Series I, 1987-2014, inclusive
3: [affinity group] ephemera, 1992
ACT UP: fact sheets and flyers, March 1987-June 1988, inclusive
ACT UP: sign-in sheets, June 22-29, 1987
ACT UP: "Let the Record Show...", November 1987
ACT UP: press, 1987-1990, inclusive
ACT UP: organizing material [1 of 2], 1987-1995, inclusive
ACT UP: organizing material [2 of 2], 1987-1993, inclusive
ACT UP FBI Files: Know Your Rights broadsheet, c. 1988
ACT UP FBI Files [1 of 4], 1988-1993
ACT UP FBI Files [2 of 4], 1988-1993, inclusive
ACT UP FBI Files [3 of 4], 1988-1993, inclusive
ACT UP FBI Files [4 of 4], 1988-1993, inclusive
ACT UP: teach-in about queer history: "A His & Herstory of Queer Activism", June 1989
ACT UP: "A Critique of the AIDS Clinical Trials Group", March 1, 1990
ACT UP: show announcements, incl. first ACT UP fundraiser, 1990, undated
ACT UP: letters and responses to moratorium of clinical trials, February, March 1992, inclusive
ACT UP: "A Direct Action Political Model of Community Research for AIDS Prevention" by Maxine Wolfe, February 21, 1992
ACT UP at the Republican Convention, August 17-27, 1992
ACT UP: outreach contacts, undated
ACT UP affinity group project: AIDS Profiteer stickers, undated
Scope and Content
Members of this ACT UP affinity group went into drug stores and placed these stickers on prescription bottles produced by targeted pharmaceutical companies.
ACT UP Congressional Action Working Group [1 of 2], 1991-1993, inclusive
ACT UP Congressional Action Working Group [2 of 2], 1992
ACT UP media committee: AIDS buzzwords handout, 1988
ACT UP Seattle: stickers and pin, 1990
ACT UP Women's Action Committee: "Doctors, Liars and Thieves" film transcript, July 22, 1992
Against Equality with Ryan Conrad: Ephemera, 2011, undated
Anonymous Queers source material for first broadsheet, 1989
Anonymous Queers: notes and responses for the broadsheet newsletters [1 of 3], 1989-1990
Anonymous Queers: notes and responses for the broadsheet newsletters [2 of 3], 1989-1990
Anonymous Queers: notes and responses for the broadsheet newsletters [3 of 3], 1989-[1990]
Anonymous Queers source material, 1989-1990
Anonymous Queers: David Robinson letter re: broadsheet "I Hate Straights", July 2, 1990
Anonymous Queers first broadsheet, 1990
Anonymous Queers (and subgroup) ephemera, 1990
Anonymous Queers: second project, 1991
Anonymous Queers second broadsheet ephemera, June 1992
Anonymous Queers: Stonewall 25th anniversary broadsheet, 1994
Arts Working Group t-shirt at Occupy Wall Street: "Art Killed My Dreams", c. 2011
Avram: Daily News coverage of first protest, March 25, 1987
Avram: "Enjoy AZT" notes, 1988
Avram: "Enjoy AZT" t-shirt, 1988
Avram: fax zap to Steven Joseph's office, 1988
Avram: Names Project Quilt unfolding ceremony, 1988
Avram: "Let the Record Show..." notes, 1989
Avram: "New York Crimes" source material, 1989
Avram's photos/postcard of Jeffrey Pittu + Public Art Fund's "Messages to the Public", January 1, 1989-January 15, 1989
Avram: catalogs, 1989-1992
Avram: catalogs, 1990-2014
Avram: notes for NIH Day of Desperation, January 1991
Avram: Marvel Super-heroes Summer Special X-Men Issue, Summer 1991
Avram: "A Thumbnail Sketch of the History of Scientific Research in America" for the McClintock Project, 1992-1993
Avram: "News Story on ACT UP/FBI", 1995
Avram: exhibition and permissions correspondence, 2010-2014
Avram: Exhibition catalogs, 2010-2014
Avram: Flash Collective ephemera, March 2014
Avram: Diane Neumaier slides documenting subway graffiti, undated
Avram: drafts and notes for articles [1 of 6], c. 1989-1995
Avram: drafts and notes for articles [2 of 6], c. 1989-1995
Avram: drafts and notes for articles [3 of 6], c. 1989-1995
Avram: drafts and notes for articles [4 of 6], c. 1989-1995
Avram: drafts and notes for articles [5 of 6], c. 1989-1995
Avram: drafts and notes for articles [6 of 6], c. 1989-1995
Avram: early press clippings, undated
Avram: press, undated
Avram's journal pages documenting Silence=Death, undated
Avram's journal, January 1984-June 1988, inclusive
Scope and Content
Avram bought this journal in Japan in 1983, but began writing in it early 1984. Kept by his bed, the journal includes dream entries, notes for projects, and notes from meetings from the first years of ACT UP. The first bookmark opens to an entry that sketches the first Silence=Death project. The second bookmark opens to an entry in which Bill Olander offers Avram the windows of the New Museum for Gran Fury's "Let the Record Show..." exhibition (1987-1988).
Avram source material: AIDS advertisements and ephemera, undated
Avram collaboration with Don Moffett: "Fact or Fiction?" and source material, 1988
Avram collaboration with Don Moffett: rejected cover ideas for "Reports from the Holocaust", c. 1989
Avram featured in still from Vincent Gagliostro's video footage, 1989
Avram collaboration with Vincent Gagliostro: ACT UP campaign notes, c. 1990-1991
Avram collaboration with Vincent Gagliostro: "Storm the NIH" and other, May 1990
Avram collaboration with Vincent Gagliostro: Day of Desperation action ephemera and notes, January 1991
Avram collaboration with Vincent Gagliostro: "Enjoy AZT" rationale for Cooper Hewitt Show, 2015
Avram collaboration with Visual AIDS, 2011
Barbara McClintock Project to Cure AIDS [1 of 9], 1992-1993
Barbara McClintock Project to Cure AIDS [2 of 9], 1992-1993
Barbara McClintock Project to Cure AIDS [3 of 9], 1992-1993
Barbara McClintock Project to Cure AIDS [4 of 9], 1992-1993
Barbara McClintock Project to Cure AIDS [5 of 9], 1992-1993
Barbara McClintock Project to Cure AIDS [6 of 9], 1992-1993
Barbara McClintock Project to Cure AIDS [7 of 9], 1992-1993
Barbara McClintock Project to Cure AIDS [8 of 9], 1992-1993
Barbara McClintock Project to Cure AIDS [9 of 9], 1992-1993
Bob Rafsky material, November 1992
Canadian groups: ephemera, 2009, 2012, undated
CDC Action Planning Group: notes and documents, c. 1990
CDC Working Committee: "Background on the Centers for Disease Control", c. 1991
Civil Disobedience: President Quayle flyer, 1988
COSTAS affinity group: photos and "A Costa Her/History", March 2, 1991, June 1989
Dyke Action Machine: "DAM! Incorporated", 2008
Gran Fury: "Men Use Condoms or Beat It" sticker, 1988
Gran Fury: notes, 1988
Gran Fury: Wall Street money, 1988
Gran Fury ad in the Bessie's Award program: "During This Program at Least 6 People with AIDS Will Die", 1988
Gran Fury poster: "You've Got Blood On Your Hands, Ed Koch", 1988
Gran Fury postcards, 1988-1989
Scope and Contents
These postcards were mostly produced by ACT UP. Included in this folder is a photograph Avram took of the "Kissing Doesn't Kill" bus campaign that shows white-out graffiti done by lesbian activists in San Francisco.
Gran Fury t-shirt: "The Government Has Blood on Its Hands", c. 1988-1989
Scope and Content
This t-shirt was produced by ACT UP for an FDA Action.