Series IV. Subjects, circa 1898-1965 (bulk, 1900-1950), inclusive
Cards are filed alphabetically by subject.
Activities & Occupations
Scope and Contents
Theatrical Advertising
American Art
American History
Scope and Contents
Patriotic – Flags, seals, etc.
Scope and Contents
Postcards mailed to individuals or families, kept together for their informational content.
BIRCH family (Carthage, Ohio) [17 cards], 1905-1909
BRADLEY family (Ossining, New York) [6 cards], 1907-1924
Includes one card from Elizaeth Bradley, of Ossining, addressed to Edith A. Ferguson, of Eldred, Sullivan County, New York.
HEGNER family (Valley Stream, New York) [16 cards], 1955-1961
A number of cards are addressed in care of "Alden Delicatessen." The Hegners are possible relatives of the Johnson and Mulholland families, which see.
HYATT family (Milford, Connecticut) [29 cards], 1905-1912
JOHNSON family ([South?] Ozone Park, New York) [8 cards], 1949-1957
The Johnsons are possible relatives of the Hegner and Mulholland families, which see.
LONG family (Framingham, Ashland, and Braintree, Massachusetts) [6 cards], 1905-1946
MC ARTHUR family (Carthage and Cincinnati, Ohio) [3 cards], 1905-1912
MIXELL family (Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania) [2 cards], 1913, undated
MULHOLLAND family (Richmond Hill and [South?] Ozone Park, New York) [16 cards], 1941-1960
The Mulhollands are possible relatives of the Hegner and Johnson families, which see.
PIPHER family (East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania) [6 cards], 1912-1914
TEETS family (East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania) [11 cards], 1905-1909
VAN NOSTRAND family (Port Washington, New York) [15 cards], 1906-1913
Scope and Contents Note
July Fourth
New Year
St. Patrick's Day
Valentine's Day
Washington's Birthday
General Greetings
Portraits | A
Scope and Contents
Adams, John
Adams, John Quincy
Adargo, Everett
Alden, John and Priscilla
Allen, Ethan
Allen, Viola
Amherst, Sir Jeffery
Anthony, Susan B.
Arnold, Benedict (Arnold's Marker, Freeman Farm)
Arthur, Chester A.
Audubon, John James
Portraits | B
Scope and Contents
Barber, John Warner
Bartlett, Joseph W., with sons Arthur and Walter
Barton, Dr. William P. C.
Batchelor, J.
Beach, Mrs. H.H.A.
Beecher, Henry Ward
Benson, Egbert
Berry, Martha
Bias, Clifford
Bolton, Reginald Pelham, with wife and sister
Bours, John
Bowling, Mildred
Brewster, Ada and Flora
Bristol, Rev. F.M.
Brown, John
Bryant, William Cullen
Buchanan, James
Buck, Dudley
Buckland, William
Buckminster, Rev. Joseph Stevens
Burnside, Col. A.E.
Burr, Aaron
Portraits | C
Scope and Contents
Carl, William C.
Carson, Christopher (Kit Carson)
Chadwick, George W.
Champagnat, Marcellin
Champlain, Samuel De
Chaplin, Charles
Clark, Mrs. Ted (walked from New York to San Francisco)
Clay, Henry
Clinton, De Witt
Cody, William F. (Buffalo Bill)
Columbus, Christopher
Comiskey, Charles A.
Coolidge, Calvin
Coolidge, Mrs.
Coolidge, Victoria Moor (mother of the president)
Cooper, James Fenimore
Cooper, Mrs. William (Elizabeth Fenimore)
Copley, John Singleton
Corcoran, William Wilson
Cormack, Rennie (singer of "Navajo Rag")
Crane, Rev. Caroline Bartlett (pencil portrait)
Crapo, Henry H., with Josiah W. Begole
Custer, George Armstrong
Portraits | D
Scope and Contents
Davis, Jessie Bartlett
Dearborn, Henry
De Groot, Adelaide Milton
de Koven, Reginald
Dempsey, Jack
Dewey, George, Admiral
Dewey, Thomas E., Governor of New York and family, with Governor Earl Warren of California and family
Dietschman, Franzl
Durant, Henry Fowle
Portraits | E
Scope and Contents
Eames, Emma
Earp, Wyatt
Embury, Philip
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Emmett, Daniel D.
Portraits | F
Scope and Contents
Faversham, William
Filmore, Millard
Fisher, Mrs. A.V.
Flanagan, Edward J. ("Father Flanagan")
Foote, Arthur
Fowler, Robert L., Jr.
Fraser, Simon (marker in Stillwater, Saratoga Co., N.Y., inscribed "HERE FRAZER FELL," 1777)
Fritchie, Barbara
Fulton, Robert
Portraits | Franklin, Benjamin
Portraits | G
Scope and Contents
Gallatin, Albert
Gallatin, Francis D.
Garfield, James A.
Gates, Erie Layton
George, Grace
Genet, Edmond Charles
Gill, Moses
Golde, Mrs. B.
Grant, Ulysses S.
Griffith, Clark C.
Portraits | H
Scope and Contents
Hamilton, Alexander
Hancock, John
Harding, Warren G.
Harris, Joel Chandler ("Uncle Remus")
Harrison, Benjamin
Harrison, Ed.
Harrison, William Henry
Hart, C.B.
Haynes, Rev. Lemuel
Henderson, R.B., T.F., W.M., and H.L.
Henderson, Pastor
Hershman, Martha
Hickok, James Butler (Wild Bill)
Hildreth, Clarence E.
Hooper, Polly
Houston, Sam
Hubbell, Carl
Hudson, Henry
Portraits | J
Scope and Contents
Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, Rachel Donelson
Jackson, Thomas J. ("Stonewall Jackson")
Jefferson, Thomas
John, Augustus
Johnson, David Bancroft
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Johnson, Walter Perry
Johnson, Sir William
Jones, John Paul
Jumel, Eliza
Portraits | K
Scope and Contents
Keeler, Willie
Kelly, William G.
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, John F. and family
King, Henry Churchill
Koch, Frederick H.
Kosciuszko, Tadeusz Andrezej
Kubelik, Jan
Portraits | L
Scope and Contents
Lafayette, Marquis de
Lawrence, James
Lee, Davey
Lee, Robert E.
Lindbergh, Charles A.
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Longworth, Alice Roosevelt
Longworth, Nicholas
Low, Juliette Gordon
Lowell, James Russell
Luther, Martin
Lynch, Thomas Jr.
Lyon, Mary
Portraits | Lincoln, Abraham
Portraits | M
Scope and Contents
MacDonald, Pirie
MacDowell, Edward
Madison, James
Marshall, John
McAllister, Paul
McClellan, George B.
McGraw, John J.
McKean, Thomas
McKenzie, Fayette Avery
McKinley, William
McNeill, John Charles
Monroe, James
Morton, Mrs. Perez
Muhlenberg, Henry Melchior
Portraits | N
Scope and Contents
Nazimova, Alla
Nesbit, Evelyn
Portraits | O
Scope and Contents
O'Connell, William Cardinal
O'Dell, Bill
O'Rourke, James H.
Outcault, Richard F.
Portraits | P
Scope and Contents
Paine, Thomas
Painter, Gamaliel
Parkhurst, Emmeline
Parker, Horatio
Parlow, Kathleen
Pemberton, John C.
Penn, William
Perry, Matthew C.
Pershing, John J.
Pierce, Franklin
Pinckney, Charles C.
Pisek, Vincent, Rev.
Pius XII
Poe, Edgar Allan
Polk, James K.
Potts, Loraine
Powell, Maud
Pruden [or Prudden], H.L.
Puccini, Giacomo
Portraits | Q
Scope and Contents
Quincy, Dorothy
Portraits | R
Scope and Contents
Randolph, John
Rauschenbusch, Walter
Revere, Paul
Riffle, Mable
Robertson, Forbes
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
Portraits | Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Portraits | Roosevelt, Theodore
Scope and Contents
See also the lenticular print card of Theodore Roosevelt filed with the Unusual Postcards in box 95.When tilted it displays alternate images of Roosevelt and the White House.
Portraits | S
Scope and Contents
Salisbury, Samuel
Salisbury, Stephen
Schermerhorn, Charles A.
Schley, Winfield Scott
Schumann-Heink, Ernestine
Schuyler, Philip
Schuyler, Catherine (Van Rensselaer), Mrs. Philip
Serra, Junipero
Skinner, Cornelia Otis
Sminck(?), Donald
Smith, Art ("Bird Boy")
Smith, John, Captain
Smith, Joseph
Spiering, Theodore
Stevens, John Frank
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Stimson, Margaret
Stockton, T.B.W., Colonel, with Admiral Thomas C. Hart
Stuyvesant, Petrus
Sunday, William M. ("Billy Sunday"; see also his tabernacle, filed under Manhattan | Churches & Synagogues (S), box 47)
Swinton, Hon. Mrs.
Portraits | T
Scope and Contents
Taft, William H.
Taylor, Thomas
Taylor, Zachary
Tennyson, Alfred
Thomson, Miss
Thomas, Isaiah
Tousey, John Euart and family
Turkington, Jennie
Turkington, Tom
Twain, Mark
Tyler, John
Portraits | U
Scope and Contents
Underwood, Herbert W., with Captain Mildred McAfee
Utter, George H.
Portraits | V
Scope and Contents
Van Buren, Martin
Van Rooy, Anton
Vincent, John H., with Lewis Miller
Vorhaus family
Portraits | W
Scope and Contents
Wall, Alexander J.
Ward, Richard
Warren, Lulu
Watson, Elkanah
Webster, Daniel
Wesley, John
Wheeler, Dora
Whistler, James A. McNeill
Whitman, Walt
Whittier, John Greenleaf
Whitmore, Floyd, Alice, and Irving
Whitmore, Virginia
Wilcox, Sarah
Willard, Frances E.
Wilson, Woodrow
Winslow, Edward
Wood, Henry J.
Wright, George
Wydler, Gustow(?)
Portraits | Washington, George & Martha
Portraits | Y
Scope and Contents
Yates, Mrs. Richard
Young, Brigham
Portraits | Z
Scope and Contents
Zaborowski (Zabriskie), Olbracht
Portraits | Unidentifed
Portraits | Groups
Portraits | African American
Portraits | Human curiosities
Scope and Contents
Bunker, Chang and Eng
Bushrich, Freida
Corbin, Myrtle
De Faiber, Ernestine
Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Gibb/Gibbs, Mary and Margaret
Hilton, Violet and Daisy
Kissell, Edward
Lentini, Francisco
Lionel, Lion-Faced Boy
McAskill, Angus, with Tom Thumb
Millie and Christine, Carolina Twins
O'Conner, Francis
Paucci, Baron
Paul and Rose, Elephant-Skinned Kids
Susie the Elephant-Skinned Girl
Thumb, Tom
Portraits | Military
Scope and Contents
Portraits | Native Americans
Portraits | Religious
Portraits | Royalty
Scope and Contents
Albert I, King of the Belgians
John, King of England
British Royal Family (George VI, Elizabeth II, etc.)
Scope and Contents
Horse-drawn Vehicles
Mountain Railways
named, A-G
named, H-R
named, S-Z
groups of ships
unidentified ships
Trolley Cars
Unusual Postcards
Scope and Contents
Includes cards on leather, cards on birch bark, a card on a cross section of a tree, embroidered cards and cards on fabric (one with a portrait of Miss Edith Cavell), cat cards (with one that squeaks when squeezed), cards with feathers, cards that are drink coasters, embossed cards of New York City and State scenes, accordion-folder cards that pull open, and a lenticular print card (when tilted it displays alternate images of Theodore Roosevelt and the White House).