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Correspondence (reel 1), 1778-1780

Box: 1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Correspondence (reel 2), 1781 January - March

Box: 2 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Correspondence (reel 3), 1781 April 1 - 1789 April

Box: 3 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Army returns; Military formations and instructions (1778), memorandum (1778 August 7), Opinions on the operation of the Army, Returns of various kinds (1779-1782), Muster rolls (1782); "Remarks on the Commerce of the United States with France from the occupancy of New Orleans and Louisiana if transferred to her from Spain (in French); Resolutions by Congress - Claims against the United States; accounts and plan of a farm; miscellaneous correspondence including Baron Steuben's will and testament, inventory of his property, freedom of the city, letters patent, and naturalization document; extracts from general orders; petitions, indentures, and certificates; "The Great Future, Agricultural, Commercial and Political, of the Mississippi Valley..." (1787-1790 in French); military maneuvers; Baron von Steuben's memorial; Tactics and maneuvers of the Prussians (in French); Steuben-Green correspondence (from photostats); "Journal of Improvements on his Farm in Oneida county" (in French); "Regulations for the cavalry or corps legionaire [sic]" (in French and English); "Growth of the Western Territory, 1788"; Letter book, 1780; "Thoughts on a National Militia, 1784" (in French and English) (reel 4)., 1778-1851

Box: 4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
New York Historical
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New York, NY 10024