Robinson Family Papers
Call Number
Language of Materials
The Robinson Family Papers document the immediate family of Dr. Beverley Robinson, his wife Anna Foster Robinson, their children Beverley R., Herman, Pauline, and Anna Robinson, and some extended family members. The collection includes correspondence, scrapbooks, dairies, photographs, and volumes related to the relations and travels of the Robinson family.
Historical Note
Missing Title
The collection is organized by family member, family, or type of material.
The Robinson Family Papers have been organized into the following series:
Missing Title
- Series I: Pauline Lentilhon Robinson (1885-1959)
- Series II: Anna Foster Robinson (1852-1921)
- Series III: Dr. Beverley Robinson (1862-1922)
- Series IV: Beverley R. Robinson (1880-1926)
- Series V: Herman Foster Robinson (1893-1903)
- Series VI: Anna Robinson Butler (1896-1920)
- Series VII: Extended Robinson Family Members (1881-1949)
- Series VIII: Robinson Family Documents (1901-1921)
- Series IX: Foster Family (1843-1908)
- Series X: Lentilhon Family (1824-1897)
- Series XI: Smith Family (1822-1903)
- Series XII: Ten Eyck Family (1854)
- Series XIII: Family Genealogies (1875-1896)
- Series XIV: Charities (1872-1952)
- Series XV: Visual Materials [1864-1966]
- Series XVI: Printed Material (1868-1941)
- Series XVII: Unidentified Writings (1863-1949)
- Series XVIII: Clippings (1870-1956)
Scope and Content Note
The Robinson Family Papers mainly document the immediate family of Dr. Beverley Robinson, his wife Anna Foster Robinson, and their children Beverley R., Herman, Pauline, and Anna Robinson. Although members of the extended family are represented, most of the correspondence, scrapbooks, dairies, photographs, and volumes in the collection relate to the work and travels of this immediate family. The collection is organized by family member, related family members, and charities. Unidentified items are grouped according to type of material. Some of the letters are in French.
The family member who is most represented in the collection is Pauline Robinson. The letters received by Pauline Robinson, daughter of Dr. Beverley Robinson and Anna Foster Robinson, as well as her scrapbooks and memorabilia, constitute a large amount of the collection. Her scrapbooks include documentation from society and charity functions such as invitations, pictures, programs, and lists of guests. Most of the other family members are represented in the collection only through their correspondence and memorabilia.
Other notable items include the elder Beverley Robinson's letters home while he was studying medicine in France and letters from Herman and Beverley R. to their mother Anna describing time spent with Teddy Roosevelt when President McKinley was assassinated. The collection also contains scrapbooks of letters to Beverley R. and the Robinson family expressing sympathy over the suicide of Herman. Almost all of the information on the suicide of Herman is located within these scrapbooks.
The collection supports research on upper class society, particularly women, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Pauline Robinson's scrapbooks document the social life of a young debutante and the society parties, trips, and amusements she attended. The collection also has a significant amount of material on upper class women's charity work. The correspondence and scrapbooks explain the social problems addressed by the various forms of community work and the expectations of the programs. Some of the materials also document the attitudes of the women involved in the charities towards the immigrant or lower class beneficiaries of the charities, and the women's troubles dealing with bureaucratic city agencies. Since most of the letters are among immediate and extended family members, the collection also documents general family relationships. This is best shown in the letters to the family after the death of Herman.
The collection contains little material on Dr. Beverley Robinson's life as a doctor and Beverley R Robinson's work as an attorney. There is also no information on the elder Beverley Robinson's time on the Gettysburg campaign. Women, if married, are included under their last married surname.
Access Restrictions
Materials in this collection may be stored offsite. For more information on making arrangements to consult them, please visit
Use Restrictions
Taking images of documents from the library collections for reference purposes by using hand-held cameras and in accordance with the library's photography guidelines is encouraged. As an alternative, patrons may request up to 20 images per day from staff.
Application to use images from this collection for publication should be made in writing to: Department of Rights and Reproductions, The New-York Historical Society, 170 Central Park West, New York, NY 10024-5194, Phone: (212) 873-3400 ext. 282.
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Preferred Citation
This collection should be cited as the Robinson Family Papers, MS 520 and MS 2309, the New-York Historical Society.
Location of Materials
Donation by Estate of Pauline L. Robinson, 1968.
Separated Material
There are four bound volumes in this collection that are kept separately from the papers. If an item is listed as a volume, please request it under BV Robinson Papers.
About this Guide
Edition of this Guide
Series I: Pauline Lentilhon Robinson (1885-1959)
Scope and Contents note
This series includes the letters, scrapbooks, and memorabilia of Pauline Robinson, the unmarried middle daughter of Dr. Beverley Robinson and Anna Foster Robinson. The bulk of the series consists of Pauline Robinson's numerous scrapbooks which include clippings, letters and memorabilia regarding social events and charity work. The scrapbooks are in chronological order and two of them have been disbound and foldered for conservation purposes.
The scrapbooks entitled "Year Books" specifically detail New York City social events. They consist of invitations and programs from dinners, concerts, plays, parties, dances, and weddings, and include newspaper clippings of the events and lists of those who attended. Pauline Robinson's volume "House Party Book," includes the photographs and names of companions who accompanied her on many East Coast trips. Although Pauline Robinson's own debut party is not covered in the scrapbooks, other social affairs such as Alice Roosevelt's debutante party and the Astors' Ball are documented.
Also of interest in this series is a volume entitled a "Chap Record" in which Pauline has listed many of the numerous "chaps" who she is acquainted with, and has rated them according to various categories.
Much of Pauline Robinson's correspondence is from family members describing recent trips or from others recognizing her for her charity work. Of particular interest is a 1915 letter from a Mildred Wallace describing her reaction to the sinking of the Lusitania and her personal reaction to seeing Jane Addams at a lecture on the "Woman Question." The writings in this series are mainly short essays or articles which Pauline Robinson attempted to have published. Other specific information on the charity work of Pauline Robinson can be found in Series 14: Charities.
Scrapbook, Clippings from New York Post, "A Collection Illustrating American Ideals and Characteristics", 1897-1898, inclusive
Composition Book, 1890-1891, inclusive
Scrapbook, "Debutante Year Book", 1900 Jan. 1
Scrapbook, "Second Year Book, No. I", 1900
Scrapbook, "Second Year Book, No. II", 1901, inclusive
Scrapbook, "Third Year Book, No. I", 1901-1902, inclusive
Scrapbook, "Third Year Book, No. II", 1902, inclusive
Scrapbook, "Year Book", 1905-1906, inclusive
Scrapbook, "Year Book", 1906, inclusive
Cover of Disbound Scrapbook, 1902-1905, inclusive
Disbound Scrapbook of Clippings, Letters, and Memorabilia, Part 1, 1902-1905, inclusive
Disbound Scrapbook of Clippings, Letters, and Memorabilia, Part 2, 1902-1905, inclusive
Disbound Scrapbook of Clippings, Letters, and Memorabilia, Part 3, 1902-1905, inclusive
Disbound Scrapbook of Clippings, Letters, and Memorabilia, Part 4, 1902-1905, inclusive
Scrapbook of Social Activities, 1907-1908, inclusive
Cover of Scrapbook, 1905-1915, inclusive
Disbound Scrapbook of Clippings, Letters, and Memorabilia, Part 1, 1905-1915, inclusive
Disbound Scrapbook of Clippings, Letters, and Memorabilia, Part 2, 1905-1915, inclusive
Disbound Scrapbook of Clippings, Letters, and Memorabilia, Part 3, 1905-1915, inclusive
Disbound Scrapbook of Clippings, Letters, and Memorabilia, Part 4, 1905-1915, inclusive
Disbound Scrapbook of Clippings, Letters, and Memorabilia, Part 5, 1905-1915, inclusive
Scrapbook, "Jerusalem and the Holy City", undated
Pauline Lentilhon Robinson, letters received, 1885-1899, inclusive
Pauline Lentilhon Robinson, letters received, 1900-1909, inclusive
Pauline Lentilhon Robinson, letters received, 1910-1919, inclusive
Pauline Lentilhon Robinson, letters received, 1920-1929, inclusive
Pauline Lentilhon Robinson, letters received, 1930-1939, inclusive
Pauline Lentilhon Robinson, letters received, 1940-1949, inclusive
Pauline Lentilhon Robinson, letters received, 1950-1959, inclusive
Pauline Lentilhon Robinson, letters received, undated
Pauline Lentilhon Robinson, Postcards sent to Miss Angelica Livingston from Italy, France, and Spain, 1952, undated, inclusive
Pauline Lentilhon Robinson, letters sent, undated
Pauline Lentilhon Robinson, Writings and Speeches, 1895, 1917, undated, inclusive
Pauline Lentilhon Robinson Writings on Edith Wharton novel, The House of Mirth, 1905, inclusive
Gospel and Sermon Books, 1921-1922, inclusive
Pauline Lentilhon Robinson, Memorabilia, 1885-1941, inclusive
"A Short Catechism for Young Children", undated
Chap Record, 1899, inclusive
Recollections of Visits, 1902, inclusive
Pauline Robinson, Notebook of Writings, 1903, inclusive
Memorandum Book, undated
House Party Book, Photographs and Notes from Various House Parties, 1904-1910, inclusive
Series II: Anna Foster Robinson (1852-1921)
Scope and Contents note
Most of this series is correspondence. Anna Foster Robinson's letters before her marriage in 1875 are from friends and family and detail everyday routines and travel. A few of the letters are from Arthur Cummings, a former servant. Most of the later letters are from her children, particularly Pauline. Pauline mostly describes her domestic and overseas travels, many of which were at the DuPont estate at Winterthur. The correspondence also contains a few letters from the Robinson children that detail meetings with presidents or other famous people. Letters dated September 1901 from her sons Beverley and Herman describe spending time with Teddy Roosevelt on Mount Marcy. During this trip, Roosevelt received telegrams notifying him of McKinley's death and informing him of his new role as President of the United States. A 1899 letter from Pauline, shortly before her debut, describes a visit with President McKinley and the First Lady Ida McKinley. A 1920 letter from Pauline describes how her friend Edith Wharton looks "broken and subdued."
Anna Foster Robinson's European travel diaries provide daily entries on the art, architecture, and scenery of the numerous cities and towns she visited throughout Europe. However, these accounts generally lack description of locals or discussion of current events in Europe.
Anna Foster Robinson, letters received, 1858-1865, inclusive
Anna Foster Robinson, letters received, 1866-1870, inclusive
Anna Foster Robinson, letters received, 1871-1875, inclusive
Anna Foster Robinson, letters received, 1876-1880, inclusive
Anna Foster Robinson, letters received, 1881-1885, inclusive
Anna Foster Robinson, letters received, 1886-1890, inclusive
Anna Foster Robinson, letters received, 1891-1892, inclusive
Anna Foster Robinson, letters received, 1893-1894, inclusive
Anna Foster Robinson, letters received, 1895-1896, inclusive
Anna Foster Robinson, letters received, 1897-1898, inclusive
Anna Foster Robinson, letters received, 1899-1900, inclusive
Anna Foster Robinson, letters received, 1901, inclusive
Anna Foster Robinson, letters received, 1902, inclusive
Anna Foster Robinson, letters received, 1903, inclusive
Anna Foster Robinson, letters received, 1904, inclusive
Anna Foster Robinson, letters received, 1905, inclusive
Anna Foster Robinson, letters received, 1908-1910, inclusive
Anna Foster Robinson, letters received, 1911-1921, inclusive
Anna Foster Robinson, letters received, undated [pre-1875]
Anna Foster Robinson, letters received, undated [after 1875]
Anna Foster Robinson, letters sent, undated
Pencil Drawing by Anna Foster Robinson, 1863
European Travel Diary, 1869-1870, inclusive
European Travel Diary, 1870, inclusive
European Travel Diary, 1870-1871, inclusive
European Travel Diary, 1871, inclusive
Scrapbook of Religious Clippings and Prayers, 1852, inclusive
School Notebook of Essays and Vocabulary Words, 1856, inclusive
Address Book, 1872-1918, inclusive
Series III: Dr. Beverley Robinson (1862-1922)
Scope and Contents note
The correspondence in this series includes letters specifically addressed to Dr. Beverley Robinson and letters addressed by the Robinson children to both him and Anna, (often Mamma and Pappa). The letters are mainly personal, from friends and family describing everyday events or travel. There is little correspondence regarding professional matters and some of the correspondence is in French. Almost all of the letters from 1903 express support for his son Beverley R. Robinson's candidacy for Alderman. The correspondence also includes letters from Beverley Robinson to family members while he was studying medicine in Paris during the American Civil War. Although Beverley mentions the cholera epidemic in Paris during that time, his letters mostly detail his homesickness and his studies.
This series also contains writings and memorabilia for Beverley Robinson. It includes some of his published medical writings as well as certificate from Pennsylvania Adjutant General's Office stating he served for 90 days in the State Militia. Other than this certificate, there is no information on Beverley Robinson's efforts in the Gettysburg campaign in the American Civil War.
Dr. Beverley Robinson, letters received, 1882-1889, inclusive
Dr. Beverley Robinson, letters received, 1890-1894, inclusive
Dr. Beverley Robinson, letters received, 1895-1899, inclusive
Dr. Beverley Robinson, letters received, 1900-1909, inclusive
Dr. Beverley Robinson, letters received, 1910-1914, inclusive
Dr. Beverley Robinson, letters received, 1915, inclusive
Dr. Beverley Robinson, letters received, 1916-1923, inclusive
Dr. Beverley Robinson, letters received, undated
Dr. Beverley Robinson, letters sent home from Paris, 1862-1865, inclusive
Dr. Beverley Robinson, Civil War Memorabilia, 1863, 1893, inclusive
Dr. Beverley Robinson, Medical Writings, 1875-1922, inclusive
Poems and Reflective Writings, 1894, 1901, undated, inclusive
Legal Papers to Stay in France, 1865, inclusive
Invitations and Receipts, 1895-1903, inclusive
Certificates, 1898, undated, inclusive
Series IV: Beverley R. Robinson (1880-1926)
Scope and Contents note
This series contains mostly correspondence and memorabilia belonging to Beverley R. Robinson. Letters that are addressed to both Beverley and Herman are included in this series. Most of the early correspondence are letters congratulating Beverley on his excellent grades in school. Later letters from 1903 are from friends and family pledging their support for his election for Alderman of the 27th Assembly District. Also included in this series is a scrapbook of sympathy telegrams and letters to Beverley R. on the death of Herman. The memorabilia for Beverley R. includes material on his schooling as well as a very small amount of material on his campaign for Alderman and Assemblyman.
Beverley R. Robinson, letters received, 1880-1889, inclusive
Beverley R. Robinson, letters received, 1890-1899, inclusive
Beverley R. Robinson, letters received (mostly letters re Election for Alderman), 1902-1904, inclusive
Beverley R. Robinson, letters received, 1915-1926, inclusive
Beverley R. Robinson, letters received, undated
Beverley R. Robinson, Statement for Candidacy for Alderman of 29th District, [1903], inclusive
Election Material, [1906-1908], inclusive
Cutler School Honors, 1884-1894, inclusive
Harvard Entrance Exam, 1894, inclusive
"A Short Catechism for Young Children", undated
List of "Knickerbocker Greys", 1888-1889, inclusive
Letters to Beverley R. Robinson on the death of his brother Herman, 1903, inclusive
Series V: Herman Foster Robinson (1893-1903)
Scope and Contents note
This series contains letters, writings, and memorabilia. The small amount of correspondence to Herman is from family members, and many of the letters are in French. This series also contains some of Herman's personal writings. Both his letter to the Evening Post entitled, "A Questions of Faith" and his diary from 1895-1898 contain thoughts on religion and philosophy.
Herman Foster Robinson, letters received, 1893-1903, inclusive
Herman Foster Robinson, Legal Writings, 1900-1903, inclusive
"A Question of Faith" by Herman Foster Robinson, undated
Cutler School Honors, 1886-1897, inclusive
Certificate of Admission as an Attorney and Counselor, 1900, inclusive
"A Short Catechism for Young Children", undated
Herman Foster Robinson, Death Notice, 1903, inclusive
Diary of Herman Foster Robinson, 1895-1898, inclusive
Appointment Book, "Herman's Last Diary", 1903, inclusive
Songbook, 1900, inclusive
Series VI: Anna Robinson Butler (1896-1920)
Scope and Contents note
This small series includes two 1920 letters from Pauline describing post-war France as well as personal memorabilia.
Anna Robinson Butler, letters received, 1904, 1920, undated, inclusive
Anna Robinson and Arthur Butler's Wedding Invitation, undated
School Report Card, 1896-1897, inclusive
"Snowdrops-A Selection of Scripture Texts", undated
Series VII: Extended Robinson Family Members (1881-1949)
Scope and Contents note
This series contains letters, writings, and biographies of members of the extended Robinson family of Dr. Beverley and Anna and their children Beverley R., Herman, Pauline, and Anna. Each subseries contains only a small amount of material on each family member.
Subseries 1: Moncure Robinson, (1881-1949)
Scope and Contents note
These items relate to Moncure Robinson, Dr. Beverley Robinson's father, who was a famous civil engineer and a pioneer of the American railway system. His writings in this series include "A Survey and Report of Railway Transactions over the Allegheny Portage" and an obituary of his friend Henry Seybert.
Writings by Moncure Robinson, 1881, 1883, inclusive
Biographies of Moncure Robinson, 1889, 1949, inclusive
Subseries 2: Charlotte Randall Taylor Robinson, (undated)
Scope and Contents note
This letter to Charlotte Randall Taylor Robinson, Moncure Robinson's wife, is from a relative describing the good behavior of young Beverley, presumably the elder Beverley Robinson.
Charlotte Randall Taylor Robinson, letter received, undated
Subseries 3: Kenneth Robinson, (undated)
Scope and Contents note
This letter from Herman Foster Robinson describes his application for a position as Secretary in the United States Ligation at Peking.
Kenneth Robinson, letter received (from Herman Foster Robinson), undated
Subseries 4: Charlie Robinson, (1903)
Scope and Contents note
This subseries contains one letter from Pauline Lentilhon Robinson describing her social life and sightseeing in Rome.
Charlie Robinson, letters received (from Pauline Lentilhon Robinson), 1903, inclusive
Series VIII: Robinson Family Documents (1901-1921)
Scope and Contents note
This series includes material relating to the Robinson family as a whole as opposed to one particular member of the family. The bulk of the material consists of letters, telegrams, and cards to Dr. Beverley, Anna, Beverley R., Pauline and the younger Anna expressing sympathy after Herman's suicide in 1903. One folder of material details the history of a family home in Garrison, New York which had previously been visited by George Washington and Mrs. Benedict Arnold.
Robinson Family, Scrapbook of Letters Received after Death of Herman, 1903, inclusive
Robinson Family, Scrapbook of Letters Received after Death of Herman, 1903, inclusive
Beverley and Anna Robinson, Letters re Wills and Expressing Love to Family Upon Their Death, 1901-1921, inclusive
Calling Cards to Family After Death of Herman, 1903, inclusive
History of Robinson Family House called "Beverley", 1940, inclusive
Poem Read at Robinson Family Reunion, 1908, inclusive
Series IX: Foster Family (1843-1908)
Scope and Contents note
This series contains correspondence and memorials of various members of the family of Anna Foster Robinson
Subseries 1: Herman Ten Eyck Foster, (1852-1869)
Scope and Contents note
The letters to Herman Ten Eyck Foster are from his young daughter, Anna Foster Robinson.
Herman Ten Eyck Foster, letters received, 1852, undated, inclusive
Herman Ten Eyck Foster, Memorials, 1869, inclusive
Subseries 2: Pauline Lentilhon Foster, (1843-1847)
Scope and Contents note
The letters to Pauline Lentilhon Foster, wife of Herman Ten Eyck Foster and mother of Anna Foster Robinson, are from her mother. They detail family events and news.
Pauline Lentilhon Foster, letters received, 1843-1847, inclusive
Subseries 3: Antoine Lentilhon Foster, (1900-1908)
Scope and Contents note
This subseries contains letters to Antoine Lentilhon Foster, Anna Foster Robinson's brother. The letters are from Herman Robinson and Charlie Robinson.
Antoine Lentilhon Foster, letters received, 1900, 1908, inclusive
Subseries 4: Victoria DuPont Foster, (undated)
Scope and Contents note
The letters to Victoria DuPont Foster, the wife of Antoine Lentilhon Foster, are from her children.
Victoria DuPont Foster, letters received, undated
Series X: Lentilhon Family (1824-1897)
Scope and Contents note
This series contains correspondence, volumes, obituaries, genealogies, and property and asset information of the Lentilhon family. Many of the documents in this series are in French.
Subseries 1: Eliza Smith Lentilhon, (1824-1857)
Scope and Contents note
This subseries includes correspondence from Eliza Smith Lentilhon's husband to be, Antoine Lentilhon, and later her children. The reminiscences of Eliza Smith Lentilhon are in English and recount the story of her life and family.
Eliza Smith Lentilhon, letters received, 1824-1857, inclusive
Reminiscences of Eliza Smith Lentilhon, [1850], inclusive
Address Book of Eliza Smith Lentilhon, 1852, inclusive
Subseries 2: Antoine Lentilhon, (1838)
Scope and Contents note
This subseries includes information on the life of Antoine Lentilhon, the husband of Eliza Smith Lentilhon and grandfather of Anna Foster Robinson, in French and in English.
Memorials and Obituaries for Antoine Lentilhon, 1838, inclusive
Subseries 3: Pauline de Tours Lentilhon, (1876)
Scope and Contents note
This subseries contains a journal of notes on the Lentilhon family. The journal entries are in French.
Pauline de Tours Lentilhon, Documents sur la famille Lentilhon, 1876, inclusive
Subseries 4: Lentilhon Family Documents, (1836-1897)
Scope and Contents note
The correspondence, notes, and volumes in this series represent the Lentilhon family in general rather than one individual family member. Many of these materials are in French.
Notes on Lentilhon Family Genealogy, 1873-1897, inclusive
Lists of Lentilhon Assets, 1836, inclusive
Title to Lentilhon Property on Wooster Street, 1836, inclusive
Series XI: Smith Family (1822-1903)
Scope and Contents note
This series contains material relating to the Smith Family, which was the family of Anna Foster Robinson's grandmother.
Subseries 1: Gamaliel Smith, (1822-1823)
Scope and Contents note
This subseries contains a letter from Gamaliel Smith, the great-grandfather of Anna Foster Robinson, to other family members. The memorial to Gamaliel Smith includes stories recounted by Eliza Smith Lentilhon of her father and their family in early nineteenth-century New York.
Gamaliel Smith, letter sent to Edward L Smith and Mary M. Smith, 1822, inclusive
Memorial of Gamaliel Smith, 1823, inclusive
Subseries 2: William Smith, (1901-1903)
Scope and Contents note
The letters to William Smith or "Uncle William" are from Pauline and Anna Robinson. The 1903 letter from Anna briefly describes the service the family had for her brother, Herman.
William Smith, letters received, 1901-1903, inclusive
Series XII: Ten Eyck Family (1854)
Scope and Contents note
This series includes correspondence to a member of the family of Anna Foster Robinson's grandmother. The single letter in this series to Catalina Ten Eyck from Anna Foster Robinson describes various family members as well as young Anna Foster Robinson's routine of practicing the piano and reading the Bible.
Catalina Ten Eyck, letter received from Anna Foster Robinson, 1854, inclusive
Series XIII: Family Genealogies (1875-1896)
Scope and Contents note
This series contains notes, family trees, and clippings regarding the Robinson's and their extended families. The authors of the genealogy notes are generally Herman or Pauline or else are unidentified. The volume "First Genealogical Notes" includes clippings along with handwritten notes regarding various ancestors.
Family Trees, 1890, 1896, undated, inclusive
Genealogy Notes, 1883-1896, inclusive
Genealogy Notes, undated
Clippings of Obituaries and Wedding Announcements, 1875-1879, undated, inclusive
Volume entitled, "First Genealogical Notes", undated
Series XIV: Charities (1872-1952)
Scope and Contents note
This series includes the records of the charity work of female members of the Robinson family, particularly Pauline. The letters and clippings document the need for and the efficacy of the various charities.
Subseries 1: Monday Sewing Class, (1872-1952)
Scope and Contents note
This subseries contains the records of the Monday Sewing Class, a group of women who sewed, and eventually simply paid others to sew, clothes for the poor. Anna Foster Robinson was a founding member of the group and Pauline Robinson later became its President. The records include fabric and monetary contributions, amounts of items of clothing sewn for the poor, and photographs of the members at a luncheon. Besides the loose items, the series also contain two volumes of records. The records also list the prominent female members of the charity such as Anna Eleanor Roosevelt and Sara Delano Roosevelt- the wife and mother of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The series also contains four short thank you notes to the group from Eleanor Roosevelt..
Monday Sewing Class: Lists of Members, 1872-1940, inclusive
Monday Sewing Class: Minutes and Reports, 1921-1952, inclusive
Monday Sewing Class: Correspondence, 1924-1945, inclusive
Monday Sewing Class: Photographs, [1947], inclusive
Monday Sewing Class: Exhibit at Museum of the City of New York for 75th Anniversary, 1947-1948, inclusive
Record Book of the Monday Sewing Club, 1872-1901, 1921, inclusive
Membership and Attendance Book of the Monday Sewing Club, 1877-1887, inclusive
Subseries 2: Public Schools as Community Recreation Centers, (1906-1913)
Scope and Contents note
This subseries documents the efforts to keep public schools open in the evening to provide space for clubs and recreation for local residents. The centers included reading libraries, games, and space for physical activities for teenagers and adults. Various lectures and forms of entertainment were also provided for in many of the schools. Much of the subseries entails correspondence with the Department of Education in New York City. The scrapbook pages mainly include letters responding to Pauline's plea for financial or organizational assistance.
Public Schools as Community Recreation Centers, Correspondence, 1906-1913, inclusive
Public Schools as Community Recreation Centers, Lists of Committee Members, Clippings, 1907, undated, inclusive
Scrapbook of Charity Work, Part 1, 1906-1908, inclusive
Scrapbook of Charity Work, Part 2, 1906-1908, inclusive
Scrapbook of Charity Work, Part 3, 1906-1908, inclusive
Scrapbook of Charity Work, Part 4, 1906-1908, inclusive
Subseries 3: Parks and Playground Association, (1908-1915)
Scope and Contents note
This series documents Pauline Robinson's involvement in the parks and playground movement which worked to establish playgrounds on roofs and vacant lots. The material includes correspondence, reports, and newspaper clippings. More materials regarding this charity are also in the scrapbook pages in Subseries 2, Public Schools as Community Recreation Centers.
Parks and Playground Association, Correspondence and Reports, 1908-1915, inclusive
Parks and Playground Association, Clippings, 1910, undated, inclusive
Subseries 4: West Side Children's Center, (1919-1945)
Scope and Contents note
This subseries includes reports and of the West Side Children's Center which was part of the larger national group, the Children's Aid Society. The records include a report and some correspondence. The records indicate that Pauline Robinson was President of the West Side Children's Center.
Records of West Side Children's Center, 1919-1945, inclusive
Subseries 5: Junior League, (1902-1951)
Scope and Contents note
This series documents Pauline Robinson's membership in the Junior League. It includes ephemera from events and a booklet from 1951 that documents the League's thirty year history.
Junior League, 1902, 1951, undated, inclusive
Subseries 6: American Ambulance Hospital in Paris, (1917)
Scope and Contents note
This subseries contains a program from a series of performances to benefit the hospital. The program also indicates that Pauline Robinson was on the Junior Committee for the benefit.
Program for Benefit, 1917, inclusive
Series XV: Visual Materials [1864-1966]
Scope and Contents note
This series contains photographs, cartes des visite, and glass plate negatives of the Robinson and Lentilhon families and their friends. This series is organized according to person except for the glass plate negatives which are placed together. Most of the photos are posed portraits.
Dr. Beverley Robinson, [1864-1894], inclusive
Anna Foster Robinson, 1875, undated, inclusive
Beverley R. Robinson, 1877-1893, inclusive
Beverley and Herman Robinson, [1880-1885], inclusive
Pauline Robinson, [1884-1922], inclusive
Anna Robinson Butler, 1893, inclusive
Antoine Lentilhon, undated
Eliza Smith Lentilhon, 1891, undated, inclusive
Unidentified/ Other family or friends, 1875-1966, inclusive
Glass Plate Negatives- Anna Foster Robinson, Pauline Robinson, Anna Robinson Butler, 1890-1898, inclusive
Glass Plate Negatives- Dr. Beverley Robinson, Unidentified Female, Two Unidentified Males, undated
Series XVI: Printed Material (1868-1941)
Scope and Contents note
This series contains ephemera and memorabilia that is not identified as belonging to a particular family member. This series includes a 1919 invitation and program for a reception for the Prince of Wales, later King Edward VIII. It also includes an undated invitation to a talk by "Mrs. Roosevelt" on "Human Rights and Race Relations." The poems appear to be clippings and not writings by a family member.
Programs for Shows and Events, 1868-1956, inclusive
Invitations, 1903-1919, inclusive
Church and Diocese Bulletins and News, 1898-1941, inclusive
Poems, undated
Postcards, undated
Book of Nursery Rhymes, 1830, inclusive
"The Peace Cross Book", A Book of Sermons and Prayers Regarding the Peace Cross in Washington D.C., 1899, inclusive
Biographies of Philip Lutley Sclater and Daniel Giraud Elliot, 1914, inclusive
Ship Menu, 1903, inclusive
Brochures, 1903, inclusive
Daily Texts with Verses of Hymns, undated
Series XVII: Unidentified Writings (1863-1949)
Scope and Contents note
This series contains material such as letters, notebooks, or writings in which neither the writer nor the owner can be identified.
Correspondence, 1895-1949, undated, inclusive
Writings and Notes, 1907-1911, undated
Poultry Account Book, 1867, inclusive
Notebook of Dessert Recipes, undated
Prayers and Scriptures, undated
Notebook 2, Unidentified Author, Lists of Items and Goods, 1863-1873, inclusive
Notebook 1, Unidentified Author, Writings, undated
Series XVIII: Clippings (1870-1956)
Scope and Contents note
It is unclear who clipped the newspaper articles in this series. Many of the articles relate to politics and current events, particularly World War I.