This series contains the websites for the three separate Guerrilla Girls groups formed after 2000, Guerrilla Girls, Inc., Guerrilla Girls On Tour, Inc., and GuerrillaGirlsBroadBand, Inc. These websites contain information on their upcoming lectures, book signings, performances, and workshops. They also contain summaries of performances and books, where their art is being exhibited, biographies of women artists that become the members' pseudonyms, videos of their performances, Guerrilla Girls printable mask, posters, current and past projects, and press. Editions of their newsletter go back to 2001. Topics focused on the website include lack of women and people of color in the film industry and art museums; abortion; hate speech; war; and marriage equality. In 2016, was redesigned.
The Male Graze was an online art commission by the Guerrilla Girls, Inc. for Art Night 2021, a contemporary art festival in the United Kingdom. The Male Graze explores western art's focus on female bodies, male artists exploitation and abuse of women, rewriting of museum wall labels to reflect these exploitation and abuse, and naked women versus women artists counts at reported museums. The website is broken down into six sections: Flesh Through the Ages, Bad Male Behavior, Art School/Art World Confidential, Helping Museums Write Wall Labels, Are There More Naked Women Than Women Artists in Museums?, and Comments/Apologies.
Capture of Guerrilla Girls On Tour, Inc. began in 2019. Guerrilla Girls on Tour is the blog listing their upcoming lectures, book signings, performances, and workshops for the Guerrilla Girls. The website was redesigned in 2020 to include more information on their books, UN/MASKED and PUSH/PUSHBACK. It also included information on virtual tours during the COVID-19 pandemic. The website redesigned again in 2022.