Series II: Scripts
Scope and Contents note
This series contains scripts of plays directed by Richard Foreman, including his own original works and his direction of theatrical works written by other playwrights.
"Africa" original typescript, undated
Box: 11, Folder: 292 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Africa" Xerox copies., undated
Box: 11, Folder: 293 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Africa" script and prop list., undated
Box: 11, Folder: 294 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Africa" script, undated
Box: 11, Folder: 295 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Africanis Instructus" annotated: "original non-musical text from which musical was adapted". Two copies., undated
Box: 11, Folder: 296 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Africanis Instructus" script, produced by Music-Theatre Group, Lenox Arts Center, undated
Box: 11, Folder: 297 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Africanis Instructus" script, produced by Music-Theatre Group, Lenox Arts Center. Includes undated reveiw from Le Monde, undated
Box: 11, Folder: 298 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Africanis Instructus" at Lenox Arts Center. Annotated script with inserts., undated
Box: 11, Folder: 299 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Africanus Instructus" script with annotations., undated
Box: 11, Folder: 300 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Africanus Instructus" script, updated 6 August 1984, undated
Box: 11, Folder: 301 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Africcanus Instructus" original. Annotated script in annotated folder., undated
Box: 11, Folder: 302 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Africanus Instructus" script with annotations and inserts., undated
Box: 11, Folder: 303 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Africanus-Instructis" script pages 1-8 with annotations. Original and copy., undated
Box: 11, Folder: 304 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Africanus Instructus" annotated script copy, undated
Box: 11, Folder: 305 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Africanus, undated
Box: 11, Folder: 306 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Africanis Instructus" typescript, undated
Box: 11, Folder: 307 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Africanis Instructus" script and annotated folder., undated
Box: 11, Folder: 308 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Africanus-Instructis" French translation pages 1-7., undated
Box: 11, Folder: 309 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Amatures" script with annotations., undated
Box: 11, Folder: 310 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Angel/Polite/Lava ads./Story/Maestro Adds?" script fragments. Grouped by Richard Foreman., undated
Box: 11, Folder: 311 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Angelface" annotated script., undated
Box: 11, Folder: 312 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Angel-Face" annotated script., undated
Box: 11, Folder: 313 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Angelface" script. Removed from binder., undated
Box: 11, Folder: 314 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Angel Face" extra copies with folder., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 315 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Angelface" extra copies removed from binder., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 316 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Bad BoyNietzsche" bound script with annotations., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 317 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Bad Boy Nietzsche" script, undated
Box: 12, Folder: 318 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Begin Again" Annotated script with drawing inserts and annotated folder. [originally filed amidst "King Cowoboy Rufus" scripts], undated
Box: 12, Folder: 319 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Benita Canova" early versions: extra text 19 April 1997 pages 2-6, 1997
Box: 12, Folder: 320 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Benita Canova" Plus p. 1-16, undated
Box: 12, Folder: 321 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Benita Canova" Point p. 1-20, undated
Box: 12, Folder: 322 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Benita Canova" script, titled "Threatening Only: Many Exists Others Echo Words; whirl to catch", undated
Box: 12, Folder: 323 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Benita Canova" B-1,, undated
Box: 12, Folder: 324 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Benita Canova" B-2,, undated
Box: 12, Folder: 325 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Benita Canova" "Actions B-3 "A", (1st version B-3)", undated
Box: 12, Folder: 326 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Benita Canova" early versions, miscellaneous inserts, undated
Box: 12, Folder: 327 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Benita Canova" annotated script, undated
Box: 12, Folder: 328 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Benita Canova" annotated copy of script., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 329 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Benita Canova" script with annotations, revised 3 January 1998, 1998
Box: 12, Folder: 330 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Folder titled "RF versions SOP" text header "Berl-slz", undated
Box: 12, Folder: 331 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Berl-slz" with annotatioins, undated
Box: 12, Folder: 332 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Bible Code" text. Header (Gods:Musil), undated
Box: 12, Folder: 333 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Birth of the Poet". Text by Kathy Acker, Directed by Richard Foreman, Sets and costumes by David Salle, Music by Peter Gordon. Script from Artservices. Includes Descriptive Copy from Richard Foreman., 1985
Box: 12, Folder: 334 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Birth of the Poet" annotated script. [Not in order], undated
Box: 12, Folder: 335 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Birth of the Poet" Dutch script with annotations., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 336 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Book of Splendors I" English script., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 337 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Book of Splendors I" English script., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 338 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Book of Splendors I" xerox from Biblioteque Nationale. Richard Foreman's work copy. English., 1976
Box: 12, Folder: 339 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Book of Splendors I" annotated working script. English., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 340 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Book of Splendors I" Richard Foreman English working script. Annotated with sound effect cues., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 341 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Book of Splendors I" English language script with annotations and inserted passages., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 342 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Book of Splendors I" Original French translation, typescript., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 343 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Book of Splendors I" French language script, not identical to "Original French" above in folder 343., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 344 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Book of Splendors I" Fragments of French translation drafts., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 345 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Book of Splendors I" French script p. 2-25, undated
Box: 12, Folder: 346 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Book of Splendors I" French script p. 2-12, undated
Box: 12, Folder: 347 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Book of Spledors I" French script, bound with fabric tape., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 348 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Book of Splendors I" George Gajek's work copy. French script with French annotations., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 349 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Book fo Splendors I" Kate's french work copy., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 350 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Book of Splendors" screenplay by Richard Foreman., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 351 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Book of Splendors" screenplay with camera shots and annotations., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 352 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Book of Splendors II" original typescript with annotations., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 353 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Book of Splendors II" rehersal version., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 354 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Book of Splendors II" Work copy with sound effects annotations., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 355 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Book of Splendors II" Work copy with sound effects annotations., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 356 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Book of Splendors II" Work Copy with sound effects annotations., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 357 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Book of Splendors II" work copy with sound effects annotations., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 358 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Book of Splendors II" annotated script., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 359 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Blvd de Paris" Original [copy], undated
Box: 12, Folder: 360 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Blvd De Paris" original rehersal version. Typescript with annotations., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 361 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Blvd De Paris" rehersal version, boudn with masking tape., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 362 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Blvd de Paris" Cut page #14., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 363 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Blvd de Paris" work copy, undated
Box: 12, Folder: 364 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Blvd De Paris" work copy with annotations., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 365 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Blvd de Paris" work copy with annotations., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 366 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Blvd de Paris" work copy with sound effects annotations., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 367 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Blvd de Paris" work copy with sound effects annotations., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 368 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Blvd de Paris" work copy with sound effects., undated
Box: 12, Folder: 369 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Blvd de Paris" work copy, annotated with inserts, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 370 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Blvd de Paris" work copy with sound effects annotations., undated
Box: 13, Folder: 371 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Blvd de Paris" Cynthia's work copy, annotated., undated
Box: 13, Folder: 372 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Blvd de Paris" Louis's work copy, annotated., undated
Box: 13, Folder: 373 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Cafe" script, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 374 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Cafe 2: Young Men of Paris" script, heading "Cafe 2", undated
Box: 13, Folder: 375 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Cafe Amerique" labeled "original first draft". Bound with staples and duct tape., undated
Box: 13, Folder: 376 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Cafe Amerique" script and notes, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 377 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Cafe Amerique" annotated script., undated
Box: 13, Folder: 378 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Cafe Amerique (Walls are Radios)" annotated script., undated
Box: 13, Folder: 379 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Cafe Amerique" script, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 380 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Cafe Amerique" script, labeled "(1st Versions)", undated
Box: 13, Folder: 381 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Cafe Amerique" script with annotations., ca. 1981
Box: 13, Folder: 382 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"CalArts Richard" script p.1-30, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 383 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"CalArts Richard" script p. 1-90, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 384 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"CalArts Richard" annotated script p. 1-34, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 385 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"CalArts Richard" script p. 1-34, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 386 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"CalArts Richard" script, contact information, sketches and usable phrases, 2000
Box: 13, Folder: 387 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"CalArts Richard" annotated script, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 388 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Extra" filed within Cal Arts materials, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 389 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"CalArts Richard" annotated script and notes, folder labeled "Catastrophies", undated
Box: 13, Folder: 390 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"CalArts Richard" script, folder labeled "Catastrophy's", undated
Box: 13, Folder: 391 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Folder labeled "Cal Arts" text labeled "Displacement (Communism is Dead: A Rhapsody for Twenty Mirror images of Displaced Paradise)", undated
Box: 13, Folder: 392 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"CalArts Sophie Part One" script text, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 393 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Catastrophies" script, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 394 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Child's Songs and Coat scene" script, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 395 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"City Archives" original annotated script, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 396 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"City of Amatures" annotated script, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 397 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Classical Therapy" English original, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 398 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Classical Therapy" English work copy, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 399 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Classical Therapy" English work copy, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 400 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Classical Therapy" English work copy, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 401 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Classical Therapy" English script, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 402 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Classical Therapy" Original French translation (Therapie Classique) by Kate and Nora Manheim., undated
Box: 13, Folder: 403 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Classical Therapy" French scripts, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 404 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Classical Therapy" French draft with annotations, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 405 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Classical Therapy" French version "non corrigee", undated
Box: 13, Folder: 406 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Classical Therapy" French draft, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 407 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Cure" original text, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 408 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Cure" original script with annotations, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 409 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Cure" annotated script, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 410 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Cure" annotated script, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 411 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Cure" annotated script, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 412 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Cure" annotated script, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 413 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Cure" masters, complete text, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 414 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Cure" Master dupe, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 415 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Cure" complete text with cuts, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 416 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Cure" script, notes, drawings., undated
Box: 13, Folder: 417 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Cure" script with inserts, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 418 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Cure" script with annotations in grey Coconut Grove Playhouse folder labeled "D.P. Kelly", undated
Box: 13, Folder: 419 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Cure" script photocopy., undated
Box: 13, Folder: 420 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Cure" script., undated
Box: 13, Folder: 421 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Cure" annotated French translation by N. Burch., undated
Box: 13, Folder: 422 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Cure" miscellaneous fragments, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 423 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Daily Life" script with annotations and inserts, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 424 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Daily LIfe" photocopy of annotated script, undated
Box: 13, Folder: 425 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Daniel Goldstein" script and annotated folder., undated
Box: 14, Folder: 426 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Daniel Goldstein" spiral bound script with annotations, undated
Box: 14, Folder: 427 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Darkness Falls", undated
Box: 14, Folder: 428 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"(Dead) Snowmen" script by Richard Foreman, published in unknown publication. Pages bound with duct tape and annotated., undated
Box: 14, Folder: 429 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Debts I" dated 28 April 1994. Includes pages 1-99., Bound in clear plastic folder., 1994
Box: 14, Folder: 430 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Debts II" dated 28 April 1994. Includes pages 100-175. Bound in clear plastic folder., undated
Box: 14, Folder: 431 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Deep Storie I and II" script bound in plastic folder, undated
Box: 14, Folder: 432 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Disappear" film script, undated
Box: 14, Folder: 433 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Dismember" script bound in plastic folder., undated
Box: 14, Folder: 434 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Disoriented" annotated with inserts. Script footer: "books"., undated
Box: 14, Folder: 435 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Don Giovani" original., undated
Box: 14, Folder: 436 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Don Juan" annotated script., undated
Box: 14, Folder: 437 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Don't know (dated 26 May 1994): More writing: Count'um" bound in clear plastic folder., undated
Box: 14, Folder: 438 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Dream Tantras" by Richard Foreman and Stanley Silverman., undated
Box: 14, Folder: 439 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Dream Tantras for Western Massachusetts" by Richard Foreman and Stanley Silverman., undated
Box: 14, Folder: 440 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Earth (Dreams) a movie script", undated
Box: 14, Folder: 441 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Earth (Dreams) a film script", undated
Box: 14, Folder: 442 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Eddie Visits Poetry City" first draft., undated
Box: 14, Folder: 443 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Eddie" annotated script, undated
Box: 14, Folder: 444 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Folder labeled "Eddie:NY", script binder labeled "Hero Cadmus", undated
Box: 14, Folder: 445 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Eddie Goes to Poetry City Part I" script with Light and sound cues, New City, October 1990. Spine of red binder: "Eddie Seattle", undated
Box: 14, Folder: 446 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Egyptology" version A 2 November 1982, 1982
Box: 14, Folder: 447 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Egyptology" 14 December 1982, 1982
Box: 14, Folder: 448 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Egyptology" annotated script, 1982
Box: 14, Folder: 449 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Egyptology" annotated script, 1982
Box: 14, Folder: 450 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Egyptology" annotated script dated 19 April 1983, undated
Box: 14, Folder: 451 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Egyptology" Artservices copy with letter from Wisdom Bridge Theatre, 1983
Box: 14, Folder: 452 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Egyptology" lighting script, 1982
Box: 14, Folder: 453 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"xtra" fragments and miscellaneous pieces "Antitents-Egyptology", undated
Box: 14, Folder: 454 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Elephant Steps" original, annotated script., undated
Box: 14, Folder: 455 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Elephant-Steps" music by Stanley Silverman, text by Richard foreman, produced by Tanglewood, Boston Symphony Orchestra., undated
Box: 14, Folder: 456 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Elephant Steps" script with inserts., undated
Box: 14, Folder: 457 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Elephant Steps" annotated script, undated
Box: 14, Folder: 458 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Emperor of the Universe", header "Racecar", undated
Box: 14, Folder: 459 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Emperor II (notes)" "Prelim material for Rufus 2003", header "Racecar", undated
Box: 14, Folder: 460 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Energy" annotated script, undated
Box: 14, Folder: 461 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Energy" annotated script, undated
Box: 14, Folder: 462 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Energy" script fragments, undated
Box: 14, Folder: 463 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Evidence in two parts" photocopy of annotated script., undated
Box: 14, Folder: 464 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Evidence in two parts" original, bound script with annotations., undated
Box: 15, Folder: 465 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Evidence in two parts", script with annotations., undated
Box: 15, Folder: 466 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Excite" p. 1-20, undated
Box: 15, Folder: 467 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Fear" film short, undated
Box: 15, Folder: 468 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Fear" short film [dupes?], undated
Box: 15, Folder: 469 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
script titled "Fear/Disappear", folder labeled "Fear rest/checklist". Part 1 of 2., undated
Box: 15, Folder: 470 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Fear rest/checkilist" part 2 of 2., undated
Box: 15, Folder: 471 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Fear" annotated manuscript., undated
Box: 15, Folder: 472 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Fear" short film. Annotated script with inserts., undated
Box: 15, Folder: 473 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Fear (Work in Progress)" treatment., undated
Box: 15, Folder: 474 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Fear City 2" script. Page header "Supreme beings", undated
Box: 15, Folder: 475 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Film + Enigma" annotated with inserts., undated
Box: 15, Folder: 476 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Film is Evil, Radio is Good" script- located in envleope with contents of folder 478. Envelope: "1 good text+film", undated
Box: 15, Folder: 477 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Film is Evil, Radio is Good", envelope: "2 messy, no film". Includes envelope., undated
Box: 15, Folder: 478 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Film is Evil" annotated script., undated
Box: 15, Folder: 479 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Film is Evil" script pages 1-58, undated
Box: 15, Folder: 480 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Film is Evil" Annotated scripts, notes and sketches. Grouped in a single folder by RF, part 1 of 4., undated
Box: 15, Folder: 481 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Film is Evil" annotated script, notes and sketches. Grouped in a single folder by RF, part 2 of 4., undated
Box: 15, Folder: 482 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Film is Evil" annotated script, notes and sketches. Grouped in a single folder by RF, part 3 of 4., undated
Box: 15, Folder: 483 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Film is Evil" annotated script, notes and sketches. Grouped in a single folder by RF, part 4 of 4., undated
Box: 15, Folder: 484 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Film is Evil" photocopy of annotated script., undated
Box: 15, Folder: 485 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Film is Evil" script with interfiled photocopied and original pages., undated
Box: 15, Folder: 486 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Film is Evil xtra pg", undated
Box: 15, Folder: 487 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Forest (subtitled Depth)" script., undated
Box: 15, Folder: 488 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Forest (subtitled Depth)" script, undated
Box: 15, Folder: 489 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Forest (subtitled Depth)" script, undated
Box: 15, Folder: 490 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Fred's Dog" annotated script, plastic spiral binding., undated
Box: 15, Folder: 491 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Friend Lawrence" script and notes., undated
Box: 15, Folder: 492 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"George Bataille's Bathrobe" 1st version, English with annotations., undated
Box: 15, Folder: 493 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"George Bataille's Bathrobe" annotated English script. Folder labeled "1er Anglais", undated
Box: 15, Folder: 494 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"George Bataille's Bathrobe Produced Paris 1984" annotated English script., undated
Box: 15, Folder: 495 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"George Bataille's Bathrobe" photocopy of annotated English script., undated
Box: 15, Folder: 496 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"George Bataille's Bathrobe" photocopy of annotated English script., undated
Box: 15, Folder: 497 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"George Bataille's Bathrobe" French script with annotations. Folder labeled "1er Brouillon Francais RCBG Burch-Manheim", undated
Box: 15, Folder: 498 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"George Bataille's Bathrobe" original French translation by Burch., undated
Box: 15, Folder: 499 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"George Bataille's Bathrobe" French script bound, with annotations., undated
Box: 15, Folder: 500 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Glimpse D" annotated script., undated
Box: 15, Folder: 501 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Gods are Pounding my Head" annotated script. Header "pancake", undated
Box: 15, Folder: 502 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Gods (musil)", undated
Box: 15, Folder: 503 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Gods: Musil", folder labeled "a la 'lost high'", undated
Box: 15, Folder: 504 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Golem" script. Text by H. Heivock, translated by Leah W. Leonard. Directed by Richard Foreman., undated
Box: 15, Folder: 505 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Good Bennie (Working title) by Richard Foreman), 1964
Box: 15, Folder: 506 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Great Psychotic V.O" Script header "Nothing", undated
Box: 15, Folder: 507 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Great Psychotic V.O." script header "Nothing", undated
Box: 16, Folder: 508 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Great Psychotic Person" annotated script, header "Psycho-sex", undated
Box: 16, Folder: 509 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Harry In Love: A Manic Vaudeville" script, undated
Box: 16, Folder: 510 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"He was expected: Soon" original script [facsimile paper? degrading], undated
Box: 16, Folder: 511 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"He Was Expected Soon" script, undated
Box: 16, Folder: 512 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"He Was Expected Soon" annotated script, undated
Box: 16, Folder: 513 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"He Was Expected Soon" annotated script., undated
Box: 16, Folder: 514 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"He Was Expected Soon" photocopy of annotated script., undated
Box: 16, Folder: 515 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Here Comes the Boat" script, plastic ring binding. HEader: "Fred's dogs", Footer "holy moly", undated
Box: 16, Folder: 516 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Hero Cadmus/Samuel/ (no) Samuel II". This folder includes "Hero Cadmus", part 1 of 4., undated
Box: 16, Folder: 517 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Hero Cadmus/Samuel/(no)Samuel II". This folder includes "Samuel" part 2 of 4., undated
Box: 16, Folder: 518 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Hero Caddmus/ Samuel/ (no) Samuel II" This folder includes "Samuel Two", part 3 of 4., undated
Box: 16, Folder: 519 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Hero Cadmus/ Sameul/ (no) Sameul II" This folder includes "Suburbate" part 4 of 4., undated
Box: 16, Folder: 520 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Hey script bound in clear plastic folder [with stickey binding], 1994
Box: 16, Folder: 521 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Holy Moly" annotated typescript, heavy cut-and-paste., undated
Box: 16, Folder: 522 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"New Holy Moly or the P[illegible]" script with annotations. Part 1 of 2., undated
Box: 16, Folder: 523 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"New Holy Moly or the P-[illegible]" script with annotations. Part 2 of 2., undated
Box: 16, Folder: 524 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Old" [filed with Holy Moly material, after the folder "New"], undated
Box: 16, Folder: 525 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Honor" original script., undated
Box: 16, Folder: 526 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Hotel China" work copy., undated
Box: 16, Folder: 527 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"hcohtienla or Hotel China" string bound scripts., undated
Box: 16, Folder: 528 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"hcohtienla or Hotel China", undated
Box: 16, Folder: 529 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Hotel for Criminals" Libretto by Richard Foreman, Music by Stanely Silverman. Work copy, includes acts 1 and 2., undated
Box: 16, Folder: 530 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Hotel for Criminals" libretto by Richard Foreman, music by Stanley Silverman. Photocopied text of acts 1 and 2., undated
Box: 16, Folder: 531 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Hotel for Criminals" libretto by Richard Foreman, music by Stanley Silverman. Act 1 work copy., undated
Box: 16, Folder: 532 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Hotel for Criminals: the second part entitled The American Imagination" libretto by Richard Foreman, music by Stanley Silverman. Text photocopy., undated
Box: 16, Folder: 533 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Hotel for Criminals" Libretto by Richard Foreman, music by Stanely Silverman. Act two annotated text., undated
Box: 16, Folder: 534 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Hotel for Criminals" text by Richard Foreman, music by Stanley Silverman. Act two annotated text., undated
Box: 16, Folder: 535 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Hotel for Criminals" text by Richard Foreman, music by Stanely Silverman. Act two annotated text., undated
Box: 16, Folder: 536 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Hotel for Criminals, an Opera" Text and photographs photocopied from published book., undated
Box: 16, Folder: 537 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Hotel for Criminals, an Opera" Text and photographs photocopied from published book., undated
Box: 16, Folder: 538 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Hotel Fuck/Paradise Hotel" original script with annotations., undated
Box: 16, Folder: 539 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Sexual Naivete" [Hotel Fuck/Paradise Hotel], undated
Box: 16, Folder: 540 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Human Beings: Multiple Brains" script., undated
Box: 16, Folder: 541 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Human Beings with Multiple Brains" script., undated
Box: 16, Folder: 542 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Ida-Eyed" script, undated
Box: 16, Folder: 543 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Ida Eyed" annotated script., undated
Box: 16, Folder: 544 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Idiot:Nothing" annotated script with napkin., undated
Box: 16, Folder: 545 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Idiot:Nothing" annotated page 1, undated
Box: 16, Folder: 546 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Idiot B'wards" annotated script, header "Nothing", undated
Box: 16, Folder: 547 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Idiot Savant" script. Header "Idiot:Nothing", undated
Box: 17, Folder: 548 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Idiot Savant" script with annotated folder. Header "Idiot--Something", undated
Box: 17, Folder: 549 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Idiot Savant" plastic spiral bound script with annotations., undated
Box: 17, Folder: 550 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Incohere I" script dated 11 May 1994. Clear plastic binder., 1994
Box: 17, Folder: 551 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Incohere II" script dated 24 July 1994. Clear plastic binder., 1994
Box: 17, Folder: 552 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Inspirational analysis" original script, undated
Box: 17, Folder: 553 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Inspirational Analysis" copy of original script., undated
Box: 17, Folder: 554 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Inspirational Analysis" typescript with annotations., undated
Box: 17, Folder: 555 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"I've got the shakes" script with annotations and inserts., undated
Box: 17, Folder: 556 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Jeweled" script with annotations, undated
Box: 17, Folder: 557 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Script page fragments. [These match those of the above folder but were not labeled as such. Paper appears to be degrading.], undated
Box: 17, Folder: 558 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"King Cowboy Rufus Rules the Universe" script dated 20 October 2003, 2003
Box: 17, Folder: 559 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"King Cowboy Rufus" script dated 20 November 2003., 2003
Box: 17, Folder: 560 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"King Cowboy Rufus" script dated 1 December 2003., 2003
Box: 17, Folder: 561 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"King Cowboy Rufus" rehersal script dated 7 December 2003., 2003
Box: 17, Folder: 562 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"King Cowboy Rufus" December rehersal script dated 10 December 2003., 2003
Box: 17, Folder: 563 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"King Cowboy Rufus" script dated 10 December 2003., 2003
Box: 17, Folder: 564 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"King Cowboy Rufus" script dated 10 December 2003., 2003
Box: 17, Folder: 565 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"King Cowboy Rufus" script dated 10 December 2003., 2003
Box: 17, Folder: 566 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"King Cowboy Rufus" script dated 19 December 2003., 2003
Box: 17, Folder: 567 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"King Cowboy Rufus" script dated 28 December 2003., undated
Box: 17, Folder: 568 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"King Cowboy Rufus" script dated 1 January 2004, 2004
Box: 17, Folder: 569 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"King Cowboy Rufus" script dated 1 January 2004, 2004
Box: 17, Folder: 570 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"King Cowboy Rufus" early material, undated
Box: 17, Folder: 571 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"King Cowby Rufus" annotated script., undated
Box: 17, Folder: 572 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"King Cowboy Rufus" annotated script., undated
Box: 17, Folder: 573 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"King Cowboy Rufus"annotated script., undated
Box: 17, Folder: 574 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"King Cowboy Rufus" annotated script. Header: "Racecar", undated
Box: 17, Folder: 575 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"King Cowboy Rufus" script p. 1-21, undated
Box: 17, Folder: 576 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"King Cowboy Rufus" script pages and drawings. Also Labeled "Creative and Stone 'The World's Heart'", undated
Box: 17, Folder: 577 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"King Cowboy Rufus" annotated fragments, undated
Box: 17, Folder: 578 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"King Cowboy Rufus" annotated fragments, undated
Box: 17, Folder: 579 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"King Cowboy Rufus extra, expanded" annotated script., undated
Box: 17, Folder: 580 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"King Cowboy Rufus" miscellaneous fragments., undated
Box: 17, Folder: 581 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"King Rudolpho/Emperor" script and inserts., undated
Box: 17, Folder: 582 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Lava Plus" script, folder labeled "Odd", undated
Box: 17, Folder: 583 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Lava" script., undated
Box: 17, Folder: 584 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Left Field" folder, empty. annotated., undated
Box: 17, Folder: 585 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Life of the Bee (I've Got der Shakes)" annotated typescript, undated
Box: 17, Folder: 586 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Lines of Vision" annotated typescript., undated
Box: 17, Folder: 587 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Lines of Vision" script., undated
Box: 17, Folder: 588 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Loonies" script in folder, undated
Box: 17, Folder: 589 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Loonies" script in plastic binder, undated
Box: 17, Folder: 590 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Loonies" annotated script, undated
Box: 17, Folder: 591 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Lost (catastrophy)" annotated folder and script fragments., undated
Box: 17, Folder: 592 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Love and Science" original, undated
Box: 17, Folder: 593 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Love and Science" annotated script., undated
Box: 17, Folder: 594 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Love and Science" script, undated
Box: 17, Folder: 595 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Luogo + Bersaglio" English typescript., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 596 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Luogo + Bersaglio" Englishscript bound with red string., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 597 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Luogo + Bersaglio" annotated English script, undated
Box: 18, Folder: 598 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Luogo + Bersagio" annotated English script., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 599 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Luogo + Bersaglio" English working script, undated
Box: 18, Folder: 600 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Luogo + Bersaglio" English working script with sound annotations., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 601 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Luogo + Bersaglio" English working script, undated
Box: 18, Folder: 602 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Luogo + Bersaglio" English working script., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 603 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Luogo + Bersagio" Italian translation with Harry Matthews notes., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 604 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Luogo + Bersaglio" Theater of Rome, Italian text., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 605 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Madame Adare (A Psychoanalytical Masque)" text by Richard Foreman, music by Stanley Silverman. Annotated script, undated
Box: 18, Folder: 606 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Madame Adare" text by Richard Foreman, music by Stanley Silverman. Annotated script bound with staples and masking tape., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 607 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Madame Adare" by Richard Foreman and Stanley Silverman. Script photocopied from published book., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 608 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Madness and Tranquility" original typescript, annotated. [This play was rehersed for three months but never performed.], ca. 1978-79
Box: 18, Folder: 609 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Madness and Tranquility (My Head was a Sledgehammer)" incomplete first draft. Photocopy with original annotations., ca. 1978-79
Box: 18, Folder: 610 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Madness and Tranquility (My Head was a Sledgehammer)" incomplete first draft. Photocopy with original annotations., ca 19778-79
Box: 18, Folder: 611 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Madness and Tranquility" annotated script., ca. 1978-79
Box: 18, Folder: 612 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Madness and Tranquility" dialogue and stage direction script., ca. 1978-79
Box: 18, Folder: 613 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Madness and Tranquility" script., ca. 1978-79
Box: 18, Folder: 614 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Maestro" script, undated
Box: 18, Folder: 615 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Maestro Adds, Page 40-Storm" annotated script. part 1 of 2., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 616 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Maestro Adds, page 40-Storm" coverpage "dismember" script. Part 2 of 2., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 617 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Maestro" script, undated
Box: 18, Folder: 618 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Maestro: Texas" script in clear plastic binding., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 619 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Maria del Bosco" original annotated text., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 620 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Maria del Bosco" annotated script with inserts., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 621 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Maudlin Notations" original annotated typescript, undated
Box: 18, Folder: 622 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Maudlin Notations" photocopied script, undated
Box: 18, Folder: 623 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Maudlin Notations"photocopied script, undated
Box: 18, Folder: 624 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Melbourn" script, 2000
Box: 18, Folder: 625 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Meta Reverse I" script dated 28 April 1994. Clear plastic binding., 1994
Box: 18, Folder: 626 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Meta Reverse II" script dated 28 April 1994. Clear plastic binding.jy, 1994
Box: 18, Folder: 627 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Mind King" script, undated
Box: 18, Folder: 628 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Mind King" annotated script, undated
Box: 18, Folder: 629 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Miss Universal Happiness" original typescript with annotations., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 630 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Miss Universal Happiness" typescript, typed by Kate Manheim., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 631 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Miss Universal Happiness" annotated script., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 632 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Miss Universal Happiness" script and press interfiled. "Produced NYC 1985", 1985
Box: 18, Folder: 633 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Unidentified script, header "More 2", undated
Box: 18, Folder: 634 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"My Head was a Sledgehammer" annotated script. Cover pages: "1st rehersal script with blood", undated
Box: 18, Folder: 635 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"My head was a sledgehammer" annotated script, black plastic spiral binding. Cover "Music RF"., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 636 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"My head was a sledgehammer" annotated script, black plastic spiral binding., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 637 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"My head was a sledgehammer" annotated script., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 638 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"My head was a sledgehammer" script., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 639 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"My head was a sledgehammer" script., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 640 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"My head was a sledgehammer" script., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 641 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"My head was a sledgehammer", cover page "Final text". Two copies., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 642 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"My life, my death" original text by Kathy Acker., 1982
Box: 18, Folder: 643 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"My life, my death" labeled "original". Text by Kathy Acker., 1982
Box: 18, Folder: 644 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"My life, my death" handwritten section or addition., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 645 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"My life, my death" original French typescript, undated
Box: 18, Folder: 646 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"My life, my death" French translation fragment page 10, Leiris., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 647 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"My life, my death" French script, p. 1-19. Translated by Kate Manheim and Noel Burch., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 648 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"My life, my death" French script, p 1-60. Translated by Kate Manheim and Noel Burch., undated
Box: 18, Folder: 649 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"My life, my death" French script p. 1-10. Translated by martine Feldman., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 650 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"My life, my death" photocopy of annotated French script,unknown translator., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 651 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Names" script dated 28 April 1994. Clear plastic binder., 1994
Box: 19, Folder: 652 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Newer" scro[t dated 4 September 1994. Clear, plastic binder., 1994
Box: 19, Folder: 653 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"No Atmosphere Paris Cafe"script, header: "Supreme beings", undated
Box: 19, Folder: 654 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"No Atmosphere Catastrophe Paris Cafe" script, header : "More 2", undated
Box: 19, Folder: 655 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"No Atmosphere Catastrophy Paris Cafe" fragments., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 656 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Nothing I" script. Clear plastic binder., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 657 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Nothing II" annotated script with inserts. Clear plastic binder., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 658 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Now that Communism is Dead" annotated script. Header: "Music stuff 2", undated
Box: 19, Folder: 659 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Box: 19, Folder: 660 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Occult City of Paris". Two different kinds of typed pages interfiled. Grouped and labeled by Richard Foreman., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 661 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"OP/RA: an isomorphic representation of the gradual dismembering from wihtin of Western art in which a new unity that of consciounness itself emerges." Text by Richard Foreman, Music by Stanley Silverman. Annotated typescript., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 662 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
" Out of the body travel" annotated script., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 663 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Out of the body travel" annotated script., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 664 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Pain(t)" script., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 665 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Pain(t)" script, undated
Box: 19, Folder: 666 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Pancake People (Gods are pounding my head)", 2004
Box: 19, Folder: 667 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Pandering to the Masses" annotated script with cut-and-paste., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 668 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Pandering to the masses: A Misrepresentation" script and New York Times review., 1975
Box: 19, Folder: 669 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Pandering to the masses" work copy, undated
Box: 19, Folder: 670 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Pandering to the masses" work copy, lighting and sound direction., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 671 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Pandering to the masses" annotated script with lighting directions., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 672 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Pandering to the masses" artservices typescript., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 673 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Pandering to the masses: A misrepresentation", undated
Box: 19, Folder: 674 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Panic" annotated script, undated
Box: 19, Folder: 675 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Paradise" script., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 676 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Particle Theory" script., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 678 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Pearls for Pigs" annotated script., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 679 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Pearls for Pigs" script dated 4 April 1997., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 680 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Pearls for Pigs" annotated script., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 681 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Pearls for Pigs" French script. Translated by Anne Berelowitch. Published by Theatre de Gennevilliers, Paris., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 682 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Penguin Touquet" version C dated 23 October 1980., 1980
Box: 19, Folder: 683 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Penquin Touquet" script dated 16 January 1981, 1981
Box: 19, Folder: 684 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Penguin Touquet" script dated 16 January 1981., 1981
Box: 19, Folder: 685 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Penguin Touquet (x)2(x)Indian(x)" annotated script., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 686 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Penguin Touquet" script., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 687 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Permanent Brain Damage (uncut original) script. Footer: "cabtalk3", undated
Box: 19, Folder: 688 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Permaneent Brain Damage" script. Cover also indicates "Long". Script footer: "cabtalk3", undated
Box: 19, Folder: 689 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Permanent Brain Damage" script dated 4 November 1996., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 690 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Permanent Brain Damage" annotated script. Cover "PDB R-3", undated
Box: 19, Folder: 691 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Permanent Brain Damage" annotated script., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 692 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Permanent Brain Damage" fragments. Folder labeled "xtra", undated
Box: 19, Folder: 693 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Permanent Brain Damage" annotated sound effects script., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 694 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Planet Earth (Dreams)" annotated script., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 695 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Plus ???" annotated script in clear plastic binding., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 696 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Point A" annotated script in clear plastic binding., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 697 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Point 2" script in clear plastic binding., undated
Box: 19, Folder: 698 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Race Car" annotated script and folders., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 699 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Race Car" annotated script., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 700 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Rays/New Play/ Eddie Goes and Language" part 1 of 2, "Rays", undated
Box: 20, Folder: 701 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Rays/New Play/Eddie Goes and Language" part 2 of 2, undated
Box: 20, Folder: 702 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Real Magic in New York" an opera, text by Richard Foreman, music by Steve Dickman.Original typescript., 1970
Box: 20, Folder: 703 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Real Magic in New York" an Opera. Text., 1970
Box: 20, Folder: 704 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Real Magic in New York" an Opera. Annotated text., 1970
Box: 20, Folder: 705 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Real Magic in New York: An A'Capella Opera" Text by Richard Foreman, Music by Stephan Dickman. Script and score., 1970
Box: 20, Folder: 706 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Real Magic in New York: An A'Capella Opera" Text by Richard Foreman, Music by Stephan Dickman. Script and score for Scene 4., 1970
Box: 20, Folder: 707 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Remarkable Cabin Cruiser: Depth" annotated script., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 708 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Remarkable Cabin Cruiser (Depth)" annotated script., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 709 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Rhoda in Potatoland" annotated script., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 710 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Rhoda in Potatoland" typescript. Folder labeled "76-PL-344", undated
Box: 20, Folder: 711 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Rhoda in Potatoland" photocopy of typescript in folder 711., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 712 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Rhoda in Potatoland" photocopy of script., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 713 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Rhoda in Potatoland" annotated scripts, includes sound effect annotations., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 714 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Rhoda in Potatoland" annotated script, includes sound effects annotations., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 715 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Rhoda in Potatoland" annotated script., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 716 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Rhoda in Potatoland" photocopy of annotated script., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 717 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Rhoda in Potatoland" script and press in folder labeled "Foreman, R. 76-Pl-344", undated
Box: 20, Folder: 718 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Rhoda in Potatoland" French script with annotations., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 719 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Miscellaneous page included amidst "Rhoda in Potatoland" materials., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 720 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Rhoda Returning" copy of annotated script., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 721 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahogonny" annotated text., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 722 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahogonny" piano and vocal score., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 723 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Roly Poly" text., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 724 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Roly Poly in China + Holy Moly + Catastrophy" annotated script with inserts, undated
Box: 20, Folder: 725 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Sadness" script., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 726 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Sadness" photocopied script., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 727 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Sadness" annotated script., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 728 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Sadness" annotated script., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 729 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Sailor Boy" annotated script., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 730 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Salzburg" text. Header: "Berl-slz", undated
Box: 20, Folder: 731 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Samuel's Major Problems" script., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 732 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Samuel's Major Problems" script, undated
Box: 20, Folder: 733 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Samuel's Major Problems" bound script., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 734 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Samuel's Major Problems" bound annotated script., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 735 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Samuel's Major Problems" bound lighting script., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 736 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Samuel's Major Problems"unbound lighting script., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 737 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Seance-Shorts", "Making contact with sources (A seance)" annotated typescript., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 738 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Seance-Shorts", "The End of a Beautiful Friendship" typescript., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 739 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Seance-Shorts" untitled typescript, first line "I prefer to be the world's smartest person"., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 740 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Seance-Shorts" untitled typescript, first line: "Everything about me, all aspects of my life...", undated
Box: 20, Folder: 741 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Seattle:Sweet:New Play" annotated text in clear plastic folder., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 742 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Seattle: Buddah P'ting: Texas" annotated text with inserts., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 743 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Secret Performances" script in clear plastic binder., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 744 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Shunzo Kuku" script, undated
Box: 20, Folder: 745 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Sledgehammer" annotated script., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 746 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Sledgehammer" script in clear plastic binding., undated
Box: 20, Folder: 747 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Slice" annotated script., undated
Box: 21, Folder: 748 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Slight" text, undated
Box: 21, Folder: 749 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Songs" annotated script., undated
Box: 21, Folder: 750 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Songs" script p. 1-33, undated
Box: 21, Folder: 751 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Sophia=(wisdom)" script, undated
Box: 21, Folder: 752 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Sophia=(wisdom) part III: The Cliffs" script, undated
Box: 21, Folder: 753 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Sophia=(wisdom) part III: The Cliffs" annotated script, undated
Box: 21, Folder: 754 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Sophia=(wisdom) part III: The Cliffs" annotated script, includes sound effects and lighting annotations., undated
Box: 21, Folder: 755 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Sophia=(wisdom) part III: The Cliffs" annotated script, includes sound effects and lighting annotations., undated
Box: 21, Folder: 756 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Space" annotated script., undated
Box: 21, Folder: 757 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Space City" annotated script., undated
Box: 21, Folder: 758 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Stage Fright (many lines, repeated by others--stasis with music)" script., undated
Box: 21, Folder: 759 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Stage Fright: Motel" annotated script, undated
Box: 21, Folder: 760 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Storm, Seattle" photocopy of annotated script., undated
Box: 21, Folder: 761 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Strong Medicine" original typescript with annotations., undated
Box: 21, Folder: 762 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Strong Medicine" annotated script with inserts, including budget notations., undated
Box: 21, Folder: 763 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Strong Medicine" script titled "Richard Foreman Film Project, Initial Shooting Script", 1978
Box: 21, Folder: 764 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Strong Medicine" annotated script., undated
Box: 21, Folder: 765 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Strong Medicine" annotated script., undated
Box: 21, Folder: 766 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Strong Medicine" annotated script., undated
Box: 21, Folder: 767 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Strong Medicine" annotated script, undated
Box: 21, Folder: 768 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Strong Medicine", undated
Box: 21, Folder: 769 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Strong Medicine" annotated screenplay. [still has staples], undated
Box: 21, Folder: 770 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Strong Medicine" Kate's annotated script., undated
Box: 21, Folder: 771 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Strong Medicine" annotated script, undated
Box: 21, Folder: 772 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Strong Medicine" photocopy of annotated script., undated
Box: 21, Folder: 773 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Strong Medicine" annotated script, undated
Box: 21, Folder: 774 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Strong Medicine" annotated script, undated
Box: 21, Folder: 775 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Strong Medicine" annotated script. Removed from binder in folder 777., undated
Box: 21, Folder: 776 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Strong Medicine" first French translation, typescript., undated
Box: 21, Folder: 778 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Strong Medicine" French translation, annotated typescript., undated
Box: 21, Folder: 779 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Strong Medicine" script fragments, undated
Box: 21, Folder: 780 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Strong Medicine" script fragment with notecard inserts., undated
Box: 21, Folder: 781 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Strong Medicine" script fragments., undated
Box: 21, Folder: 782 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Suppose" text, undated
Box: 21, Folder: 783 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Suppose" annotated script., undated
Box: 21, Folder: 784 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Suppose 2" script, undated
Box: 21, Folder: 785 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Suppose 2" script., undated
Box: 21, Folder: 786 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Supreme Beings and Special [illegible]" script and inserts. Header throughout the document: "Supreme beings". Clear plastic binding., undated
Box: 21, Folder: 787 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Supreme beings" text and insert., undated
Box: 21, Folder: 788 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Sweet-more writing-count'em" part 1 of 3., undated
Box: 21, Folder: 789 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Sweet-more writing-count'em" part 2 of 3., undated
Box: 21, Folder: 790 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Sweet-more writing-count'em" part 3 of 3., undated
Box: 21, Folder: 791 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Symphony of Rats" annotated script. Part 1 of 2., undated
Box: 22, Folder: 792 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Symphony of Rats" annotated script. Part 2 of 2., undated
Box: 22, Folder: 793 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Symphony of Rats" annotated script., undated
Box: 22, Folder: 794 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Symphony of Rats" annotated script., undated
Box: 22, Folder: 795 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Symphony of Rats" labeled "Susi's Script". Annotated., undated
Box: 22, Folder: 796 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Theory #1" bound script., undated
Box: 22, Folder: 797 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Theory #2" bound annotated script, undated
Box: 22, Folder: 798 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Theory Odds #3" bound annotated script, undated
Box: 22, Folder: 799 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Theory 4 Odds" bound annotated script., undated
Box: 22, Folder: 800 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Three Penny Opera" opening script., 1976
Box: 22, Folder: 801 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Three Penny Opera" annotated script., undated
Box: 22, Folder: 802 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Three Penny Opera" annotated script. [Industrial staple binding], undated
Box: 22, Folder: 803 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Thinking" annotated script, undated
Box: 22, Folder: 805 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Thinking" annotated script, undated
Box: 22, Folder: 806 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Thrones" annotated script pages. Folder also labeled "Sailors"., undated
Box: 22, Folder: 807 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Tomorrow" or "Notes on Tour" annotated text., undated
Box: 22, Folder: 808 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Tomorrow" annotated text., undated
Box: 22, Folder: 809 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Total Rain" annotated script revised 15 August 1989., 1989
Box: 22, Folder: 810 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Total Recall" annotated typescript. Also labeled "Paradise", undated
Box: 22, Folder: 811 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Total Recall" annotated script., undated
Box: 22, Folder: 812 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Total Recall" photocopy of annotated script bound with string., undated
Box: 22, Folder: 813 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Total Recall" annotated script., undated
Box: 22, Folder: 814 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Total-Recall (Sophia PartII)" annotated script., undated
Box: 22, Folder: 815 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Trash" (musical)photocopy of an annotated script., 1970
Box: 22, Folder: 816 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Botho Strauss's "Trilogie du revior" French script, translation by Claude Porcell., undated
Box: 22, Folder: 817 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Two Vacations, a play that turns out to be political in the 2nd half" script with sketches., undated
Box: 22, Folder: 818 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Venus" by Suzan Lori Parks. Annotated script., undated
Box: 22, Folder: 819 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Unconscious Motives of the Motion Picture Industry" treatment and screenplay. Original typescript., undated
Box: 22, Folder: 820 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Unconscious Motives of the Motion Picture Industry" unbound annotated script., undated
Box: 22, Folder: 821 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Unconscious Motives of the Motion Picture Industry" folder indicated "Bad Carlson Copy". Typescript., undated
Box: 22, Folder: 822 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Unconscious Motives of the Motion Picture Industry, A fantasy." Bound treatment and script., 1986
Box: 22, Folder: 823 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Unconscious Motives of the Motion Picture Industry, a fantasy." Bound treatment and script., 1986
Box: 23, Folder: 824 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Unconscious Motives of the Motion Picture Industry" treatments in English and French., undated
Box: 23, Folder: 825 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Universe: Rays" script dated 28 April 1994. [sticky binding], 1994
Box: 23, Folder: 826 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Early Universe" annotated script dated 22 October 1994., 1994
Box: 23, Folder: 827 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Universe" annotated script revised 19 November 1995., 1995
Box: 23, Folder: 828 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Universe" annotated script dated 30 December 1995., 1995
Box: 23, Folder: 829 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Universe" annotated script dated 30 December 1995, 1995
Box: 23, Folder: 830 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"The Universe" annotated script., undated
Box: 23, Folder: 831 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Verticle Mobility" original script, undated
Box: 23, Folder: 832 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Verticle Mobility" script., undated
Box: 23, Folder: 833 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Verticle Mobility" annotated script, undated
Box: 23, Folder: 834 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Verticle Mobility" annotated script., undated
Box: 23, Folder: 835 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Verticle Mobility" photocopy of annotated script, undated
Box: 23, Folder: 836 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Verticle Mobility " Italian translation., undated
Box: 23, Folder: 837 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Wake up! Wake up!" annotated text, footer: "holy moly"., undated
Box: 23, Folder: 838 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Walled Garden (Language)" annotated typescript, undated
Box: 23, Folder: 839 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Walled Garden: (language)" annotated script., undated
Box: 23, Folder: 840 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"What did he see?" opening script dated 20 October 1988., u1988
Box: 23, Folder: 841 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"What did he see?" opening script dated 20 October 1988., 1988
Box: 23, Folder: 842 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"What did he see?" opening script dated 1 December 1988., 1988
Box: 23, Folder: 843 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"What did he see?" opening script dated 1 December 1988., undated
Box: 23, Folder: 844 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Yiddisher Teddy Bears, A Musical" text by Richard Foreman, music by Stanley Silverman. Typescript., undated
Box: 23, Folder: 845 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"You:Adventures:The Universe", 1994
Box: 23, Folder: 846 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Young Goodman Brown, adapted from the story by Hawthorne" annotated script., undated
Box: 23, Folder: 847 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Young Goodman Brown, a new Opera-musical theatre work adapted from hawthorne's short story" libretto and directed by Richard Foreman, composed by Stanely Silverman. Photocopy of annotated script. Includes letter to Stuart Ostrow requesting he look at first draft., undated
Box: 23, Folder: 848 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Young Goodman Brown" script, undated
Box: 23, Folder: 849 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
"Zero" annotated script. Footer: "Plus" [sticky binding], undated
Box: 23, Folder: 850 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Untitled annotated text page 1-30., undated
Box: 23, Folder: 851 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Miscellaneous pages, mostly untitled, many with annotations. Includes pages from "Racecar", "disoriented", "books", undated
Box: 23, Folder: 852 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Annotated working script fragment to unknown production. Assembled in three page units, each numbered uniquely., undated
Box: 23, Folder: 853 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Untitled script with annotations, pages 1-27, undated
Box: 23, Folder: 854 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Untitled script, parts 1-4., undated
Box: 23, Folder: 855 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Typescript fragment., undated
Box: 23, Folder: 586 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)
Script fragment, found between folders., undated
Box: 23, Folder: 857 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)