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Box 39(A), Genealogical Papers, Circa 1870-1903

Scope and Contents

For extensive detail regarding the contents of this box, see White's guide, Volume 2, pages 328-335 (Note: Materials within Box 39(A) and 39(B) appear to have been compiled by J.W. Beekman, Jr., for use in a publication; it's possible that the June 15, 1908 New York Evening Post article in Box 12, Folder 2, is the result of this research). For further genealogical material, see Box 12.

Organizational Material and Correspondence Pertaining to the Society of Colonial Wars, Yacht Club, New-York Historical Society, Columbia Alumni Association, Union Club, and Trustee of New York Hospital, Lake George Memorial, 1903, undated

Box: 39(A), Folder: 1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Genealogical Material (collected in the 1890's), Including Material Copied from Family Bibles, Copy of 1700's Peartree Patent, Correspondence, Family Trees., 1870-1890, undated

Box: 39(A), Folder: 2 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Genealogical Material, including Family Trees, Rutgers/Depeyster Families, Issue of Jan. 1903 Huguenot Magazine., 1893-1894, undated

Box: 39(A), Folder: 3 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Genealogical Material, Predominantly Correspondence, Some in German and French, 1874-1901, undated

Box: 39(A), Folder: 4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Genealogical Material, Correspondence, Copies of Dutch Reformed Church Records, List of Marriages, Newspaper Clippings, Some in French, 1892-1899

Box: 39(A), Folder: 5 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Genealogical Material, Mostly Focused on pre-Colonial Dutch Ancestry, Notes and Drafts of Family Trees, Correspondence, Correspondence, Some in French One in Dutch (translated), 1892-1896, undated

Box: 39(A), Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
New York Historical
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New York, NY 10024