Series II: Production Files
Subseries A: The Connection
"The Living Theatre" (Notes), 1959
Bound Photocopies of a Flyer and Reviews, 1959-1960
"The Connection: A Play in Two Acts" (Annotated Typescript), 1957
"The Connection: A Play in Two Acts" (Typescript), 1957
General note
This script was transferred from Fales American Box to the Jack Gelber Papers on April 15, 2005
"'O Contato' de Jack Gelber, Traducao de Ana Edler e Jack Brown" (Typescript), 1961
"'Le Pour Voyeur,' Adaptation Francaise d'Alain Brunet" (Typescript), Undated
Journal Entries (Typescript), Undated
Notebook, Undated
"The Camden Jazz Festival," Advertisements and Hampstead Theatre Club Program, 1974
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIA Oversize, Box 48, Folder 1196
"The Connection: A Play in Two Acts" (Annotated Typescript), 1957
"Le Grand Comedy Theatre: Box Office Statements", Undated
Clippings and Jack Gelber's Resume (Photocopy), 1972, 1974, Undated
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIA Oversize, Box 48, Folder 1197
"The Connection: A Play in Two Acts" (Bound Typescripts), 1957
"The Connection" (Annotated Typescript) and Notes, Undated
"The Connection: A Screenplay" (Two Annotated Typescripts) and Notes, 1960
"The Connection, Directed by Shirley Clarke" (Bound Typescript), 1960
"Connecting the Pieces" (Annotated Typescript), Undated
Untitled Draft (Annotated Typescript), Undated
"A Short Note on 'The Connection'" (Typescript), Undated
Small Clippings Album, 1959-1960, Undated
"The Connection" (Typescript), Undated
"The Connection Revival: Revisions" (Annotated Incomplete Typescript), 1980, Undated
"Connection Legal Brief", Undated
General note
Court of Appeals, State of New York: In the Matter of The Connection Company, Petitioner Respondent, For and Order Pursuant to Article 78 of the Civil Practice Act, against The Regents of the University of the State of New York, Respondents-Appellants, Respondent's Brief by Ephraim London and Martin Garbus, New York: Pandick Press, Inc.
Clippings, Advertisements, and Programs, 1959
Clippings, 1960: January
Clippings, 1960: February-April
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIA Oversize, Box 48, Folder 1198
Clippings, Advertisements, and Programs, 1960: May-December
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIA Oversize, Box 48, Folder 1199
Clippings, Advertisements, and Programs, 1961: January-March
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIA Oversize, Box 48, Folder 1200
Clippings and Advertisements, 1961: April-December
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIA Oversize, Box 48, Folder 1201
Clippings and Advertisements, 1962
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIA Oversize, Box 48, Folder 1202
Clippings, Advertisements, and Programs, 1963-1997, Undated
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIA Oversize, Map Case, Drawer 3G, Folder 1203
Clippings, Advertisements, Programs, and Press Releases, Undated
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIA Oversize, Box 48, Folder 1204
The Connection (Annotated Paperback) and Ticket Stubs, 1959-1960, Undated
General note
The Connection by Jack Gelber, New York: Grove Press, Inc., 1957, 1960
The Connection (Annotated Paperback), 1960
General note
The Connection by Jack Gelber, New York: Grove Press, Inc., 1957, 1960
Scrapbooks, 1959-1960
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIA Oversize, Box 49
"The Connection Cast" (Photograph), Undated
Subseries B: The Apple
"The Apple: A Play in Three Acts" (Annotated Typescript) and Notes, 1960 (March)
"The Apple," Grove Press Proofing Copy (Annotated Typescript), 1961
"'The Apple' Copy No. 1" (Annotated Typescript), 1960
General note
The script is marked "The Living Theatre"
"'La Manzana,' por Jack Gelber," Unknown Translator (Typescript), 1967
General note
This folder also holds a business card inscribed "Elizabeth Howell Buckley" and an envelope with the return address marked "JEM"
"Original 'Apple' Manuscript" (Annotated Typescript), Undated
"'The Apple,' Some New York Reviews", 1962
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIB Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1205
Clippings and Book Cover, 1960-1962, Undated
Clippings and Living Theatre Programs, 1961
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIB Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1206
Clippings and Programs, 1962
Clippings and Advertisements, 1964, Undated
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIB Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1207
Subseries C: On Ice
"Untitled Novel Volume 1" (Annotated Typescript), Undated
"Untitled Novel Volume 2" (Annotated Typescript), Undated
On Ice, Pages 1-185 (Annotated Typescript), Undated
On Ice, Pages 186-349 (Annotated Typescript), Undated
Notes, Undated
Portion of Esquire (July 1963), 1963
Clippings and Advertisements, 1964, Undated
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIC Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1208
"On Ice" Screenplay Adaptation (Typescript), Undated
Subseries D: Square in the Eye
Notebook, Undated
Notebook and Loose Notes, 1965, Undated
Contact Sheet, Pages from "Let's Face It" (Annotated Typescript), and Notes, 1964-1965, Undated
"Let's Face It: A Play in Two Acts" (Typescript), 1964
General note
The script is marked "The Establishment Theatre Company"
"Lets Face It: A Play in Two Acts, First Draft" (Two Bound Typescripts), 1964
General note
The script is marked "The Establishment Theatre Company"
"Let's Face It" (Bound Annotated Typescript) and Notes, 1965
Notes and Pages from "Let's Face It, or Cut the Crap Charlie," "Cuba Si," and "Notes Toward a New Yorker Autobiography" (Annotated Typescript), Undated
General note
The folder that contained these items prior to processing is labeled "Original Typescripts of 'Let's Face It' and Abandoned Cuba Play"
"Let's Face It" (Three Annotated Typescripts) and Notes, 1963-1964, Undated
General note
The folder that contained these items prior to processing is labeled "Original Typescripts of 'Let's Face It' and Abandoned Cuba Play"
"Let's Face It: A Play in Two Acts" (Typescript), Undated
"'Let's Face It:' Estimated Weekly Operating Expenses", Undated
Clippings and Theatre De Lys Program, 1965-1967
Subseries E: The Cuban Thing
Festival de Teatro Latinoamericano: Clippings, Journal Entries, Flyers, and Notes, 1964, Undated
"Cuban Visit by Jack Gelber" (Two Typescripts), Undated
"Cuba Si!" Materials, 1963-1965, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder include notes, bibliographies, portions of an untitled script, and a booklet: "Cuban Assets Control: Regulations and Related Documents," The Treasury Department, July 8, 1963
"The Cuban Thing: A Play in Two Acts" (Annotated Typescript), Undated
Untitled Script and "Cuba, Si" (Incomplete Typescripts), Undated
"The Cuban Thing" (Annotated Typescript) and Notes, 1968, Undated
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIE Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1209
"Cuba Si" (Annotated Typescripts) and Notes, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder appear to be multiple incomplete versions of the script, the largest of which is 28 pages in length
"The Cuban Thing, First Draft" (Typescript), 1968
General note
The contents of this folder also include a business card inscribed "London International, Park House" and the script is marked "Property of Ivor David Balding and Associates, The New Theatre"
"The Cuban Thing, First Draft" (Bound Typescript), 1968
General note
The script is marked "Property of Ivor David Balding and Associates, The New Theatre"
"The Cuban Thing, First Draft" (Bound Typescript), 1968
General note
The script is marked "Property of Ivor David Balding and Associates, The New Theatre"
"The Cuban Thing" (Bound Typescript), 1968
Clippings and Notes, 1967-1968, Undated
General note
Some of the notes were written on reverse of an undated memo from "I.D.B." [Ivor David Balding?]
Clippings, 1968
Het Zoldertheatre Scrapbook, 1976
General note
The scrapbook's contents include correspondence from Ron, [Maijolyn] Mink, and Han Mink as well as programs, clippings, advertisements and photographs
Subseries F: Sleep
"Sleep: A Play" (Typescript), 1970
"'Sleep' Second Version" (Typescript), 1971
"Sleep" (Annotated Typescript), Contact Sheet, and Rehearsal Schedule for American Place Theatre, 1972, Undated
General note
The script is marked "The American Place Theatre"
"Sleep" (Typescript), Undated
"Sleep" Materials, 1968-1969, Undated
General note
This folder's contents include a letter from Bernard Beckerman written on the reverse of a typescript titled "Amusing Anecdote Number 1, Life Lessons" and annotated drafts of "Sleep" along with short stories, original sketches, and notes.
"Sleep" (Typescript), 1997
Clippings, Advertisements, Programs, and a Sketch, 1972, Undated
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIF Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1210
La Ma Ma, e.t.c. Clippings and Advertisements, 1997
Subseries G: Barbary Shore
'Norman Mailer's Barbary Shore' Adapted by Jack Gelber (Annotated Typescript), 1973
General note
The script is marked "Property of the New York Shakespeare Festival"
"Norman Mailer's Barbary Shore" (Annotated Typescript)
New York Shakespeare Festival, Annotated Audition Form, 1973
General note
The script is marked "Property of the New York Shakespeare Festival"
Casting Materials, Advertisements, and Annotated Portions of "Norman Mailer's Barbary Shore" (Typescript), 1973, Undated
First Page of "A Hungry Mental Lion" by Seymour Krim (Photocopy), Undated
New York Shakespeare Festival: 'Barbary Shore' Contact Sheet", 1973
Clippings and Advertisements, 1974, Undated
Subseries H: Rehearsal
"Rehearsal" Reviews, 1976
"Jack Gelber's New Play: Rehearsal" (Annotated Photocopy), 1977
General note
The script is marked "The American Place Theatre"
"Jack Gelber's New Play: Rehearsal" (Typescript), 1977
"Jack Gelber's New Play: Rehearsal" (Typescript), 1976
General note
This script's original containing folder is marked "International Creative Management" and the script itself is marked "The American Place Theatre"
"Jack Gelber's New Play: Rehearsal" (Annotated Typescript) and Notes, Undated
"'Eat Shit' Early Versions" and Untitled Manuscript (Annotated Typescripts), Undated
"Jack Gelber's New Play: Rehearsal" (Typescript), 1976
General note
The original containing folder is marked "International Creative Management" and the script is labeled "Presented by Audrey Wood"
"Jack Gelber's New Play" (Bound Typescript), Undated
"Jack Gelber's New Play: Rehearsal" (Bound Typescript), Undated
General note
This script is marked "The American Place Theatre"
"New Play" (Typescript), 1974
"Jack Gelber's New Play: Rehearsal" (Typescript), Undated
General note
The script is marked "The American Place Theatre"
"Jack Gelber's New Play: Rehearsal" (Two Typescripts), Undated
General note
The scripts are marked "The American Place Theatre"
"Eat Shit" (Annotated Typescript), Undated
American Place Theatre Clippings, Advertisements, and Program, 1976
Subseries I: Starters
"Starters" (Bound Typescript), 1984
"Starters" (Bound Typescript), 1982
"Starters, Without O'Neill" (Bound Typescript), 1980
"Starters" (Bound Typescript), 1981
"Starters, Version A" (Typescript), 1980 (January)
General note
The script is marked "Property of the New York Shakespeare Festival"
Clippings, Advertisements, and Production Materials, 1979-1982, Undated
"'Starters' Second Version With Revisions" (Typescript), 1981 (June)
"Starters" (Annotated Typescript) and Notes, 1981 (May), Undated
General note
The notes are written on the reverse side of a message from Brooklyn College (City University of New York)
"Starters" (Bound Typescript), 1984
"Starters" (Bound Annotated Typescript) and Notes, 1984
General note
The notes are written on the reverse of a letter from Washington University in St. Louis
"Starters" (Annotated Typescript), Notes, and Eugene O'Neill Theatre Center: 1981 National Playwrights Conference Programs, 1981-1984, Undated
"Starters" (Typescript), with Inserts, 1984
"Starters" (Typescript), 1984
"Starters" (Annotated Typescript) and Notes, 1984
General note
Some of the Notes in this folder were written on a torn letter from New York University
"Starters" (Annotated Photocopy and Typescript) and Notes, 1982-1983, Undated
"Starters" (Two Bound Typescripts) and Notes, 1982
General note
The first typescript bears annotations
"Starters, Tues 4/6/82 Latest Revision" (Annotated Typescript) and Notes, 1982 (April)
General note
The first page of Notes is written on the reverse of a letter from the Philadelphia Festival Theatre for New Plays, the second was written on an unsigned letter, and the last on the reverse of a "'Starters' Rehearsal Schedule"
"Starters" (Annotated Typescript), 1981-1982
"Starters" (Typescript), Undated
"'Starters,' Third Version with O'Neill Corrections" (Typescript with Inserts)), 1980
"Starters,' Second Version" (Typescript), 1980
"Starters,' First Version" (Bound Typescript), Undated
"Starters" Complete Version (Annotated Typescript), 1979
Sections from Multiple Versions of " Starters" (Annotated Typescript), 1978-1979
Notes, an Untitled Annotated Typescript, "Yellow Bellied Sapsucker, 1st Version" (Annotated Typescript), and Sections from Multiple Versions of "Starters" (Annotated Typescript), 1974?-1979
Philadelphia Festival Theatre for New Plays: Flyers, Program, and a Review, 1982
Subseries J: Big Shot
"Big Shot Contract" (Handwritten Notes), Undated
East Coast Arts at Wildcliff, Program, Undated
"'Talking to the Walls' First Draft" (Annotated Typescript), 1986
"'Talking to the Walls' First Draft, Second Printing" (Annotated), 1986
Production Materials, Notes, and Pages from "Big Shot" (Annotated Typescript), 1988, Undated
"Gibby" Typescripts and Notes, 1986, Undated
"Gibby, Current Casting", 1988, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder include casting materials, notes, a contact sheet, a rehearsal/performance schedule, and set design sketches; Some of the notes were written on the reverse sides of a letter from East Cost Arts and a memo from Brooklyn College (City University of New York); For Oversize See: Series IIJ Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1211
"'Big Shot' Casting", 1988, Undated
"Big Shot" Materials, 1988
General note
The contents of this folder include photocopies from A Yiddish Word Book for English Speaking People and the Yiddish Dictionary Sourcebook along with annotated typescript pages from "Big Shot" (possibly multiple versions thereof), a "Scene Breakdown," and a "Rehearsal Schedule" for East Coast Arts and Writer's Theatre
"Big Shot" (Annotated Typescript), "Cast Contact Sheet," and Notes, 1986, Undated
"Revised 'Big Shot'" (Typescript), 1989
"'Big Shot,' Circle Rep Reading" (Annotated Typescript), 1989 (October)
"Big Shot" (Bound Typescript), 1989
"Big Shot" (Bound Typescript), 1988
"Big Shot" (Bound Annotated Typescript), 1988
"Big Shot" (Bound Typescript), 1986
"Big Shot" (Bound Typescript), 1986
General note
The script is marked "Represented by Peregrine Whittlesey"
"Big Shot" (Bound Annotated Typescript), 1986
East Coast Arts: Clipping, Advertisement, and Program, 1988, Undated
Subseries K: Magic Valley
"Magic Valley" (Two Typescripts), Notes, BAT Theatre Advertisement, and Casting Materials, 1991-1999, Undated
General note
The second typescript is marked "5/1/99 Corrections"
Large Notebook and Loose Notes, 1981, Undated
General note
The notebook's contents include a draft of and notes regarding "Magic Valley" and a variety of other topics. It also holds original drawings and set design sketches for an unidentified play as well as notes regarding "The Connection," contact information for a number of individuals (including several directors, actors, and producers), and concepts for untitled plays.
"Magic Valley" (Typescript), 1999
Clippings and Advertisements, 1989
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIK, Box 50, Folder 1212
Subseries L: Chambers
"'Chambers' Casting", 1997, Undated
General note
This folder's contents include notes, schedules, actor's resumes, and portions of the "Chambers" script (dated October 1997)
"Chambers" Materials, 1995-1997, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder include notes, articles regarding Alger Hiss and Whittaker Chambers, outlines, and an annotated 1995 Typescript version of "Chambers"
Research Material and Notes, 1994-1997, Undated
General note
For Oversize Materials See: Series IIL Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1213
"'Chambers' Revised" (Two Typescripts), 1997 (December)
"Chambers" (Two Typescripts), 1997 (November)
"Chambers" (Annotated Typescript), 1997 (April-November)
"'Chambers' Revised" (Two Typescripts), 1997 (April)
General note
The contents of this folder include an annotated copy of a letter from [Jack Gelber] to "Arthur" dated April 3, 1997
"A Chambers Play" (Annotated and Regular Typescript), 1996 (December)
General note
The contents of folders 1032 and1033 were originally held together in one folder
"A Chambers Play" (Typescript), 1996 (December)
General note
The contents of folders 1032 and1033 were originally held together in one folder
"A Chambers Play" (Annotated Typescript), Notes, and Casting Material, 1995 (December)-1996 (January), Undated
"A Chambers Play" (Annotated Typescript), 1996 (December)
"A Chambers Play" (Typescript), 1996 (February)
General note
The contents of 1036 and 1037 were originally in one folder
"A Chambers Play" (Typescript), 1996 (February)
General note
The contents of 1036 and 1037 were originally in one folder
November 22, 1999 Issue of The Nation, 1999
General note
This item includes the book review "A Son's Own Story [Review of A View From Alger's Window by Anthony Hiss]" by Jack Gelber, The Nation Volume 269 Number 17 (November 22, 1999), New York: The Nation Company, L.P., 1999
Actor's Studio Free Theatre: Advertisement and Program, Undated
General note
The second program is annotated
"Chambers" Screenplay (Annotated Typescript), Undated
Subseries M: Rio Preserved
"Rio Preserved" (Two Typescripts) and Notes, 1984, Undated
General note
The second typescript bears some annotations
"Rio Preserved" (Bound Typescript), 1984 (November)
"Rio Preserved" (Bound Typescript), 1984
"Rio Preserved" (Typescript), "Third World Gods, or Invasion" (Annotated Typescript), and Notes, Undated
"Rio, Various Drafts, Brazil", Undated
General note
The contents of this folder include "Third World Gods" (Annotated Typescript) and an excerpt from The Cruel Dilemmas of Development by Sylvia A. Hewlett, New York: Basic Books, 1980 (Photocopy)
"Rio Preserved" (Typescript), Undated
"Rio Preserved" (Annotated Typescript) and Notes, 1993, Undated
"Rio Preserved" (Typescript), 2000
"Rio Preserved" (Annotated Typescripts), 2001, Undated
Subseries N: Dylan's Line
"Dylan's Line" (Typescript), 2002
"Tough Love" (Annotated Typescript), 2001
"Dylan's Line" (Typescript), 2000
Subseries O: The Last Ten Minutes
Draft Versions Three Through Six of "The Last Ten Minutes" (Typescripts) and Notes, 2002
General note
Drafts Three, Four and Five are annotated. The notes are written on the reverse of an undated letter from Patrick Vaughn.
"The Last Ten Minutes" Draft Version Six, Undated
Subseries P: Plays Directed
"The Kitchen" (by Arnold Wesker) Production Notes and Clippings, 1966, Undated
"Indians" by Arthur Kopit, (Bound Annotated Typescript), 1968
"Indians" Royal Shakespeare Theatre Estimate of Production Costs, 1968
"Indians," Aldwych Theatre Program, Undated
"Indians," Playbill Program, 1968
"Indians" Production Materials, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder include annotated portions of the script, cast and prop lists, clippings, and notes; For Oversize Material See: Series IIP Oversize, Map Case, Drawer 3G, Folder 1214
"Indians" Clippings, 1962-1968
"Plays" by Jack Temchin (Bound Typescript), 1970
"Kool Aid" (by Merle Merlofsky) Advertisement and Annotated Contact Sheet, Undated
"Kool Aid: Grail Green" by Merle Merlofsky, (Bound Annotated Typescript), Undated
"Kool Aid: Three Street Koans" by Merle Merlofsky, (Bound Annotated Typescript), Undated
"The Chickencoop Chinaman," (by Frank Chin) Review, 1972
"The Kid" (by Robert Coover) Clippings, 1972-1973
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIP Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1215
"Hamlet" (by William Shakespeare), Circle in the Square Theater Workshop Advertisement, Undated
"A Streetcar Named Desire" (by Tennessee Williams) Academy Festival Theatre Advertisements and Stagebill Program, 1976
"A Streetcar Named Desire," Production Materials, Undated
"Eulogy for a Small Time Thief" by Miguel Pinero (Typescript), Undated
"Eulogy for a Small Time Thief," Annotated Pages of the Script (Photocopies), Undated
"Eulogy for a Small Time Thief" Ensemble Studio Theatre Program, Undated
"Seduced" by Sam Shepard, Two Photocopies of Annotated Scripts for Act 1 with an Annotated Typescript for Act 2, 1978
General note
This folder holds multiple versions of pages 1-57
"Seduced" by Sam Shepard, Acts One and Two, (Annotated Typescript), 1978
General note
This folder holds pages 1-61; For Oversize Material See: Series IIP Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1216
"Seduced by Seduced" by Jack Gelber, (Annotated Typescript), Undated
"Seduced" (by Sam Shepard) Clippings and Advertisements, 1979, Undated
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIP Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1217
"The Man and the Fly" (by Jose Ruibal) Production Notes and Teatro Rodante Puertorriqueno Flyer (Annotated), Undated
"El Hombre y la Mosca" by Jose Ruibal, (Annotated Photocopy), Undated
General note
The script is marked "Script III," it is a photocopy of El Hombre y la Mosca, by Jose Ruibal, [Madrid: Editorial Fundamentos, 1977]
"The Man and the Fly" by Jose Ruibal, (Annotated Typescript), Undated
"Questions for the Maria Guerrero Theatre" (Annotated Typescript), Undated
"The Man and the Fly" (by Jose Ruibal) Puerto Rican Traveling Theatre Program and Reviews, 1982-1983
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIP Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1218
"The Dolphin Position" (by Percy Granger): Ensemble Studio Theatre Program, Review, and Flyer, 1983
"The House of Ramon Iglesia" (by Jose Rivera) Scrapbook, 1983
General note
The scrapbook includes correspondence from "Ginny" and other members of the production
"The House of Ramon Iglesia" Ensemble Studio Theatre Program, Reviews, and Flyer, 1983, Undated
"Night Music" by Clifford Odets, Script (Annotated Photocopy), and Production Materials, Undated
General note
The script is a photocopy from Night Music: A Comedy in Twelve Scenes, by Clifford Odets, New York: Random House, c1940; For Oversize Material See: Series IIP Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1219
"Carl and the Professor" (by Wendy Hammond), New York University Tisch School of the Arts Program, 1984-1985
"The Old Flag: A Play in Two Acts" by Vincent Canby (Typescript), 1985
"Dream of a Blacklisted Actor" by Conrad Bromberg (Bound Annotated Typescript) and Production Materials, 1986, Undated
"Mink on a Gold Hook," (by James Ryan) Sample Tape Track List (Annotated) and Clipping, 1986
"The Stalwarts" (by OyamO), Ensemble Studio Theatre Program and Flyer, 1990
"Chinese Coffee" (by Ira Lewis), Ensemble Studio Theatre Flyer and Program, 1990
"George Washington Dances" (by David Margulies) Ensemble Studio Theatre, Review, 1992
"If Only I Could Remember My Name" (by Robert Siegel) Ensemble Studio Theatre, Flyer, 1992
"Born Guilty" (by Ari Roth) Review and Program, 1993
"I'm With Ya, Duke" (by Herb Gardner), Ensemble Studio Theatre, Reviews, 1994
Subseries Q: Film Scripts
"The Great Escape," First Typed Version (Annotated Typescript), 1964
General note
The document is marked "For Booker and Foster"
"Original 'Dill Pickle'" (Annotated Typescript) and Notes, [1969?]
"Dill Pickle" (Annotated Typescript), 1969?
"Dill Pickle," Notes and Recipient List, Undated
"On the Take: A Screenplay" (Bound Typescript), Undated
General note
The script is marked "Sagonopack Films"
"On the Take" (Bound Typescript), 1969
"On the Take" (Bound Annotated Typescript), 1969
"Charlie Siringo, Shooting Draft" (Annotated Typescript), [1976]
"Charlie Siringo" (Typescript), with Revised Pages, 1976
"Charlie Siringo," Journal Entry for January 9, 1977, 1977
"I'll Take Manhattan, or Two Bridges" (Annotated Typescript), 1981
"Take Manhattan: Manhattan Take" (Typescript), 1984
"Take Manhattan: Manhattan Take" (Bound Typescript), 1984
"Take Manhattan: Manhattan Take" (Bound Typescript) and Notes, 1984, Undated
"Take Manhattan: Manhattan Take" (Bound Annotated Typescript), 1984
"Double Trouble" Precis (Typescript), 1984
"Out for the Count" (Annotated Typescripts), Notes, and a Clipping, 1984-1985, Undated
General note
Some of the notes in this folder were written on the reverse of a letter signed Cesar Chavez
"Mother of the Bride, Working Copy" (Annotated Typescript), Notes, and a Flyer, 1989, Undated
General note
Many of the notes held in this folder were written on the reverse of copies of two letters from Jack and Carol Gelber, one addressed to Jeremy Zimmer and the other to Jane Sindell
"Russian Hill" (Annotated Typescript) and Notes, 1990-1993, Undated
"Coming Attractions" (Typescripts) and Notes, Undated
General note
Most of the screenplays included in this folder are annotated
"Hope, Rising Expectations, and the Obsessive Image", Undated
"'Jelly Roll' Notes", 1938-1966, Undated
"Jelly Roll" (Bound Typescript), Undated
General note
This version consists of 116 pages
"Jelly Roll" (Bound Typescript), Undated
General note
This version consists of 130 pages
"Midnight Cowboy, Second Gelber Draft" (Bound Annotated Typescript), Undated
"Midnight Cowboy, First Version" (Bound Annotated Typescript), Undated
"Rio Hacha" Precis (Two Typescripts), Undated
General note
The second item is annotated
"Two Birds With One Stone" Precis (Typescript), Undated
Untitled Screenplay (Typescript), Undated
Subseries R: Other Manuscripts
"Beginner's Luck" (Typescript), Undated
"The Birthday Party" (Typescript), Undated
General note
See Also: "Early College Stuff" (Series IIR, Box 42, Folder 1133)
"Button, Button" (Two Typescripts), Undated
General note
The second item is annotated
"By the Way, My Name is Roger Soames" (Typescript and Two Pages from a Handwritten Version), Undated
General note
The handwritten pages were written on the reverse of a letter from Gelber to Show Magazine
"Diary of a Scoundrel, Original" Pages 1-114 (Annotated Typescript) and Notes, 1977
"Diary of a Scoundrel, Original" Pages 115-208 (Annotated Typescript), 1977
"Diary of a Scoundrel" Notes and Pages 1-45 (Annotated Typescript), 1979, Undated
"Early College Stuff:" Poems, Short Stories, and Notes (Typescripts, Annotated Typescripts, and Manuscripts), Undated
"Edinburgh" (Two Annotated Typescripts) and Notes, Undated
"Foolish Wives," (Three Typescripts and One Manuscript Version), Undated
"Getting It, or On the Make in Sunny Spain" (Two Typescripts), Undated
"Hanging On" (Two Typescripts), Undated
"The King of Shades, Corrected Copy" (Typescript), Undated
"Leslie in New York, or an Essay on Scuffling" (Typescript), Undated
"Maison Blanc, or The Big Whitey" (Annotated Typescript), Undated
"The Marilyn Project" (Annotated Typescripts) and Notes, 1973-1974, Undated
"Mystery" (Two Annotated Typescripts), Undated
"Neal vs. Jimmy the Fag" (Two Typescripts) and a Copy of the Evergreen Review (December 1964), 1964, Undated
"Nile's Gig" (Typescript), Undated
"The Notebooks of Jimmy Singer" Pages 1-133 (Annotated Typescript) and Notes, Undated
"The Notebooks of Jimmy Singer" Pages 134-254 (Annotated Typescript), Undated
"The Notebooks of Jimmy Singer" Pages 255-405 (Annotated Typescript), Undated
"The Obsessive Image" (Typescript), Undated
"On the Home Front" (Three Typescripts), Undated
General note
The first item is annotated
"Orange Peels" (Annotated Typescript), Undated
"Order of Priority" (Two Typescripts), Undated
"Part I" (Two Typescripts), Undated
General note
The first item is annotated
"Picking the Chicken" (Clipping), 1963
General note
Clipped from Nugget Volume 8, Number 5 (November 1963), New York: Fly Eagle Publications, Inc, 1963
"Playwright as Shaman: Sam Shepard" (Annotated Typescript), Undated
"Playwright's Dilemma" (Typescript), 1979
General note
This folder also includes a "Participants" list for The East-West Center's "Global Situation: The Writer in the Twentieth Century, December 10-20, 1979"
"The Purple Rider" (Annotated Typescript), Undated
"Satisfaction" (Two Typescripts), Undated
"A Shot At Immortality" (Typescript), Undated
"A Shot At Immortality" (Typescript) and a Sketch, Undated
"The Sunflower" (Two Typescripts), Undated
General note
The first item is annotated
"Le Surnaturel Social" (Two Photocopies), 1967
General note
The document is a photocopy of a section from Les USA A La Recherche de Leur Identite, Pierre Dommergues, ed., [Paris:] Grasset, 1967
"The Ultimate Paranoia" (Typescript), Undated
"Untitled First Drafts" (Typescripts), Undated
Untitled and Fragments, Undated
General note
This folder holds handwritten and typescript short stories, poems, and a play
Subseries S: Biographical Material
"Ideas", 1980-1985, Undated
General note
The items in this folder appear to describe a number of Jack Gelber's writings, including "Chambers," "Rio Preserved," "Magic Valley," and "Diary of A Scoundrel." The materials consist of news clippings, annotated typescripts, notes, short stories, and a precis entitled "Hot Potato."
Biographical Clippings, 1959
General note
For Oversize Materials See: Series IIS Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1220
Biographical and News Clippings, 1960
Biographical and News Clippings, 1961-1971
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIS Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1221
Biographical and News Clippings, Programs, and a Map of New York City, 1972-1978
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIS Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1222
News Clippings, 1979-1982
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIS, Box 50, Folder 1223
Biographical and News Clippings, a Photograph, and Notes, Undated
General note
This folder includes an untitled photograph of Gelber posing with six unidentified men, and a page of notes that may pertain to "The Connection;" For Oversize Material See: Series IIS, Box 50, Folder 1224
Small Notebook, 1978, Undated
General note
This item contains original sketches, notes (possibly regarding "The Cuban Thing"), and a handwritten draft of a letter of recommendation for "[Cronshi B.]."
Journal Entries, 1961, 1987, Undated
"Biography of Jack Gelber" by Unknown Author (Annotated Typescript), Undated
General note
The document is annotated with the following information: "Pls. return: Walter Alford, John Springer Assoc."
Experimental Theatre: Notes and a Drawing, Undated
"Introduction" by Richard Gilman (Photocopy), Undated
General note
The document is marked "In Press Richard Seaver Books, Viking Press as Introduction to The Apple and Square in the Eye"