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Series V: "Brady's Album Gallery"

Scope and Contents note

Series V contains two types of small format photographs published by the Mathew Brady Studio. The albumen prints were mounted on card stock letterpress printed with copyright data, and with a paper label on the verso giving the image number and a description of the scene shown. The images were issued both in carte de visite (2-1/2 x 4 inches) and album (4-1/2 x 6 inches) size, as well as in stereograph format; they were meant for purchase by soldiers and the general public. The series holds comparable examples of some of the images, including both sizes of number 427, "Prof. Lowe reconnoitering at Battle of Fair Oaks and telegraphing to McClellan's headquarters." A comparison of the two sizes clearly shows how a cropped version of the album card image was used on the carte de visite, but the same size paper text label used on both.

Image numbers 102-646, not inclusive

Offsite-Box: 8, Folder: unknown container (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
New York Historical
170 Central Park West
New York, NY 10024