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Research notes and background materials, 1974-2007, and undated, inclusive

Articles: Fawasel (magazine), issue 39, "The Giant Poet: al-Dindān...", p, 98-99, August 1997

box: 12, folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)

Articles: Quṭūf (magazine), Dhū al-Qaʿdah, AH 1418, pp. 24-30, article profiling the poet al-Dindan, and Kurpershoek's study of his work, (February 1998)

box: 12, folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)

Articles: Quṭūf (magazine), Dhū l-Ḥijjah, 1418, p. 52, contains article by Saad Sowayan, about Nabati poetry, [April 1998]

box: 12, folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

Articles: Quṭūf (magazine), Muḥarram, 1419. Cover: "Al-Dindān: the Last Journey of the Last Bedouin," pp. 64-65, [May 1998]

box: 12, folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

Articles: Quṭūf (magazine), Ṣafar 1419, p. 52, article "Elegy of al-Dindān," by Ibrāhīm ibn ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Dhīb al-Wudʿānī, [June 1998]

box: 12, folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

Baradouni, Abdullah: copied materials from Yemeni sources, 1993-1996, and undated, inclusive

box: 12, folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

Bibliography of popular (Nabati) poetry

box: 12, folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

Calendar (from time of field work in Saudi Arabia), 1989

box: 12, folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)

Kitāb al-Ibil: photocopied of unattributed manuscript on camels, undated

box: 12, folder: 9 (Material Type: Text)

Magazine: Turāth (Abu Dhabi: Emirates Cultural Club), issue 196; special issue on the occasion of the Sultan bin Zayed Heritage Festival, with cover story on camel racing, February 2016

box: 12, folder: 11 (Material Type: Text)

Nejd, general

box: 12, folder: 12 (Material Type: Text)

Netherlands, Consulate at Jeddah: copies of archival documents from 1926-1948

box: 12, folder: 13 (Material Type: Text)

Notes: exercises in translation and transliteration, from classical Arabic into Bedouin dialect

box: 12, folder: 14 (Material Type: Text)

Notes: topics, general

box: 12, folder: 15 (Material Type: Text)

Notes: themes in Bedouin poetry: plants and camels

box: 12, folder: 16 (Material Type: Text)

Notes: themes in Bedouin poetry: stars

box: 12, folder: 17 (Material Type: Text)

Notes: themes in Bedouin poetry: horses, palm trees, tents

box: 12, folder: 18 (Material Type: Text)

Notes: Arabic terms, drawn from other sources (Doughty, Hess, Musil), folder 1

box: 13, folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)

Notes: Arabic terms, drawn from other sources (Doughty, Hess, Musil), folder 2

box: 13, folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)

Notes: Arabic terms, drawn from other sources (Doughty, Hess, Musil), folder 3

box: 13, folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: Bailey, Clinton. "The Ottomans and the bedouin tribes of the Negev," extract from "Ottoman Palestine, 1800-1914," edited by Gad G. Gilbar (Leiden: Brill), 1990

box: 13, folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: Bakalla, M.H.: two reviews of works about Arabic dialect and provers, of Mekka, from "Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts, University of Riyad," Vol. 3, 1973-1974, inclusive

box: 13, folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: Bonebakker, Seeger A. "Mubarrad's Version of Two Poems by Al-Khansā'," extract from "Festschrift Ewald Wagner zum 65. Geburstag, Band 2: Studien zur arabischen Dichtung" (Beirut and Stuttgart: Steiner), 1994

box: 13, folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: Bonebakker, Seeger A. "Sariqa and Formula: Three chapters from Ḥātimi's Ḥilyat al-Muḥādara," extract, from Annali dell'Istituto Universitario di Napoli, Vol. 46, No. 3

box: 13, folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: Bonebakker, Seeger A. "Some medieval views on fantastic stories," extract, inscribed by author, from Quaderni di Studi Arabi, 10, 1992

box: 13, folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: Brugman, J. "Muḥammad al-Sibāʻī and the Egyptian literary renaissance," extract from "Akten des VII. Kongresses fuer Arabistik und Islamwissenschaft" (Goettingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht), 1974

box: 13, folder: 9 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: de Jong, Frederick. "The Muslim Minorities in the Balkans on the Eve of the Collapse of Communism," extract, with inscription from author, from Islamic Studies (Islamabad: Islamic Research Institute), Vol. 36, No. 2, 1997

box: 13, folder: 10 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: de Jong, Rudolf. "More Material on Fayyūmi Arabic (part 1)," extract from Zeitschrift fuer arabische Linguistik / Journal of Arabic Linguistics, Volume 31 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz), 1996

box: 13, folder: 11 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: de Moor, Eduardus C.M., "Un Oiseau en Cage: le discours litteraire de Muḥammad Taymūr, 1892-1921" (Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi): booklet issued on awarding of doctorate to E.C.M. de Moor, Catholic University of Nijmegen, 1991

box: 13, folder: 12 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: Gelder, Geert van. "Arabic Banqueters: Literature, Lexicography and Reality," extract from "Banquets d'Orient, Res Orientales IV, (Leuven: Peeters), 1992

box: 13, folder: 13 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: Gelder, Geert van. "Arabic Debates of Jest and Earnest," extract from "Dispute Poems and Dialogues in the Ancient and Mediaeval Near East" (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 42), 1991

box: 13, folder: 14 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: Gelder, Geert van. "Arabic Poetics and Stylistics according to the Introduction of al-Durr al-Farīd by Muḥammad Ibn Aydamir (d. 710/1310)," extract from Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlaendischen Gesellschaft," Band 146, Heft 2, 1996

box: 13, folder: 15 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: Gelder, Geert van. "Mixtures of Jest and Earnest in Classical Arabic Literature, Part I," extract from Journal of Arabic Literature, Vol. 23, No. 2, July 1992

box: 13, folder: 16 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: Gelder, Geert van. "Mixtures of Jest and Earnest in Classical Arabic Literature, Part II," extract from Journal of Arabic Literature, Vol. 23, No. 3, November 1992

box: 13, folder: 17 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: Gelder, Geert van. "Musāwir al-Warrāq and the beginnings of Arabic gastronomic poetry," extract from Journal of Semitic Studies, Vol. 56, No. 2, 1991

box: 13, folder: 18 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: Gelder, Geert van. "Pointed and Well-Rounded: Arabic Encomiastic and Elegiac Epigrams," extract from Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica, Vol. 26, 1995

box: 13, folder: 19 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: Gelder, Geert van. "Some Types of Ambiguity: a Poem by Abū Nuwās on Al-Fadl al-Raqāsī ," extract from Quaderni di Studi Arabi (Universita di Venezia), Number 10, 1992

box: 13, folder: 20 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: Gelder, Geert van. "Street Arabs, Satire and the Status of Poetry," extract from "Proceedings of the 14th Congress of the Union Europeenne des Arabisants et Islamisants," (Budapest: The Arabist), [1988]

box: 13, folder: 21 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: Gelder, Geert van. "Waspish Verses: Abū Nuwās's Lampoons on Zunbūr ibn Abī Ḥammād," extract from Annali di Ca' Foscari (Universita di Venezia), Vol. 35, No. 3, 1996

box: 13, folder: 22 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: Holes, Clive. "The dispute of Coffee and Tea: a Debate-Poem from the Gulf," unidentified extract, later published in J.R. Smart, ed., "Tradition and Modernity in Arabic Language and Literature" (Surrey: Curzon Press), 1996

box: 13, folder: 23 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: Ingham, Bruce. "Camel Terminology among the Al-Murrah Bedouins," extract from Zeitschrift fuer arabische Linguistik / Journal of Arabic Linguistics, Volume 22 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz), 1990

box: 13, folder: 24 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: Kruk, Remke. "Back to the Boudoir: Arabic versions of the Sirat al-amir Ḥamza, warrior princesses, and the Sira's literary unity," in Amsterdamer Beitraege zu Aelteren Germanistik, Band 48, 1997

box: 13, folder: 25 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: Kruk, Remke. "Ibn Abī l-Ash'ath's Kitāb al-Ḥayawān: a Scientific Approach to Anthropology, Dietetics and Zoological Systematics," extract from Zeitschrift fuer Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften, Band 14, 2001

box: 13, folder: 26 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: Skarżyńska-Bocheńska, Krystyna. "L'amour et la mort dans la poesie d'Adonis," extract from "Rocznik Orientalistyczny," Vol. 53, No. 1, 2000

box: 13, folder: 27 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: Skarżyńska-Bocheńska, Krystyna. "La liberte et ses symboles dans l'oeuvre d'Adonis, 'Ali Ahmad Sa'id Isbir, poete arabe du Liban," extract from extract from "Proceedings of the 14th Congress of the Union Europeenne des Arabisants et Islamisants," (Budapest: The Arabist), [1988]

box: 13, folder: 28 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: Skarżyńska-Bocheńska, Krystyna. "Le reflet de la loi morale d'honneur dans la litterature arabe contemporaine," extract from "Literaturen Asiens und Afrikas: Theoretische Probleme" (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag), 1981

box: 13, folder: 29 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: Skarżyńska-Bocheńska, Krystyna. "Les traces de principes d'honneur des arabes de anteislam dans les coutumes et proverbes contemporaines," extract from "Proceedings of the Colloquium on Logos, Ethos, Mythos in the Middle East and North Africa," (Budapest: The Arabist, Budapest Studies in Arabic 18), undated, circa 1995

box: 13, folder: 30 (Material Type: Text)

Offprints: Somekh, Sasson. "Two Versions of Dialogue in Maḥmūd Taymūr's Drama," Princeton Near East Paper, Number 21, 1975

box: 13, folder: 31 (Material Type: Text)

Photocopy of review article: "On the Unity and Disunity of the Qaṣīdah" (reviews of work by Geert van Gelder and Sasson Somekh), in "Journal of Arabic Literature, Vol. XXIV, 1993

box: 13, folder: 32 (Material Type: Text)

Poetry: Shammar (1): photocopy of printed text, with handwritten annotations, after consultation with Shammar poets.

box: 14, folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)

Poetry: Shammar (2): correspondence, photocopies of texts of transcriptions

box: 14, folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)

Poetry: Shammar (3): collected during research visit, not used in publication

box: 14, folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

Photographs, copies of images from Snouck Hurgronje

box: 14, folder: 4 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Project outline, for Saudi officials, undated, circa 1989

box: 14, folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

Qusaybi, Ghani al-: open letter/poem to King, 1984

box: 14, folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

Riyadh poetry conference: Newspaper clippings, February 1988 and undated

box: 14, folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

Riyadh poetry conference: Papers by others: al-Bāza'ī , Sa'ad, "Hawl mafhum al-hadātha fī al-shi'r al-Khalījī...", 1988

box: 14, folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)

Riyadh poetry conference: Papers by others: al-Hāmid, 'Abd Allāh, "Al-tīyārāt al-shi'rīyah al-mu'āṣirah.... ", April 1988

box: 14, folder: 9 (Material Type: Text)

Riyadh poetry conference: Papers by others: Mahdi, Sami. [poetry compilation], 1988

box: 14, folder: 10 (Material Type: Text)

Riyadh poetry conference: Papers by others: al-Sarīḥī, Sa'ad, "Taḍārīs al-Khasūbah..." (Jeddah), [1988]

box: 14, folder: 11 (Material Type: Text)

Riyadh poetry conference: Papers by other: Sowayyan, Sa'ad, "Al-shi'r min al-mushāfihah ilá al-kitābah", [1988]

box: 14, folder: 12 (Material Type: Text)

Riyadh poetry conference: Papers by others: al-Wa'lhah, 'Abd al-Wahid, "Dawr al-tarjimah bil-shi'r al-hadīth", February 1988

box: 14, folder: 13 (Material Type: Text)

Riyadh poetry conference: Papers by others: unattributed essay about Shammar poetry, [1988]

box: 14, folder: 14 (Material Type: Text)

Shammar descendants in Turkey (Ahmed Sammaroglu): DVD of visit, 2007

box: 14, folder: 15 (Material Type: Moving Images)

Shammar descendants in Turkey (Ahmed Sammaroglu): CDs of spoken poetry, recorded during Kurpershoek visit, 2007

box: 14, folder: 16 (Material Type: Audio)

Ship's journal: from journey in Arabian Gulf, with copy of original text, English and Arabic translations, and notes. Copied from Dutch archive (unidentified, likely National Archives, The Hague). Tido Fredrik Van Kniphausen (captain)

box: 15, folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)


box: 15, folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)

Trip notes: Sinai, 1987

box: 15, folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

Trip notes: Hail, May 1988

box: 15, folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

Trip notes: Hail, July 1988

box: 15, folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

Trip notes: Empty Quarter, February 1989

box: 15, folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

Trip notes: Nifi, July 1989

box: 15, folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

Trip notes: field notebooks, "'Oteiba", 1989

box: 15, folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)

Trip notes: field notebooks, Saudi Arabia, September - December 1989, inclusive

box: 15, folder: 9 (Material Type: Text)

Trip notes: field notebooks, Wadi Dawasir, September - December 1989, inclusive

box: 15, folder: 10 (Material Type: Text)

Trip notes: field notebook, Wadi Dawasir, 1994

box: 15, folder: 11 (Material Type: Text)

Trip notes: journal of trip, Saudi Arabia and Oman, 20 March - 16 April 1994, inclusive

box: 15, folder: 12 (Material Type: Text)

Trip notes: field notebook, Wadi Dawasir, 1998

box: 15, folder: 13 (Material Type: Text)

Wadi Dawasir: Background

box: 15, folder: 14 (Material Type: Text)

Wadi Dawasir: News clippings (1)

box: 15, folder: 15 (Material Type: Text)

Wadi Dawasir: News clippings (2)

box: 15, folder: 16 (Material Type: Text)

Wadi Dawasir: question of true Sheikh of Dawasir

box: 15, folder: 17 (Material Type: Text)
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