Jack Gelber Papers
Call Number
Language of Materials
The Jack Gelber Papers reflect their creator's career as a writer, director and teacher of American theatre. Much of the collection is composed of Gelber's correspondence and writing, particularly his plays. The collection also holds a smaller amount of records dedicated to a number of the theatre productions and workshops he directed which included performances of his own works. However there are few documents concerning his career as an instructor. As a whole the collection contains substantial quantities of correspondence, typescript drafts, handwritten notes, printed advertisements, and clippings along with a few journal entries, audiotapes, awards, and videocassettes.
Biographical Note
Jack Gelber, a writer, director, and teacher of drama, was born April 12, 1932 in Chicago, Illinois to Harold and Molly Gelber. Harold Gelber was a sheetmetal worker, a trade the younger Gelber would briefly adopt to finance his education at the University of Illinois. While at the university, he developed an interest in fiction and began to write short stories. After graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Journalism in 1953, Gelber travelled to San Francisco where he found work as a shipfitter's helper. He met Carol Westenberg, whose own writing career produced a number of children's books, and the two married December 23, 1957. In 1955 Gelber moved to New York City and became a mimeograph operator for the United Nations.
Jack Gelber began writing his first play, "The Connection," in late 1957. Two years later, acting upon a friend's advice, he offered the script to Judith Malina and Julian Beck of the Living Theatre. Malina directed the production, while Gelber participated in casting, the direction of rehearsals, and the sale of tickets. When performances began on July 15, 1959 the play quickly attracted controversy. Several theatre critics, particularly those writing for the daily newspapers, objected to the play's graphic depiction of heroin addiction and its unorthodox performance methods. However, the play also attracted supporters such as Kenneth Tynan, Allen Ginsberg, Norman Mailer, Henry Hewes, Harold Clurman, and Jerry Tallmer, who lauded what they perceived as its innovative style, authentic language, and realism.
"The Connection" became the Living Theatre's first great success, and some hold that it established both Gelber and the Living Theatre as significant players in American theatre. It won the Village Voice's Obie Awards for Best New Play, Best Production, and Best Actor (Warren Finnerty in the role of Leach) of the 1959-1960 season. Gelber also received the Vernon Rice Award (now known as the Drama Desk Award). In 1961 the Living Theatre took its production to Europe where it earned the Grand Prix at the Théâtre des Nations Festival in Paris. Ultimately the Living Theatre performed "The Connection" a total of seven hundred twenty-two times in the first years of the 1960s. "The Connection" has since been translated into five languages and performed in ten countries as well as throughout the United States. A film version of the play produced by Lewis Allen and directed by Shirley Clarke in 1961 also proved to be controversial.
Though Gelber's subsequent plays did not have the same level of success as "The Connection" he enjoyed a long and active career writing, directing, and teaching drama. His second play, "The Apple," opened at the Living Theatre in 1961. It was the last of Gelber's works produced by that company; not long after the production closed the Living Theatre moved overseas. In 1963 the Guggenheim Foundation awarded Gelber a fellowship (which it renewed three years later) to support his writing, and in 1964 he published his novel On Ice. The following year the City College of New York offered Gelber the position of writer-in-residence. His third play, "Square in the Eye" (also known as "Let's Face It") was produced by the Establishment Theatre Company at the Theatre De Lys shortly thereafter.
In 1967 Columbia University appointed Gelber as a part time adjunct professor of drama. In 1968 he completed the script for, and directed a production of, his fourth play "The Cuban Thing." This work, which drew upon Gelber's travels in Cuba as a journalist during the 1950s, along with more recent visits in 1964 and 1967, depicted a middle class family's experience of the 1959 revolution. The production, which took place at Henry Miller's Theatre, attracted controversy over what was perceived to be a favorable portrayal of Fidel Castro. This interpretation sparked large and sometimes violent protests against the production and the play ended its run after only one night.
In 1972 the Rockefeller Foundation awarded Gelber a fellowship, which funded a residency at the American Place Theatre where his next play, "Sleep," was performed. That same year Gelber become a full time Professor of Drama at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York. He remained at Brooklyn College for roughly thirty years, balancing his teaching career alongside directing professional and student productions and teaching theatre workshops, and received the Obie Award for Distinguished Direction in 1973 when he oversaw the American Place Theatre's production of "The Kid" by Robert Coover. Gelber's writing was supported by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts and a CBS Fellowship from Yale University. During 1973 "Barbary Shore," Gelber's adaptation of a novel written in 1951 by Norman Mailer, was produced by the New York Shakespeare Festival. His next production, entitled "Farmyard" and staged by the Yale Repertory Theatre in 1975, was an adaptation of Franz Xaver Kroetz' 1971 play "Stallerhof". Gelber then returned to creating original plays, directing a production of his drama "Jack Gelber's New Play: Rehearsal" at the American Place Theatre and "Starters" at the Eugene O'Neill Theatre Center. Eight years would pass before his tenth play, "Big Shot," was produced at Wildcliff Theatre by the East Coast Arts company. In the 1990s three more of Gelber's plays were produced: "Magic Valley" in 1990, and "Rio Preserved" and "Chambers" in 1998. In 1999 he received the Edward Albee Last Frontier Playwright Award in recognition of his lifetime of achievements in theatre. Gelber's last play to be produced was "Dylan's Line." Gelber completed the script in 2000 and performed a portion of it at the Last Frontier Theatre Conference in Valdez, Alaska that same year. It premiered at the McCarter Theatre in Princeton, New Jersey during 2003, not long after Gelber's death on May 9, 2003 in New York City due to Waldentrom's macroglobulinemia, a cancer of the blood.
In addition to his plays Gelber was the author of several short stories and screenplays. Among the latter were adaptations of his own dramas along with several original scripts, such as the 1976 television program "Charlie Siringo". On two occasions he appeared on the screen as an actor, portraying himself in the 1968 Cuban film "Memories of Underdevelopment" and making a cameo appearance in Woody Allen's "Another Woman". Several of his short stories were published in periodicals such as The Evergreen Review and Playboy. He also wrote non-fiction articles which appeared in the New York Times, The Nation, and The Drama Review, among others.
Archer, Eugene. "Court Upsets State's Obscenity Ban on 'Connection.'" The New York Times, July 3, 1962
Brooks, Robert E. "Jack Gelber, American Writer (1932-2003)." In Twentieth-Century American Dramatists. Ed. Christopher J. Wheatley. Dictionary of Literary Biography Vol. 228. Detroit: Gale Group, 2000, 2007
"Gelber, Jack." Contemporary Dramatists 1993. Ed. Kate Berney. London: St. James Press, 1993. Jack Gelber Papers, MSS 146, Box 4, Folder 237, Fales Library and Special Collections, Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
Gussow, Mel. "Jack Gelber, 71, 'Connection' Playwright." The New York Times, May 10, 2003.
Iachetta, Michael. "Perils of a Playwright." Sunday News, March 11, 1962. Jack Gelber Papers, MSS 146, Box 44, Folder 1168, Fales Library and Special Collections, Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
"Jack Gelber." In International Dictionary of Theatre, Volume 2: Playwrights. St James Press, 1993. Reproduced in Biography Resource Center. Farmington Hills, Michigan: Gale, 2009 (http://galenet.galegroup.com/servlet/BioRC) (March 10, 2009)
"Jack Gelber, 1932-2003." In Contemporary Authors Online. Gale, 2004. Reproduced in Biography Resource Center. Farmington Hills, Michigan: Gale, 2009 (http://galenet.galegroup.com/servlet/BioRC) (March 10, 2009)
Jack Gelber's Resume, 1974. Jack Gelber Papers, MSS 146, Box 15, Folder 880, Fales Library and Special Collections, Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
Little, Stuart. Off Broadway: The Prophetic Theatre. New York: Coward, McCann and Geoghegan, 1972
"Living Theatre, The." In Encyclopedia Britannica, 2009. Encyclopedia Britannica Online (http://search.eb.com/eb/article-9048595) (March 6, 2009)
Martin, Carol. "Jack Gelber, 1932-2003." TDR: The Drama Review, Volume 47, Number 4, (Winter 2003), pp. 13-16
Richie, Donald. "Letter from Cannes." The Nation, Volume 192 Issue 24 (June 17, 1961), 526-527
Smith, Michael. "The Living Theatre at Cooper Union: A Symposium with William Coco, Jack Gelber, Karen Malpede, Richard Schechner, and Michael Smith." TDR: The Drama Review, Volume 31, Number 3, (Autumn, 1987), pp.103-119
Wilcox, Agnes. "Jack Gelber." In Twentieth Century American Dramatists. Ed John MacNicholas. Dictionary of Literary Biography Volume 7. Detroit: Gale Research, 1981. Reproduced in Literature Resource Center. Gale, 2009. New York University. (March 10, 2009)
"The Connection" (produced New York, 1959; London, 1961). Published by Grove Press, New York, 1960; Faber, London, 1961
"The Apple" (produced New York,1961). Published by Grove Press, New York, 1961
"Square in the Eye" (produced New York, 1965). Published by Grove Press, New York, 1966
"The Cuban Thing" (also director: produced New York,1968). Published by Grove Press, New York, 1969
"Sleep" (produced New York and Edinburgh, 1972). Published by Hill and Wang, New York,1972
"Barbary Shore," adapted from the novel by Norman Mailer (also director: produced New York, 1973). Unpublished
"Farmyard," adaptation of the play "Stallerhof" by Franz X. Kroetz (also director: produced New Have, Connecticut ,1975). Published in Farmyard and Four Other Plays, by Kroetz, New York, Urizen, 1976
"Rehearsal," (also director: produced New York, 1976). Unpublished
"Starters" (produced New Haven Connecticut, 1980). Unpublished
"Big Shot" (also director: produced New Rochelle, New York, 1988). Unpublished
"Magic Valley" (produced New York, 1990). Unpublished
"Chambers" (produced New York, 1998). Unpublished
"Rio Preserved" (produced 1998). Unpublished
"Dylan's Line" (produced Princeton, New Jersey, 2003). Unpublished
"The Connection," 1962
On Ice. New York: Macmillan,1964; London: Deutsch, 1965
Plays Directed Include
"The Kitchen" by Arnold Wesker, 1966
"Indians" by Arthur Kopit, 1968
"Pinky" by Jack Temchin, 1970
"Remember the Alamo" by Barry Livwak, 1970
"Kool Aid" by Merle Molofsky, 1971
"The Chickencoop Chinaman" by Frank Chin, 1972
"The Kid" by Robert Coover, 1972
"Eulogy for a Small Time Thief" by Miguel Pinero, 1977
"Seduced" by Sam Shepard, 1979
"The Man and the Fly" by Jose Ruibal, 1982
"The House of Ramon Iglesia" by Jose Rivera, 1983
"The Dolphin Position" by Percy Granger, 1983
"Mink on a Gold Hook" by James Ryan, 1986
"The Independence of Eddy Rose" by William Yellow Robe, Jr., 1989
"The Stalwarts" by OyamO, 1990
"Chinese Coffee" by Ira Lewis, 1990
"George Washington Dances" by David Margulies, 1992
"If Only I Could Remember My Name" by Robert Siegel, 1992
"Born Guilty" by Ari Roth, 1993
"I'm With Ya, Duke" by Herb Gardner, 1994
"Another Woman," directed by Woody Allen, 1988
Series I. Subseries A - Alphabetical by Sender is arranged alphabetically by correspondent and then chronologically within each file, with undated material placed at the end. During the arrangement of this subseries individuals were weighted more heavily than corporate entities; thus, the correspondence of individuals like Robert Brustein and Joe Cacai who wrote to Gelber on behalf of several institutions over the years will be grouped under their personal names rather than divided among the files devoted to those corporations. "See Also" references are provided to connect the institutions' files to the personal ones in such instances. Subseries B - First Name Only and Unsigned is arranged alphabetically with the anonymous messages placed at the end of the subseries. Subseries C - Biographical Clippings and Tickets Stubs is arranged in chronological order with undated items at the end.
Series II. The first fifteen subseries (A through O) represent Gelber's plays in order of production. Within each subseries folders tend to be grouped according to format and then in a rough chronological order. The contents of Subseries P - Plays Directed are arranged chronologically by production. Subseries Q - Screenplays is arranged chronologically by script, with undated scripts and materials related to them placed at the end. Subseries R - Other Manuscripts is arranged alphabetically by title. Subseries S - Biographical Materials is generally grouped by format and then arranged chronologically.
Series III is arranged in chronological order.
Series IV: Video and Series V: Audio are arranged alphabetically.
Missing Title
- Series I: Correspondence
- Series II: Production Files
- Series III: Calendars and Datebooks
- Series IV: Video
- Series V: Audio
- Oversize
Scope and Content Note
The Jack Gelber Papers reflect their creator's career as a writer, director, and, to a lesser extent, a teacher of drama. The collection spans the years 1938 to 2002, but the bulk of the material is from 1957 to 1999. The majority of the collection is made up of correspondence and typescript drafts of his plays, short stories, articles, and screenplays, along with handwritten notes regarding them. Another substantial component of the collection is clippings, which usually contain reviews, printed advertisements such as posters, postcards, printed ads clipped from newspapers, and flyers regarding productions of plays he wrote or directed. All of the material prior to 1957 is news articles gathered or received by Gelber. The collection is organized into five series.
There is very little material documenting Gelber's career as an instructor; however, most of the teaching-related documents are in Series I and include contracts, correspondence with his colleagues and employers, and a small number of clippings and regarding conferences and academic programs. The rarest and most dispersed form of material in the collection is Gelber's "journal entries." These documents appear to be pages of a diary, and appear sporadically throughout Series II. The diary pages in Subseries S: Biographical Material appear to be more autobiographical than those housed elsewhere. While most of the material in the collection is text documents, there are some photographs, the majority of which are in the scrapbooks in Series II.
Series I: Correspondence. The majority of the correspondence series relates to Gelber's professional activities, including the publication of his writings and production of his plays, but also includes some personal letters. There are numerous letters from legal agents he employed over the years, such as Seymour Litvinoff, Peregrine Whittlesley, and Ronald Konecky, regarding his scripts. The series also contains contracts and letters of agreement sent by theaters, producers, and production companies, and performance rights to his plays (which are often present only as unsigned copies or drafts). Other enclosures include clipped reviews of plays written or directed by Gelber, as well as materials Gelber received, such as posters, pamphlets, and programs regarding conferences; an exception is the Festival de Teatro Latinoamericano organized by Casa de las Americas which can be found in Series IIE, the subseries devoted to Gelber's "The Cuban Thing." The Correspondence series contains a considerable, though far from complete, number of letters sent by Gelber, which include among their enclosures a pair of typescript copies of a short story and a proposal for a television program. A few letters also appear in Series II in instances where they were used to record notes or form part of a scrapbook. When the collection was processed roughly half the correspondence was arranged chronologically, and several newspaper clippings, ticket stubs, and receipts were found interspersed with, but not connected to, items of correspondence. These may have originally been enclosed with letters but were later separated, and are now in Subseries C.
Series II: Production Files is the largest in the collection and contains material regarding Gelber's writing and directing. The bulk of this series (Subseries A through O) concerns Gelber's plays and his published novel, On Ice. The series is largely composed of typescript drafts and notes, as well as reviews of his productions clipped from newspapers and periodicals. For some of Gelber's later projects, such as the plays "Barbary Shore" and "Big Shot," there are also records created as part of the process of staging the play. These include casting materials, such as actor's resumes, notes regarding auditions, and annotated copies of pages from the script, as well as other production materials like sketches of the set, contact sheets, rehearsal schedules, documents describing the contents of absent audiotapes, and notes regarding the set. While there are drafts of short stories and articles and screenplay adaptations in this series, most of such items are found in Subseries R: Other Manuscripts. These documents often appear only as typescript drafts or copies of their published form, but some have multiple versions and notes associated with them. Materials regarding the plays Gelber directed are collected in Subseries P, though they are less strongly represented. Often these files consist only of a typescript copy of the play's script or clipped reviews of its performance. Subseries Q: Film Scripts consists of Gelber's screenplays and related documents. Subseries R holds typescript and manuscript versions of several short stories, though some appear in the form of clippings from the periodical in which they were published. This subseries also includes two scripts, one untitled and the other called "The Marilyn Project." Subseries S:Biographical Clippings includes clippings, a notebook, "journal entries," notes, typescript drafts of biographical articles about Gelber, and a folder entitled "Ideas."
Series III:Calendars and Datebooks. The bulk of the materials concern the 1980s and 1990s. All bear notations for events and appointments connected to Gelber's personal and professional activities, such as auditions, rehearsals, and deadlines.
Series IV: Video contains two three-quarter inch Umatic tapes labeled as recordings of Charlie Siringo, a television program scripted by Gelber. Access copies of these tapes are not currently available.
Series V: Audio holds two reels of audiotape. Access copies are not currently available.
Access Restrictions
Materials are open to researchers. Please contact the Fales Library and Special Collections, fales.library@nyu.edu, 212-998-2596.
Use Restrictions
Any rights (including copyright and related rights to publicity and privacy) held by Jack Gelber, were transferred to New York University in January 17, 2013. Permission to publish or reproduce materials in this collection must be secured from the Fales Library and Special Collections. Please contact fales.library@nyu.edu, 212-998-2596.
Preferred Citation
Published citations should take the following form:
Identification of item, date (if known); The Jack Gelber Papers; MSS 146; box number; folder number; Fales Library and Special Collections, New York University Libraries.
Location of Materials
The collection was donated to Fales Library by Carol Gelber in October of 2003.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Access copies for some materials are available by appointment for reading room viewing and listening only. Please contact fales.library@nyu.edu, 212-998-2596.
Separated Material
Selected printed materials have been removed and individually catalogued in Fales Special Collections. Records for these items can be retrieved through Bobcat.
Colombo, Furio. Nuovo Teatro Americano. Milano: Bompiani, 1963
Gelber, Jack. La Connection. Translated by Fernanda Pivano. Milano: Ubulibri, 1983
Gelber, Jack. Il Contatto; La Mela. Translated by Furio Colombo. Milano: Feltrinelli, 1963
Gelber, Jack. De Schakel. Translated by Gerard Pijfers. Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij, 1961
Gelber, Jack. Sleep. New York: Hill and Wang, 1972
Gelber, Jack. Spojenie. Translated by Juraj Vojtek. [Bratislava]: Taltran, 1967
Modern Era Plays, Volume 1. [Tanundo Publishers], 1967
Sonderdruk Aus Das Amerikanische Drama. Dusseldorf: August Bagel Verlag, [1974]
About this Guide
Processing Information
In February 2019, some materials from Unprocessed Accretion 2012.146 - Awards, 1972-1973 were rehoused in a new 20 x 24 box and were refoldered.
Series I: Correspondence
Subseries A
Aaron, Steve, 1968
Abzug, Hon. Bella S., 1974
Accent, Undated
Actor's Academy West, 1968
Actors Anonymous, 1985
Actor's Theatre, 1962
The Actor's Workshop of the San Francisco Drama Guild, 1960
The African Arts Fund, Inc., 1985-1993, Undated
Albee, Edward, 1959-[1982]
Albert, Carolyn, 1982, Undated
Alberts, Frank
Alberts, Jane, 1961
Allen, L., Undated
Allen, Lewis M., 1960-1983
General note
The contents of this folder include unsigned copies of an agreement regarding the film version of "The Connection" sent by Sidamon-Eristoff, Morrison, Warren, and Ecker on behalf of Mystic Fire Productions, Inc.
Almeida, Maria de Lourdes Biga de, 1971
The Almeida Theatre Company, 1998
American Academy in Rome, 1963
The American Conservatory Theatre, 1977
American Jewish Theatre, 1992
General note
The contents of this folder include an unsigned agreement offering Gelber the position of Director in a production of "Born Guilty" by Ari Roth
American National Theatre, 1985
The American Place Theatre, 1969-1983
General note
The contents of this folder include an unsigned agreement offering Gelber the position of Director in a production of "Remember the Alamo" by Barry Litvack; See Also: Konecky, Ronald S. (Series IA, Box 6, Folder 344), Melinda (Series IB, Box 14, Folder 823)
American Premiere Stage, 1980-1981
General note
See Also: Cacaci, Joe (Series IA, Box 2, Folder 102)
The American Theatre Company in Aspen, 1982-1984
General note
This folder includes a signed copy of a contract offering Gelber the position of "Playwriting Teacher"
Amherst College, 1976
Anderson, Robert, 1977
Andrucki, Marty, 1983
Applause Theatre Book Publishers, Undated
Arena Stage, 1970-1982
Ari, Mark, 1986-1994, Undated
Arkin, Alan, Undated
The Author's Guild, Inc., 1969
Arlecchino Teaterforlag Bertil Boden, 1971-1977
General note
See Also: Teaterforlaget SCALA (Series IA, Box 11, Folder 657)
Artisjus Agence Litteraire, Theatrale, et de Musique, 1982
Arts of the Theatre Foundation, Inc., [1957]-1958
Ashley, Leonard R. N., 1978
Atelier Zero, 1968
Atlantic Center for the Arts, 1994-1997
General note
The contents of this folder include a signed "Master Artist in Residence" agreement
Atomic Energy Information Service, Undated
Austin, Lyn, 1966-1968, Undated
General note
See Also: General Artists Corporation (Series IA, Box 4, Folder 248)
Austin, Paul, 1985
B., Julie, Undated
B., Peter
Pamela, Undated
Balding, Ivor David, 1965-1993, Undated
General note
See Also: "Clippings and Notes" (Series IE, Box 22, Folder 945)
Baldner, Thomas, 1962
Bank, Rosemarie K., Dr., 1985
[Barnes, Averill], 1984
Baron, Sandy, 1965
Barr, Richard, 1961-1970
Bartle, Barry, 1972
BAT Theatre Company, 1999
Baumbach, Georgia
Baumbach, Jonathan, 1979, Undated
Bay Area Theatre Critics Circle, Undated
Baz, Beatriz E., 1972-1975
BC Research, 1980
Beckerman, Bernard, 1965-1970, Undated
General note
See Also: "Sleep" Materials (Series IIF, Box 23, Folder 952)
Belber, Stephen, 1994
Belgrave, Cynthia, 1977
Bennett, Elsie M., 1993
Bentley, Eric, 1972-1979, Undated
Bentley, Jo, 1997
Berlin, Adam, 1999
Berkeley Jewish Theatre, 1988
[Bernal], Al
[Bernal], Joyce, 1972-1990, Undated
Bernheim, Alain
Bernheim, Michael, 1968
Bernheim, Kurt, 1974
Bibliographisches Istitut, 1986
Big Apple Circus, Undated
Bindlestiff Studio, 1995
[Bingos, Robert], 1977
Bird, Tom, 1984
Bishop's University, 1976
Bitter Sweet Productions, 1988
Blaber, Ralph, 1962
General note
The contents of this folder include a clipping of "Review: 'Live' Drama is at the Circle Art," Ralph Blaber, The Times-Review (Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada), November 8, 1962
Blumenthal and Lynne, Counselors at Law, 1990-1992, Undated
Board of Cooperative Educational Services, Nassau County, 1970
Booker, Bob
Foster, George, 1965
Boston University Libraries, 1964
Bowen, Gary, Undated
Brandt, Carl, 1968
Branigan, Alan, 1965
Bravo, Ricardo, 1983
Brechner, Roger, 1982, Undated
Brennan, Mary E., 1994
Brennan, Scott W., 1994
Brevoort, Gregg W., 1987
Brodsky, Michael, 1983
Bromberg, Conrad, 1986
Bromka, Elaine, 1987
Brook, Natasha, 1961
Brook, Peter, 1961-1981
General note
The contents of this folder include the following clippings: "The Cannes Film Festival," The Observer, May 14, 1961, "Dateline: Your World: The Connection," Joseph Barry, New York Post, July 11, 1961; "The Connection," Dwight Macdonald, Esquire, September 1961; "Expect N.Y. Nix for Unexpurgated 'Connection'-Distributor Will Appeal, Variety, September 6, 1961; "The Connection (L'intermedario)," Festival, July 28 [1961]; "'The Connection' is Powerful Fix," Lawrence Thaw, Jr., London American, July 15, 1961; "At The Pictures: The Connection," Richard Mallet, Punch, November 22, 1961; "One Trick Too Many," Bamber Gascoigne, The Spectator, March 3, 1961; "Coming of Cowboy," H.A.L. Craig, New Statesman, March 3, 1961
Brooks, Jeremy, 1967-1969, Undated
Brooks, John B., 1959
Brown, Jack, 1961
Brown, Kenneth H., 1990
Brunet, Alain, Undated
Brustein, Robert, 1959-1993
Bryden, Bill, 1970-1977
Buckley, Hon. James L.,
Javits, Hon. Jacob K., 1974
Buettner-Janusch, John, 1980
Burroughs, William, 1960
The Bush Foundation, 1984-1985
[Butler], William, 1965
Cacaci, Joe, 1977-1988
Caleb, Rufus, 1981-1982
California State University Los Angeles, 1991
Campolo, Robert, 1991
Canadian Broadcasting Corp., 1968
Canby, Vincent, 1984-1994
Carnegie Mellon University, 1970
Carson, [Shayne], 1968
Casa de las Americas, 1964-1970, Undated
General note
See Also: [Desnoes], Maria Rosa (Series IA, Box 3, Folder 172); Festival de Teatro Latinoamericano (Series IIE, Box 21, Folder 934)
Cavalier Magazine, 1965
Center for Cuban Studies, 1974, Undated
Center Theatre Group, Mark Taper Forum, 1968-1988
El Centro Cubano del Instituto del Teatro, 1964
El Centro de Artes Creativas de Cuernavaca, A.C., Undated
Chartoff-Winkler Productions, Ltd., 1970, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder include an unsigned contract regarding a screenplay entitled "Cry of Whiteness"
Chase, Geoffrey, 1979
Chelsea Theatre Center of Brooklyn, 1971-1975
Cherches, Peter N., Undated
Chessler, Charles, 1988
Childs, Prentiss, 1999
Chin, Frank, 1974
Christensen, Claude, 1989
Christiansen, Rick C., 1983
Circle Art Theatre, [1962]
Circle in the Square Theatre, 1990-1992
Circle Repertory Theatre, 1985
City Lights Theatre Company, 1987
The City of New York Department of Sanitation, 1992
City University of New York, 1964-1999, Undated
General note
See Also: Dorsky, Morris (Series IA, Box 3, Folder 184), Jon (Series IB, Box 13, Folder 807), Peter (Series IB, Box 14, Folder 840), "Starters" (Annotated Typescript) and Notes" (Series II,I Box 27, Folder 983), "'Gibby' Current Casting" (Series IIJ, Box 31, Folder 1008)
Clark, Barbara, Undated
General note
This folder also holds a note from Retta Blaney
Clay, Mel, 1991, Undated
Cleland, Charles F., 1971
Clinton, President William Jefferson, 1999
Coe, John, 1968
Cohen, Alexander
Cohen, Hildy, Undated
Colby College, 1962-1963
Columbia University, 1965-1990, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder include a copy of a signed "Final Grade Sheet" for Gelber's Playwriting Introductory Course I; See Also: Beckerman, Bernard (Series IA, Box 1, Folder 54), Manning, Kara (Series IA, Box 7, Folder 411), "Sleep" Materials (Series IIF, Box 23, Folder 952)
The Column Theatre and Studio, [1993]
Commentary, 1960
Company of Angels, 1977
Condee, William F., 1985-1993
Connolly, John P., 1983
Conroy, Frank, 1973
El Consejo Nacional de Cultura, Republica de Cuba, 1964
A Contemporary Theatre, Inc., 1977
Conti, Valerie M., 1990-1997
Conway, Kevin, 1997
Cooperativa Nuova Scena, 1982-1984, Undated
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IA Oversize, Map Case, Drawer 3G, Folder 1191
Coover, Robert, 1972-1979, Undated
Cope, Jackson I., 1974
Corrales, Elizabeth, 1963
Coryell, Julie, 1981
Crawford, Lynda, 1997-1999
Creative Management Associates, 1969-1970
Crews, John, 1984-1986
Cricket Theatre, Undated
Crilly, Sister Mary, 1980
General note
See Also: Lew (Series IB, Box 13, Folder 815)
Criterion Books, Inc., 1959
Crommie, Richard, 1961
Cue Magazine, 1975
Dartmouth College, 1962
Daubney, Peter, 1960
[David, Lane], Undated
Davis, Melissa, 1986
Delainey, Victor, 1965
Delgado, Mario, 1968-1977
General note
See Also: Grove Press (Series IA, Box 5, Folder 263)
De Meo, Lon, 1981
Denver Center Theatre Company, 1981-1982
General note
The item is annotated with the name "Larry Eilenberg"
Denver Model City Resident Cultural Center, 1971
Desani, G.V., 1969
[Desnoes], Edmundo
[Desnoes], Maria Rosa (nee Almendros), 1964-1977, Undated
Destro, Ron, 1986-1993
Dexter and the Rollerrocker Showstoppers USA, Undated
Dial, Bill, 1971
Dietz, Susan, 1981-1988
Dilia Theatrical and Literary Agency, 1972
Disc Management Services Group, 1987
Doctor Connie Ricono Rappresentante di Autori Drammatici, 1982-1983
Doctor Jan Van Lowen, Ltd., 1974-1981
Doe-Eye Productions, Ltd., 1981
General note
See Also: Gelber, Jack (Series IA, Box 4, Folder 244)
Dominique, P., 1966
Donohue, James R., 1977-1978
Dorsky, Morris, 1985
Doyle, Julie, 1994
The Drama Review (MIT Press), 1986
General note
This folder also holds a signed "Transfer of Copyright" agreement for "Julian Beck, Businessman" by Jack Gelber
The Dramatist's Guild, Inc., 1965-1992
General note
See Also: Gerald (Series 1B, Box 13, Folder 794)
Drozdovsky, Alexei Anatolievich, 1989
Dubbe, P.D., 1976-1977
Dundy, Elaine, 1995, Undated
Dunham, Mike, 1999
East Coast Arts at Wildcliff, 1987-1989
General note
The contents of this folder include unsigned copies of a contract regarding "Big Shot;" See Also: Cacaci, Joe (Series IA, Box 2, Folder 102), "Gibby Current Casting" (Series IIK Box 30, Folder 1008); For Oversize Material See: Series IA Oversize, Box 48, Folder 1192
Eastlake, William, 1969-1975
The East-West Culture Learning Institute, 1979
General note
See Also: "The Playwright's Dilemma" (Typescript) (Series IIR, Box 44, Folder 1155)
The Ecco Press, 1990
Edelson, Eve, 1983
Edinburgh International Festival, 1963
Edition Wilhelm Hansen/Chester Music NY, Inc., 1985
Edmiston, Susan, Undated
Educational Broadcasting Corporation, 1977
Ehrmann, Hans, 1968
[Elmslie, Kenward], [1970]
[Ely, Herndon], 1997
Emerson College, 1977
General note
See Also: Cacaci, Joe ( Series IA, Box 2, Folder 102)
Emery Collegiate Institute, 1979
EMI Films, Inc., 1979
The English Stage Company, Ltd., 1977-1998
Ensemble Productions Pty. Ltd., 1978
Ensemble Studio Theatre, 1977-1994
General note
The contents of this folder include agreements offering Gelber the position of Director in productions of the following plays: "The House of Ramon Iglesia" by Jose Rivera (signed), "The Dolphin Position" by Percy Granger (signed), "Mink on a Gold Hook" by James Ryan (signed), "Dream of a Blacklisted Actor" by Conrad Bromberg (unsigned), "Magic Valley" by Jack Gelber (signed), "The Hearth" by Alexander R. Scott (unsigned), "George Washington Dances" by David Margulies (unsigned), and "I'm With Ya Duke" by Herb Gardner (signed); See Also: International Creative Management (Series IA, Box 5, Folder 306)
Erdreich, Marjorie
Hauptman, William, 1981
Erie Community College, 1972
Esquire, 1960-1962
Esterman, Laura, Undated
Eugene O'Neill Memorial Theatre Center, 1976-1982
General note
The contents of this folder include a signed contract regarding "Starters;" See Also: George (Series IB, Box 13, Folder 793)
Evans, Ray M., 1983
Experimental Theatre Club of San Antonio, 1962
General note
The contents of this folder include a signed contract regarding "The Connection"
Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, Inc. Book Publishers, 1968
Fay, Gloden M., 1961
Feiffer, Judy
Feiffer, Jules, 1965
Feldman, Peter, 1971
Finn, James, Undated
Fischer, Jules, 1968
Fisher, Jules, 1972-1980
Fitzgerald, Frances, Undated
Fitzgibbons, Mark, 1990
General note
The contents of this folder include the following clippings: "Savoring Surreal Success," by Joseph C. Koenenn, New York Newsday, June 1, 1990; "A Modernized Hamlet Amid One-Act Plays," by Mel Gussow, The New York Times, June 1, 1990
Forbes, Barbara, 1982
The Ford Foundation, 1971
Franks, Andrew J., Undated
Fratti, Mario, 1982
General note
The contents of this folder include a clipping of "Modern Italian Theatre," by Unknown Author, Unknown Publication, Undated
Freedman, Dr. Roselyn L., 1984
Friedman, Bob H., 1977
Friedman, Bruce J., 1968
Fried-Miller, Gina, 1990
Frolich, Pea
Heilmeyer, Jens, 1970-1971
Furze, Sue, 1978-1983
G., Sam, 1978
Gale Research International Ltd., 1996
General note
The contents of this folder include photocopies of "Jack Gelber," from Contemporary Dramatists 1993, Kate Berney, ed., (London: St. James Press, 1993) and "Jack Gelber" by Vincent F. Petronella from unknown book.
Garen, Leo, 1966
Garis, Mab, 1968
Garry, Josph J., Jr., 1969-1972
General note
The contents of this folder include the following clippings: "Theatre and Life-The Connection" by Michael Birtwistle, Cleveland After Dark, November 19,1969; "CSU's Unusual Theatre Accents Shock Drama," by Peter Bellamy, The Plain Dealer, November 18, 1969; "CSU to Debut Play, Theatre," by Peter Bellamy, The Plain Dealer, n.d.; "Prof Signs to Direct Aristophanes Play on Broadway" by Peter Bellamy, The Plain Dealer, April 25,1972.
Gassner, John, 1963, Undated
Gavronsky, Serge, Undated
Gelber, Carol, 1964
Gelber, Jack, 1957-1999, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder include an unsigned agreement addressed to the Establishment Theatre Company regarding an unnamed play along with the following enclosures: a typescript entitled "Jack Gelber K.O.'s a Chinese Commie, Maybe" by Jack Gelber, revision notes for an untitled article regarding Cuba, a series of letters exchanged between Gelber and Herbert Leonard Enterprises Inc., and "'The Faith Healer' by William Vaughn Moody: A Precis for Television" by Jack Gelber; See Also: United States Department of the Treasury (Series IA, Box 11, Folder 687), "'Chambers' Revised" (Two Typescripts) (Series IIL, Box 33, Folder 1031); "Mother of the Bride, Working Copy" (Annotated Typescript) Notes, and a Flyer (Series IIQ, Box 41, Folder 1114); "By the Way, My Name is Roger Soames" (Typescript and Two Pages from a Manuscript Version) (Series IIR, Box 42, Folder 1129); Small Notebook (Series IIS, Box 44, 1170)
Gelber, [Martin] G., 1982
Gelber, Molly, 1976
Gelfman, Samuel W., 1965-1988
General note
This folder also includes a letter from [Walter Ken] of the New York Herald Tribune
General Artists Corporation, 1967
General note
The contents of this folder include photocopies of signed and unsigned contracts with Arthur Kopit, Lyn Austin, and the International Famous Agency, Inc. regarding "Indians" by Arthur Kopit; See Also Gelfman, Samuel W. (Series IA, Box 4, Folder 248)
[Gilbert, Lon], 1976
Gillin, Don, [1961]
General note
The contents of this folder include the following clipping: "La Droga e lo Squallore in un Film d'Avanguardia," Luigi Gilliberto, Il Gazzettino, August 25, 1961
Gilman, Richard, 1973
Goddard College, 1976
General note
The contents of this folder include an unsigned "Visiting Artist" contract
Gold Coast of Louisiana Ltd., 1989
Goldcrest Mission, Limited, 1985
Goldstein, Dave, 1968
The Goodman Theatre, 1980
General note
See Also: Whittlesley, Peregrine (Series IA, Box 12, Folder 725)
Gorman, Joseph, 1972
Gray, Edward, Captain, 1968
General note
This correspondent was also known as "Buffalo Bill II;" See Also: "Indians" Clippings (Series IIP, Box 36, Folder 1061) for the following clippings: "England's Buffalo Bill Visits Grave of Buffalo Bill Cody," Rocky Mountain News, Oct. 11, 1962 and "Buffalo Bill Walks Again," by William Longgood, New York World Telegram and Sun, Oct. 5, 1962
[Gray], Sam, 1986
Grodin, Charles, 1985
Grogan, Sheila, 1997
Grosbard, Ulu, 1965-1968
Grove Press, 1961-1990
General note
See Also: Seaver, Richard (Series IA, Box 10, Folder 584); This folder also includes messages sent to Grove Press regarding Gelber's work from various producers, theatres, and writers including World Literature Publishing House, United Campus Christian Fellowship's Theatre of Involvement, Centre d'Etudes Theatrales, University of Winnipeg Student Theatre Association, The Back Alley Theatre, and Sidney Homan.
Gruber, Sol, 1961
The Guthrie Theatre, 1984-1990
General note
See Also: Gelber, Jack (Series IA, Box 4, Series 244)
Gutman, Judith Mara, Undated
H., Tim, 1995
General note
The contents of this folder include a clipping, "Dmitri Volkogonov, 67, Historian Who Debunked Heroes, Dies," Alessandra Stanley, New York Times, December 7, 1995.
The Hamlet, Undated
General note
See Also: Litvinoff, Seymour (Series IA, Box 6, Folder 378)
Hampstead Theatre Club, 1974
General note
See Also: Rudman, Michael (Series IA, Box 9, Folder 557); Burke (Series 1B, Box 13 Folder 771)
Hansell, Susan, 1996-1997, Undated
Harder, Jim, 1968
Hardy, Gordon
Hardy, Lillian, Undated
Harrison, Tony, 1982-1985
Hartford Stage Company, 1977
Hastings, Paul, 1984
[Haufreilit]; Marcia, Undated
Hefter, David, Undated
Helena Strassova Representant d'Auteurs et d'Editeurs Francais et Etrangers, 1969
Heller, Joe, Undated
Hellman, Jerome, 1967-1968
Helsingin Yliopisto, 1997
Henderson, Don, Undated
[Hents, Nat], Undated
[Hiee], Holly, 1972
Hill and Wang, 1972-1975
Hildebrand, Karen, 1999
[Hiss], Isabel, Undated
Hitchcock, George, 1959
Hoffenberg, Mason, 1960
Hoffman, Dustin, 1971
Holbrook, Gerald C., [1971]
Holbrook, Hal, 1965
Holland America Line, 1968
Hollander, Jack K., 1977
Howard, Maureen, Undated
Hughes, Tresa, 1968
Hurst, Lillian, 1968-1976
Hoover, Richard, 1986
House, Rain, 1986
Hull House Association, 1963, Undated
Hyperion Books, 1975
Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy, 1998
Institute of International Education, 1968
INTAR: Hispanic American Arts Center, 1988
International Association for the Defense of Artists, 1981
General note
The contents of this folder include a photocopy of "Letter to the Editor: A Czech Playwright Who Should Be Freed," Jack Gelber et al, New York Times, July 10, 1981
International Creative Management, 1968-1979
General note
The contents of this folder include a signed agreement offering Gelber the position of Director for a production of "Eulogy for a Small Time Thief" by Miguel Pinero
International Drama Agency, 1985
Intuitions, 1985
Israel, Ann, 1968
Israel, David K., 1972
The Ivar Theatre, 1965
General note
This folder also holds an unsigned contract regarding "The Connection"
Jain, Jasbir, 1983, Undated
Jeffrey Richards Associates, 1993
General note
The contents of this folder include the following clippings: "The Rites of Refusal," Howard Kissel, Daily News, February 5, 1993, "Guilty Charges for All Germans," Clive Barnes, New York Post Weekend, January 29, 1993, "At Large: The Sins of Nazi Fathers," Wilborn Hampton, The New York Times, January 28, 1993, "Born Guilty," Greg Evans, Variety, February 1, 1993, "'Born Guilty' Opens Off Broadway," Mary Campbell, Associated Press, January 24, 1993, "Memory's Truths and Memory's Lies," Miriam Rinn, [The Forward], January 22, 1993,"Confronting Nazi Legacy," Aileen Jacobson, New York Nesdday, January 26, 1993, "Born Guilty," Humanites News, Vol. 10 No. 20, January 26, 1992, "'Born Guilty;' Can Wolves Turn Into Sheep?" Miriam Rinn, The Guide, January 29, 1993, "Punch In International Syndicate Release," Laurie Lawson, n.d., "Play Takes Relentless Look at German Family's Guilt," The Jewish Week, Inc., January 29-February 4, 1993, "Born Guilty," Newsday, January 24, 1993, "German's and Jews: Memory and Conscience," The Guide, January 15, 1993, "A Baker's Audition," David Lefkowitz, Stages, January-February 1993, and "New York, New York: A Baker's Audition," Michael Sander, Drama-Logue, January 14-20, 1993
Jenkins, Len, 1981
Jerry, Susan
Mann, Malisa, 1968
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, 1993
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1963-1990
Johnson, Nick, 1993
John Springer Associates, Inc., 1965
General note
The contents of this folder include the following clippings: "Theatre: 'Square In the Eye," Women's Wear Daily, May 20, 1965, "Jack Gelber's Upside Down World," Maurice R. Berube, United Teacher Vol. 6 No. 16, June 14, 1965, "Jack Gelber's New Play," Labor Chronicle, May 1965, "Square in the Eye is Dull, Draggy Dramatics," James Davis, Daily News, May 20 1965, "Jack Gelber Looks at Urban Life," Richard Watts Jr., New York Post, May 20, 1965, "'Square in the Eye' Rates Absolute Zero," Wiiliam A. Raidy, [Newhouse Papers], May 20, 1965, "Theatre: Square in the Eye," The Village Voice, May 27, 1965, "The Theatre," Leota Diesel, The Villager, June 3, 1965, Untitled, N.Y. Staats-Zeitung und Herold, June 1, 1965, "Intellectual Twister," Time, May 28, 1965, "Whirligig," Newsweek, May 28, 1965, "Square in the Eye," Cue, May 29, 1965, "1st Add Night Lead Review New York," Limited Press International, May 19, 1965, Untitled, Mary Campbell, Associated Press, May 19, 1965, "Review: Square in the Eye," Maxine Keith, WNYC, May 19, 1965, Untitled, Lou Kleinman, WRVR-FM, May 21, 1965, Untitled, John Wongate, WOR-TV, May 19, 1965, "The Theatre," Norman Nadel, New York World Telegram and Sun, Undated, "Theatre: Play by Gelber," Howard Taubman, The New York Times, May 20, 1965, "Hip-Slang Play Isn't Ver Hip," Jack Thompson, Journal-American, May 20, 1965, "Kerr: 'Square in the Eye,'" New York Herald Tribune, May 20, 1965, and "Gelber Comedy Opens in the Theatre de Lys," George Oppenheimer, Newsday, May 20, 1965; See Also: "Biography of Jack Gelber" by Unknown Author (Annotated Typescript) (Series IIS, Box 45, Folder 1174)
John Stark Productions, Ltd., 1968-1975, Undated
Joseph M. Gottfried and Company, Certified Public Accountants, 1966
Jowdy, Jefferson, 1993
Joy, John, 1974
Julia, Merel, 1996
K., Marty, Undated
Kahn, Judd, Undated
Kain, Frank, 1997
Kalom, Ron, 1981
Kanterman, Leroy, 1959
Kaplan, Jeanne, 1968
Karmel, Alex
Karmel, Marjie, 1961-1978
Karwowski, Robert J., 1980
Kauffman, J. Patrick, 1978
Keach, Stacy, Undated
Kelley, Gordon P., 1973-1974
Kennedy, Senator Robert F., 1968
Kenneth W. Lampert Insurance, 1968
Kent State University, 1968
General note
See Also: Bank, Rosemarie K., Dr. (Series IA, Box 1, Folder 44)
Kestenbaum, Granvilette Williams, 1982
Kirshenbaum, Binnie, 1987-1997
Kitchen Company, 1966
General note
The contents of this folder include a signed contract offering Gelber the position of Director for a production of "The Kitchen" by Arnold Wesker
Kliman, Jeffrey, 1999
Kolo, Fred H., 1990
Konecky, Isobel Robins
Konecky, Ronald S., 1968-1987, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder include a copy of a signed contract regarding "Sleep" and copies of outgoing letters to various producers and theatre directors such as Avco Embassy Pictures Corporation and Alhark
Koningsberger, Hans, 1972
Kopit, Arthur, 1967-1968, Undated
General note
See Also: General Artists Corporation (Series IA, Box 4, Folder 248)
Kopit, George
Kopit, Maxine, 1968
Korno, Erika, [1968]
Kostelanetz, Richard, 1972-1986
Kra, Andrew, 1990
Kramer, Mary, 1996
Krementz, Jill, 1976
Kussmaul, Dorothy, 1982
Kustow, Michael, 1970-1977
Lacy, Catherine, Undated
LaH Film Corporation, 1985
Lahr, Anthea, 1973
Lahti, Christine, 1990
[Lamb], Phil, 1987-1998
General note
See Also: Robert P. Reiter Attorney at Law (Series IA, Box 9, Folder 545), Tufts University (Series IA, Box 11, Folder 678)
Larangeira, Crispin, 1979-1981
Law Offices of Cohn, Glickstein, Lurie, Ostrin, Lubell, and Lubell, 1984
Law Offices of Kaplan, Livingston, Goodwin, Berkowitz, and Selvin, 1971-1981
Law Offices of Litvinoff and Singer, 1963
General note
See Also: Litvinoff, Seymour (Series IA, Box 6, Folder 378)
Lawrence, Marcia, Undated
League of Resident Theatres, 1990
Lederer, William, 1976-1984, Undated
Lefkowitz, Debra, 1972
Leibman, Ron, Undated
Leigh, Vivien, 1961
Lerman, Leo, 1966
Levine, Howard L., 1989
Levinson, Barry, 1965
Lewis, Bob, 1961
Lifestyles Magazine, 1997
General note
The contents of this folder include a draft of "Jack Gelber" by Jerry Tallmer with annotations by Jack Gelber
Lifton, Mitchell, 1960
Lincoln Center Theatre, 1987-1988
Litag Theaterverlag GmbH, 1984
Litvinoff, Seymour, 1960-1975, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder include the following clippings: "Random Notes on This and That," Richard Watts, Jr., New York Post, February 18, 1964, "'Connection' Hailed at Cannes," unknown author, The New York Times; and copies of outgoing letters to and original letters received from various producers including a signed contract with The Living Theatre Productions, Inc. for "The Connection;" See Also: Actor's Theatre (Series IA, Box 1, Folder 6), Samuel French, Inc. (Series IA, Box10, Folder 570), United States Department of the Treasury (Series IA, Box 11, Folder 687)
The Living Theatre, 1959-1989
Locklin, Gerry, 1970
Lockwood, Lee, 1966-1971, Undated
Loggia, Marjorie, 1984
Long Wharf Theatre, 1975-1987
Los Angeles Actor's Theatre, 1981-1984
General note
See Also: [Bingos, Robert] (Series IA, Box 1, Folder 68)
Los Angeles Theatre Center, 1988
The Lotos Club, 1991
Luse, Geraldine, 1965
Lutz, H.B., 1959
[Lynn,] Jess, 1983
M., Louis, Undated
M., Michael, Undated
MacArthur, Donald, 1983
McCabe, Joe, 1994-1999, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder include the clipping "Putting Her Life on a New Course: A Shepherdstown Writer [Cheryl Royce]…," Elizabeth Bangs, Unknown Publication, Undated
[McCarter], Orville, Undated
McCarter Theatre Center for the Performing Arts, 1991
Macer, Eugenia A., [1969]
MacInnes, Colin, 1961
McIntosh, Ann, 1965
The Macmillan Company, 1962-1992
General note
The contents of this folder include signed copies of a contract regarding On Ice by Jack Gelber
McCord, Hancel, 1983-1985
[McKeaney], Grace, Undated
McNally, Terrence, Undated
Macnaughton Lowe Representation Ltd., 1986-1989
Madison, Ellen, 1965
Magnum Photos Inc., 1988
Mailer, Norman, 1965
Malko, George, 1980, Undated
Mallin, Gail Kriegel, 1983-1984, Undated
Manhattan Theatre Club, 1978-1989
Mann, Emily, Undated
Manning, Kara, 1994-1996, Undated
Manus, Willard, 1973-1999
Marcus, Stevie, 1988
Marguerite M. Andro, Attorney at Law, 1988
Margulies, [David], 1976
Margulies, Donald, 1978-1989
Marks, Betty, 1973
Marquand, John
[Marquand], Sarah, 1961
Marquis Who's Who, 1994-1995
Marshall High School, Classes of January/June 1949, 1994
Martef Theatre, 1970
Matson, Lowell, 1960
Mauroc, Daniel, 1982
May, Judy, Undated
May, Ted S., 1992-1995
[Meichese, Pauli], 1986
Melfi, Leonard, 1971
Melnick, Adam, Undated
Metronome, 1960
Meyer, Richard, Undated
Meyer, Stewart, 1985-1990
General note
The contents of this folder include the clipping Untitled [Review of Meyer's The Lotus Crew], Craig Rosen, LA Times Sunday Book Review, Feb. 3, 1985
Middhlar, C.W. Swetz van, 1996
Millar, Stuart, 1950-1984, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder include a signed contract regarding "Mister Jelly Roll" and a photostatic copy of a clipping, "Stomping Piano Man [Review of Mr. Jelly Roll by Alan Lomax]," by Louis Armstrong, Unknown Publication, 1950
Miller, Jonathan, 1988
Millstein, Bill, 1983
Milwaukee Repertory Theatre Company, 1977
Minkhoff, George Robert, 1983
Mision Permanente de Cuba en las Naciones Unidas, 1964
Mitchell, Adrian, 1970
Molofsky, Merle, 1976
Montana, Vivian, 1976
Monte, Dan, 1981-1982
Moore, Honor, 1968
Moore, Jane, 1982
Morgenstern, Joseph, 1972
Mori, Yasuhisa, Undated
Mosaic Theatre, 1988
Motion Picture Health and Welfare Fund, 1971
Moynihan, Donna S., 1985
Mundari, Ingrid, Undated
Munro, Eleanor, 1980
The Museum of Modern Art, 1979
Nat, Lilah, 1961
National Endowment for the Arts, 1974-1976
Nedson, [Swan], 1997
Nesson, Charles, 1968
The New Attucks Theatre, 1976-1977, Undated
General note
This folder includes the following clippings: "The Tipster," Mary Dissen, Ledger Star, April 26, 1977, "'The Connection:' Good Show, Great Music," Ed Bacon, Ledger Star, April 19, 1977, "Jazz Play Transcends Crowd at Attucks," H.A. Cox, Journal and Guide, April 30, 1977
The New Dramatists Committee Inc., 1959-1985, Undated
New Earth Books, Undated
New Federal Theatre, 1980, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder include a signed and annotated contract regarding "The Connection"
Newgarden, Albert, 1990, Undated
The New Group, 1996
Newman, Paul, 1984
General note
See Also: "Starters" (Typescript) (Series II,I Box 27, Folder 988)
The New School for Social Research, 1969-1997
New Theatre, 1989
The New Theatre of Brooklyn, 1988
Newton, Julia F., 1985
The New Yorker, 1986-1988, Undated
New York Shakespeare Festival, 1979-1991
New York State Council on the Arts, 1970
General note
See Also: Williams, Galen (Series IA, Box 12, Folder 731)
New York State English Council, [1984]
New York University, 1983-1984, Undated
General note
See Also: "Starters" (Annotated Typescript) and Notes (Series II,I, Box 28, Folder 989)
Non-Traditional Casting Project, Inc., 1989
Nordgreen, Olaf, 1960
Northeastern Universty, Undated
Northlight Theatre, 1987, Undated
Ocaso, Jose, 1968
Off-Off Broadway Alliance, 1977
Oiust, Frank, 1976, Undated
Okita, Ron, 1994
O'Rourke, William, 1976
Orzil, Nick, 1971
Ottenheimer, Albert M., 1972
Owens, Rochelle, 1975-1976
Packwood, Harry, 1968
Papet, Sheila, Undated
Paramount Pictures Corporation, 1981
The Paris Review, 1997
Parker, Gilbert, 1959-1986
Parra, Angelo M., Jr., 1997-1999
The Paul Kohner-Michael Levy Agency, 1979
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton, and Garrison, 1965
Pearlstein, Dennis R., Undated
Peerce, Larry, 1965
P.E.N. American Center, 1978-1984
Penn, Arthur, 1996
Pennswood, Clara, 1982
Perluck, Neil, Undated
Philadelphia Festival Theatre for New Plays, 1981-1987
General note
This folder includes an unsigned contract regarding "Starters" by Jack Gelber and a letter from Dugald MacArthur; See Also: "Starters, Tues 4/6/82 Latest Revision" (Annotated Typescript) and Notes (Series II,I, Box 28, Folder 992)
Picus, Howard, 1965
Pierce, Clara, Undated
Pinero, Miguel, 1984
[Pinter], Arnold, 1963
Pinto, Winokur, and Pagano, Certified Public Accountants, 1965
Pittsburgh Public Theatre, 1982
Planson, Claude, 1962
Playboy Magazine, 1963-1966
Playwirght's Horizons, 1983
General note
See Also: Weiner, Edward Randall (Series IA, Box 12, Folder 717)
Playwrights Horizons Theatre School, 1992
General note
The contents of this folder include a signed contract offering Gelber the position of "Instructor;" See Also: Weiner, Edward Randall (Series IA, Box 12, Folder 717)
Playwrights Unlimited, 1981
Pleasance, Donald, 1962-1970
General note
The contents of this folder include an unsigned contract regarding "The Apple"
Pogan, Lenny
Pogan, Lillian, 1965
Pontrelli, Mary, 1968
Pope, Deborah J., [1978]
Poppleton, Pat, 1976
Portland Stage Company, 1987
Port Washington Public Schools, 1971
Potash, June C., 1981
Powell, Anthony, 1965
Powell, J. Dakota, 1990
Primary Stages, 1996
Prince William Sound Community College, 1998-1999
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IA Oversize, Box 48, Folder 1193
Producer-Writer's Guild of America Pension Plan, 1971-1988
Professional Staff Congress/ City University of New York, 1999
The Public Theatre, 1995
Puerto Rican Traveling Theatre Company, Inc., 1982-1983
General note
The contents of this folder include a signed contract offering Gelber the position of Director for a production of "The Man and The Fly" by Jose Ruibal
Punch Productions, Inc., Undated
Pure Orange Productions, 1997
General note
The contents of this folder include a signed agreement regarding "Chambers"
Racolin, Alexander E., 1994
Rafelson, Bob, 1970
Raymond Wagner Productions Inc.
SI Litvinoff Productions Inc., 1967-1968
General note
The contents of this folder include an unsigned contract, and a signed correction to it, offering Gelber the task of writing a screenplay, "Faith," for a film entitled Virtues
Redfield, William, 1961
A Red Orchid Theatre, 1993
General note
The contents of this folder include the following clippings: "New Theatre Premieres in Old Town," Lawrence Bommer, Chicago Tribune, February 19, 1993, "The Connection, A Red Orchid Theatre," Jack Helbig, Reader, February 26, [1993], "Red Orchid's Debut Unique, Depressing," Teresa Budasi, The Northwest Herald, February 26, 1993, "'Connection' Shows Its Age But It's Still Fascinating," Lawrence Bommer, Chicago Tribune, March 5, 1993, "In a Retro Decade the Beat Goes on Again," Leah Eskin, Chicago Tribune, March 12, 1993, "'The Connection' Addiction, Again," Wayne Scott, No Source, Undated; See Also May, Ted S. (Series IA, Box 7, Folder 425)
Reed, Richard Steele, 1968
Reich, Ellen, 1983
Reiter, Seymour, 1997
Rember, John, 1981
[Resnicoff, Desra H.], 1993
Reynaud, Roseline, 1977
Richardson, Anne, 1966
Richardson, Jack, 1968
[Riordon], Guy, 1993
Rivera, Jose, 1983-1986, Undated
Robbins, Jane Marla, 1972
Robert P. Reiter Attorney at Law, 1985
Roberts, Ernesto, 1966
The Rockefeller Foundation, 1971-1997
Roeder, Anla, 1983
[Roiphe], Anne, 1969
Rosemont College, 1991
Rosenau, Anita H., 1983-1985
Rosenstone/Wender, 1984-1986
Roslyn Targ Literary Agency, Inc., 1982
Roth, Ari, 1993
General note
The contents of this folder include a signed agreement regarding "Born Guilty" by Ari Roth
Royal National Theatre, 1993
General note
See Also: Kustow, Michael (Series IA, Box 6, Folder 354); Rudman, Michael (Series IA, Box 9, Folder 557)
Royal Shakespeare Company, 1967-1998
General note
See Also: Brook, Peter (Series IA, Box 2, Folder 89), Brooks, Jeremy (Series IA, Box 2, Folder 90)
Rudman, Michael, 1969-1998
General note
See Also: International Creative Management (Series IA, Box 5, Folder 306)
Ruiz, Elizabeth, 1998
Rutgers University, Undated
Ryan, Hon. William F., 1965
S., Murray, 1993
Sa'Adah, Rafael, 1996
Sacks, Michael, 1973
Sagaponack Films, 1988
Saint Clement's, 1975
Saint John's University, 1979
Saks, Gene, Undated
Salisbury, Leah, 1959-1960
Sam, Philip, 1976
Samuel French, Inc., 1963
General note
See Also: Fratti, Mario (Series IA, Box 4, Folder 229), Konecky, Ronald S. (Series IA, Box 6, Folder 344)
Sanctuary Theatre Workshop, Undated
San Francisco Art Institute, 1971
San Jose Repertory Theatre, 1992
Sater, Steven E., 1979
The Saturday Evening Post, 1964
Saturday Review Press, 1972
Scates, Suzanne, 1985
Schenectady Community College, 1972
Schlesinger, John, 1966-1967
Schreibman, Barry, 1970
Scott-Fox, Judy, 1966-1973
Screen Actors Guild, Inc., 1987
General note
The contents of this folder include a signed "Daily Contract (Day Player) for Theatrical Motion Pictures" and a portion of the script for Woody Allen's film Another Woman
Seattle Repertory Theatre, 1982-1983
Seaver, Jeannette
Seaver, Richard, 1961-1977
The Second Stage, 1984
Semones, Karon, 1993-1997
General note
This folder also holds letters from Gurney Norman and Jonathan Greene (Gnomon Press)
Serra, Chime, 1999
Seybold, John, Undated
Seymour Goldes Certified Public Accountant, 1961-1963
Seyrio, Coralie, 1981
S. Fischer Verlag, Theaterabteilung, 1969-1974
[Shai], Martin, 1986
Sheffer, Ethel
Sheffer, Isaiah, 1966
Shepard, Sam, 1978
General note
See Also: "Seduced" by Sam Shepard, Two Photocopies of Annotated Scripts for Act 1 with an Annotated Typescript for Act 2 (Series IIP, Box 37, Folder 1074)
Sheppard, Morgan, 1968
Sherman, Ellen Stacey, Undated
Sherman, Jules, Undated
Shirey, Linda D., 1985
Show: The Magazine of the Arts, 1963
General note
See Also: "By the Way, My Name is Roger Soames" (Typescript and Two Pages from a Handwritten Version) (Series IIR, Box 42, Folder 1129)
Shull, Dick, Undated
Shulman, Jacobson, and Company Certified Public Accountants, 1992
Siegel, Robert, Undated
General note
See Also: Ari, Mark (Series 1A Box 1 Folder 28)
Sievers, Devera, Undated
Silver, Tracey, 1997
Simon and Garfunkel, 1970
Simon, Roger Hendricks, 1972-1983
Simon-Ross, Celia, 1985
Simon, S.W., 1963
[Slaff], Jerry, 1978
Smalley, Webster, 1972
Smith College, 1983
Smith, Toni, 1985
Snow, Joe
Snow, Miriam, 1997
Sociedade Brasileira de Autores Teatrais, 1970-1984
Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores, 1972
Societe des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques, 1968-1997
Society of Stage Directors and Choreographers, Inc., 1973-1990
Soloman R. Guggenheim Museum, 1986
SOPE Hellas, Copyright Protection Society, 1983-1999
Sottsass, Fernanda Pivano, 1982-1984
Southwest Theatre Conference, 1972
Spar, Lilah
Spar, Nat, 1965
Spear, Nat, 1968
Spicer, James, Undated
Spielburg, David, 1968
Spielburg, Peter, 1990, Undated
General note
See Also: The Rockefeller Foundation (Series IA, Box 9, Folder 547)
Spiro, Peter, 1997
Stables Theatre Club, 1962
General note
The contents of this folder include an unsigned contract regarding "The Apple"
Stadsteatern Stockholm, 1971
Starer, Robert, 1980
State of New York, 1994
State University College (Geneseo, NY), 1964
State University of New York at Albany, 1973
State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1976
Stebner, Gerhard, 1976-1977
Stein, Howard, 1974-1989
Steinman, Robert, Undated
Stern, Daniel, 1970
Steve Yeager Films, 1999
Stichting tot Exploitatie en Bescherming van Auteursrechten (SEBA), 1970-1974
Stoudt, Paul, 1966
Streisand Center for Jewish Cultural Arts at the University of California-Los Angeles, [1987]
Student Experimental Theatre, Arizona State University, 1974
Studio 10,001, Inc., 1963
Studies in American Drama, 1945-Present, 1987-1997
Studio Arena Theatre, 1977
Stunda, Susie, 1983
Sun Valley Center for the Arts, 1975-1977
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IA Oversize, Box 48, Folder 1194
Syracuse Stage, 1977
Syron, Bryan, 1966
Tabac Rhein, 1971
[Tabin, Liatt], 1987
Tammany, Susan, Undated
Tantleff, Jack, 1996
Taylor, Karen Malpede, 1971-1973
Taylor, Thomas J., 1983
Teaterforlaget SCALA, 1994-1995
General note
See Also: Arlecchino Teaterforlag Bertil Boden (Series IA, Box 1, Folder 31)
Temporary Assistance for Women, Undated
Tenenbaum, Tuvia, 1988-1994
Terry, Megan, 1983
Theatre Arts Division, 1968
Theatre by the Sea, 1977
Theatre Communications Group, Inc., 1984-1986
Theatre de la Jeune Lune, [1990]
Theatre Gerard Phillipe, Undated
Thibeau, Jack, 1984, Undated
Thorn, Eric P., 1968
[Tiai, Tauria], Undated
Titus Productions, Inc., 1981
Tombach, Irving, 1963
Topenoff, Rufe, Undated
Toronto Free Theatre, 1977
Torres, Maria Elena, 1980-1988
Towbin, Marion Fredi, 1973
Traverse Theatre Club, Undated
General note
See Also: Rudman, Michael (Series IA, Box 9, Folder 557)
Trinity Square Repertory Company, 1977
Triplett, William, 1993
Tufts University, 1994
Twain, Norman, 1976
Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, 1971
General note
See Also: Wigan, Gareth (Series IA, Box 12, Folder 726)
Tynan, Kathleen, 1980-1988
Tynan, Kenneth, 1962-1969
Tzavta Center for Progressive Culture, 1971
Ubulibri, 1982-1984
General note
The contents of this folder include a signed contract regarding "The Connection"
United States Department of the Army, 1970
United States Department of State, 1964
United States Department of the Treasury, 1964-1967
Universal Movement Theatre Repertory, Undated
University of Charleston, 1982-1983
University of Hawaii, 1974
University of Mississippi, 1984-1985
General note
See Also: Crews, John (Series IA, Box 3, Folder 156)
University of Wyoming, 1969-1973
Ure, Mary, Undated
[Uria], Fernando, Undated
Urizen Books, Inc., 1976-1977
Utopian Communities in America Film Project, 1978
V., Ellen, 1983
Varip Brazilian Airlines, 1973
Viking Press, Inc., 1974
The Village Vanguard, 1990
The Village Voice, 1973, Undated
Villa Julie College, 1999
Vinaver, Steve
Winchell, Walter, 1966
Vincent, Glyn, 1988
W., Arnaldo, Undated
Walden, Steu, 1973-1974
Wallach, Ira, 1959
Walsh, Jim, 1969-1979, Undated
Wang, Pu-Ching, Undated
Wangh, Steve, 1979-1985
Wanshel, Jeff, 1983-1987
Warland, G.E.J., 1961
Warner, Elizabeth, 1993
Washington University in St. Louis, 1984-1991
General note
See Also: "Starters" (Bound Annotated Typescript) and Notes (Series II,I, Box 27, Folder 985)
WCBS-TV, 1959, Undated
[Weber, Mike], 1959
Weiner, Edward Randall, 1990
Weinrib, Len, 1959
Weinstein, Arnold, 1984
Weinstein, Michael, 1969
Weissman, Wolff, Bergman, Coleman, and Schulman, A Law Partnership, 1982
General note
This folder also holds a letter from the Jayne Development Corporation
Wesker, Arnold, 1965-1971
Whitney Museum of American Art, 1987
Whittier, Lee, Undated
Whittlesey, Peregrine, 1981-1989, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder include copies of outgoing letters to various producers and theatre directors
Wigan, Gareth, 1979
Wiggins, Jim, [1965]
Wilcox, Agnes, 1980-1990, Undated
Williams Center Repertory Theatre, 1992
Williams, Charlie K., 1996
Williams, Galen, 1972-1978
Williams, K., 1998
Wilmurt, Arthur, 1972
Wisconsin Center for Theatre Research, 1964-1970
Wittman, Wolfgang, 1992
Wolk, Andy, 1970-1974
Wollheim, Richard, 1960, Undated
Woodie King Associates, Inc., 1988
The Working Theatre, Undated
Writers and Artists Agency, 1984
Writers Guild of America East, Inc., 1973-1994
General note
This folder also holds a missive from the Trouts Drama Club of University of Technology, Sydney; See Also: Shulman, Jacobson, and Company Certified Public Accountants (Series IA, Box 10, Folder 601)
[Wulp], John, 1972
Wysocki, David, 1985
Yale Repertory Theatre, 1977-1980
Yale/Theatre Magazine, 1975-1977, Undated
Yale University, 1974-1992
General note
See Also: Brustein, Robert (Series IA, Box 2, Folder 95); Gassner, John (Series IA, Box 4, Folder 241)
Yale University Films, 1988
General note
The contents of this folder include letters from Media Design Studio Productions, Inc. and a copy of a signed contract for a screenplay, to be written by Gelber, regarding Adolf Sutro
Yale University Media Design Studio, 1977, Undated
General note
See Also: Yale University Films (Series IA, Box 12, Folder 747)
Yglesias, Don, 1985
Yoken, Melvin B., 1972-1991
Yorck, Ruth, 1961-1965
Zajc, Dave, 1982
Zeeb, John, Undated
Zodiac Associates Productions, 1971
Subseries B: One Name Only
Al, 1992
Alan, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder include a clipping of "Gelber Maintains Tough View of Life," by William Glover, Associated Press, Undated
Alex, 1968-1996
General note
The contents of this folder include a clipping of "Reedition de 'The Connection' film phare de l'ecole de New York'" by Jacques Mandelbaum, Le Monde, December 13, 1996.
Marianne, 1982
Andie, 1991
Anne, Undated
Jon, 1988
Arthur, 1965-1972
General note
The contents of this folder include a clipping of "The Random House-Grove Press Imbroglio," Publisher's Weekly, November 27, 1972
Avi, 1993
Babs, 1983, Undated
Barbara, 1976
Bellwoods, 1968
Bob, Undated
Brad, 1972
Elizabeth, 1961
Brownie, Undated
Burke, Undated
Richard, 1965
Carol, 1982
Frank, 1991
C.E., Undated
General note
The contents of this folder include a clipping of "Very Far Off Broadway but True to the Spirit," Bruce Weber, The New York Times, June 29, 1999
Ceal, 1982
Cecelia, 1996
Cleo, 1968
Dan, 1986-1987, Undated
[Dalvn], Undated
General note
The contents of this folder include a clipping of "Beatnik on the Borderline," Victor Hughes, Cape Times, April 7, 1965
David, 1966
Deborah, 1983-1986
Debra, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder include a clipping of "Born Guilty," [Theatre Work], Undated
Dick, 1988
General note
This folder also holds a copy of Metronome Volume 78, Number 7 (July 1961), (New York: The Metronome Corporation, 1961)
D.P., Undated
Kay, 1972
Emily, Undated
Fred, Undated
Gaby, 1968
Jerry, 1966
Galen, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder include a clipping of "Machiavellian Machinations," Unknown Author, American Theatre Volume 3, Number 11 (February 1987)
Gaynor, 1974
George, Undated
Gerald, 1981
Hal, 1961
Harold, 1968
Ines, 1985
General note
See Also: Wysocki, David (Series IA, Box 12, Folder 743)
[Jacs], Undated
Sam, 1968
Jenny, Undated
Jerry, 1985
Jess, 1983
Jim, Undated
General note
The message is written on a clipping of "Revisiting the Hiss Case," by Hilton Kramer, Unknown Publication, Undated
Julian, Undated
Jo Ann, 1988
Joanne, Undated
Jon, 1974-1978
Joy, 1961
Judy, 1965-1997
Kath, 1976
Ken, 1969-1989
General note
The contents of this folder include a clipping: "'The Apple' Plotless, Imaginative Drama," Margaret Harford, Los Angeles Times, July 31, 1962
Keneas, 1982
Kim, 1965
Roberta, 1968
Lew, Undated
Lore, Undated
Lucille, 1985
M, Undated
Marianne, 1976
Marion, 1961
Mark, Undated
Martin, Undated
Melinda, 1997, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder include a clipping of "'Sleep: an Experiment' by Jack Gelber," unknown author, unknown publication, 1997
Merielle, 1988
Michael, Undated
Mickey, 1960
Mike, 1985
Steve, 1990
General note
The contents of this folder include a clipping of "Select Crowd," by Frank DiGiacomo and Timothy McDarrah, New York Post, August 16, 1990
M.L.R., 1985
Morry, 1966
Nicholas, Undated
Nina, 1989
R.L., 1968
Nora, 1994
Oswaldo, Undated
Patricia, Undated
Paul, Undated
Percy, Undated
[Perry], 1985
Peter, 1961-1980, Undated
Wendy, 1965
Previto, 1984
Rob, 1965
General note
The contents of this folder include a clipping of "Indignacion Popular en Casilda por la Agresion," Aldo Isidron del Valle and Mario Ferrer, Revolucion, February 6, 1965
Robbin, Undated
Roger, Undated
Ron, 1961, Undated
Rose, 1986
Roylan, Undated
Sam, 1978
Sidney, Undated
Stan, 1985
General note
The contents of this folder include a clipping of "Farewell to a Tom Paine," Jerry Tallmer, New York Post, September 21, 1985
Susan, 1998, Undated
Susana, 1982
Susie, 1984
Suzanne, 1991
Sy, Undated
Teddy, 1982
Turk, Undated
Verna, 1976
Wendy, Undated
General note
See Also: Wysocki, David (Series IA, Box 12, Folder 743)
Winston, [1994]
Wolfgang, 1985
[W.W.], Undated
[W.X.], Undated
Unsigned, 1960-1983, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder include a clipping of "'The Connection' Film Dealing With Dope Addiction, Is Coming Wednesday to Crescent Art Theatre," The Courier Journal, Louisville, Kentucky, February 10, 1963 along with page from Who's Who in American Jewry, (New York : Jewish Biographical Bureau, c1927-); See Also: "Starters, Tues 4/6/82 Latest Revision" (Annotated Typescript) and Notes (Series II,I, Box 28, Folder 992)
Subseries C: Biographical Clippings, Ticket Stubs, and Receipts
Biographical Clippings, 1968-1999, Undated
General note
For Oversize Materials See: Series IC Oversize, Box 48, Folder 1195
Receipts, 1966, Undated
Ticket Stubs and Post Office Receipt, 1977-1994, Undated
Series II: Production Files
Subseries A: The Connection
"The Living Theatre" (Notes), 1959
Bound Photocopies of a Flyer and Reviews, 1959-1960
"The Connection: A Play in Two Acts" (Annotated Typescript), 1957
"The Connection: A Play in Two Acts" (Typescript), 1957
General note
This script was transferred from Fales American Box to the Jack Gelber Papers on April 15, 2005
"'O Contato' de Jack Gelber, Traducao de Ana Edler e Jack Brown" (Typescript), 1961
"'Le Pour Voyeur,' Adaptation Francaise d'Alain Brunet" (Typescript), Undated
Journal Entries (Typescript), Undated
Notebook, Undated
"The Camden Jazz Festival," Advertisements and Hampstead Theatre Club Program, 1974
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIA Oversize, Box 48, Folder 1196
"The Connection: A Play in Two Acts" (Annotated Typescript), 1957
"Le Grand Comedy Theatre: Box Office Statements", Undated
Clippings and Jack Gelber's Resume (Photocopy), 1972, 1974, Undated
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIA Oversize, Box 48, Folder 1197
"The Connection: A Play in Two Acts" (Bound Typescripts), 1957
"The Connection" (Annotated Typescript) and Notes, Undated
"The Connection: A Screenplay" (Two Annotated Typescripts) and Notes, 1960
"The Connection, Directed by Shirley Clarke" (Bound Typescript), 1960
"Connecting the Pieces" (Annotated Typescript), Undated
Untitled Draft (Annotated Typescript), Undated
"A Short Note on 'The Connection'" (Typescript), Undated
Small Clippings Album, 1959-1960, Undated
"The Connection" (Typescript), Undated
"The Connection Revival: Revisions" (Annotated Incomplete Typescript), 1980, Undated
"Connection Legal Brief", Undated
General note
Court of Appeals, State of New York: In the Matter of The Connection Company, Petitioner Respondent, For and Order Pursuant to Article 78 of the Civil Practice Act, against The Regents of the University of the State of New York, Respondents-Appellants, Respondent's Brief by Ephraim London and Martin Garbus, New York: Pandick Press, Inc.
Clippings, Advertisements, and Programs, 1959
Clippings, 1960: January
Clippings, 1960: February-April
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIA Oversize, Box 48, Folder 1198
Clippings, Advertisements, and Programs, 1960: May-December
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIA Oversize, Box 48, Folder 1199
Clippings, Advertisements, and Programs, 1961: January-March
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIA Oversize, Box 48, Folder 1200
Clippings and Advertisements, 1961: April-December
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIA Oversize, Box 48, Folder 1201
Clippings and Advertisements, 1962
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIA Oversize, Box 48, Folder 1202
Clippings, Advertisements, and Programs, 1963-1997, Undated
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIA Oversize, Map Case, Drawer 3G, Folder 1203
Clippings, Advertisements, Programs, and Press Releases, Undated
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIA Oversize, Box 48, Folder 1204
The Connection (Annotated Paperback) and Ticket Stubs, 1959-1960, Undated
General note
The Connection by Jack Gelber, New York: Grove Press, Inc., 1957, 1960
The Connection (Annotated Paperback), 1960
General note
The Connection by Jack Gelber, New York: Grove Press, Inc., 1957, 1960
Scrapbooks, 1959-1960
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIA Oversize, Box 49
"The Connection Cast" (Photograph), Undated
Subseries B: The Apple
"The Apple: A Play in Three Acts" (Annotated Typescript) and Notes, 1960 (March)
"The Apple," Grove Press Proofing Copy (Annotated Typescript), 1961
"'The Apple' Copy No. 1" (Annotated Typescript), 1960
General note
The script is marked "The Living Theatre"
"'La Manzana,' por Jack Gelber," Unknown Translator (Typescript), 1967
General note
This folder also holds a business card inscribed "Elizabeth Howell Buckley" and an envelope with the return address marked "JEM"
"Original 'Apple' Manuscript" (Annotated Typescript), Undated
"'The Apple,' Some New York Reviews", 1962
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIB Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1205
Clippings and Book Cover, 1960-1962, Undated
Clippings and Living Theatre Programs, 1961
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIB Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1206
Clippings and Programs, 1962
Clippings and Advertisements, 1964, Undated
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIB Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1207
Subseries C: On Ice
"Untitled Novel Volume 1" (Annotated Typescript), Undated
"Untitled Novel Volume 2" (Annotated Typescript), Undated
On Ice, Pages 1-185 (Annotated Typescript), Undated
On Ice, Pages 186-349 (Annotated Typescript), Undated
Notes, Undated
Portion of Esquire (July 1963), 1963
Clippings and Advertisements, 1964, Undated
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIC Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1208
"On Ice" Screenplay Adaptation (Typescript), Undated
Subseries D: Square in the Eye
Notebook, Undated
Notebook and Loose Notes, 1965, Undated
Contact Sheet, Pages from "Let's Face It" (Annotated Typescript), and Notes, 1964-1965, Undated
"Let's Face It: A Play in Two Acts" (Typescript), 1964
General note
The script is marked "The Establishment Theatre Company"
"Lets Face It: A Play in Two Acts, First Draft" (Two Bound Typescripts), 1964
General note
The script is marked "The Establishment Theatre Company"
"Let's Face It" (Bound Annotated Typescript) and Notes, 1965
Notes and Pages from "Let's Face It, or Cut the Crap Charlie," "Cuba Si," and "Notes Toward a New Yorker Autobiography" (Annotated Typescript), Undated
General note
The folder that contained these items prior to processing is labeled "Original Typescripts of 'Let's Face It' and Abandoned Cuba Play"
"Let's Face It" (Three Annotated Typescripts) and Notes, 1963-1964, Undated
General note
The folder that contained these items prior to processing is labeled "Original Typescripts of 'Let's Face It' and Abandoned Cuba Play"
"Let's Face It: A Play in Two Acts" (Typescript), Undated
"'Let's Face It:' Estimated Weekly Operating Expenses", Undated
Clippings and Theatre De Lys Program, 1965-1967
Subseries E: The Cuban Thing
Festival de Teatro Latinoamericano: Clippings, Journal Entries, Flyers, and Notes, 1964, Undated
"Cuban Visit by Jack Gelber" (Two Typescripts), Undated
"Cuba Si!" Materials, 1963-1965, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder include notes, bibliographies, portions of an untitled script, and a booklet: "Cuban Assets Control: Regulations and Related Documents," The Treasury Department, July 8, 1963
"The Cuban Thing: A Play in Two Acts" (Annotated Typescript), Undated
Untitled Script and "Cuba, Si" (Incomplete Typescripts), Undated
"The Cuban Thing" (Annotated Typescript) and Notes, 1968, Undated
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIE Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1209
"Cuba Si" (Annotated Typescripts) and Notes, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder appear to be multiple incomplete versions of the script, the largest of which is 28 pages in length
"The Cuban Thing, First Draft" (Typescript), 1968
General note
The contents of this folder also include a business card inscribed "London International, Park House" and the script is marked "Property of Ivor David Balding and Associates, The New Theatre"
"The Cuban Thing, First Draft" (Bound Typescript), 1968
General note
The script is marked "Property of Ivor David Balding and Associates, The New Theatre"
"The Cuban Thing, First Draft" (Bound Typescript), 1968
General note
The script is marked "Property of Ivor David Balding and Associates, The New Theatre"
"The Cuban Thing" (Bound Typescript), 1968
Clippings and Notes, 1967-1968, Undated
General note
Some of the notes were written on reverse of an undated memo from "I.D.B." [Ivor David Balding?]
Clippings, 1968
Het Zoldertheatre Scrapbook, 1976
General note
The scrapbook's contents include correspondence from Ron, [Maijolyn] Mink, and Han Mink as well as programs, clippings, advertisements and photographs
Subseries F: Sleep
"Sleep: A Play" (Typescript), 1970
"'Sleep' Second Version" (Typescript), 1971
"Sleep" (Annotated Typescript), Contact Sheet, and Rehearsal Schedule for American Place Theatre, 1972, Undated
General note
The script is marked "The American Place Theatre"
"Sleep" (Typescript), Undated
"Sleep" Materials, 1968-1969, Undated
General note
This folder's contents include a letter from Bernard Beckerman written on the reverse of a typescript titled "Amusing Anecdote Number 1, Life Lessons" and annotated drafts of "Sleep" along with short stories, original sketches, and notes.
"Sleep" (Typescript), 1997
Clippings, Advertisements, Programs, and a Sketch, 1972, Undated
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIF Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1210
La Ma Ma, e.t.c. Clippings and Advertisements, 1997
Subseries G: Barbary Shore
'Norman Mailer's Barbary Shore' Adapted by Jack Gelber (Annotated Typescript), 1973
General note
The script is marked "Property of the New York Shakespeare Festival"
"Norman Mailer's Barbary Shore" (Annotated Typescript)
New York Shakespeare Festival, Annotated Audition Form, 1973
General note
The script is marked "Property of the New York Shakespeare Festival"
Casting Materials, Advertisements, and Annotated Portions of "Norman Mailer's Barbary Shore" (Typescript), 1973, Undated
First Page of "A Hungry Mental Lion" by Seymour Krim (Photocopy), Undated
New York Shakespeare Festival: 'Barbary Shore' Contact Sheet", 1973
Clippings and Advertisements, 1974, Undated
Subseries H: Rehearsal
"Rehearsal" Reviews, 1976
"Jack Gelber's New Play: Rehearsal" (Annotated Photocopy), 1977
General note
The script is marked "The American Place Theatre"
"Jack Gelber's New Play: Rehearsal" (Typescript), 1977
"Jack Gelber's New Play: Rehearsal" (Typescript), 1976
General note
This script's original containing folder is marked "International Creative Management" and the script itself is marked "The American Place Theatre"
"Jack Gelber's New Play: Rehearsal" (Annotated Typescript) and Notes, Undated
"'Eat Shit' Early Versions" and Untitled Manuscript (Annotated Typescripts), Undated
"Jack Gelber's New Play: Rehearsal" (Typescript), 1976
General note
The original containing folder is marked "International Creative Management" and the script is labeled "Presented by Audrey Wood"
"Jack Gelber's New Play" (Bound Typescript), Undated
"Jack Gelber's New Play: Rehearsal" (Bound Typescript), Undated
General note
This script is marked "The American Place Theatre"
"New Play" (Typescript), 1974
"Jack Gelber's New Play: Rehearsal" (Typescript), Undated
General note
The script is marked "The American Place Theatre"
"Jack Gelber's New Play: Rehearsal" (Two Typescripts), Undated
General note
The scripts are marked "The American Place Theatre"
"Eat Shit" (Annotated Typescript), Undated
American Place Theatre Clippings, Advertisements, and Program, 1976
Subseries I: Starters
"Starters" (Bound Typescript), 1984
"Starters" (Bound Typescript), 1982
"Starters, Without O'Neill" (Bound Typescript), 1980
"Starters" (Bound Typescript), 1981
"Starters, Version A" (Typescript), 1980 (January)
General note
The script is marked "Property of the New York Shakespeare Festival"
Clippings, Advertisements, and Production Materials, 1979-1982, Undated
"'Starters' Second Version With Revisions" (Typescript), 1981 (June)
"Starters" (Annotated Typescript) and Notes, 1981 (May), Undated
General note
The notes are written on the reverse side of a message from Brooklyn College (City University of New York)
"Starters" (Bound Typescript), 1984
"Starters" (Bound Annotated Typescript) and Notes, 1984
General note
The notes are written on the reverse of a letter from Washington University in St. Louis
"Starters" (Annotated Typescript), Notes, and Eugene O'Neill Theatre Center: 1981 National Playwrights Conference Programs, 1981-1984, Undated
"Starters" (Typescript), with Inserts, 1984
"Starters" (Typescript), 1984
"Starters" (Annotated Typescript) and Notes, 1984
General note
Some of the Notes in this folder were written on a torn letter from New York University
"Starters" (Annotated Photocopy and Typescript) and Notes, 1982-1983, Undated
"Starters" (Two Bound Typescripts) and Notes, 1982
General note
The first typescript bears annotations
"Starters, Tues 4/6/82 Latest Revision" (Annotated Typescript) and Notes, 1982 (April)
General note
The first page of Notes is written on the reverse of a letter from the Philadelphia Festival Theatre for New Plays, the second was written on an unsigned letter, and the last on the reverse of a "'Starters' Rehearsal Schedule"
"Starters" (Annotated Typescript), 1981-1982
"Starters" (Typescript), Undated
"'Starters,' Third Version with O'Neill Corrections" (Typescript with Inserts)), 1980
"Starters,' Second Version" (Typescript), 1980
"Starters,' First Version" (Bound Typescript), Undated
"Starters" Complete Version (Annotated Typescript), 1979
Sections from Multiple Versions of " Starters" (Annotated Typescript), 1978-1979
Notes, an Untitled Annotated Typescript, "Yellow Bellied Sapsucker, 1st Version" (Annotated Typescript), and Sections from Multiple Versions of "Starters" (Annotated Typescript), 1974?-1979
Philadelphia Festival Theatre for New Plays: Flyers, Program, and a Review, 1982
Subseries J: Big Shot
"Big Shot Contract" (Handwritten Notes), Undated
East Coast Arts at Wildcliff, Program, Undated
"'Talking to the Walls' First Draft" (Annotated Typescript), 1986
"'Talking to the Walls' First Draft, Second Printing" (Annotated), 1986
Production Materials, Notes, and Pages from "Big Shot" (Annotated Typescript), 1988, Undated
"Gibby" Typescripts and Notes, 1986, Undated
"Gibby, Current Casting", 1988, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder include casting materials, notes, a contact sheet, a rehearsal/performance schedule, and set design sketches; Some of the notes were written on the reverse sides of a letter from East Cost Arts and a memo from Brooklyn College (City University of New York); For Oversize See: Series IIJ Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1211
"'Big Shot' Casting", 1988, Undated
"Big Shot" Materials, 1988
General note
The contents of this folder include photocopies from A Yiddish Word Book for English Speaking People and the Yiddish Dictionary Sourcebook along with annotated typescript pages from "Big Shot" (possibly multiple versions thereof), a "Scene Breakdown," and a "Rehearsal Schedule" for East Coast Arts and Writer's Theatre
"Big Shot" (Annotated Typescript), "Cast Contact Sheet," and Notes, 1986, Undated
"Revised 'Big Shot'" (Typescript), 1989
"'Big Shot,' Circle Rep Reading" (Annotated Typescript), 1989 (October)
"Big Shot" (Bound Typescript), 1989
"Big Shot" (Bound Typescript), 1988
"Big Shot" (Bound Annotated Typescript), 1988
"Big Shot" (Bound Typescript), 1986
"Big Shot" (Bound Typescript), 1986
General note
The script is marked "Represented by Peregrine Whittlesey"
"Big Shot" (Bound Annotated Typescript), 1986
East Coast Arts: Clipping, Advertisement, and Program, 1988, Undated
Subseries K: Magic Valley
"Magic Valley" (Two Typescripts), Notes, BAT Theatre Advertisement, and Casting Materials, 1991-1999, Undated
General note
The second typescript is marked "5/1/99 Corrections"
Large Notebook and Loose Notes, 1981, Undated
General note
The notebook's contents include a draft of and notes regarding "Magic Valley" and a variety of other topics. It also holds original drawings and set design sketches for an unidentified play as well as notes regarding "The Connection," contact information for a number of individuals (including several directors, actors, and producers), and concepts for untitled plays.
"Magic Valley" (Typescript), 1999
Clippings and Advertisements, 1989
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIK, Box 50, Folder 1212
Subseries L: Chambers
"'Chambers' Casting", 1997, Undated
General note
This folder's contents include notes, schedules, actor's resumes, and portions of the "Chambers" script (dated October 1997)
"Chambers" Materials, 1995-1997, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder include notes, articles regarding Alger Hiss and Whittaker Chambers, outlines, and an annotated 1995 Typescript version of "Chambers"
Research Material and Notes, 1994-1997, Undated
General note
For Oversize Materials See: Series IIL Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1213
"'Chambers' Revised" (Two Typescripts), 1997 (December)
"Chambers" (Two Typescripts), 1997 (November)
"Chambers" (Annotated Typescript), 1997 (April-November)
"'Chambers' Revised" (Two Typescripts), 1997 (April)
General note
The contents of this folder include an annotated copy of a letter from [Jack Gelber] to "Arthur" dated April 3, 1997
"A Chambers Play" (Annotated and Regular Typescript), 1996 (December)
General note
The contents of folders 1032 and1033 were originally held together in one folder
"A Chambers Play" (Typescript), 1996 (December)
General note
The contents of folders 1032 and1033 were originally held together in one folder
"A Chambers Play" (Annotated Typescript), Notes, and Casting Material, 1995 (December)-1996 (January), Undated
"A Chambers Play" (Annotated Typescript), 1996 (December)
"A Chambers Play" (Typescript), 1996 (February)
General note
The contents of 1036 and 1037 were originally in one folder
"A Chambers Play" (Typescript), 1996 (February)
General note
The contents of 1036 and 1037 were originally in one folder
November 22, 1999 Issue of The Nation, 1999
General note
This item includes the book review "A Son's Own Story [Review of A View From Alger's Window by Anthony Hiss]" by Jack Gelber, The Nation Volume 269 Number 17 (November 22, 1999), New York: The Nation Company, L.P., 1999
Actor's Studio Free Theatre: Advertisement and Program, Undated
General note
The second program is annotated
"Chambers" Screenplay (Annotated Typescript), Undated
Subseries M: Rio Preserved
"Rio Preserved" (Two Typescripts) and Notes, 1984, Undated
General note
The second typescript bears some annotations
"Rio Preserved" (Bound Typescript), 1984 (November)
"Rio Preserved" (Bound Typescript), 1984
"Rio Preserved" (Typescript), "Third World Gods, or Invasion" (Annotated Typescript), and Notes, Undated
"Rio, Various Drafts, Brazil", Undated
General note
The contents of this folder include "Third World Gods" (Annotated Typescript) and an excerpt from The Cruel Dilemmas of Development by Sylvia A. Hewlett, New York: Basic Books, 1980 (Photocopy)
"Rio Preserved" (Typescript), Undated
"Rio Preserved" (Annotated Typescript) and Notes, 1993, Undated
"Rio Preserved" (Typescript), 2000
"Rio Preserved" (Annotated Typescripts), 2001, Undated
Subseries N: Dylan's Line
"Dylan's Line" (Typescript), 2002
"Tough Love" (Annotated Typescript), 2001
"Dylan's Line" (Typescript), 2000
Subseries O: The Last Ten Minutes
Draft Versions Three Through Six of "The Last Ten Minutes" (Typescripts) and Notes, 2002
General note
Drafts Three, Four and Five are annotated. The notes are written on the reverse of an undated letter from Patrick Vaughn.
"The Last Ten Minutes" Draft Version Six, Undated
Subseries P: Plays Directed
"The Kitchen" (by Arnold Wesker) Production Notes and Clippings, 1966, Undated
"Indians" by Arthur Kopit, (Bound Annotated Typescript), 1968
"Indians" Royal Shakespeare Theatre Estimate of Production Costs, 1968
"Indians," Aldwych Theatre Program, Undated
"Indians," Playbill Program, 1968
"Indians" Production Materials, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder include annotated portions of the script, cast and prop lists, clippings, and notes; For Oversize Material See: Series IIP Oversize, Map Case, Drawer 3G, Folder 1214
"Indians" Clippings, 1962-1968
"Plays" by Jack Temchin (Bound Typescript), 1970
"Kool Aid" (by Merle Merlofsky) Advertisement and Annotated Contact Sheet, Undated
"Kool Aid: Grail Green" by Merle Merlofsky, (Bound Annotated Typescript), Undated
"Kool Aid: Three Street Koans" by Merle Merlofsky, (Bound Annotated Typescript), Undated
"The Chickencoop Chinaman," (by Frank Chin) Review, 1972
"The Kid" (by Robert Coover) Clippings, 1972-1973
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIP Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1215
"Hamlet" (by William Shakespeare), Circle in the Square Theater Workshop Advertisement, Undated
"A Streetcar Named Desire" (by Tennessee Williams) Academy Festival Theatre Advertisements and Stagebill Program, 1976
"A Streetcar Named Desire," Production Materials, Undated
"Eulogy for a Small Time Thief" by Miguel Pinero (Typescript), Undated
"Eulogy for a Small Time Thief," Annotated Pages of the Script (Photocopies), Undated
"Eulogy for a Small Time Thief" Ensemble Studio Theatre Program, Undated
"Seduced" by Sam Shepard, Two Photocopies of Annotated Scripts for Act 1 with an Annotated Typescript for Act 2, 1978
General note
This folder holds multiple versions of pages 1-57
"Seduced" by Sam Shepard, Acts One and Two, (Annotated Typescript), 1978
General note
This folder holds pages 1-61; For Oversize Material See: Series IIP Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1216
"Seduced by Seduced" by Jack Gelber, (Annotated Typescript), Undated
"Seduced" (by Sam Shepard) Clippings and Advertisements, 1979, Undated
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIP Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1217
"The Man and the Fly" (by Jose Ruibal) Production Notes and Teatro Rodante Puertorriqueno Flyer (Annotated), Undated
"El Hombre y la Mosca" by Jose Ruibal, (Annotated Photocopy), Undated
General note
The script is marked "Script III," it is a photocopy of El Hombre y la Mosca, by Jose Ruibal, [Madrid: Editorial Fundamentos, 1977]
"The Man and the Fly" by Jose Ruibal, (Annotated Typescript), Undated
"Questions for the Maria Guerrero Theatre" (Annotated Typescript), Undated
"The Man and the Fly" (by Jose Ruibal) Puerto Rican Traveling Theatre Program and Reviews, 1982-1983
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIP Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1218
"The Dolphin Position" (by Percy Granger): Ensemble Studio Theatre Program, Review, and Flyer, 1983
"The House of Ramon Iglesia" (by Jose Rivera) Scrapbook, 1983
General note
The scrapbook includes correspondence from "Ginny" and other members of the production
"The House of Ramon Iglesia" Ensemble Studio Theatre Program, Reviews, and Flyer, 1983, Undated
"Night Music" by Clifford Odets, Script (Annotated Photocopy), and Production Materials, Undated
General note
The script is a photocopy from Night Music: A Comedy in Twelve Scenes, by Clifford Odets, New York: Random House, c1940; For Oversize Material See: Series IIP Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1219
"Carl and the Professor" (by Wendy Hammond), New York University Tisch School of the Arts Program, 1984-1985
"The Old Flag: A Play in Two Acts" by Vincent Canby (Typescript), 1985
"Dream of a Blacklisted Actor" by Conrad Bromberg (Bound Annotated Typescript) and Production Materials, 1986, Undated
"Mink on a Gold Hook," (by James Ryan) Sample Tape Track List (Annotated) and Clipping, 1986
"The Stalwarts" (by OyamO), Ensemble Studio Theatre Program and Flyer, 1990
"Chinese Coffee" (by Ira Lewis), Ensemble Studio Theatre Flyer and Program, 1990
"George Washington Dances" (by David Margulies) Ensemble Studio Theatre, Review, 1992
"If Only I Could Remember My Name" (by Robert Siegel) Ensemble Studio Theatre, Flyer, 1992
"Born Guilty" (by Ari Roth) Review and Program, 1993
"I'm With Ya, Duke" (by Herb Gardner), Ensemble Studio Theatre, Reviews, 1994
Subseries Q: Film Scripts
"The Great Escape," First Typed Version (Annotated Typescript), 1964
General note
The document is marked "For Booker and Foster"
"Original 'Dill Pickle'" (Annotated Typescript) and Notes, [1969?]
"Dill Pickle" (Annotated Typescript), 1969?
"Dill Pickle," Notes and Recipient List, Undated
"On the Take: A Screenplay" (Bound Typescript), Undated
General note
The script is marked "Sagonopack Films"
"On the Take" (Bound Typescript), 1969
"On the Take" (Bound Annotated Typescript), 1969
"Charlie Siringo, Shooting Draft" (Annotated Typescript), [1976]
"Charlie Siringo" (Typescript), with Revised Pages, 1976
"Charlie Siringo," Journal Entry for January 9, 1977, 1977
"I'll Take Manhattan, or Two Bridges" (Annotated Typescript), 1981
"Take Manhattan: Manhattan Take" (Typescript), 1984
"Take Manhattan: Manhattan Take" (Bound Typescript), 1984
"Take Manhattan: Manhattan Take" (Bound Typescript) and Notes, 1984, Undated
"Take Manhattan: Manhattan Take" (Bound Annotated Typescript), 1984
"Double Trouble" Precis (Typescript), 1984
"Out for the Count" (Annotated Typescripts), Notes, and a Clipping, 1984-1985, Undated
General note
Some of the notes in this folder were written on the reverse of a letter signed Cesar Chavez
"Mother of the Bride, Working Copy" (Annotated Typescript), Notes, and a Flyer, 1989, Undated
General note
Many of the notes held in this folder were written on the reverse of copies of two letters from Jack and Carol Gelber, one addressed to Jeremy Zimmer and the other to Jane Sindell
"Russian Hill" (Annotated Typescript) and Notes, 1990-1993, Undated
"Coming Attractions" (Typescripts) and Notes, Undated
General note
Most of the screenplays included in this folder are annotated
"Hope, Rising Expectations, and the Obsessive Image", Undated
"'Jelly Roll' Notes", 1938-1966, Undated
"Jelly Roll" (Bound Typescript), Undated
General note
This version consists of 116 pages
"Jelly Roll" (Bound Typescript), Undated
General note
This version consists of 130 pages
"Midnight Cowboy, Second Gelber Draft" (Bound Annotated Typescript), Undated
"Midnight Cowboy, First Version" (Bound Annotated Typescript), Undated
"Rio Hacha" Precis (Two Typescripts), Undated
General note
The second item is annotated
"Two Birds With One Stone" Precis (Typescript), Undated
Untitled Screenplay (Typescript), Undated
Subseries R: Other Manuscripts
"Beginner's Luck" (Typescript), Undated
"The Birthday Party" (Typescript), Undated
General note
See Also: "Early College Stuff" (Series IIR, Box 42, Folder 1133)
"Button, Button" (Two Typescripts), Undated
General note
The second item is annotated
"By the Way, My Name is Roger Soames" (Typescript and Two Pages from a Handwritten Version), Undated
General note
The handwritten pages were written on the reverse of a letter from Gelber to Show Magazine
"Diary of a Scoundrel, Original" Pages 1-114 (Annotated Typescript) and Notes, 1977
"Diary of a Scoundrel, Original" Pages 115-208 (Annotated Typescript), 1977
"Diary of a Scoundrel" Notes and Pages 1-45 (Annotated Typescript), 1979, Undated
"Early College Stuff:" Poems, Short Stories, and Notes (Typescripts, Annotated Typescripts, and Manuscripts), Undated
"Edinburgh" (Two Annotated Typescripts) and Notes, Undated
"Foolish Wives," (Three Typescripts and One Manuscript Version), Undated
"Getting It, or On the Make in Sunny Spain" (Two Typescripts), Undated
"Hanging On" (Two Typescripts), Undated
"The King of Shades, Corrected Copy" (Typescript), Undated
"Leslie in New York, or an Essay on Scuffling" (Typescript), Undated
"Maison Blanc, or The Big Whitey" (Annotated Typescript), Undated
"The Marilyn Project" (Annotated Typescripts) and Notes, 1973-1974, Undated
"Mystery" (Two Annotated Typescripts), Undated
"Neal vs. Jimmy the Fag" (Two Typescripts) and a Copy of the Evergreen Review (December 1964), 1964, Undated
"Nile's Gig" (Typescript), Undated
"The Notebooks of Jimmy Singer" Pages 1-133 (Annotated Typescript) and Notes, Undated
"The Notebooks of Jimmy Singer" Pages 134-254 (Annotated Typescript), Undated
"The Notebooks of Jimmy Singer" Pages 255-405 (Annotated Typescript), Undated
"The Obsessive Image" (Typescript), Undated
"On the Home Front" (Three Typescripts), Undated
General note
The first item is annotated
"Orange Peels" (Annotated Typescript), Undated
"Order of Priority" (Two Typescripts), Undated
"Part I" (Two Typescripts), Undated
General note
The first item is annotated
"Picking the Chicken" (Clipping), 1963
General note
Clipped from Nugget Volume 8, Number 5 (November 1963), New York: Fly Eagle Publications, Inc, 1963
"Playwright as Shaman: Sam Shepard" (Annotated Typescript), Undated
"Playwright's Dilemma" (Typescript), 1979
General note
This folder also includes a "Participants" list for The East-West Center's "Global Situation: The Writer in the Twentieth Century, December 10-20, 1979"
"The Purple Rider" (Annotated Typescript), Undated
"Satisfaction" (Two Typescripts), Undated
"A Shot At Immortality" (Typescript), Undated
"A Shot At Immortality" (Typescript) and a Sketch, Undated
"The Sunflower" (Two Typescripts), Undated
General note
The first item is annotated
"Le Surnaturel Social" (Two Photocopies), 1967
General note
The document is a photocopy of a section from Les USA A La Recherche de Leur Identite, Pierre Dommergues, ed., [Paris:] Grasset, 1967
"The Ultimate Paranoia" (Typescript), Undated
"Untitled First Drafts" (Typescripts), Undated
Untitled and Fragments, Undated
General note
This folder holds handwritten and typescript short stories, poems, and a play
Subseries S: Biographical Material
"Ideas", 1980-1985, Undated
General note
The items in this folder appear to describe a number of Jack Gelber's writings, including "Chambers," "Rio Preserved," "Magic Valley," and "Diary of A Scoundrel." The materials consist of news clippings, annotated typescripts, notes, short stories, and a precis entitled "Hot Potato."
Biographical Clippings, 1959
General note
For Oversize Materials See: Series IIS Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1220
Biographical and News Clippings, 1960
Biographical and News Clippings, 1961-1971
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIS Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1221
Biographical and News Clippings, Programs, and a Map of New York City, 1972-1978
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIS Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1222
News Clippings, 1979-1982
General note
For Oversize Material See: Series IIS, Box 50, Folder 1223
Biographical and News Clippings, a Photograph, and Notes, Undated
General note
This folder includes an untitled photograph of Gelber posing with six unidentified men, and a page of notes that may pertain to "The Connection;" For Oversize Material See: Series IIS, Box 50, Folder 1224
Small Notebook, 1978, Undated
General note
This item contains original sketches, notes (possibly regarding "The Cuban Thing"), and a handwritten draft of a letter of recommendation for "[Cronshi B.]."
Journal Entries, 1961, 1987, Undated
"Biography of Jack Gelber" by Unknown Author (Annotated Typescript), Undated
General note
The document is annotated with the following information: "Pls. return: Walter Alford, John Springer Assoc."
Experimental Theatre: Notes and a Drawing, Undated
"Introduction" by Richard Gilman (Photocopy), Undated
General note
The document is marked "In Press Richard Seaver Books, Viking Press as Introduction to The Apple and Square in the Eye"
Series III: Calendars and Datebooks
Datebook, 1965
Datebook, 1969
General note
For Calendars from the year 1971 see Series III Oversize, Box 50, Folder 1225
Datebooks and Calendars, 1975-1979
Datebooks, 1980-1982
Datebook, 1983
Datebooks, 1984
Datebook, 1985
Datebook, 1986
Datebooks, 1987-1990
Datebooks, 1990-1992
Datebooks, 1992-1996
Datebooks, 1996-1997
Calendar, 1998
Series IV: Video
Subseries A: Access Copies
Conditions Governing Access
Access copies for some materials are available by appointment for reading room viewing and listening only. Please contact fales.library@nyu.edu, 212-998-2596.
"Siringo Tapes" (Annotated Folder), Undated
Subseries B: Original Cassettes
"'Siringo' (Copy) Pt. 1;" 00:30:00; 3/4" Umatic Videocassette, Undated
"'Siringo' (Copy) Pt. 2:" 00:60:00; 3/4" Umatic Videocassette, Undated
Series V: Audio
Subseries A: Access Copies
Conditions Governing Access
Audio materials have not been preserved and may not be available to researchers.
Subseries B: Original Reels
[1] "Side 2-985-: First Session About 241?, Vilt Monologues" [2] "Side 2-985-: Second Session 241-650, King Pieces" [3] "Side 2-985-: Third Session 650-932, Jokes-[Standing] Comedy" [4] "Side 1: Fourth Session 0-264, Improvisations" [5] "Side 1: Sixth Session 264-727, Comic Books-Steve [Tesch]" [6] "Seventh Session 720-1000, BJ's Scenes Read;" 1/4" audio reel and Notes, Undated
Untitled; 1/4" audio reel, Undated
Scope and Contents note
Oversize materials from all preceding series are listed here.
Oversize Series I, Subseries A
"Conferenza Internazionale Droga e Produzione Artistica" Poster and "Bologna: 3 Days" Brochure, 1983, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IA, Box 3, Folder 149
East Coast Arts at Wildcliff, Direct Mail, 1987-1988
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IA, Box 3, Folder 192
Maps of Valdez, Alaska, 1998
General note
The third item in this folder is annotated; The contents of this folder were removed from Series IA, Box 9, Folder 522
"Writing Workshops Summer 1977, Sun Valley Center for the Arts and Humanities" Advertisement, 1977
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IA, Box 11, Folder 648
Oversize Series I, Subseries C
Biographical Clippings and "Maps: Aspen and Snowmass (Colorado)", 1982-1999
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IC, Box 14, Folder 866
Oversize Series II, Subseries A
"Camden Jazz Festival, Hampstead Theatre Club" Poster, 1974
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIA, Box 15, Folder 877
Two British Newspapers, 1974
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIA, 15, 880
"The Cultural Innovators" by Spencer Klaw, 1960
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIA, 16, 894
Clippings, 1960
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIA, Box 16, Folder 895
Clipping, 1961
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIA, Box 17, Folder 896
Photocopies of Reviews and Publicity, 1961
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIA, Box 17, Folder 897
Photocopies of Reviews and Publicity, 1962
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIA, Box 17, Folder 898
Club La Martinique Poster and "Conferenza Internazionale Droga e Produzione Artistica" Poster, 1973-1983
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIA, Box 17, Folder 899
Clippings and Advertisements, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIA, Box 17, Folder 900
Scrapbook, 1959-1999, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIA, Box 17, Folder 903
Oversize Series II, Subseries B
Review, 1962
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIB, Box 18, Folder 910
Clipping, 1961
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIB, Box 18, Folder 912
Living Theatre Poster, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIB, Box 18, Folder 914
Oversize Series II, Subseries C
Cover Art Proof, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIC, Box 19, Folder 921
Oversize Series II, Subseries E
"The Cuban Thing" (Empty Binder), 1968
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIE, Box 21, Folder 939
Oversize Series II, Subseries F
Clipping and "1972 Traverse Festival Late Shows" Annotated Poster, 1972
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIF, Box 23, Folder 954
Oversize Series II, Subseries J
Set Design Sketches (Photocopies), Undated
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIJ, Box 30, Folder 1008
Oversize Series II, Subseries K
Clippings, 1989
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIK, Box 32, Folder 1024
Oversize Series II, Subseries L
Clippings, 1993-1994, Undated
General note
The first item is annotated; The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIL, Box 32, Folder 1027
Oversize Series II, Subseries P
"Indians," Production Materials, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIP, Box 36, Folder 1060
"The Kid," Clipping, 1973
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIP, Box 37, Folder 1067
"Seduced," Annotated Envelope, 1978
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIP, Box 37, Folder 1075
"Seduced," Reviews, 1979
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIP, Box 37, Folder 1077
"The Man and the Fly," Clipping (Spanish language), 1982
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIP, Box 38, Folder 1082
"NYU Salutes Group Theatre 1931-1940: Night Music," Poster, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIP, Box 38, Folder 1086
Oversize Series II, Subseries S
Biographical Clipping, 1959
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIS, Box 44, Folder 1166
Biographical Clippings, 1961-1964
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIS, Box 44, Folder 1168
"New York and Vicinity" Map, 1974
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIS, Box 44, Folder 1169
News Clippings, 1979-1980
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIS, Box 44, Folder 1171
News Clippings, Undated
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series IIS, Box 44, Folder 1173
Oversize Series III
Calendars, 1971
General note
The contents of this folder were removed from Series III, Box 45, Folder 1178