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Ephemera, 1974-2006, inclusive

Algeria, 1989-1993, inclusive

box: 2, folder: 10 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

1. "Youcef: La Legende du Septieme Dormant," postcard, promoting the film, c. 1993.
2. "Collection-Passion-Dation L'Algerie de Philippe Zoummeroff, Musée de la Poste," exhibition guide, 1989.

Eritrea, 2003, inclusive

box: 2, folder: 11 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

1. "Massawa et la Mer Rouge: catalogue de l'exposition," exhibition guide, 2003.

France, 1995-1997, undated, inclusive

box: 2, folder: 12 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

1. "Sous les pieds des femmes: un film de Rachida Krim," press release w/ handwritten notes, 1997.
2. "17e Festival international de films de femmes de Créteil et du Val-de-Marne," festival screening schedule, 1995.
3. "17e Festival international de films de femmes de Créteil et du Val-de-Marne," festival guide, 1995.
4. "17e Festival des 3 Continents: 21-28 Novembre 1995 Nantes," festival guide, 1995.
5. Cycle le cinéma arabe de la tolérance, La Sept," screening guide, 1974.

General Ephemera, undated

box: 2, folder: 13 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

1. "For a homeland free from prisoners of consciouness: Arab Organization for Human Rights," postcard, unknown.

Iran, 2000, undated, inclusive

box: 2, folder: 14 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

1. "Tazieh, Festival d'automne à Paris, 22 Septembre - 5 Octobre 2000," festival guide, 2000.
2. "Iran-Iraq War postcards," 39 postcards with case, c. 1993.
3. "Urman-e-Takht postcards," 12 postcards with case, unknown.

Iraq, 2006, inclusive

box: 2, folder: 15 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

1. "Atlas of Kirkuk: Historical, Administration, Natural, Human resource, Polticial, Economical," booklet, 2006.

Israel, undated

box: 2, folder: 16 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

1. "Floor of 6th century Armenian mosaic, Chapel of St. Polyeucte, near Damascus Gate, Jerusalem," postcard, unknown.
2. "Mar Saba Monastery," postcard, unknown.
3. "Monastery of Saint Sabba, The Hermitage and Tomb of Saint John Damascene," postcard, (2 copies).
4. "Monastery of Saint Sabba, The Refectory," postcard, unknown.

Kurdistan - 1, 1995-2004, inclusive

box: 2, folder: 17 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

1. "Painter Rostam Aghala," booklet w/ Kutschera interview page inserted, 2004.
2. "Beyond our dreams: a film by Hiner Saleem," press release, c. 2000, (2 copies).
3. "Set of postal stamps designed and printed in Iraqi Kurdistan region: Kurdistan Regional Government Council of Ministers" collection of stamps, 1999.
4. "Agenda février 1999: Les rendez-vous culturels de la Fnac Montparnasse," program schedule, 1999.
5. "Rostam Ahle Exhibition Sulaymany Museum," exhibition pamphlet, 1998.
6. "Kurdistan In the Shadow of History (European Premiere): Impressions Gallery: York," exhibition guide, 1998.
7. "Beko: un film de Nizamettin Ariç," press release, 1997.
8. "Kurdistan in the Shadow of History," exhibition guide, 1996, (3 copies).
9. "Kurds in Crisis: Christ Kutschera," article w/ attached note, 1995.

Kurdistan - 2, undated

box: 2, folder: 18 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

1. "Kurdish Information Center," brochure, unknown.
2. "Halabja Genocide Without Punishment," 32 postcards and case, unknown.
3. "KDP/atrocities/Kurdish cause," 10 postcards spiral bound, unknown.
4. "KDP/atrocities/Kurdish cause," 14 prints of the cards in the spiral bound booklet collection, some duplicates, unknown.
5. "Sur les chemins kurdes," postcard, unknown.
6. "KDP/Halabja," 4 illustrations printed on cards, photo paper, unknown.
7. "An example of Baath's Socialism and Democracy in Kurdistan or Iraq," large card illustration, unknown.

Kuwait, 1991-1992, inclusive

box: 2, folder: 19 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

1. "State of Kuwait Ministry of Planning Central Statistical Office: 1992 Statistical Review," booklet, 1992.
2. "UNIKOM Deployment as of October 1991," map, 1991.

Oman, 1986, undated, inclusive

box: 2, folder: 20 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

1. "Apex Publishing: The Sultanate of Oman Today," booklet, 1986.
2. "Sultanat d'Oman: Histoire et Archeologie: Ministère de l'Information et de la Culture," booklet, unknown.

Sudan, 1997, inclusive

box: 2, folder: 21 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

1. "Insitut du Monde Arabe: Soudan Royaumes sur le Nil: 5 février-21 août 1997," exhibition guide, 1997.

Syria, 1993, undated, inclusive

box: 2, folder: 22 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

1. "Institut Du Monde Arabe: Syrie Mémoire et Civilisation: 14 septembre 1993 - 28 février 1994," exhibition guide, 1993.
2. "Lady Sukayna Tomb, Damascus," postcard, unknown.
3. "The Juqmukiah Madrassa, Damascus," postcard, unknown.

Turkey, 1991-1996, undated, inclusive

box: 3, folder: 1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

1. "Centre Georges Pompidou: Le cinéma turc: 17 avril - 22 juillet: 18 septembre - 14 octobre 1996," screening guide, 1996.
2. "10th International Istanbul Film Festival: 16 March - 31 March 1991," festival guide, 1991.
3. "Turkey-Iran-Iraq border region," copy of part of map, unknown.
4. "Ministère du Tourisme de la République de Turquie: Turquie: Ankara et la région de l'Anatolie centrale," tourist promotional guide, unknown.

United Arab Emirates, 1974-1979, undated, inclusive

box: 3, folder: 2 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

1. "Emirate of Abu Dhabi," map with folding cover, unknown.
2. "Telephone Index from Nihal Hotel, Abu Dhabi," card with telephone directoy and phone instructions, unknown.
3. "Sharjah Tourist Centre: Sharjah: Gateway to the UAE," tourism promotion booklet, unknown.

USSR - 1, 1979-1989, undated, inclusive

box: 3, folder: 3 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

1. "Intourist: U.S.S.R. Voyages Organisés," booklet with pricing tables, 1989.
2. "Boukhara," 12 postcards with case, 1979.
3. "Intourist: Mary," booklet, unknown.
4. "Intourist: Centres touristiques de l'U.S.S.R.," booklet, unknown.
5. "The Guide Baku," booklet, unknown.
6. "Intourist: Visit Soviet Turkmenia," pamphlet, unknown.
7. "Intourist: Avec Intourist en Asie Centrale et au Kazakhstan," brochure, unknown.
8. "Intourist: Visitez la Lituanie Soviétique!," brochure, unknown.
9. "Intourist: L'Asie Centrale Et Le Kazakhstan," brochure, unknown, 2 copies.
10. "Intourist: Découvrez l'Ouzbékistan soviétique," brochure, unknown, 2 copies.

USSR - 2, 1978-1988, undated, inclusive

box: 3, folder: 4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

1. "Intourist: Individual Travel in the U.S.S.R," booklet, 1988.
2. "Tashkent, 12 postcards with case, 1980.
3. "Khiva," 12 postcards with case, 1979.
4. "Samarkand," 12 postcards with case, 1978.
5. "Intourist: Découvrez la Géorgie Soviétique," booklet, unknown.

USSR - 3, 1985-1990, inclusive

box: 3, folder: 5 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

1. "Muslims of the Soviet Emare - a Guide: Bibliography," photocopied book section with attached letter, 1990.
2. "Cyrillic Text," exhibition guide/catalogue, 1989.
3. "Intourist: Sur les Traces de la Grande Route de la Soie," travel brouchures, 1988, (2 copies).
4. "Turkmenian Jewellery," 16 postcards with case, 1985.

Yemen, undated

box: 3, folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

1. "Sanaa--A District," postcard, unknown.

Yugoslavia, undated

box: 3, folder: 7 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

"Kosovo: Jugoslavija," tourist promotion booklet/guide, unknown.

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