Scope and Contents note
This series contains materials relating to the eighth year of the Festival.
Subseries A: Administrative Files
Administration/staff - Karim Ainouz hospitality badge, 1994
Advertising tally, 1994
Design plans for Anthology Film Archives, 1994
Expenses - Budgets - Black Nations/Queer Nations?, 1994
Expenses - Budgets - Pre-box, 1994
Expenses - Financial summary (blank) (FOLDER MOVED), 1995
Expenses - Invoices, bills, receipts, 1994
Expenses - Invoices, bills, receipts, 1994
Expenses - National Westminster Bank statements, 1994
Expenses - Petty cash envelopes, 1994
Expenses - Proposal for Mix trailer, 1994
Festival statements - Call for ads/sponsorship, 1994
Festival statements - Call for curators, 1994
Festival statements - Newsletter, 1994
Festival statements - Official invitation (blank), 1994
Festival statements - Press release (inc. A Brief History of Mix, schedule of events, program info for Cyberqueer, Mix Brasil, and World Clique?), 1994
Legal - Guest curator contract, 1994
Legal - Vanessa Renwick, Toxic Shock exhibition contract, 1994
Letterhead - Fax cover sheet (blank), 1994
Letterhead - Festival letterhead, 1994
Mailing lists - Committee contact information, 1994
Mailing lists - Film index and filmmaker contacts, 1994
Mailing lists - Misc. mailing list and print holdings information, 1994
Notes - Advertising, 1994
Notes - Budget, 1994
Notes - Curators/submissions, 1994
Notes - Development, 1994
Notes - Distribution, 1994
Notes - Hospitality, 1994
Notes - Installations, 1994
Notes - Lookout, 1994
Notes - Meetings, 1994
Notes - Meetings, 1994
Notes - Memos, 1994
Notes - Message book, 1994
Notes - Panels, 1994
Notes - Press, 1994
Notes - Press/publicity (inc. list of priorities and correspondence), 1994
Notes - Press/publicity research, 1994
Notes - Schedules/lists, 1994
Notes - WetSpot party, 1994
Organizational - Committee list, 1994
Postal - Envelopes (blank), 1994
Postal - Materials (inc. stamps, mailing labels, zip code locator), 1994
Printing - Master originals for copying (inc. guest accreditation form, business card templates, fax cover sheet, letterhead, mailing labels, official invitation, application form, petty cash envelope), 1994
Printing - Program information (inc. guest list, filmmaker package, reception schedule, film translations, festival pass), 1994
Programming - Film list, alphabetical by title), 1994
Programming - Film list, Canadian films in Festival, 1994
Programming - Film list, formats, 1994
Programming - Film list, notable films from other festivals, 1994
Programming - Film selection, average scores and program ideas, 1994
Programming - Film selection, individual rankings, 1994
Programming - Program guide, 1994
Programming - Program notes, 1994
Programming - Schedule of events, 1994
Programming - Schedule of receptions, 1994
Programming - Scheduling drafts and notes, 1994
Subseries B: Correspondence
Correspondence from filmmakers and film/arts organizations, A-D, 1994
Correspondence from filmmakers and film/arts organizations, E-L, 1994
Correspondence from filmmakers and film/arts organizations, M-Z, 1994
Correspondence to filmmakers and film/arts organizations, faxed, 1994
Correspondence - Advertisers, 1994
Correspondence - Curators, 1994
Correspondence - Filmmaker package, 1994
Correspondence - Film transport, 1994
Correspondence - New Wave Queer Festival panel, 1994
Correspondence - Potential sponsors, 1994
Correspondence - Potential sponsors, 1994
Correspondence - Potential sponsors, 1994
Correspondence - Press, 1994
Correspondence - Air Canada, 1994
Correspondence - Yau Ching, 1994
Correspondence - EXPEDI Printing, 1994
Correspondence - Jim Hubbard, 1994
Correspondence - Stephen Kent Jusick, 1994
Correspondence - Rejection letters, 1994
Correspondence - Miscellaneous, addressed to Festival, 1994
Correspondence - Miscellaneous, unsent envelopes, 1994
Subseries C: Entry Forms/Press Kits
Entry forms - blank, 1994
Entry forms - AIDS: Expressions in States of Mind program, 1994
Entry forms - Bitter Bitch program, 1994
Entry forms - Body Matters program, 1994
Entry forms - Brincando el Charco: Portrait of a Puerto Rican program, 1994
Entry forms - Circuit Breakers program, 1994
Entry forms - Cyberqueer program, 1994
Entry forms - Dark Sun, Bright Shade program, 1994
Entry forms - Drag Queen Feminism program, 1994
Entry forms - Frame by Frame Queer program, 1994
Entry forms - Geoscopes program, 1994
Entry forms - Guiding Light: Fighting the Right program, 1994
Entry forms - Hanky Spanky and Wide Open Spaces program, 1994
Entry forms - Hava Na-Gay-La program, 1994
Entry forms - Home Improvement: Renovating Family Values program, 1994
Entry forms - In Living Color: Africa and Beyond program, 1994
Entry forms - Kanada program, 1994
Entry forms - Man to Man program, 1994
Entry forms - Mix Brasil program, 1994
Entry forms - Not Queer Enough program, 1994
Entry forms - Polysexoflagellick program, 1994
Entry forms - Qual e o Babado? program, 1994
Entry forms - Real World: TV Meets AIDS program, 1994
Entry forms - Transgressive and Redemptive Acts program, 1994
Entry forms - TV Nation: Queers Unpack the Media program, 1994
Entry forms - Wet Spot program, 1994
Entry forms - Curatorial proposals, 1994
Entry forms - Curatorial proposals - rejected, 1994
Entry forms - Rejected entry forms by last name, A-G, 1994
Entry forms - Rejected entry forms by last name, H-O, 1994
Entry forms - Rejected entry forms by last name, P-Z, 1994
Subseries D: Databases
Conditions Governing Access
Born-digital materials have not been preserved and may not be available to researchers.
Database (FP3 file, 352 kb) (see archivist for access), 1994
Database printout - blank, 1994
Subseries E: Press/Promotion/Posters (see also Oversize/Mapcase series)
Artsnews - Mix 94 mention, 1994
HX - Mix 94 mention and ad, 1994
Metroline - "Mix '94 Video Festival", 1994
New York Observer - "Paglia! Who's Redhanded?", 1994
Next Magazine - Mix mention, 1994
Philadelphia Gay News - "Mix It Up", 1994
Vice - magazine, poster art, stills, 1994
Vice - Mix 94 ad, 1994
Flyers - Frame by Frame Queer, 1994
Flyers - Hava Na-Gay-La, 1994
Flyers - Killer Babe, 1994
Flyers - Transgressive and Redemptive Acts, 1994
Press kit, 1994
Poster designs, 1994
Subseries F: Special Programs (see also Oversize series)
Anthology Film Archives - Benefit screenings for Fresh Kill, Super 8 1/2, and Glennda and Camille Do Downtown, 1994
Cyberqueer - Installation components, 1994
Cyberqueer - Invite, 1994
Mix Brasil - Correspondence, invoices, contracts, programs, 1994
Mix Brasil - Program guide, 1994
WetSpot Cinema - Flyers, 1994
World Clique - Discussion transcript (DISKETTE INCLUDED), 1994
Subseries G: Media
Conditions Governing Access
Audiovisual materials have not been preserved and may not be available to researchers.
Title: Souvenir, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 1
Director: Cholodenko, Lisa
Format: VHS
Duration: 15 minutes
Title: Condomnation, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 3
Director: Chamberlain, Anne
Format: VHS
Duration: 15 minutes
Title: [1.]--Magic Cottage [2.]--Nelson Mandela Is Not Ugly, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 4 and 5
Director: Orr, Joe
Format: VHS
Duration: 45 minutes
Title: Eclectic Electric City Sparks, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 7
Director: Mack, Sande
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Butch Wax, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 8
Director: Lane, Jennifer
Format: VHS
Duration: 10 minutes
Title: Look Me Over Closely, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 10
Director: Gaal, Christopher
Format: VHS
Duration: 10 minutes
Title: Six Million and One, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 11
Director: Goralsky, Michal
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: White Christmas, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 13
Director: Magnaye, Michael
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: Suspicious, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 13
Director: O'Brien, Kelly and Thorne, Kika
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Jessesmaria, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 14
Director: Besilly, Lily and Jordan, Stefanie
Format: VHS
Duration: 15 minutes
Title: Mud Luverz, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 16
Director: Pearl, Heather and Paternoster, Nance
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: Alley Dance, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 17
Director: Thompson III, Walter
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: Rising, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 18
Director: Gee, Daven
Format: VHS
Duration: 15 minutes
Title: The Broadcast Tapes of Dr. Peter, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 19
Director: Paperny, David
Distributor: performers: [listed on tape container]
Format: VHS
Duration: 50 minutes
Title: Disparu, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 20
Director: Urist, Andrea
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: Al Margen Del Margen (Beyond Outcasts), Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 21
Director: Unknown
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Glass Breaks, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 22
Director: O'Connor, Frances
Format: VHS
Duration: 15 minutes
Title: Straight From the Heart, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 23
Director: Unknown
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: Other Families, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 27
Director: Jones, William
Format: VHS
Duration: 52 minutes
Title: Love Makes a Family: Gay Parents in the '90s, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 28
Director: Kobus, Remco, Leech, Marla, and Veltri, Daniel
Format: VHS
Duration: 20 minutes
Title: Bloody Well Done, Screened: [1993/1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 67166 #3, 29
Director: Percillier, Nathalie
Format: VHS
Duration: [15] minutes
Title: Liquor, Guns and Ammo, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 36
Director: Karpinski, B.
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: [1.]--Can You Say Androgynous? [2.]--Bathtub [3.]--Boy Crazy [4.]--Road Trip List, [3.]--Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 39
Director: Cowell, Laura
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Dyke TV: The Best of Winter '94, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 40
Director: Unknown
Format: VHS
Duration: 50 minutes
Title: It's Heart Shaped, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 43
Director: Boutet de Monvel/Hayes, Genevieve and Stanfield, Christine
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: Geography of the Imagination, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 46
Director: Andrews, Jan
Format: VHS
Duration: 18 minutes
Title: Lesbo Love, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 47
Director: Almoradie, Desireena
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Sexuality/Identity, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 48
Director: Wagner, Margaret
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: [1.]--Temblor (Trembling) [2.]--A Woman In Dance: Susana Tambutti, [1.]--Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 49
Director: Szperling, Silvina
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Starway To The Stairs, Screened: 1996
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 50
Director: Goodman, Craig
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: Homophobia in West Indian Communities, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 52
Director: Smith, Pam
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: Homophobia in West Indian Communities, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 52 C.2
Director: Smith, Pam
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: Red (No More Silence), Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 53
Director: Bregman, Eve
Format: VHS
Duration: 15 minutes
Title: [1.]--Andrea's Story [2.]--Wizard [3.]--Flesh Pink: Delicate [4.]--Little Red Riding Hood, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 56
Director: Morse, Barry [4.]-- Kaplan, David
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Complicated Flesh, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 63
Director: Deutsch, Kristina and Dunye, Cheryl
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Topless, Dickless, Clueless, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 71
Director: Summers, A.K.
Format: VHS
Duration: 15 minutes
Title: A Lot Of Fun For The Evil One, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 72
Director: Serra, M.M. and Beatty, M.
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: Exit, Screened: 1995
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 75
Director: Zermatten, Antoine
Distributor: performers: [listed on tape container]
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: Judy's Do, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 77
Director: Craig, Scott
Format: 3/4 in. Umatic
Duration: [5 minutes]
Title: Horsehead, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 79
Director: Grandell, Steve
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Fat Boy, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 82
Director: Bernstein, Daniel
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: Grannie's Bed Time Story, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 84
Director: Pendra
Format: VHS
Duration: 60 minutes
Title: [1.]--Tear Jerker [2.]--Living On The Moon [3.]--The Evil Cleric [4.]--With The Good Witch, [1.]--Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 89
Director: Higgins, S.
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Destiny, Desire and Devotion, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 92
Director: Dar, Zahid
Format: VHS
Duration: 15 minutes
Title: Conan, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 95
Director: Unknown
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: Three Faces of Women (A Feminine Trilogy), Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 97
Director: Castro, Rick
Distributor: performers: [listed in 1994 program]
Format: VHS
Duration: 90 minutes
Title: Apart From Hugh, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 100
Director: FitzGerald, Jon
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: My Queer Career '94: A Collection of Films and Videos From Australia, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 104
Director: [1.]--Gilerman, Svetlana [2.]--Palombi, Martina [3.]--Simpson, Kelly [4.]--Le Smith, Reuben [5.]--Barbagallo, Maria Rita [6.]--Fowler-Smith, Penny [7.]--Sihapanyaxay, Haikam [8.]--Rizzo, Teresa [9.]--Biscuit, Groovii [10.]--Ryan, Christopher
Distributor: additional credits: [11.]--Cummins, Stephen and Bergan, Matthew [12.]--Whitington, James [13.]--Slade, Tim [14.]--Walliss, Amanda [15.]--McDowell, Penny [16.]--Fry, Katherine [17.]--Schneider, Jane [18.]--Varga, David [19.]--Karpinski, Barbara [20-23 listed on tape container]
Format: VHS
Duration: 240 minutes
Title: Variations On a Theme: Two Films About Eating and Relationships, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 106
Director: Turner, Kiernan
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: Magda, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 109
Director: Walz, Oliver
Distributor: performers: [listed on tape container]
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: Women Are So Fucking Cool!, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 110
Director: Morton, Joanne
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: [1.]--Nuns in Love [2.]--Private Lives [3]--The Context of Pimrary Lesbian Choice, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 111
Director: Ulrich, B.
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: Kanada, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 112
Director: Hoolboom, Mike
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: [1.]--Mirto [2.]--Tracce di Chiodo Sul Muro (Tracks of Nail On the Wall), [1.]--Screened: 1995
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 112
Director: Marzi, Giampaolo
Distributor: performers: [listed on tape container]
Format: VHS
Duration: 35 minutes
Title: Samuel and Samantha on "The Emancipation of All", Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 114
Director: Lozano, Jorge
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: Her Body In Four Parts, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 117
Director: Howes, Lauren
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: 103 Degrees, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 118
Director: Marcolina, Kirk
Format: VHS
Duration: [10 minutes]
Title: Deviant Beauty
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 120, 6331#1
Director: [Keane?]
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: Take Me Back to Cairo
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 123
Director: Krause, Ute
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Auto Biography, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 124
Director: Day, Dennis
Format: VHS
Duration: 60 minutes
Title: [1.]--Margaret Atwood and the Problem with Canada [2.]--Wake Up Jerk Off Etc. [3.]--I Am a Man But, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 126
Director: MacIvor, Daniel
Format: VHS
Duration: 15 minutes
Title: [listed in AnnotationsContainer], Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 127
Director: [1-6]--Baumeister, Roswitha [7-11]--Aus Dem Moore, Elke
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: OUT: Stories of Gay and Lesbian Youth, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 128
Director: Adkin, David
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: We Sick, Boss?, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 129
Director: Gagne, Cole
Format: VHS
Duration: 20 minutes
Title: Heaven, Earth and Hell, Screened: 1994, 1996
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 131
Director: Harris, Thomas Allen
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: Tom's Flesh, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 132
Director: Wagner, Jane and di Maria, Tom
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: Coconut, Cane and Cutlass, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 133
Director: Mohabeer, Michelle
Distributor: performers: [listed on tape container]
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: [1.]--Problems Around The Bike [2.]--The Two Again, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 134
Director: [1.]--Venclova, Andrey [2.]--Mamushev, Vladislav
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: Hallowed, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 136
Director: Stevens, Ylonda
Format: VHS
Duration: 10 minutes
Title: By The Dawn's Early Light, Screened: 1994 [Wojnarowicz as narrator]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 137
Director: Knud, Vesterskov
Distributor: performers: Wojnarowicz, David [others listed on tape container]
Format: PAL
Duration: 88 minutes
Title: [1.]--They Shoot Models, Don't They? [2.]--The Love Shop, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 140
Director: Erik, Servalan
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Sublime: Remembrance of Things Fast, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 143
Director: Maybury, John
Format: VHS
Duration: 180 minutes
Title: Forms and Motifs, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 147
Director: Hetherman, Margaret
Format: VHS
Duration: 60 minutes
Title: Sister Louise's Discovery, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 148
Director: Hetherman, Margaret
Format: VHS
Duration: 60 minutes
Title: [1.]--A Journey [2.]--Prince of Peace, [1 and 2.]--Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 149
Director: [1.]--Grossmann, Gerda and Eschenbach, Margit [2.]--Scheugl, Hans
Format: VHS
Duration: 60 minutes
Title: Naomi's Legacy, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 151
Director: Levy, Wendy
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: [1.]--Agenda 1: Work in Progress [2.]--Ceiling Without Walls Promotional [3.]--Ceiling Without Walls, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 155
Director: Martin, Darrin
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: ¡Viva 16!, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 157
Director: Robles, Augie and Aguirre, Valentin
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: Shades, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 158
Director: Ajalon, Jamika
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: Lauren, Screened: [1994] [Recommended by Glenn Belverio]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 159
Director: Michels, Stevin
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Washington, D.C., Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 160
Director: Michels, Stevin
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: New York, New York, Screened: [1994] [Recommended by Glenn Belverio]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 162
Director: Michels, Stevin
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Wide Time: Surviving AIDS, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 163
Director: Plevin-Foust, Mimi and Lee, Jonathan
Format: VHS
Duration: 13 minutes
Title: The Exhibitionistic Voyeur, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 164
Director: Welsh, Eric
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: Tangled Garden Compilation Tape, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 165
Director: Anderlini, Ken
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: Feeling Anything Being Existing, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 166
Director: Tevaarwerk, Liz
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: Safe Sex: The Manual, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 167
Director: Unknown
Format: VHS
Duration: 60 minutes
Title: The Flip Side, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 171
Director: Corzine, Georgina
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: That's All Right Mama, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 172
Director: Herbert, Rachel
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: Me And My Dolly Angelique, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 173
Director: Stanfield, Christine
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: A Dirty Little Story, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 174
Director: Calvert, Melodie
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: Safe Sex is Fun, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 177
Director: Broggi, Paolo and Gelke, Hans
Format: VHS
Duration: 15 minutes
Title: [1.]--Performance Notes: A Bar Is A Bar Is A Bar [2.]--Women In Hollywood 2, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 178
Director: Rorex, Lee Ann
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Lying Together, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 181
Director: Stone, Arthur
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Psychological: A Cybergender Psychoerotica, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 184
Director: Kadet and Texas
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: Intro to Cultural Skit-Zo-Frenia, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 185
Director: Ajalon, Jamika
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: Fabian's Freak Show, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 189
Director: Museo Contempo
Format: VHS
Duration: 60 minutes
Title: [1.]--Body [2.]--Visitation [3.]--Lifesaver [4.]--French Bitch, [4.]--Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 190
Director: [1.]--Roberts, Adrian [2.]--Museo Contempo [3.]--Johnston, David [4.]--Tourrette, Pussy
Format: VHS
Duration: 60 minutes
Title: Violenta's Requiem, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 191
Director: Martinez, Juan Carlos
Distributor: performers: [listed in 1994 program]
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: [1.]--Basic Necessities [2.]--Without Saying Goodbye, [2.]--Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 192
Director: Miller, Tanya
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: The Rinse, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 193
Director: Lee, John
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: What Is A Line, Screened: 1994, 1996
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 194
Director: Frilot, Shari
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Trailer for "Ferrum 5000", Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 195
Director: Doughton, Steve
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: A Visit From Mom, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 196
Director: Unknown
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Sometimes, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 197
Director: Olson, Jenni
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: Which, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 198
Director: Herrick, Alan
Format: VHS
Duration: 20 minutes
Title: Ooh, Life is Juicy, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 199
Director: Goldwater, Helena
Format: PAL
Duration: 15 minutes
Title: Lawnbutch, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 200
Director: Farrell, Nicci
Format: VHS
Duration: 10 minutes
Title: Land Beyond Tomorrow, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 201
Director: Cederbaum, S.R. and Farell[sic], Nicci
Format: VHS
Duration: 10 minutes
Title: Her Appetite, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 202
Director: Fullman, Katrina
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: Cinema Al-Fouad, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 207
Director: Soueid, Mohamed
Format: VHS
Duration: 60 minutes
Title: The Mister Sisters, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 210
Director: Wilhite, Ingrid
Format: VHS
Duration: 15 minutes
Title: Dark Sun, Bright Shade, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 214
Director: KWOI
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: [1.]--Another American Family - Trailer [2.]--Boys/Life, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 215
Director: Roth, Phillip B.
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: Vacancy, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 217
Director: Katsapetses, Nick
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: [1.]--Blu Fiction [2.]--La Luce Sul Sentiero, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 218
Director: Unknown
Format: VHS
Duration: 60 minutes
Title: [1.]--Era Meglio Morire Da Piccoli [2.]--L'amore Vincitore [3.]--Amore Perfetto, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 220
Director: Unknown
Format: VHS
Duration: 60 minutes
Title: Olufina Abuela Balanquet, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 221
Director: Ferrera-Balanquet, Raul
Format: VHS
Duration: 15 minutes
Title: Smoke, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 222
Director: Camps, Liz
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Open For Flavor, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 225
Director: Torr, Diane
Distributor: performers: [listed in 1994 program]
Format: VHS
Duration: 15 minutes
Title: Sepia's Blues, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 230
Director: Bridgforth, Sharon
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: Scrub Me Mama, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 231
Director: Grotell, David
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Texas, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 235
Director: Gonzalez, Mari Keiko
Format: VHS
Duration: 15 minutes
Title: Kitchen Table Sex: Things I Like to Eat, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 236
Director: L[e]der, Evie
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: Salamander, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 238
Director: Syed, Tanya
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: [1.]--Alimentiveness [2.]--Scrub, [1.]--Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 240
Director: Acosta, Roger
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Jane, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 242
Director: Taylor, Mark
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: [1.]--Go Down Slow [2.]--Lapse, [1.]--Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 243
Director: [1.]--Warm, Luke [2.]--Daniel, James
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: On The Track, Screened: 1995
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Holland, Sandra R.
Format: VHS
Duration: 15 minutes
Title: Good Machine
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Cohn, Roy and Smith, Jack
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: [1.]--Diva [2.]--Limpasse [3.]--Angel [4.]--Whatever Happened to Dana Plato [5.]--The Voices of the [Fallers?]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Johnston, Dennis
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Brincando El Charco, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Negron-Muntaner, Frances
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Lily White
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: #3 80486
Director: Laba, Jaba
Distributor: performers: [listed on tape container]
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: [1.]--Bridgette [2.]--French Bitch, [2.]--Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Tourette, Pussy
Format: VHS
Duration: 15 minutes
Title: Get It, Girl: Lesbians Talk About Sex, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Turner, Kay and Gant, Ella
Format: VHS
Duration: 60 minutes
Title: Lily and Lu-Lu Go To The March, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Marnell, Lily and Moreira, Luciana
Format: VHS
Duration: 15 minutes
Title: Wax Me, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Simpson, Kelli
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: ¡Viva 16!, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Robles, Augie
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Worms, Beer, Matzoh, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Callahan, Jennifer
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: Deviant Beauty
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Keane, Tina
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: Taking Back the Dolls, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Singer, Leslie
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Outlaw, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Lebow, Alisa
Format: VHS
Duration: 60 minutes
Title: When Shirley Met Florence, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Bezalel, Ronit
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: [1.]--Bridgette [2.]--French Bitch, [2.]--Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Tourette, Pussy
Format: VHS
Duration: 15 minutes
Title: No Fairy Tale, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Morgana, Aimee
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: [1.]--The Butts [2.]--Safe Sex
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Unknown
Format: VHS
Duration: 160 minutes
Title: Act Up/Diva TV Public Access Compilation
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Kramer, Larry
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Particularly Now, In Spring., Screened: 1995
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 29702
Director: Defurne, Bavo
Format: VHS
Duration: 60 minutes
Title: [untitled], [no label]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Unknown
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: [1.]--Ataxiaflagris [2.]--Birth [3.]--Xycoprosis [4.]--Give, [1.]--Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 229
Director: Carter, Chad
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: Heaven Earth and Hell, Screened: 1994, 1996
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 4, 131
Director: Harris, Thomas Allen
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: A Woman's Heart
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Mariae, Omri
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: Is There A Cure For My Friend?, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Lauber, Liza and Maidoff, Natasha
Format: VHS
Duration: 60 minutes
Title: [1.]--Momentary Lapses [2.]--Romeo's Flavor, [2.]--Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Turner, Kieran A.
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: Frankie and Jocie, Screened: 1994, 1996
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: V05
Director: Taylor, Jocelyn
Format: VHS
Duration: Unknown
Title: Barbie Liberation Organizaion (BLO) Nightly News, Screened: Unknown
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 3
Director: Unknown
Format: VHS
Title: The Easy Garden, Screened: Unknown
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Stanley, Anie
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: [1.]-- What Is a Line? [2.]-- A Cosmic Demonstration of Sexuality, Screened: [1995, 1998]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 5
Director: Frilot, Shari
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: She Makes Love With Her, Screened: Unknown
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Shmuel, Nili
Format: VHS
Duration: 15 minutes
Title: No Fairy Tale, Screened: Unknown
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Morgana, Amy
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Virus, Screened: Unknown
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Gaffney, Stuart
Format: VHS
Duration: [5] minutes
Title: [1.]-- Gasp [2.]-- Ajax for Life [3.]-- Light Sweet Crude, Screened: Unknown
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Nerwen, Diane
Format: VHS
Duration: 60 minutes
Title: Cold Bath, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Orr, Steve
Format: VHS
Duration: 60 minutes
Title: Rootless Cosmopolitans, Screened: 1992
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Novaczek, Ruth
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: [1.]-- Problems Around the Bike [2.]-- The Two Again, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 16M
Director: [1.]-- Venclova, Andrey [2.]-- Mamushev, Vladislav
Format: VHS
Duration: [20] minutes
Title: A Short Film About Us, Screened: [1996]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: [Smith, Rita]
Format: VHS
Duration: 90 minutes
Title: Seducing Maarya, Screened: Unknown
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 421 0
Director: [Hoe, Hunt]
Format: VHS
Duration: 112 minutes
Title: Isaak, Screened: Unknown
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 241
Director: Unknown
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Chasing the Moon, Screened: Unknown
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 170
Director: Suggs, Dawn
Format: VHS
Duration: [40] minutes
Title: Cling Film, Screened: Unknown
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 33
Director: Thew, Anna
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: The Love Machine, Screened: Unknown
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 94
Director: Snee, Patrick
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: Unforgiven Fire, Screened: Unknown
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 34
Director: Killacky, John and S. Grandell
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: From a Secret Place, Screened: Unknown
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 26
Director: Heller, Karin and Bill Domonkos
Format: VHS
Duration: 60 minutes
Title: A Light on the Path, Screened: Unknown
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 43
Director: Puccioni, Marco
Format: VHS
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: Shades, Screened: Unknown
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 6
Director: Ajalon, Jamika
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Bloody Well Done, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Percillier, Natalie
Format: Betacam SP
Duration: 20 minutes
Title: A Woman's Heart, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 67166 #1
Director: Marian, Omri
Format: VHS
Duration: 20 minutes
Title: Bloody Well Done, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Percillier, Natalie
Format: 3/4 in. Umatic
Duration: 20 minutes
Title: It's a Mitzvah, Screened: 1994
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Jacobson, Fran
Format: VHS
Duration: 120 minutes
Title: Gay Rights / Special Rights, Screened: Unknown
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: [Phipps, Cyrille]
Format: 3/4 in. Umatic
Duration: 60 minutes
Title: Salamander, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Syed, Tanya
Format: 3/4 in. Umatic
Duration: 10 minutes
Title: Mix '95 Trailer, Screened: 1995
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Unknown
Format: 3/4 in. Umatic
Duration: [15] minutes
Title: Topless, Dickless, Clueless, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 2
Director: Summers, AK
Format: 3/4 in. Umatic
Duration: 20 minutes
Title: TEXAS, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: [MKG]
Format: 3/4 in. Umatic
Duration: 10 minutes
Title: Alimentiveness, Screened: Unkonwn
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Acosta, Roger
Format: 3/4 in. Umatic
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: Jane, Screened: Unknown
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Taylor, Mark
Format: 3/4 in. Umatic
Duration: 20 minutes
Title: Love of 3 Oranges, Screened: Unknown
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 64449
Director: Uman, Naomi
Format: 3/4 in. Umatic
Duration: 20 minutes
Title: Anastasia and the Queen of Hearts, Screened: [1998]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: T118
Director: Atkins, Shawn
Format: 3/4 in. Umatic
Duration: 10 minutes
Title: Lily and Lulu Go to the March, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Marnell, Lily and Luciana Moreira
Format: 3/4 in. Umatic
Duration: 30 minutes
Title: Las Cosas Que El Me Hizo Que Hacer, Screened: [1994]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number: 239
Director: Ferrera-Balanquet, Raul
Format: VHS
Duration: 15 minutes
Title: She Makes Love with Her, Screened: [1992]
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Old number:
Director: Shmuel, Nili
Format: 3/4 in. Umatic
Duration: 60 minutes