Oversize Series I: Performance Overview Subject Files A-Z
Overview- En Garde Arts Presents, Film Forum, BAM, Art Services, [undated]
Box: 29, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Overview- [Living Theater, Festival D'Automne a Paris, Mel Andringa, Spalding Gray], [undated]
Box: 30, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Overview- 'Festivals of Alienation and Community' by James Leverett, Soho Weekly News, October 5, 1978, inclusive
Box: 30, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Overview- The Village Voice Art Supplement vol. III, no. 1 [Andy Warhol], May 5, 1987, inclusive
Box: 30, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Andringa, Mel- "Sistine Floor Plan" and "American Nervousness", [undated]
Box: 29, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Andringa, Mel- The Drawing Legion, December, 1984, inclusive
Box: 29, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Andringa, Mel- Arts over AIDS- [with untitled Daily News, original artwork], 1985, 1992, inclusive
Box: 30, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Andringa, Mel- The Memory Theatre of Giulio Camilla Thesis Submitted, May, 1978, inclusive
Box: 30, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Andringa, Mel- "The Confidence Man", April, 1977, inclusive
Box: 30, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Andringa, Mel- "Camillo" Hancher Circle News, vol. IV, no. 4, Winter, 1981, inclusive
Box: 30, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Bark, Jared- 'Afterimage', April, 1979, inclusive
Box: 30, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Brakhage, Stan- Whitney Museum 'The New American FIlmmakers Series', [undated]
Box: 30, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Chong, Ping- "Nuit Blanche", "Arace", February-March, 1984; [undated]
Box: 30, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Chong, Ping- "A.M./A.M.", "Fear and Loathing in Gotham", "Arace", "Nuit Blanche", February, 1985; [undated]
Box: 29, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Chong, Ping- "Kindness" [poster], [undated]
Folder: 5 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Creation [Production Company]- La Mama Presents [April-June Calendar], [undated]
Box: 30, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Duo Theater- Spanish Theater "Rasputin", [undated]
Box: 30, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Evans, Joan- 'The Egg Session', [undated]
Box: 30, Folder: 13 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Finley, Karen- Lincoln Center for Performing Arts, July-August, 1988, inclusive
Box: 30, Folder: 14 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Gehr, Ernie- Survival Research Laboratories and Millenium Personal Cinema Program, Spring, 1986, inclusive
Box: 29, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Gehr, Ernie- Millennium Film Workshop, Fall, 1985, inclusive
Box: 30, Folder: 15 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Gibson, Jon- "Four Concerts", 1975; 1977, inclusive
Box: 30, Folder: 16 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Grooms, Red- "The Ruckus World of Red Grooms" Rutgers University Art Gallery, 1973, inclusive
Box: 30, Folder: 17 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Hatanaka, Minoru- "Spiral Complex", [undated]
Box: 29, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Jesurun,John- La Mama Presents February-March Calendar, [undated]
Box: 30, Folder: 18 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Jones, Leroi (Amiri Baraka)- [Jarvis Tyner handout], August 14, 1976, inclusive
Box: 30, Folder: 19 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Living Theatre- "Downtown" Issue No. 96 [Julian Beck], May 11, 1988, inclusive
Box: 30, Folder: 20 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Living Theatre- "Exquisite Corpse" vol. 4; "Seven Meditations on Political Sado-Masochism", November-December, 1986; [undated]
Box: 30, Folder: 21 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Living Theatre- "Open Road" [Interview with Judith Malina and Julian Beck], Spring, 1979, inclusive
Box: 30, Folder: 22 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
McLaughlin, Sheila- "She must be seeing things" [and program with Nancy Miller], Spring, 1978, [undated]
Box: 29, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Meat Productions- "Titus Andronicus", [undated]
Box: 30, Folder: 23 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Pietri, Pedro- "Pre-Resurrection Insurrection", [undated]
Box: 30, Folder: 24 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Reich, Steve- and Jon Gibson at the Kitchen, [undated]
Box: 30, Folder: 25 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Saratoga International Theater Institute- Anne Bogart/Tadashi Suzuki, May-June, 1993, inclusive
Box: 30, Folder: 26 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Serban, Andrei- "Fragments of a Trilogy", 1973-1974, inclusive
Box: 30, Folder: 27 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
S.F. Mime Troupe- "False Promises/Nos Enganaron", December 15, 1978, inclusive
Box: 30, Folder: 28 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Talkin Band- "Worksong", "Piedro Palermo", [undated]
Box: 29, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Whitman, Robert- "Raincover", "A Walk in the Park", October, 1982; September, 1981, inclusive
Box: 30, Folder: 29 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Whitman, Robert- "Prune Flat" and "Light Touch" at Dia Art Foundation, December, 1980
Box: 30, Folder: 30 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Wilson, Ann- "Electric Affinity" and "Faust", 1976; [undated]
Box: 30, Folder: 31 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Wilson, Ann- Electric Affinity [with Jared Bark, "The Bird and The Dirt" at Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania], February-January, 1976, inclusive
Box: 30, Folder: 32 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Young, La Monte, September-October, 1981
Box: 29, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Zorn, John- "EAR Magazine of New Music" vol. 2, no. 2, October, 1986, inclusive
Box: 30, Folder: 33 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Zorn, John- "Jai Alai", "Track and Field" [Collective for Living Cinema], Spring, 1982; [undated]
Box: 30, Folder: 34 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)