Series III. Pamphlets and Publications, 1937-2003
Scope and Content Note
Materials in this series include pamphlets and other publications produced by a variety of domestic, Irish, and international political organizations Harrison belonged to. Major topics concern Irish Republicanism, the treatment of prisoners, and international liberation movements.
Subseries A. Irish, 1937-2003
1798 Rebellion publications, 1982-1998, inclusive
Box: 6, Folder: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
1916 as History: The Myth of the Blood Sacrifice. C. Desmond Greaves. (Fulcrum Press, Dublin), 1991, inclusive
Box: 6, Folder: 32 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Against Violence In Ireland. Desmond Wilson. (Andersontown News, Belfast), 1983, inclusive
Box: 6, Folder: 33 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
The Birmingham Framework: Six Innocent Men Framed for the Birmingham Bombings. Fr. Denis Faul and Fr. Raymond Murray., circa 1976, inclusive
Box: 6, Folder: 33 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Breaking the Deadlock: A Way out of the Northern Impasse. Robert Heatley. (Fulcrum Press, Dublin), 1991, inclusive
Box: 6, Folder: 33 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Cabhair (Irish Republican Prisoners Defendants Fund): Dinner Journals, 1998-1999, 2003, inclusive
Box: 6, Folder: 34 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Casement: The Transatlantic Theatre Company Presents. Charlie Dunne., 1995, inclusive
Box: 6, Folder: 35 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Clan na Gael Seventieth Annual Dinner: Easter 1916-1986, Apr 25, 1986, inclusive
Box: 6, Folder: 35 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Corruption of Law: Memorandum to the Gardiner Committee on the working of Emergency Legislation in Northern Ireland. Frs. Brian J. Brady, Denis Faul, Raymond Murray. (Abbey Printers, Cavan), 1974, inclusive
Box: 6, Folder: 35 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
An Cumann Cabhrach: The Republican Aid Committee (For the Relief of Republican Prisoners and their Dependents) Testimonial Dinner, 1983, inclusive
Box: 6, Folder: 35 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Cumann na Saoirse/National Irish Freedom Committee: Annual Michael Flannery Memorial Dinner Dance, 2nd and 10th programs, 1996, 2005, inclusive
Box: 6, Folder: 35 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Michael Davitt Remembered. Bernard O'Hara. (Michael Davitt National Memorial Association. Straide, Co. Mayo), 1984, inclusive
Box: 6, Folder: 36 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Declaration on the Struggle again[st] Colonialism in Western Europe. Irish Republican Movement., 1974, inclusive
Box: 6, Folder: 36 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Unveiling of the Michael Doheny Monument. Calvary Cemetery. October 7, 1989. Michael Doheny Memorial Committee: Michael Flannery, Patrick Doheny, James Grogan., 1989, inclusive
Box: 6, Folder: 36 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Deported: Jimmy Gralton 1886-1945. The story of Jimmy Gralton, Effernagh, Gowel, Co. Leitrim. Des Guckian. (Westmeath Examiner Ltd., Mullingar), 1996, inclusive
Box: 6, Folder: 36 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Fermanagh Facts. Fermanagh Civil Rights Association., undated
Box: 6, Folder: 37 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
The First Dail, undated
Box: 6, Folder: 37 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
The Flames of Long Kesh: The Murder of Hugh Gerard Coney, Internee, 15-16 October, 1974. Fr. Denis Faul and Fr. Raymond Murray. (Abbey Printers, Cavan), Nov 6, 1974, inclusive
Box: 6, Folder: 37 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Glimpses of an Irish Felon's Prison Life. Thomas J. Clarke. (National Publications Committee, Cork), 1970, inclusive
Box: 6, Folder: 37 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Ireland's History of Repression." James Walker. Socialist Worker (reprint). International Socialists. London., undated
Box: 6, Folder: 38 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Ireland's Right to Unity: The Case stated by the All-Party Anti-Partition Conference, Mansion House, Dublin." Cahill & Co. Ltd. Dublin., undated
Box: 6, Folder: 38 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Irish-American Fenian Society: 14th Annual Awards Dinner, Oct 25, 1996, inclusive
Box: 6, Folder: 38 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Irish Northern Aid Testimonial Dinner Journal, 1986, inclusive
Box: 6, Folder: 38 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
James Connolly Wrote for Today.... Nora Connolly O'Brien and Eibhlin Ni Sheidhir. (Irish Freedom Press, Dublin), 1978, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Just Be. Eddie McKenna. (I.R. Publishing. Enterprise, AL), undated
Box: 7, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Charlie Kerins: The 50th Anniversary Commemoration of the Execution of Charlie Kerins 1944-1994., 1994, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Labor and the Republican Movement. George Gilmore. (Repsol Pamphlet, Dublin.) (First published in 1966.), undated
Box: 7, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Laochra Luimnigh: Ui Dhalaigh Luimnigh agus Eiri Amach na Casca 1916. Nora de hOir. (Clo Saoirse-Irish Freedom Press, Dublin), 2001, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Let the Fight Go On. Saorise Go Deao: Songs and Poems of the Irish Republican Socialist Movement. (Printing Press, Enterprise, AL) (inscribed to GH and signed by Ray Collins), 1985, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Martyrs for Ireland: The Story of Mac Cormick and Barnes. Brian O'Higgons. (Irish Book Bureau, Dublin), 1968, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Maurice O'Neill 1917-1942. [County Kerry], 1992, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Memoirs of Irish Volunteer Activity 1917-1924. Peter O'Farrell. (West End Printing Corporation), undated
Box: 7, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Omos Do Tony D'Arcy, Galway agus Sean MacNeela, Mayo [Commemoration]. (Herald Quick Print. Tuam, Co. Galway, Ireland), 1990, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Open the Window. Let in the Light. (St. John's and Corpus Christie Parish Council Steering Committee), 1975, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Pairc an Phiarsaigh, Oscailt Oifisiul 16 Meitream. Galway [Patrick Pearce; Padraic Pearse], 1957
Box: 7, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
George Plant and the Rule of Law: The Devereux Affair 1940-1942. Michael Moroney. (Tipperary Historical Society), 1989, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Prelude to Freedom 1916-1966: 50th Anniversary Review. (Irish Art Publications, Ltd., Dublin), undated
Box: 7, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Saoirse. Maria Kane. (I.R. Publishing, Enterprise, AL), 1984, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
The Slaying of John Downs. (Republican Publications, Dublin), 1984, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
The Spirit of Freedom: Prize winning entries in the Bobby Sands commemoration school essay competition. (Bobby Sands Commemoration Committee, Dublin), 1983, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Stormont: An Assessment. (United Ireland Association [Britain]) (2 copies), 1971, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
They Kept Faith: In this tribute to two soldiers of Ireland the full story of the Brookeborough attack in which they lost their lives is now told by their comrades. (Roinn Eolais Na Poblacta), 1957, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Tragedies of Kerry. Dorothy Macardle. (Irish Freedom Press, Dublin), 1988, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Ulster: The Future. Frank McManus, M.P. (Jan Press, The Bronx, NY), 1972, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
United States, Britain, Ireland: A Special Special Relationship. Leonard Brenner., undated
Box: 7, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Wolfe Tone Annual , 1937, 1951, 1956, 1959, 1961, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
The Workhouse Ward: A Farce. Lady Gregory, 1909. (Samuel French, London), undated
Box: 7, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Workshop Talks. James Connolly. (Repsol Ltd., Dublin), 1993, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Young Connolly. Sean Cronin. (Repsol Ltd., Dublin), 1983, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Subseries B. Non-Irish, 1980-1995
Africa: various, 1985-1990, undated, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee: Background Paper, 1983-1984, undated, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Center for Cuban Studies Newsletter, 1992-1994, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Labor: Labor Against Apartheid; Phildalephia Labor Comm. on Central America; Workers Tribune; United Labor Action, 1983-1987, undated, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 13 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Brooklyn Chapter CIPES Bulletin: A Newsletter of the Brooklyn Chapter of Solidarity with the People of El Salvador, 1984-1985, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 14 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Central America - various publications, 1982-1987, undated, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 15 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Chelsea / El Jicaral Sister City Project Newsletter, 1989, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 16 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
The Citizen: Newsletter for the Central Brooklyn Independent Democratic Club, 1988-1989, 1994, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 17 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Cuba Action, 1992-1993, undated, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 18 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Cuba Update, 1992-1993, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 19 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
The 807 Teamster, 1981-1984, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 20 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Free Puerto Rico! New Movement in Solidarity with Puerto Rican Independence and Socialism, 1985-1986, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 21 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
The Insurgent: Newsletter of the Committee to Fight Repression, 1985-1986, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 22 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Many Races Cultural Foundation Newsletters: The Garry Press; The Freedom Press, 1982-1986, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 23 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Middle East: Pamphlets, 1980-1983, undated, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 24 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
The New State Repression. Ken Lawrence. International Network Against New State Repression. Chicago., 1985, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 25 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
New York Mobilizer: People's Anti-War, 1983-1987, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 26 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
New York NICA News: Nicaragua Solidarity Network of Greater New York, 1988-1989, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 27 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
People's Anti-War Mobilization/All People's Congress Bulletin, 1982-1984, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 28 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Por la Paz y la Solidaridad, May 1986-Jun 1986, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 29 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Puerto Rico: various publications, 1982-1992, undated, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 30 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
The Rainbow Organizer: Official Publication of the National Rainbow Coalition Inc., 1988, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Salud y Paz: Quarterly Publication of the National Central America Health Rights Network, 1990-1992, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 32 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Taliba: Philippine Solidarity Network Publication, 1986-1987, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 33 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Unidad Latinoamericana Malvinas Argentinas Bulletin (U.L.M.A.), 1983-1985, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 34 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Update on Guatemala: Committee in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala, 1985-1986, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 35 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Various newsletters, single issues, 1984-1995, inclusive
Box: 7, Folder: 36 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)