Series I. Bound Minutes Books, 1892-1894, 1904-1943, inclusive
Scope and Contents
The materials in this series are the bound volumes of minutes of City Club's Board of Trustees, Executive Committee, annual meetings, and miscellaneous committees up to 1940. Minutes from after 1940 were not bound and are located within the Records and Correspondence Files series. The volumes include minutes, correspondence, financials, reports of the committees, and other materials.
The Board of Trustee minutes contain financials, committee reports, correspondence and other materials. Executive Committee minutes also include various committee updates, resignations, elections, membership updates and financials of the Club. There are volumes for Minutes of the Club which contain updates, election results, reports, membership, and notices of meetings. One volume of Minutes of the Club is combined with membership minutes for that year. Membership minutes include updates on elections, resignations, transfers, dropped members, reinstatements, member rosters, and miscellaneous related materials. There is one volume of City Affairs minutes, and five volumes of Legislation Committee minutes which contain lists of legislation the committee was monitoring and their position on it: favor, opposed, or no action.
The volumes of Miscellaneous Committee Minutes contain the minutes of various committees, special committees and sub-committees. There are variations in how committee names are presented. The topics of committees include city affairs, legislation, city planning and development, finance, public health, nominations, courts, parks, education, housing, transit and transportation, taxation, port development, employment, the re-chartering of New York, and the House Committee. Other various temporary special committees, sub-committees, and committees are noted at the volume level.
The volumes are arranged in chronological order within committee groupings: Board of Trustees, Executive, Membership, Committees. Several binders were taken apart due to damage and placed into folders with the front cover. All materials placed into folders are according to original order within the binder.
Minutes of the Board of Trustees, 1904, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes letter regarding dual membership at Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club, letter regarding Croton Aquaduct and water supply, and memorandums.
Minutes of the Board of Trustees, 1905, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes minutes and materials regarding the New York and New Jersey tunnel franchise, membership dues by borough, the preservation of trees in Central Park and newsclippings, records of City Club pamphlets and papers destroyed by the assistant secretary, Library Committee reports, and materials on pool rooms and illegal gambling.
Minutes of the Board of Trustees, 1906, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes minutes, finances, materials regarding Rapid Transit, 11 page resignation of the Secretary due to mismanagement of club and civic actions, committee reports, voting suggestions for legislation, membership and dues list, report of the Special Committee on the financial condition of the Club, and inventory of club house rooms.
Minutes of the Board of Trustees, 1907, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes resignations and materials regarding proposed elevated loop, finances, membership materials, and proposed amendments to Club constitution.
Minutes of the Board of Trustees, 1908, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes materials regarding Atlantic Telephone Company's possible monopology (monopoly), finances, Rapid Transit Railroads report, amended by-laws and house rules, snow removal reports, and membership reports.
Minutes of the Board of Trustees, 1909, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes finances, memnbership materials, reports to the Board regarding East River bridges, report regarding plans to build a stadium in Morningside Park, report by Special Committee on telephone practices, correspondence, and news clipping regarding finances.
Minutes of the Board of Trustees, 1910, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes notes regarding Women's Suffrage luncheon, City Club Realty Company, real estate, finances, public health, and correspondence.
Minutes of the Board of Trustees, 1911, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes committee rosters, transit memorandums and report on future subway platforms for longer trains, correspondence, letter regarding women dining in private rooms to not interfere with male members, report on committee on Women's Auxiliary, report regarding ballot marks and validity, taxicab ordinances, letter protesting allowing women to wear hats at luncheons, letter requesting the removal of coroners as undertakers and report, and proposed amendments to code of criminal procedure.
Minutes of the Board of Trustees Jan-June, 1912, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence regarding invitations, report on number of passengers needed to meet expenses for interborough subway, and report suggesting a hospital for contagious diseases be built in the Bronx.
Minutes of the Board of Trustees July-Dec., 1912, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes report on Eleventh Avenue subway, pamphlet arguing for a contagious disease hospital in the Bronx, correspondence and map of proposed Third Avenue subway entrance, collection of reports of Courts Committee with proposed amendments, amendments to Club constitution including Club purpose.
Minutes of the Board of Trustees, 1913, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes report on Interborough Transit Company contract, correspondence regarding closing of Savoy and Dewey theatres by Fire Commissioner, correspondence to Fire Commissioner regarding the Carnegie Lyceum's lack of exits and map of theatre, correspondence regarding incorporation and leasing of Century Opera House for popular opera, memorandum for preservation of St. John's Chapel, correspondence regarding removal of elevated railway and hand drawn maps.
Minutes of the Board of Trustees, 1914, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes draft of charges for removal of John Voohris for inefficiency, pamphlet proposing construction of a new East River from Flushing to Jamaica Bay and filling in of the East River, and correspondence regarding film censorship of a film including a prostitute as heroine.
Minutes of the Board of Trustees, 1915, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence about membership, Executive Committee minutes, letter from Court House Board that a new court house location has been acquired after 27 years of discussion, correspondence and map of proposed Fulton Street elevated railway, and denied request for women's suffrage group to come and speak before election day.
Minutes of the Board of Trustees, 1916, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes transcript of meeting to hear charges against member Benjamin Marsh for his actions and motion to investigate the Board of Trustees, response letters from Marsh, correspondence regarding purchase of new Clubhouse, and letter regarding "daylight savings movement."
Minutes of the Board of Trustees, 1917, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes charges against Edward Swann District Attorney, pamphlet on proposed daylight saving time, reports on creation of a State Farm Colony for Vagrants, Memorandum on New York Central track relocation, and reports on war ambulance fund.
Minutes of the Board of Trustees, 1918, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes minutes allowing organizations to utilize City Club space for meetings that include women members, formation of a committee to discuss democratic elections and women's work in the club, discussion of Prohibition and the Club's stance, amendments to by-laws regarding service men and "allied German sympathizers," correspondence regarding members being potential German sympathizers, privileges of women at City Club, and a copy of City Club Reconstruction Program.
Minutes of the Board of Trustees, 1919, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes petitions to limit women's privileges at the club, correspondence regarding tax exemption, and report on proposed cross Jersey canal.
Minutes of the Board of Trustees, 1920-1921, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes report "Justice and the Poor" and news clipping, drawing of proposed buildings for west side for garment workers, December Bulletin, release on Governor's traction bill on transportation, notice of dissolution of Century Opera Company, and notice on Armistice Day dinner.
Minutes of the Board of Trustees, 1922-1924, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes statement from Citizens Committee of America on the state of hospitals for wounded men and establishment of a hospital for tuberculosis treatment, correspondence regarding New Netherland Bank account, release on proposed improvements around Grand Central Station, education program developed by City Club, memorandum on transit bill, City Club Bulletins, and minutes regarding the need for more parks and facilities for New York's growing African American population.
Minutes of the Board of Trustees, 1925-1927, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes minutes regarding transit legislation, removal of religious curriculum from public schools, letter regarding how to make the club more economical in its functions, plans to purchase the remaining City Club Realty stock, proposed New York state constitutional amendment to Article VIII, suggestions to the State Reorganization Commission, materials regarding proposed legislation, and three-page program regarding changes for schools, subways, and tenements.
Minutes of the Board of Trustees, 1928-1930, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes minutes on proposition for the creation of a city museum, release supporting the West Side improvement plan, civic fund and membership report, correspondence regarding release about Consolidated Gas Company's history and its financials, 23 page memorandum on the Consolidated Gas Company controversy, and minutes on creation of a committee to report on Communists meetings.
Minutes of the Board of Trustees, 1931-1932, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes copy of act to create a Bureau of Municipal Affairs, estimates for repair of the clubhouse, minutes about Osborn plan to create avenue through Central Park, copy of resolutions of directors of City Club Realty Company, City Club Bulletins, Report on Judicial Councils and foldout, report on mortgage foreclosure receiverships, reform of supplementary proceedings, and simplification of foreclosure suits.
Minutes of the Board of Trustees, 1933-1934, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes minutes regarding proposed bills on minimum wage, letter to Board of Estimate and Apportionment regarding the City's financial problems, correspondence to New York Grand Jury regarding racketeering, City Club Veteran Reference Amendment, memorandum on the conference on transit unification, and colonization plan of removal from New York due to unemployment.
Minutes of the Board of Trustees (6 folders), 1935-1940, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes memorandum on city rezoning, Trustee resignation letters, statement on proposed recreation planning for N.Y. World's Fair 1939, report on mortgage moratorium, report on club affairs regarding debt and the club's future, memorandum on scope of program for City Club's future, materials on Washington Square Park renovations, materials on foreclosure of the City Club building, and report on proposed "V Plan."
Minutes of the Board of Trustees, 1940-1943, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes proposed civic program (1940-1941), Luncheon Menu (1942), materials regarding absence of students for religious education in public schools, comment on the proposed rapid transit fare increase (1942), note of admission of African Americans to City Club (March 30, 1942), and minutes of Special Committee on membership regarding continuance of City Club.
Minutes of the Executive Committee, 1904-1907, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes minutes discussing potential elevated road extensions, a police bill, adjustment of lease from City Club Realty Company, notes on Board of Education hearing on eye glasses for school children, and Atlantic Telephone Franchise materials.
Minutes of the Executive Committee, 1908-1910, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes discussion of Ahearn investigation and cost to City Club, transit bills, copy of section 1829 of the Penal Law, and letters regarding John Fox's payment for services to the club.
Minutes of the Executive Committee, 1911-1912, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes pamphlet "The So-called Gaynor Charter", copy of Section 109 of the Building Code, letter regarding proposed changes to the city charter, card advertising City Club charter conferences (1911), resolution on fire protection and pledges of support, correspondence regarding committee updates and reports, letter to members on subway expansion, and copy of insurance policy for City Club property.
Minutes of the Executive Committee, 1913-1915, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes letter regarding plans for waterfront property improvements and report, announcement of Committee on Popular Opera and other materials, correspondence with National Board of Censorship, correspondence regarding Kenyon Law and Herrick Bill to act against houses of prostitution as public nuisances, contribution letter (1914), materials regarding proposals to save the facade of the Old Assay Building, memorandum on Horton-Stoddard Bill by Citizen's Union, resolutions on quarantine control from American Board of Medicine, 15 page letter response to New York Edison Company's electricity report, and State Constitutional changes pamphlet from Citizen's Union.
Minutes of the Executive Committee, 1916-1917, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes reorganization of Committee work, letter and hand drawn map of potential new club house site, and letter from Mayor and draft to endorse breaking off of diplomatic relations with Germany.
Minutes of the Executive Committee, 1918-1919, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes war time housing report, statement from City Club on Terminal Improvement Commission, and draft of report on Vault Rentals.
Minutes of the Executive Committee, 1920-1927, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes hearing on the proposed St. Lawrence ship canal, report of Committee on Automobile Accidents, letter regarding Coney Island bathhouse, dissolution notice of Century Opera Company, letter regarding proposed subway through Central Park, and report on New York State government reorganization.
Minutes of the Executive Committee, 1934-1940, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes release on Robert Moses protest and rumors, and plans for club finances.
Minutes of the Club, 1904-1907, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes transcript of special meeting on City Club constitutional changes and the Elsberg Rapid Transit Bill (1905), transcript of annual meeting 1906 including discussion of rapid transit bills, ballot reform, franchises, bridge problems, and parks, and proposed amendments to the constitution (1907).
Minutes of the Club, 1908-1912, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes report on election laws (1908), bills considered by Board of Trustees, report of committee on fire protection, annual reports of Board of Trustees, and copy of address by Frederic Howe "The Police, Excise and Gambling Evil."
Minutes of the Club & Membership Committee, 1913-1916, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Combined volume of minutes of the club and minutes of the membership committee. Includes Annual reports.
Minutes of the Club, 1917-1935, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes memorandum on relocation of New York Central Railway tracks, letter to members on club updates (1918), annual reports, and copies of Club Bulletins.
Minutes of the Membership Committee, 1904-1907, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes report on changes in membership rules.
Minutes of the Membership Committee, 1908-1912, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes letter protesting City Club becoming a haven for Hebrew members who are barred from other clubs, news clipping regarding the suicide of member Siegfried Hayman at City Club, and annotated list of Life Members.
Minutes of the Membership Committee, 1917-1919, inclusive
Minutes of the Membership Committee, 1920-1923, inclusive
Minutes of the Membership Committee, 1924-1928, inclusive
Minutes of the Membership Commmittee, 1929-1932, inclusive
Minutes of the City Affairs Committee, 1914-1915, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence regarding city affairs. Topics include: hospitals, electric signs, heights of buildings, copy of municipal financing address from Edmund Fisher, vault rentals, speed regulations, proposal of long term budget for New York City, Court House site, water supply, and telephone franchises.
Minutes of the Legislation Committee, 1905-1907, inclusive
Minutes of the Legislation Committee, 1909-1914, inclusive
Minutes of the Legislation Committee, 1915-1919, inclusive
Minutes of the Legislation Committee, 1920-1930, inclusive
Minutes of the Legislation Committee, 1931-1936, inclusive
Minutes of the House Committee, 1892-1894, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes House Rules and furnishings of the Clubhouse.
Minutes of Miscellaneous Committees, 1904-1907, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes foldout of Hotel Astor Banquet floor diagram and diagrams of Grand Ball room, and materials from the Special Committee on the financial condition of the club.
Minutes of Miscellaneous Committees, A-C, 1908-1913, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes report on stage coach companies and Fifth Avenue Transportation company route map of Manhattan (1913).
Minutes of Miscellaneous Committees, D-Po, 1908-1913, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes minutes of Committee on "Negro Problem" discussing the need to investigate safe and sanitary housing conditions for African Americans in Harlem, and minutes from Fire Protection committee.
Minutes of Miscellaneous Committees, Pu-Z, 1908-1913, inclusive
Minutes of Miscellaneous Committees, 1914, inclusive
Minutes of Miscellaneous Committees, 1915, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes minutes and materials from Committees on Labor Problems, Correctional Institutions, and Pending Amendments to the Constitution. Documents found loose in the volume were removed to the following folder.
Minutes of Miscellaneous Committees, Courts, 1915, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Loose materials from Volume 51 - Minutes of Miscellaneous Committees.
Minutes of Miscellaneous Committees, A-C, 1916-1917, inclusive
Minutes of Miscellaneous Committees, D-M, 1916-1917, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes House minutes and correspondence protesting women smoking inside the Club House, and minutes from the Committee on Immigration.
Minutes of Miscellaneous Committees, N-W, 1916-1917, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes minutes from Committee on Nuisances, Pensions, and the Special Committee on State Farm Colony for Vagrants.
Minutes of Miscellaneous Committees, A-D, 1918, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes sub-committee on advertising in subways.
Minutes of Miscellaneous Committees, E-Z, 1918, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes materials from committees on Employment Exchanges, and Industrial Relations and Reconstruction.
Minutes of Miscellaneous Committees, 1919, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes State Retrenchment and Reorganization Committee, and House Committee minutes regarding proposal for no smoking during lectures when women are present.
Minutes of Miscellaneous Committees, 1920-1921, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes minutes of the Committee on Automobile Accidents and the Committee on Restoration of City Hall Park.
Minutes of Miscellaneous Committees, 1922-1924, inclusive
Minutes of Miscellaneous Committees, 1925-1927, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes minutes of several special committees: Special Committee on Constitutional Amendments, Special Committee on Crime Problem, Special Committee on New Club House, and Special Commitee on Use of Public School Buildings.
Minutes of Miscellaneous Committees, 1928-1930, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes materials from the Special Committee appointed to report with regard to Communist Meetings, Special Committee on Suburban Affairs, and sub-committees of the City Committee including: City Departments, Markets, Taxation and Budget. Documents found loose in the volume were removed to the following folder.
Minutes of Miscellaneous Committees, 1928-1930, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes the loose materials from volume 61, Minutes of Miscellaneous Committees (1928-1930).
Minutes of Miscellaneous Committees, 1931-1932, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes materials from the sub-committee on Housing and Height of Buildings, and Special Committee on Magistrates' Courts.
Minutes of Miscellaneous Committees, 1933-1935, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes Parks Committee minutes regarding the Moses Bill to centralize the Park Department and allow Robert Moses to maintain his position, and minutes regarding proposed redesign of Washington Square Park.
Minutes of Miscellaneous Committees, A-L (3 folders), 1936, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Materials were removed from original binder. Includes sub-committees on Port Commerce, Public Utilities, Social Welfare, and minutes from a lecture from the Crime Prevention Committee discussion of sterilization as a form of crime prevention.
Minutes of Miscellaneous Committees, M-Z, 1936, inclusive
Minutes of Miscellaneous Committees (3 folders), 1938-1940, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes materials regarding proposed Brooklyn Battery Bridge/Tunnel, the proposed redesign of Washington Square Park, dog control in the city, and materials from the sub-committee on regulations for neon signs.
Minutes of Various Committees (4 folders), 1936-1938, inclusive
Scope and Contents
Includes materials from sub-committees on Public Relief, Narcotics, and the World's Fair, and minutes from the Constitutional Convention Committee and Aviation Committee.