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Archives of Irish America Vertical Files

Call Number



1841-2019, inclusive
; 1970-2009, bulk


Archives of Irish America


44.19 Linear Feet
in 21 record cartons, 24 manuscript boxes, 3 half manuscript boxes, 2 flat boxes, 6 oversize flat boxes, 1 CD box, 1 media box, and 1 flat file folder


1.37 Gigabytes
on 2 optical discs


38 VHS


37 Betacam_SP


1 audiocassette




25 MiniDV




2 film reels

Language of Materials

Materials are in English and Irish.


The Vertical Files collection was created via active collection by staff, contributions from donors, and from material removed from collections in the Archives. Materials collected on individuals, organizations, and topics related to various aspects of Irish American history, culture, and social life are included in the collection. The collection includes contracts, constitutions, flyers, broadsides, leaflets, clippings, reports, pamphlets, catalogs, brochures, bibliographies, press releases, programs, posters, sheet music, audiovisual materials, some born-digital materials, and other printed ephemera.

Historical Note

The Vertical Files collection contains information on various topics, events, and individuals affiliated with the Archives of Irish America (AIA). The materials in this collection -- such as flyers, posters, and pamphlets -- provide insight to scholars and researchers regarding methods used to convey information within the Irish-American community.


The collection is organized alphabetically by name, title, or topic. Oversize materials are also organized alphabetically in a separate series at the end of the collection.

Scope and Contents

The Vertical Files collection is an artificial collection of materials on various topics, individuals, and organizations, both Irish-American and Irish. The collection includes contracts, constitutions, flyers, broadsides, leaflets, clippings, reports, pamphlets, catalogs, brochures, bibliographies, press releases, programs, posters, sheet music, audiovisual materials, some born-digital materials, and other printed ephemera.

The bulk of this collection represents the type of literature that has commonly circulated within the New York Irish community since 1970. Information on more than 100 non-profit Irish American political and cultural organizations and events, businesses, the Irish language, one-time events such as demonstrations and poetry readings, and individuals is included. Also included are clippings and articles on famous Irish-Americans, gift catalogs, and information relating to publications. Some of the more documented institutions and topics covered are the Emerald Isle Immigration Center, the Glucksman Ireland House, the Irish American Cultural Institute, Irish Books and Media, Inc., The Irish Repertory Theatre, Saint Patrick's Day Parade organizations and events, and theater productions on and off Broadway. The majority of materials date from the 1970s and on.

Conditions Governing Access

Open for research without restrictions.

Conditions Governing Use

Because of the assembled nature of this collection, copyright status varies across the collection. Copyright is assumed to be held by the original creator of individual items in the collection; these items are expected to pass into the public domain 120 years after their creation. The Tamiment Library & Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives is not authorized to grant permission to publish or reproduce materials from this collection.

Preferred Citation

Identification of item, date; Archives of Irish America Vertical Files; AIA 013; box number; folder number; Tamiment Library & Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, New York University.

Location of Materials

Materials are stored offsite and advance notice is required for use. Please request materials at least two business days prior to your research visit to coordinate access.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

The vertical files collection was created via active collection by staff, contributions from donors and from material removed from collections in the Archives. Accretions to the collection were donated by Marion Casey in July 2018 and August 2019. Another accretion to the collection was donated by Loretta Brennan in July 2018. The accession numbers associated with this collection are 1997.020, 2018.092, 2018.121, and 2019.113.

Audiovisual Access Policies and Procedures

Audiovisual materials have not been preserved and may not be available to researchers. Materials not yet digitized will need to have access copies made before they can be used. To request an access copy, or if you are unsure if an item has been digitized, please contact Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives,, 212-998-2596 with the collection name, collection number, and a description of the item(s) requested. A staff member will respond to you with further information.

Born-Digital Access Policies and Procedures

An access terminal for born-digital materials in the collection is available by appointment for reading room viewing and listening only. Researchers may view an item's original container and/or carrier, but the physical carriers themselves are not available for use because of preservation concerns. Advance notice is required for the use of computer records. Original physical digital media is restricted.

Collection processed by

Rebecca Altermatt and Kaitlyn Medley

About this Guide

This finding aid was produced using ArchivesSpace on 2024-12-12 19:21:28 UTC.
Using Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language: Description is in English

Processing Information

Material from the 2018 and 2019 accretions were housed in archival folders and boxes, and intellectually integrated into the existing container list. In October 2020, material from the Anti Internment Coalition (New York) was added to the collection after transfer from the George Harrison Papers (AIA.009). In December 2021, additional unprocessed material was processed, housed in archival folders and boxes, and intellectually integrated into the existing container list. Duplicate materials and commercially published books were removed from the collection.

New York University Libraries follow professional standards and best practices when imaging, ingesting, and processing born-digital material in order to maintain the integrity and authenticity of the content. Two optical discs were forensically imaged, analyzed, and arranged using Forensic Toolkit.

Revisions to this Guide

April 2018: Updated by Megan O’Shea to reflect the incorporation of items separated for use in the exhibit The Fifth Province: County Societies in Irish America at Glucksman Ireland House in 2011
July 2018: Updated by Megan O'Shea to reflect the incorporation of material from accession number 2018.092 in boxes 34-36 and flat file folder 5.
September 2018: Updated by Shiva Addanki to reflect the incorporation of material from accession number 2018.121
September 2019: Updated by Rachel Searcy to reflect 2019 accretion
October 2020: Record updated by Weatherly Stephan to reflect addition of Anti Internment Coalition (New York) material
December 2021: Finding aid updated by Aki Snyder to reflect incorporation of additional unprocessed materials.
January 2022: Finding aid updated by Aki Snyder to reflect incorporation of additional unprocessed materials.


Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South
2nd Floor
New York, NY 10012