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Series I: Minutes, 1852-1995, inclusive

Scope and Contents note

Bound ledgers of minutes run from the Harmonie Club's founding in 1852 until 1995, with gaps from the mid-1930's to the mid-1950's. The series has been split into four subseries: General Minutes, Secretary Minutes, Board of Governors Minutes, and the final subseries contains all other committee and club minutes. The ledgers are entitled by the wording on the spine followed by anything written on the cover. In the event the cover is missing or blank, the volume is listed as the subseries name. The majority of the books have additional documents stuck in-between the pages or cover; for the most part these are directly related to the function and period encompassed in the ledger. Where necessary documents have been removed from the pages, foldered, and placed in the back cover. The minutes are handwritten until 1915, but items pasted into the books are a mix of typed and handwritten document throughout the series.

Subseries 1: General Minutes, 1852-1995, inclusive

Scope and Contents note

This subseries contains the earliest minutes of the Harmonie Club and contain a variety of financial information, membership lists, and reports. Several of the volumes have been supplemented by glued in quarterly budgets, other minutes, Tage-Ordnung (Agendas), reports from Club officers, committee minutes, correspondence, and other documents. The majority of the General Minutes are in German, but beginning in 1865 with a Tage-Ordnung there is a slow switch to English. From 1865 to the 1880s only glued in materials are in English, but by 1890 minutes handwritten in German becomes increasingly scarce. The fourth book in the subseries contains a number of notable documents including the membership laws and the legal forms required to remain operating as a social club during Prohibition. The presence of such documents from the 1920s appears to be a filing mistake.

General Minutes, 1852 October 16 - 1859 April 3

Offsite-Box: 1, Volume: 1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Protocol - Gesellschaft Harmonie 1859, 1859 April 5 - 1865 January 8

Offsite-Box: 1, Volume: 2 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Protocol - Harmonie Social Club of the City of New York 1865, 1865 January 8 - 1867 July 31

Offsite-Box: 2, Volume: 3 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Protocoll - 1870 Gesellschat Harmonie, 1870 September 30 - 1920 July 8

Offsite-Box: 2, Volume: 4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Protocoll - 1875 Gesellschaft Harmonie, 1875 July 23 - 1882 October 1

Offsite-Box: 3, Volume: 5 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Protocoll - 1882 Gesellschaft Harmonie, 1882 October 22 - 1888 May 26

Offsite-Box: 3, Volume: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Protocoll - 1887 Gesellschaft Harmonie, 1888 April 8- 1894 September 27

Offsite-Box: 4, Volume: 7 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Subseries 2: Secretary Minutes, 1894-1934, inclusive

Scope and Contents note

The Secretary Minutes are almost exclusively in English and the majority of the information is on loose paper that has been pasted into the ledgers. For the most part the books are in good condition, but there is some yellowing of the glue that has adversely affected the paper. Only a small amount of material are archetypal minutes taken during board proceeding. Instead the ledgers capture the organization's function through committee reports, membership candidates, presidential addresses, bills, revised constitutions, and budgetary information. Includes cards with the name and dates of members who died. Starting April 1922 the ledger is switched to a ringed binder from bound pages, allowing the minutes to be typed on loose paper and inserted using a holepunch instead of having to glue in typed minutes.

Harmony Club Sect'y, 1894 October 18 - 1896 April 12

Offsite-Box: 4, Volume: 8 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Secretary Minutes, 1896 April 16 -1897 August 12

Offsite-Box: 5, Volume: 9 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Harmony Club Sect'y, 1897 September 9 - 1899 April 9

Offsite-Box: 5, Volume: 10 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Minutes 1899 Harmonie Club Secretary, 1899 April 13 -1901 April 14

Offsite-Box: 5, Volume: 11 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Minutes 1901 Harmonie Club Secretary, 1901 April 18 - 1903 April 7

Offsite-Box: 6, Volume: 12 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Minutes 1903 Harmonie Club Secretary, 1903 April 10 - 1906 March 22

Offsite-Box: 6, Volume: 13 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Minutes 1906 Harmonie Club Secretary, 1906 - 1909

Offsite-Box: 6, Volume: 14 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Secretary Harmonie Club, 1909 April 11 - 1912 April 14

Offsite-Box: 7, Volume: 15 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Minutes Secretary April 1912 - March 1915 Harmonie Club, 1912 April 18 - 1915 March 15

Offsite-Box: 7, Volume: 16 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Minutes Secretary Harmonie Club, 1922 April 9 - 1929 December 19

Offsite-Box: 7, Volume: 17 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Minutes Secretary Harmonie Club, 1930 January 23 - 1934 February 16

Offsite-Box: 9, Volume: 18 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Subseries 3: Board of Governors Minutes, 1915-1995, inclusive

Scope and Contents note

Likely the following minutes are the Secretary's Minutes of the Board of Governors meetings. These minutes fill the time gap in the previous subseries and are identical to the last two of the Secretary ledgers in both their physical and intellectual properties.

Harmonie Club Minutes Board of Governors, 1915 April 11 -1917 March 22

Offsite-Box: 9, Volume: 19 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Minutes Board Of Governors Harmonie Club, 1917 April 8 - 1919 March 23

Offsite-Box: 9, Volume: 20 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Minutes Board Of Governors Harmonie Club, 1919 April 13 - 1922 March 23

Offsite-Box: 10, Volume: 21 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Minutes Board Of Governors Harmonie Club, 1956 January - 1966 March

Offsite-Box: 11, Volume: 22 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Minutes Board Of Governors Harmonie Club, 1966 April - 1968 January

Offsite-Box: 11, Volume: 22 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Minutes Board Of Governors Harmonie Club, 1968 February - 1969 December

Offsite-Box: 11, Volume: 22 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Minutes Board of Governors Harmonie Club, 1970 January 28 - 1982 April 18

Offsite-Box: 10, Volume: 23 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Minutes Board Of Governors Harmonie Club, 1986 January - 1991 March

Offsite-Box: 11, Volume: 22 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Minutes Board Of Governors Harmonie Club, 1991 May - 1995 May

Offsite-Box: 11, Volume: 22 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Subseries 4: Other Committee and Club Minutes, 1915-1931, inclusive

Scope and Contents note

The final subseries is comprised of all other minutes found in the Harmonie Club Collections. Most of the volumes are the records of particular committees, but only represent a short duration of their existence. Reports and recommendations made by the committees can be found throughout the previous three subseries, often glued into the ledgers. Two of the volumes are the records of clubs founded within the Harmonie Club. The Thursday Evening Bowling Club was one of many bowling clubs founded to ensure members would have exclusive rights to the alleys located inside the Harmonie Club's building on a particular night. Each club was named by the day of the week its members bowled. The Thursday Evening Bowling Clubs records include meeting minutes, membership lists, correspondence, and its own constitution. The Minutes of the Board of Governors of the North Shore Country Club is composed of typed papers inserted into a three hole binder. The Country Club was established March 13, 1914 for the benefit of the Harmonie Club members and its Board of Governors was composed of Harmonie Club officers. The minutes include budgest, expenses, renovation plans, and description of the grounds.

Building Committee Minutes, 1865 April -1867 May

Offsite-Box: 10, Volume: 23 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Book 36 Protocoll Directoren fur Fiscal Jahr von (Fiscal and Budgetary Committee Minutes), 1871- 1877

Offsite-Box: 12, Volume: 24 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Building Committee Minutes, 1896 March 24 - 1898 February 3

Offsite-Box: 12, Volume: 25 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Committee on Site and Building Minutes, 1902 November 20 - 1905 September 21

Offsite-Box: 12, Volume: 26 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

House Committee Minutes, 1906 April - 1911 October

Offsite-Box: 12, Volume: 27 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Minutes Board of Governors North Shore Country Club, Inc, 1913 March 31 - 1918 November 26

Offsite-Box: 12, Volume: 28 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Gesellschaft Harmonie Aufnahme-Comite Protokolle (Harmonie Society Admission Committee Minutes), 1891 April 18 - 1899 November 29

Offsite-Box: 12, Volume: 29 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Admission Committee Minutes, 1900 - 1906

Offsite-Box: 13, Volume: 30 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Minutes Committee on Admissions Harmonie Club, 1906 April 17 - 1907 May 12

Offsite-Box: 13, Volume: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Minutes Committee on Admissions Harmonie Club, 1913 September 30 - 1931 April 6

Offsite-Box: 13, Volume: 32 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Minutes Committee on Admissions, 1973 - 1987

Offsite-Box: 14, Volume: 33 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Minutes Committee on Admissions, 1988 - 1989

Offsite-Box: 13, Volume: 34 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Kegel (Bowling) Club Records, 1874 - 1876

Offsite-Box: 15, Volume: 35 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Kegel (Bowling) Club Records, 1876-1878

Offsite-Box: 15, Volume: 36 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Minutes and Records of the Thursday Evening Bowling Club of the Harmonie Club, 1899 October - 1906

Offsite-Box: 15, Volume: 37 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Kegel (Bowling) Club correspondence

Offsite-Box: 14, Volume: 33 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


This is loose correspondence relating to the Kegel Club that is foldered in a box with material from Volume 33

New York Historical
170 Central Park West
New York, NY 10024