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Forts, 46 items (PR 3-108), 1811-1909, undated, inclusive

Processing Information

The Forts series was added to the finding aid in October 2019 by archivist Larry Weimer. The item descriptions incorporate most of the data from the Architects and Engineers Access database used internally by the Department of Prints, Photographs and Architectural Collections.

Fort Welles, Hilton Head, S.C., undated

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Original drawing showing plan of fort and various sections. Annotations about armament which lists weapon calibers, what they are mounted on, and where placed in fort. Scale 1"=100'. 10" x 13" sheet.

Set of Drawings by O. Ranfft, undated, inclusive

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

A set of 23 plates/prints from treatise on designs for military fortifications. Titled plates include reference to Cormontaingne's Front, Vauban's Front, Lefebvre's Method, Wentzel's Method, Polygonal system of Montalembert, Trace of the front of Coehorn's 1st system, Chasseloup's system, Haxo's system, Choumara's system. 21" x 15" sheets. (Plans formerly numbered by N-YHS as series PR 3-166.)

Set of Drawings of Unidentified Fortifications, undated, inclusive

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Set of 9 plates/prints. Untitled and unattributed. (Formerly numbered by N-YHS as part of PR 3-166.)

Fort Columbus?, undated

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Original sketch in ink wash, ink, and graphite pencil, possibly part of plan of Fort Columbus on Governor's Island. Some annotations (and dimensions) barely legible in ink. Verso shows part of site plan with annotations; Annotations of verso include: Parapet 22 feet inside on the Top, towards North River, Furnace, Mag., etc. Scale 1"=10'. 19" x 24" sheet.

Fort George, 1774, 1817

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Original drawing "copied" on October 4, 1817 by Jonathan or Joseph Ludlam (?) from a April 12, 1774 drawing by Gerard Bancker: "A Plan of Fort George in the City of New York made at the request of the Honourable Jno. Cruger Esq. [mayor] and the rest of the Committee appointed to fix on a place for building a government house." 14 1/2" x 22" sheet.

Plan of Fort George, N.Y., 1774, circa 1909

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Labeled as "Design to be used as tablet to be placed in N.Y. Custom House by the N.Y. Society of the Order of the Founders and Patriots of America." Plan is a tracing of the Gerard Bancker plan of Fort George of April 112, 1774, apparently made by E.H. Hall. 8 1/2" x 7" sheet, mounted. Acquired by N-YHS: Gift of Hudson-Fulton Celebration Commission, May 5, 1911, George N. Moran.

Fortress Monroe, 1862

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

A reprographic, sepia print of a drawing dated 1862. An aerial view of Fort Monroe, showing labeled boats, and numbered buildings within fortress with corresponding illegible numbered annotations written at bottom left of drawing. Signed in ink by R.A. Leurs [?] in lower right corner. 10" x 12 3/4" sheet, mounted.

Plan of Ft. Keogh, undated

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Original color drawing (ink, ink wash) of plan showing parade ground, infantry quarters, officer's quarters, hospital, calvary stables, etc. Scale 1"=320'. 10 3/4" x 15 3/4" sheet. Acquired: July 23, 1925.

[Front Elevation and Section of Fortress Wall], Hilton Head, S.C., 1863 February 6

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Drawn by Henry Mehles, 2nd Lieutenant, Co. B, New York Volunteer Engineers,Hilton Head. Original drawing in color inks of elevation and section of wall of an unidentified fort. 12" x 19 1/4" sheet.

Front and Back View: Drawbridge and Pallisading, undated

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Original drawing of elevation of drawbridge and fencing (palisading), perhaps by Henry Mehles [?]. Also include small section and plan detail of fence posts. Rough sketches of details on recto & verso in graphite pencil. 12 3/4" x 15 1/2" sheet.

Fort Independence, Kingsbridge, 1776-1779, undated

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Rough sketch of unknown origin showing plan of Fort Independence. Not an historic drawing; could be a copy of an historic drawing. "Boosted 16 times", Labels include: parade ground, proposed extensions, parapet, bastion, rampart above ground, entrance, headquarters, etc., "L 10 S-12" written on verso in pencil 8 1/2" x 11" sheet.

A Plan of Fort Gansevoort New York, 1812?, undated

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Copy of historic drawing. Shows plan and side elevation of fort. Scale 1"=30'. Copied from original on file in War Department in Washington D.C. See History NY City in War 1812-15. "L 3 M-39" on verso in pencil. 18" x 26" sheet. Acquired by N-YHS: May 12, 1902.

Bastion Du Roy, Raisant Partie De Lenceinte La Ville De Louisbourg (King's Bastion forming a part of the ramparts of the town of Louisburg), 1924, 1935 September 17

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Photoreproduction from the Public Archives of Canada, Map Division, of "A plan of the King's Bastion, barracks, chapel and officers appartments from the National Library, Paris. Drawn and colored by Albert Almon, 1924." Includes elevation of barracks facing town and section details. Acquired by N-YHS: Gft of Major Howland Pell, October 16, 1935. 13 1/2" x 15" sheet.

Louisburg City, Drawn by Geo. Follings (?), A.D. 1745, undated

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Photoreproduction. Drawing shows plots, British flag, fortress wall, cemetery, surrounding water and land, ships, etc. 14 1/2" x 17 1/2" sheet. Acquired by N-YHS: January 30, 1926.

Canso, Fourt, 1745, undated

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Photoreproduction of historic drawing of Fort Canso with British flag and numbered annotations about various buildings and attributes of fort. By George Follings(?). 16" x 17 1/2" sheet. Acquired by N-YHS: January 30, 1926.

[Plans of Various Forts], undated

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

"Photograph from original [manuscript] in British Museum from Rev. John Miller's 'New York Considered and Improved 1695', edited by Victor Hugo Paltsis. Pub. at Cleveland, O. by Burrows Bros Co. 1904." Shows five plans of forts in NY: area of Albany, the fort of Albany, the fort of Schenectady (spelled Scanecthade), the Indian fort at the Flats, and Kingstone. 13" x 15 1/2" sheet. Acquired by N-YHS: November 7, 1945.

A Plan of Fort Diamond on Hendricks Reef, Harbor of New York, Dec. 1818 (Oversize), undated

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-2 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Noted "copied from original plan on file in War Department in Washington D.C. Made for defense of New York City in 1812." Drawings include: Section of the Gateway; Section of the Front of the Work,; Section Showing the "Casmated" Rooms, Gallery, and Area of Magazine; Perpendicular Section Showing the Embrasures and Tiers, Interior View of Front Wall & Rear Wall, & Plan. 22" x 40 1/4" sheet. Acquired by N-YHS: May 12, 1902.

Fort Sumter, South Carolina (Oversize), circa 1865

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-2 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Full title: "Fort Sumter, South Carolina, at the time of its capture, February 18th, 1865, showing the effects of the bombardment from Morris Island. To accompany the report of Maj. General Q.A. Gillmore, U.S. Vols, Comdg. Dept. of the South." Labels include: Elevation of Western Front, Horizontal Section, Elevation of North Eastern Front, Plan, etc. Scale 1"=20'. Lithograph by Julius Bien & Co. 29" x 36 1/4" sheet.

[Elevation and Section of Castle Williams/Fort Williams] (Oversize), [1811]

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-3 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Watercolor rendering shows a longitudinal section, an aerial view section, and a side elevation. Components are labeled such as, Powder Magazines, Furnace for heating Shot, Stone Sentry Box, Bomb Proof Platform, etc. Scale bar given (1"=10'). Acquired by purchase from Abbott-Lenox, The Old Print Shop. 26 1/2" x 33" sheet, plus matting.

Plan of Fort Columbus on Governors Island (Oversize), [1811]

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-3 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Watercolor rendering shows an aerial view of Fort Columbus which has sides facing Red Hook, Long Island, the Bay & New York. Components are labeled, including a covered way to Castle Williams. Labels of components include: Gate 10 feet wide, with drawbridge & Slight Portcullis, Sally Port communicating with the Ditch by a vaulted passage 5 feet wide, Powder Magazine Bomb Proof, Two Bastions, etc. Scale bar given (1"=40'). Acquired by purchase at East Side Antiques Show, January 25, 1956. 26 1/2" x 33" sheet, plus matting.

New York Historical
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New York, NY 10024