Spanish Civil War Poster Collection
Call Number
Language of Materials
This collection is comprised of two separate, but related, groups of Spanish Civil War posters held by the Tamiment Library. Although the two groups are stored separately, and are of different provenance, their closely related contents warranted bringing them together in a single collection guide. Series I: Spanish Civil War Posters from the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives Collection, 1936-2003: The core group of posters in this group came to the Tamiment Library as part of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA) Collection, which was acquired by New York University in 2001. Other posters have been donated since, and the collection continues to grow. Spanish Civil War Posters were published by a variety of organizations representing both sides of the conflict, but best known, and most numerous, were those produced by the government of the Spanish Republic and its various divisions and allies -- government bodies, political parties, trade unions, and other groups ranging from Socialist, Communist and Anarchist parties to art collectives, youth groups, and aid organizations. Of the more than 230 posters in the ALBA series most were produced and published in Spain by groups that supported the cause of the Republic. But the series also includes posters published in the United States, Italy, Mexico, Cuba, France, and Germany, either in support of the Republican cause, or, in later years, to publicize commemorations, anniversaries, exhibits, film screenings, and other events relating to Spanish Civil War history. Series II: Spanish Civil War Posters from the Tamiment Library Poster Collection (TAM Graphics 002), 1936-1938: This group of posters is part of the Library's general poster collection. It is an open collection, acquired by the library over many years, from many sources.
Historical/Biographical Note
Political posters' essential role in propaganda and sustaining morale of both combatants and civilians during the Spain's Civil War of 1936-1939 has been well-documented in numerous books, exhibitions and catalogs. They were published by organizations representing both sides of the conflict, but best known, and most numerous, were those produced by the government of the Spanish Republic and its allies. These posters, published by political parties, labor unions and federations, and other entities, reflect deep divisions between the Republic's supporters -- ranging from the Socialist, Communist and Anarchist parties, to smaller splinter groups, collectives, aid organizations, youth groups, and regional militias.
Their striking graphic qualities and propaganda value, which observers noted during the War and have attracted art historians and collectors ever since, served very practical ends. Posters were aimed at, and competed for the attention of, viewers who were often literally under fire. The large numbers of posters that were produced (an estimated 1,500-2,000 posters appeared, many printed in editions of 3,000 to 5,000, in the brief period 1936-1939) made them "an essential part of the visual landscape" of the war, as one scholar has observed. Posters were also used to garner support for the Republic, and for the International Brigades of volunteers that came to its defense, in other countries around the world.
In the years after the War's end, posters continued to be used to publicize history of the Republic and its legacies. Posters protested the authoritarian rule of General Franco (whose rebel forces had defeated the Republic), memorialized the War and the Republic, advocated for refugees and veterans, and eventually celebrated the return of a democratically-elected government to Spain after Franco's death in 1975.
La guerra civil en 2000 carteles: república-guerra civil-posguerra, compiled by Jordi Carulla and Arnau Carulla. [Alternate title: Guerra civil en dos mil cartels] Barcelona: Postermil, 1997.The visual front: posters of the Spanish Civil War from UCSD's Southworth Collection. (
Items are arranged alphabetically by artist's surname, followed by items arranged alphabetically by title (posters for which the artist's name is unknown).
Organized into two series: I:Spanish Civil War Posters from the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives Collection, 1936-2003; II: Spanish Civil War Posters from the Tamiment Library Poster Collection, 1936-1938.
Scope and Content Note
This collection is comprised of two separate, but related, groups of Spanish Civil War posters held by the Tamiment Library. Although the two groups are stored separately, and are of different provenance, their closely related contents warranted bringing them together in a single collection guide. Researchers should note the item numbers of any posters requested, since these numbers reflect the locations of individual posters. Each poster has an item number consisting of two letters, followed by a number. The two letters denote the country in which the poster was produced: CU=Cuba, DD=Germany, ES=Spain, FR=France, IT=Italy, MX=Mexico, US=United States. Poster locations are indicated by flat file case (FFC) number and folder number.
Series I: Spanish Civil War Posters from the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA) Collection, 1936-2003. is divided into four sub-series, as follows: Subseries I:A: Civil War Era: Spain, 1936-1938. Subseries I:B: Civil War Era: Other Countries, 1937-1943. Subseries I:C: Post-Civil War Era: Spain, 1976-1997. Subseries I:D: Post-Civil War Era; Other Countries, 1966-2003.
The majority of the posters in this series were produced and published in Spain by organizations (political parties and their subgroups, national regional and local government agencies, military authorities, trade unions, aid organizations, collectives, etc.) supporting the cause of the Spanish Republic, but the collection also includes posters published during the war years and after in the United States, Italy, Mexico, Cuba, France, and Germany. Identified creators of the posters include thirty-three artists, the best-known of whom are Jose Bardasano, Josep Renau, and the Hungarian-American, Hugo Gellert. About half the poster artists are not identified.
Civil War era posters were published by a wide variety of organizations, including, but not limited to: the Socialist-leaning Union General de Trabajadores (UGT); the anarchist Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) and Juventudes Libertarias; Partido Comunista de España; Front Popular de Catalunya; Junta Delegada de Defensa de Madrid; El Grupo Sindical Socialista de Radiocomunicacion lleguara a la URE. a la Victoria; Sindicato Profesionales Bellas Artes, UGT; and the parallel (and rival) aid organizations, Socorro Rojo Internacional (aka International Red Aid, sponsored by the Communist International) and Socorro Rojo de España (sponsored by the Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista, [POUM]). Organizations based outside of Spain include the Friends of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade and the Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee.
The post-Civil War era posters, also divided between those produced in Spain and in other countries, were produced to commemorate anniversaries; to honor the veterans; and to publicize film screenings, theatrical performances, conferences, and other events relating to Spanish Civil War history.
Series II: Spanish Civil War Posters from the Tamiment Library Poster Collection (TAM Graphics 002), 1936-1938. This is an open collection, acquired by the library over many years, from many sources. Subjects and artists represented are similar to those in Subseries I:A.
Access Restrictions
Materials are open to researchers. Please contact the Tamiment Library & Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives for more information and to schedule an appointment, or 212-998-2630.
Use Restrictions
Because of the assembled nature of this collection, copyright status varies across the collection. Copyrights held by original creators of individual items in the collection are expected to pass into the public domain 120 years after their creation. Any rights (including copyright and related rights to publicity and privacy) held by the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA) were transferred to New York University in November 2000 by the ALBA Board of Governors. Permission to publish or reproduce ALBA materials must be secured from the Tamiment Library & Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives. For more information, contact or 212-998-2630.
Preferred Citation
Published citations should take the following form:
Identification of item, date (if known); Spanish Civil War Poster Collection; ALBA GRAPHICS 001; item number; Tamiment Library; New York University.
Custodial History
Series I: Spanish Civil War Posters from the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives Collection, 1936-2003. The core group of posters in this group came to the Tamiment Library as part of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives Collection, which was acquired by New York University in 2001. Other posters have been donated since, and the collection continues to grow.
Series II: Spanish Civil War Posters from the Tamiment Library Poster Collection (TAM Graphics 002), 1936-1938. This group of posters form part of the Library's general poster collection. It is an assembled collection, acquired by the library over many years, from many sources.
The accession number 1950.157 is associated with this collection.
Existence and Location of Copies
Most of the images in Series II may be viewed online--both on-site and remotely--via the ARTstor website at by researchers who are affiliated with New York University. Researchers not affiliated with New York University may view these images online only while visiting the Tamiment Library.
About this Guide
Processing Information
In August 2017, one item was prepared to be moved to offsite art storage in September 2017.
Revisions to this Guide
Series I: Spanish Civil War Posters from the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives Collection, 1936-2003.
Language of Materials
Subseries I:A: Civil War Era: Spain, 1936-1938.
Alumá. "Visca l'exèrcit popular. Setmana de l'exèrcit popular." [Published by] Front Únic de Dibuixants U.G.T.-C.N.T. Imprint "I.G. Seix i Barral E.C. - Barcelona." H: 39 x W: 27.5 inches., Undated
Amster, Mauricio. "Luchan contra el fascismo combatiendo la ignorancia." [Published by] Ministerio de Instrucción Pública, las Milicias de la cultura, Cartilla escolar antifascista. Imprint "Graficas Valencia, intervenido U.G.T.-C.N.T." H: 39 x W: 27.5 inches., Undated, inclusive
Anonymous. "Batallon de Pontoneros. Comandancia de Obras y F[ortifica]cion." [Published by] Estudio de la Comandancia. Imprint "Unión Poligrafica, C.O. - Madrid." H: 39 x W: 27.5 inches., Undated
Anonymous. "La Fortificación arma de vanguardia." [Published by] Estudio de la Comandancia. Imprint "Unión Poligrafica, C.O. - Madrid." H: 39 x W: 27.5 inches., Undated
Bardasano, José. "!!Alerta!! [C]e hará útil y fuerte para la defensa." Imprint "Ortega - intervenido - U.G.T. - C.N.T. - Valencia.", Undated, inclusive
Bardasano, José. "Españoles: por la independencia y la libertad de nuestra patria !100.000 voluntarios!" [Published by] Partido Comunista de España. Imprint "S[ocie]dad Gral. de Publicaciones (E.C.) - Borrell, 243-249, Barcelona." H: 39 x W: 27.5 inches., Undated, inclusive
Bardasano, José. "Mando único en el transporte al servicio de la guerra." [Published by] Partido Comunista de España. Imprint "S[ocie]dad Gral. de Publicaciones (E.C.) - Borrell, 243-249, Barcelona." H: x W: 27.5 inches. (2 copies), Undated, inclusive
Bardasano, José. "Su Excelencia el Presidente de la República ha dicho: ...cuando yo hablo de mi nación." Imprint "Ortega, Valencia. Control U.G.T.-C.N.T." H: 25.5 x W: 34.5 inches., Undated
Bon. "El Comisario alma y guia de nuestro ejercito. !!La Victoria es nuestra!!" [Published by] Comisariado General de Guerra, Comision de Propaganda, Inspeccion Centro. Imprint "Sindicato de Profesionales de las Bellas Artes, U.G.T. Rivadeneyra C.[O.-, 1937, inclusive
Cabana y Contreras. "Ayudad a Madrid sufrido y heroico." [Published by] Junta Delegada de Defensa de Madrid, Delegacion de Propaganda y Prensa. Imprint "Lito - Martin - U.G.T. Madrid." H: 39 x W: 27.5 inches., [c. 1937], inclusive
Calandin, José. "Colectivistas del Campo! El Ministro de Agricultura os ayuda." [Published by] Instituto de Reforma Agraria". Imprint "Graficas Valencia, intervenido U.G.T. C.N.T." H: 46 x W: 31 inches., Undated, inclusive
Calzada, C. "Columna España Libre os llama ingresad." [Published by] Control - U.G.T. Imprint "'LYF' Madrid. To. 43606." H: 39.4 x W: 27.2 inches., Undated, inclusive
Clusellas, Enric. "IIIer U.G.T. Congrés de la U.G.T. a Catalunya. Sindicats de cara a la guerra. Dies 13, 14, 15, i 16 de Novembre a Barcelona." [Published by] U.G.T. Imprint "Arts Grafiques Thomas - Industria Collectivitzada. Barcelona." H: 19.7 x W:, 1937, inclusive
Durbán Muixí. "10 Articles de primera necessitat." [Published by] Generalitat de Catalunya, Conselleria de Proveiments. Imprint "Graf-Ultra S.A. Corcega 220 - Barna." H: 27.5 x W: 19 inches., 1937, inclusive
Espert, José / Briones, José. "!No pasarán! 7 de Noviembre, Madrid." [Published by] Subsecretaria de Propaganda, Delegación en Madrid. Imprint "Sindicato de Profesionales de las Bellas Artes - U.G.T. Graficas Reunidas U.H.P. Madrid." H: 39 x W: 27.5 inches., Undated, inclusive
Gellert, Hugo. "5. In unity there is strength." H: 17 x W: 11 inches., Undated, inclusive
Gellert, Hugo. "8. Peace - Jobs - Democracy." Brandeis. H: 17 x W: 11 inches., Undated, inclusive
Girón. "1º Ganar la guerra." [Published by] Junta Delegada de Defensa de Madrid. Delegacion de Propaganda y Prensa. Imprint "Sindicato Profesionales Bellas Artes U.G.T. Graficas Reunidas, U.H.P. Madrid." H: 39.4 x W: 27.6 inches., Undated, inclusive
Goñi, Lorenzo. "I tú? Que fas per la Victoria?" (top half). [Published by] Front Popular de Catalunya. Imprint "Fotolitografia Barguño E.C. Barcelona." H: 29 x W: 40 inches. (2 copies), Undated, inclusive
Goñi, Lorenzo. "I tú? Que fas per la Victoria?" (bottom half). [Published by] Front Popular de Catalunya. Imprint "Fotolitografia Barguño E.C. Barcelona." H: 29 x W: 40 inches.), Undated, inclusive
Henn. "La victoria impone a quienes la desean sacrificios considerables, y uno de estos, que no puede ser descuidado si no queremos comprometerla, es el de producir más." [Published by] F.G.E. Editado por el Comite Nacional. Imprint "Grafos - E.C. – Barna." (2 copies), 1938, inclusive
Henn. "Obreros producir más." [Published by] F.E.I.F.T.A. Editado por el Comite Nacional. Imprint "Grafos [- E.C. -] Barna." H: 39 x W: 27.5 inches., 1938, inclusive
Henn. "Salvad la producción!" [Published by] Editado por el Comite Nacional. Imprint "Grafos, E.C. – Barna." H: 39 x W: 27.5 inches., 1938, inclusive
Henn. "Voy a luchar por tu porvenir." [Published by] Editado por el Comite Nacional. Imprint "Grafos, E.C. – Barna." H: 39 x W: 27.5 inches., 1938, inclusive
Kantos. "Lo primero es ganar la guerra." [Published by] Junta Delegada de Defensa de Madrid, Delegacion de Propoganda y Prensa. Imprint "Sindicato de Professionales de la Bellas Artes U.G.T. Lito Martin. U.G.T. - Madrid." H: 39 x W: 27.5 inches. (2 copies), Undated, inclusive
Lau (Nicolau Miralles Garcia.) "Regions i comarques. Octubre 1936." [Published by] Conselleria d'Economia, Generalitat de Catalunya. Imprint "I.G. Seix i Barral, Empresa Col- lectivitzada – Barcelona." H: 49 x W: 35 inches. [Duplicate of: TAM-ES 50.0-1[0], copy 1 of 2], 1936, inclusive
M. "!Campesino! La tierra socializada es la mejor garantia de tu libertad." [Published by] Juventudes Libertarias, Comite Peninsular, Madrid. Secretaria de Propaganda. Imprint "Helios Artes Graficas, Duque de Sexto, 32. Madrid U.G.T." H: 39 x W: 27.5 inches, Undated, inclusive
Más, R. "La ignorancia es arma del fascismo. Joven: ingresa en !!alerta!!" Imprint "Ortega - intervenido - U.G.T.-C.N.T. – Valencia." H: 27.5 x W: 39 inches., Undated, inclusive
Más, R. "Mañana podrà necesitarte. Joven: ingresa en !!Alerta!!" Imprint "Ortega - Intervenido U.G.T.-C.N.T. – Valencia." H: 27 x W: 39 inches., 1936, inclusive
Melendreras, Emeterio. "Todas las milicias fundidas en el ejereito popular." [Published by] Junta Delegada de Defensa de Madrid, Delegacion de Propaganda y Prensa. Imprint "Sindicato Profesionales Bellas Artes, U.G.T. Rivadeneyra C.O.- Madrid." H: 44.5 x, Undated, inclusive
Melendreras, Emeterio. "Todos con un pensamiento único: Ganar la guerra, sin lo cuan se derrumbarán las conquistas de nuestra nueva República." [Published by] Junta Delegada de Defensa de Madrid, Delegacion de Propaganda y PrensaImprint "Sindicato Profesi, Undated, inclusive
Melendreras, Emeterio. "Obreros de la construccion: alistaos en los Batallones de Fortificacion." [Published by] Junta Delegada de Defensa, Delegacion de Propaganda y Prensa. Imprint "Sindicato Profesionales Bellas Artes, U.G.T. Gráficas Reunidas, U.H., Undated, inclusive
Molina. "Crim!..." [Published by] Secors Roig de Catalunya, S[ocorro] R[oio] I[nternacional]. Imprint "Fotolitografia Barguño E.C. Barcelona" H: 38 x W: 27.5 inches., c. 1937, inclusive
Molina. "Front unic de la Solidaritat." [Published by] Socors Roig de Catalunya, S[ocorro] R[oio] I[nternacional]. Imprint "Fotolitografia Barguño E.C. Barcelona." H: 39 x W: 27.5 inches., 1937, inclusive
Moro. "El Grupo Sindical Socialista de Radiocomunicacion lleguara a la U.R.E. a la Victoria." [Published by] U.R.E. Imprint "Litografia LYF, Control U.G.T." H: 39 x W: 27.5 inches. (3 copies), 1937, inclusive
Obiols, Ricard. "Alerta!! Vigila a los que escuchan las radios facciosas y propagan noticias falsas." [Published by] Sindicat de Porters U.G.T. H: 19 x W: 13.5 inches. (3 copies), Undated, inclusive
Oliver. "La garra del invasor italiano pretende esclavizarnos." [Published by] Junta Delegada de Defensa de Madrid, Delegacion de Propaganda y Prensa, [n.d] Imprint "Sindicato Profesionales Bellas Artes U.G.T. Rivadeneyra C.O. - Madrid." H: 39 x W: 27 inches., Undated, inclusive
Padial. "Acógela!" [Published by] Socorro Rojo de España. Imprint "Lit. S. Dura Socializada U.G.T. C.N.T. Valencia." H: 31.5 x W: 22 inches., Undated, inclusive
Parilla. "1º ganar la guerra. !Menos palabras vanas!" [Published by] Junta Delegada de Defensa de Madrid. Delegacion de Propaganda y Prensa. Imprint "Sindicato Professionales Bellas Artes, U.G.T. Rivadeneyra C.O.- Madrid" H: 39 x W: 27 inches. (2 copies), 1937, inclusive
Parilla. "El ejercito popular es el ejercito de la Republica." [Published by] Junta Delegada de Defensa de Madrid, Delegacion de Propaganda y Prensa. Imprint "Sindicato Profesionales Belles Artes U.G.T. Rivadeneyra C.O. - Madrid." H: 39 x W: 27.5 inches. (2 copies), Undated, inclusive
Parilla. "Hogar del combatiente. La higiene, la cultura y la distracción sana acabaran con los vicios." [Published by] Comisariado General de Guerra, Comision de Propaganda, Inspeccion Centro. Imprint "Sindicato de Bellas Artes U.G.T. Graficas Reunidas., 1937, inclusive
Parilla. "Los Internacionales unidos a los Españoles, luchamos contra el invasor." [Published by] Voluntarios Internacionales de Libertad, Ediciones de las Brigadas Internacionales. Imprint "Lit. Cromo, Madrid. Sindicato de Profesionales de las Bellas., 1937, inclusive
Parrilla. "Silencio en la retaguardia." [Published by] Junta Delegada de Defensa de Madrid, Delegacion de Propaganda y Prensa. Imprint "Sindicato Profesionales Bellas Artes, U.G.T. Lit. E. Fernandez U.G.T. Gonzalo de Cordoba 17 - Madrid." H: 38.6 x W:, Undated, inclusive
Pedrero. "El generalisimo." [Published by] Junta Delegada de Defensa, Delegacion de Propaganda y Prensa. Imprint "Sindicato Profesionales Bellas Artes, U.G.T. Rivadeneyra U.G.T. - Madrid." H: 38.6 x W: 27.2 inches., Undated, inclusive
Pico[lo]. "La joventut defensarà Catalunya. Diada de la joventut 14-21 de Marc." [Published by] F[ederacion] J[oventut]. H: 27.5 x W: 19.5 inches., Undated, inclusive
Puyol, Ramón. "El Acaparador." [Published by] S[ocorro] R[ojo] I[nternacional]. Imprint "Ortega - intervenido, U.G.T.-C.N.T.-Valencia." H: 34.5 x W: 25 inches., 1936, inclusive
Puyol, Ramón. "El Bulista." [Published by] S[ocorro] R[ojo] I[nternacional]. Imprint "Ortega - intervenido, U.G.T.-C.N.T.-Valencia." H: 34.5 x W: 25 inches., 1936, inclusive
Puyol, Ramón. "El Izquierdista." [Published by] S[ocorro] R[ojo] I[nternacional]. Imprint "Ortega - intervenido, U.G.T.-C.N.T.-Valencia." H: 34.5 x W: 25 inches., 1936, inclusive
Puyol, Ramón. "El Pesimista." [Published by] S[ocorro] R[ojo] I[nternacional]. Imprint "Ortega - intervenido, U.G.T.-C.N.T.-Valencia." H: 34.5 x W: 25 inches., 1936, inclusive
Puyol, Ramón. "El Rumor. !Guerra a muerte al rumor! Que intenta destrozar nuestra moral y nuestra unión." [Published by] S[ocorro] R[oio] I[nternacional]. Imprint "Ortega - intervenido, U.G.T.-C.N.T. - Valencia." H: 34.5 x W: 25 inches., 1936, inclusive
Reinoso. "No tireis los trapos viejos. Pues con ellos se fabricaran telas de abrigo para nuestros defensores." H: 26 x W: 17.5 inches., Undated, inclusive
Renau, Josep. "El Comisario, nervio de nuestro ejercito popular." [Published by] Partido Comunista. Imprint "Graficas Valencia intervenido U.G.T. C.N.T." H: 27 x W: 39.5 inches. (2 copies), Undated, inclusive
Renau, Josep. "Victoria. Hoy mas que nunca" (left half). [Published by] Sub[secretaria] [de] Pro[paganda]. Imprint "Barcelona, Graf[icas] Ultra S.A. Córega, 220. Barna." H: 40 x W: 27.9 inches. (2 copies, 1938, inclusive
Renau, Josep. "Victoria. Hoy mas que nunca" (right half). [Published by] Sub[secretaria] [de] Pro[paganda]. Imprint "Barcelona, Graf[icas] Ultra S.A. Córega, 220. Barna." H: 40 x W: 27.9 inches. (3 copies), 1938, inclusive
Renau, Josep. "Victoria. Hoy mas que nunca." [Published by] Sub[secretaria] [de] Pro[paganda]. Imprint "Barcelona, Graf[icas] Ultra S.A. Córega, 220. Barna." H: 40 x W: 27.9 inches.
Wila. "El analfabetismo ciega el espíritu. Soldado instruyete." [Published by] Milicias de la Cultura. Imprint "Graficas Valencia intervenido U.G.T. C.N.T." H: 35 x W: 25 inches., Undated, inclusive
Xirinius Juez, Jaume. "El pillatje deshonra el triomf. Eviteu-lo!" [Published by] U.G.T., Imprint "Editat pel Sindicat de Dibuixants Professionals U.G.T. Graf. Ultra S.A. Corcega, 220 – Barcelona." H: 39 x W: 27.5 inches., Undated, inclusive
Yes. "!Entrega tu donativo! para los antifascistas encarcelados en territorio faccioso y sus familiares." [Published by] Socorro Rojo Internacional Imprint. "Graficas Valencia, intervenido U.G.T.-C.N.T." H: 19 x W: 14 inches. (3 copies), Undated, inclusive
Yes. "Coopera con tu donativo a la campaña pro-presos y familiares de los antifascistas fusilados en campo faccioso." [Published by] S[ocoro] R[oio] I[internacional]. Imprint "Graficas Valencia, intervenido U.G.T. C.N.T." H: 39 x W: 27.5 inches. (2 copies), Undated, inclusive
Yes. "!Entrega tu donativo! para ayudar a las viudas de los antifascistas fusilados en territorio enemigo." [Published by] Socorro Rojo Internacional Imprint "Graficas Valencia, intervenido U.G.T.-C.N.T." H: 19.5 x W: 13.5 inches. (2 copies), Undated, inclusive
Ytur. "Asi combaten las juventudes libertarias." [Published by] Juventudes Libertarias, Comite Peninsular, Madrid. Secreteria de Propaganda. Imprint "Helios Artes Graficas, Duque de Sexto, 32. Madrid U.G.T." H: 39 x W: 27.5 inches., 1937, inclusive
"24 horas son pocas! Trabajad todos para el frente." [Published by] Cartelistas C.N.T. Imprint "Edit. per el S.P.L. C.N.T. Cooperativa d'arts grafiques. Avant." H: 39 x W: 27.5 inches., Undated, inclusive
"Amanecer de victorias es la Fortificación." [Published by] Estudio de la Comandancia. Imprint "Union Poligrafica. C.O. Madrid." H: 39 x W: 27.5 inches., Undated, inclusive
"Antes: campesinos pobres, famélicos [...] Ahora: el campesino trabaja y es feliz." [Published by] Subsecretaria de Propaganda. H: 39.4 x W: 26.6 inches., Undated, inclusive
"Camperols escolteu les emissions radiades de la Conselleria d'Agricultura." [Published by] Generalitat de Catalunya, Imprint "Sindicat de Dibuixants Professionals, U.G.T. Graf. Ultra S.A. Corcega 220 - Barcelona." H: 39 x W: 27.5 inches. (2 copies), Undated, inclusive
"CNT AIT FAI. Campesinos: a las armas para conquistar la tierra que nos pertenece la libertad, y abrir los surcos de la sociedad futura." [Published by] Comite de Defensa, Sección de Propaganda. Imprint "Gráficas Nacional. Abascal, 4. Madrid." H: 27.5 x, Undated, inclusive
"!Comerciante! En los frentes, los combatientes defienden nuestro suelo frente a la codicia extranjera." [Published by] S[ocorro] R[oio] I[nternacional], Campaña de Invierno. Imprint "Imp. y Lit. Ortega- Intervenido U.G.T.-C.N.T." H: 12.6 x W: 35.4 inches., Undated, inclusive
"Companys Camperols. Tots a sembrar. Ajudeu els vostres germans del front!" [Published by] Comissariat de Propaganda de la Generalitat de Catalunya. H: 39 x W: 27.5 inches., Undated, inclusive
"Con los trapos que tienes en casa pueden hacerse telas de abrigo para el ejercito. Entregalos." H: 19.7 x W: 13.8 inches., Undated, inclusive
"Dones Antifeixistes. La Dona a la reraguarda, us espera." [Published by] Comissariat de Propaganda de la Generalitat de Catalunya. H: 39 x W: 27.5 inches., 1938, inclusive
"El obrero ignorante forja sus propias cadenas. Sindicatos obreros: Que no haya un solo analfabeto en vuestras filas." [Published by] Sindicato Provincial de Maestros [de] Madrid F.E.T.E (U.G.T.). Imprint "Graficas Reunidas U.H.P. Madrid." H: 45 x W: 31 inches., Undated, inclusive
"El Presidente de la Republica ha dicho: ...porque ya no se trata del peligro de la República, ya no se trata simplemente de una guerra civile entre españoles." [Published by] Junta Delegada de Defensa de Madrid, Delegacion de Propaganda y Prensa. Impri, Undated, inclusive
"El Pueblo en armas defendió le República contra los traidores. El Ejercito Popular, fuerte y disciplinado defiende la Patria contra el invasor. Que la retaguardia ayude a los frentes." [Published by] Subsecretaria de Propaganda. Imprint "S.G. de P. (E.C., [1938], inclusive
"Els estranguladors del poble Espanyol. Les veritables raons de la falsa neutralitat." [Published by] Editat per la Comissaria de Propaganda de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Imprint "Grafiques Bobes, Industria Col-lectivizada, C.N.T. U.G.T." H: 43.3 x W, Undated, inclusive
"Escuelas creadas por la Monarquia y la Republica. Ganar la guerra significa asegurar la cultura para todo el pueblo." [Published by] Subsecretaria de Propaganda. H: 39 x W: 26.8 inches., Undated, inclusive
"Españoles. D. Juan Negrin, Presidente del Consejo de Ministros, ha dicho en su discurso del 26 de febrero de 1938." [Published by] Ediciones Españolas. Imprint "Sociedad General de Publicaciones, E.C. - Borrell, 243-249. Barcelona." H: 27.5 x W: 19 inches., Undated, inclusive
"Españoles: !Acudid en ayuda de las víctimas del fascismo en las regiones invadidas!" [Published by] Socorro Rojo Internacional. H: 28 x W: 20 inches., Undated, inclusive
"Esta es la obra del fascismo. Voilà l'oeuvre du fascisme." [Published by] 5º Regimento Acero. Imprint "Ediciones 5º Regimento Velázquez, 63. - Madrid." H: 24.5 x W: 35 inches., [1937], inclusive
"Fortificacion. El fortificador y el combatiente arrojaran al invasor de España." [Published by] Estudio de la Comandancia. Imprint "Union Poligrafica. C.O. Madrid." H: 39 x W: 27.5 inches., Undated, inclusive
"Gràfic del moviment facciós a Barcelona, 19 Juliol del 1936." Imprint "Dibujantes CNT Sindicato Profesiones Liberales." H: 24 x W: 26 inches., Undated, inclusive
"Guerra a muerte! Al provocador, al espía, a quien en la sombra siembra el descontento y la alarma. Acabemos con la 'quinta columna'." Imprint "ORTEGA - Intervenido U.G.T.-C.N.T.". H: 14 x W: 20 inches., Undated, inclusive
"Hablar de la falange es nombrar a España." H: 27.5 x W: 19.5 inches., Undated
"Homenaje a Madrid. !Madrid, asesinados sus hijos, arrasados sus monumentos, en llamas sus tesoros de Arte!" [Published by] Ministerio de Propaganda. H: 38.6 x W: 26.4 inches., [1937], inclusive
"La aviación fascista pasa sobre la capital de la República. ?Haces tú algo para evitar esto? Ayuda a Madrid." [Published by] Junta Delegada de Defensa de Madrid, Delegacion de Propaganda y Prensa. Imprint "Huecograbado Rivadeneyra. - Madrid." H: 35 x, Undated, inclusive
"La fuerza publica estaba al servicio de los caciques y de los enemigos del pueblo. La fuerza publica es hoy la garantia de la libertad y del orden republicano. Colaborad todos por una retaguardia fuerte y disciplinada." [Published by] Subsecretaria de Propaganda. Imprint "S[ociedad] G[rafical] de P[ublicaciones] (E.C.) - Borrell, 243-249, Barcelona.." (2 copies), Undated, inclusive
"La fuerza publica estaba al servicio de los caciques y de los enemigos del pueblo. La fuerza publica es hoy la garantia de la libertad y del orden republicano. Colaborad todos por una retaguardia fuerte y disciplinada." [Published by] Subsecretaria de Propaganda. Imprint "S.G. de P. (E.C.) - Borell, 248-249, Barcelona.", Undated, inclusive
"La guerre d'Espagne contre le Fascisme internacional. Le Castillan qui a perdu son fils, soldat au Maroc, a vu, un jour d'angoisse, la place de son village convertie en souk marocain." [Published by] Ministerio de Estado de la República Española. H, Undated, inclusive
"Los anarquistas honrados estan en contra de esa falsa libertad que invocan los cobardes para escurrir el bulto Durruti." [Published by] Federacion Ibérica de Juventudes, Comite Regional del Centro. Oficina de Propaganda. Imprint "Rivadeneyra C.O. – Ma, Undated, inclusive
"Los Nacionales." [Published by] Ministerio de Propaganda. H: 45 ins x W: 32 inches. (4 copies), Undated, inclusive
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Three copies are encapsulated; one copy is mounted to masonite.