Series II. Reports
Scope and Contents note
Another significant portion of this collection consists of copies of reports and related documents. Most are Landmarks Designation Reports produced by the LPC. Box 3, Folder 1, however, contains materials from Goldstone's earlier tenure on the City Planning Commission. Of the three reports included, two reflect Goldstone's dissenting position - an Addition to Flushing Meadow Park (1963) and the Remapping of West Broadway between West 3rd and Washington Square South (1966). In a third decision -- Breezy Point Map Change - Goldstone agreed with the majority but the acting chairman and one other member dissented.
Box 4, Folder 4 contains a report unrelated to the LPC. The Centreville Courthouse/Multi-Service Center Report was produced in May of 1979 for the State of Maryland by the firms of McLeod Ferrara Ensign and Gruzen and Partners. It describes a project whose goal is to "develop a coordinated series of building projects to house the Court and State agencies systems" for Queen Anne's County, Maryland. Harmon Goldstone served as a consultant on Architectural Styles and Guidelines.
The remaining folders in this series contain reports related to the designation of landmarks and historic districts. The predominant format is the Landmark Designation Report whose components include particulars of the public hearing(s) held on the proposed designation; detailed description and analysis from an architectural and historical point of view; and a summary of the Commission's findings and designations. Some of the reports contain photographs and/or floor plans. Historic District Designation Reports are lengthier, adding maps and detailed descriptions of individual properties within the district. Associated with some of the reports are summaries, press releases and, in one case (Box 3, Folder 7), a several-page hand-written spreadsheet. There are annotations on a number of the documents, presumably written by Goldstone. Box 3, Folder 5 contains a newspaper clipping which announces the voiding of two designations (included in the same folder) by the Board of Estimate.
The contents of Box 3, Folders 8, 9 and 10 were formerly housed in a brown folder labeled in Goldstone's hand, "LPC Reports 1976, 1977, 1978 with Questions." Folder 8 contains a few written questions. The other two folders include summary sheets annotated by Goldstone with question marks (?) where reports are missing.
The materials are arranged chronologically (except for boxes 4-5) and the container list reflects the districts, buildings and/or monuments within each folder. As these reports are all photocopies, their quality is not consistent. Some are very clear while, in others, portions are faint. All, however, are legible.
Five of the landmarks below are identified with an asterisk (*); they appear on the Landmark Designation Lists but their reports are not included in the collection.