Travelers Aid Society of New York records
Call Number
Language of Materials
The collection documents the history of the Travelers Aid Society of New York, an organization founded in 1905 to assist women travelers, and eventually expanded to aid all travelers. It consists of board minutes, annual reports, a few press articles and speeches, and a number of photographs of clients, TAS workers, board members, and organizational and fundraising events.
Historical Note
Missing Title
The Travlers Aid Society of New York collection has been organized by type of material into the following seven series:
Missing Title
- Series I: Minutes, 1917-1979 (excluding 1930 and 1970-1972)
- Series II: Annual Reports, 1917-1979
- Series III: Organizational Records, 1938-1978
- Series IV: Public Relations, [1950's-1979]
- Series V: Real Estate documents, 1945-1981
- Series VI: Photographs [1920's-1970's]
Scope and Content Note
This collection documents more than 60 years of efforts by the Travelers Aid Society of New York ("TAS") to help meet the needs of women, children, and, eventually, men, traveling to or through New York City. The collection is arranged by subject matter and/or type of material and is housed in 10 archival boxes and one oversize box. Documentary materials include board minutes, annual reports, some press articles and speeches, and a few memoranda which provide a general overview of the organization's history, purpose, and operations. There are also a number of photographs of clients, TAS workers, board members, and organizational and fundraising events; though these appear to date primarily from the 1940's to 1960's, there are also a few shots from earier decades. The collection does not include station reports or casework materials documenting the day-to-day activities of the workers.
These materials provide an overview of the changing face of travel and travelers as the 20th century progressed; the organization's efforts to adapt to these changes also reflect the tumultuous social upheaval of this time period. Though its original mission was to protect women travelers, TAS soon broadend its scope to encompass the floods of male immigrants arriving in equal need of help; with the advent of WWI, TAS began serving increasing numbers of African-Americans mobilized by newly available jobs; during the Great Depression, TAS changed its focus from the piers to train and bus stations, where transient men and boys were arriving by the thousands in search of work; when the U.S. entered WWII, TAS, under the auspices of the United Service Organization ("USO"), began operating Troops-in-Transit lounges for traveling servicement and women; and in the post-War era, TAS increasingly focused on "problem cases" involving seniors or runaway teenagers.
Despite the lack of detailed case reports, the collection illustrates the development of social welfare organizations and social work in the United State. It was one of the first organizations to employ the services of a psychiatrist, and by the 1920's was sending its caseworkers for formal training at the School of Social Work in New York City.
Access Restrictions
Materials in this collection may be stored offsite. For more information on making arrangements to consult them, please visit
Use Restrictions
Taking images of documents from the library collections for reference purposes by using hand-held cameras and in accordance with the library's photography guidelines is encouraged. As an alternative, patrons may request up to 20 images per day from staff.
Application to use images from this collection for publication should be made in writing to: Department of Rights and Reproductions, The New-York Historical Society, 170 Central Park West, New York, NY 10024-5194, Phone: (212) 873-3400 ext. 282.
Copyrights and other proprietary rights may subsist in individuals and entities other than the New-York Historical Society, in which case the patron is responsible for securing permission from those parties. For fuller information about rights and reproductions from N-YHS visit:
Preferred Citation
This collection should be cited as Records of the Travelers Aid Society of New York, The New-York Historical Society.
Location of Materials
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Donation of the Metropolitan Assistance Corporation, 1985
About this Guide
Edition of this Guide
Series I: Minutes, 1917 - 1979, inclusive
Scope and Contents note
This series includes an almost complete set of minutes of Board of Directors meetings (generally held monthly) from December, 1917 through 1979; there are no minutes for 1930 through March, 1931, or for the years 1970-1972. The minutes contain discussions of the current business of the TAS (including financial statements), reports of various committees, and descriptions of casework and efforts to adapt to changing social conditions and travelers needs. These transcripts also provide details about the death of Board members and employees, issues at the various ports and stations, relations with the national organization, staffing issues, publicity and fundraising efforts, and particulars regarding the purchase and maintenance of TAS offices and guesthouse properties. Also included are minutes of meetings of the Travelers Aid Society of Northern New Jersey, which was taken over by the Travelers Aid Society of New York in 1965. Researchers should note that these minutes, though removed from their original binders, have been organized into folders in their original order (often reverse chronological order). An example of the original binders has been retained.
Minutes, 1917 December-1918, inclusive
Minutes, 1919-1921, inclusive
Minutes, 1922-1923, inclusive
Minutes, 1924-1925, inclusive
Minutes, 1926-1927, inclusive
Minutes, 1928-1929, inclusive
Minutes, 1931-1932, inclusive
Minutes, 1933, inclusive
Minutes, 1934-1935, inclusive
Minutes, 1936-1937, inclusive
Minutes, 1938, inclusive
Minutes, 1939, inclusive
Minutes, 1940, inclusive
Minutes, 1941, inclusive
Minutes, 1942 January-May, inclusive
Minutes, 1942 June-December, inclusive
Minutes, 1943 January-May, inclusive
Minutes, 1943 June-December, inclusive
Minutes, 1944 January-May, inclusive
Minutes, 1944 June-December, inclusive
Minutes, 1945 January-May, inclusive
Minutes, 1945 June-December, inclusive
Minutes, 1946 January-May, inclusive
Minutes, 1946 June-December, inclusive
Minutes, 1947 January-May, inclusive
Minutes, 1947 June-December, inclusive
Minutes, 1948 January-May, inclusive
Minutes, 1948 June-December, inclusive
Minutes, 1949 January-May, inclusive
Minutes, 1949 June-December, inclusive
Minutes, 1950 January-May, inclusive
Minutes, 1950 June-December, inclusive
Minutes, 1951 January-May, inclusive
Minutes, 1951 June-December, inclusive
Minutes, 1952 January-May, inclusive
Minutes, 1952 June-December, inclusive
Minutes, 1953 January-May, inclusive
Minutes, 1953 June-December, inclusive
Minutes, 1954, inclusive
Minutes, 1955, inclusive
Minutes, 1956, inclusive
Minutes, 1957, inclusive
Minutes, 1958, inclusive
Minutes, 1959, inclusive
Minutes, 1960, inclusive
Minutes, 1961, inclusive
Minutes, 1961 (2d copy), inclusive
Minutes, 1962, inclusive
Minutes, 1962 (2d copy), inclusive
Minutes, 1963, inclusive
Minutes, 1964, inclusive
Minutes, 1965, inclusive
Minutes, 1965 (2d copy), inclusive
Minutes, TAS of Northern New Jersey, 1963-1965, inclusive
Minutes, TAS of Northern New Jersey, 1966-1967, inclusive
General note
Includes minutes of the combined annual meeting of the New York/New Jersey TAS on May 24, 1966
Minutes, 1966 January-May, inclusive
Minutes, 1966 June-December, inclusive
Minutes, 1967 January-May, inclusive
General note
Includes minutes of the combined annual meeting of the New York/New Jersey TAS on April 10, 1967
Minutes, 1967 June-December, inclusive
Minutes, 1968 January-May, inclusive
Minutes, 1968 June-December, inclusive
Minutes, 1969 January-May, inclusive
Minutes, 1969 June-December, inclusive
Minutes, 1973, inclusive
Minutes, 1974, inclusive
Minutes, 1975 January-May, inclusive
Minutes, 1975 June-December, inclusive
Minutes, 1976 January-May, inclusive
Minutes, 1976 June-December, inclusive
Minutes, 1977 January-May, inclusive
Minutes, 1977 June-December, inclusive
Minutes, 1978 January-May, inclusive
Minutes, 1978 June-December, inclusive
Minutes, 1979 January-May, inclusive
Minutes, 1979 June-December, inclusive
Series II: Annual Reports, 1917-1979, inclusive
Scope and Contents note
This series contains TAS annual reports for the years 1917, 1927, 1931, 1935, 1936, 1942, 1945, 1950, 1952, 1960, 1962, 1967, 1969, 1974, 1975, 1978, and 1979. These reports include financial information, the names of officers, directors and executive staff, and a narrative description of the work performed in that year. A complete set of annual reports is housed separately in the general collections of the New-York Historical Society library (see Related Collections).
Annual Reports, 1917-1979 (some missing)
Series III: Organizational Records, 1938-1978, inclusive
Scope and Contents note
This series contains a Plan of Operation (1938), several memoranda and papers, and the Restated Certificate of Incorporation.
Plan of Operation, 1938 March, inclusive
Memo re: Transportation of War Brides; Instructions for Administration of Civilian War Assistance Program, 1946 May 17; circa 1948, inclusive
Presentation Paper on "Travel Service to Newcomers from Abroad", 1952 June, inclusive
Draft Paper on Past, Present and Future of Travelers Aid Program, 1967 December 15
Restated Certificate of Incorporation, 1978 June 26
Series IV: Public Relations, [1950-1979], inclusive
Scope and Contents note
This series consists of press articles and a miscellany of other public relations materials, including a handwritten letter from a (former?) TAS worker describing a few of her more memorable cases.
Press articles, 1970s-1980s, inclusive
Speeches, 1960s
Publicity Release Forms, 1970-1972, inclusive
Fundraising Documents, 1977-1978, inclusive
Publicity Forms, Annual Campaign, 1978-1979, inclusive
TAS worker's handwritten recollection of memorable cases, undated
Various images, brochures and letters, undated
Press articles (oversized), 1950s-1980s, inclusive
Series V: Real Estate Documents, 1945-1981, inclusive
Scope and Contents note
This series contains documents relating to the purchase and sale of property for TAS operations.
Documents relating to TAS property at 140-146 E. 44th Street, 1945 March-1956 August, inclusive
Documents relating to TAS property at 204-206 E. 39th Street, 1955, inclusive
Appraisal of TAS property at 204-206 E. 39th Street, 1981, inclusive
Series VI: Photographs, [1920s-1970s], inclusive
Scope and Contents note
This series includes photographs of clients, portraits of board members and donors, and pictures of meetings and fundraising events.
Subseries I: Photographs of clients, [1920s-1970s], inclusive
Scope and Contents note
It appears that most of the photographs in this series are posed shots of clients, sometimes with staff, that were intended to be used for promotional purposes. Because the photographs are largely undated, the dates assigned are approximate.
Photographs of clients--children, [1920's-1970's]
Photographs of clients--elderly, [1930's-1970's]
Photographs of clients--family, [1920's-1970's]
Photographs of clients--family, [1920's-1970's]
Photographs of clients with TAS workers, [1930's-1970's]
Photographs of clients with TAS workers--Service Lounges, 1940's
Mock-ups of photographs and other promotional materials (oversized), [1930's-1960's]
Subseries II: Photographs of TAS executives and events, [1940s-1970s], inclusive
Scope and Contents note
This subseries includes photographic portraits of board members and other individuals connected to TAS, as well as photographs of balls, benefits and other fund-raising events. The photographs are largely unidentified and undated; accordingly, the dates assigned are approximate.
Portraits, [1940's-1960's]
Portraits, [1940's-1960's]
Portraits, [1940's-1960's]
Annual Meetings, 1940's-1950's
Campaign Publicity/Celebrity Shots, [1950's]
Campaign Publicity/Special Events, 1920's
Campaign Publicity/USO Lounges, 1940's
Campaign Publicity/Special Events, 1940's-1950's
Campaign Publicity/Special Events, [1940's-1950's]
Campaign Publicity/Special Events, [1940's-1950's]
Campaign Publicity/Special Events, [1940's-1950's]
Campaign Publicity/Special Events, [1950's]
Campaign Publicity/Special Events, [1950's]
Campaign Publicity/Special Events, [1950's]
Campaign Publicity/Special Events, [1950's-1960's]
Campaign Publicity/Special Events, [1950's-1960's]
Campaign Publicity/Special Events, [1960's]
Campaign Publicity/Special Events, [1960's]
Campaign Publicity/Special Events, [1960's]
Campaign Publicity/Special Events, [1960's]
Campaign Publicity/Special Events, [1960's]
Campaign Publicity/Special Events, 1960's-1970's
General note
Includes photographs of the 1961 "Blue Grass Ball" benefits, the 1968 "Great Book Caper" benefit, and the 1970 "Rothschild's Benefit"