Series VIII: Theater Productions
Scope and Contents note
Series VIII reflects Elizabeth Robins's interest in non-profit theater and Ibsen dramas. With the exception of the acting contracts dating from 1883, when Robins was living in America, and a prompt copy for The King's Pleasure, the materials in this series relate to her theater experiences in England. In addition, there is material relating to the production of Votes for Women!, Robins's suffrage play, published in 1907.
Subseries A: Business Records
Scope and Contents note
Subseries A contains business records from the period when Robins produced and/or acted in such Ibsen plays as Hedda Gabler (1891, 1898), The Master Builder (1893), and Little Eyolf (1896). There are also business accounts and seating charts for the 1897 production of Echegaray's Mariana, which she directed. Some of these plays were produced by the New Century Theatre, which Robins, William Archer, and others formed.
Hedda Gabler 1891, 1898, 1891 -1898, inclusive
Scope and Content
See also Oversize Material, Box 269, Folder 2.
Ibsen Performances at the Opera Comique Theatre 1893, 1893, inclusive
General note
See also individual plays.
Ibsen subscription performances 1894, 1894, inclusive
Ibsen birthday subscriptions 1898, 1898, inclusive
Karin (May-June) 1892, 1892, inclusive
Little Eyolf 1896, 1896, inclusive
Scope and Content
See also Oversize Material, Box 269, Folder 3.
Little Eyolf--ticket requests (November) 1896, 1896, inclusive
Mariana 1897, 1897, inclusive
Scope and Content
See also Oversize Material, Box 269, Folder 4.
The Master Builder 1893, 1895, 1893 -1895, inclusive
Scope and Content
See also Oversize Material, Box 269, Folder 5.
The Master Builder--set sketches, property list, names of actors suggested for play
The New Century Theatre 1897, n.d., 1897, inclusive
Scope and Content
See also Oversize Material, Box 13, Folder 10 and Series II, Boxes 20 and 21: "Wm. Archer."
Votes for Women--correspondence re: production 1906, 1907, 1906 -1907, inclusive
Votes for Women--contract for production 1906, 1906, inclusive
Miscellaneous business records
Subseries B: Prompt Copies and Annotated Typescripts
Scope and Contents note
Subseries B is made up of typescripts and prompt copies of Ibsen and Echegaray plays. Most are annotated by Robins and some contain other annotations: the typescript for Mariana has added corrections by both Henry James and William Archer. There are also a prompt copies of Mrs. Humphry Ward's Eleanor and of Henry James's play, The American, also annotated by Robins.