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Architects & Engineers collection

Call Number

PR 3


circa 1790-1989, inclusive



20 Linear feet
(Over 1,500 architectural and engineering drawings)

Language of Materials

The documents are in English.


The collection consists of approximately 1,500 drawings in many media, including ink and graphite drawings, renderings, sketches, blueprints, and lithographs representing works by more than 150 locally and nationally prominent architects and engineers.


These series are based on the name of the architect, engineer and/or artist. Unattributed work is filed in the Unknown Creator series, and arranged thereunder by project name or building type (i.e. churches of Brookline Massachusetts are filed in series number 181, name architect and/or artist is unknown). Related materials within series are grouped into sets. Miscellaneous architecture and engineering drawings are grouped and housed together.

Hughson Hawley watercolor renderings are cataloged under series 035 with the exception of the renderings of The New-York Historical Society which are cataloged under the architecture firm Renwick, Aspinwall & Russell (series 092). Watercolor renderings of the Armory (Powell C. Karr, architect) and the New-York Life Insurance Company (McKim, Mead & White, architect) are cataloged under series 035. With the exception of the drawing mentioned above, Hughson Hawley renderings that are part of other collections, such as the Cass Gilbert collection or the Post collection, are not described in this database. Series 108 includes forts for which the architect/engineer/artist is unknown, except in the case of drawings by Henry Mehles which are also included in this series (name of fort unknown) and reproductions of miscellaneous fort drawings. Other series numbers are assigned to forts for which the architect/engineer/artist is known (see series 014 and 191). Series number order does not correspond to the alphabetical order of names of the architects/engineers/artists.

The collection is arranged in 241 series, alphabetically by architect, firm, or building.

Scope and Content Note

The collection includes more than 1,500 architectural and engineering drawings from 1811-1989. They are in many media, including ink and graphite drawings, renderings, sketches, blueprints, and lithographs. Of the approximately 1,400 entries in database, most entries represent one item or a group (less than 10) of related items.

Works by more than 150 locally and nationally prominent architects and engineers are represented. Designers include: Squire Whipple; Charles Bulfinch; Carrère & Hastings; Ernest Flagg; John Haviland; Peabody & Stearns; James Renwick Jr.; Richard Upjohn; Calvert Vaux; Edward Pearce Casey; Delano & Aldrich; Wendel Bollman; and Warren & Wetmore. There are usually fewer than 10 drawings by any one architect or engineer. However, the collection includes over 50 Gilbert Elevated Railway drawings, over 100 reprographic documents and original drawings by Henry P. Davidson.

The file contains such diverse material as Interborough Rapid Transit Company subway system drawings; U.S. Capitol drawings by John Trumbull, ca. 1800-1820; engineering schemes for the Gilbert Elevated Railway, ca. 1875; estate landscaping plans by Schermerhorn & Foulks, ca. 1910; Corps of Engineers plans for the Solomons Lump Light Station in Maryland, 1894; and designs for structures on Long Island by Christian F. Rosborg, 1920s-1930s. An 1858 plan for Central Park, drawn by George Waring, is also included.

The bulk of drawings feature New York architectural or engineering subjects. However, the file also includes drawings of: Memorial Continental Hall of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Alexandria Aqueduct, Walters Art Gallery, Olivet College buildings, the U.S. Chancellery building in Paris, and many churches located in Virginia, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maine, and Connecticut. Important New York subjects include: Castle Williams, Brooklyn Bridge, Astor Residence, American Radiator Building, Armory, Academy of Arts, Bowling Green Park, Battery Park, Carnegie Garden, City Hall, Halls of Justice, Customs House (Merchant Exchange), Union Square station, Manufacturers Trust Company building, Croton Aqueduct, Harlem River Bridge, Chapin School, Fort Diamond, New York Life Insurance Company Building, West Side improvement plans, New York sewers, Manhattan Market, Federal Hall, Apthorp Apartments, Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, Holland Tunnel, various residences, subway and transit lines, and commercial and factory buildings.



Access Restrictions

For more information on making arrangements to consult the collection, please visit

Use Restrictions

Taking images of documents from the library collections for reference purposes by using hand-held cameras and in accordance with the library's photography guidelines is encouraged. As an alternative, patrons may request up to 20 images per day from staff.

Application to use images from this collection for publication should be made in writing to: Department of Rights and Reproductions, The New-York Historical Society, 170 Central Park West, New York, NY 10024-5194, Phone: (212) 873-3400 ext. 282.

Copyrights and other proprietary rights may subsist in individuals and entities other than the New-York Historical Society, in which case the patron is responsible for securing permission from those parties. For fuller information about rights and reproductions from N-YHS visit:

Preferred Citation

This collection should be cited as Architects & Engineers Collection, PR 3, Department of Prints, Photographs, and Architectural Collections, New-York Historical Society.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

The collection came from over 60 sources. The bulk of the collection was the result of donations.

Separated Material

In 2002, Photographs taken by Arthur Jennings and of buildings designed by Raymond Hood were removed from this collection and now constitute PR 135, the Arthur Bates Jennings Photograph Collection, and PR 148, the Raymond Hood Collection. Also in 2002, over 100 residential elevations, floor plans, and ornamental detail sketches made ca. 1850 by Brooklyn architect James W. Martens were removed to their own collection, PR 113, the James W. Martens Architectural Records Collection. In 2004, student drawings by William Delano and photographs of buildings by his firm were removed from this collection and now form PR 244, the William Adams Delano Collection. Several drawings by the firm of Delano & Aldrich for Battery Park remain in PR 003.

Drawings by Carstensen & Gildemeister, Mettam & Burke, Isaac F. Wood, and York & Sawyer of New-York Historical Society buildings can be found in the New-York Historical Society Archives (NYHS-RG 3).

Related Material

Works of Alexander Davis, Cass Gilbert, John McComb, Calvin Pollard, Emery Roth, Emery Roth & Sons, McKim, Mead & White, George B. Post, James W. Martens, William Delano, and John B. Snook are distinct collections. For William Strickland watercolors, see the N-YHS museum collection (American Landscape and Genre Paintings in the New York Historical Society). For John Haviland's drawings of the Doctor Wilson's Church, Washington Square Philadelphia, see the McComb sketch book on plans for altering steeple of the Brick Presbyterian Church in New York, part of the N-YHS Manuscript Department. Naval architecture blueprints of Hudson River steamboats are in the Subject File. Architect's papers and some sketches are also in the Manuscript Department. Building renderings are also in the Department of Paintings, Sculpture, and Decorative Arts. Drawings related to N-YHS's buildings can be found in the New-York Historical Society archives.

Accruals Note

Additional materials that are received from time to time that are consistent with the broad characteristics of this collection will be added to the Architects and Engineers Collection.

Collection processed by

Susan Benz

About this Guide

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Edition of this Guide

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New-York Historical Society

Abert, James William (See Warren, Gouverneur Kemble), (PR 3-196)

American Bridge Company (See Gilbert Elevated R.R.) (PR 3-24)

Arlen Realty & Development Corp., 8 items (PR 3-206)

Fordham Center, 1972

Box: PR 3-206 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Atterbury, Grosvenor, ca. 152 items (PR 3-1)

City Hall, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Seth Low Residence, Bedford, NY, [1907]

Box: PR 3-1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Unidentified Foundation Plan, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Auchmuty & Ludlow, 1 item (PR 3-2)

Unidentified Church, Elevation

Box: PR 3-2 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Baldwin Locomotive Works (See Gilbert Elevated R.R.) (PR 3-24)

Bancker, Gerard, 1 item (PR 3-191)

Fort George, New York, NY, 1817

Box: PR 3-191 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Baxter, Charles, 31 items (PR 3-3)

Unidentified Five-Story Factory Building, Elevations, Sections, and Floor Plans

Box: PR 3-3 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Unidentified Five-Story Building, possibly Nos. 112-118 West 52nd Street, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-3 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bellow & Aldrich, 1 item, (PR 3-212)

Monument for Henry Elias Howland, Walpole, NH, 1917

Box: PR 3-212 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Berrian, James (See Lienau, Detlef) (PR 3-47)

Biles, Alfred, 4 items (PR 3-4)

Proposed City Hall Remodeling, Floor Plans New York, NY

Box: PR 3-4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Courthouse, Floor Plan New York, NY

Box: PR 3-4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bollman, W. (Wendel), 1 item (PR 3-136)

Patent Suspension Bridge, Elevation and Section

Box: PR 3-136 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bolton, Reginald Pelham, (PR 3-180)

Nagel Farmhouse (Century House), Excavation Plan, New York, NY, 1906

Box: PR 3-180 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Riverside Park and Drive, Plan for Solution to West Side Railroad Track Problem, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-180 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bryant, G.J.F., 1 item (PR 3-183)

Quincy Hall, Boston, MA, 1840

Box: PR 3-183 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bulfinch, Charles, 2 items (PR 3-66)

Capitol of the United States, Washington, DC

Box: PR 3-66 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Busbys, Joseph, 1 item (PR 3-5)

Unidentified Building

Box: PR 3-5 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Cafferty & Buckley, 8 items (PR 3-226)

Lenygon & Morant Inc. Building, 24-26 E. 82nd Street, New York, NY, [1900]

Box: PR 3-226 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Carrére & Hastings, 3 items (PR 3-6)

Victory Arch, New York Memorial, New York, NY, 1918

Box: PR 3-6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Casey, Edward Pearce, 23 items (PR 3-8)

Memorial Continental Hall and other buildings for the Daughters of the American Revolution, Washington, DC, 1904, inclusive

Box: PR 3-8 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Chamberlain, William E., 1 item (PR 3-9)

Unidentified Building

Box: PR 3-9 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Chambers, Walter B., 1 items (PR 3-10)

Lucina Memorial Chapel, Rockville, CT

Box: PR 3-10 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Chanler, William Astor, 2 items (PR 3-194)

Waterworks, Tampico, Mexico, 1902

Box: PR 3-194 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Clinton & Russell, 2 items (PR 3-11)

Graham Court Apartments, New York, NY, 1901

Box: PR 3-11 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Apthorp Apartments, New York, NY, [1906]

Box: PR 3-11 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Company B., N.Y. Vol. Engineers, 1 item (PR 3-101)

[Bridge Design], Seabrook, SC

Box: PR 3-101 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Corps of Engineers. Light House Board (PR 3-243), 1894, inclusive

Solomons Lump Light Station, Maryland, 1894 July, inclusive

Box: PR 3-243 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

16 plates of architectural drawings issued by the Office of the Light House Board. Gift, Helen J. Brown, 1928.

Davidson, Henry P., 31 items (PR 3-12)

Proposed Alteration at West End Ave., New York, NY

Box: PR 3-12 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

794-6-8 Tenth Avenue, New York, NY, [1888]

Box: PR 3-12 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Unidentified Building on 53rd Street, New York, NY, [1888]

Box: PR 3-12 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Church on Bushwick Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 1903

Box: PR 3-12 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Unidentified Building on Tenth Avenue, New York, NY, [1888]

Box: PR 3-12 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Wallace Lamp Factory, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-12 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

De Boisforet, 1 item (PR 3-242)

Immediate Source of Acquisition Note

The item was transferred from N-YHS's miscellaneous manuscripts collection (now known as the American Historical Manuscripts Collection, or AHMC) to the Architect & Engineer File in August 2017. Its original acquisition information is unknown.

Processing Information Note

This series was processed and added to the collection by archivist Larry Weimer in August 2017.

[Floor Plan of the Royal Grounds in Jacmel, St. Domingue], circa 1790?

Box: PR 3-242 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents Note

Document is in French.

De Remer, Joseph Bell, 1 item (PR 3-13)

Residence of Mr. George Anderson, Somerville, NJ

Box: PR 3-13 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Delafield, Richard, 1 item (PR 3-14)

Drawbridge of Fort Richmond, 1849

Box: PR 3-14 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Delano & Aldrich, ca. 3 items (PR 3-15)

Battery Park, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-15 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Douglass, David Bates, 6 items (PR 3-179)

Croton Aqueduct, New York, NY, 1846

Box: PR 3-179 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Duclos, J.M., 1 item (PR 3-17)

Unidentified Market

Box: PR 3-17 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Duggin, Charles, 1 item (PR 3-18)

Three Houses on a Corner Lot, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-18 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Dwight, Benjamin Franklin, 12 items (PR 3-19)

Residence for F.G. Shaw, Esq., Elevations, Sections and Floor Plans, 1853

Box: PR 3-19 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Eckman, Julius, 14 items (PR 3-224)

Proposed Alterations to Lenygon & Morant Loft Building, New York, NY, 1934

Box: PR 3-224 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Proposed Alterations to Lenygon & Morant Inc. Building, 1082 Madison Avenue, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-224 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Electric Railroaders' Association, 1 item (PR 3-86)

Rapid Transit Lines at East New York, Brookyln, NY, 1944

Box: PR 3-86 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Elliot, Wm. P. (William Parker), 1 item (PR 3-232)

New Patent Office, National Gallery of American Manufactures and Agriculture, Washington, DC

Box: PR 3-232 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Finlayson, F. L., 6 items (PR 3-20)

St. Johns Chapel, New York, NY, 1914

Box: PR 3-20 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Flagg, Ernest, 13 items (PR 3-21)

Savings Bank of Rockville, Rockville, CT, 1914

Box: PR 3-21 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Residence for Lewis G. Morris Esq., New York, NY, 1913

Box: PR 3-21 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Formento, L., 1 item (PR 3-100)

Pianta Del Tempio Pel Culto Valdese, Turin, Italy, [1851]

Box: PR 3-100 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Forts, 46 items (PR 3-108), 1811-1909, undated, inclusive

Processing Information

The Forts series was added to the finding aid in October 2019 by archivist Larry Weimer. The item descriptions incorporate most of the data from the Architects and Engineers Access database used internally by the Department of Prints, Photographs and Architectural Collections.

Fort Welles, Hilton Head, S.C., undated

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Original drawing showing plan of fort and various sections. Annotations about armament which lists weapon calibers, what they are mounted on, and where placed in fort. Scale 1"=100'. 10" x 13" sheet.

Set of Drawings by O. Ranfft, undated, inclusive

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

A set of 23 plates/prints from treatise on designs for military fortifications. Titled plates include reference to Cormontaingne's Front, Vauban's Front, Lefebvre's Method, Wentzel's Method, Polygonal system of Montalembert, Trace of the front of Coehorn's 1st system, Chasseloup's system, Haxo's system, Choumara's system. 21" x 15" sheets. (Plans formerly numbered by N-YHS as series PR 3-166.)

Set of Drawings of Unidentified Fortifications, undated, inclusive

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Set of 9 plates/prints. Untitled and unattributed. (Formerly numbered by N-YHS as part of PR 3-166.)

Fort Columbus?, undated

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Original sketch in ink wash, ink, and graphite pencil, possibly part of plan of Fort Columbus on Governor's Island. Some annotations (and dimensions) barely legible in ink. Verso shows part of site plan with annotations; Annotations of verso include: Parapet 22 feet inside on the Top, towards North River, Furnace, Mag., etc. Scale 1"=10'. 19" x 24" sheet.

Fort George, 1774, 1817

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Original drawing "copied" on October 4, 1817 by Jonathan or Joseph Ludlam (?) from a April 12, 1774 drawing by Gerard Bancker: "A Plan of Fort George in the City of New York made at the request of the Honourable Jno. Cruger Esq. [mayor] and the rest of the Committee appointed to fix on a place for building a government house." 14 1/2" x 22" sheet.

Plan of Fort George, N.Y., 1774, circa 1909

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Labeled as "Design to be used as tablet to be placed in N.Y. Custom House by the N.Y. Society of the Order of the Founders and Patriots of America." Plan is a tracing of the Gerard Bancker plan of Fort George of April 112, 1774, apparently made by E.H. Hall. 8 1/2" x 7" sheet, mounted. Acquired by N-YHS: Gift of Hudson-Fulton Celebration Commission, May 5, 1911, George N. Moran.

Fortress Monroe, 1862

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

A reprographic, sepia print of a drawing dated 1862. An aerial view of Fort Monroe, showing labeled boats, and numbered buildings within fortress with corresponding illegible numbered annotations written at bottom left of drawing. Signed in ink by R.A. Leurs [?] in lower right corner. 10" x 12 3/4" sheet, mounted.

Plan of Ft. Keogh, undated

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Original color drawing (ink, ink wash) of plan showing parade ground, infantry quarters, officer's quarters, hospital, calvary stables, etc. Scale 1"=320'. 10 3/4" x 15 3/4" sheet. Acquired: July 23, 1925.

[Front Elevation and Section of Fortress Wall], Hilton Head, S.C., 1863 February 6

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Drawn by Henry Mehles, 2nd Lieutenant, Co. B, New York Volunteer Engineers,Hilton Head. Original drawing in color inks of elevation and section of wall of an unidentified fort. 12" x 19 1/4" sheet.

Front and Back View: Drawbridge and Pallisading, undated

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Original drawing of elevation of drawbridge and fencing (palisading), perhaps by Henry Mehles [?]. Also include small section and plan detail of fence posts. Rough sketches of details on recto & verso in graphite pencil. 12 3/4" x 15 1/2" sheet.

Fort Independence, Kingsbridge, 1776-1779, undated

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Rough sketch of unknown origin showing plan of Fort Independence. Not an historic drawing; could be a copy of an historic drawing. "Boosted 16 times", Labels include: parade ground, proposed extensions, parapet, bastion, rampart above ground, entrance, headquarters, etc., "L 10 S-12" written on verso in pencil 8 1/2" x 11" sheet.

A Plan of Fort Gansevoort New York, 1812?, undated

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Copy of historic drawing. Shows plan and side elevation of fort. Scale 1"=30'. Copied from original on file in War Department in Washington D.C. See History NY City in War 1812-15. "L 3 M-39" on verso in pencil. 18" x 26" sheet. Acquired by N-YHS: May 12, 1902.

Bastion Du Roy, Raisant Partie De Lenceinte La Ville De Louisbourg (King's Bastion forming a part of the ramparts of the town of Louisburg), 1924, 1935 September 17

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Photoreproduction from the Public Archives of Canada, Map Division, of "A plan of the King's Bastion, barracks, chapel and officers appartments from the National Library, Paris. Drawn and colored by Albert Almon, 1924." Includes elevation of barracks facing town and section details. Acquired by N-YHS: Gft of Major Howland Pell, October 16, 1935. 13 1/2" x 15" sheet.

Louisburg City, Drawn by Geo. Follings (?), A.D. 1745, undated

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Photoreproduction. Drawing shows plots, British flag, fortress wall, cemetery, surrounding water and land, ships, etc. 14 1/2" x 17 1/2" sheet. Acquired by N-YHS: January 30, 1926.

Canso, Fourt, 1745, undated

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Photoreproduction of historic drawing of Fort Canso with British flag and numbered annotations about various buildings and attributes of fort. By George Follings(?). 16" x 17 1/2" sheet. Acquired by N-YHS: January 30, 1926.

[Plans of Various Forts], undated

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

"Photograph from original [manuscript] in British Museum from Rev. John Miller's 'New York Considered and Improved 1695', edited by Victor Hugo Paltsis. Pub. at Cleveland, O. by Burrows Bros Co. 1904." Shows five plans of forts in NY: area of Albany, the fort of Albany, the fort of Schenectady (spelled Scanecthade), the Indian fort at the Flats, and Kingstone. 13" x 15 1/2" sheet. Acquired by N-YHS: November 7, 1945.

A Plan of Fort Diamond on Hendricks Reef, Harbor of New York, Dec. 1818 (Oversize), undated

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-2 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Noted "copied from original plan on file in War Department in Washington D.C. Made for defense of New York City in 1812." Drawings include: Section of the Gateway; Section of the Front of the Work,; Section Showing the "Casmated" Rooms, Gallery, and Area of Magazine; Perpendicular Section Showing the Embrasures and Tiers, Interior View of Front Wall & Rear Wall, & Plan. 22" x 40 1/4" sheet. Acquired by N-YHS: May 12, 1902.

Fort Sumter, South Carolina (Oversize), circa 1865

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-2 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Full title: "Fort Sumter, South Carolina, at the time of its capture, February 18th, 1865, showing the effects of the bombardment from Morris Island. To accompany the report of Maj. General Q.A. Gillmore, U.S. Vols, Comdg. Dept. of the South." Labels include: Elevation of Western Front, Horizontal Section, Elevation of North Eastern Front, Plan, etc. Scale 1"=20'. Lithograph by Julius Bien & Co. 29" x 36 1/4" sheet.

[Elevation and Section of Castle Williams/Fort Williams] (Oversize), [1811]

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-3 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Watercolor rendering shows a longitudinal section, an aerial view section, and a side elevation. Components are labeled such as, Powder Magazines, Furnace for heating Shot, Stone Sentry Box, Bomb Proof Platform, etc. Scale bar given (1"=10'). Acquired by purchase from Abbott-Lenox, The Old Print Shop. 26 1/2" x 33" sheet, plus matting.

Plan of Fort Columbus on Governors Island (Oversize), [1811]

Drawer: PR 3-108, Folder: FF-3 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Scope and Contents

Watercolor rendering shows an aerial view of Fort Columbus which has sides facing Red Hook, Long Island, the Bay & New York. Components are labeled, including a covered way to Castle Williams. Labels of components include: Gate 10 feet wide, with drawbridge & Slight Portcullis, Sally Port communicating with the Ditch by a vaulted passage 5 feet wide, Powder Magazine Bomb Proof, Two Bastions, etc. Scale bar given (1"=40'). Acquired by purchase at East Side Antiques Show, January 25, 1956. 26 1/2" x 33" sheet, plus matting.

Freidin, Kleiman Associates, 4 items (PR 3-208)

Broadway Galleria, New York, NY, 1979

Box: PR 3-208 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Friedberg, M. Paul & Partners, 2 items (PR 3-205)

City Hall Park, Delacorte Fountain Plumbing, New York, NY, 1977

Box: PR 3-205 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Funk, H., 1 item (PR 3-22)

[Residence for Mr. & Mrs. Randell, Esq.]

Box: PR 3-22 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Garvin, Michael J, 5 items (PR 3-23)

Four Three Story Frame Buildings to be Located on Lots Situated on the South East Corner of Forest Ave. and 165th St., New York, NY, 1896

Box: PR 3-23 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

House Situated on Forest Ave. and 165st St., New York, NY, 1893

Box: PR 3-23 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Gilbert Elevated Railway, 55 items (PR 3-24)

Gilbert Elevated Railway, 1873-1876

Box: PR 3-24 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Gilbert, Rufus H. (see Gilbert Elevated Railway), (PR 3-24)

Grim, David, 12 items (PR 3-25)

[Public Building(s)], New York, NY

Box: PR 3-25 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Old City Hall, New York, NY, 1818

Box: PR 3-25 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Old Tontine Coffee House, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-25 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Harlem Market, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-25 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Groneberg & Leuchtag, 1 item (PR 3-171)

Box: PR 3-171 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Hadfield, George (See Bulfinch, Charles) (PR 3-66)

Haight, Charles Coolidge, 5 items (PR 3-26)

New York Cancer Hospital, New York, NY, 1977

Box: PR 3-26 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Harder, Julius, 1 item (PR 3-28)

[Unidentified 14-Story Building]

Box: PR 3-28 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Harkness, William, 7 items (PR 3-29)

North State Street Presbyterian Church, Rochester, NY, 1862

Box: PR 3-29 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

House Situated on the Corner of Smith Street and Warburton Avenue, Yonkers, NY, 1862

Box: PR 3-29 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

First Presbyterian Church, 1862

Box: PR 3-29 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Residence of Reverend Harkness, 1862

Box: PR 3-29 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Harnish & Lookup, 4 items (PR 3-30)

Wayne County Jail, Lyons, NY

Box: PR 3-30 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Harrison, Henry G., 34 items (PR 3-31)

Manhattan Market, 1869

Box: PR 3-31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Cottage, Oyster Bay, NY

Box: PR 3-31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Burrmont Station

Box: PR 3-31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Beekman Hill Methodist Church, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Carriage House

Box: PR 3-31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Unidentified House, 1860

Box: PR 3-31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Unidentified Church

Box: PR 3-31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Harrison, Henry Z., 1 item (PR 3-32)

1619 Madison Avenue, New York, NY, [1922]

Box: PR 3-32 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Hartwig, Frederick, 1 item (PR 3-33)

Proposed Alterations to Store Front at Number 22 Beaver Street, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-33 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Harvey, W.E., 3 items (PR 3-125)

Culvert at Mouth of Herrold Run, Athens, OH, [1853]

Box: PR 3-125 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Hatfield, R.G., 2 items (PR 3-34)

New York Life Insurance Company Building, New York, NY, Elevations

Box: PR 3-34 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Haupt, Louis M, 1 item (PR 3-184)

Hood Jetty, New York City Water Front Company, New York, NY, 1911

Box: PR 3-184 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Haviland, John, 11 items (PR 3-217)

Halls of Justice, New York, NY, 1835

Box: PR 3-217 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Doctor Wilson's Church, Philadelphia, PA

Box: PR 3-217 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Hawley, Hughson, 4 items (PR 3-35)

New York Life Insurance Company, Home Office, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-35 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Armory, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-35 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

212 East 48th Street, New York, NY, 1923

Box: PR 3-35 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

[Goelet Garage Building], New York, NY, 1909

Box: PR 3-35 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Heins & LaFarge (see Interborough Rapid Transit), 6 items (PR 3-86)

Box: PR 3-86 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Hess, B., 1 item (PR 3-193)

[Proposed Skywalk 1866], New York, NY, 1866

Box: PR 3-193 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Hindley, William, 32 items (PR 3-36)

Comfort Sands Residence, Brooklyn, NY, 1937

Box: PR 3-36 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Federal Hall, New York, NY, 1939

Box: PR 3-36 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Colonel William Stephens Smith Mansion, New York, NY, 1939

Box: PR 3-36 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Hirsh, Fred R., 1 item (PR 3-37)

Plum Point (Thatcher's House), Oyster Bay, NY, 1899

Box: PR 3-37 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Hocherau, E., 1 item (PR 3-38)

Le Promenade De Paris, Bois De Boulogne, Kiosque De' L'Empereur, Paris, France

Box: PR 3-38 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Hok, Kahn and Jacobs (See Arlen Realty), (PR 3-206)

L.C. Holden, 1 item (PR 3-238)

Plan of 3rd Floor, Building No. 18 W. 14th Street, undated

Box: PR 3-238 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Hooker, Philip, 1 item (PR 3-39)

West Front of the Capitol, Albany, NY

Box: PR 3-39 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Hosier, Abraham, 1 item (PR 3-40)

Trinity Church Yard, New York, NY, 1873

Box: PR 3-40 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Houchin-Aiken Company Engineers, 16 items (PR 3-223)

Enoch Morgan Sons Co., "Fluffy" Soap & Scouring Powder Plant, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-223 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Houghton, Thomas F., 1 item (PR 3-41)

School of the Sacred Heart, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-41 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Howells, John Mead, 1 item (PR 3-215)

1 item

Box: PR 3-215 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

HQTOPP Associates, 5 items (PR 3-42)

Two Hundredth Anniversary of George Washington's Anniversary Street Plan, New York, NY, 1989

Box: PR 3-42 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Hunter, Paul C., 3 items (PR 3-43)

Mott Estate, New York, NY, 1918

Box: PR 3-43 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Interborough Rapid Transit R.R. (IRT), 14 items (PR 3-86)

New York City Subway System, Stations and Plans, 1889-1922

Box: PR 3-86 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Jackson, T., 1 item (PR 3-97)

Building at Chambers & Hudson Streets, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-97 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Jaenike, Harry D., ca.20 items (PR 3-225)

Proposed Alterations to Lenygon & Morant Inc. Building, 24-26 E. 82nd Street, New York, NY, 1935

Box: PR 3-225 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Johnson, Bradish, 1 item (PR 3-44)

Evening Post Building, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-44 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Karr, C. Powell, 1 item (PR 3-35)

Armory, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-35 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Kilburn, Henry Franklin (PR 3-235)

David S. Brown Company Soap Factory, 156 Fifth Avenue, 1897

Box: PR 3-235 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Kirby, Henry P., 51 items (PR 3-219)

Miscellaneous buildings, 1892

Box: PR 3-219 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Kramer, George W., 11 items (PR 3-46)

Unidentified Church, [1902]

Box: PR 3-46 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Latrobe, Benjamin Henry (See Bulfinch, Charles), (PR 3-66)

Le Roy, Edwin D., 1 item (PR 3-141)

Delaware and Hudson Canal, 1945

Box: PR 3-141 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Lenygon & Morant, Decorators, 8 items (PR 3-222)

Adam Library from Byram Hall, Yorkshire, England

Box: PR 3-222 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Hammond Residence, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-222 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Unidentified Building, Old Burlington Street, London, England

Box: PR 3-222 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Lenz, C.H. (see Gilbert Elevated R.R.), (PR 3-24)

Lienau, Detlef, 30 items (PR 3-47)

House at Wall Street & Broad Street, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-47 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Estate of T.N.H. Renville, New York, NY, 1853

Box: PR 3-47 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Sage House, New York, NY, 1853

Box: PR 3-47 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Sage Library, New Brunswick, NJ, 1870-1875

Box: PR 3-47 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents Note

Includes plans for the Gardner A. Sage Library, New Brunswick Theological Seminary. At least some of the plans were donated in 1927 by DeWitt Lockman. See also in N-YHS manuscript collection: Gardner A. Sage papers related to the library at New Brunswick, N.J. (call phrase: AHMC - Sage, Gardner A.).

Suydam Hall, New Brunswick, NJ, 1871-1872

Box: PR 3-47 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Lord & Hewlett, 1 item (PR 3-48)

Art Center, 65-67 East 56th Street, New York, NY, 1921

Box: PR 3-48 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Lowell, Guy (see Schermerhorn, Richard Jr.), (PR 3-216)

Ludlow and Valentine, 17 items (PR 3-49)

Bloomingdale Reformed Churches, New York, NY, 1905

Box: PR 3-49 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Magnicke & Franke Architects, 1 item (PR 3-35)

[Goelet Garage Building], New York, NY, 1909

Box: PR 3-35 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Marshall, John W., 1 item (PR 3-139)

Rogers Patent Method of Building Wooden Houses, 1875

Box: PR 3-139 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Mettam & Burke, 3 items (PR 3-51)

New-York Historical Society 2nd Avenue Building, circa 1855

Box: PR 3-51 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Mitchell, Joseph, 4 items (PR 3-204)

Salvation Army: School for Officer's Training, Bronx, NY, 1958

Box: PR 3-204 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Montgomery, Richard, 1 item (PR 3-87)

Elevated Railroad, 1865

Box: PR 3-87 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Morris, George H., 8 items (PR 3-52)

[Unidentified Buildings], 1868-1869

Box: PR 3-52 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Muller, Erwin T., 3 items (PR 3-53)

Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, 1960-1962

Box: PR 3-53 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Murphy (Henry) & Dana (Richard Henry Junior) (PR 3-235)

W.M. Powell House, 1915

Box: PR 3-235 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Myers, Fred, M.E., 6 items (PR 3-142)

Stone Holding & Operating Carriage, Demorest' Patent, Atlas Machine Co., N.Y.

Box: PR 3-142 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Nebe, H., 1 item (PR 3-144)

Palmo's Opera House, New York, NY, 1844

Box: PR 3-144 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Nelson, William, Jr., 1 item (PR 3-54)


Box: PR 3-54 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

New York City Railroad (see also PR 3-175 & 178), (PR 3-218)

N.Y.C.R.R., Buffalo and East Main Line, Syracuse Division, 1918, 1925

Box: PR 3-218 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

New York Department of Docks and Ferries, 1 item (PR 3-185)

Dock Construction Plans, New York, NY, 1898

Box: PR 3-185 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

New York Department of Parks. Arsenal, Central Park, 3 items (PR 3-202)

Bowling Green Park, New York, NY, 1935

Box: PR 3-202 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bowling Green Park, Cleopatra's Needle, Nwe York, NY, [1940]

Box: PR 3-202 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

New York State Bridge & Tunnel Commission and New Jersey Bridge & Tunnel Commission, 20 items (PR 3-241), 1923-1924

Scope and Contents Note

Includes 20 blueprints in one folder related to the construction of the Hudson River Vehicular Tunnel (i.e., Holland Tunnel). All relate to Contract No. 5. All marked as void or superseded. Both north and south tunnels are represented in the plans. Plan content includes: location of north tunnel service pipe, electrical conduit system, splicing chamber, niches and manholes, north and south tunnel longitudinal section & invert plan, column & girder schedules for the New York land ventilation building, upper duct floor and roof plans, interior details, concrete details, air measurement apparatus, an roadway floor and roof plans.

Immediate Source of Acquisition Note

Purchased at Swann Auction Galleries, 17 November 2016, sale # 2432, lot # 256.

Related Archival Materials Note

Other related material at N-YHS includes the Holland Tunnel Construction Photographs and Reports (PR 332).

Processing Information Note

This series was processed and added to the collection by archivist Larry Weimer in August 2017. Conservation work (flattening of plans) was done by conservator Alan Balicki, August 2017.

Hudson River Vehicular Tunnel [Holland Tunnel], 1923-1924

Box: PR 3-241, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

New York World's Fair, Department of Construction, 13 items (PR 3-209)

New York World's Fair 1939 Construction, Queens, NY, 1939

Box: PR 3-209 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Newton, Joseph, 1 item (PR 3-55)

Mansion for Baron Stenbenz

Box: PR 3-55 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Nicholson, Francis, 2 items (PR 3-56)

Methodist Episcopal Church, New York, NY, 1837

Box: PR 3-56 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

[Unidentified Project], 1837

Box: PR 3-56 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Norton, Kenneth, 5 tubes (PR 3-244), circa 1920, inclusive

Drawings for 1391-1401 Third Avenue, between 79th and 80th Streets, circa 1920, inclusive

Box: PR 3-244 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Olmstead, Lemuel Gregory, 5 items (PR 3-57)

[Unidentified Building]

Box: PR 3-57 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Ostrom, Richard & Co. Contractors, 3 items (PR 3-119)

[Unidentified Bridge Drawings]

Box: PR 3-119 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Page, Harvey L., 4 items (PR 3-102)

New York Railroads, Bronx, NY

Box: PR 3-102 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Peabody & Stearns, 5 items (PR 3-58)

Drawings for Studio for John Rogers, Esq., New Canaan, CT

Box: PR 3-58 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Peck, Howard M., 30 items (PR 3-173)

Stables for Mrs. Peck, Mount Kisco, NY, 1910

Box: PR 3-173 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Pathe Freres Buildings, Jersey City, NJ, 1912

Box: PR 3-173 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Garage at 146 East 53rd Street, New York, NY, 1913

Box: PR 3-173 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

48 East 75th Street, New York, NY, 1911

Box: PR 3-173 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

House for Learned Hand Esq., Mount Kisco, NY

Box: PR 3-173 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Alterations & Additions, House for Mrs. Geo. S. Graham, New York, NY, 1912

Box: PR 3-173 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Unidentified [Possibly 1 East 42nd Street]

Box: PR 3-173 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Pelham, George Fred, 1 item (PR 3-174)

33 Riverside Drive, New York, NY, 1934

Box: PR 3-174 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Pettit, Henry E., 2 items (PR 3-59)

Main Exhibition Hall, 1876 Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, PA, 1874-1875

Box: PR 3-59 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Philbrick, Edward Southwick, 1 item (PR 3-98)

Boston & Maine Railroad, 1884

Box: PR 3-98 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Philbrick, Edward Southwick, 1 item (PR 3-182)

Brookline Water Works, Brookline, MA, 1875

Box: PR 3-182 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Port Authority of New York, multiple items (PR 3-239A & B), 1930's

Mid-Hudson [Lincoln] Tunnel Data, Ole Singstad, 1930's

Box: PR 3-239A, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents Note

Includes bids, financial data and drawings.

Original cover for data, undated

Box: PR 3-239B, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Powers, Richard, 8 items (PR 3-210)

Residence for Mr. H.L. Clarke, Evanston, IL, 1926

Box: PR 3-210 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Pratt & Tudor (see Gilbert Elevated Railway), (PR 3-24)

Pratt, T. Willis (see Gilbert Elevated Railway), (PR 3-24)

Prince, Lebaron B., 1 item (PR 3-45)

Schwartz's Hotel, Aiken, SC, 1860

Box: PR 3-45 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Purdy, T. Milton, 4 item (PR 3-61)

Residence of Robert Havell, Tarrytown, NY

Box: PR 3-61 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Renwick, Aspinwall & Russell, 1 item (PR 3-92)

All Saint's Church and Rectory, New York, NY, [1910]

Box: PR 3-92 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Renwick, James, 3 items (PR 3-62)

Church of the Puritans, New York, NY, 1846

Box: PR 3-62 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Proposed Monument for Dedication to De Witt Clinton for Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY

Box: PR 3-62 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Rink, John, 1 item (PR 3-234)

Central Park Plan, Entry No. 4 in the competition

Box: PR 3-234 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Risse, Louis A., Chief Engineer, 1 item (PR 3-178)

Proposed Viaduct Connecting the Washington Bridge with the Speedway Concourse near Claremont Park, New York, NY, 1892

Box: PR 3-178 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Robertson, A. J., 1 item (PR 3-63)

Masonic Hall, New York, NY, 1831

Box: PR 3-63 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Roebling, John A. and Washington (PR 3-96)

Brooklyn Bridge

Folder: PR 3-96 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brooklyn Bridge Railroad

Folder: PR 3-96 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Rogers, Isaiah, 5 items (PR 3-64)

Merchant's Exchange (Customs House), New York, NY, 1842

Box: PR 3-64 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Rosborg, Christian F., 36 items (PR 3-65)

Residence of Paul Plunkett, New York, NY, 1920

Box: PR 3-65 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Proposed Alteration & Addition to Building on Madison Avenue and 67th Street, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-65 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Residence for Frank Weber Esq., New Rochelle, NY

Box: PR 3-65 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Residence for Dr. Parley E. Zartmann, Queens, NY

Box: PR 3-65 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Garage for Mrs. Benson Flagg, Southhampton, NY, 1922

Box: PR 3-65 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Residence for Joseph F. Haggerty Esq., Rye, NY, 1925

Box: PR 3-65 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Residence for Edward Tworger Esq., Syosset, NY, 1936

Box: PR 3-65 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Residence for Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman, Queens, NY

Box: PR 3-65 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Residence for Alfred H. Chapin, Esq., Springfield, IL, 1945

Box: PR 3-65 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

New York Clearing House

Box: PR 3-65 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Residence for Caramoor Corporation, Bedford, NY, 1934

Box: PR 3-65 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Estate of Walter T. Rosen Esq., Bedford, NY, 1929

Box: PR 3-65 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Rosenauer, Michael, 1884-1971, 4 items (PR 3-228)

Residence of Col. M. Robert Guggenheim, Washington, DC, 1846

Box: PR 3-228 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Rowson, William S., 1 item (PR 3-230)

Unidentified Machinery, 1846

Box: PR 3-230 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Rust, Thomas, 1 item (PR 3-89)

Academy of Fine Arts, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-89 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Saxby & Farmer, 2 items (PR 3-67)

[Railway Signaling], 1875

Box: PR 3-67 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Schermerhorn & Foulks (see Schermerhorn, Richard Jr.), (PR 3-216)

Schermerhorn, Richard Jr., ca. 64 items (PR 3-216)

Clarence Bonynge Garden and Property, North Bennington, VT, 1910-1912

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Brooklyn Society Circus & Midway, Entrance, Brooklyn, NY

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

T.A. Sperry Property, Cranford, NJ, 1910-1911

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

C. K. G. Billings' Estate Stable, New York, NY, 1902-1911

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

J. B. O'Donohue Property, Sands Point, NY, 1909

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

N. H. Emmons Property, Oneonta, NY, 1907

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Maj. W.M. Crunden Property, Middleburg, VA, 1920

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Seth Sprague Terry Esq. Property, Montclair, NJ, 1908

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

William H. Rand Garden, Rye, NY, 1921

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Stowe Property

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Dwight H. Day Property, Staten Island, NY, 1909

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

W.I. Lincoln Adams Residence, Montclair, NJ, 1908

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Harden L. Crawford Residence, Sea Bright, NJ, 1903

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Franklin Farrel Jr. Property, New Haven, CT, 1912

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Beechwood, Scarborough, 1903

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Pool Peabody Estate

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Mortimer Property, Roslyn, NY

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

E.B. Cadwell, Esq. Property, Englewood, NJ

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

William C. Whitney Property, Westbury, NY, 1901

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Louis A. Heinsheimer Esq. Property, Breezy Point, Far Rockaway, NY, 1907-1909

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Arthur von Briesen Property, "Gernda", Staten Island, NY, 1905

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

R.H. Montgomery Property, Throggs Neck, NY, 1907

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

A.D. Irving Property, Tarrytown, NY, 1902

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Austin P. Kelley, Esq., Property, Staten Island, NY, 1909-1910

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

F.M. Dyer Property, Coster, NJ

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

H. Nelson Flanagan, Esq., Property, Englewood, NJ, 1912

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

W.A. Aycrigg Property, Shippen Point, CT, 1912

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Mrs. Waldo Story Property, Old Westbury, NY, 1917

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Garden for Andrew Carnegie, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Frederick A. Libbey Property, Highland Falls, NY, 1910

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Mrs. Marcus Goodbody Property, Haledon, NJ, 1913

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Mrs. Horace Moorhead Property, Bronxville, NY, 1913

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Wotherspoon Plaster Mills Property, Ravenswood, NY, 1907

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

A.D. Irving Esq. Property, Tarrytown, NY, 1902

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Andrew S. March Esq. Property, Orange, NJ, 1916

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

C.J. Fay Property, Staten Island, NY

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Lloyd Bryce Esq., Property, Roslyn, NY

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

H.B. Duryea Esq. Property, Westbury, NY

Box: PR 3-216 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Schuyler, Robert, 1 item (PR 3-60)

New York City Depressed Railway, New York, NY, 1875

Box: PR 3-60 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scott, M.W. (See Lienau, Detlef), (PR 3-47)

Searle, D. W., 1 item (PR 3-68)

Plan and Section of Ground Bounded by the 3rd & 4th Aves of 73rd to 75th Streets, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-68 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Shapter, R. S., 1 item (PR 3-69)

Suggestion for War Memorial, Summit, NJ

Box: PR 3-69 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Skidmore Owings & Merrill, 24 items (PR 3-70)

Manufacturers Trust Company, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-70 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Smith, J.K., 2 items (PR 3-109)

[Elevation of University of Pennsylvania Buildings], Student drawings

Box: PR 3-109 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Southern & Marshall, 6 items (PR 3-221)

Proposed Alterations to Lenygon & Morant Inc. Loft Building, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-221 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Stokes, I.N. Phelps (Isaac Newton Phelps), 1 item (PR 3-72)

[Floor Plan]

Box: PR 3-72 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Stubbins, Hugh and Associates, 19 items (PR 3-207)

Citicorp Building, New York, NY, 1973

Box: PR 3-207 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Sullivan, J. O., 2 items (PR 3-73)

[Unidentified Two-Story House from "The Builders' Portfolio"]

Box: PR 3-73 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Swasey, W. Albert, 1 item (PR-237)

Alteration on 63rd Street for Vesta Storage Battery Co., 1920

Box: PR-237 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Thomas, Griffith, 8 items (PR 3-74)

[Unidentified Building], New York, NY

Box: PR 3-74 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Thompson, Martin E., 12 items (PR 3-75)

Designs for Enlarging City Hall, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-75 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Thomson, Theo. E., 1 item, (PR 3-172)

Residence of Warren C. Crane Esq., Mount Hope, NJ, 1885

Box: PR 3-172 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Trowbridge & Livingston, 1 item, (PR 3-76)

Mellon National Bank, Pittsburgh, PA, 1924

Box: PR 3-76 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Trumbull, John, 3 items (PR 3-77)

Related Materials

See also: PR 02 Album File.

PR 02-466 is an album of architectural drawings by John Trumbull.

United States Capitol, Washington, DC

Box: PR 3-77 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Tudor, Frederic (see Gilbert Elevated Railway), (PR 3-24)

Turnbull, Captain W., 33 items (PR 3-177)

Alexandria Aqueduct, Washington, DC, 1837-1838

Box: PR 3-177 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Upjohn, Richard, 9 items (PR 3-78)

[Unidentified Church], 1849

Box: PR 3-78 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

St. Paul's Episcopal Church of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY, 1852

Box: PR 3-78 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Valentine, David Thomas, 1 item (PR 3-195)

Canal at Street Canal, New York, NY, [1860]

Box: PR 3-195 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Vaux, Calvert, 13 items (PR 3-79)

Design for a Country Residence, Newburgh, NY, 1854

Box: PR 3-79 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Walker, Joseph Jr., ca. 100 items (PR 3-213)

School of Mines, Columbia College, New York, NY, 1880

Box: PR 3-213 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Ware, James E., 8 items (PR 3-80)

Improved Tenements on First Ave., 64th and 65th Sts., New York, NY, [1898]

Box: PR 3-80 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Waring, George, 1 item (PR 3-233)

Central Park Plan, New York, NY, 1858

Box: PR 3-233 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Warren & Wetmore, 15 items (PR 3-81)

Location of Materials

no content

Location note

Grand Central Terminal is stored in a flat folder with super-oversized drawings. The Heckscher Building and Ritz-Carlton Hotel are rolled and housed separately in a box.

Grand Central Terminal, New York, NY

Box: PR 3-81 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Location of Materials

no content

Heckscher Building

Box: PR 3-81 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Ritz-Carlton Hotel

Box: PR 3-81 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Aeolian Hall

Box: PR 3-81 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

New York Central and Harlem River Railroad Company's Grand Central Terminal Station Building, New York

Box: PR 3-81 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

American Drug Syndicate building, northwest corner of Borden and Van Alst Avenues, Queens, NY

Box: PR 3-81 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

House for William K. Vanderbilt, 49 East 52nd Street, New York

Box: PR 3-81 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Railroad Y.M.C.A. building, Park Avenue between 49th and 50th Streets, New York

Box: PR 3-81 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Goelet Realty Company, 8-14 East 47th Street, New York

Box: PR 3-81 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Murray Hill Investing Company, 5th Avenue and 37th Street, New York

Box: PR 3-81 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Hotel for City Leasing Company, 34th Street and Park Avenue

Box: PR 3-81 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Commodore Hotel, 5 tubes of drawings, 1919, inclusive

Box: PR 3-81 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Warren, Gouverneur Kemble, 1 item (PR 3-196)

Falls of the Ohio; Canal Lock, Clark County, IN, 1852

Box: PR 3-196 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Warren, Nathan B., 1 item (PR 3-82)

[Chapel of Ease], Troy, NY

Box: PR 3-82 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Watt & Holly, 1 item (PR 3-83)

Box: PR 3-83 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Webb, Gregory B., 1 item (PR 3-84)

Stuyvesant Yacht Club, Club House, New York, NY, 1915

Box: PR 3-84 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Whipple, Squire, 1804-1888, 3 items (PR 3-132)

Iron Truss Bridge Patent Drawings, 1851

Box: PR 3-132 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Wilcox & Erickson, Engineers, 1 item (PR 3-198)

General Electric Company Warehouse Building, Glendale, NY, 1964

Box: PR 3-198 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Wilde & Tilton, 1 item (PR 3-116)

Box: PR 3-116 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Wright, Peter M., 24 items (PR 3-85)

Box: PR 3-85 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Winter, Garrett H., 5 items (PR 3-240)

House and garage for Mr. Albert J. Iversen, Great Neck Road, Copiague NY. 5 drawings on trace.

Box: PR 3-240 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Young, Edward Lee, 1 item (PR 3-88)

Wanamaker Store, New York, NY, 1899

Box: PR 3-88 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Unidentified Creators (80 projects)

Scope and Contents Note

These files include drawings made by unidentified architects, engineers, etc. The following is a partial inventory, which is still in process.

Hamilton Grange, 10 items (PR 3-27), 1933

Box: PR 3-27 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

[Unidentified 2 story estate house with cupola], 1 item (PR 3-91)

Box: PR 3-91 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

[Plans for J. Wm.Beekman] (PR 3-93), 1899, inclusive

Folder: PR 3-93 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

[Unidentified building] Main Office (PR 3-94)

Folder: PR 3-94 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

[Unidentified Machinery Part] (PR 3-95)

Folder: PR 3-95 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

West Street Proposal for Improvement (PR 3-99)

Folder: PR 3-99 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

New York City Depressed Railway, perspective view (PR 3-103)

Folder: PR 3-103 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Wyckoff House, Brooklyn, NY (PR 3-105)

Folder: PR 3-105 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Scope and Contents

a measure drawing of the Pieter Claesen Wyckoff residence.

English Patent No. 11625 (PR 3-106)

Folder: PR 3-106 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Audience Chamber (PR 3-107)

Folder: PR 3-107 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Weight Distribution Specifications of Railroad Cars (PR 3-110)

Folder: PR 3-110 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Windows on Fifth Avenue front (PR 3-112)

Folder: PR 3-112 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Sketch of Lot at Greenwich and Cortlandt Streets, plus plans for a four story building. (PR 3-113)

Folder: PR 3-113 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Landscape Design Plan (PR 3-114)

Folder: PR 3-114 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Unidentified Building, Front Elevation (PR 3-115)

Folder: PR 3-115 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Three Frame Designs with floral motifs (PR 3-117)

Folder: PR 3-117 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Elevations for a Two Story House (PR 3-118)

Folder: PR 3-118 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Waste Weir (PR 3-120)

Folder: PR 3-120 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Farm Bridges (PR 3-121)

Folder: PR 3-121 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bridge at New London (PR 3-122)

Folder: PR 3-122 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Gates for Lock No. 1 (PR 3-123)

Folder: PR 3-123 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Schoharie Creek Bridge (PR 3-124)

Folder: PR 3-124 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Trestle Bridge at O. Sherman's (PR 3-126)

Folder: PR 3-126 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Dam across the Mohawk, at Rome (PR 3-127), 1851, inclusive

Folder: PR 3-127 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Deck Bridge over the Mohawk River (PR 3-128)

Folder: PR 3-128 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Unidentified Bridge/Dam, Plan of Bulkhead and Feeder (PR 3-129), 1854, inclusive

Folder: PR 3-129 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bridge over Erie Canal at Rome (PR 3-130)

Folder: PR 3-130 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Unidentified Bridge, Plan of Docking (PR 3-131)

Folder: PR 3-131 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Unidentified Trestle Bridge (PR 3-133)

Folder: PR 3-133 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Unidentified Railroad Bridge (PR 3-134)

Folder: PR 3-134 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Unidentified Culvert Drawings (PR 3-135)

Folder: PR 3-135 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Unidentified Tramway Drawings (PR 3-137), 1878, inclusive

Folder: PR 3-137 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Elevation of a Dredge (PR 3-138)

Folder: PR 3-138 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

House on Madison Avenue between 39th and 40th Streets (PR 3-140)

Folder: PR 3-140 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

New York Post Office (PR 3-143)

Folder: PR 3-143 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

St. John's Chapel (PR 3-145), 1933, inclusive

Folder: PR 3-145 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Woolworth House, Elevations and Floor Plans (PR 3-146)

Folder: PR 3-146 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bell House, Perspective Views (PR 3-147)

Folder: PR 3-147 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Building on Corner of Madison Avenue and 82nd Street, Floor Plans (PR 3-148), 1930, inclusive

Folder: PR 3-148 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

49 East 76th Street, Elevations and Floor Plans (PR 3-149)

Folder: PR 3-149 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Hunter House (PR 3-150)

Folder: PR 3-150 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

F. Kurtz Building, 90th Street and Fifth Avenue (PR 3-151)

Folder: PR 3-151 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Springler Institute, Front Elevation (PR 3-152)

Folder: PR 3-152 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Park Building (PR 3-153)

Folder: PR 3-153 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

House for Dr. Robinson, Flue Section of Walls Nos. 1-6 (PR 3-154)

Folder: PR 3-154 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

House for John Rogers, Esq., Elevations and Floor Plans (PR 3-155)

Folder: PR 3-155 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

House on Grand Street, Elevations and Floor Plans (PR 3-156)

Folder: PR 3-156 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Houses on 95th Street and 8th Avenue, Elevations and Sections (PR 3-157)

Folder: PR 3-157 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Commercial Building on 24th Street, Elevations (PR 3-158)

Folder: PR 3-158 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Commercial Building at Broadway and 47th Street, Elevations (PR 3-159)

Folder: PR 3-159 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Unidentified House, Elevations (PR 3-160)

Folder: PR 3-160 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Commercial Building on Cedar Street (PR 3-161), 1867, inclusive

Folder: PR 3-161 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Henry C. Sturges Residence, 56 West 34th Street, Proposed Alterations (PR 3-162)

Folder: PR 3-162 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Unidentified House, Floor Plans, Elevations, and Perspective Views (PR 3-163)

Folder: PR 3-163 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Unidentified House, Floor Plans and Elevations (PR 3-164)

Folder: PR 3-164 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

New York Sewers, Sections and Plans (PR 3-165), 1898-1899, inclusive

Folder: PR 3-165 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Prints of Illustrations of Fortification Plans (PR 3-166)

Folder: PR 3-166 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Marshall O. Roberts Estate, Floor Plans, Elevations and Sections (PR 3-167)

Folder: PR 3-167 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Commercial Building at Broadway and Fifth Avenue, Elevations (PR 3-168)

Folder: PR 3-168 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Unidentified Public Building [Possibly Hospital or Orphanage], Elevations (PR 3-169)

Folder: PR 3-169 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Morris-Jumel Mansion, Floor Plans (PR 3-170)

Folder: PR 3-170 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

West Side Improvement, Plans for Highway at Riverside Drive (PR 3-175), 1925-1929, inclusive

Folder: PR 3-175 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Harlem River Bridge and Aqueduct Drawings (PR 3-176)

Folder: PR 3-176 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Church in Massachusetts, Plans (PR 3-181), 1859, inclusive

Folder: PR 3-181 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Water Main Section Drawing (PR 3-186)

Folder: PR 3-186 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Washington Square Reformed Dutch Church, Alterations to Basement (PR 3-187), 1866, inclusive

Folder: PR 3-187 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Peter Hetzog Theological Hall, Floor Plans, (PR 3-188), 1876, inclusive

Folder: PR 3-188 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Unidentified Floor Plan (PR 3-189)

Folder: PR 3-189 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

New York Tunnels and Aqueduct, Excavation Drawings (PR 3-190)

Folder: PR 3-190 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Cour de Bergeries (PR 3-192)

Folder: PR 3-192 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Various Unidentified Churches, Elevations, Sections, and Floor Plans (PR 3-197)

Folder: PR 3-197 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Village of Larchmont Sewer Plans (PR 3-199), 1899, inclusive

Folder: PR 3-199 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Unidentified Roof Framing Plans (PR 3-200)

Folder: PR 3-200 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Unidentified Building, Elevation and Plan (PR 3-201)

Folder: PR 3-201 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Abercrombie and Fitch, Floor Plans (PR 3-203)

Folder: PR 3-203 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Plans for Piers on River Front, 151 Street to 158 Street (PR 3-211)

Folder: PR 3-211 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Gracie Mansion, Front Elevation (PR 3-220)

Folder: PR 3-220 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

25 Sutton Place, Floor Plans (PR 3-227)

Folder: PR 3-227 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Bank Street Row House, Floor Plan (PR 3-229)

Folder: PR 3-229 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

President's Square, Connecting Building Between War and Navy Offices (PR 3-231)

Folder: PR 3-231 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
New York Historical
170 Central Park West
New York, NY 10024