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Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Spanish Civil War Poster Collection
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Pico[lo]. "La joventut defensarà Catalunya. Diada de la joventut 14-21 de Marc." [Published by] F[ederacion] J[oventut]. H: 27.5 x W: 19.5 inches.: Undated
Guide to the Spanish Civil War Poster Collection
Series I: Spanish Civil War Posters from the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives Collection, 1936-2003.
Pico[lo]. "La joventut defensarà Catalunya. Diada de la joventut 14-21 de Marc." [Published by] F[ederacion] J[oventut]. H: 27.5 x W: 19.5 inches.: Undated
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Pedrero. "El generalisimo." [Published by] Junta Delegada de Defensa, Delegacion de Propaganda y Prensa. Imprint "Sindicato Profesionales Bellas Artes, U.G.T. Rivadeneyra U.G.T. - Madrid." H: 38.6 x W: 27.2 inches. : Undated
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"!Comerciante! En los frentes, los combatientes defienden nuestro suelo frente a la codicia extranjera." [Published by] S[ocorro] R[oio] I[nternacional], Campaña de Invierno. Imprint "Imp. y Lit. Ortega- Intervenido U.G.T.-C.N.T." H: 12.6 x W: 35.4 inches.: Undated
Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South
2nd Floor
New York, NY 10012