Malcolm Goldstein Papers
Call Number
Language of Materials
Malcolm Goldstein is a composer and violinist primarily concerned with structured improvisation and a unique style which he calls "soundings." He writes graphic scores which combine elements of standard musical notation, calligraphy, written instructions, and collage. Goldstein has collaborated with many dancers, writers, and musicians, most frequently with Philip Corner and Allison Knowles. The Malcolm Goldstein Papers contais scores, documentation of performances, writings, publicity, and administrative documents relating to Goldstein's work as composer, musician, collaborator, writer, curator, and professor.
Biographical Note
Malcolm Goldstein is a composer and violinist primarily concerned with structured improvisation and a unique style which he calls "soundings." He writes graphic scores which combine elements of standard musical notation, calligraphy, written instructions, and collage. Goldstein has collaborated with many dancers, writers, and musicians, most frequently with Philip Corner and Allison Knowles.
Born on March 27, 1936 in Brooklyn NY, Malcolm Goldstein attended Columbia University from 1952 through 1959 where he studied with Otto Leuning and Antonio Miranda. In 1962 he began performing with the Judson Dance Theater, shortly followed by participation in the NY Festival of the Avant Garde and the Experimental Intermedia Foundation. In 1963 he co-founded the Tone Roads chamber ensemble with Philip Corner and James Tenney. Tone Roads, which takes its name from a mid-career composition by Charles Ives, showcased works by Ives, Ruggles, Cage, and Varese. Goldstein went on to work on a critical edition of Ives' work. He also wrote extensively about these musicians as well as about improvisation. He is the author of the book Sounding the Full Circle distributed by Frog Peak Music. He has traveled extensively, performing in countries around the world, and has received many awards including the Prix Acustica International by WDR.
Goldstein has held teaching positions at Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center (1959-1960), Columbia College (1961-1965), the New School for Social Research (1963-1965, 1967-1969), the New England Conservatory (1965-1967), Dickinson College (1969-1971), Goddard College (1972-1974), and Bowdoin College (1978-1982). Goldstein has curated and performed in many concerts at these institutions as well as in festivals around the world.
The Living Composers Project,
Grove Music Online,
The material has been arranged into nine series and some separated further into subseries:
Series I: Music Projects
Series II: Writing
Series III: Publicity
Series IV: Administrative
Series V: Commercially Released Media
Series VI: Non-commercially Released Audio
Series VII: Non-commercially Released Video
Series VIII: Data Storage
Series IX: Malcolm Goldstein's Notes on the Collection
Scope and Contents
The Malcolm Goldstein Papers include scores, documentation of performances, writing, correspondence, publicity, administrative records, audio, video, and data storage. The materials document Goldstein's role as a composer, musician, curator, writer and educator. The collection is arranged into nine series:
Series I: Music Projects comprises scores and documentation of performances. In addition to scores created by Goldstein there are several pieces made by other composers. Notebooks contain drafts of various works in progress.
Series II: Writing comprises unpublished article drafts, interviews, published works, and correspondence. Correspondence is mostly from others with Malcolm Goldstein as the recipient with a few exceptions.
Series III: Publicity is comprised of reviews, photographs, and ephemera documenting performances and commercial releases.
Series IV: Administrative comprises administrative materials reflecting Goldstein's organization of concerts, contracts, grants, music production, and teaching materials.
Series V: Commercially Released Media comprises audio, video, and vinyl sound discs in which Malcolm Goldstein is either the main musician or is featured as a collaborator on the recording.
Series VI: Non-commercially Released Audio comprises audiocassetes and sound discs documenting performances and interviews.
Series VII: Non-commercially Released Video comprises VHS and DVD elements primarily documenting performances.
Series VIII: Data Storage comprises floppy discs and CD-Rs storing visual documentation of performances.
Series IX: Malcolm Goldstein's Notes on the Collection comprises Goldstein's lists and inventories of the collection as it was delivered to the Fales Library and Special Collections.
A 2018 accretion contains Goldstein's writings on the music of Charles E. Ives, specifically a 2016 booklet Charles Ives -- String Quartet No. 2 -- Critical Edition which includes the booklet, as well as supporting work files with edited drafts, letters, notated scores, 1946 sound recordings of the piece, and reviewer notes. Concert programs and reviews of his performances from 2014 to 2016 and Goldstein interview transcripts and articles from 2016-2017 is also in this accretion. Material on Goldstein projects include 1992 Die Moltkerei Gallery original material and descriptions of his Moroccan Project from 2009. Updated copies of existing pieces in the collection as well as more recent works and performance notes for Wandering Still, This Full Breath/Gesture Sounding, and If Not Now, When? can also be found in this collection, dating from 2017 to 2018.
Conditions Governing Access
Materials are open to researchers.
Conditions Governing Use
This collection is protected by copyright and/or related rights. You are free to use materials in the collection in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s).
Preferred Citation
Identification of item, date; Malcolm Goldstein Papers; MSS 350; box number; folder number; Fales Library and Special Collections, New York University Libraries.
The Malcolm Goldstein Papers were donated to the Fales Library and Special Collections by Goldstein in 2012. Accretions were donated by Goldstein in 2013-2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, and 2022. Accession numbers associated with these donations are 2012.350, 2013.350, 2014.350, 2015.350, 2018.090, 2019.044, 2020.037, and 2023.030.
Audiovisual Access Policies and Procedures
Access copies for some audiovisual materials in the collection are available by appointment for reading room viewing and listening only.
Born-Digital Access Policies and Procedures
Born-digital materials have not been transferred and may not be available to researchers. Researchers may request access copies. To request that material be transferred, or if you are unsure if material has been transferred, please contact Fales Library and Special Collections,, 212-998-2596 with the collection name, collection number, and a description of the item(s) requested. A staff member will respond to you with further information.
In August 2018 a curatorial decision was made to not accept into the 2018 accretion: a computer floppy disk with existing duplicate analog material and two audiocassette recordings of a non-Goldstein concert.
About this Guide
Processing Information
The Malcolm Goldstein Papers are arranged at the folder level and titles reflect Goldstein's original labeling taken from envelopes. Material was originally labeled with several layers of descriptive information. For this reason all envelopes were saved (see Series IX) and can be viewed alongside the material they originally housed. When applicable, additional information was represented as a 'Scope and Content Note' for each individual item. Any titles created by the archivist have been placed in square brackets and have been added minimally.
In 2018, material was removed from their envelopes and foldered, keeping the envelopes with notations. File titles were taken from the envelopes. The files were updated or incorporated into existing series I.A., II.B., III.C., and V.A. The scope and content note for II.C. was updated. The original arrangement note was updated, removing information and creating a processing note.
In 2019, material was removed from envelopes, foldered, and placed in a box. Folder titles were taken from the envelopes. The files were updated or incorporated into existing Series I.A, OVERSIZE Series I.A, Series II.A, Series III.C, and Series IX.
In 2020 and 2023, accretions were rehoused and intellectually integrated into the collection's existing series structure. One audio optical disc was forensically imaged, analyzed, and described; the two commercial optical discs of the collection were identified but not imaged, and were intellectually incorporated into Series V.A. New York University Libraries follow professional standards and best practices when imaging, ingesting, and processing born-digital material in order to maintain the integrity and authenticity of the content.
Revisions to this Guide
Series I: Music Projects
Scope and Content
The Series comprises scores and documentation of performances. It is separated into three subseries: Projects A-Z, Other Musicians, and Notebooks and Sketches. Each subseries is described more fully below.
Subseries A: Projects A-Z
Scope and Content
Subseries A: Projects A-Z contains scores, source material, and documentation of performances for music projects. Each project was labeled by Malcolm Goldstein and titles were transcribed from his notes.
Projects are listed alphabetically as they were upon arrival.
"Absolute Cow", 1988, inclusive
"As it were"- [score], 1996, inclusive
"As it were"- [score], 1996, inclusive
"As it were, another"- [score and instructions with permission from Jasper Johns], April 22, 1998, inclusive
"August Light"- Dia Art Foundation [Photographs], May, 1988, inclusive
"Ayre(s) full the bellows delight" [score], 2010, inclusive
"Bataille"- [photographs], September, 2002, inclusive
"Because a circle is not enough" with "An attempt to define what it is to be 'in the sound" [See also writing series], 1990; 2000, inclusive
"Between hair and wood/changes"- [score], September 16, 1980, inclusive
"Between two spaces"- [score, sketches, text] [1 of 4], 1993-1994, inclusive
"Between two spaces"- [score, sketches, text] [see also: oversize materials] [2 of 4], 1993-1994, inclusive
"Between two spaces"- [PrixAcustica International Award] [3 of 4], 1993-1994, inclusive
"Between two spaces"- score/structure for horspiel [4 of 4], 1993, inclusive
"Between two spaces"-Doors project [photographs] [1 of 3], 1993, inclusive
"Between two spaces"-Doors project [photographs] [2 of 3], 1993, inclusive
"Between two spaces"-Doors project [sketches] [3 of 3], 1993, inclusive
"Boundless the Source, Overflowing in Song", 2019
"A breaking of vessels, becoming song" for Barbara Held- [score], January 2, 1981, inclusive
"Breath River Route"- [photographs] [1 of 3], 1986, inclusive
"Breath River Route"- [slides and negatives] [2 of 3], 1986, inclusive
"Breath River Route"- [photographs] [3 of 3], 1986, inclusive
"Breath within cycles becoming"-[score], 1983, inclusive
"Bridging the Gap"- [score], 1987, inclusive
"Broken Canons" for Charles Ives - [score], 2011, inclusive
"A brutal bit of these times" Bratislava Erik Satie project- [score], 1995, inclusive
"The Burrow"/ "Kafka in These Times"- see also "Dwelling on Dwelling", 1992, inclusive
"By way of definition" a sounding for Jackson Mac Low - [score], 1996, inclusive
"Can it be done in public? Tango" with "Toccata, ma non suonare" - [score], 1976-1984, inclusive
"Cantos II" - [score], 1976-1977, inclusive
"Casa del popola" - [photographs], 2007-2008, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"- Original Artwork, 1984
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"- [Instructions and philosophy], January 15, 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"- Violin I [collaged score], 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"- Violin II [collaged score], 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"- Viola [collaged score], 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"- Cello/Bass [collaged score], 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"- Flute [collaged score], 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"- Oboe [collaged score], 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"- Clarinet [collaged score], 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"- Alto Saxophone [collaged score], 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"- Bassoon [collaged score], 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"- Harpsichord [collaged score], 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"- conductor's score in reduced size and seating arrangment, 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"- first set of xerox copies of orchestral parts, 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"-Brooklyn Philharmonic Concert orchestral parts: Violin I (C. Hafer), 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"-Brooklyn Philharmonic Concert orchestral parts: Violin I (Jill Levy), 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"-Brooklyn Philharmonic Concert orchestral parts: Violin I (Ik Hwan), 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"-Brooklyn Philharmonic Concert orchestral parts: Violin I (Bushman), 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"-Brooklyn Philharmonic Concert orchestral parts: Violin II, 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"-Brooklyn Philharmonic Concert orchestral parts: Violin II (Paul Woodiel), 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"-Brooklyn Philharmonic Concert orchestral parts: Violin II (Carol Havelka), 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"-Brooklyn Philharmonic Concert orchestral parts: Violin II (Marion Guest), 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"-Brooklyn Philharmonic Concert orchestral parts: Viola, 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"-Brooklyn Philharmonic Concert orchestral parts: Viola, 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"-Brooklyn Philharmonic Concert orchestral parts: Viola (Ron Carbone), 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"-Brooklyn Philharmonic Concert orchestral parts: Viola (Janet Hill), 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"-Brooklyn Philharmonic Concert orchestral parts: Cello/Bass (Rosenfeld), 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"-Brooklyn Philharmonic Concert orchestral parts: Cello (Fitzgerald), 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"-Brooklyn Philharmonic Concert orchestral parts: Cello (M.N.), 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"-Brooklyn Philharmonic Concert orchestral parts: Cello/Bass, 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"-Brooklyn Philharmonic Concert orchestral parts: Cello/Bass (Bruno), 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"-Brooklyn Philharmonic Concert orchestral parts: Cello/Bass, 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"-Brooklyn Philharmonic Concert orchestral parts: Flute (R.D.), 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"-Brooklyn Philharmonic Concert orchestral parts: Oboe, 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"-Brooklyn Philharmonic Concert orchestral parts: Clarinet, 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"-Brooklyn Philharmonic Concert orchestral parts: Alto Saxophone, 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"-Brooklyn Philharmonic Concert orchestral parts: Harpsichord, 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"-Brooklyn Philharmonic Concert orchestral parts: Bassoon (Morelli), 1985, inclusive
"Cento Anni di Suoni"- Five graphic realizations (reduced size), March 27, 1998, inclusive
"Cento Anni di Suoni", 1997-1999, inclusive
"Cento Anni di Suoni"- [Photographs], 1998, inclusive
"Cento Anni di Suoni"- 100th Birthday Celebration for Malcolm Goldstein's Violin [photographs], 1998, inclusive
"A Chippewa Love Story" -[score], December 19, 1978, inclusive
"Circular Breath-Space" from "Wheelock Mountain"- [score], 1972, inclusive
"Concerning melody" - [score], 1998, inclusive
"Configurations in darkness" - [score], 1995, inclusive
"Configurations in darkness" - Tun Art Concert [photographs], November, 1996, inclusive
"Contemplation (View)" - [score], 1982, inclusive
"A Convergence of Distances" - [score], 1994-1995, inclusive
"Counting Cow Bells" - Gamelon ensemble with "Fiddling Cow Bells" magnetic tape collage [score], 1991, inclusive
"Crossing the Equator" - [score], 1996-1999, inclusive
"A Cultivation of Field" -[score], 2005, inclusive
"Cycladic Imprints" with Carolee Schneeman [with photographs], 1988, inclusive
"Dancers Moving Sound" - [score], November 16, 1984, inclusive
"Darkness Becoming Narrative" - [score], 2009, inclusive
"Death: Act or fact of dying" partial reflections on Vietnam [score], November, 1967, inclusive
"Death: Act or fact of dying" partial reflections on Vietnam [score], November, 1967, inclusive
"Death: Act or fact of dying" partial reflections on Vietnam- German translation "Tod: Akt oder Tat des Sterbens" [score], 1982, inclusive
"Death: Act or fact of dying" Vienna - Photographs by Manfred Winter, May, 1982, inclusive
"Divisions of Ground" - [score], 1998, inclusive
"Doppelperformance" with Dorethea Rust [inkjet prints], 2008, inclusive
"Dwelling on dwelling" [with Bart Uchida at The Sharon Arts Center], March 6- April 7, 1994
"The Edges of Sound Within" - [score and sketches], 1985, inclusive
"The Edges of Sound Within" - [photographs], November, 1987, inclusive
"Elegia" Poem by Villatoro - [score], 1987, inclusive
"Emanations" -[score], November, 1962, inclusive
"An Enactment of Absence" - [score], 1995, inclusive
"Espaces en movement" -[score], 2010, inclusive
"Evening Music/ October" -[score], 1988, inclusive
"Fiddling Cow Bells" -[score], 1988, inclusive
"Fire in the Valley" - photographs by Michael Wilderman, 1997, inclusive
"For Jackson, A Memorial Celebration (a la Jackson Mac Low)" - [score], March 5, 2005, inclusive
"Found Harmonies (les harmonies trouvees)" in memoriam Jim Tenney - [score], 2011, inclusive
"The Fragility of Line/ Points Extending" -[score], September 29, 1982, inclusive
"Fragments of the Wall" [1 of 2], [2004-2005], inclusive
"Fragments of the Wall" [2 of 2], [2004-2005], inclusive
"Fragments of the Wall"- Photographs by Rehab Nazzal, [undated]
"Fragments of the Wall" Revised Version -[score with source material], 2008, inclusive
"Fragments of the Wall"- texts "graffiti" [with French translation], July 31, 2006; [undated]
"Fragments of the Wall"- Dossier on Palestine vol.7, no.43, October 28, 2002, inclusive
"Fragments of the Wall"- Palestinian Graffiti photographs by Monika Borgmann [inkjet prints], [1991], inclusive
"Fragments of the Wall"- Program texts English and French, [undated]
"Fragments of the Wall"- Music/Theater [score], 2007-2008, inclusive
"Fragments of the Wall"- Music/Theater final revised version [score], 2008, inclusive
"Free at Last, Free at Last"- [program notes and press releases], November, 1985, inclusive
"Free at Last, Free at Last", 1986, inclusive
"Free at Last, Free at Last", 1986, inclusive
"Free at Last, Free at Last", 1986, inclusive
"Free at Last, Free at Last"- [photographs], 1986, inclusive
"Frog Pond at Dusk" - [score], 1970, inclusive
"Games for Musicians with Dancers Obbligato" for Elaine Summers [score], 1983, inclusive
"Gentle Rain Preceeding Mushrooms" (in memoriam for John Cage) [score], 1992, inclusive
"Hardscrabble Songs" [score], 2000, inclusive
"Hues of the Golden Ascending" [score], April, 1979, inclusive
"Hues of the Spectrum" for Daichi Saito's film "Trees of Syntax, leaves of Axis" [score], 2008, inclusive
"If Not Now, When?", 2018
"If Thoreau Had Played the Violin" [score, notes], 2014, inclusive
"Illuminations from Fantastic Gardens" for Elaine Summers, "Fantastic Gardens: An Evening of Dance, Judson Dance Theater" [score], 1964, inclusive
"Illuminations from Fantastic Gardens" for Elaine Summers, "Fantastic Gardens: An Evening of Dance, Judson Dance Theater" [score], 1964, inclusive
"Illuminations from Fantastic Gardens"- Reduced Size Photocopies [score], 1964, inclusive
"In and Out of Silence" - Violin part of performance in Munich with Barbara Hammann and Alison Knowles, August 18, 2004, inclusive
"In and Out of Silence" - Performance in Munich with Barbara Hammann and Alison Knowles, September 25-28, 2004, inclusive
"In and Out of Silence" - Performance in Munich with Barbara Hammann and Alison Knowles [photographs by Vollier Derlath], September, 2004, inclusive
"In Search of Tone Roads #2" for Charles Ives [score], 2013, inclusive
"In the also, the end" with "Captain Hume's Lamentations" [score], 1997, inclusive
"Instant Chance" for dance of Elaine Summers [score], March 19, 1965, inclusive
"Interludes" [score], November 7, 2000, inclusive
"Ishi/ 'man waxati' Soundings" [score], 1988, inclusive
"Ishi/ time changing spaces" [score and photographs], 1988, inclusive
"Ishi/ time changing spaces" [with photographs], 1988, inclusive
"It were another" [score], 1998, inclusive
"Jade Mountain Soundings" [score], 1983, inclusive
"Jade Mountain Soundings" - montage for "Ear as Eye" show with improv visual poem [score], 1996-1998, inclusive
"Karlsplatz Resonanz" [score], 1983, inclusive
"Klangbild /Munchen" [score], 1996, inclusive
"The Life Cycle of Stones" violin and vocal parts [score], 1987, inclusive
"The Life Cycle of Stones", 1987, inclusive
"The Life Cycle of Stones" [photographs and slides], 1987, inclusive
"The Life Cycle of Stones", 1987, inclusive
"The Life Cycle of Stones", 1987, inclusive
"The Life Cycle of Stones" [photographs], 1987, inclusive
"Ludlow Blues" [score], 1963, inclusive
"Majority -1964" for Charles Ives [score], 1964, inclusive
"Majority -1964" for Charles Ives [score], 1964, inclusive
"Majority -1964" for Charles Ives [score], 1964, inclusive
"A Map of Virginia" -names of tribes, January 21, 2001, inclusive
"A Map of Virginia", [undated]
"A Map of Virginia", [undated]
"A Map of Virginia", [undated]
"Marin's Song: Fragments and Variations" for Experimental Intermedia Foundation performance, April 3, 1981, inclusive
"Marin's Song, Illuminated" [photographs and instructions], 1979, inclusive
"Marin's Song, Illuminated" [Marin's original page with photographs], 1979-1981, inclusive
"Marin's Song, Illuminated", 1979, inclusive
"Marin's Song, Illuminated", 1979-1981, inclusive
"Marin's Song, Illuminated" [photographs by Peter Moore], December 6, 1981, inclusive
"Marin's Song, Illuminated" [contact sheets by Peter Moore], December 6, 1981, inclusive
"Marin's Song, Illuminated": "Marin's Lied, Illuminiert" - Horspiel (radio acoustic art), WDR (West German Radio) Cologne, 1984, inclusive
"Marin's Song, Illuminated" Time of Music [photographs], 1989, inclusive
"Marin's Song of Origin" [score], 1978, inclusive
"A meditation/ responses" to Charles Ives' "Unanswered Question" [score], 2006, inclusive
"Metal Garden" performed with "Sheep Meadow" at Bowdoin College [photographs by Kathy Bradford], 1979, inclusive
"Moments" for Yoriko and Gabriel Chodos [score], May, 1976, inclusive
"Montreal Miniature" collage for radio [score], February 2, 1997, inclusive
"Mountains and Rivers Remain", 2018
"Name pieces" ("Naming Songs")- a short song for Christian Wolff, a sounding of Udo Kasemets, "Naming Song for Tom Plsek", January 3, 1996; November 27, 2000; October 1, 1982, inclusive
"A New Song of many faces for In These Times", 2002, inclusive
"Of Sky Bright Mushrooms Bursting in My Head" [score], October 29, 1983, inclusive
"An old fiddler stomping" for Bill Royer [score], February, 1972, inclusive
"On and on and always slowly nowhere" [score], 2011
"On and On and Always Slowly Nowhere", 2019
"On the edge of song" [score], 1974, inclusive
"On the first day of spring there werer forty pianos" [score], January, 1981, inclusive
"On the first day of spring there werer forty pianos" - photographs of premier with invitations and responses, 1987, inclusive
"On the first day of spring there werer forty pianos" Response cards, 1987, inclusive
"On Withered Fields Wandering Still" [score], 2010, inclusive
"On Withered Fields, Wandering Still"-"L'Oubli de l'air" installation by Lani Maestro [inkjet prints], 2010, inclusive
"Once" collaboration with Barbara Hammam and Mischa Murucher [Includes score for "Once (again)"], April 30, 1998; September 14-17, 1998, inclusive
"Orchestra Pieces" : "Pond: 'earth's eye', the mirror" and "Night Chant" [score], 1980; 1985, inclusive
"...out of changes: Keeping Still; Mountain" [score], 1994, inclusive
"...out of changes: Keeping Still; Mountain" photographs of collages by Fanny Schoning ("I-Ging Series"), 1994, inclusive
"...out of changes: Keeping Still; Mountain" traces of collages by Fanny Schoning ("I-Ging Series"), 1994, inclusive
"...out of changes: Keeping Still; Mountain" with Fanny Shoning, 1994, inclusive
"out of nowhere... and there to again" [score], November 30, 2007, inclusive
"Overture to Fantastic Gardens" [score], 1964; September, 1976, inclusive
Percussion Music- "Wood Stone Metal Skin, With Voice"; "The RIch Complex Vocabulary of a Percussionist's Body/Gesure", 1982-1983, inclusive
"Piano Studies" [score], August, 1973, inclusive
"Place: A convergence of distances" sound installation with tape collage- Switzerland, October, 1994, inclusive
"Process, or Time Between," "Thinking About Gagaku," "Walking with Samuel Beckett", 2020
"Qaumaneq; shaking with joy" [score], 1993, inclusive
"Qerneraq; our breath as bones" [score], October, 1986, inclusive
"Radio Play Music" [score], 1989, inclusive
"...a reflection. It is" [score], November, 1980, inclusive
"Regarding the Tower of Babel" [music/theater piece], 1997, inclusive
"Regarding the Tower of Babel" English Text [score], December 23, 1999, inclusive
"Regarding the Tower of Babel" French typed version [score], June 23, 2004, inclusive
"Die Reise des Spatzen (oder Die Liebe zur Heimat)", 1993, inclusive
"Renga (La metamorphose de la source)" [score], 1997, inclusive
"Resonances de Babel" with photoraphs by Thierry Collins and mural by Natasha Mayers, 2004, inclusive
"Resonances de la Fontaine" [score], 2012, inclusive
"Royalty House Blues (Cantos III)" [score], September, 1981, inclusive
"Sanctuary Piece" for Cindy Childs [score], June, 1963, inclusive
"Scherzo" for James Waring [score], 1964, inclusive
"The Seasons" a collection of sounds and textures- original concept sketch, 1976, inclusive
"The Seasons" notes and notations for the Kurtzforum Art Series Journal, October, 1980, inclusive
"The Seasons: Vermont" [score], 1980-1982, inclusive
"The Seasons: Vermont" [score: instructions without graphic score pages], 1980-1982, inclusive
"Seikilos Song" (arrangement for student ensemble at Goddard College), 1973, inclusive
"A Shifting of Focus" [score], 2010, inclusive
"A Short Song for Christian" (Wolff)[score], January 3, 1996, inclusive
"A Sick Eagle Can You See" from Charles Ives [score], December 15, 2003, inclusive
"Sirens for Edgard Varese" [score], December, 1965, inclusive
"the sky has many stories to tell" for The Locrian Chamber Players [score], 2010, inclusive
"Song of the Thundercloud/ Rainbow, Becoming" piano solo for Jim Tenney [score], August 14, 1979, inclusive
"Le Souffle du Coyote a la Surface de l'Eau" a radio piece for "Le Navire Night" (Helene Prevost) Societe Radio Canada, January 23, 1996, inclusive
"Sounding the Fragility of Line" for Morton Feldman - violin alone and cello adaptation, January 21, 1988; 1999, inclusive
"Sounding a Nimbus for Geoff" [score], 2011, inclusive
"Soundings" on the canal boat "Spreekomtess"- Maerz Musik/ Berliner Festspiele [photographs with video stills by Barbara Hammann], March, 2004, inclusive
"Soundings" [photographs by Bill Hellerman], 1978, inclusive
"Soweto Stomp" with "Been in the storm so long" and "I have a dream" speech [score], 1985, inclusive
"State of the Nation" for Judson Gallery Publication, October, 1967, inclusive
"Stillness Unfolding"- dance and sound structure, February, 1967, inclusive
"A Summoning of Focus" for Joseph Celli [score], January, 1977, inclusive
"...that hung like fire on heaven" reduced size conductor's score, set of parts, and instruction pages [score], November 28, 1985, inclusive
"...that hung like fire on heaven" instrumental parts [score], 1985, inclusive
"...that hung like fire on heaven" permission letter for quote from 'Let Us Now Praise Famous Men', September 30, 1985, inclusive
"...that hung like fire on heaven" hymn for Martin Luther King, 1985, inclusive
"...that hung like fire on heaven" instrumental parts from performance [score], 1985, inclusive
"...that hung like fire on heaven" photocopied parts [score], 1985, inclusive
"...that hung like fire on heaven" reduced size conductor's score and instructions with Martin Luther King Jr.'s Washington D.C. speech, 1985, inclusive
"...that hung like fire on heaven" notation explanations in score and parts, 1985, inclusive
"That is poetry as" musical transformation of the mesostic "I have nothing to say..." by John Cage [score], 1993, inclusive
"That Which Goes On", 2016
"This Full Breath/Gesture Sounding", 2017
"Through Deserts of Time" in memoriam for Morris Block, 1990, inclusive
"Topography of a Sound Mind" Horspiel WDR Koln [radio], 1991; 1994, inclusive
"(Trinity) Extended... Meets the Passumpsic" [score], August 30, 1999, inclusive
"Two Seeking Song, Listening" (Page 6 Replacement), 2014
"Two Silences" from "Cento Anni Di Suoni"- original score with revised versions, 2000; 2003; 2013, inclusive
"Typography of a Sound Mind" for John Cage, 1983, inclusive
"Uber Land Unter" (over land under) with Dorethea Rust [1 of 3], April, 2000, inclusive
"Uber Land Unter" (over land under) with Dorethea Rust [2 of 3][photographs], April, 2000, inclusive
"Uber Land Unter" (over land under) with Dorethea Rust [3 of 3], April, 2000, inclusive
"Upon the string, within the bow...breathing" [score], 1972, inclusive
"Versuch einer Grundlichen Violinschule" ("Essay on the Fundamentals of Violin Playing") materials for horspiel [score][1 of 3], 1996, inclusive
"Versuch einer Grundlichen Violinschule" ("Essay on the Fundamentals of Violin Playing") materials for horspiel [score][2 of 3], 1996, inclusive
"Versuch einer Grundlichen Violinschule" ("Essay on the Fundamentals of Violin Playing") materials for horspiel [score][3 of 3], 1996, inclusive
"The Violence of Small Sounds" [score], 1984, inclusive
"The Violence of Small Sounds" [Photographs], 1984-1987, inclusive
"Violin Solos the (Whole) World Plays, or The 'Third' World Within Us" with "Tongues of My Mother's Teaching" magnetic tape collage, 1992, inclusive
"Violin Solos the (Whole) World Plays, or The 'Third' World Within Us" for Die Moltkerei catalogue, 1992, inclusive
"Violin Solos the (Whole) World Plays, or The 'Third' World Within Us" Die MoltKerei, Koln [photographs by Ursula Frank], April, 1992
"Walking Song, Finding Voice" for Jeremias Schwarzer [score], 2005, inclusive
"Wandering Still", 2017
"What can be said of our differences?" for Klang forum Wien [score], 2005, inclusive
"Where are we going when we're standing still, looking backwards?" [score], 2002, inclusive
"Why Bach? Pourquoi?", 2006; September 19, 2009, inclusive
"Wind Chases the Sun" for Leonard Pettier [score], 2001, inclusive
"From Wind/ing- Sheet Red Trees Reborn" dedicated to the memory of David Nathan Chain [score], 1999, inclusive
"With Thoughts for Erik Satie...And Afterthoughts" [score], April, 1977, inclusive
"Without Beginning or Ending" for L'Art pour L'Art [score], 2003, inclusive
"Yosha's Morning Song" [score], 1972, inclusive
"Yosha's Morning Song Extended" [score], 1974, inclusive
"Z+X Tschaikowsky" an opera with Barbara Hammann [inkjet prints; photographs; documentation], March 12-14, 1996; June 28, 1997, inclusive
Art-Related Music Projects, 2009
Original Scores and Part Pages, 2018-2019, inclusive
Subseries B: Other Musicians - Scores and Adaptations
Scope and Content
Subseries B: Other Musicians contains scores that are either made by other musicians specifically for Malcolm Goldstein to play or works of others that he created adaptations and critical editions of. Included in this series is material that was used for the critical edition of Charles Ives' work more of which can be found in Series II: Writing.
Material is arranged by surname of the musician whose piece is reflected therein.
Byron, Michael - "Eighty Pieces for String Instruments", 1979; 1996, inclusive
Byron, Michael - "7' for Solo Violin", October 10, 1999, inclusive
Byron, Michael - "158 Pieces for String Instruments", 1979, inclusive
Cage, John - "Cheap Imitation" [annotated], 1977, inclusive
Cage, John - "Eight Whiskus", March, 1985; April 23, 1986, inclusive
Cage, John - "Four^6 (part 3)" Montreal [1 of 3], September 5, 2012; December 5, 2012, inclusive
Cage, John - "Four^6 (part 3)" Montreal [2 of 3], April 10, 1997, inclusive
Cage, John - "Four^6 (part 3)" HR recording [3 of 3], November 6, 2002, inclusive
Cage, John - "One^6" with "One^10", June, 1990, inclusive
Cage, John - "Ryoanji" [adaptation], [undated]
Cage, John - "Score and Twenty Three Parts" "Anarchic Harmony" John Cage's 80th Birthday Festival, 1974, inclusive
Cage, John - "Theater Piece", February 26, 1995; November 17, 1995, inclusive
Cage, John - "Variations II", June-October, 1998, inclusive
Cage, John - "Variations II" Koln, June, 1997, inclusive
Corner, Philip - "Gamelon Corn", 1982, inclusive
Corner, Philip - "(gamelon) The Gold Stone", April, 1985, inclusive
Corner, Philip - "Violin Music for Malcolm Goldstein" with comments, [1995-2010], inclusive
Epstein, Paul - "Changes 2" with correspondence, June 14, 1984; 1985, inclusive
Fang, Liv - Potluck Performances and Haskell Opera House Concert [photographs], July 8, 2005; August 18, 2007, inclusive
Garland, Peter - "Matachin Dances", October 1980- February 1981, inclusive
Garland, Peter - "Three Variations for Solo Violin", Winter, 1983, inclusive
Higgins, Dick - "Song for Malcolm", March 27, 1986, inclusive
Hellermann, William - "The Violin Between Us", 1980, inclusive
Ives, Charles - "In Re Con Moto Et Al" [Tone Roads], April, 1964, inclusive
Ives, Charles - "A Program of Music by Charles Ives" McMillan Theater, Columbia University [originally framed], [undated]
Ives, Charles - "String Quartet No. 2" annotated for Tone Roads Concert (mid-1960's), [c. 1965]
Ives, Charles - "Tone Roads No. 1" annotated by Malcom Goldstein and Jim Tenney for Tone Roads concert, New School, NYC, December, 1963, inclusive
Ives, Charles - "Trio" annotated by Malcolm Goldstein and John Kirkpatrick, February 19, 1978, inclusive
Johnson, Tom - "Imperfections" with correspondence, 1977, inclusive
Kasemets, Udo - "98 + memory echoes of John Cage", October 27, 2002, inclusive
Kasemets, Udo - "EGAD, a string theory for solo violin", 2004, inclusive
Kaul, Matthias - [photographs and inkjet prints], May, 1998, inclusive
Kaul, Matthias - "Last! Movement"; "Listen, this is for you", February, 1998; [undated], inclusive
Mac Low, Jackson - "Vocabulary Gatha for Malcolm Goldstein", 1978, inclusive
Mott, David - "Meditation I" [with correspondence], 1981; November 13, 1982, inclusive
Oliveros, Pauline - "Malcolm's Birthday Piece"; "Thirteen Changes for MG", 1986, inclusive
Oliveros, Pauline - "Portrait of (Malcolm)", 1987, inclusive
Oliveros, Pauline - "The Witness", June 18, 1979; 1989, inclusive
Otte, Hans - "Alltagsmusik", 1989-1991, inclusive
Otte, Hans - "Alltagsmusik", 1990-1992, inclusive
Stravinsky, Igor - "Symphony of Psalms" [score], 1977
Tenney, James - "Koan", August 16, 1971, inclusive
Transcriptions by Malcolm Goldstein, 1993, undated
Webern, Anton - "Six Bagatelles" [score, notes]
Wilson, Peter Niklaus - "Kraniche in Zweireiner", 1996, inclusive
Wolff, Christian - "Bread and Roses" [annotations by Malcolm Goldstein], [undated]
Wolff, Christian -- "For 1, 2 or 3 People", 1999-2002, inclusive
Subseries C: Notebooks and Sketches
Scope and Content
Subseries C contains notebooks and loose sketches for projects. Notebooks contain drafts of scores and notes about music projects. Each notebook contains more than one music project within it.
Each notebook has been given a number that was imposed by the archivist. This number is used to connect each notebook with the loose pages that were within it and falling out. These pages can be connected through this numbering system as well as through the photocopied pages of the notebook page that they were separated from.
Notebook 1 : "Beethoven Piano Sonata"; "Lamentations of Jeremiah"; "Passacoglia", October 12, 1955; [undated]
Notebook 1 : [loose pages removed from last page of notebook], [undated]
Notebook 2 : Sketches for Improvisation including "Sirens for Edgard Varese" ; "Plato Symposium" ; complete program at Judson Church, 1965
Notebook 2 : [loose pages removed from first page of notebook], [undated]
Processing Information
Materials from this group were also placed in an oversize box _
Notebook 2 : "Plato Symposium" [discussion notes], [undated]
Notebook 2 : "John Cage Arts Award Materials for Student Performances", [1965-1970]
Notebook 2 : "Percussion Solo for Max", [undated]
Notebook 2 : "Sirens for Edgard Varese", [undated]
Notebook 3 : "Upon the Seashore of Endless Worlds", May 25, 1975, inclusive
Processing Information
Materials have been removed from oversize drawing pad.
Notebook 3 : "From Center, Unfolding" Dance Positions, July, 1973, inclusive
Notebook 3 : "Circular Breath-Space", February, 1972, inclusive
Notebook 3 : "The Revival (Movement III from Charles Ives Sonata #2", [undated]
Notebook 3 : "Dance for Oracle" [dance instructions], [undated]
Notebook 3 : "For Violins and Violas", [undated]
Notebook 3 : "Sheet Metal and Worker", [undated]
Notebook 3 : "Cartridge Music" Tone Roads, [undated]
Notebook 3 : "Worded Music"; "Kaleidescope" [with various composition notes] [1 of 2], [undated]
Notebook 3 : "Thou Swell"; "Situations and Responses" for New School Composition Class [2 of 2], [undated]
Notes : Various Unfinished Compositions - Includes "The Obscurity of Walls"; "Renga Interaction & Extended"; "Celestial Orchestra" [1 of 4], [undated]
Notes : Various Unfinished Compositions - Includes "A Breaking of Vessels..."; "Trying to put it all together"; "On Hearing A Tractor At Midnight" [2 of 4], [undated]
Notes : Various Unfinished Compositions - Includes "The Stars and Stripes Forever March", [undated]
Notes : Various Unfinished Compositions - Includes "Baden Horspiel Soundscape"; "Marin's Song; Illuminated"; "Cantos III: Royalty House Blues"; "Between Hair and Wood/Changes" [4 of 4], [undated]
Series II: Writing
Scope and Content
Series II comprises three subseries: Unpublished Drafts and Interviews, Published works, and Correspondence. Each subseries is described more fully below.
Subseries A: Unpublished Drafts and Interviews
Scope and Content
Subseries A contains unpublished draft versions of articles, lectures and interviews. This includes work on the critical edition of Ive's work that is in progress.
Works are arranged alphabetically and reflect titles derived from Malcolm Goldstein. Interviews have been kept grouped together as they were upon arrival.
"An attempt to define what it is to be 'in the sound'", January 29, 2000, inclusive
"Because a circle is not enough", June 15, 1990, inclusive
Brochures : "New Roots in Music and Dance" and "Soundings", [1970-1980], inclusive
"Charles Ives: Politics and Aesthetics" [Revised version of lecture with notes], 2004, inclusive
From Wheelock Mountain : "Music: the process of living, sounding"; "Blueberry Picking", 1968, inclusive
"The Gesture of Improvisation", 1982, inclusive
"The Gesture of Improvisation" and "Reflections on the Politics of Improvisation" for Percusive Arts Society, October, 1982, inclusive
"Improvisation as a process of discovery" for Aspekte de Freien Improvisation, 2009, inclusive
"Improvisation" - Book Project, [undated]
"Improvisation: People Making Music" - New Music America Festival, 1986, inclusive
Improvisation Workshop and Notes [includes list of participants], [1997-1998], inclusive
Improvisation Workshop and Notes [1 of 2], [1993]
Improvisation Workshop and Notes [2 of 2], [1993]
Improvisation Workshop and Notes - Opleidung Theater School, [1985-1993], inclusive
Interview - American Music Series Oral History, Yale University [transcript], February 12, 1985, inclusive
Interview - conducted by Dough Kahn [transcript], May, 1986, inclusive
Interview - "The Improvisor" conducted by Thomas Gaudynski and Diana David, Summer, 1983, inclusive
Interview - Logos-blad Belgium [Dutch], September 9, 1987, inclusive
Interview - Mobius Newsletter vol.2 no.6 conducted by David Miller, April/May, 1985, inclusive
Interview - OP Magazine, Steve Peters at New Music America Festival- Walker Art Center, 1980, inclusive
Interview - conducted by Regina Beyer for Ear vol. 13 no.5, July/August, 1988, inclusive
Interview - Weiner Festwochen conducted by Grita Insam, 1982; 1983, inclusive
Ives Project - Preface and Sources, November 15, 1979, inclusive
Ives Project - Guidelines for Editors and Sources, [1976]
Ives Project - Notes and Corrections, [undated]
Ives Project - Correspondence, [1976-1979], inclusive
Lecture Notes - "Politics of Improvisation"; "Koln Akademie Arts and Media Talk", [undated]
Lecture Notes - "MaryAnn Baxter Memorial Lecture", April 10, 2007, inclusive
Lecture Notes - "Outline for a talk on Varese", [early 1970's]
"Marin's Song, Illuminated" some comments, 1979-1981, inclusive
"Of Philip Corner" for Philip's CD program notes, May 12, 1999, inclusive
(Opingalik Statement) - Untitled, September, 1979, inclusive
"The Politics of Improvisation" - article form, 1982-1983, inclusive
"The Politics of Improvisation" original cards for Vienna presentation, 1982, inclusive
"The Politics of Improvisation" original cards, May 6, 1982, inclusive
"The Politics of Improvisation", 1982-1983, inclusive
"The Politics of Improvisation" - German and English versions for performance in Europe, May 6, 1982, inclusive
"The Practice of Music" proposal/syllabus, February 23, 1965, inclusive
"Pro Musica Nova" Catalogue, 1986, inclusive
"Releasing Sounds/ Our Voice Through Objects" for EAR Magazine, May/June, 1984, inclusive
"Scuttling a Space of Time, Slowly" - Basho poems, notes, 2014, inclusive
"Searching the Sounding Line" - "Der Tanz der Dinge" [german], 1996, inclusive
"The Seasons: Vermont" for Soundings Magazine (never realized), 1983, inclusive
"The Seasons: Vermont" Swedish Radio Company Music Department "Studio Onsdag" Program [swedish], October 3, 1984, inclusive
"Soil" - with Masashi Harada [program notes], May 28, 2005, inclusive
"Some Anecdotal Evidence" Journal of American Music, August/Winter, 2008, inclusive
"Some Glimpses of Jim Tenney" original manuscript, December 25, 1982, inclusive
"Some Glimpses of Jim Tenney" for Soundings Magazine #13, December 25, 1982, inclusive
"Sound Textures" (Dictionary of Contemporary Music), 1971, inclusive
"Sounding an Open Space" at Concordia College Montreal, May 24, 2012, inclusive
"'Sounding' as the realization (external gesture) of internal vision" - Grant Proposal, October 25, 1981, inclusive
"Sounding the Full Circle" - letter to Gregory, April 9, 1984, inclusive
"Soundings for Solo Violin" for Music Works, 1979, inclusive
Statements for program notes [alphabetical] [1 of 2], [undated]
Statements for program notes [alphabetical] [2 of 2], [undated]
Submission for Elaine Summers Book Project, 2017
"Texture" for Dictionary of 20th Century Music, January, 1971, inclusive
"To carry through in form" reflections on a performance of John Cage's 'Theater Piece' for Sounding the Full CIrcle, August 20, 1977, inclusive
Transcription of Interviews with Malcolm Goldstein, 2013
Transcript of Interview with Malcolm Goldstein, 2020
"Typography of a Sound Mind" [Never published bound draft], [undated]
"Typography of a Sound Mind" [with correspondence], [undated]
"Typography of a Sound Mind" [annotated draft] [1 of 2], July 15, 2009, inclusive
"Typography of a Sound Mind" [annotated draft] [2 of 2], July 15, 2009, inclusive
"Typography of a Sound Mind" [correspondence], April 6, 2011, inclusive
"Typography of a Sound Mind" - on structural improvisation composition, [undated]
"When a canon is more than a canon as in Charles Ives' 'Arguments'" [unpublished essay], 2003-2004, inclusive
Subseries B: Published
Scope and Content
Subseries B is comprised of published versions of articles.
Materials are arranged alphabetically by title of publication followed by the title of Malcolm's article or piece within the publication. Articles written in languages other than English are indicated in square brackets.
"Ad libitum: musica de verdere" No. 10 - "Jade Mountain Soundings", 2003, inclusive
"American Music" vol. 26, no.4 - "Some anecdotal evidence", Winter, 2008, inclusive
"Aspekte Der Freien Improvisation in Der Musik" - "Improvisation as a process of discovery" [German], 2011, inclusive
"Ballade" no.4 - "Politics of Improvisation" [Swedish], 1989/1990, inclusive
"Berliner Musik Studien 14: Sabine Feisst" - "Soundings" [German], 1997, inclusive
"BMI Music World" - issue with article by Cole Gagne, Summer, 1989, inclusive
"Circuit" vol. 28, no.2 - Interview and "Theatre Piece" [French and English], 1997, inclusive
"Contact Quarterly" vol.10, no.1 - "Notes on the Gesture of Sound", Winter, 1985, inclusive
"Der Tanz der Dinge" - "Portrait: Malcolm Goldstein vom sein + tun + lassen" [German], March-May, 1996, inclusive
"Dissonance" - "Leroy Jenkins and Malcolm Goldstein : Portraits zweier improvisierender und komponiererder Geiger", February, 1996, inclusive
"The Downtown Review" vol.3, no.1 & 2 - "The Evolution of Marin's Song, Illuminated", Fall-Spring, 1981/1982, inclusive
"Dramatika" no.1 - "Illuminations from Fantastic Gardens", [undated]
"Dramatika" no.14" no.29 - "Soundings", Spring, 1981, inclusive
"Du- Die Zeitschrift der Kultur" no.5 John Cage Issue - "Marin's Song, Illuminated", May, 1991, inclusive
"Evenings of New Music no.6/ Bratislava '95: Morceaux enforme de poire" - "A brutal bit of these times", 1995, inclusive
"Forum Neue Musik - Konzerte im Sensdesaal" - "The Seasons: Vermont/Winter" and "Theater Piece (John Cage", November 17, 1995, inclusive
"Frog Peak Anthology" - "Still Life", 1992, inclusive
"The Frog Peak Music Book" - "wood stone metal skin, with voice" and "the violence of small sounds", 1995, inclusive
"From Wheelock Mountain" - Music and Writings by Malcolm Goldstein", 1975, inclusive
"Hans Otte: Klangrum: Rumsklang" - "Alltagsmusik" [German and English], September 1, 1992, inclusive
"Heidelberger Festival fur experimentelle Literatur und Musik" [German and English], December, 1989, inclusive
"High Performance" vol.4, no.2- with Alison Knowles, Summer, 1981, inclusive
"Institute for Studies in American Music Newsletter" vol. 12, no.2 - "Improvisation: Towards a Whole Musician in a Fragmented Society", May, 1983, inclusive
"Interrelation" - "Potluck" installation of Mineko Grimmer [English and Japanese], September-October, 1995, inclusive
"Inventionen" Festival Neuer Musik Berlin [German], 1989, inclusive
"Karlsplatz: Wiener Festwochen" - "Karlsplatz Resonanz" and Interview [German], 1983, inclusive
"Kursiv-Brandherde (1): Jahrbuch 2008" - "quamaneq; shaking with joy" [English, German], 2008, inclusive
"Le Canard" no.17 - "The Politics of Improvisation" [French], Winter, 2004/2005, inclusive
"Le Tavole Della Legge" - "The Life Cycle of Stones" [Italian], 1994, inclusive
"Lehigh University Art Galleries: Ideas from Individual Impressions and Marks: Prints of Non-Printmakers" - "Marin's Song, Illuminated", November 1988-January 1989, inclusive
"Leonardo" vol.20, no.4 - "The Future of Music", 1987, inclusive
"Los Angeles Festival: John Cage Celebration" - "Eight Whiskus", September 3-27, 1987, inclusive
"Manipulation: A Judson Publication" - "State of the Nation", 1967, inclusive
"Moltkerei Werkstatt: Projekte 1981-1994" - "Violin Solos the (Whole) World Plays or The 'Third' World Within Us" [German], 1994, inclusive
"Museet for Samtidskunst: Acustica International Festival Lydrejse" - "Typography of a Sound Mind" and "Zwischen (zwei) Raumen" [German, English], 1996, inclusive
"Musicworks" no. 46 - "The Gesture of Sounding", "The Gesture of Improvisation", "Soweto Stomp", Spring, 1990, inclusive
"Musicworks" no. 64 - "Searching Out the Sounding Line", Spring, 1996, inclusive
"Musicworks" no. 77 - "The Politics of Improvisation", "Improvisation: People Making Music", Summer, 2000, inclusive
"Musicworks" no. 78 - "Improvisation: Towards a Whole Musician in a Fragmented Society", "The Gesture of Improvisation", "Being in the Sound", Fall, 2000, inclusive
"Musicworks" no. 93 - "Malcolm Goldstein: portrait of an artistic practice at its heights", Fall, 2005, inclusive
"Musicworks" Postcard Collection - "Jade Mountain Soundings", 2004, inclusive
"Musik fur eine Stadt" - "Reflections on the workshop in Winsen" [English and German], 2003, inclusive
"Musiktagung" - "Soundings", "The Politics of Imrpovisation", "Sounding the Fragility of the Line" [German], March, 1992; May, 1993, inclusive
"MusikTexte" no. 28/29 - "The Politics of Improvisation", "Sounding the Fragility of Line", "Dialogue Between Gesture and Sound" [German], March, 1989, inclusive
"MusikTexte" no. 46/47 Fur John Cage - "Gentle Rain Preceeding Mushrooms" [German], December, 1992, inclusive
"MusikTexte" no. 99 - Philip Corner/ Peter N. Wilson [German], December, 2003, inclusive
"MusikTexte" no. 101 - "Two Silences" [German], May, 2004, inclusive
"MusikTexte" no. 112 - "Becoming Song" for Jim Tenney [German], February, 2007, inclusive
"NachtCageTag" - "Eight Whiskus", "Windowwhiskusounding", February, 1987, inclusive
"Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik" no. 3 - "You can do anything, starting from nothing", Interview, May-June, 1999, inclusive
"New Music America" Houston Festival Foundation - "Improvisation: People Making Music", 1986, inclusive
"New Music America" Walker Art Center Festival, 1980, inclusive
"Nie Wieder Kunst" - "Ishi/man waxati" [German, English], August, 1993
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Compact Disc enclosed in book.
"Non Capovolgere" no.15 - "Cento anni di suoni" [Italian], October, 2000, inclusive
"Oltre Il SIlenzio" no.2 - "Searching the Sounding Line" [Italian], October, 1996, inclusive
"On the wall/ On the air: Artists make noise" - "Marin's Song Illuminated, December-January, 1985, inclusive
"Percussive Notes" vol. 21 no. 3 - "The Gesture of Improvisation", March, 1983, inclusive
"Pieces 3" edited by Michael Byron - "With thoughts for Erik Satie", "A summary of focus", "To carry through in the form", 1977, inclusive
"Pro Musica Nova"- HR Ensemble for New Music, May, 1986; May 1990, inclusive
"Real Art Ways" - "The Seasons: Vermont", February 26, 1983, inclusive
"Revue & Corrigee" no. 35 - "Conversation" with Jerome Joy, March, 1998, inclusive
"Roland- The Magazine of the ICA's Visual Art Programme" Issue 1 - "Illuminations from Fantastic Gardens", May, 2009, inclusive
"A Sanctuary for the Arts : Judson Memorial Church and the Avant-Garde 1954-1977", October, 2010, inclusive
"Scores: An Anthology of New Music" Selection and Commentary by Roger Johnson - "Yosha's Morning Song", 1981, inclusive
"Signal to Noise" no. 44 - "Bowed but not broken", Interview, Winter, 2007, inclusive
"Sonorita Prospettiche" - "The Seasons: Vermont" [English, Italian], 1982, inclusive
"Sound Visions" - "Two Silences" [English, German], 2005, inclusive
"Sounding the Full Circle : concerning music improvisation adn other related matters" by Malcolm Goldstein, 1988, inclusive
"Soundings: Ives, Ruggles, Varese" edited by Peter Garland, cover by Alison Knowles - "Sirens for Edgard Varese", "Majority-1964", Spring, 1974, inclusive
"Soundings" no. 11 - "On the first day of spring there were forty pianos", 1981, inclusive
"Soundings Thirteen : The music of James Tenney" - "Some glimpses of Jim Tenney", 1984, inclusive
"String Anthology Supplement" - "upon the string, within the bow...breathing", [undated]
"Charles E. Ives -- String Quartet No. 2 -- Ives Society Critical Edition" with Edited Drafts, Correspondence, Research, Scores, 1954, 1965, 1970, 2003-2017, undated, inclusive
"Symphony No. 2" Charles E. Ives : For Large Orchestra [full score, see also "Ives Project"], 1951, inclusive
"Temporale : Edizioni Studio Dabbeni" - "Improvisation: Towards a Whole Musician in a Fragmented Society", "Jade Mountain Soundings", "Sounding the Fragility of Line" [Italian, English], March-April, 2000, inclusive
"Tone Roads West : Poetry and New Music" Sante Fe Council for the Arts, March 17-20, 1983, inclusive
"Twentieth Century Music for Young Students" Margaret K. Farish - "Upon the string, within the bow...breathing", 1992, inclusive
"Twenty One Pages for John Cage : on the occasion of his 75th Birthday" compiled and edited by Larry Stein, 1987, inclusive
"Violin Improvisation Studies" vol. 2 no. 9 - "Sounding the Fragility of Line", "gentle rain preceeding mushrooms", November, 1997, inclusive
"Visuele Partituren" - "Jade Mountain Soundings" [Dutch], 1986, inclusive
"A Voice in the Village : Howard Moody 20 Years on Washington Square" Judson Memorial Church - "Illuminations from Fantastic Gardens", March, 1977, inclusive
Warebrook Festival [Modified Berlin Talk], 2004
"WDR: Acustica International 1985 Horspiele" - "The Edges of Sound Within" [German], September-October, 1985, inclusive
"WDR: Acustica International 1985 Horspiele" - "The Edges of Sound Within" Program Booklet of West German Radio Festival [German], September-October, 1985, inclusive
"WDR: Horspiele 2 Im Westdeutschen Rundfunk" Acoustica Art/Radio - "The edges of sound within" [German], 1985, inclusive
"WDR: Horspiele 2 Im Westdeutschen Rundfunk" - "Typography of a Sound Mind", "Windowhiskusounding" [German], October, 1991; 1992, inclusive
"WDR: Horspiele 2 Im Westdeutschen Rundfunk" - "Zwischen (zwei) Raumen", "Ishi/time changing spaces" [German], December, 1993; 1998, inclusive
"WDR: Studio Akustiche Kunst -Sound Art Festival Acustica International New York-Montreal" - "Ishi/time changing spaces" [English, German], April-May, 1990, inclusive
"WDR: Studio Akustiche Kunst Programm" Collected program booklets of "Horspiel" creations at West German Radio (WDR) Cologne [German], July, 1995- February, 1999, inclusive
"WDR: Studio Akustiche Kunst - Sound Klangreise Journey" West German Radio, Cologne - "Typography of a Sound Mind", "Zwischen (zwei) Raumen", "Versuch einer grundlichen Violinschule" [German], 1997, inclusive
"Wittener Tage : Kammermusik" - "through deserts of time" [German], April, 1993, inclusive
"Yellow Springs Review : The Letter of the Yellow Springs Institute for Contemporary Studies and the Arts", Winter, 1983-1984, inclusive
Subseries C: Correspondence
Scope and Content
Subseries C contains correspondence received by Malcolm Goldstein. There are a small number of instances where correspondence was written by Malcolm Goldstein.
Materials are arranged by surname of the sender. If material was written by Malcolm Goldstein this is indicated in square brackets and is still organized in relation to correspondent. Occasionally correspondence relating to a specific music project remains in the folder relating to that project.
Agosin, Marjorie - [Wellesley College], July 16, 1993; [undated]
Albertson, Dan, 2005-2013, inclusive
Ashley, Robert - [Tone Roads], April 18, 1965, inclusive
Baron, Carol K., July 3, 2004, inclusive
Bartlett, Steve, January 4, 1995, inclusive
Berge, Carol, May 10, 1984, inclusive
Black, Robert, April 6, 1984; July 15, 1984; January 28, 2006, inclusive
Bonomo, Gabriele - ["Temporale"], 1998-2000, inclusive
Brakhage, Stan, [1982-1987], inclusive
Bryars, Gavin, July 26, 1973, inclusive
Byron, Michael, May 4, 1977; January 28, 2000; July 1, 2005; July 25, 2005, inclusive
Cage, John, [1965-1966]; [undated]
Cage, John - Regarding "Eight Whiskus", "Chorals", "Royanji", "Theater Piece", [1967-1996], inclusive
Cameron, Dan and Wendy Perron [Judson Project Show], September 11, 1981, inclusive
Canada Council for the Arts, 2018
Carter, Elliot, September 24, 1961; [undated], inclusive
Carpenter, Edmund, December 21, 1985, inclusive
Carroll, James, March 1, 1982; February 10, 1982, inclusive
Celli, Joseph, [undated]
Childs, Barney, January 21, 1977; May 27, 1980, inclusive
Chodos, Rafael - ["Some Anecdotal Evidence"], December 23, 2010, inclusive
Cole, Peter and Adina Hoffman - Regarding score to poetry of Taha Muhammad Ali [Ibis Press], February 9, 1998; December 21, 2001; January 8, 2003; October 27, 2009, inclusive
Conz, Francesco - Regarding Henry Martin, June 1, 2007, inclusive
Copland, Aaron, June 4, 1954, inclusive
Corner, Philip, [1998-2013]; [undated]
Corner, Philip, December, 1959; [2000]; [undated]
Corner, Philip, [undated]
Corner, Philip, [undated]
Corner, Philip, October 26, 1980; December 18,2006; [undated]
Corner, Philip, [undated]
Corner, Philip, [1992-2002][undated]
Corner, Philip, 2000; [undated]
Corner, Philip, 2000; [undated]
Cowell, Henry - [Tone Roads], June 4, 1965, inclusive
Emmerik, Paul, 1999; 2003, inclusive
Estrin, Marc [from Malcolm Goldstein], February 20, 2003, inclusive
Fisher, Mark ["The Wire"], November 24, 2008, inclusive
Flynn, George ["Four Pieces"], August 3, 1971; October 4, 1971; December 24, 1973, inclusive
Forti, Simone, Summer, 1995, inclusive
Fortier, Paul-andre - ["Vertiges"] [French], March 3, 2012, inclusive
Foss, Lukas - ["Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall"], [1985], inclusive
Fox, Jim, May 27, 1980, inclusive
Frog Peak Music, May 23, 1997; June 25, 1997; December 2, 2001, inclusive
Galeano, Eduardo, May 23, 1996, inclusive
Garland, Peter, [1984-2013], inclusive
Garland, Peter, [1975-1993], inclusive
Garland, Peter, [1997-2003], inclusive
Garland, Peter, [1999-2012], inclusive
Gervais, Raymond, 2001;2011, inclusive
Hammann, Barbara, February 22, 2000, inclusive
Hendricks, Jon - [Judson Memorial Church], September 22, 1975, inclusive
Hicks, Michael [from Malcolm Goldstein], April 3, 2008; January 11, 2009, inclusive
Higgins, Dick, May 18, 1977, inclusive
Hitchcock, Wiley [Ives scholar with annotated version of "When a canon is more than a canon, as in Charles Ives' 'Arguments'"], February 10, 2004, inclusive
Hostetler, Zona, August 18, 1998, inclusive
Johns, Jasper, May 25, 2006, inclusive
Johnson, Tom, April 9, 1979, inclusive
Johnston, Jill, June 9, 2005; 2011, inclusive
Kahn, Doug - ["Fire Over Water"], April 23, 1986; May 5, 1986, inclusive
Kakinuma, Toshie, [1999-2007], inclusive
Kasemets, Udo, [1998-2005], inclusive
Kaul, Matthias, [2002-2013][undated]
Kirkpatrick, John [Ives Project], [1965-1986], inclusive
Knowles, Alison ["Breath River Route"], [1967-2005][undated]
Kostelanetz, Richard, December 20, 1976, inclusive
Kubaczek, Martin, 1982, inclusive
Le Guin, Ursula, June 10-12, 1986, inclusive
Lewis, George [from Malcolm Goldstein], December 5, 2008, inclusive
Lloyd, Lew [Foundation for Contemporary Performing Arts], August 12, 1963, inclusive
Lukoszevieze, Arthur, [2000-2002][undated]
Lukoszevieze, Arthur, [2000-2002][undated]
Mac Low, Jackson, [1989-2002]
Marder, Norma, March 9, 1978; [undated]
Marion, Louis-Michel, 2010; 2013, inclusive
Martin, Henry, August 22, 2010; October 2, 2011, inclusive
Maus, Andreas and Karen Frank ["Die Reise des Spatzen"], 1993-1994; 2000, inclusive
Mayers, Natasha ["Resonances de Babel"], 2001; [undated]
Meyer, Felix [Sacher Foundation, Basel, "Sirens for Edgard Varese"], [2005-2013], inclusive
Miller, Leta [Professor of Music], April 8, 2000, inclusive
Miodini, Cate ["Marin's Song, Illuminated"], February 6, 1982, inclusive
Miranda, Anthony [Violin Teacher], October 14, 1965, inclusive
Moss, David, July 20, 1980; April 17, 1981, inclusive
Nancarrow, Conlon [Tone Roads], December 6, 1976, inclusive
Nelson, Mark, 2002; 2013, inclusive
Neuhaus, Max, [undated]
Nordin, Ingo Loco, [2001-2006]
Oja, Carol J. [The College of William and Mary], April 26, 2002, inclusive
Oliveros, Pauline, [1979-1999]
Ortenberg, Edgar [Violin Teacher], March 13, 1958, inclusive
Otte, Hans ["Alltagsmusik"], [1990-2006]
Paik, Nam June, [undated]
Perlis, Vivian [Yale University], October 23, 2003, inclusive
Phillips, Barre, May 31, 2006; January, 2011, inclusive
Piekut, Benjamin - Regarding Charlotte Moorman, February, 2008, inclusive
Rabe, Folke, December 21, 2006; October 9, 2009, inclusive
Reck, David, 1968; [undated]
Rothlem, Arlene, [August, 1959]
Rudd, Roswell, [1980]
Rudhyar, Dan [Tone Roads], March, 1964, inclusive
Rust, Dorothea ["Uber land unter"], [1995-2012][undated]
Scelsi, Giacinto, [undated]
Schapiro, Meyer, November 19, 1962, inclusive
Schneeman, Carolee, [1988-1995][undated]
Schneeman, Carolee ["Cycladic Imprints", "Correspondence Course"], [undated]
Schoning, Klaus [WDR: Studio Akustische Kunst], [1984-2004]
Schwarzer, Stefan [Musik und Text], March 27, 2003, inclusive
Snow, Michael, August 21, 2001, inclusive
Stiebler, Ernst Albrecht, 2000
Suter, Marie ["Winter"], [undated]
Tenney, James [1 of 2], [1974-1993][undated]
Tenney, James and Eric Smigel [2 of 2], [2007]
Thomas, Rudolf [Columbia Composer's Concert], [late 1950's]
Ting, Li-Ping ["Fragments of the Wall"], [2002-2004]
Varese, Louise, 1976, inclusive
Villars, Chris [Feldman Homages], March 26, 2000, inclusive
Vunderink, Todd, 2020
Waxman, Donald [Galaxy Music Corporation], August 18, 1975, inclusive
Wiedemann, Carsten [Dancer for "Theater Piece"], December 3, 1996, inclusive
Williams, Christopher ["Jade Mountain Soundings"], November 22, 2011, inclusive
Wilson, Peter Niklaus, [1997-2003][undated]
Wolff, Christian ["Bread and Roses"], [1972-1998]
Wolpe, Stefan [Music copyist work], [late 1960's]
Yates, Peter, December 7, 1965; November 15, 1966, inclusive
Young, Ben [Radio program], September 9, 2003, inclusive
Zinn, Howard, [1996-2005]
Series III: Publicity
Scope and Content
Series III comprises three subseries: Reviews, Photographs, and Ephemera. Each subseries is described more fully below.
Subseries A: Reviews
Scope and Content
Subseries A is comprised of reviews written about Malcolm Goldstein's CD Recordings, Ensemble Pieces, and other performances.
Folder titles are derived from Malcolm Goldstein's notations and are reflections of his method for categorizing reviews. Each general category of review has been listed alphabetically.
After 1990, [2000-2012]
After 1990, [2000-2012]
CD Recordings: "Along the way" Philmuti CD, 2010, inclusive
CD Recordings: "Chants Caches" Ambiance Magnetique, 1999, inclusive
CD Recordings: "Christian Wolff: Bread and Roses" Wergo, 2003, inclusive
CD Recordings: "Early Electronic/ Tape Collage Music" Alga Margen LP, 2008, inclusive
CD Recordings: "Goldstein plays Goldstein" de capo, 1994, inclusive
CD Recordings: "Hardscrabble Songs" In Situ, 2004, inclusive
CD Recordings: "John Cage: Music for violin and percussion" Wergo, 1999, inclusive
CD Recordings: "Live at Fire in the Valley" Eremite, 1999, inclusive
CD Recordings: "Monsun" true muze, 1998, inclusive
CD Recordings: "Pieces from the Past" Pogus [Philip Corner], 2011, inclusive
CD Recordings: "Portrait Montreal" Quatuor Bozzini, 2004, inclusive
CD Recordings: "The Seasons: Vermont" XI, 1998, inclusive
CD Recordings: "The Smell of Light" Nurnichtunur, 2004, inclusive
CD Recordings: "Soil" Emanen, 2006, inclusive
CD Recordings: "A Sounding of Sources" New World Recordings, 2008, inclusive
CD Recordings: "Sounding the New Violin" Non-Sequiter, 1991, inclusive
CD Recordings: "Speaking in Tongues" Ambiances Magnetiques, 2003, inclusive
Dance Reviews, [1983-1994]
Ensemble Pieces [1 of 3], [undated]
Scope and Content
Ensemble Pieces include: "Illuminations..." "Tone Roads" "Varese" "A breaking of vessels, becoming song" "Marin's Song, Illuminated" "The Seasons: Vermont" "Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall" "Fiddling Cow Bells" "Horspiel" "Of Sky Bright Mushrooms Bursting In My Head" "Through Deserts of Time"
Ensemble Pieces [2 of 3], [undated]
Scope and Content
Ensemble Pieces include: "Illuminations..." "Tone Roads" "Varese" "A breaking of vessels, becoming song" "Marin's Song, Illuminated" "The Seasons: Vermont" "Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall" "Fiddling Cow Bells" "Horspiel" "Of Sky Bright Mushrooms Bursting In My Head" "Through Deserts of Time"
Ensemble Pieces [3 of 3], [undated]
Scope and Content
Ensemble Pieces include: "Illuminations..." "Tone Roads" "Varese" "A breaking of vessels, becoming song" "Marin's Song, Illuminated" "The Seasons: Vermont" "Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall" "Fiddling Cow Bells" "Horspiel" "Of Sky Bright Mushrooms Bursting In My Head" "Through Deserts of Time"
Other Musicians [1 of 4], [1978-1981]
Scope and Content
Includes Reviews of Performances With: Philip Corner and Alison Knowles (first tour of Europe) Joseph Celli and David Moss (with Pauline Oliveros "Witness") Ornette Coleman Festival Matthias Kaul
Other Musicians [2 of 4], [1981-1989]
Scope and Content
Includes Reviews of Performances With: Philip Corner and Alison Knowles (first tour of Europe) Joseph Celli and David Moss (with Pauline Oliveros "Witness") Ornette Coleman Festival Matthias Kaul
Other Musicians [3 of 4], [1980-2009]
Scope and Content
Includes Reviews of Performances With: Philip Corner and Alison Knowles (first tour of Europe) Joseph Celli and David Moss (with Pauline Oliveros "Witness") Ornette Coleman Festival Matthias Kaul
Other Musicians [4 of 4], [1987-2008]
Scope and Content
Includes Reviews of Performances With: Philip Corner and Alison Knowles (first tour of Europe) Joseph Celli and David Moss (with Pauline Oliveros "Witness") Ornette Coleman Festival Matthias Kaul
Potluck Performances, Vermont, [1990-1991]
Solo Violin Performances, [1980-1994]
Solo Violin Performances, [1980-1990]
Visual Artists, [1980-1997]
Subseries B: Photographs
Scope and Content
Subseries B is comprised of photographs of events, other musicians, and general publicity.
Folder titles are derived from Malcolm Goldstein's labels and have been arranged alphabetically.
Event Photographs: "Espace Ouvert - Portraits of Malcolm Goldstein" Film by Thierry Collins, 2005-2006, inclusive
Event Photographs: Festival Densites [Barre Philips and Theo Jarrier], 2004, inclusive
Event Photographs: John Cage Music Festival, Germany [photographs by Manfred Leve], May 30, 2002, inclusive
Event Photographs: Leroi Jenksins with Malcolm Goldstein, Montreal [photographs by Herb Greenslade], January 19, 2005, inclusive
Event Photographs: Modern Dance School, Amsterdam, 1982, inclusive
Other Musicians: Cage, John, 1970; 1987; 1993, inclusive
Other Musicians: Celli, Joseph, 1980; 1990, inclusive
Other Musicians: Corner, Philip, 1978; 1981; [undated]
Other Musicians: Forti, Simone, May 3, 1989, inclusive
Other Musicians: Knowles, Alison, 1977-1978; 1980, inclusive
Other Musicians: Paik, Nam Jun, 1987, inclusive
Other Musicians: Yoray, Alma [dance], [undated]
Publicity and Performance Photographs [1 of 3], [1965-2009]
Publicity and Performance Photographs [2 of 3], [undated]
Publicity and Performance Photographs [3 of 3], [1964-1998]
Publicity Portraits [photographs by Silvia Otte, Yosha Goldstein, Antaramian, Bill Hellerman], [undated]
Publicity Portraits [photographs by Silvia Otte], 1994, inclusive
Subseries C: Ephemera
Scope and Content
Subseries C is comprised of posters, concert programs, announcements, and invitations.
Materials are arranged chronologically by year range as transcribed from Malcolm Goldstein's labels. Additional information on a selection of materials has been provided in square brackets.
1951-1951: 'Musical Notes' Stuyvesant High School [with photographs], December 14, 1951; May 23, 1952, inclusive
1957-1960: [Columbia Composers], 1957-1960, inclusive
1960-1962: ["The Lamentations of Jeramiah"], 1960-1962, inclusive
1962-1968: [Columbia Composers; The Bridge Theater][1 of 2], 1962-1968, inclusive
1962-1968: [Columbia Composers; Judson Church; Dance Circle Company] [2 of 2], 1962-1968, inclusive
1963-1964: Judson Dance Theater, 1963-1964, inclusive
1964-1967: [Angry Arts; Avant Garde Festival; "The Lamentations of Jeremiah"; "Ludlow Blues"; "Majority"], 1964-1967, inclusive
1964-1967: [Tone Roads; New Music at the Bridge], 1964-1967, inclusive
1965: The Dramatic Arts Center presents "Once", Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1965, inclusive
1965: "A Concert for Edgard Varese", 1965, inclusive
1965-1968: [New Music at the Bridge; Angry Arts; Avant Garde Festival; Tone Roads], 1965-1968, inclusive
1969-1971: ["Tone Roads"; "Dickinson College"][1 of 2], 1969-1971, inclusive
1969-1971: ["Tone Roads"; "Dickinson College"][2 of 2], 1969-1971, inclusive
1972-1974: [New Roots in Music and Dance; Goddard College] [1 of 2], 1972-1974, inclusive
1972-1974: [New Roots in Music and Dance; Intermedia Foundation; Judson Memorial Church; Onion River Arts Council][2 of 2], 1972-1974, inclusive
1975-1978: New Music Ensemble [1 of 2], 1975-1978, inclusive
1975-1978: New Music Ensemble [2 of 2], 1975-1978, inclusive
1975-1978: The Dartmouth Collegium Musicum, 1975-1978, inclusive
1976: ["Organic Oboe"; Franklin Furnace; The Kitchen], 1976, inclusive
1976: The Dartmouth Collegium Musicum and New Music Ensemble [1 of 2], 1976, inclusive
1976: The Dartmouth Collegium Musicum and New Music Ensemble [2 of 2], 1976, inclusive
1978: Europe Tour, 1978, inclusive
1978: [Bowdoin College; The Kitchen Center; Washington Square Church], Fall, 1978, inclusive
1978: [Bowdoin College; The Kitchen Center; "Flux Concert"], Fall, 1978, inclusive
1979: New Music at the Kitchen Center, NY, June 8-16, 1979, inclusive
1979: [RAW August Jazz; Avant Garde Festival; New Music America; Pauline Oliveros][1 of 2], 1979, inclusive
1979: [Dance Theater Workshop; Intermedia Foundation; SUNY Buffalo][2 of 2], 1979, inclusive
1980: [Art Series Program; Bowdoin College; Alison Knowles][1 of2], Fall, 1980, inclusive
1980: ["Soundings"; Michael Byron; Internationales Musikfestival Wien][2 of2], Fall, 1980, inclusive
1981: Concert Tour of Europe with Philip Corner, May-June, 1981, inclusive
1981: Tour of California [1 of 2], February, 1981, inclusive
1981: Tour of California [2 of 2], February, 1981, inclusive
1981: Tour of California, Fall, 1981, inclusive
1981: [Ear It Live; Parallelogramme][1 of 2], Fall, 1981, inclusive
1981: [Alternative Museum; Marin's Song, Illuminated][2 of 2], Fall, 1981, inclusive
1982-1983: [Mac Low Retrospective; Roulette; Real Art Ways; Aquinas][1 of 2], Fall, 1982-Spring, 1983, inclusive
1982-1983: [Mac Low Retrospective; Newton Arts Center New Music Festival; Real Art Ways; Tone Roads West][2 of 2], Fall, 1982-Spring, 1983, inclusive
1982: Austria Tour, May, 1982, inclusive
1982: [The Saw Gallery; Palomar College; Steirscher Herbst], Spring, 1982, inclusive
1983: Europe Tour with David Moss and Joseph Celli, April-May, 1983, inclusive
1983-1984: [Morgan O'Hara; The Bowery Ensemble; New Music America], Summer, 1983- Summer, 1984, inclusive
1983-1984: [Real Art Ways; The Bowery Ensemble; Pauline Oliveros], Summer, 1983-Summer, 1984, inclusive
1983: Steirischer Herbst, September-October, 1983, inclusive
1984: Relache, June, 1984, inclusive
1984-1985: ["Soundings"; Pauline Oliveros; David Moss], Fall, 1984- Summer, 1985, inclusive
1984-1985: ["Soundings for Solo Violin"; North American New Music Festival; Robert Black], Fall, 1984- Summer, 1985, inclusive
1985: [Horspiel; "Certain Rituals"][1 of 2], Fall, 1985, inclusive
1985: [Birthday Concert; Composer's Concert; New Music America][2 of 2], Fall, 1985; [1986], inclusive
1985-1986: Pro Musica Nova, Fall, 1985- 1986, inclusive
1985-1986: ["On New Music"], 1985-1986, inclusive
1985-1986: "The Seasons: Vermont", 1985-1986, inclusive
1986: [Jin Hi Kim; Nanette Domingos; Mobius Sound Art Festival], Fall, 1986, inclusive
1986: [Sundays at Cornish; Simone Forti], Fall, 1986, inclusive
1987: [John Cage Celebration; "State of the Nation, revisited"; "The Edges of Sound Within"][1 of 2], Fall, 1987, inclusive
1987: ["3 Views of Immobility"; Susan Ogberg; Basel; "Gageego"][2 of 2], Fall, 1987, inclusive
1988: [John Bergamo; Jim Tenney; Ear to the Ground Festival; Carolee Schneeman], Fall, 1988, inclusive
1988: [Documenta 8; Inventionen; Stone Wall Fragments][1 of 2], Fall, 1988, inclusive
1988: [Soundscapes; Susan Osberg][2 of 2], Fall, 1988, inclusive
1989: ["Sounding the Fragility of Line"; Heidelberger Festival; Workshop Ensemble], Fall, 1989, inclusive
1989: [Lake Forest College; Bridging the Gap; 2nd Acustica International Sound Art Festival], Fall, 1989, inclusive
1990: [Potluck Performances; Breaking the Shell; Susan Osberg], Summer, 1990, inclusive
1990: [Europe Tour], Summer, 1990, inclusive
1991-1992: ["October Meeting"; "New From Abroad"][1 of 3], Autumn, 1991- Summer, 1992, inclusive
1991-1992: ["The Seasons: Vermont"][2 of 3], Autumn, 1991- Summer, 1992, inclusive
1991-1992: Europe Tour [3 of 3], Autumn, 1991- Summer, 1992, inclusive
1992-1994: [Europe Tour; John Cage Projekt; Potluck Performances][1 of 3], Autumn 1992- Spring, 1994, inclusive
1992-1994: [Decapo Nacht; Radio Bremen; Dorethea Rust][2 of 3], Autumn, 1992- Spring, 1994, inclusive
1992-1994: ["Die Reise des Sptazen"; Sound Culture Japan; Critical Band Presents; Cornish Series][3 of 3], Autumn, 1992-Spring, 1994, inclusive
1994-1996: Europe Tour [1 of 2], Autumn, 1994- Spring, 1996, inclusive
1994-1996: Europe Tour [2 of 2], Autumn, 1994- Spring, 1996, inclusive
1996-1998: Europe Tour [1 of 4], Autumn, 1996- Spring, 1998, inclusive
1996-1998: [Gustavo Matamoros; A Concert of World Premier Performances] [2 of 4], Autumn, 1996- Spring, 1998, inclusive
1996-1998: Europe Tour [3 of 4], Autumn, 1996- Spring, 1998, inclusive
1996-1998: Europe Tour [L'Art Pour L'Art; Array Music][4 of 4], Autumn, 1996- Spring, 1998, inclusive
1998: [Sound Symposium; Once; Merce Cunningham], 1998, inclusive
1999: [Trio Diritto; Noise at the Library; L'Art Pour L'Art], 1999, inclusive
2000: [California Ear Unit; "Uber Land Unter"; Anton Lukoszevieze][1 of 2], 2000, inclusive
2000: [Relache; Sonorous Processes][2 of 2], 2000, inclusive
2001: [Matthias Kaul; Quatuor Bozzini][1 of 2], 2001, inclusive
2001-2002: [Masashi Harada; Cube South Loop Festival; "Bataille"; Quatuor Bozzini][2 of 2], 2001-2002, inclusive
2003: Suoni di il Popolo Festival of Improvised Music, June 18, 2003, inclusive
2003: [New Music Festival of Western Illinois University; Mobius 25; 7th Annual International Festival of Electroacoustic Music], 2003, inclusive
2004: [Suoni Pe Il Popolo; "Hardscrabble Songs"; "Regarding the Tower of Babel"], 2004, inclusive
2004: Maerz Musik/ Berliner Festspiele, March, 2004, inclusive
2005: [Now Jazz Summit; International Tagung fur Improvisation], 2005, inclusive
2006: Europe Spring Tour [Dialogue Spiel; Wiener Konzerthaus], 2006, inclusive
2006: [Europe Tour; Tribute to Jackson Mac Low], 2006, inclusive
2007: [Europe Tour; "Fragments of the Wall"], 2007, inclusive
2008: [Europe Tour; Matthias Kaul; Quatuor Bozzini][1 of 2], 2008, inclusive
2008: [Europe Tour; "espace ouvert"; Festival 4020][2 of 2], 2008, inclusive
2009: [Europe Tour], 2009, inclusive
2009: [Europe Tour- Autumn], Autumn, 2009, inclusive
2010: [Dorethea Rust; "L'Oubli de L'air"; A Sanctuary for the Arts: Judson Memorial Church and the Avant Garde], 2010, inclusive
2013: Festival Montreal [Malcom Goldstein and Ratchet Orchestra], 2013, inclusive
2014-2016: Programs and Announcements, 2014-2016, inclusive
Interview Transcript and Article Re: Goldstein, 2016-2017, inclusive
2017-2018: Concert Programs and Workshop Information, 2017-2018, inclusive
Concert Programs, 2019-2021, inclusive
Series IV: Administrative
Scope and Content
Series IV comprises administrative materials reflecting organization of concert curations, contracts, grants, music production, and teaching materials. Two longer pieces written about Malcolm Goldstein's work are listed under Criticism.
Material is arranged alphabetically under the general category in which it was grouped upon arrival. Additional Information has been added for clarification and is in square brackets.
Application for permanent residence in Canada with support letters from James Tenney and Christian Wolff, February 15, 1991, inclusive
[Concert Curation]: Mobius Music, [1984]
[Concert Curation]: Tone Roads [announcement flier], 1967, inclusive
[Concert Curation]: Tone Roads fliers and programs, [1963-1968], inclusive
[Concert Curation]: Tone Roads programs and clippings, 1963-1969, inclusive
[Concert Curation]: Tone Roads proposal and correspondence, October 31, 1962; November 12, 1963, inclusive
[Concert Curation]: Tone Roads proposal for a center for contemporary music at the New School [Philip Corner, James Tenney], January, 1967, inclusive
[Concert Curation]: Tone Roads proposal and program notes, February 23, 1965; January, 1967; [undated], inclusive
Contracts: [1981-1983] recording and publishing company with scores on loan, [1981-1983], inclusive
Contracts: 1984-1985 concerts and correspondence, 1984-1985, inclusive
Contracts: 1985-1986 concerts, 1985-1986, inclusive
Contracts: 1986-1987 concerts, 1988-1990, inclusive
Contracts: 1988-1990 concerts
Contracts: [1993-1996] concerts and works on consignment [1 of 2], 1993-1996, inclusive
Contracts: [1994-2005] concerts and works on consignment [2 of 2], [1994-2005], inclusive
Contracts: "La Souffle du Coyote" performance rights, 1995-1996, inclusive
Contracts: Music publication [1 of 3], [1981-2011], inclusive
Contracts: Music publication [2 of 3], [1984-1987], inclusive
Contracts: Music publication [3 of 3], [1984-1995], inclusive
Contracts: "The Seasons: Vermont" Folkways, [1983-1995], inclusive
Correspondence: Charles Ives Society, 2002-2013, inclusive
Correspondence: CD and LP Projects, [1994-2008], inclusive
Correspondence: Letters to Politicians, [1998-2010], inclusive
Correspondence: Publications and Concert Productions, [1981-2008], inclusive
Criticism: "I was a music building stowaway: A response to Malcolm Goldstein" by Franetta McMillan, [undated]
Criticism: "The Music of Malcolm Goldstein" a Master's Thesis by Jay Michael Arms [annotated by Malcolm Goldstein], December 12, 2012, inclusive
Grants: Awards, [1980-2012]
Grants: "Breath-River Route" with Alison Knowles, NEA, [1981-1986], inclusive
Grants: "Breath-River Route" with Alison Knowles, NEA, 1986, inclusive
Grants: Canada Council for the Arts Shift Festival, November, 2008, inclusive
Grants: "Fragments of the Wall" Conseil des artes et des lettres du Quebec, 2008, inclusive
Grants: National Endowment for the Arts, [1980-1985], inclusive
Grants: Rockefeller Grant, [1981], inclusive
Grants: "The Seasons: Vermont" support letters [from John Cage, Christian Wolff, Philip Corner], [1977], inclusive
Production: Jazz Composers of America- Sales, [1980], inclusive
Production: "Sounding for Solo Violin" Correspondence, May-June, 1980, inclusive
Production: "Sounding the Full Circle", [June 29, 1989], inclusive
Production: "Sounding the Full Circle", [1982-1989]
Production: "Sounding the Full Circle", [1988-1990]
Production: "Sounding the Full Circle", [1988-1989]
Production: "Sounding the Full Circle" copyright, [1988-1989]
Production: "Sounding the Full Circle" ISBN and Library of Congress, September 5, 1988, inclusive
Production: "Sounding the Full Circle" [mailing lists], November, 1989, inclusive
Production: "Sounding the Full Circle" Permission for reprints, 1983-1988, inclusive
Production: "Sounding the Full Circle" Republication and Reviews, 1989-1990, inclusive
Production: "Sounding the Full Circle" Sales/Distribution, 1989-1992, inclusive
Production: "Sounding the Full Circle" Sales/Distribution, 1989-1992, inclusive
Production: "Sounding the Full Circle" Sales/Distribution, 1989-1992, inclusive
Production: "Sounding the Full Circle" Sales/Distribution, 1989-1992, inclusive
Production: "Sounding the New Violin", May, 1984, inclusive
Production: "Soundings for Solo Violin" Distribution, [1980-1986]
Production: "Soundings for Solo Violin" Reciepts, 1979, inclusive
Production: "Soundings for Solo Violin" Record Flier, [undated]
Production: "Soundings for Solo Violin" Record Process, [1979-1980]
Production: "Vision Soundings", [1985-1986]
Program Information: Experimental Intermedia Foundation, [undated]
Resumes: 1959-1990; 2004-2013, 1959-1990; 2004-2013, inclusive
Resumes: 1960's, 1960-1969
Resumes: 1975-1981, [1975-1981]
Resumes: December 6, 1978, December 6, 1978, inclusive
Resumes: 1978, 1978, inclusive
Resumes: Violin Resume [1985], [1985]
Resumes: Fliers for Concert Publicity, [undated]
Teaching: Bowdoin College- Ethnomusicology (Indian Studies)[Native American], [1982]
Teaching: Bowdoin College- Jazz, [undated]
Teaching: Bowdoin College- Music of Charles Ives and American Transcendentalism, Fall, 1979, inclusive
Teaching: Bowdoin College- World Music, Spring, 1979, inclusive
Teaching: Goddard College- Practices of Music Improvisation and Music of Noise, 1972-1973, inclusive
Teaching: Letters of Appointment, [1964-1979]
Teaching: New England Conservatory- Theory Analysis [Notebook], 1960's
Teaching: The New School- "The Evolution of Musical Concepts", Spring, 1965, inclusive
Series V: Commercially Released Media
Scope and Content
Series V is comprises three subseries: Audio, Video, and Vinyl Sound Discs. Each subseries is described more fully below.
Conditions Governing Access
Access copies for some materials are available by appointment for reading room viewing and listening only. Please contact, 212-998-2596.
Subseries A: Sound Recordings
Scope and Content
Subseries A is comprised of commercially released sound discs.
Material is arranged alphabetically by title of the sound disc release. This information is followed by musician whose work it is when appropriate and the producation company.
"The Aerial: A Journal in Sound. #1"; Nonsequiter Foundation, Winter 1990, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: Language linkage / David Moss (5:08) -- Aphorism III ; Like a coat or a mask / Terry Setter (9:40) -- Day of the dead / Christine Baczewska (5:19) -- Excerpt from Invocations / Richard Kostelanetz (5:16) -- Folly / Rich Jensen (3:31) -- Haunted house / Loren Mazzacane & Suzanne Langille (6:06) -- Idumea / Lost Souls (5:13) -- Qernerâq, our breath as bones / Malcolm Goldstein (8:29) -- Burial song / Floating Concrete Octopus (3:19) -- Babalon (string) / Jerry Hunt (5:14) -- Four sound pieces. Doors ; Water ; Click ; Pin-ball / Stuart Sherman (7:25) -- The last acts of St. Fuckyou / Bern Porter (9:37).
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital ; 4 3/4 in.
"Along the Way: Duo Pipa & Violin" Liu Fang and Malcolm Goldstein; Philmultic Management & Productions Inc. (2 Compact Discs), 2010, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: CD1: Songs across the border; But one bird sang not; Wild geese descending on a sandy beach; Beyond any border, the sky; My feet is tired but my soul is rested; An air on a theme to dance; Falling snow decorating pine trees. CD2: Keeps flowing away; Sand tracing its clarity; Over empty rocks; Scuttle of wisp blown sounds; Churning skies, the clouds; Moon shadow lingering; Amid stark twilight; Horizons never quite.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (2 sound discs) digital 4 3/4 in.
because a circle is not enough, Malcolm Goldstein with Nicolas Caloia, Émilie Girard-Charest, Jean René, 2022
"Birds Abide" Barre Phillips, Catherine Jauniaux, Malcolm Goldstein; Victo, May 2010, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: Birds abide -- Mount G -- J on my left shoulder -- Igritz -- Pebbles -- Room 504. Credits: Barre Phillips, double bass ; Catherine Jauniaux, voice ; Malcolm Goldstein, violin.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
"Bread and Roses" Christian Wolff, Malcolm Goldstein, Matthias Kaul; Wergo, 2003, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: For 1, 2, or 3 people. I-III (1:30) -- Exercise 27 (5:50) -- For 1, 2, or 3 people. IV-VII (16:22) -- Bread and roses (11:10) -- For 1, 2, or 3 people. VIII-X (12:24) -- Edges (15:05). Credits: Malcolm Goldstein, violin, voice; Matthias Kaul, percussion, voice, hurdy-gurdy.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital ; 4 3/4 in.
"Le Canard 18" Musique Action 23 Festival Des Musiques Nouvelles; Centre Culturel Andre Malraux, May, 2006, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: "Pere Ubu, Eugene Chadbourne, Phil Minton, Jimmy Carl Black, Mike Cooper, Pat Thomas, Pascal Comelade & le Bel Canto Orchestra, Paul Lovens, K.K. Roll, Sean Meehan, Dave Liebman, Susan Alcorn, Joey Baron, Camel Zekri, Evan Parker, Fred Van Hove, Johannes Bauer, Jeranium, Jean-Francois Pauvros, Noel Akchote, Daunik Lazro, Michel Doneda, El Cabrero, Jean-Marc Montera, Le Quan Ninh"
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
"Cd Connection"; New Arts Program, undated
Scope and Content
Includes works by "Robert Ashley, Connie Beckley, Glenn Branca, Jon Gibson, Philip Glass, Malcolm Goldstein, Joan La Barbara, Meredith Monk, Steve Reich, Peter Van Riper"
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
"Chants Caches" Malcolm Goldstein, John Heward, Rainer Wiens; Ambiances Magnétiques, 1999, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: "Trio 1" (3:17); "Trio 2" (8:51); "Trio 3" (15:08); "duo 1" (6:33); "Trio 4" (8:59); "Duo 2" (8:18); "Trio 5" (12:59); "Trio 6" (4:52)
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
"Ensemble SuperMusique" including Goldstein piece, 2016
Conditions Governing Access
Currently Available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
"Goldstein plays Goldstein: live at decapo in Bremen '94"; Ingo Ahmels, 1994, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: "Ishi/ man waxati soundings" (21:14); "Gentle rain preceding mushrooms" (13:52); "Qerneraq- our breath as bones" (16:13); "Soundings for solo violin" (18:22)
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
Duration: 69 minutes
"Hardscrabble Songs" Malcolm Goldstein, Quatuor Bozzini; In Situ, 2004, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: "My feet is tired but my soul is rested" (11:21); "Soundings" (10:40); "Hardscrabble Songs" (13:15); "Where are we going when we're standing still, looking backwards ?!" (15:18); "A New Song of many faces for In These Times" (19:20)
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
Duration: 69 minutes
"John Cage: Variations II, Eight Whiskus, Music for Two, Ryoanji" with Malcolm Goldstein and Matthias Kaul; Wergo, 1999, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: Variations II : realisation for violin and glass harmonica by Malcolm Goldstein (19:52) -- Eight whiskus : for violin (5:07) -- Music for two : for violin and percussion (29:27) -- Ryoanji : for voice and percussion (voice part trans. for violin by Malcolm Goldstein (19:51)
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
"KlangZeit Munster 2006"; Grenzgange, 2006- 2007, inclusive
Scope and Content
Credits: Roderik de Man, Shih, Bernd Alois Zimmermann, Rajesh Mehta & Rohan de Saram, Qin Wenchen, Svoboda-Scodanibbio-Kiedaisch, Ulrich Krieger, Stephan Froleyks, Global Village, Anton Webern, Giacinto Scelsi, Malcolm Goldstein, Valdis Zilveris, Olaf Pyras & Erhard Hirt"
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
"Les Accords Intuitifs," Ensemble Supermusique, 2016
"Live at Fire in the Valley" Malcolm Goldstein; Eremite, 199-?, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: Soundings I (4:45) -- from "Configurations in darkness" (17:51) -- When the river overflows (18:38) -- My feet is tired but my soul is rested (17:44) -- Soundings II (2:41)
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
"Live in Puget-Ville" Malcolm Goldstein, Barre Phillips; Bab-ili, 2006, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: "MGBP (9:40); "GBPM" (18:26); "PBGM" (7:45); "BMPG" (13:36); "MPGB" (11:52); "Pourquoi pas- Beep" (9:33)
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
"Malcolm Godlstein and Matthias Kaul: Exploratorium Berlin", 2014, inclusive
Missa Amissa, Malcolm Goldstein and Fred Lonberg-Holm, 2022
"Monsun" Malcolm Goldstein, Peter Niklas Wilson; True Muze, 1998, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: "Monsun vibrations I / Goldstein, Wilson -- From "Configurations in darkness" / Goldstein -- Kraniche im Zweireiher / Wilson -- The space of the bass / Wilson -- Soundings for solo violin : Hamburg, 1996 / Goldstein -- Monsun vibrations II / Goldstein, Wilson -- Monsun afterthoughts / Goldstein, Wilson"
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) (64 min.) : digital ; 4 3/4 in.
Duration: 64 minutes
"Montreal Telegraphe: le son iconographe" Montreal Telegraph: Sound as iconographer; Chaostechnologues Occurrence, 2000, inclusive
Scope and Content
"CD-ROM and CD-Audio published on the occasion of the exhibition presented at Montreal Telegraphe from May 4 to 28, 2000";"Installations et performances."
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 2 computer laser discs : sd., col. ; 4 3/4 in. System requirements for PC Windows 95/98 or NT 4.0: Pentium 166 MHz processor or faster; 32 MB of RAM (64 MB recommended); 50 MB of uncompressed hard drive space; 16X CD-ROM drive or faster; 100% Sound Blaster-compatible sound card; 800 x 600 display; thousands of colors; MS-mouse campatible.; System requirements for Macintosh: MAC OS 7.1 or higher; 8X CD-ROM drive; 20 MB of free RAM; 800 x 600 display; thousands of colors.
"Musicworks: 56" Sound/Image, 1993, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: "Composition for violin and voice (1991) / Iva Bittová (17:10) -- Hot rolled steel (1985-89) / Barbara Benary (13:18) -- Tongues of my mother's teaching (1988) / Malcolm Goldstein (8:02) -- Collage no. 2, Viet flakes (1967) / James Tenney (10:13) -- Chinese song (1991) / Ida Bittová (2:56) -- Canyon shadows : Stones (1991) / Robert J. Rosen, Peter Christensen (13:07) -- On the way (1991) / R.I.P. Hayman (12:46)."
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in
Duration: 78 minutes
"Musicworks: 64", 1996, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: "L'ivress de la vitesse (excerpts) / Paul Dolden (7:52) -- Harmonium / Gayle Young (8:40) -- Utopianism / Jack Behrens (6:27) -- Melody #5 (for Musicworks). Note #2 / Tentatively, A Convenience (0:01) -- Jade Mountain soundings / Malcolm Goldstein (13:05) -- Resurrected fields (excerpts) / Adrian Ivakhiv (11:23) -- Koan / James Tenney (22:13)."
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
"Musicworks 77: Community Resonances", 2000, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: "Rainbow Valley / Stephen Parkinson (1:28) -- Chorale / James Tenney (2:48) -- Qernerâq : our breath as bones / Malcolm Goldstein (20:04) -- For the love of Pete / Wrist Error (10:56) -- Prepared guitar #1 / Josh Thorpe (3:41) -- Blues for scurvy / Wrist Error (8:50) -- For magister Zacharias / Marc Sabat (10:09)."
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
"Musicworks 78: Gesture and Interaction", 2000, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: "From Configurations in darkness : (1995) / composed and performed by Malcolm Goldstein (12:43) -- Trousseau--True nature : (2000). Excerpts from improvisations, Bridle party ; Teacups ; Wild birds ; Chapel hum / by Urge -- Parallels : (1998) / composed and performed by Rob Wannamaker (8:20) -- It were another : (1998) / composed and performed by Malcolm Goldstein (10:28) -- Lullaby for Daisy Pauline : (1979) / by Pauline Oliveros (2:28) -- Improvisations for piano and extensions : (2000) / composed and performed by David Cronkite (13:08)."
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
"Musicworks 93", 2005, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: "Where are we going when we're standing still, looking backwards? (16:48) ; Approaching the wall (7:42) / Malcolm Goldstein -- Warm weather with soundballs / Eric Chenaux and Marla Hlady (20:11) -- War hospital (excerpt) (3:43) ; John & Michael (excerpts) (2:48) / re-recording mix by Shelley Craig -- Kawachi, audio spectral / Emmanuelle Loubet (12:14)."
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
Duration: 63 minutes
"Organic Oboe" Joseph Celli; O.O. Discs, 1991, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: "Sky : S for J : for five English horns (without reeds) / Joseph Celli -- Spiral : for a soloist [vocal or instrumental, and short-wave radio] / Karlheinz Stockhausen -- Extended oboe : for oboe and electronic tape / Elliot Schwartz -- A summoning of focus : for wind instrument / Malcolm Goldstein."
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
"Pieces of the Past: By Philip Corner for the Violin of Malcolm Goldstein"; Pogus Productions, 2011, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: "Philip Corner's piece for Malcolm Goldstein by Elizabeth Munro (20:43) -- Gamelan antipode/s with Piece for string instrument #3 (18:10) -- Gamelan Maya (16:52) -- The gold stone (13:55) -- Piece for string instrument #5 (3:02). Credits: Malcolm Goldstein, violin ; Philip Corner, piano (3rd work)"
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
"Portrait Montreal" Quatuor Bozzini; QB, 2004, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: "Pulau dewata / Claude Vivier ; arr. Michael Oesterle (11:47) -- Quatuor à cordes II. Divertimento serioso ; Round, catch and canon club ; Divertimento buffo ; Mr. Birdcage's ground ; Tombeau ; Musique sur laquelle il n'est pas interdit de danser / Jean Lesage (18:03) -- Daydream mechanics V / Michael Oesterle (11:23) -- A new song of many faces for in these times / Malcolm Goldstein (19:03). Credits: Quatuor Bozzini (Clemens Merkel, Nadia Francavilla, violins ; Stéphanie Bozzini, viola ; Isabelle Bozzini, violoncello)."
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
"Quatuor d'Occasion" Malcolm Goldstein, Josh Zubot, Jean Rene, Emile Girard Charest, 2014, inclusive
A. "Riverrun"; B. Wergo, 1999, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: "CD 1 : Voicings. Muoyce / John Cage -- Pas de voix / Charles Amirkhanian -- Le corpsbis / Henri Chopin -- Lautaggregat = Sound aggregate / Carlfriedrich Claus -- erst verbun (alpha) / Alvin Curran -- Gebet = Prayer / Gerhard Rühm -- Artikulationen = Articulations / Franz Mon -- Fa:m' ahniesgwow / Hans G Helms -- Erweiterter Schwitters : eine Transplantation = Extended Schwitters : a transplantation / Stephan von Huene -- Spaltungen = Divisions / Ernst Jandl, Friederike Mayröcker -- Celebration of NO / Sorrel Hays -- Penthesilea aubade : nach Heinrich von Kleist / Carlo Quartucci -- Andromache : nach Motiven des Euripides und Sartres / Hans Ulrich Humpert -- Ophelia and the words / Gerhard Rühm, Klaus Schöning -- Danton's death : after Georg Büchner / Linda Mussman -- --nach einer Lektüre von Orwell = --after a reading of Orwell / Mauricio Kagel -- Elegien = Elegies / Werner Cee -- Andere Räume = Other spaces / Robert HP Platz -- For Julian / Alvin Curran -- Voicings / Hans Otte -- Radio. Hörtext 16 / Ferdinand Kriwet -- SOS / Barry Bermange -- 7448 : eine kolumbische Phantasie = A Columbian fantasy / Paul Carter -- Sdreamings / Josephine Truman -- Bean sequences / Alison Knowles -- Das Hörspiel des Bibers : ein Testament = The beaver's Hörspiel : a testimony / Jerome Rothenberg -- Ishi/Timechangingspaces / Malcolm Goldstein -- Vox humana / Jack Body -- Für Stimmen = For voices / Anne Tardos, Jackson MacLow -- Humayun's tomb / Pauline Oliveros -- Satie's rose cross as a revelation / Philip Corner -- Das Hsin hsin ming des Seng Ts'an / George Brecht -- Roaratorio / John Cage. Contents: CD 2 : Soundscapes. Ohrbrücke/Soundbridge Köln - San Francisco / Bill Fontana -- The Vancouver soundscape / R. Murray Schafer -- Metropolis Venedig. Venezia exaudi / Marielouise Franke -- Sound painting Cologne / Joan La Barbara -- Nah und fern / Mauricio Kagel -- Metropolis Buenos Aires / Francisco Kröpfl -- Ji-virus / Michael Riessler -- Metropolis Tokyo : im Rennschritt / Emmanuelle Loubet -- Satelliten-Klangbrücke/Satellite sound bridge Köln - Kyoto / Bill Fontana -- CCU, metropolis Calcutta / Klarenz Barlow -- Metropolis New York / Richard Kostelanetz -- La ville : Die Stadt : Metropolis Paris / Pierre Henry -- Klanglandschaft Ruhrgebiet / Richard Ortmann, Raimund Fleiter, Ralf R. Wassermann -- Lingua X tichon oder die Bedeutung des Weges / Thomas Schulz -- Alles ein atmendes Buch : Klanglandschaft Kumaon / Peter Pannke -- Forests/Wälder / Douglas Quin -- Schweigende Landschaft / Ronald Steckel -- Arctic : Kristallklar / Charles Morrow -- Virginia reel / Susan Stone -- Ear circus no. 1 / Randy Thom -- Matera Sassi / Nicola Sani -- Metropolis Arles / Arsenije Jovanović -- From our dreams and visions / Sarah Hopkins -- Mungo / Ros Brandt -- Sound shadows / Sorrel Hays -- Sweeney's vision / Frank Corcoran -- Topography of a sound mind / Malcolm Goldstein."
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (2 sound discs) digital 4 3/4 in.
Duration: a) 71 minutes b) 72 minutes
"The Seasons: Vermont" Malcolm Goldstein; Experimental Intermedia Foundation, 1998, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: "Robert Black, double bass ; Mark Steven Brooks, flutes, guitar, & percussion ; Joseph Celli, oboe, English horn, & ocarina ; Malcolm Goldstein, violin ; Tom Guralnick, saxophones & vaccuphones ; Brian Johnson, vibraphone & percussion ; Kenneth Karpowicz, intensified vocalizing & accordion (1st work) ; Malcolm Goldstein, violin (2nd work)."
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
Duration: 60 minutes
"The Seasons: Vermont For Magnetic Tape Collage and Instrumental Ensemble" Malcolm Goldstein; Folkways Records & Service Corp, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: "Summer (14:50) -- Autumn (10:15) -- Winter (19:40) -- Springs (5:00)."
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
"The Seasons: Vermont For Magnetic Tape Collage and Instrumental Ensemble" Malcolm Goldstein; Smithsonian Folkways Archival, 2007, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: "Summer (14:50) -- Autumn (10:15) -- Winter (19:40) -- Springs (5:00)."
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
"The Smell of Light" Malcolm Goldstein, Matthias Kaul; Nurnichtnur, 2004, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: " It were another : for violin and voice (12:27) ; That is poetry as : for violin and percussion (1:33) / Malcolm Goldstein -- Revolver : for hurdy gurdy and voice (11:41) / Matthias Kaul -- Concerning melody : for violin and percussion (13:14) / Goldstein -- Last! Movement : for violin and percussion (16:57) / Kaul -- Good mourning moon : for violin and hurdy gurdy (10:56) / Goldstein, Kaul. Credits: Malcolm Goldstein, violin ; Matthias Kaul, percussion."
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
"Soil" Malcolm Goldstein, Masashi Harada; Emanem, 2006, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: "Premonition (5:12); "Soil under tree" (8:23); "Dropping out of sky or rock" (4:42); "Bitter Pride- In the midst of Green Plain" (2:48); "Portentous Revelation" (6:08); "Come ride and ride to the garden" (4:44); "Relentlessly Curious" (2:50); "Cliff, Ravine, Rock" (3:13); "A Garden" (1:09); "Romanticism in Relation to Life" (9:07); "Micro Lyricism" (5:23); "Wind and Mirror" (4:06); "Wind and Mirror 2" (1:54); "Secret Sharer" (0:46)
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
Duration: 61 minutes
"Solo" Malcolm Goldstein; Forum Neue Musik Christianskirche/ Ottensen, October 2010, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: "Excerpts from 'Fragments of the Wall'" (8:00); "Ishi/man waxati Soundings" (13:18); "My feet is tired but my soul is rested" (8:07); "Out of nowhere and there to again" (5:34); "Soundings for solo violin" (8:21); "Zugabe" (1:19)
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
"A Sounding of Sources" Malcolm Goldstein; New World Records, 2008, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: Configurations in darkness (35:57) -- Ishi/timechangingspaces (20:01) -- Ishi/"man waxati" soundings (13:16). Credits: Variously: Malcolm Goldstein, violin, voice ; Radu Malfatti, trombone ; Philippe Micol, bass clarinet ; Philippe Racine, flute ; Beat Schneider, violoncello.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
Duration: 79 minutes
"Sounding the New Violin" Malcolm Goldstein; Nonsequitur, 1991, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: Eight whiskus / John Cage (5:21). -- Sounding the fragility of line / Malcolm Goldstein (13:23). -- Portrait of Malcolm / Pauline Oliveros (12:17). -- Trinity / Ornette Coleman (12:28). -- (gamelan) The gold stone / Philip Corner (13:45). -- Koan / James Tenney (11:59). Credits: Malcolm Goldstein, violin.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
Duration: 72 minutes
Soweto Stomp, 2016
"Speaking in tongues" Ganesh Anandan, Malcolm Goldstein, Rainer Wiens; Canada Council of the Arts, 2003, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: "Twenty Fingers" (6:22); "Dream Algebra"(5:57); "Voyage en train" (5:54); "RaMa" (8:02); "Foreign Tongues" (9:07); "Up North" (4:11); "Fra Ma Ga Ra" (7:03); "Lullaby" (3:59)
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
Duration: 51 minutes
"Ten Years of Essential Music"; Monroe Street Music, 1997
Scope and Content
Contents: Music of the spheres / Johanna M. Beyer (Alvin McCall, cello ; Charles Wood, lions roar) -- in memorium-- Kit Carson (opera) [excerpt] / Robert Ashley (Janet Axelrod, Alexandra Calas, J. Cobe, Melissa Gardner, Paul de Jong, John Kennedy, Jerome Kitzke, Ben Manley, Sean Meehan, Maxim Moston, Kendall Pigg, Mark Suter, Charles Wood) -- A green pine / Peter Garland (Dora Ohrenstein, soprano ; Guy Klucevsek, accordion) -- Chant / John Kennedy (John Kennedy, Eric Kivnick, Charles Wood, percussion) -- Merce [excerpt] / Christian Wolff (Maya Gunji, John Kennedy, Eric Kivnick, Michael Pugliese, Charles Wood, percussion) -- The seasons: Vermont. Winter [excerpt] / Malcolm Goldstein (Robert Black, contrabass ; Joseph Celli, oboe & English horn ; J.D. Parran, clarinets ; Malcolm Goldsten, violin ; John Kennedy, Eric Kivnick, percussion ; Ben Neill, mutantrumpet -- Snake dance no. 2 / Kyle Gann (Maya Gunji, John Kennedy, Eric Kivnick, Charles Wood, percusion ; Kyle Gann, keyboard) -- Land's shadow, visible world / Charles Wood (Frank Balluffi, John Kennedy, Gregg Linde, Charles Wood, percussion) -- Land's shadow, visible world / Charles Wood (Frank Balluffi, John Kennedy, Gregg Linde, Charles Wood, percussion)
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
"Variations II," "Eight Whiskus," "Music for two", "Ryoanji", 1999
"Video Ears Music Eyes" Joseph Celli, Jin Hi Kim, Malcolm Golstein, Ulrich Krieger, Brian Johnson, Grupo de Musica Folklorica del Peru; O. O. Discs, 1995, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: 36 strings : for komungo and 5 channels of video (1992) (15:41) -- 8 mallets four Brian : for solo xylophone and 3 channels of video (1986) (12:17) -- Andes : for 7 Peruvian musicians and a mountain of televisions (1990) (19:56) -- Video sax : for sopranino saxophone & 5 channels of video (1993) (13:07) -- Violin & video : for solo violin and 3 channels of video (1988) (12:14) Credits: Jin Hi Kim, komungo (1st work) ; Brian Johnson, percussion (2nd work) ; Grupo de Music Folklorica del Peru (3rd work) ; Ulrich Krieger, saxophones (4th work) ; Malcolm Goldstein, violin (5th work)
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
Duration: 74 minutes
"Without Compression: neue musik fur blockfloten" Trio Diritto: Jeremias Schwarzer, Martin Hublow, Ines Rasbach; Cybele, 1998, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: Without compression : (1997) / Rolf Riehm (12:26) -- Renaissance : (1997) / Myriam Marbe (10:39) -- Et in Arcadia ego : (1996) / Anatol Vieru (9:17) -- Au cœur du silence-- : (1995) / Violeta Dinescu (9:11) -- Round of talks : (1994) / Georg Kröll (4:58) -- Veränderungen : (1993) / Stefan Thomas (6:10) -- In the beginning-- so also, the end : (1997) / Malcolm Goldstein (22:34). Credits: Trio Diritto (Jeremias Schwarzer, Ines Rasbach and Martin Hublow, recorders).
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital 4 3/4 in.
Duration: 75 minutes
"Yes," Malcolm Goldstein and Rainer Wiens, 2016
Subseries B: Video recordings
Scope and Content
Subseries B is comprised of commerically released video discs.
Material is arranged alphabetically by title.
"Cry of Ecstasy: the art works of Junko Chodos with improvised musical response by Malcolm Goldstein, a film by Robert Primes", 2005, inclusive
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 videodisc) digital 4 3/4 in.
Duration: 22 minutes
"Malcolm Goldstein and Matthias Kaul im Exploratorium Berlin"; Exploratorium Berlin, April 21, 2008, inclusive
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 videodisc) digital 4 3/4 in.
Duration: 2 hours 20 minutes
Sylvia Safdie: "Act/Shadow", 2006, inclusive
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 videodisc) digital 4 3/4 in.
Duration: 11 minutes
Sylvia Safdie: "Dust", 2009, inclusive
Scope and Content
"Amzrou is a small village in souther Morocco. In the interior of an abandoned synagogue, thrown dust combines with light."
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 videodisc) digital 4 3/4 in.
Duration 4.5 minutes
Sylvia Safdie: "Line", 2007, inclusive
Scope and Content
" This video is part of an ongoing series, which explores the relationship between image/sound, sound/image. This is the result of working very closely with contemporary musicians such as: Malcolm Goldstein, John Heward, Dana Reason, Joe McPhee, Liu Fang, Dominique Duval and others."
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 videodisc) digital 4 3/4 in.
Duration: 8 minutes
Sylvia Safdie: "Reflections: A Trilogy (demo)", 2007- 2009, inclusive
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 videodisc) digital 4 3/4 in.
Duration: 14 minutes
"Vertiges" Fortier Danse-Creation, 2012, inclusive
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 videodisc) digital 4 3/4 in.
Subseries C: Vinyl Sound Discs
Scope and Content
Subseries C is comprised of commerically released vinyl sound discs.
Material is arranged alphabetically by title.
"Early Electronic/ Tape Collage Music" ; Alga Marghen, 2008, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: Sheep meadow (6:34) -- Images of Cheng Hsieh (15:51) -- It seemed to me (5:42) -- Judson #6 piece (6:43) -- Illuminations from Fantastic gardens : for vocal ensemble / text, Arthur Rimbaud (13:03).
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) analog, 33 1/3 rpm, stereo. ; 12 in.
"Full Circle Sounding" Malcolm Goldstein; Kye, 2015
"Musical Elements 10th Anniverrsary Recording"; CRI, 1987, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: Passage I / Wyner (8:48) -- A breaking of vessels, becoming song / Goldstein (15:10) -- Fantasy etudes / Lerdahl (14:08). Credits: Musical Elements ; Robert Dick, solo flute (2nd work) ; Daniel Asia (1st-2nd works) and Robert Beaser (3rd work), conductors.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) analog, 33 1/3 rpm, stereo. ; 12 in.
"One Hundred Years of Soundings" Philip Corner and Malcolm Goldstein; Alga Marghen, 1998, inclusive
Scope and Content
LP 1: Side One: Tongues og my Mother's Teaching (20'12") LP 1: Side Two: (gamelon) Antipode (12'00); Configurations in Darkness (07'36") LP 2: Side Three: An Enactment of Absence (18'36") LP2: Side Four: [Untitled: Malcolm was guest in Philip's loft at 75 Leonard St. in New York City where they played together on December 1, 1991] (21'15")
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (2 sound discs) analog, 33 1/3 rpm, stereo. ; 12 in.
"Organic Oboe" Joseph Celli; Stereo O. O. Records, 1979, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: Sky:S for J : for five English horns (without reeds)(1976) / Joseph Celli. -- Spiral : for soloist (1968) / Karlheinz Stockhausen. -- Extended oboe : for oboe & electronic tape (1973-74) / Elliott Schwartz. -- A summoning of focus : for wind instrument (1977) / Malcolm Goldstein. Credits: Joseph Celli (live and taped oboe, English horns, voice, and other sounds and modifiers).
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) analog, 33 1/3 rpm, stereo. ; 12 in.
"The Seasons: Vermont for Magnetic Tape Collage & Instrumental Ensemble" Malcolm Goldstein; Folkways Records, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: Summer (14:50) -- Autumn (10:15) -- Winter (19:40) -- Springs (5:00). Credits: Performed by various musicians with various instruments.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) analog, 33 1/3 rpm, stereo. ; 12 in.
"Soundings for solo violin" Malcolm Goldstein; Real Art Ways, 1980, inclusive
Scope and Content
Credits: Improvisations performed by Malcolm Goldstein.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) analog, 33 1/3 rpm, stereo. ; 12 in.
Stones: Dreams, Geoffrey Hendricks with Philip Corner, 2019
"Vision Soundings" Malcolm Goldstein; Malcolm Goldstein, 1985, inclusive
Scope and Content
Contents: From center of rainbow, sounding : violin solo (18:20) -- Vision tree fragment : maple tree limb and vocal solo (17:20).
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) analog, 33 1/3 rpm, stereo. ; 12 in.
"The Winds Rise in the North" Harlen Gaber; Titanic, 1976, inclusive
Scope and Content
Ensemble: Violin: Linda Cummiskey, Malcolm Goldstein, Hathy Seplow; Viola: Stephen Reynolds; Cello: David Gibson
Conditions Governing Access
Currently available.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (2 sound discs) analog, 33 1/3 rpm, stereo. ; 12 in.
Series VI: Non-commercially Released Audio
Scope and Content
Series VI comprises non-commercially released audiocassetes and sound discs. It is split into two subseries containing performances and interviews. Each subseries is described more fully below.
Conditions Governing Access
Audiovisual materials have not been preserved and may not be available to researchers.
Subseries A: Performances
Scope and Content
Subseries A is comprised of non-commercially released audiocassettes, sound discs, and one reel. More information about the known contents of each media item is listed below.
Materials are arranged alphabetically by title as designated on the object.
Conditions Governing Access
Material is currently unavailable. Please contact Fales Library for further information.
Acoustic Art (Horspiel) Works, September 26, 1985; February 18, 1988; April 22, 1998, inclusive
Scope and Content
1) "The Edges of Sound WIthin" (19'55") 2) "Ishi/time changing spaces" (19'54") 3) "as it were, another" (21'08") Westdeutscher Rundfunk Cologne, Studip Akustische Kunst
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1 sound disc : digital ; 4 3/4 in.
Acoustic Art (Horspiel) Radio, 1993- 1997, inclusive
Scope and Content
1) "Between (two) spaces" (37'55") Westdeutscher Rundfunk, Cologne. Studio Akustische Kunst 2) "Regarding the Tower of Babel" (25'10") Hessischer Rundfunk Ensemble fur Neue Musik. Premier: TheaterHaus Frankfurt
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1 sound disc : digital ; 4 3/4 in.
"As it were, another" Studio Akustische Kunst, WDR Koln, 1996- 1998, inclusive
Scope and Content
"As it were, another" (1998) radio/acoustic art. "As it were" (1996) Malcolm Goldstein: Violin. Robert Black: Cello. Charles Wood: Percussion. World premier Merkin Concert. "Gentle rain preceeding mushrooms (in memorium John Cage)"
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1 sound disc : digital ; 4 3/4 in.
"As it were, another" Studio Akustische Kunst, WDR Koln, April 22, 1998, inclusive
Scope and Content
Benedikt Bitzendorfer, tonmeister (21,08")
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Barre Phillips and Malcolm Goldstein: Black Bot Munster", October 4, 2009, inclusive
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1 sound disc : digital ; 4 3/4 in.
"Barre Phillips and Malcolm Goldstein: Live at Montevideo, Marseille", April 8, 2006, inclusive
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1 sound disc : digital ; 4 3/4 in.
"Barre Phillips and Malcolm Goldstein: Wels Concert", October 6, 2009, inclusive
Scope and Content
1) Intro W.W. (0'30"); 2)"On a Tuesday Evening" (20'15"); 3)"Just like real musicians" (9'08"); 4)"That's our favourite key" (8'54"); 5)"It's my speciality these days" (11'18"); 6)"Kleines Stuck ohne Titel" (7'40").
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1 sound disc : digital ; 4 3/4 in.
"Beginning articulations" part I of "On the edge of song", Music Gallery, Toronto, May 28, 2011, inclusive
Scope and Content
Eve Egoyan, pianist. Premier (17'00")
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1 sound disc : digital ; 4 3/4 in.
"Bimhuis, Amsterdam: October Meeting 1991", 1991, inclusive
Scope and Content
George Lewis, Trombone Anthony Braxton, saxophone Evan Parker, saxophone Malcolm Goldstein, violin Bernard Mixon, voice
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Bimhuis, Amsterdam: Solo Violin", November 5, 1990, inclusive
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art Concert Preliminary Mix 1, August 24, 2002, inclusive
Scope and Content
1. Malcolm Intro (2:26) 2. Malcolm Intro Complete (2:52) 3.Configurations (10:24) 4.Speak Intro (0:41) 5.Gentle Rain (10:14) 6. Speak Intro (0:45) 7. Looking Backwards (15:46) 8. Speak Intro (0:46) 9.My feet my soul (9:41) 10.Speak Intro (0:46) 11. Improvised Encore (2:45) 12. Ken Thanks (0:33).
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1 sound disc : digital ; 4 3/4 in.
"A Breaking of Vessels, Becoming Song" Musical Elements premier, undated
Scope and Content
Robert Dick solo flute
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall" Brooklyn Philharmonic, March 22, 1985, inclusive
Scope and Content
Lukas Foss, conductor
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall" Brooklyn Philharmonic/ Meet the Moderns series, March 22, 1985, inclusive
Scope and Content
Lukas Foss: Conductor; Malcolm Goldstein: Violin Solo, NYC
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1 sound disc : digital ; 4 3/4 in.
Chapel Performance Space, Seattle, Washington, November 5, 2011, inclusive
Scope and Content
Disc 1: 1) From "Fragments of the Wall" 2) "Configurations in darkness" Disc 2: 3) "On and on and always slowly nowhere" 4)"My feet is tired but my soul is rested" 5)"Two silences" 6)"Soundings" Credits: Eric Barber: Saxophones. Stuart Dempster: Trombone. Beth Fleenor: Clarinet and Bass Clarinet. Lori Goldston: Cello. Esther Sugai: Flute. Recorded by Steve Peters.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 2 sound discs : digital ; 4 3/4 in.
"Configurations in darkness" at HERE, NYC, August 10, 1995, inclusive
Scope and Content
Improvisation on Serbo-Croation folk song. Excerpt from "Configurations in Darkness" NYC- HERE premier.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
Cornish Institute '86, October 1986, inclusive
Scope and Content
Side A: Soundings for Solo Violin; The Edges of Sound WIthin; Out of the Corners of My Eyes Side B: Yosha's Mornings Song; Qerneraq; Our Breath as Bones Premier The New Performance Group- Seattle
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
Cornish Institute- New Performance Group, Seattle, February 20, 1994, inclusive
Scope and Content
Side A) 1. "Ishi/'man waxati' Soundings" (17'00") 2. "...out of changes: Keeping Still; Mountain" (23'30") Side B) 1. "gentle rain preceeding mushrooms (13'00") (with cold in throat!) 2. "that is poetry as" (2'30") 3. "Soweto Stomp" (12'00") with New Performance Group Seattle, WA
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Coyote's Breath Over the Water" ("La Souffle du Coyote a la Surface de l'Eau"), January 23, 1996, inclusive
Scope and Content
Malcolm Goldstein composition, performance, mix (1995-1996) Studio 12 Recording: Yves LePage; Mix: Dennis Freceite; Production: Helene Drevost for Societe Radio-Canada "Le Navire Night"
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Coyote's Breath Over the Water" ("La Souffle du Coyote a la Surface de l'Eau") Final Mix Copy, January 23, 1996, inclusive
Scope and Content
Malcolm Goldstein composition, performance, mix (1995-1996) Studio 12 Recording: Yves LePage; Mix: Dennis Freceite; Production: Helene Drevost Final Mix for performance use
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Dacapo Konzart- 200" Goldstein and Kaul, June 12, 1990, inclusive
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Darkness becoming narrative" performed by L'Archipel Nocturne at Musique Action, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France, May 19, 2010, inclusive
Scope and Content
Recorded by Yannick Herpin. (27'05")
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1 sound disc : digital ; 4 3/4 in.
DRAM (New World) Radio Program, February, 2011, inclusive
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1 sound disc : digital ; 4 3/4 in.
"The edges of sound within" WDR studio concert and performance, September 28, 1985, inclusive
Scope and Content
The edges of sound within (19'55") and WDR Concert performance Inspielband (19'48")
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Electronic/tape collage music" Judson Dance Theater, 1963, 1966, 1967, inclusive
Scope and Content
1) "It seemed to me" (5'43") 1963, for Arlene Rothlein's dance. 2) "Judson #6 Piece" (6'43") 1963, for Ruth Emerson's dance. 3) "Sheep Meadow" (6'42") 1966, for anti-Vietnam war setting. 4)"Images from Cheng Hsieh" (15'51") 1967, for Carol Marcy's dance; also can be played with "Violence of Small Sounds".
Conditions Governing Access
An access CD is available for listening in the reading room.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"An enactment of absence" (compilation), 1984, 1995, 1996, inclusive
Scope and Content
1) "An enactment of absence" (18'52") 1995. 2)"Soundings for solo violin" (11'40"). 3)"as it were" (18'05") December, 1996 with Malcolm Goldstein, Joseph Kubera, Robert Black, Charles Wood at Merkin Concert Hall, NYC. 4)"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall" (12'42") 1984, Brooklyn Philharmonic, Lukas Foss conductor.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
Experimental Intermedia Foundation, November 21, 1987, inclusive
Scope and Content
Side One: 1) Soundings (4'15") 2) Edges of Sound Within 3) from "The Life Cycles of Stones" (15'00") premier version Side Two: 1) from "Life Cycles of Stones" (5'00") completed 2) Elegia (se hable espanol) (40'00") first pt. 30 premier with Nancy Guevara
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
Experimental Intermedia Foundation, March 20, 1993, inclusive
Scope and Content
Side A: 1) "Soundings" 16'00 2) "Ishi" Side B: 3) "gentle rain preceeding mushrooms" NYC premier 14'30" 4) "qaumaneq; shaking with joy" world premier 15'30"
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
Experimental Intermedia Foundation, March 8, 2005, inclusive
Scope and Content
1) "Ishi/'man waxati' Soundings" (14'50"). 2)"Harscrabble Songs" (10'07"). 3)"approaching the Wall (Li Po text)" (7'32") premier Li Po Text song as a work in progress. 4)"Where are we going when we're standing still, looking backwards?!" (17'40"). 5)"Soundings" (10'52").
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
Exploratorium Berlin, November 1, 2006, inclusive
Scope and Content
"Fragments of the Wall"; "Where are we going when we're standing still looking backwards?!"; "qerneraq: our breath as bones"; "Hardscrabble Songs (song #4)"; "Soundings"
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
Festival Suoni per il popolo, Montreal, June 3, 2008, inclusive
Scope and Content
1) "Hardscrabble Songs" (13'05"). 2)"A New Song of many faces for In These Times" (17'52"). Quatuor Bozzini.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Fiddling Cow Bells", June 13, 1988, inclusive
Scope and Content
"Fiddling Cow Bells" No dynamic changes
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Fragments of the Wall" excerpt from performance at Chapelle historique du Bon Pasteur, February 11, 2009, inclusive
Scope and Content
1) Bosnia-Herzogovinia folk songs and improvisation 2)"Fooling the Killers" poetry of Taha Muhammad Ali 3)"Dance" (13'38"). Recorded by Matthieu Belanger
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Fragments of the Wall" premier from Radio France Recording, September 12, 2008, inclusive
Scope and Content
Ce vaut jamais le reel festival. Instants Chavires, Montreal France. With Maclolm Goldstein: violin, Jim Denley: Saxophone, Thierry Madiot: trombone, Louis-Michael Marion: cb, Matthias Kaul: percussion, Li-Ping Ting:danse.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Fragments of the Wall", undated
Scope and Content
"Images of Cheng Hsieh" (15'51"); "Fooling the Killers" Taha Muhammad Ali reading (2'00")
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc ) digital ; 4 3/4 in.
"Free at Last" #1, January 16, 1986, inclusive
Scope and Content
A) Been in the storm so long B) Funeral- Archie Shepp, Soweto Stomp- Malcolm Goldstein Northweatern University, Boston. (Dolby).
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Free at Last" #2, January 16, 1986, inclusive
Scope and Content
A) "My feet is tired, but my sould is rested"- Malcolm Goldstein B) "...that hung like fire on heaven" Malcolm Goldstein (23'15")
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Fylkingen", April 10, 1984, inclusive
Scope and Content
1) Soundings, entrance 2) jade mountain soundings (13'00") 3) from center of rainbow soungings RR recording engineer: Rone Sundvall
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Hues of the Golden Ascending", April 10, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content
premier Macalester College flute ensemble (20'20")
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Hues of the Golden Ascending", April 10, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content
Premier Macalester College flute ensemble (20'58")
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Hues of the Golden Ascending", April 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content
Flute Ensemble recorded at Macalester College
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 7 1/2 IPS stereo copy
"Illuminations..." and other pieces from the early 1960's, 1960's, inclusive
Scope and Content
Side A: 1) Illuminations from Fantastic Gardens a) Dolby C b) No Dolby (missing beginning) Side B: 1) Ludlow Blues (wind instrument and electronic tape) 2) Emanations (violin and cello) 3) Stillpoint (brass quintet) 4) Paradoxes (violin, trumpet, bassoon, vocal. All taped from single LP made in the '60s tapes in Vermont (scratchy)
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Illuminations from Fantastic Gardens", April 24, 1964, inclusive
Scope and Content
Tone Roads concert, New School for Social Research NYC (first concert performance). Vocalists: Beth Cuje, Norma Marder, Robert Ramieri and John Wilson. (12'55").
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Images from Cheng Hsieh" and "Violence of Small Sounds", undated
Scope and Content
Stereo Tape Collage (performance tape copy)
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Improvisation: Goldstein with Philip Corner" NYC, November 14, 1991; December 1, 1991, inclusive
Scope and Content
With Laura Donnelly dancing and Phoebe Neville dancing.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Interlude(s)" Universite Bishop's Radio Canada., 2000, 2001, inclusive
Scope and Content
2) S. Ferguson "Preperation" 3) M. Goldstein "Interlude(s)" (7'35") 4) O.Larue "Poussierres" 5) J.F. Laporte "L'Invisible piano"
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Ishi/time changing spaces" WDR horspiel, February 18, 1988, inclusive
Scope and Content
Westdeutscher Rundfunk Koln Horspiel/Studio Master Tape
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Jade Mountain Soundings", October 17, 1995, inclusive
Scope and Content
Technician: Yves LePage Realization: Helene Premt Studio 12 Pour "Le Navine Night", 13 minutes
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Jade Mountain Soundings" DRS (multiple tracks), 1987, inclusive
Scope and Content
Jade Mountain Soundings (21'45") multiple tracks with live performance at Neve Horizonte Concert Berne (recorded by DRS) Switzerland
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"John Cage: 'Ryoanji' and 'Score and 23 Parts'", September 19, 1992, inclusive
Scope and Content
HR Ensemble for New Music- Malcolm Goldstein, director Concert at Anarchic Harmony festival- music of John Cage, Frankfurt
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
Klangforum Wien: Konzerthaus Wien/ Mozart saal, April 6, 2006, inclusive
Scope and Content
1) "A cultivation of field" (12'00") 2)"What can be said of our differences?" (18'50")
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
Klangforum Wien: Musik Triennale Koln, April 29, 2007, inclusive
Scope and Content
1) "A cultivation of field" (13'40") 2)"What can be said of our differences?" (21'32")
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
Klangzeit Munster: Grenzgange fest, Cuba, October 26, 2006, inclusive
Scope and Content
"Configurations in Darkness"; "My feet is tired but my soul is rested"; "Soundings" (9'44")
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
Knitting Factory, NYC, January 10, 1988, inclusive
Scope and Content
violin solo: 18'05" and 10'00"
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
Knitting Factory, NYC, November 13, 1988, inclusive
Scope and Content
Goldstein- solo violin
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
La Sala Rossa, Montreal: solo violin concert, September 29, 2011, inclusive
Scope and Content
1) Intro talk 2)"Soundings" 3)"Eight Whiskus" John Cage 4)"gentle rain preceding mushrooms" 5)"Sounding the Fragility of Line 6)"Soundings" 7)"on and on and always slowly nowhere"
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
Le Port de Tete, Montreal, November 13, 2011, inclusive
Scope and Content
1) "Mais une oiseau qui n'est pas chante" from "Fragments of the Wall" (6'15"). 2)"On and on and always slowly nowhere" (23'30") 3)"Soundings" (11'06") 4)"on a journey...wandering still" (7'20"). Recorded by Mathieu Belanger.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"The Life Cycle of Stones", undated
Scope and Content
collage part (Track I and II) stereo cassette Master
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"The Life Cycle of Stones", June 21, 1989, inclusive
Scope and Content
from Reel I: loop 5'20"
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"The Life Cycle of Stones", June 21, 1987, inclusive
Scope and Content
from Reel II: loop c. 7'20"
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
" Liu Fang and Malcolm Goldstein: Duo Improvization", October 4, 2003, inclusive
Scope and Content
Recorded by Eric Lewis.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Logos/Ghent", March 13, 1989, inclusive
Scope and Content
Side I: 1) "Ishi/'man waxati' Sounding" (21'00") 2) "Out of the Corners of My Eyes (18'30") Side 2: 1) Sounding the Fragility of Line (16'00") 2) Soundings (19'00")
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Ludlow Blues", 1963, inclusive
Scope and Content
For Flute, Alto Saxophone, Trombone, and Electronic Sounds. (Transferred from Cassette tape recording).
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"L'usine" Concert solo with Rainer Wiens, March 1996, inclusive
Scope and Content
A) Duet with Rainer Wiens (23'25") B) Soundings for Solo Violin (20'40") at "L'usine" Montreal
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Marin's Lied" WDR Koln- Horspiel, November 1984, inclusive
Scope and Content
Marin's Lied Illuminiert (29'20")
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Marin's Song, Illuminated", undated
Scope and Content
Tape Collage Part
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Marin's Song Illuminated" (Alternative Museum Performance) with "Vermont Night Song/Soundings", 1981, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content
A) Marin's Song, Illuminated (Alternative Museum performance) 1981- edited for radio broadcast B) Vermont Night Song and Soundings (Center of Rainbow Sounding)/ Experimental Intermedia Foundation May 12, 1983 (18'45")
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Marin's Song, Illuminated: fragments and variations", March 6, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Marin's Song, Illuminated: fragments and variations" at Experimental Intermedia Foundation, April 3, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Matthias Kaul and Malcolm Goldstein Duo: SWR2 Now Jazz Summit" Basel, April 28, 2005, inclusive
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Matthias Kaul and Malcolm Goldstein" Montrevil, France, September 17, 2008, inclusive
Scope and Content
Radio France Recording: Instants Chavires.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"A meditation/ response to Charles Ives' 'Unanswered Question'" live installation performance at Ellen Gallery, Concordia University, Montreal, November 18, 2006, inclusive
Scope and Content
Recorded by Mathieu Belanger.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Meditation in Darkness" Alison Knowles, May 2002, inclusive
Scope and Content
2 Audio Tracks. Track 1) 4:06" Track 2) 3:59"
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
Merkin Concert Hall, NYC: Interpretations concert series, December 4, 1996, inclusive
Scope and Content
Side A: "an enactment of absence" world premier (1995) [18'52"]; "Sounding for Solo Violin" [11'40"] Side B: "as it were" (1996) [18'05"] Malcolm Goldstein: violin, Joseph Kubera: piano, Robert Black: bass, Charles Wood: percussion
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
Mills College Concert, February 12, 1997, inclusive
Scope and Content
Side A: 1) from "configurations in darkness" (14'25") 2) "gentle rain preceeding mushrooms" Side B: 1) "Ishi/'man waxati' Soundings" (19'05") 2) Soundings (9'00") DAT original at MIlls
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Montreal Miniature" and "Art Talks" interview, February and March1997, inclusive
Scope and Content
1) "Montreal Miniature" for "Montreal Sounds Like" February 19, 1997 CBC Montreal, (5'00") Master Cassette 2) "Art Talks" CBC/AM interview and premier AM radio broadcast March 1, 1997 with Shelley Pomerance
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Musik am Sonntagnachmittag XLV" Violin Solo, December 3, 1995, inclusive
Scope and Content
A) "Ishi/'man waxati'"(18'10"), "gentle rain preceeding mushrooms" (12'30") B) "my feet is tired bit my soul is rested" (18'19"), "Soundings" (11'35"), "Trinity" (Ornette Coleman)
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
Musique Action: Vandoeuvre Les Nancy, May 17, 2002, inclusive
Scope and Content
"Ishi/'man waxati' Soundings"; "my feet is tired but my soul is rested"(11'20"); "Soundings"(10'36"); "where are we going when we're standing still, looking backwards?!" with introduction in French; Short Encore.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"A New Song of many faces for In These Times" The Locrian Chamber Players String Quartet, NYC, February 7, 2008, inclusive
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"A New Song of many faces for In These Times" Quatuor Bozzini, Theatre La Chapelle, May 2002, inclusive
Scope and Content
Clemens Merkel; Genevieve Beaudry; Stephanie Bozzini; Isabelle Bozzini. Societe Radio Canada Recording.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Of Sky Bright Mushrooms Bursting in My Head" dress rehearsal recording, July 3, 1984, inclusive
Scope and Content
New Music America, Hartford used for NPR and Europe distribution (Relache)
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"On withered fields, wandering still" Montreal, 2010, inclusive
Scope and Content
L'Oubli de l'air installation by Lani Maestro
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"On withered fields, wandering still" Montreal, 2010, inclusive
Scope and Content
"L'Oubli de l'air" installation by Lani Maestro at Fonderie Darling. "The 2 CDs, as separate tracks, played simultaneously with continuous playback, allowing for new relations of sonic material to occur over time"
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (2 sound discs) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"On the first day of Spring..." Malcolm Goldstein, Discovery, March 20, 1981, inclusive
Scope and Content
a) Interviews with Joe Bloom b) On the first day of Spring there were forty pianos (8 min.) c) Soundings for solo violin d) Interview e) On the first day... (17 min.) f) Interview g) Soundings (8.5 min.) premier performance
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"...out of changes; Keeping Still; Mountain" rehearsal, April 10, 1997, inclusive
Scope and Content
Rehearsal, L'Art pour L'Art- Winsen for Hamburg Concert cassette copy from DAT original (22'50") (begins after a minute of silence)
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Portrait de Malcolm Goldstein" France Musique A l'improviste, Anne Montaron, September 26, 2008, inclusive
Scope and Content
Radio France. Chargee de realisation Beatrice Trichet, Assistante Dorothee Goll.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
Pro Musica Nova, Bremen, May 8, 1986, inclusive
Scope and Content
Side 1: Soundings (11'00"), Marin's Song, Illuminated (31'00") Side 2: The Edges of Sound Within (20'16"), Out of the Corners of my Eyes (8'43")
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"qerneraq..." as in "Topography of a Sound Mind", May 1991, inclusive
Scope and Content
"qerneraq; our breath as bones" and padloq text (English and Greek) from "Topography of a Sound Mind" WDR Koln
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Quatuor d'occasion" Improvisations at Wilder and Davis, Montreal, May 5, 2012, inclusive
Scope and Content
Malcolm Goldstein, Josh Zubot, Jean Rene, Emilie Girard-Charest. Recording by Matthieu Belanger.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Rainer Wiens and Malcolm Goldstein: Demo CD" Montreal, undated
Scope and Content
Malcolm Goldstein: Violin; Rainer Wiens: Prepared Guitar.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Rainer Wiens and Malcolm Goldstein" Cagibi, Montreal., April 14, 2009, inclusive
Scope and Content
Violin and Prepared Guitar Recorded by Mathieu Belanger.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Rainer Wiens and Malcolm Goldstein" Cagibi, Montreal., January 20, 2009, inclusive
Scope and Content
Mardi Spaghetti. Recorded by Matthieu Belanger.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Rainer Wiens and Malcolm Goldstein: Casa del Popolo" Montreal, October 26, 2005, inclusive
Scope and Content
Violin and Prepared Guitar. Recorded by Matthieu Belanger.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Rainer Wiens and Malcolm Goldstein: Casa del Popolo" Montreal., January 4, 2006, inclusive
Scope and Content
Improvising Montreal Series. Recorded by Matthieu Belanger.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Rainer Wiens and Malcolm Goldstein: Improvising Montreal Series, Casa del Popole" Montreal., January 3, 2007, inclusive
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
Real Art Ways concert, December 5, 1987, inclusive
Scope and Content
"Soundings"; "from The Life Cycles of Stones"; "Out of the Corners of My Eyes"; "The Edges of Sound Within"; "Vision Tree Fragment"
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Regarding the Tower of Babel" Hessischer Rundfunk Ensemble fur Neue Musik, September 17, 1997, inclusive
Scope and Content
Premier Theaterhaus Frankfurt.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Renga"- Composite, complete music., undated
Scope and Content
Composite of recordings 1, 2, 3, and 4
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Renga" Fall mix- Le Navire Night: La Metamorphose de la Source, January 18, 1998, inclusive
Scope and Content
3 Improvisations- Mix for broadcast Malcolm Goldstein, Jean Rene, Rainer Wiens, Rene Lussier, Normand Guilbeault
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Renga" Le Navire Night: La Metamorphose de la Source (1 of 2), January 18, 1998, inclusive
Scope and Content
Malcolm Goldstein, Jean Rene, Rainer Wiens, Rene Lussier, Normand Guilbeault Studio 12: Realization: Helene Prevost Techn: P. Plante and J.P. Bolduc
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Renga" Le Navire Night: La Metamorphose de la Source [2 of 2], January 18, 1998
Scope and Content
Malcolm Goldstein, Jean Rene, Rainer Wiens, Rene Lussier, Normand Guilbeault Studio 12: Realization: Helene Prevost Techn: P. Plante and J.P. Bolduc
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Resonances de Babel" French/English version of "Regarding the Tower of Babel", November 26, 2004, inclusive
Scope and Content
Premier The Babel Ensemble, La Sala Rossa, Montreal. Jean Derome: Flute; Malcolm Goldstein: Violin; Frank Lozano: Saxophone; Jean Rene: Viola; Rainer Wiens: Guitar.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
Roulette #1, March 11, 1984, inclusive
Scope and Content
Side A: 1) Soundings 2) Vision Tree Fragment Side B: 2) Vision Tree Fragment (continued) 3) Jade Mountain Soundings
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
Roulette #2, March 11, 1984, inclusive
Scope and Content
Side A: 1) El nino rojo 2) Soundings (coda)
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
Roulette (at Location One) NYC, October 15, 2003, inclusive
Scope and Content
"Variation 2" Johannes Wallmann; "Opium fur T" Matthias Kaul (9'30"); "Two Silences" Malcolm Goldstein (23'40")(world premier with intro and comments); "-Z" Hespos ensemble, improvisation. L'Art pour l'art.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"The Seasons: Vermont" New Performance Group (of Cornish) Seattle, May 11, 1985; August 29, 1985, inclusive
Scope and Content
Winter and Spring: New Performance Group- Thomasa Eckert- soprano, Roger Nelson- piano, Stuart Dempster- trombone, Walter Gray- cello, Matthew Kocmieroski- percussion at University of Washington Art History Colloquiem Summer and Autumn: New Performance Group- Paul Taub- Flute, Stuart Dempster- Trombone, Thomasa Eckert- soprano, Roger Nelson- piano, Walter Gray- cello, Matthew Kockmieroski- percussion at Seattle Art Museum Gemini G.E.L. exhibit
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"The Seasons: Vermont" Real Art Ways, February 26, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content
Side One: 1. Summer (16'05") 2. Autumn (12'09") Side Two: 1. Winter (24'42") 2. Spring (7'30") Hartford Connecticut, Real Art Ways
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"The Seasons: Vermont" Tape Collage Part, undated
Scope and Content
Side A: Summer (15'00"), Autumn (12'35") Side B: Winter (25'00"), Spring (7'30")
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"The Seasons: Vermont" Tape Collage Part, undated
Scope and Content
Summer (16'10"); Autumn (12'10"); Winter (25'00"); Spring (7'30"). For Performance Use.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Selected Violin/Voice Music", November 7, 1999; May 17, 2002, inclusive
Scope and Content
Side A: 1) "my feet is tired but my soul is rested" (11'20") 2) "Soundings"(10'36") Musique Action, Vandoeuve les Nancy Side B: 1) "it were another) (1998) (13'27") Hessischer Rundfunk Frankfurt November 7, 1999
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
Signal to Noise Studio, Burlington Vermont, November 18, 2000, inclusive
Scope and Content
1) "Soundings" overture (9'44"); from "Configurations in Darkness" (10'35"); 2)"gentle rain preceding mushrooms" (10'24"); 3)"Hardscrabble Sons" (13'10"); 4)"Soundings"(5'15").
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Sirens for Edgard Varese" Basler Schlagzeug-Ensemble, Basel, May 10, 2006, inclusive
Scope and Content
Konzert zur Ausstellung "Edgard Varese- Komponist, Klangforscher, Visionar". Edgard Varese, Amadeo Roldan, Henry Cowell, Andre Jolivet, James Tenney, Malcolm Goldstein.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Solo Concert: Focus Series 'Traquen Art'", February 9, 1990, inclusive
Scope and Content
Malcolm Goldstein Solo: Optica Gallery Focus Series Traquen Art Malcolm Goldstein and Martin Tetreault, Montreal a) Soundings; b) Sounding the Fragility of Line
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
Souffles Concert, Montreal, April 7, 2007, inclusive
Scope and Content
1) "Renga/haiku song series"; 2)"from Fragments of the Wall"; 3) "Where are we going when we're standing still looking backwards?!"; 4)"Soundings". Recorded by Matthieu Belanger.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
Souffles Concert, Montreal: Vida Simon and Jack Stanley's loft., January 31, 2003, inclusive
Scope and Content
"Ishi/'man waxati' Soundings" (12'14"); "Where are we going when we're standing still, looking backwards?!" (11'44"); "Hardscrabble Songs" (9'55"); "Soundings" (6'13"); "coda (like a prayer)" (3'11"). Recorded by Mathieu Belanger.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Sounding the New Violin" #1 Dia Foundation, May 5, 1989, inclusive
Scope and Content
"Eight Whiskus" John Cage; "Sounding the Fragility of Line" Goldstein; "Trinity" Ornette Coleman; "Violin and Video" Joseph Celli "Sounding the New Violin" #1 from video tape recording by Serban
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Sounding the New Violin" #3 Washington Square Church, NYC`, May 15, 1989, inclusive
Scope and Content
Side A: 1) "(gamelan) The Gold Stone" Philip Corner 2) "Portrait of Malcolm" Pauline Oliveros Side B: 1) "Koan" James Tenney 2)"Chorals" John Cage 3) "the violin between us..." Bill Hellerman (only beginning)
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Soundings", 1996, 2003, 2005, inclusive
Scope and Content
December 4, 1996: Merkin Hall, NYC (12'02"); November 20, 1996: Ton Art, Bern Kunstmuseum (12'28"); October 12, 2005: International Tagungs fur Improvisation, Lucerne (15'01"); October 12, 2005: International Tagungs fur Improvisation, Lucerne (20'09"); Marche 4, 2003: Western Illinois University New Music Festival (9'04").
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Soundings" Brussels, February 6, 1987, inclusive
Scope and Content
"Soundings for Solo Violin" (with voice) Palais des Beaux Arts Brussels
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Soundings" Eighty Layton, March 6, 1982, inclusive
Scope and Content
"Soundings for Solo Violin" (introductory remarks and set I, II, III)
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Soundings" Stockholm, March 26, 1994, inclusive
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Soundings (2)" for solo violin/voice, October 12, 2005, inclusive
Scope and Content
Recorded at International Tagungs fur Improvisation, Lucerne by Fabian Weibel
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Sources of earth and sky" project for CD not realized, 1986, 1988, inclusive
Scope and Content
1)"Ishi/'man waxati' Soundings" (13'15"); 2)"Ishi/time changing spaces" (20'07"); 3) "Qerneraq; our breath as bones" (8'28"); 4)"Qerneraq; our breath as bones" (20'24"); 5)"Ishi/'man waxati' Soundings" (11'28").
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Soweto Stomp" Kunstmuseum, Bern, November 20, 1996, inclusive
Scope and Content
Ton Art concerts, Switzerland. Malcolm Goldstein: violin; Radu Malfatt: trombone; Philippe Micol: bass clarinet; Philippe Racine: flute; Beat Schneider: vocals.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"...that hung like fire..." Master; California Institute of the Arts, undated
Scope and Content
Computer tape "I Have a Dream" with Rard Stieger assistance
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Theater Piece" John Cage; HR Ensemble for New Music, Frankfurt, November 17, 1995, inclusive
Scope and Content
1) Violin solo part one; 2) Ensemble complete performance.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Thomas Lehn and Malcolm Goldstein: Recontres de musique spontanees", April 14, 2012, inclusive
Scope and Content
Live electronics and violin. Rimouski, Quebec.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Three Soundings" live at L'Envers, Montreal, March 12, 2011, inclusive
Scope and Content
1) 13'45"; 2) 15'35"; 3) 13'35". Recorded by Mathieu Belanger.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Through deserts of time" String Quartet: Trio Recherche with Malcolm Goldstein, April 23, 1993, inclusive
Scope and Content
Premier Performance: Wittendays for new music. (26'25") copy from cassette tape.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
"Tongues of My Mother's Teaching", November 20, 1988, inclusive
Scope and Content
Montage for "Cycladic Imprints", NYC
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Tschaikovsky Decollage" for Barbara Hammann's project, Montreal, September 12, 1996, inclusive
Scope and Content
Master Tape (33'05")
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Two Seeking Song, Listening", June 2016
Digital materials
"Typography of a Sound Mind", November, 1994, inclusive
Scope and Content
Version II with "gentle rain"; WDR Koln, Studio Akustische Kunst
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Versuch einer Grundlichen Violin Schule" Master, April 27, 1996, inclusive
Scope and Content
Studio Akustische Kunst/WDR, Koln
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Woodland Patterns" concert, January 23, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content
Side One: 1)"Soundings" 2) "The Seasons: Vermont/Winter" Side Two: 1)"Marin's Song, Illuminated" 2)"Soundings"
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Yosha's Morning Song" and "Extended", March 4, 1976, inclusive
Scope and Content
"Yosha's Morning Song" (voice) and "Extended" (instruments) premier: The New Music Ensemble, Dartmouth College
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Zwischen (zwei) Raumen", December 12, 1993, inclusive
Scope and Content
Studio Akustische Kunst: between (two) spaces WDR
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
Subseries B: Interviews
Scope and Content
Subseries B is comprised of non-commercially released interviews on sound disc and audiocassette. More information about the known contents of each media item is listed below.
Material is arranged alphabetically by title as found on original media object.
Conditions Governing Access
Material is currently unavailable. Please contact Fales Library for further information.
Alltagsmusik: Hans Otte, Radio Bremen, April 18, 1996; March 20, 1999, inclusive
Scope and Content
With excerpts from "my end is my beginning" program with Trio Diritto NachtMusik WDR
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
Ben Young Interview: WKCR, Columbia University Radio NYC (1 of 2), October 3, 2003, inclusive
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
Ben Young Interview: WKCR Columbia University Radio NYC (2 of 2), October 3, 2003, inclusive
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
Charles Ives: Politics and Aesthetics of a New American Music, Warebrook Festival, July 10, 2004, inclusive
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: (1 sound disc) digital, 4 3/4 in.
Karen Frankl presentation, WDR Koln, 1996, inclusive
Scope and Content
With violin and voice improvisation excerpts and "Vision Tree Soundings" excerpts.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
Karen Frankl: The Seasons of Malcolm Goldstein, DWR Berlin, 1999, inclusive
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
Klaus Schoning and Malcolm Goldstein talk: "Ishi/time changing spaces", WDR Koln, undated
Scope and Content
Matera, Italy project. Studio Akustische Kunst.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
Klaus Schoning and Malcolm Goldstein talk: "Zwischen (zwei) raumen", WDR, Koln, undated
Scope and Content
Studio Akustische Kunst
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"Le Navire Night": Helene Prevost, Mano Paquet. Societe Radio Canada, Montreal, 1996, inclusive
Scope and Content
With Swiss Intro: "Le Souffle du Coyote"
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
"The Seasons: Vermont": Frank Hoffman interview, Vermont Public Radio, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: 1/4" audiocassette
Series VII: Non-commercially Released Video
Scope and Content
Series VII comprises non-comercially released video VHS and DVD media. More information on the known contents of each individual item is listed below.
Material is arranged alphabetically by title as designated on the original media item.
Conditions Governing Access
Audiovisual materials have not been preserved and may not be available to researchers.
"All that Rises" film by Daichi Saito, 2007, inclusive
Scope and Content
Music by Malcolm Goldstein: violin improvisation. Part of the N.Y. Film Festival: Views from the Avant-Garde, Walter Reade Theater, Lincoln Center.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: DVD
"Dacapo Konzart- 200" Goldstein and Kaul, June 12, 1990, inclusive
Scope and Content
Luneburger Strasse, 2090 Winsen/Luhe
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: VHS
Da Capo Performance, Bremen, March 27, 1992, inclusive
Scope and Content
"Ishi/'man waxati' Soundings"; "qerneraq; our breath as bones" With Matthias Kaul. Other performances by Ahmed Essyad, Julio Estrada, Graciela Paraskevaidis, Younghi Pagh-Paan.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: VHS
Dorethea Rust and Malcolm Goldstein: "When your stand still moves" Studio 303, Montreal, February 12, 2011, inclusive
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: DVD
"Espace Ouvert: portraits de Malcolm Goldstein" a film by Thierry Collins, 2007, inclusive
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: DVD (North American Format)
Duration: 79 minutes
"Field Papers" Dana Reitz at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, February, 1983, inclusive
Scope and Content
Malcolm Goldstein Solo Violin
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: U-matic
"Malcolm on the Roof with a Girl" video by Davidson Gigliotti with Elaine Summers, 1976, inclusive
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: VHS
Merkin Concert Hall: Malcolm Goldstein and Gustavo Matamoros, December 4, 1996, inclusive
Scope and Content
Music premiers by Malcolm Goldstein: "As it were"; "An enactment of absence"; "Soundings"
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: VHS
New Arts Program: Benefit Concert. Kurtztown, PA, April 26, 1990, inclusive
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: VHS
Potluck: Interrelation musical vessels and violin, 1995, inclusive
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: VHS
Real Art Ways: Malcolm Goldstein in Concert, December 5, 1987, inclusive
Scope and Content
"Soundings" (14"20'); "Out of the Corners" (7'00"); "The Edge of Sound"; "Vision Tree Fragment"
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: VHS
"Sounding the New Violin" concert at DCA, NYC, May 5, 1989, inclusive
Scope and Content
"Eight Whiskus" John Cage; "Crane with 1000 Wings" Louis Vierk; "Trinity" Ornette Coleman; "Sounding the Fragility of Line" Malcolm Goldstein; "Violin and Video" Joseph Celli; "Improvisation" (Encore). Video is copied from original by Serban.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: VHS
"Suspension Reduction" Goldstein, Heward, Wiens, undated
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
"Trees of Syntax, Leaves of Axis" film by Daichi Saito, 2009, inclusive
Scope and Content
Music by Malcolm Goldstein: "Hues of the Spectrum" violin improvisation.
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: DVD
"Uber Land Unter" with Dorethea Rust, Zurich, Switzerland, undated
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: VHS
"Z + X Tschaikowsky" Barbara Hammann, 1996, inclusive
Scope and Content
Munich (complete version)
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: VHS
"Zwischen zwei raumen" Westdeutscher Rundfunk Koln, Studio Akustische Kunst, Decampo Film, June 1994, inclusive
Scope and Content
"Windowhiskusoundings II"; "Ishi/'man waxati' Soundings"; "Gentle rain preceeding mushrooms"
Conditions Governing Access
Currently unavailable until duplication occurs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original format: VHS
Series VIII: Data Storage
Scope and Content
Series VIII comprises data storage on floppy disc and CD-R. More information on known contents of each individual item is listed below.
Material is listed alphabetically by title as derived from original media item.
Conditions Governing Access
Born-digital materials have not been preserved and may not be available to researchers.
Festival Suoni Per Il Popolo, Montreal, 2008, inclusive
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently Unavailable.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original Format: CD-R with compressed Jpeg and Tiff files
"Fragments of the Wall" Images by Rehab Nazzal, [undated]
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently Unavailable.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original Format: CD-R
"Sounding the Full Circle" production, [undated]
Scope and Content
Conditions Governing Access
Currently Unavailable.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Original Format: 5 1/2" Floppy Disc 3M
Series IX: Malcolm Goldstein's Notes on the Archive
Scope and Content
Series IX comprises Malcolm Goldstein's notes describing his collection. In depth lists of music projects, media, and miscellaneous materials were often enclosed with boxes of material upon arrival and reveal more information about how material was originally categorized.
Materials have been arranged in the order of their corresponding series. For instance, listed information describing Series I: Music Projects was ordered first followed by notes on Series II: Writing. All inventories and lists marked "Miscellaneous" or with multiple entries are at ordered at the end.
Music Projects: List of Compositions (1956-2017), 2019, undated, inclusive
Music Projects: Scores and Performance
Music Projects: Other Musicians and Oversize, [undated]
Music Projects: Other Musicians and Miscellaneous Tone Roads Materials, October 9, 2012, inclusive
Music Projects: Other Composers and Solo Violin, [undated]
Music Projects: Charles Ives Symphony #2 Critical Edition, [undated]
Writing: Articles, [undated]
Writing: Articles, [undated]
Writing: Correspondence, [undated]
Writing: Correspondence, [undated]
Publicity: Reviews, [undated]
Publicity: Concert Programs, [undated]
Media: LP Recordings, [undated]
Media: Non-Commercial CD Recordings, [undated]
Media: Non-Commercial Cassette Recordings Interviews, [undated]
Media: Music Compositions on Cassette Tape, [undated]
Media: Music Compositions on CD Recordings, [undated]
Media: Videos of Performances, [undated]
Miscellaneous Files: Teaching Positions; Books; Grants, [undated]
Miscellaneous Files: Resumes; Books; Grants, [undated]
Miscellaneous Files: Early Concert Programs, [undated]
Miscellaneous Files: 1952 Image of Goldstein Inspiration, the Juilliard String Quartet, 2019
Notes on 2023 Accretion, 2022
Subseries A: Projects A-Z
"Between (two) Spaces" Prix Acustica International Award, September 1993; 1994, inclusive
"Book of the Dead", 1968, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall" [conductor's score], January 1, 1985, inclusive
"Cascades of the Brook: Bachwasserfall" [conductor's score], January 15, 1985, inclusive
"Cento Anni di Suoni", [undated]
"A Convergence of Distances", 1994-1995, inclusive
"Das Erwachen (a cycle of songs)" [1 of 3], 1958-1959, inclusive
"Das Erwachen (a cycle of songs)" corrections [2 of 3], February, 1960, inclusive
"Das Erwachen (a cycle of songs)" [3 of 3], 1958-1959, inclusive
"Dialogue for Violin and Piano", 1956, inclusive
"Dwelling on Dwelling", March 6-April 17, 1994, inclusive
"Emanations" [score], 1962
"Episodes for Chamber Orchestra" 1st Movement, October, 1960, inclusive
"Episodes for Chamber Orchestra" Movements 1 and 2 [transparencies], October, 1960, inclusive
"From Wind/ing- Sheet Red Trees Reborn", 1999, inclusive
"Improvisation for Piano", December, 1960, inclusive
"In and Out of Silence" with Barbara Hammann and Alison Knowles [inkjet images], September 25-28, 2004, inclusive
"Karlsplatz Resonanz", 1983, inclusive
"Krosnick", [undated]
"The Lamentations of Jeremiah", 1962, inclusive
"The Life Cycle of Stones" [images for installation], 1987, inclusive
"The Life Cycle of Stones" [photo-collage], 1987, inclusive
"Ludlow Blues", July 30, 1963, inclusive
"Ludlow Blues", July 30, 1963, inclusive
"Ludlow Blues", July 30, 1963, inclusive
"Ludlow Blues" Alternative Notations, August 10, 1963, inclusive
"Majority", 1964, inclusive
"Music for Four Recorder Players", May 13, 1963, inclusive
"Paradoxes" [score], February, 1962, inclusive
"Paradoxes" [score], February 9, 1962, inclusive
"Paradoxes", [undated]
"Paradoxes" [transparencies], February 9, 1962, inclusive
"Paradoxes", [undated]
"Passages" [score], July, 1965, inclusive
"Passages" [score], July, 1965, inclusive
"Perchance" (for James Waring), [undated]
"Rokudan", Spring, 1958, inclusive
"Rokudan", Spring, 1958, inclusive
"Shaking the Dreaming Line" [score; instructions], 1985, inclusive
"Stillpoint for Brass Quintet" [score], 1962, inclusive
"Stillpoint for Brass Quintet" [score transparencies], 1962, inclusive
"Stillpoint for Brass Quintet" [score transparencies], 1962, inclusive
"String Quartet", 1958, inclusive
"Taut Labyrinth" [1 of 3], 1960, inclusive
"Taut Labyrinth" [2 of 3], 1960, inclusive
"Taut Labyrinth" [3 of 3], 1960, inclusive
"...That Hung Like Fire on Heaven" dedicated to the spirit of Martin Luther King [score], November 28, 1985, inclusive
"Trio" Violin, Clarinet (Bb), Cello, March, 1957, inclusive
"Two Part Invention" Four Episodes for Piano, December 30, 1957, inclusive
"Uber Land Unter" (over land under) with Dorethea Rust, April, 2000, inclusive
Processing Information
Separated from material in Box 9 Folder 9 with the same title: "Uber Land Unter" (over land under) with Dorethea Rust [3 of 3]