 1973, inclusive
Labor Youth League, undated
Latin America, 1967, inclusive
Liquor Industry, 1969, undated, inclusive
Longshoremen, undated
Loyalty Oath, 1962, inclusive
Ludlow Massacre, 1914, inclusive
Lumber Industry and Workers, undated
March on Washington, 1963, inclusive
May Day Parade and Celebrations, 1979, undated, inclusive
McCarran Act, 1956-1962, undated, inclusive
Miners and Mining Industry, 1968, undated, inclusive
Money, undated
Movies/ Theater, undated
Music, undated
Napalm- Demonstrations against, 1968, inclusive
National Association of Manufacturers: United Business Committee, 1955, inclusive
National Maritime Union (NMU), undated
Nature, 1978, inclusive
New York Daily News, undated
Newspaper Industry and Workers, undated
Newsstands and Newsdealers, undated
Nuclear Weapons, undated
Nuclear Weapons: Explosives, undated
Oil Industry and Workers, 1974, undated, inclusive
Oil Industry and Workers: Demonstrations Against, undated
Peace, undated
Pentagon, 1969, inclusive
People, undated
Police, 1971, undated, inclusive
Poor People's Campaign, 1960, inclusive
Population Explosion, 1966, inclusive
Portugal, undated
Prisoners, undated
Profile Drawings, 1987, inclusive
Profits, undated
Progressive Party, undated
Puerto Rico: Independence Movement, undated
Racial Unity, undated
Racism, undated
Radio, undated
Railroad Industry and Workers, undated
Religion, undated
Republican Party, 1964, inclusive
Rosenberg Case, undated
Sacco and Vanzetti Trial, undated
Scabs- Strikebreaking, undated
School Information, undated
School Integration: Demonstrations for, undated
Shaving, undated
Sheep and Goats, undated
Ships and Boats, undated
Smith Act (Alien Registration Act), 1949, inclusive
Smith Act- Trial of 1949 (Foley Square Trial), undated
Soldiers, undated
Soviet Union: Anti-Soviet Propaganda, undated
Soviet Union: Foreign Relations: United States, 1974-1988, inclusive
Soviet Union: Satire, undated
Soviet Union: Science, 1969, inclusive
Space, undated
Sports: Baseball, undated
Sports: Bowling, undated
Statue of Liberty, undated
Steel Industry and Workers, undated
Stockholm Appeal (World Peace Council), undated
Strikes, undated
Subways, undated
Summer, undated
Taiwan, 1966, inclusive
Taxes, 1966-1970, undated, inclusive
Television, 1978, undated, inclusive
Trade, undated
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire (New York, NY), 1911, inclusive
Trotskyites, 1970, inclusive
Unemployment, 1970, 1975, undated, inclusive
Unions, undated
United States: Air Force, 1972, inclusive
United States: Army, undated
United States: Congress, undated
United States: Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1969, undated, inclusive
United States: History, undated
United States: History: Founding Documents, undated
United States: Imperialism, 1968-1975, inclusive
Various Subjects I, undated
Various Subjects II, undated
Various Subjects III, undated
Various Subjects IV, undated
Various Subjects V, undated
Various Subjects VI, undated
Vietnam War, 1963-1971, undated, inclusive
Vietnam War: Demonstrations Against: United States, 1967, inclusive
Vietnam War: United States Atrocities: My Lai Massacre, undated
Washington (D.C.), 1973, undated, inclusive
Water and Water Pollution, undated
Wealth/ Luxury, undated
Welfare, undated
Witch Hunts I, undated
Witch Hunts II, undated
Women, undated
Women: Feminist Movements, 1972, inclusive
Women: Housewives, undated
Women: Housework, undated
Women: Mothers, undated
Women Workers, undated
The Worker, undated
Workers, 1969-1972, inclusive
Workers: African-Americans: Men, undated
Workers: African-Americans: Women, undated
Workers' Bookshop (New York, NY), undated
World War I, undated
World War II: Pearl Harbor, undated
Young Workers Liberation League, 1977, undated, inclusive
Subseries B: General Subject Cartoons, 1947-2000, inclusive
Scope and Content Note
This subseries contains cartoons from 1947-2000, and consists chiefly of copies of cartoons. The original order of this subseries was maintained. Ostensibly the files were a graphic and cartoon filing system for the Daily Worker/Daily World and its later incarnations. An index to the cartoons can be found at the beginning of the subseries.