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Archived Website
Scope and Contents
The website of the Frederieke Taylor Gallery contains a history of the gallery and its former locations and names, as well as an exhibition history dating from 2000-2017, and artist webpages containing resumes, exhibitions, and images of selected works. Artists featured on the website include Antenna Design, Bejamin Britton, Barbara Broughel, Breaded Escalope, Long-Bin Chen, Mel Chin, [dNASAb], Jackie Ferrara, Peter Hutchinson, Raquel Maulwurf, Franco Mondini-Ruiz, Meredith Monk, Kristen Nelson, Christy Rupp, Christian Wassmann, Pauline Wiertz, Marion Wilson, and Thomas Zummer.
Crawl was limited to domains and subdomains of in order to remain within the collection scope and data constraints.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Due to technical or privacy issues, archived websites may not be exact copies of the original website at the time of the web crawl. Certain file types will not be captured dependent on how they are embedded in the site. Other parts of websites that the crawler has difficulty capturing includes Javascript, streaming content, database-driven content, and highly interactive content. Full-Text searches of archived websites are available at
Externally hosted content*/