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Series III: Printed Material from Snook's Library, 1762-1928, inclusive

Scope and Contents

This series includes volumes from the libraries of John Butler Snook and his descendents. Many of the items are fragile and/or damaged. The copies of "Mr. Vanderbilt's House and Collection" are in very poor condition.

Books in English, 1762-1928, inclusive

The Mansions of England in the Olden Time, Vols. I-IV, by Joseph Nash, 1869, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 43 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

A Dictionary of Architecture, Vols. 1-3, by Robert Stuart, 1854, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 40 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Letters of an Architect from France, Italy, and Greece, Vols. I-II, by Joseph Woods, 1828, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 41 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Art Studies in Nature as Applied to Design, by J. Glaisher, et al, 1872, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 40 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

A Treatise on the Decorative Part of Civil Architecture, Vol. II, by William Chambers, 1825, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 41 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

The Architectural Reprint, 8 Volumes, 1903-1904, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 43 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

A Century in Construction, James Stewart and Company, publisher, 1944, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 42 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

The Antiquities of Athens, by James Stuart and Nicholas Revett, 1762, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 57 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Designs for Carving and Gilding, by Thomas King, 1830-1850, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 42 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Designs for Cottage and Villa Architecture, by Samuel H. Brooks, 1839, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 41 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

The Architect, Vol. IX, Jan-June 1873, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 42 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Elementary Principles of Carpentry, by Thomas Tredgold, 1820, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 41 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Open Timber Roofs of the Middle Ages, by D. Bogue, 1849, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 46 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

The Parthenon Naos, by Ernest Flagg, 1937, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 42 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Missouri's Contribution to Architecture, by John Asbury Bryan, 1928, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 42 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Villa And Cottage Architecture, Blackie and Sons, publisher, 1868, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 46 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Historical Account of the Glasgow Cathedral, by J. Collie, 1836, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 52 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Artists' Homes, by Maurice B. Adams, 1883, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 51 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

The Cathedrals of the World, Vols.1-2, by Fred H. Allen, 1886, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 51 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

The Architecture of M. Vitruvius Pollio, translated by William Newton, 1791, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 44 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Reliques of Ancient English Architecture, by John Johnson, 1858, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 52 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

The Terra-Cotta Architecture of North Italy, by Lewis Gruner, 1867, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 52 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Examples of Carved Oak Woodwork of the 16th and 17th Centuries, by William Bliss Sanders, 1883, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 53 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

English Interior Woodwork, by Henry Tanner, 1903, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 53 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Churches and Royal Monasteries of Batalhas, by Luis De Sousa and James Murphy, 1836, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 57 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Later Renaissance Architecture in England, Vols. I-III, by John Belcher and Mervyn E. Macartney, 1897-1901, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 54 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Later Renaissance Architecture in England, Vols. IV-VI, by John Belcher and Mervyn E. Macartney, 1897-1901, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 55 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Mr. Vanderbilt's House and Collection, George Barrie, publisher (2 volumes), 1883-1884, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 58 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Mr. Vanderbilt's House and Collection, George Barrie, publisher (2 volumes), 1883-1884, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 59 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Mr. Vanderbilt's House and Collection, George Barrie, publisher (2 volumes), 1883-1884, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 60 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Picturesque and Descriptive Views of the City of Dublin by James Malton, 1791, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 56 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Plans, Elevations and Sections of Buildings Public and Private, Executed in England, by David Laing, 1818, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 50 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

History of Woburn Abbey, by P.F. Robinson, 1833, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 56 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Books in French, 1812-1872, inclusive

Traite de Construction Appliquee a L'Architecture Civile, by J.A. Borgnis, 1840, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 47 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

L'Architecture Privee au XIX Siecle, Vols. 1-3, by Cesar Daly, 1864, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 49 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

L'Architecture Privee au XIX Siecle, Vols. 1-3, by Cesar Daly, 1872, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 48 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Motifs Historiques D'Architecture et De Sculpture D'Ornement Vols.1-2, by Cesar Daly, 1871, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 47 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Eglises de Bourgs et Villages, by A. Baudot, 1867, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 46 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Recueil D'Architecture Civile, by J. Ch. Krafft, 1812, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 57 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Books in German, 1840-1887, inclusive

Architektonischen Ordnungen de Griechen und Romer, by J.M. Mauch, 1872, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 42 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Die Bauformen des Mittelalters in Sandstein by Adolph Opderbecke, 1882, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 47 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Tektonik der Hellenen, by Karl Boetticher, 1873, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 44 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Vorlegeblatter fur Maurer und Zimmerleute: Nachtrage in 37 Lithographierten Tafeln mit Erlauterungen Entworfen, by Gustav Stier, 1844, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 44 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Architektonische Entwurfe zu Pracht- und Civil-Gebauden, by Bartels, Bauer, et al, 1846, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 44 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Archiv fur Natur, Kunst, Wissenschaft, und Leben, by Ochme & Muller, 1840-1842, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 41 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Architektonisches Skizzen-Buch (5 bound volumes plus 11 issues), by Ernst and Korn, 1855-1876, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 45 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Potsdam, by F. Riegel, 1842, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 56 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Decorativer Ziegelbau, by Hermann Bethke, 1887, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 50 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Books in Italian, 1826-1840, inclusive

La Casa di Delizia, by Alessandro Gherardesca, 1826, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 49 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Capitolo, by A. Desgodetz, circa 1840, inclusive

Offsite-Box: 53 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
New York Historical
170 Central Park West
New York, NY 10024