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Pach Brothers Portrait Photograph Collection

Call Number

PR 84


1867-1947, undated (bulk 1880-1940), inclusive



4.86 Linear feet
(9 boxes)

Language of Materials

The documents in the collection are in English.


Portrait collection including photographs of nationally prominent people and socially prominent New Yorkers.

Biographical Note

The Pach Brothers photographic firm was in business in New York City for over a century and a quarter. In that time, the location of its main portrait studio, following fashionable New Yorkers, migrated uptown from its start on the Bowery in the mid-1860s to upper Fifth Avenue in the mid-1960s, before closing its doors in the East 50s in the mid-1990s. Patrons included famous and ordinary Americans involved in business, politics, government, medicine, law, education, and the arts, as well as thousands of students, families and children who sat for Pach cameras from 1866 onward. Despite a devastating fire in 1895, which destroyed their New York studio and processing rooms as well as their entire negative archive, the Pach Brothers firm continued photographing for another hundred years with a second generation of Pach men behind the lens.

The original Pach Brothers photographers in New York City were Gustavus (1848-1904), Gotthelf (1852-1925), and Morris (1837-?). Born in Berlin, Germany, they came to New York as babies, and began their photographic career as boys. According to their newspaper obituaries, the brothers became intrigued with the new science of photography in the mid-1860s, and traveled the streets of their New York neighborhood taking pictures of local residents. Gustavus Pach made his first appearance in the 1866-1867 New York City directory where he and Morris were listed individually as photographers working at 260 Bowery, with an additional entry for "Pach Brothers" at the same address. Morris Pach alone remained in the directory the next year with no occupation listed. Gustavus Pach's obituary provides an explanation for his own disappearance from the directory: respiratory problems resulted in his leaving for Toms River, New Jersey.

The summer of 1868 found the Pach brothers in Long Branch, New Jersey, a shore town that was a favorite resort for wealthy Philadelphians such as George W. Childs and Anthony J. Drexel. There the brothers had the opportunity to make portraits of the families of Childs, Drexel and their close friend Ulysses S. Grant, who, in turn, were impressed with the brothers' photographic work and ambition. Grant, Childs, and Drexel pooled funds to underwrite the Pach brothers' first photographic studio there, which was built at Long Branch on the grounds of the United States Hotel, as well as their mobile horse-drawn darkroom.

While Morris Pach stayed in New Jersey working as a cigar maker, Gustavus Pach returned to New York in time to be listed in the 1871-1872 city directory in a studio at 858 Broadway. He changed addresses twice before settling in at 841 Broadway in 1877, where he remained in business through 1890. In the 1881-1882 directory, a listing appears for the first time for G.W. Pach & Brothers; the next year the brothers are also individually listed. A fourth Pach brother, Oscar (1850-1903) was the business manager for the firm; he immigrated to the United States in 1873 and worked with his brothers until his death. A full listing of Pach Brothers studios in New York follows this biographical note. A series of chronologically arranged pictures of the buildings that housed the Pach studios are filed in Series III. In each of those photographs, the Pach business is represented to varying degrees: a 1905 image of the 935 Broadway address is really a fine, dramatic portrait of the iconic Flatiron Building, to the left of which can be seen a relatively tiny Pach Brothers trade sign.

In addition, from the 1870s Pach Brothers operated studios (perhaps just seasonally) in college towns, where they specialized in photographing generations of athletes and student groups at Princeton, Yale, Harvard, Columbia, Vassar, and West Point; all processing and finishing work was done in New York. The firm also did record photography for the Metropolitan Museum of Art and, for many years, documented paintings, sculptures, and other artworks in that collection. Pach Brothers exhibited their photographs at international expositions including the 1876 Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, the 1884 World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition in New Orleans, and the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. They also had work accepted at the annual exhibitions held by the American Institute of the City of New York, and the Photographers Association of America.

The Pach brothers themselves appear to have lived and photographed concurrently in New York City and various towns in New Jersey throughout their lives. The 1880 United States Census described the entire Pach family living together in Ocean, Monmouth County, New Jersey: father J. M. Pach (age 68), mother Johanna (age 66), and their four sons Barney (a baker, age 34), Augustus W. (photographer, 32), Oscar (photographer, 30), and Godfrey (photographer, 28), and one daughter Bertha (at home, 31). Morris Pach (cigar maker, 43) was listed separately living in Shrewsbury, Monmouth County, with his wife and five children.

A dramatic fire on February 16, 1895 completely burned out the Pach studios that were located on the top floor of the buildings at 935 and 937 Broadway. An account in the New York Timess (February 17, 1895, p. 17) stated that there were thirty employees at work in the studio, and twenty patrons sitting for their portraits, when the fire started in the negative retouching room. No lives were lost, though all negatives created in the New York and the college satellite studios from the time of the firm's founding were destroyed. The brothers immediately reconstructed their premises and continued photographing from that same location for more than fifteen years.

A second generation of Pach photographers joined the studio in 1898 when Morris's son Alexander L. Pach (1863-1938) took up the camera. Deaf from childhood, Alexander worked with the firm for most of his life. One of Gotthelf's two sons, Alfred (1884-1965), became involved with the family business in 1903, and was its president at the time of his death. His other son, Walter (1883-1958), was a respected painter, printmaker, and art critic, though, according to city directories, he worked at the Pach studio from 1909 to 1914 as an "artist" (possibly a colorist). Several other non-family members became associated with the firm after 1914. Oscar White was the president of the Pach Brothers corporation when it closed in 1994; he had worked for the company since 1939.

Gustavus Pach retired from the New York studio in 1903 and bought out the New Jersey studios (including Lakewood and Long Branch) of Pach Brothers; he died the next year. Oscar Pach became an invalid in 1902 and died the following spring. Gotthelf Pach retired from the firm in 1919 and died in New York in 1925 after several years of failing health. Studio portraits of the Pach brothers and family members associated with the firm can be found in Box 6, folder 50.

Philip M. Plant, who donated the first group of Pach Brothers photographs to The New-York Historical Society, was described in his New York Times obituary as a "sportsman, gentleman farmer and millionaire playboy." The adopted son of Colonel Morton F. Plant, a Connecticut railroad and steamship magnate who was one of the earliest developers of Florida's west coast, Philip Plant resided in New York and bred pheasants at his Waterford, Connecticut, estate. He was a benefactor of the American Museum of Natural History, and president of the Ornamental Pheasant Society. Married three times, Plant died in New York on June 15, 1941, at the age of 40. A Pach Brothers portrait of Plant ran accompanied his obituary in the New York Times.

Pach Brothers New York City Studio Addresses (as listed in New York city directories, business directories and telephone books)

  1. 1866-1867 260 Bowery (Gustavus and Morris Pach as "Pach Brothers")
  2. [1868-1871 absent from city directories]
  3. 1871-1877 858 Broadway (Gustavus W. alone)
  4. 1877-1881 841 Broadway (Gustavus W. alone)
  5. 1881-1885 841 Broadway (Gustavus, Gotthelf & Oscar as "G.W. Pach & Brothers")
  6. 1885-1890 841 Broadway (Gustavus, Gotthelf & Oscar as "Pach Brothers")
  7. 1890-1902 935 Broadway ("Pach Brothers" listed hereafter)
  8. 1902-1903 935 Broadway and 571 Fifth Avenue
  9. 1903-1913 935 Broadway
  10. 1913-1914 925 Broadway and 570 Fifth Avenue
  11. 1914-1933 570 Fifth Avenue
  12. 1933-1939 642 Fifth Avenue
  13. 1939-1956 5 East 57th Street
  14. 1956-1967 673 Fifth Avenue
  15. 1967-1994 16 East 53rd Street


The collection is arranged in three series:

Missing Title

  1. Series I. Individual and Family Portraits
  2. Series II. Oversize and Group Portraits
  3. Series III. Buildings

Scope and Content Note

The Pach Brothers Portrait Photograph Collection contains over 1000 photographs produced by that New York commercial portrait studio between its founding in the mid-nineteenth century and 1947. The collection is entirely photographic, and holds no negatives, correspondence files, patron cards, or business and financial records. It contains only selected examples of Pach Brothers work, and is by no means meant to be a comprehensive archive of this prolific firm's vast output.

The portrait collection was assembled by Pach Brothers and came to The New-York Historical Society in two separate gifts. Approximately two-thirds of the photographs were donated by Philip M. Plant, who purchased for the Society a group of images that Pach Brothers had arranged and displayed as the exhibition "American Personalities Through Seven Decades" at their New York studio in October 1937. The firm added more portraits to the collection before Plant presented it to the Historical Society one month later. A decade after, Pach Brothers endeavored to bring the Society's holdings up to date by donating a group of "portraits of famous Americans, 1940-1947" with the specific intent of their being added to "the Pach Collection." Each photograph is stamped on the verso with an accession date (a November 22, 1937, date for the Plant gift, and July 28, 1947, date for the Pach Brothers addition), making it possible to determine the provenance of each image.

With very few exceptions, the photographs in the collection are not specifically dated though considering style, sitter life dates, and the firm's devastating 1895 fire, most of the portraits can be ascribed to the first third of the twentieth century. Prints that came in as the 1947 Pach gift will date from 1940 to 1947. Copyright dates do occasionally appear on the photographs: for example, Winfield Scott Schley's portrait is dated 1888, Mrs. Charles Evans Hughes' portrait is marked 1906, and the photograph of President McKinley with his cabinet was copyrighted in 1901.

The Pach Brothers Portrait Photograph Collection is arranged in three series: Individual and Family Portraits; Oversize and Group Portraits; and Buildings.



Morgan, J. Pierpont (John Pierpont), 1837-1913 -- Portraits; Pickford, Mary, 1892-1979 -- Portraits; Riis, Jacob A. (Jacob August), 1849-1914; Ross, Harold Wallace, 1892-1951 -- Portraits; Russell, Lillian, 1861-1922 -- Portraits; Seton, Ernest Thompson, 1860-1946 -- Portraits; Sickles, Daniel Edgar, 1825-1914 -- Portraits; Skinner, Otis, 1858-1942 -- Portraits; Talmadge, Constance, 1898-1973 -- Portraits; Talmadge, Norma, 1897-1957 -- Portraits; Tiffany, Louis Comfort, 1848-1933 -- Portraits; Twain, Mark, 1835-1910; Vail, Theodore Newton, 1845-1920 -- Portraits; Villard, Oswald Garrison, 1872-1949 -- Portraits; Washington, Booker T., 1856-1915 -- Portraits; Webb, Clifton, 1893-1966 -- Portraits; Willkie, Wendell L. (Wendell Lewis), 1892-1944 -- Portraits; Zukor, Adolph, 1873-1976 -- Portraits; Adams, Maude, 1872-1953 -- Portraits.; Arliss, George, 1868-1946; Barrymore, Ethel, 1879-1959 -- Portraits; Belasco, David, 1853-1931 -- Portraits; Belmont, August, 1813-1890 -- Portraits; Berlin, Irving, 1888-1989. -- Portraits; Bryan, William Jennings, 1860-1925 -- Portraits; Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919 -- Portraits; Cassini, Igor, 1915-2002 -- Portraits; Cerf, Bennett, 1898-1971 -- Portraits; Chaplin, Charlie, 1889-1977 -- Portraits.; Comstock, Anthony, 1844-1915; Dempsey, Jack, 1895-1983 -- Portraits; Eastman, George, 1854-1932; Edison, Thomas A. (Thomas Alva), 1847-1931; Fairbanks, Douglas, 1883-1939 -- Portraits; Folger, Henry Clay, 1857-1930 -- Portraits; Gibson, Charles Dana, 1867-1944 -- Portraits; Gilbert, Cass, 1859-1934 -- Portraits; Gilder, Richard Watson, 1844-1909 -- Portraits; Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 1895-1960 -- Portraits; Harlow, Jean, 1911-1937; Hearst, William Randolph, 1863-1951 -- Portraits; Hitchcock, Raymond, 1865-1929 -- Portraits; Jefferson, Joseph, 1829-1905; Knopf, Alfred A, 1892-1984 -- Portraits; Lawrence, Gertrude -- Portraits; Lewis, Sinclair, 1885-1951; Lillie, Beatrice, 1894-1989 -- Portraits; Mansfield, Richard, 1857-1907 -- Portraits; Marconi, Guglielmo, 1874-1937; May, Edna, 1878-1948 -- Portraits; Mellon, Andrew W. (Andrew William), 1855-1937 -- Portraits; Morgan, Helen, 1900-1941 -- Portraits; Morgan, J. P. (John Pierpont), 1867-1943 -- Portraits

Access Restrictions

Materials in this collection may be stored offsite. For more information on making arrangements to consult them, please visit

Use Restrictions

Taking images of documents from the library collections for reference purposes by using hand-held cameras and in accordance with the library's photography guidelines is encouraged. As an alternative, patrons may request up to 20 images per day from staff.

Application to use images from this collection for publication should be made in writing to: Department of Rights and Reproductions, The New-York Historical Society, 170 Central Park West, New York, NY 10024-5194, Phone: (212) 873-3400 ext. 282.

Copyrights and other proprietary rights may subsist in individuals and entities other than the New-York Historical Society, in which case the patron is responsible for securing permission from those parties. For fuller information about rights and reproductions from N-YHS visit:

Preferred Citation

This collection should be cited as Pach Brothers Portrait Photograph Collection, PR 084, Department of Prints, Photographs, and Architectural Collections, The New-York Historical Society.

Location of Materials

Materials in this collection may be stored offsite. For more information on making arrangements to consult them, please visit


The bulk of the collection was received in two separate gift from Philip M. Plant (733 photographs, November 22, 1937) and the Pach Brothers firm (339 photographs, July 28, 1947). Oscar White, the last owner of the studio, dontaed an additional four prints. Portraits of Harry Truman and Lyndon Johnson, taken by Mr. White, as well as a photograph of Pach's Photograph Gallery in New Jersey and a photo of a Pach photographer wagon were added in 2007.

Related Material at the Department of Prints, Photographs, and Architectural Collections

Additional Pach Brothers portrait photographs appear throughout the New-York Historical Society Library's collections, particularly in the Department of Prints, Photographs and Architectural Collections' Portrait File (PR 052) and Theatrical Portrait File (PR 104), as well as in many family photograph collections. At least two examples of Pach Brothers work can be found in the Carte de Visite Photograph File (PR 011). There are more than thirty Pach Brothers images of New York City and New Jersey in the Stereograph File (PR 065).

The Museum of the City of New York holds 75,000 Pach negatives that they acquired in 1995. The Monmouth County Historical Association in Freehold, New Jersey has a smaller collection of several hundred negatives from the New Jersey studios.

Collection processed by

Sandra Markham

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New-York Historical Society

Series I: Individual and Family Portraits

Scope and Contents note

Series I. Individual and Family Portraits holds images of men and women, some with family members, photographed primarily in one of the Pach Brothers studios. The sitters are nearly all Americans, and are a mix of nationally prominent personalities and socially prominent New Yorkers. The portraits are predominantly 10 x 8 inch black and white photographs affixed to 12 x 8.5 inch tan one-ply boards on which the patron's name and life dates have been typed below the image. A second format in the collection is what Pach Brothers, in their 1947 gift, described as "Large-Size Portraits," or unmounted 12 x 9 inch gelatin silver prints.

In addition, there are random pre-1900 albumen prints present in various sizes and formats. Several sepia-toned albumen group portraits of Ulysses Grant and George W. Childs with their family and friends were taken at their Long Branch, New Jersey, homes in the 1870s. Other individual portraits, such those of as Frederick Barnard (who was provost of Columbia University from 1864 to 1884 and died in 1889), Luke Blackburn, and William Henry Crane were certainly made in the early 1880s. Many of the albumen prints are in a 3.5 x 2.75 inch oval format mounted on the same labeled tan boards (Antoinette Carter Hughes is one example) described above. There are also a few photographs mounted on Pach's standard commercially-produced printed cabinet card boards, such as the portraits of United States Attorney General Henry Wise, banker Giovanni Morosini and his daughter Giulia, and the noted Lilliputian boxer Ebert P. Zink. There is one example of a nineteenth-century Pach Brothers stereograph in the collection, a portrait of Nellie Grant Sartoris, the popular daughter of President Grant.

The collection also includes copy prints, showing that the Pach studios also turned out second-generation images at the request of their patrons. Photographs include a group portrait of Rutherford Hayes's presidential cabinet made from a print, portraits of Admiral David Farragut and James Garfield, and a photograph of an engraved portrait of Abraham Lincoln. There are two photographs of George Dewey, one a nineteenth-century albumen print and one a later silver gelatin print made from the same negative. Two other photographs have format notes of interest to show Pach Brothers techniques. Explorer Robert E. Peary's portrait has an arc of light through the right side of the image revealing that it was printed from broken glass negative, and a group portrait of the Stokes family includes thirty two family members, some of whom were added to the photograph by the composite technique. Most of the photographs are not signed, but many (for instance, Seth Low) have the Pach name blind stamped in the lower right corner of the image.

The photographs in this collection were nearly all taken in one of the Pach Brothers studios, and are generally head-and-shoulders portraits of seated patrons. However, the verso of Ebert Zink's cabinet card portrait carries a printed advertisement for the firm that states their willingness to photograph "At your own Home when necessary," and a few portraits made at other sites can be found. For example, Ethel Barrymore was photographed in bed cradling her first child, and Madam Nijinski posed in front of a fireplace over which hung photographs of dancer Vaselev Nijinski. David Belasco, Andrew Carnegie, Virginia Gildersleeve, Luigi Palma di Cesnola, and Walter Lippman were photographed at their office desks, Charles Addison Miller in his office, and Mark Twain in his writing studio. Off-site occupation-related images are here as well: Thomas Lipton stood shipboard on a catwalk. William Crane Carl, in his robes, played a large pipe organ in his portrait, lyricist Leo Ditrichstein sat at the keyboard of a grand piano for his, and the duo Van & Schenk posed with two grand pianos. Artist Robert Henri stood holding paintbrushes with an unfinished portrait on his easel and sculptor John Quincy Adams Ward posed with a maquette. Illustrator Otto Soglow sat a drawing board working on a sketch of his famous character "The Little King," and Ham Fisher posed casually with one of his cartoons. Thomas Edison was photographed twice, including one portrait made in his laboratory office beside a cylinder-recording machine.

Political figures include every American president from Ulysses S. Grant through Franklin D. Roosevelt as well as several New York State governors and New York City mayors. There are a just few portraits of foreign officials, including Heinrich Bruning, chancellor of Germany, French diplomat Compte de Paris, Persian Consul General Haigazoun H. Topakyan, and Wu ting-Fang, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of China to the United States. Theatre and film personalities are present, such as Maude Adams, Charles Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks, Joseph Jefferson, Jean Harlow, Richard Mansfield (represented by three portraits, two of which are in costume) and Edna May. Literary and cultural figures include Sinclair Lewis, Richard Watson Gilder, Oscar Hammerstein, Irving Ramsey Wiles, Bennett Cerf, and Igor Cassini (known as Cholly Knickerbocker) among others.

The majority of the Pach Brothers' portraits are straightforward and formal in style and, though distinguished, somewhat unremarkable. There are occasional instances of overt glamour. Catherine Calvert was draped in furs and jewels, and Frieda Hempel, swathed in diamonds, posed with her little dog. Gertrude Lawrence chose pearls and feathers to accessorize her portrait, and Rita Weiman donned very stylish drop earrings laden with pearls. Raymond Hitchcock was dapper in his striped trousers, bowler hat and silver-handled cane. The Pach portraitists were, however, certainly capable of producing artistic work as demonstrated by perhaps the most dramatic and arresting image in the collection: a pensive portrait of actress Julia Marlowe. She was lit from above to accentuate the ethereal mass of her upswept hair and splendid fur-edged cape, and to reflect just the right light back into her upturned eyes.

However, most of the Pach patrons found in this collection are American businessmen, with a smattering of men of religion, military officers, jurists, and cultural figures; they are largely shown attired in suits, daywear, or evening clothes. Prominent New York families are well represented, and the collection includes portraits of Astor, Goelet, Guggenheim, Havemeyer, Roosevelt, Sloan, and Vanderbilt men among others.

The Pach Brothers Portrait Photograph Collection holds a single image for each sitter unless indicated by a number in parentheses following a name in the box and folder list. Some patrons returned to sit for the Pach Brothers over the years: Edward Finch had three separate portraits taken throughout his career, and Virginia Gildersleeve was photographed at two stages of her administrative career, both times at the same desk in the same office. Charles Evans Hughes' second portrait was taken much later in his life when his hair and beard had turned white. Portraits of children or youths in the collection are few, and are of sitters who made repeat visits to the Pach studios. J. Schuyler Casey was photographed three times, once at age one and again as a student at Mount Pleasant Academy. John J. Pershing has four portraits, two made while he was a cadet at the United States Military Academy at West Point (from which he graduated in 1886) and two taken later in his military career. Theodore Roosevelt is pictured six times over the course of his life, the last time posed holding his grandson.

The photographs in the Pach Brothers Portrait Photograph Collection are filed alphabetically by sitter surname. Names are listed in accordance with established Library of Congress name authority records, and cross references have been added to any which have been moved when the collection was processed (for instance, Samuel Clemens is now filed under Twain, and Dorothy Dix is filed as Elizabeth Gilmer). Oversize images are filed in Box 9, with cross-references in the Series I box list.

There is a single portrait of each each sitter unless a number follows after the name.

Abbott, George
Abbott, Lyman
Adamic, Louis
Adams, Maude
Aitken, John William
Aldrich, Winthrop Williams
Alexander, Douglas
Alexander, John White
Altman, Benjamin
Andrews, Avery Delano
Andrews, Roy Chapman
Angell, James A.
Appleton, Daniel

Offsite-Box: 1, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Arbuckle, Maclyn
Archbold, John Dustin
Arliss, George
Arnold, Conway Hillyer
Arthur, Chester Alan
Astor, John Jacob
Astor, Vincent, Mrs. and Mr. Huntington
Astor, William Vincent (2)
Atterbury, Grosvenor
Auchincloss, James C.

Offsite-Box: 1, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bache, Jules Semon
Badger, Oscar Charles (2)
Baer, Arthur Bugs
Baer, George Frederick
Baer, Julius B.
Baker, George Fisher
Baker, Ray Stannard
Baker, Stephen
Baldwin, Leroy Wilbur
Balfe, Henry
Bangs, John Kendrick
Banky, Vilma
Bannard, Otto Tremont

Offsite-Box: 1, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Barclay, McClelland
Barlow, Peter
Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter
Barnes, Thurlow Weed
Barrett, R. L.
Barrymore, Ethel
Barrymore, Ethel, and her first child
Barton, Bruce
Baruch, Bernard Mannes (2)
Baruch, Simon
Battle, George Gordon
Batonyi, Aurel
Baum, Dwight James
Baum, Vicki

Offsite-Box: 1, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

General note

See: Lert, Vicki Baum

Baxter, William
Beals, Ralph A.

Offsite-Box: 1, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Beard, Daniel Carter
Beatty, Frank Edmund
Beck, James Montgomery
Beckwith, James Carroll
Belasco, David
Bell, Alexander Graham
Belmont, August
Bender, W. J.
Benedict, Elias Cornelius
Bennett, A. W.
Bennett, Barbara
Bennett, Constance
Berg, A. A.
Berg, W. H.
Berlin, Ellen
Berlin, Irving (2)
Bernays, Edward L.
Bernstorff, Johann

Offsite-Box: 1, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Berry, Fred
Berwind, Edwin Julius
Besler, William George
Bethell, Union Noble
Beveridge, Albert Jeremiah
Bigelow, John
Bingham, Alfred Theodore
Black, Hugo L.
Blackburn, Luke Pryor (2)
Blair, Clinton Ledyard
Blair, William Reid
Bliss, Cornelius Newton
Block, Paul
Bloom, Edgar Selden
Blumenthal, George

Offsite-Box: 1, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Boissevain, Louis
Bok, Edward William
Boomer, Lucius Messenger
Booth, Maud Ballington
Bordoni, Irene
Boston, Charles Anderson
Boyer, Charles, Mr. and Mrs.
Bradley, Omar Nelson
Brady, Cyrus, Townsend (2)
Brewer, David Josiah
Bridges, Robert ("Droch")
Brisbane, Arthur
Brokaw, Howard Crosby
Brokaw, Issac Vail
Bromfield, Louis
Bromley, Dorothy Dunbar

Offsite-Box: 1, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brooks, Frederick
Brooks, John E.
Brooks, Walter
Broughton, Leonard Gaston
Brown, William C.
Bruere, Henry
Bruning, Heinrich
Bryan, Albert Payson [Edward?]
Bryan, William Jennings
Bryant, Joseph Decatur
Bryce, James
Buck, Frank

Offsite-Box: 1, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Buckland, Edward Grant
Buhler, Joseph S.
Bull, George H.
Bullock, H.
Bunn, B. Franklin
Burfeind, Louis H.
Burke, Daniel
Burke, John Stephen
Burlingame, Edward Livermore
Burrell, David James
Burroughs, John
Burton, Harold H.
Butler, Nicholas Murray
Buttrick, Wallace

Offsite-Box: 1, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Cable, George Washington
Callaway, Samuel Rodger
Calvert, Catherine
Campbell, Oliver A.
Cannon, Joseph G.
Carl, William Crane
Carnegie, Andrew
Carnegie, Dale
Carpenter, J. Henry
Carstairs, C. S.
Carty, John J.
Casey, J. Schuyler (3)
Cashin, William E.
Cassini, Igor (Cholly Knickerbocker)
Cerf, Bennett A.

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Cesnola, Luigi Palma di
Chaffee, Adna Romanza
Chanler, Lewis S.
Chapin, Chester W.
Chaplin, Charles Spencer
Chase, Harry Woodburn
Chase, William Merritt
Chauncey, Daniel
Chenery, William
Childs, George W. and family

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

General note

See also: Box 9, folder 74

Christy, Howard Chandler, Mrs.
Churchill, Thomas William
Clark, Bobby
Clark, Champ
Clark, John Bates
Clarke, Caspar Purdon

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Clement, Martin W.
Clemens, Samuel

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

General note

See: Twain, Mark

Cleveland, Grover
Clews, Henry
Clyde, William P.
Clyde, William Pancoast
Cobb, John Blackwell
Coffman, De Witt
Coghlan, Joseph Bullock
Colby, Bainbridge
Coleman, Leighton
Coler, Bird Sim
Coley, B. L.
Collier, Robert Joseph (2)
Collyer, Bud
Collyer, Robert

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Colp, Ralph
Comstock, Anthony
Connor, Joseph P. (2)
Conreid, Heinrich
Constant, Samuel Victor
Conway, Moncure Daniel
Coogan, Jackie
Coolidge, Calvin
Copeland, Royal Samuel
Coppers, George H.
Corbin, Austin
Cortelyou, George Bruce

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 13 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Cortez, Ricardo
Coudert, Frederic Rene
Crain, Thomas C. T.
Crandell, J. Bradshaw
Crane, William Henry
Cravath, Paul Drennan
Craven, Frank
Crawford, Clifton
Creelman, James
Croker, Edward F.
Croker, Richard
Cromwell, Doris Duke

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 14 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

General note

See: Duke, Doris

Cromwell, James H. R.
Cromwell, Jarvis
Crosby, John Schuyler
Crowley, Patrick Edward
Crowinshield, Frank
Cullman, Howard
Curran, Jean A.
Curtiss, Julian Wheeler
Cutting, Robert Fulton

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 15 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Dafoe, Allan
Daley, Charles Frederick
Damrosch, Frank Heino
Damrosch, Walter Johannes
Daniel, John F.
Darlington, Henry
Darlington, Thomas
Davenport, Frank F.
Davenport, Homer Calvin
Davis, Henry Gassaway
Davis, John William
Davis, Lee Parsons
Davis, Richard Harding
Davis, Varina Howell

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 16 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Day, Joseph Paul
Day, William Louis
De Beck, Billy
Deegan, William
De Forest, Lee
De Forest, Robert Weeks
Delano, William Adams
De Lanoy, William C.
De Markoff, Alexander
Dempsey, Jack (2)
Dempsey, Jack and daughters
Depew, Chauncey Mitchell
De Prorok, Byron

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 17 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

General note

See: Khun de Prorok, Byron

De Remer, Ruby
Dewey, George (2)
Dewey, Thomas Edmund
Diamond, Joseph
Dike, Norman Staunton
Dillon, John Forrest
Ditmars, Raymond Lee
Ditrichstein, Leo
Dix, Dorothy

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 18 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

General note

See: Gilmer, Elizabeth Meriwether

Dix, John Alden
Dix, Morgan

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 18 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Dodge, Grenville Mellen
Dodge, William Earl
Donovan, Edward
Doolittle, James
Douglas, William O.
Dowling, Victor James
Dribben, S. F.
Ducey, Thomas James
Duchin, Eddie
Duke, Doris
Duncan, William Butler
Dunlap, Charles E.
Dupuy, Herbert
Dyer, George R.

Offsite-Box: 2, Folder: 19 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Eagles, Jeanne
Eastman, George M.
Edison, Minna Miller, and son
Edison, Thomas Alva (2)

Offsite-Box: 3, Folder: 20 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

General note

See also: Box 9, folder 74

Edwards, William Hanforth
Eggleston, George Cary
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Elkins, Stephen Benton
Elliott, John Lovejoy
Engel, Irving M.
English, William H., Jr.
Errol, Leon
Erskine, John
Evans, Luther
Evans, Robley Dunglison

Offsite-Box: 3, Folder: 20 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Fackenthal, Frank D.
Fairbanks, Douglas
Falconio, Diomede
Falls, Dewitt Clinton
Farley, James A.
Farley, John
Farragut, David Glascoe
Faskett, James H.
Faunce, William Herbert Perry
Ferguson, Elsie (2)
Fernandes, Bijou
Ferrer, Jose

Offsite-Box: 3, Folder: 21 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Field, Cortlandt Depeyster
Fielding, Benjamin
Finch, Edward Ridley (3)
Finley, John Huston
Fisher, Ham
Fisher, Henry
Fisher, Irving
Fisk, Willard C.
Fiske, Bradley Allen
Fiske, Haley
Fitch, William Clyde

Offsite-Box: 3, Folder: 22 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Fitzgerald, Thomas I.
Flagg, Elisha, birthday group
Flagg, James Montgomery
Flanagan, E. J.
Flanigan, Horace C.
Fleming, Alexander
Fleming, John
Flint, Austin
Flower, Roswell Pettibone
Foley, Thomas
Folger, Henry Clay

Offsite-Box: 3, Folder: 23 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Folk, Joseph Wingate
Fornes, Charles Vincent
Forster, Henry (2)
Fort, John Franklin
Fosdick, Harry Emerson
Fowler, Thomas Powell
Frankfurter, Felix
Frelinghuysen, Joseph Sherman
French, Daniel Chester
French, Seth Barton
Freschi, J. J.
Frew, W. E.
Friedsam, Michael
Frissell, Algernon Sydney
Frohman, Daniel
Gannon, Robert I.

Offsite-Box: 3, Folder: 24 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Gardiner, Asa Bird
Garfield, Harry Augustus
Garfield, James Abram
Garfield, John Hayes
Garon, Pauline
Garver, John Anson
Gary, Elbert Henry
Gates, Frederick Taylor
Gawtry, Lewis
Gay, Charles Richard
Gayley, James
Gaynor, William J.
Gerard, James Watson
Gibbs, George Sabin

Offsite-Box: 3, Folder: 25 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Gibney, Virgil Pendleton (2)
Gibson, Charles Dana
Gibson, Hugh
Gilbert, Cass
Gilder, Richard Watson (2)
Gildersleeve, Virginia Crocheron (2)
Gillette, William
Gilman, Daniel Coit
Gilmer, Elizabeth Meriwether
Gish, Dorothy
Glaenzer, Jules and son
Goelet, Robert
Goethals, George Washington

Offsite-Box: 3, Folder: 26 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Goldberg, Joshua L.
Goldberg, Rube
Golden, John
Golding, Samuel H.
Goldstein, Israel
Goldwater, Sigismund Schulz
Gompers, Samuel
Goodrich, Caspar Frederick
Gordon, Max
Gould, Edwin
Gould, George Jay
Gould [George J.]Children, Lakewood, NJ
Gould, Helen Miller

Offsite-Box: 3, Folder: 27 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

General note

See: Shepard, Helen Gould

Gove, Charles Augustus
Graham, John
Graham, William Joseph
Grant, Frederick Dent
Grant, Ulysses S.
Grant, Ulysses S. and family at Long Branch (2)

Offsite-Box: 3, Folder: 28 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

General note

See also: Box 9, folder 74

Grant, Ulysses S. and the George W. Childs family
Graves, Arthur H.
Greenway, Lt.
Greer, David Hummell
Grimm, Peter
Guernsey, Egbert
Guggenheim, Daniel
Guggenheim, Murry
Guggenheim, Simon
Guggenheim, Wil

Offsite-Box: 3, Folder: 28 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Haggard, Henry Rider
Hague, James Duncan
Halsey, William F.
Hamilton, Cosmo
Hammerstein, Oscar
Hammond, Graeme Monroe
Hampden, Walter
Harding, Warren Gamaliel
Hare, James Montgomery
Harkness, William
Harlow, Jean
Harriman, Edward Henry
Harriman, W. Averill
Harris, Albert Hall
Harris, Charles K.
Harrison, Benjamin
Hart, Thomas C.
Hartford, Huntington

Offsite-Box: 4, Folder: 29 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Hartman, Louis H.
Hartzell, Joseph Crane
Hastings, Harold W.
Haswell, Charles Haynes
Havemeyer, John Craig
Hay, John
Hayes, Lucy Webb, and children
Hayes, Rutherford Birchard

Offsite-Box: 4, Folder: 30 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

General note

See also: Box 9, folder 74

Haynes, John W.
Hayward, William
Hayward, William, Mrs.
Hearst, Millicent Willson, and son
Hearst, Phoebe Apperson
Hearst, Phoebe Apperson, and grandson
Hearst, William Randolph
Hearst, William Randolph, Jr.
Hecksher, August
Hecksher, John G.

Offsite-Box: 4, Folder: 30 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Hedges, Job Elmer
Hedley, Frank
Hegeman, John Rogers
Hempel, Frieda
Henderson, Leon
Henri, Robert
Henschel, Charles R.
Hepburn, Alonzo Barton
Herbert, H. H.
Herbert, Victor
Higgins, Frank Wayland
Hill, James Jerome
Hilles, Charles Dewey
Hilles, Newell Dwight
Hilton, Conrad N.

Offsite-Box: 4, Folder: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Hirsch, Rudolph
Hirshfield, Harry
Hitchcock, Raymond
Hoe, Robert
Hoffman, Charles Frederick
Hoffman, Malvina
Hoffman, William Mitchell
Holmes, John Haynes (2)
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Holt, Hamilton
Hood, John
Hoover, Herbert Clark (2)
Hornblow, Arthur
Horwitz, Max
Houseman, Frederick
Hoving, Walter
Howard, Oliver Otis

Offsite-Box: 4, Folder: 32 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Hoyt, Colgate
Hoyt, Franklin Chase
Hoyt, W. Greeley
Hubbard, Thomas Hamlin
Hudnut, Richard
Hughes, Brian G.
Hughes, Antoinette Carter
Hughes, Charles Evans (2)
Hughes, Leonora
Hughes, Rupert
Hunter, Thomas
Huntington, Mr.

Offsite-Box: 4, Folder: 33 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

General note

See: Astor, Vincent, Mrs. and Mr. Huntington

Huntington, Ford
Hurst, Fannie
Hutchinson, A. A.
Hutchinson, Woods
Huyler, John S.
Hyde, James Hazen
Hyser, C. L.

Offsite-Box: 4, Folder: 33 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Ingersoll, Ralph
Ingersoll, Robert Green
Isaacs, Stanley M.
Jackson, Robert H.
Jackson, William H.
Jacobi, Abraham
Jacobi, Harold, Jr.
Jacobi, Lester
Jacobs, Charles M.
Jansen, N. J. B.
Jefferson, Joseph
Jeffrey, Edward Turner
Jerome, Jerome Klapka
Jerome, William Travers

Offsite-Box: 4, Folder: 34 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Jesup, Morris Ketchum
Johnson, Eastman
Johnson, Hiram Warren
Johnson, John Albert
Johnson, Lyndon
Johnston, Justine
Jones, E. Clarence
Jourdan, James
Joy, Leatrice
Joyce, Alice
Joyce, Peggy
Judge, Arline

Offsite-Box: 4, Folder: 35 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Kahn, Otto Herman
Kahn, Otto, Mrs.
Kahn, Roger W.
Kearney, James E.
Keat, Fred I.
Keech, Frank B.
Kelland, Clarence Buddington
Kelly, John
Kelly, William R.
Kendall, Messmore
Kennedy, D.
Keppler, Rudolph
Kernochan, Frederic
Kerr, John Brown

Offsite-Box: 4, Folder: 36 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Keyes, Edward Lawrence (2)
Khun de Prorok, Byron
Kimball, James Henry
King, Ernest J.
Kingsley, Darwin Pearl
Kinkaid, Thomas C.
Kirby, Gustavus T.
Knoedler, Charles
Knopf, Alfred A.
Knox, Philander Chase
Koike, Chozo
Kress, Claude Washington
Kress, Samuel Henry
Kreuger, Ivar
Kruttschnitt, Julius
Kunz, George Frederick

Offsite-Box: 4, Folder: 37 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

La Farge, Francis W.
La Gatta, John
Lambert, Eleanor
Lamont, Daniel Scott
Lamont, Thomas William
Langdon, Woodbury
Langhorne, Colonel
Lanier, Charles
Laurel, Kay
Lauterbach, Edward
Lavelle, Michael J.
Law, Walter William
Lawes, Lewis E.

Offsite-Box: 5, Folder: 38 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Lawrence, Gertrude
Lawrence, Paula
Leahy, William D.
Lee, Frank Augustus
Le Fevre, Jay
Leggett, Francis Howard
Lehman, Herbert H.
Lehman, Robert
Leipzig, Nat
Leipziger, Henry Marcus
Lengyel, Emil
Lert, Vicki Baum
Levey, Ethel
Levinthal, Israel H.
Levy, Robert
Lewis, Sinclair
Lewisohn, Adolph (2)

Offsite-Box: 5, Folder: 39 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Liebman, Julius
Lightner, M. C.
Lillie, Beatrice
Lincoln, Abraham

Offsite-Box: 5, Folder: 40 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

General note

See: Box 9, folder 74

Lincoln, Arthur
Lincoln, Lowell
Lippman, Walter
Lipton, Thomas
Livingston, Goodhue, Jr.
Lodge, Henry Cabot
Loeb, William
Longfellow, Ernest Wadsworth
Lonsdale, Frederick
Low, Seth
Lydig, Philip

Offsite-Box: 5, Folder: 40 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

McAdoo, William
McAdoo, William Gibbs
McAuliffe, G.W.
McBride, Thomas J.
McCain, Arthur W.
McCall, John A.
McCann, Alfred Watterson
McCann, Harry
McCarroll, William
McCardell, Roy L.
McCarter, Thomas Nesbitt
McCarthy, James A.
McClellan, George Brinton
McCooey, John H. (2)
McCormick, Robert R.
McCoy, Paul
McDermott, Terrence S.
MacDowell, Noah

Offsite-Box: 5, Folder: 41 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

McFadden, Bernard
McGarrah, Gates W.
McGraw, John
McGraw, John J.
McIntosh, Burr William
Mack, Norman Edward
McKeogh, Arthur
McKinley, William

Offsite-Box: 5, Folder: 42 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

General note

See also: Box 9, folder 74

McManus, George
McMein, Neysa Moran
McMurtry, George B.
Mahl, William
Mahoney, Jeremiah T.

Offsite-Box: 5, Folder: 42 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Mann, William D'Alton
Manning, William Thomas (2)
Mansfield, Richard (3)
Manville, H. Edward
Manville, Thomas, Jr.
Marconi, Count
Marconi, Guglielmo
Markham, Edwin
Markle, John
Marling, Alfred Erskine
Marlowe, Julia
Marquand, Rube
Marshall, Thomas Riley

Offsite-Box: 5, Folder: 43 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Martin, Bradley
Mathews, A. E.
Matthews, Frank A., Jr.
Matthews, James Brander
Maxim, Hudson
Maxwell, Elsa
May, Edna
May, George O.
Mayo, Henry Thomas
Martin, Bradley
Meighan, Thomas
Mellon, Andrew
Merrill, W. P.
Merry, Glenn N.
Metcalfe, James Stetson
Milburn, John George
Milford-Haven, Marquess of (Prince Louis of Battenburg)
Miller, Charles Addison
Miller, Kenneth D.
Miller, Roswell

Offsite-Box: 5, Folder: 44 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Milliken, Gerrish H.
Mills, Darius Ogden
Mitchel, John Purroy
Mitchell, John
Mizner, Addison
Mizner, Wilson
Moen, A. Rene
Moffett, Cleveland Langston
Moldenhawer, Julius Valdemar
Moody, William Henry
Moore, Edward R.

Offsite-Box: 5, Folder: 45 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Morgan, Edward M.
Morgan, J. Pierpont, Sr.
Morgan, J. Pierpont, Jr.
Morgan, Junius Spencer
Morgenthau, Henry, Sr.
Morganthau, Henry, Jr.
Morosini, Giovanni P.
Morosini, Giulia
Morris, Dave Hennen (2)
Morris, Newbold
Morton, Levi Parsons
Morton, Paul
Mosconi, Charles
Munn, Orson Desaix
Murphy, Frank
Murray, Oscar G.

Offsite-Box: 5, Folder: 46 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Naldi, Nita
New, Harry Stewart
Newman, William H.
Nickerson, E. I.
Niles, Nathan Eric
Nijinski, Madame
Nimitz, Chester W.
North, Henry Ringling
North, John Ringling

Offsite-Box: 6, Folder: 47 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Oblensky, Serge
O'Brien, Morgan Joseph
Odell, Benjamin Barker
Odlum, Hortense McQuarrie
Ogden, Robert Curtis
Ohlandt, B. C.
O'Keefe, Walter
Olcott, Jacob Van Vechten
Olin, Stephen Henry
Oliver, Robert Shaw
Oppenheim, Edward Phillips
O'Rourke, Fidelis
O'Rourke, Tex
O'Ryan, John F.

Offsite-Box: 6, Folder: 48 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Osborn, Henry Fairchild
Osborne, A. Perry
Osborne, J. W.
Osborne, William Church
Outcault, Richard Felton
Outerbridge, Eugene Harvey
Owen, Catherine Dale

Offsite-Box: 6, Folder: 49 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Pach, Alfred, Sr.
Pach, Alfred, Jr.
Pach, Gotthelf
Pach, Walter
Pach Brothers (Gotthelf, Gustavus, and Oscar) in their studio

Offsite-Box: 6, Folder: 50 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Page, Thomas Nelson
Palmer, Frederick
Paris, Comte de (2)
Parker, Alton Brooks (2)
Parkhurst, Charles Henry
Parrott, J. R.
Parsons, Herbert
Parsons, William Barclay
Patino, Simon
Patterson, Robert P.
Paul, Maury
Peabody, George Foster
Peary, Robert Edwin
Pecora, Ferdinand

Offsite-Box: 6, Folder: 51 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Pedrick, William (2)
Pershing, John Joseph (4)
Peters, Ralph
Pettit, Williams S.
Phelps, Henry M.
Philbin, Eugene A.
Philip, John Woodward
Phillips, David Graham
Pickford, Mary
Pierson, Lewis Eugene
Pinney, Alexander
Pitkin, A. J.
Plant, Morton F.
Plant, Philip M., Mr. and Mrs.

Offsite-Box: 6, Folder: 52 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Platt, Charles C.
Poletti, Charles
Polk, Frank Lyon
Polk, William Mecklenburg
Pollock, Channing
Porter, Horace
Post, Augustus
Post, Regis Henri
Potter, Charles
Potter, Henry Codman (2)
Prentice, William Satterlee Packer
Presbrey, Frank
Price, Frank J.
Prorok, Byron de

Offsite-Box: 6, Folder: 53 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

General note

See: Khun de Prorok, Byron

Pryor, Roger Atkinson
Pugsley, Cornelius Amory
Pulitzer, Ralph
Pupin, Michael Idvorsky

Offsite-Box: 6, Folder: 53 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Quackenbos (Quackenbush), John Duncan
Quick, Douglas
Randolph, Francis Fitz
Rapee, Erno
Raven Anton Adolph
Ray, Jackson Harvelle Randolph
Raymond, Andrew Van Vranken
Rea, C. H.
Redfield, William Cox
Reed, Stanley F.
Reichenbach, Harry
Reid, Whitelaw
Reilly, Edwin
Reinecke, F. C.
Reynolds, Quentin, Mr. and Mrs

Offsite-Box: 6, Folder: 54 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Rhind, John Massey
Rhoades, John Harsen
Rice, John L.
Richard, Oscar Louis
Richman, Harry
Ridder, Herman
Riis, Jacob August
Riley, W. E.
Ripley, Edward Payson
Ritchie, A. A.
Rockefeller, John Davison
Rodenbough, Theophilus Francis
Roebling, Ferdinand W.
Rogers, Admiral
Roosa, Daniel Bennett St. John

Offsite-Box: 6, Folder: 55 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Roosevelt, Eleanor Alexander
Roosevelt, Eleanor Alexander with her mother
Roosevelt, Eleanor Alexander with her bridesmaids
Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt (2)
Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt as a bride
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Roosevelt, Kermit
Roosevelt, Robert Barnwell
Roosevelt, Sarah Delano

Offsite-Box: 6, Folder: 56 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Roosevelt, Theodore (5)

Offsite-Box: 7, Folder: 57 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

General note

See also: Box 9, folder 75

Roosevelt, Theodore with first grandchild
Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr.
Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr. and Eleanor Alexander

Offsite-Box: 7, Folder: 57 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Root, Elihu
Root, Oren
Rosenman, Samuel Irving
Ross, Harold W.
Rossiter, Edward Van Wyck
Ruppert, Jacob Jr. (2)
Rush, Thomas E.
Russell, Lillian
Russell, Thomas
Ruth, George Herman
Rutledge, Wiley

Offsite-Box: 7, Folder: 58 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Sabin, Charles Hamilton (2)
Sage, Margaret Olivia Slocum
Saks, Isador
Saloman, William
Sands, Benjamin Aymar
Sarre, Gordon
Sartoris, Nellie Grant (stereograph)
Satterlee, Herbert Livingston
Saunderson, Percy
Sayre, Francis B.
Scarborough, John
Schaefer, R. J.
Schieffelin, William Jay

Offsite-Box: 7, Folder: 59 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Schiff, Jacob Henry
Schiff, William
Schley, Winfield Scott
Schmittberger, J.
Schroeder, Seaton
Schindler, Raymond C.
Schurman, Jacob Gould
Schurz, Carl
Seligman, Issac Newton
Selwyn, Edgar
Serviss, Garrett Putman
Seton, Ernest Thompson

Offsite-Box: 7, Folder: 60 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Shafter, William Rufus
Shaw, Albert
Sheehan, William Francis
Shepard, Helen Miller Gould
Sherman, James Schoolcraft(2)
Sickles, Daniel Edgar
Simkhovitch, Mary Melinda Kingsbury
Sims, P. Hal
Skinner, Otis
Skitt, Alfred
Sleeper, Martha
Sloan, Margaret Elmendorf
Sloan, Samuel and Margaret Elmendorf

Offsite-Box: 7, Folder: 61 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Sloane, Henry T.
Sloane, John
Sloane, William Milligan
Sloane-Field Wedding
Smith, Alfred Emanuel
Smith, Alfred Holland
Smith, Charles Stewart
Smith, Harold
Smith, Herbert
Smith, Robert Alexander C.
Snyder, John W.
Sockman, Ralph I.
Soglow, Otto
Sohmer, Harry J.
Sohmer, Hugo

Offsite-Box: 7, Folder: 62 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Spalding, Albert Goodwill
Spellman, Francis Cardinal
Sperry, Charles Stillman
Sprague, Charles Ezra
Stead, W. F.
Steel, Johannes
Steelman, John R.
Steffens, Joseph Lincoln
Steingut, Irwin
Steinway, Theodore
Stern, Louis
Stetson, Francis Lynde
Stimson, Henry Lewis
Stires, Ernest Milmore

Offsite-Box: 7, Folder: 63 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Stokes, James Graham Phelps
Stokes Family
Stotesbury, Edward Townsend
Stralem, Casimir
Stralem, Donald
Straus, Ida
Straus, Isidor and Ida
Straus, Jack I.
Straus, Jesse, Mrs.
Straus, Nathan
Straus, Oscar Solomon
Strauss, Oscar
Stroock, Solomon M.
Sturges, Ralph A.
Sulzberger, Frederick
Swann, Edward

Offsite-Box: 7, Folder: 64 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Taft, Charles Phelps
Taft, Henry Waters
Taft, Horace Dutton
Taft, Helen Herron
Taft, William Howard
Takamine, Jokighi
Talmadge, Constance
Talmadge, Norma
Tams, J. Frederic
Tashman, Lilyan
Taussig, Edward David
Terwilliger, H. G.
Thom, William B.
Thomas, E. R.
Thomas, Norman
Thomas, Olive
Thompson, John R.
Thompson, Robert Means

Offsite-Box: 7, Folder: 65 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Thorley, Charles
Tiffany, Louis Comfort
Tilford, Frank
Tomkins, Calvin
Tompkins, Arthur Sidney
Topakyan, Haigazoun Hohannes
Torrey, Clare Morse
Traphagen, J. C.
Trask, Spencer
Truesdale, M. D.
Truesdale, William Haynes
Truman, Harry
Trumball, Frank
Tully, Jim
Tunney, Gene
Tunney, James Joseph
Twain, Mark (2)

Offsite-Box: 8, Folder: 66 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Unidentified couple
Unidentified group of three with dogs on porch; military trio at encampment on verso
Untermyer, Samuel
Usher, Nathaniel Reilly
Vail, Theodore Newton

Offsite-Box: 8, Folder: 67 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

General note

See also: Box 9, folder 79

Valentine, Lewis Joseph
Van & Schenk
Van Amringe, John Howard
Van Bomel, Leroy Allison
Van Brunt, John
Vandegrift, A.A.
Vanderbilt, Cornelius II
Vanderbilt, Cornelius III
Vanderbilt, Reginald Claypoole
Vanderbilt, William Kissam
Vanderbilt, William Kissam, Jr.
Vandernoot, Julia
Van Stone, N. E.
Vetlesen, G. N.
Villard, Oswald Garrison
Vinson, Fred M.
Vreeland, Herbert Harold

Offsite-Box: 8, Folder: 67 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Wadsworth, James Wolcott, Jr.
Wagner, E. F.
Waldo, Rhinelander
Walker, Betty Compton
Walker, Betty Compton and child
Walker, James J.
Wallack, Lester, and family
Warburg, Paul Moritz
Warburton, Barclay H., III

Offsite-Box: 8, Folder: 68 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Ward, John Quincy Adams
Ward, Wilbur
Waring, George Edwin, Jr.
Warren, James C.
Warren, Lindsay
Warren, Stafford
Washington, Booker T.
Wasserman, S.
Waterman, Lewis Edson
Watson, James E.
Watson, Thomas J., Sr.
Watson, Thomas, Jr.
Watts, Charles H.
Webb, Alexander Stewart
Webb, Clifton
Webb, Creighton
Webb, William Seward, and daughter

Offsite-Box: 8, Folder: 69 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Weeks, Clarence G.
Weiman, Rita
Weir, Julian Alden
Welldon, Samuel
Welling, Richard Ward Greene
Wheeler, Bert
Wheeler, Joseph
White, Horace
White, Lawrence Grant
White, William A.
Whitman, Charles Seymour
Whitney, Caspar
Whitney, Cornelius Vanderbilt
Whitney, John Hay

Offsite-Box: 8, Folder: 70 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Wickersham, George Woodward
Wilcox, Ella Wheeler (2)
Wilcox, William Walter
Wiles, Irving Ramsey
Wiley, Louis
Wilkie, Wendell
Williams, John Sharp
Williamson, Frederick Ely
Wilson, James Grant
Wilson, John Moulder
Wilson, Woodrow
Windels, Paul H.
Windsor, Claire

Offsite-Box: 8, Folder: 71 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Wingate, George Wood
Winninger, Charles
Winslow, Cameron McRae
Winthrop, Beekman
Wise, Henry Alexander
Wise, Stephen Samuel (2)
Wood, Leonard
Woodford, Stewart Lyndon
Woodruff, Timothy Lester
Woods, Arthur
Woodward, William
Wu, Ting-Fang

Offsite-Box: 8, Folder: 72 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Youmans, Vincent

Offsite-Box: 8, Folder: 73 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Zabriskie, George
Zabriskie, George Albert
Zelcer, Bonnie Glass
Zelcer, F. William
Zink, Ebert P.
Zukor, Adolph

Offsite-Box: 8, Folder: 73 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Series II: Oversize and Group Portraits

Scope and Contents note

Series II. Oversize and Group Portraits contains oversize individual, family group, and group portraits of various people associated through corporate, government and social organizations. Corporate group portraits include the Kress, Singer, Sloan, and Woolworth companies, and the 1908 New York Giants baseball team. Government images are President Hayes and President McKinley with their cabinets, and the members of a Public Services Commission. Social groups are represented by a portrait of a fundraising committee for a World War I-era Allied Ball, and two images of the founders of Delta Upsilon fraternity.

Arranged in two subseries: Individuals and Family Groups; and Corporate Groups

Subseries I: Individuals and Family Groups

Childs, George W. and family, 1870

Offsite-Box: 9, Folder: 74 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Edison, Thomas Alva, 1909

Offsite-Box: 9, Folder: 74 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Grant, General Fred, and General Leonard Wood and wives, 1909

Offsite-Box: 9, Folder: 74 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Hayes, Rutherford B., and his cabinet (copy of print), undated

Offsite-Box: 9, Folder: 75 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Lincoln, Abraham (copy of print), undated

Offsite-Box: 9, Folder: 75 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

McKinley, William, and his cabinet, 1901

Offsite-Box: 9, Folder: 75 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Roosevelt, Theodore, As a Roughrider, undated

Offsite-Box: 9, Folder: 76 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Roosevelt, Theodore, At Montauk Point, New York, 1898

Offsite-Box: 9, Folder: 76 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Roosevelt, Theodore, Trophy room at Sycamore Hill, Oyster Bay, NY, undated

Offsite-Box: 9, Folder: 76 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Subseries II: Corporate Groups

Delta Upsilon Fraternity founders (2), 1883, 1908

Offsite-Box: 9, Folder: 77 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

F. W. Woolworth and Associates, undated

Offsite-Box: 9, Folder: 77 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

New York Giants baseball team, 1908

Offsite-Box: 9, Folder: 77 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

New York Supreme Court Justices, Appellate Division, undated

Offsite-Box: 9, Folder: 78 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Public Service Commission, undated

Offsite-Box: 9, Folder: 78 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

S. H. Kress and company, undated

Offsite-Box: 9, Folder: 79 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Singer Sewing Machine Company Directors, undated

Offsite-Box: 9, Folder: 79 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Theatrical Committee of the Allied Ball, 1917

Offsite-Box: 9, Folder: 79 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Vail, Theodore Newton, and group receiving the first transatlantic telephone message, undated

Offsite-Box: 9, Folder: 79 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

W. & J. Sloan and Company, undated

Offsite-Box: 9, Folder: 79 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Series III: Buildings

Scope and Contents note

Series III. Buildings holds photographs of street scenes that include portraits of buildings where the Pach Brothers had their studios in New Jersey and New York City; a glimpse of one of their office interiors can be seen in the brothers' group portrait in Box 6, Folder 50. This series also holds one photograph of Madison Square Garden and one of the Fifth Avenue Hotel, both in New York.

Fifth Avenue Hotel, undated

Offsite-Box: 9, Folder: 80 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Madison Square Garden, undated

Offsite-Box: 9, Folder: 80 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Pach Brothers studio, Long Branch, NJ (2), 1867

Offsite-Box: 9, Folder: 80 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

G.W. Pach Photographer Wagon, Long Branch, NJ, 1867

Offsite-Box: 9, Folder: 80 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Pach Brothers studio, 858 Broadway, New York, NY, [1873]

Offsite-Box: 9, Folder: 80 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Pach Brothers studio, 841 Broadway, New York, NY, [1878]

Offsite-Box: 9, Folder: 80 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Pach Brothers studio, 935 Broadway, New York, NY, [1895]

Offsite-Box: 9, Folder: 80 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Pach Brothers studio, 935 Broadway, New York, NY, 1905

Offsite-Box: 9, Folder: 80 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
New York Historical
170 Central Park West
New York, NY 10024