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Adele Fournet Papers on the Bit Rosie Web Series

Call Number



2015-ongoing, inclusive


Fournet, Adele


715.37 Gigabytes
in 35 computer files and 1 archived website.


715.06 Gigabytes
in 35 computer files.


2 websites
in 2 archived website.

Language of Materials

Materials primarily in English, with six video recordings in Spanish and nine video recordings in German.


Bit Rosie is a web series about music producers directed, produced, and edited by Adele Fournet between 2015 and 2016. The collection documents the work of Fournet in creating her web series, Bit Rosie, that spotlights "female and gender expansive music producers and engineers." The Adele Fournet Papers on the Bit Rosie Web Series include 33 video recordings created by Fournet and the website,, on which the recordings were posted. The recordings include full-length and edited interviews with and performances by 11 of the 12 female music producers and groups featured on The Bit Rosie website includes the edited interviews and video recordings of performances. The interviews include discussions of the type of music the women create and produce, their creative influences and processes, and their feelings about being women in a male-dominated field.

Historical Note

Bit Rosie is a web series about female music producers directed, produced, and edited by Adele Fournet between 2015 and 2016. The project sought to highlight the work of women creating electronic music and to disseminate their work. Fournet conducted 12 interviews with women working with music technology as producers, DJs, and engineers, both individually and in collaboration with other women. The interviews were conducted between 2015 and 2016 in New York, Germany, and Peru.


The collection is arranged in alphabetical order by last name of the music producer or format of material.

Scope and Contents

The Adele Fournet Papers on the Bit Rosie Web Series documents the work of Fournet in creating her web series, Bit Rosie, that spotlights "female and gender expansive music producers and engineers". The collection contains 33 video recordings recorded by Fournet; an archived copy of, the website on which the series was published; and two spreadsheets created by Fournet with information about each producer. The video recordings include full-length and edited interviews with and performances by 11 of the 12 female music producers featured on The producers represented in the collection are Klara Andersson, Orieta Chrem, Julie Covello, Friederike Jäger, Julie Kathryn, Minami Kato, K. Marie Kim, Dion McKenzie, Franziska Plückhan, Pauchi Sasaki, and Gisela Fullá Silvestre. The interviews include discussions of the type of music the people create and produce, their creative influences and processes, and their feelings about being women in a male-dominated field. The interviews were conducted in New York, Germany, and Peru. The website includes brief biographies, edited interviews, and video recordings of performances for the 12 music producers. The spreadsheets include information about the producers, including the type of music they create, the hardware and software they use to create the music, and where they live and work.

Conditions Governing Access

Edited interviews and video recordings of performance videos are available for public streaming from NYU Libraries' website. The full-length interviews are available for streaming with password authentication from NYU Libraries for researchers with prior approval from the NYU Libraries based on the 2016 agreement with the donor.

Conditions Governing Use

Copyright (or related rights to publicity and privacy) for materials in this collection was not transferred to New York University. Permission to use materials must be secured from the copyright holder. Please contact the Fales Library and Special Collections,, 212-998-2596.

Preferred Citation

For electronic records: Identification of item, date; Adele Fournet Papers on the Bit Rosie Web Series; MSS 460; electronic record identifier; Fales Library & Special Collections, New York University.

To cite the archived website in this collection: Identification of item, date; Adele Fournet Papers on the Bit Rosie Web Series; MSS 460; Wayback URL; Fales Library & Special Collections, New York University.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Donated by Adele Fournet, September 2016. The accession number associated with this gift is 2016.041.

In 2017, was added as part of the Avery Fisher Center: Bit Rosie Web Archive through the use of Archive-It. Archive-It uses web crawling technology to capture websites at a scheduled time and displays only an archived copy, from the resulting WARC file, of the website. Individual YouTube videos were added to better capture the videos embedded in The accession numbers associated with these URLs is 2021.021, 2022.025, and 2022.057.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

Advance notice is required for the use of computer records. Original physical digital media is restricted.

Due to technical or privacy issues, archived websites may not be exact copies of the original website at the time of the web crawl. Certain file types will not be captured dependent on how they are embedded in the site. Other parts of websites that the crawler has difficulty capturing includes Javascript, streaming content, database-driven content, and highly interactive content. Full-Text searches of archived websites are available at


Duplicate video recordings were removed.

Take-down Policy

Archived websites are made accessible for purposes of education and research. NYU Libraries have given attribution to rights holders when possible; however, due to the nature of archival collections, we are not always able to identify this information. If you hold the rights to materials in our archived websites that are unattributed, please let us know so that we may maintain accurate information about these materials. If you are a rights holder and are concerned that you have found material on this website for which you have not granted permission (or is not covered by a copyright exception under US copyright laws), you may request the removal of the material from our site by submitting a notice, with the elements described below, to Please include the following in your notice: identification of the material that you believe to be infringing and information sufficient to permit us to locate the material; your contact information, such as an address, telephone number, and email address; a statement that you are the owner, or authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed and that you have a good-faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; a statement that the information in the notification is accurate and made under penalty of perjury; and your physical or electronic signature. Upon receiving a notice that includes the details listed above, we will remove the allegedly infringing material from public view while we assess the issues identified in your notice.

Collection processed by

Megan O'Shea and Bess Pittman

About this Guide

This finding aid was produced using ArchivesSpace on 2024-08-27 17:35:36 UTC.
Using Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language: Finding aid written in English

Processing Information

The collection was forensically imaged and mounted to local storage. Directories were created for each music producer and the video recordings associated with each producer were moved to the correct folder. A directory was created for inventories created by Adele Fournet.

New York University Libraries follows professional standards and best practices when imaging, ingesting, and processing born-digital material in order to maintain the integrity of the content.

In 2020-2022, YouTube videos were added individually to capture all videos embedded in the Bit Rosie website. In December 2022, gender inclusive language was updated in the abstract and scope and contents note.

Revisions to this Guide

November 2022: Edited by Nicole Greenhouse to reflect additional administrative information and added archived websites
December 2022: Edited by Nicole Greenhouse to reflect updated gender inclusive language


Fales Library and Special Collections

Adele Fournet Papers on the Bit Rosie Web Series

Andersson, Klara, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


Klara Andersson is a Swedish music composer and performer who utilizes traditional instruments along with technological enhancements to produce her pieces, which seek to explore the line between noise and music. She works under the stage name Fagelle.

Andersson, Klara -- Edited interview, 2016, inclusive

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


3.95 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Andersson, Klara -- Performance, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_32 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


6.43 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Archived websites

E-records: FA_MSS_460 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


2 websites in 2 archived website.


New site crawls are accrued annually.


YouTube videos were added individually to fully capture the embedded video.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

Due to technical or privacy issues, archived websites may not be exact copies of the original website at the time of the web crawl. Certain file types will not be captured dependent on how they are embedded in the site. Other parts of websites that the crawler has difficulty capturing includes Javascript, streaming content, database-driven content, and highly interactive content. Full-Text searches of archived websites are available at

YouTube videos may not be available to play in browser. Contact the web archivist for access to archived videos.

Chrem, Orieta, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


Orieta Chrem is a member of Menores, an experimental hip-hop group based in Lima, Peru. She is also the producer of the group's music.

Chrem, Orieta -- Edited interview, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_14 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


3.52 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Chrem, Orieta -- Full-length interview, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_17 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


39.17 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Conditions Governing Access

This video recording is available for streaming with password authentication from NYU Libraries for researchers with prior approval based on the 2016 agreement with the donor.

Digital materials

Chrem, Orieta -- Full-length interview: 2015- (Material Type: Electronic Record)

Chrem, Orieta -- Performance, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_2 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


3 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Covello, Julie, 2015-2016, inclusive

E-records: FA_MSS_460 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


Julie Covello, working under her stage name "DJ Shakey", is the producer for a freestyle musical duo based out of Brooklyn, NY, called Opal Crocus. She also has a solo career as a composer and performer.

Covello, Julie -- Edited interview, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


5.27 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Covello, Julie -- Full-length interview, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_3 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


66.31 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Conditions Governing Access

This video recording is available for streaming with password authentication from NYU Libraries for researchers with prior approval based on the 2016 agreement with the donor.

Digital materials

Julie Covello -- Full-length interview: 2016- (Material Type: Electronic Record)

Covello, Julie -- Performance, 2015

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_8 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


4.36 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Inventories, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_9 (Material Type: electronic records)


13.81 kilobytes in 2 spreadsheets.

Digital materials

Inventories: 2016- (Material Type: Electronic Record)

Jäger, Friederike, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


Friederike Jager is a composer and performer based in Berlin, Germany. She composes musical works with strong visual components as well as producing music for theater.

Jäger, Friederike -- Edited interview, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_10 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


3.96 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Jäger, Friederike -- Full-length interview, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_15 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


27.79 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Conditions Governing Access

This video recording is available for streaming with password authentication from NYU Libraries for researchers with prior approval based on the 2016 agreement with the donor.

Digital materials

Friederike Jäger -- Full-length interview: 2016- (Material Type: Electronic Record)

Jäger, Friederike -- Performance, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_5 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


2.87 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Kathryn, Julie, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


Julie Kathryn is a music composer, producer, and performer based in New York City. She is also on of the lead producers of the group "Female Frequency", an organization dedicated to encouraging women to make music. She has composed and performed under her own name as well as the stage name "I Am Snow Angel", which designates her exploration of a mre pop-electronic style of music.

Kathryn, Julie -- Edited interview, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_16 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


2.96 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Kathryn, Julie -- Full-length interview, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


48.62 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Conditions Governing Access

This video recording is available for streaming with password authentication from NYU Libraries for researchers with prior approval based on the 2016 agreement with the donor.

Digital materials

Julie Kathryn -- Full-length interview: 2016- (Material Type: Electronic Record)

Kathryn, Julie -- Performance, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_18 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


3.18 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Kato, Minami, 2015

E-records: FA_MSS_460 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


Minami Kato is a Japanese composer and producer based in Brooklyn, NY. Her love for technology and music shape her creations, although she also plays several traditional instruments.

Kato, Minami -- Edited interview, 2015

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_19 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


4.22 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Kato, Minami -- Full-length interview, 2015

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_7 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


46.69 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Conditions Governing Access

This video recording is available for streaming with password authentication from NYU Libraries for researchers with prior approval based on the 2016 agreement with the donor.

Digital materials

Minami Kato -- Full-length interview: 2016- (Material Type: Electronic Record)

Kato, Minami -- Performance, 2015

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_20 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


3.22 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Kim, K. Marie, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


K. Marie Kim, a member of the alt-pop duo Blank Paper and session musician, is a composer and performer based in Brooklyn, NY. She has also performed with musical groups in several other genres and created music for short films and pilots.

Kim, K. Marie -- Edited interview, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_21 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


3.53 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Kim, K. Marie -- Full-length interview, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_33 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


35.84 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Conditions Governing Access

This video recording is available for streaming with password authentication from NYU Libraries for researchers with prior approval based on the 2016 agreement with the donor.

Digital materials

K. Marie Kim -- Full-length interview: 2016- (Material Type: Electronic Record)

Kim, K. Marie -- Performance, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_22 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


3.08 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

McKenzie, Dion, 2015-2016, inclusive

E-records: FA_MSS_460 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


Dion McKenzie is a Jamaican musician based in Brooklyn, NY. She is a producer and DJ who also works as a curator for two queer clubs in New York City, where she showcases her experimental club sound.

McKenzie, Dion -- Edited interview, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_24 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


18.27 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

McKenzie, Dion -- Full-length interview, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_25 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


219.42 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Conditions Governing Access

This video recording is available for streaming with password authentication from NYU Libraries for researchers with prior approval based on the 2016 agreement with the donor.

Digital materials

Dion McKenzie -- Full-length interview: 2016- (Material Type: Electronic Record)

McKenzie, Dion -- Performance, 2015

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_26 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


5.93 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Plückhan, Franziska, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


Franziska Plückhan is a composer, producer, and performer based in Berlin, Germany. She works in the alt-pop genre under the stage name "Sissip".

Plückhan, Franziska -- Edited interview, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_34 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


3.49 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Plückhan, Franziska -- Full-length interview, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_23 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


38.37 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Conditions Governing Access

This video recording is available for streaming with password authentication from NYU Libraries for researchers with prior approval based on the 2016 agreement with the donor.

Digital materials

Franziska Plückhan -- Full-length interview: 2015- (Material Type: Electronic Record)

Plückhan, Franziska -- Performance, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_27 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


3.98 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Sasaki, Pauchi, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


Pauchi Sasaki is a Peruvian-Japanese composer who utilizes her knowledge of programming to make music that combines technology with traditional instruments.

Sasaki, Pauchi -- Edited interview, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_28 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


3.18 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Sasaki, Pauchi -- Full-length interview, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_11 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


50.13 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Conditions Governing Access

This video recording is available for streaming with password authentication from NYU Libraries for researchers with prior approval based on the 2016 agreement with the donor.

Digital materials

Pauchi Sasaki -- Full-length interview: 2016- (Material Type: Electronic Record)

Sasaki, Pauchi -- Performance, 2016

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_29 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


4.07 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Silvestre, Gisela Fullá, 2015

E-records: FA_MSS_460 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


Gisela Fullá Silvestre is a producer, composer, and sound designer based in Brooklyn, NY. She is originally from Barcelona, Spain. She works under the stage name NOIA.

Silvestre, Gisela Fullá -- Edited interview, 2015

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_30 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


4.85 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Silvestre, Gisela Fullá -- Full-length interview, 2015

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_12 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


47.37 Gigabytes in 1 video file.

Conditions Governing Access

This video recording is available for streaming with password authentication from NYU Libraries for researchers with prior approval based on the 2016 agreement with the donor.

Digital materials

Gisela Fullá Silvestre -- Full-length interview: 2016- (Material Type: Electronic Record)

Silvestre, Gisela Fullá -- Performance, 2015

E-records: FA_MSS_460, object: FA_MSS_460_ER_31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


3.72 Gigabytes in 1 video file.
Fales Library and Special Collections
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