Series II: Digital Material, 2003-2011, inclusive
Scope and Contents
This series consists of CDs and DVDs and the digital files that were extracted from them. The CDs and DVDs did not arrive in any discernible order; the Digital Archivist numbered each CD and DVD, and transcribed any titles or information found on them. Each of the entries in this Subseries II.A represents one CD/DVD, and contains many individual files. Some of these files may not be accessible due to file corruption or because the library does not have the equipment or proprietary software necessary to make the information they contain accessible. The container list below includes the titles of the first level of folder organization within that digital content. Date ranges are provided, but are all approximate. A full manifest of the individual files comprising the series is available from the reference librarian on request.
Subseries II.A: Digital Files, 2003-2011, inclusive
Scope and Contents
These digital files were extracted from the CDs and DVDs that are part of this series. The CDs and DVDs did not arrive in any discernible order; the Digital Archivist numbered each CD and DVD, and transcribed any titles or information found on them. Each of the entries in this series represents one CD/DVD, and contains many individual files. Some of these files may not be accessible due to file corruption or because the library does not have the proprietary software necessary. The container list below includes the titles of the first level of folder organization within that digital content. Date ranges are provided, but are all approximate. A full manifest of the individual files comprising the series is available from the reference librarian on request.
1_7_10_Slides for PPT, 2004, inclusive
2_JuryBoards, 2003, inclusive
3_Images for Powerpoint, 2004, inclusive
4_Michael_Backup_Feb_12_04_1, 2004, inclusive
5_Michael_Backup_Feb_12_04_2, 2004, inclusive
6_IMG_28_30_CompetitionBoards, 2004, inclusive
7_IMG_1_27_MichaelVariousScans_Feb04, 2004, inclusive
8_Michael_Various_Jan_22_04, 2004, inclusive
9_Michael_VariousFileImagesEtc_Early, 2004, inclusive
10_Press Images_03_08_04, 2004, inclusive
11_Powerpoint_March04, 2004, inclusive
12_DVD_2_2, 2003, inclusive
13_Animation_MArad, 2003, inclusive
16_ImagesFromPWP_April04, 2004, inclusive
17_WTCMasterplanDiagrams_1-26-04, 2004, inclusive
18_AVIFilesDesignIntentCurrent, 2005, inclusive
19_Powerpoint_April04, 2004, inclusive
20_OfficeofEmergencyManagementPPT, 2004, inclusive
21_March26Set_EnvDefPackage, 2004, inclusive
22_PA-KPFComplianceStandards_03-10-04, 2004, inclusive
23_ToJBBPANYNJ_March0204, 2004, inclusive
24_July21LayoutsforDPMeeting, 2004, inclusive
25_SacredSpacePrecedent_MarkPasnik, 2004, inclusive
26_RandomDocuments_Oct-Jan2005_DBB, 2005, inclusive
27_Pentagon_Memorial, 2003, inclusive
28_SchematicDesignSet_12-15-04, 2004, inclusive
29_WTC_MP_Reconciliation, 2003, inclusive
30_WTC_CurrentTransferToDBB_10-18-04, 2004, inclusive
31_WTC_BackupMoveToDBB_Oct-18-04, 2004, inclusive
32_WTC_BackupMoveToDBB_Oct-18-04_2, 2004, inclusive
33_WTC_DirectoryAtKPFTransfer, 2004, inclusive
34_WTC_DirectoryAtKPFImages, 2004, inclusive
35_WTC_DirectoryAtKPFLibrary, 2004, inclusive
36_WTC_DirectoryAtKPFDocumentsDrawings, 2004, inclusive
38_SiteSlurryWall_1-27-04, 2004, inclusive
39_WestStSlurryWallEtc_03-23-04, 2004, inclusive
41_Handel_PA_Conflicts_09-04, 2004, inclusive
42_Route9AAlternatives_Vollmer_02-06-04, 2004, inclusive
43_Michael_Images_Mar04, 2004, inclusive
44_Michael_VariousImages_Mar04, 2004, inclusive
45_PowerpointPresentation_DartmouthConvocation, 2004, inclusive
46_SchemeA_Archive_4LScheme_Nov2004, 2004, inclusive
47_WTC_SchematicDesignSet_Dec2004, 2004, inclusive
48_DPPresentations_Jan-Mar2005, 2005, inclusive
49_HandelMoveBack050127_1, 2005, inclusive
50_HandelMoveBack050127_2, 2005, inclusive
51_Finalists_LMDC_Competition, 2003, inclusive
52_DBoxAnimationOfSchematics, 2004, inclusive
53_911_Memorial, 2011, inclusive
54_Arad_09-14-2011, 2011, inclusive
55_HandelArchitects_National911Memorial_1, 2011, inclusive
56_HandelArchitects_National911Memorial_2, 2011, inclusive
57_Michael Arad_I_National911Memorial, 2011, inclusive
58_June2011_National911MemorialPresentation, 2011, inclusive
59_TheMarker, 2008, inclusive
60_[no_label], 2007, inclusive
61_RAMFS_Presentation, 2004, inclusive
62_050720_LMDC_BoardMTG_Ramp_Slot, 2005, inclusive
63_MemorialAnimations_SchemeAandB, 2005, inclusive
64_911Memories_MahaProductions, 2011, inclusive
65_DowntownAlliance_Arad2008, 2008, inclusive
66_[crossed_out]_DowntownAlliance_03, 2008, inclusive
68_WTC_Mem_PoolWindowTest_09May07, 2007, inclusive
70_PSA_Views_DBOX_August2003, 2003, inclusive
71_Pataki_06-02-01_WTC_Memorial_Arad, 2006, inclusive
72_ConventionPPTRevised, 2005, inclusive
73_MemorialAnimations_SchemeA_HallB, 2005, inclusive
74_WTCMemorial_Fountain_Mockup_Sept, 2005, inclusive
75_WTCM_Archive_050708, 2005, inclusive
76_WTCM_KPF_Archive_Disc1and2, 2005, inclusive
77_MemorialAnimations_SchemeAandB, 2005, inclusive
78_MemorialAnimationsTest_02-20-05, 2005, inclusive
79_MemorialAnimations_2-3-05, 2005, inclusive
80_[no_label], 2005, inclusive
81_Descent_to_Bedrock_Animations_3-10-05, 2005, inclusive
82_MemorialAnimations_1-27-05, 2005, inclusive
83_DDP-PA1081-07_WTC_Transportation, 2006-2007, inclusive
84_FirefighterMemorial_6-13-06, 2006, inclusive
85_Backgrounds_060609_Snohetta, 2006, inclusive
86_PATH_Mezzanine_BelowGrade_Sketch, 2006, inclusive
87_WorldTradeCenterMasterPlan_Drawings, 2003, inclusive
88_PressKit_911Memorial, 2011, inclusive
89_WTC_TIFF_Final_6-28-03, 2003, inclusive
90_DP_Meetings, 2005, inclusive
91_ForMichaelArad_AmyDrener, 2010-2011, inclusive
92_Proj_Admin_Post, 2003, inclusive
93_MockUpPhotos, 2006, inclusive
94_WTC_IFC_DCSchematicDesign_August, 2005, inclusive
Subseries II.B: CDs and DVDs, 2003-2011, inclusive
Scope and Contents
This subseries contains 95 CDs and DVDs. The contents of these discs has been copied, and is listed in Subseries II.A: Digital Files. Some of the discs were inaccessible due to file corruption; these have been labeled "discard." Access to the contents of any of the CDs and DVDs is exclusively through the Digital Files. However, the discs may be of interest as archival objects.