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Bridges: Brooklyn Bridge

At the Brooklyn End of the Bridge. Harper's Weekly, 1898 February 26

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Auf der East-River Brucke—Fussganger werden seekrank [On the East River bridge - pedestrians become seasick]. Frank Leslie's Illustrierte Zeitung, undated.

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Boring for a Foundation for the New Suspension Bridge from Brooklyn to New York. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1867-09-07

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Boring for Foundations for the New York and Brooklyn Suspension Bridge. Harper's Weekly, August 31, 1867.

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The Break on the Brooklyn Bridge [2 copies]. Harper's Weekly, 1901

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The Bridge as Seen from the Brooklyn Side, Including the Fulton Ferry-House. Stiles, History of Kings County, 1884

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The Brooklyn Bridge – Cross Section of Caisson; The Brooklyn Bridge—Exterior View of Caisson. Harper's Weekly, 1870-03-19

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The Brooklyn Bridge - Dr. Scott's Ad Harper's Weekly, 1883

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Brooklyn Bridge From the North, Showing by Arrows at Center, Location of the Nine Broken Suspenders. Scientific American, 1901-08-03

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"The Brooklyn Bridge." Lithograph by S.M. Gallais, 1964

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The Brooklyn Bridge, New York – One of the wonders of the world is here, 1890

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Brooklyn-bron. Planen till denna mellan städerna New York och Brooklyn öfver East River...[Brooklyn Bridge. The plan for this tense suspension bridge between the cities of New York and Brooklyn across the East River...] [see item for full translation from Frisian], Undated.

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The "Brooklyn Eagle" Office and Bridge Tower. Stiles, History of Kings County, 1884

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The Career of a Brave Man [color cartoons of adventurer afraid of Brooklyn Bridge cars during rush hour]. Puck, 1889

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The Cars as They Will Be on the Brooklyn Bridge [2 copies]. Harper's Weekly, 1883-06-13

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Casting the 24-ton Anchor for the Great Brooklyn Bridge at the South Brooklyn Steam Engine Works. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1873-05-24

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Connecting New York and Brooklyn by the Electric Trolley. Finishing the Great Work at the New York Terminus of the Brooklyn Bridge. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly, 1898-01-27

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Construction of the New East River Bridge Scientific American, 1899-01-07

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Das Ver. Staaten Kriegschiff "Swatara" [The U.S. warship "Swatara." Illustration of the bridge towers with ships in the river]. Frank Leslie's Illustrierte Zeitung, 1875

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Die Bogen der East-River Brucke auf der New Yorker Seite [The Arches of the East River Bridge on the New York Side]. Um Die Welt, Keppler & Schwartzmann's Illustrierte Zeitung, 1882-09-09

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Die Grosse Brooklyn Brucke [The Big Brooklyn Bridge. Cartoon of contracts changing hands between the Fowler and Kingsley Piers]. Frank Leslie's Illustrierte Zeitung, 1872-07-05

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The East River Bridge [The Brooklyn Pier—General View of Foundation; Working Beneath Shoe or Edge of Caisson; Air Chambers for the Ingress and Egress of Workmen; Sending up Debris Through the Water Shaft; Sectional View of Foundation, Showing Caisson and Mason-Work]. Harper's Weekly, 1870-12-17

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The East River Bridge—Demolition of Buildings for the New York Approach. Harper's Weekly, 1877-11-24

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The East River Bridge, New York: Details of Air Locks for Brooklyn Caisson. Engineering, 1873-06-13

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East River Brucke.—Ansichte der Aufgange in New-York und Brooklyn [East River Bridge.—Views of the Staircases in New York and Brooklyn]. Frank Leslie's Illustrierte Zeitung, undated.

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Echoes of the late Presidential election—Paying a grotesque wager on the result—scene on Brooklyn Bridge, November 14. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1888-11-24

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Eröffnungs-Feier der New York-Brooklyner Hängebrücke am 24.Mai 1883.—Scene in der Brooklyner Brücken-Halle und das Feuerwerf auf der Brücke [Opening ceremony of the New York-Brooklyn Suspension Bridge on May 24, 1883. Scene in the Brooklyn Bridge Hall and the fireworks on the bridge]. Um Die Welt, Keppler & Schwartzmann's Illustrierte Zeitung, June 2, 1883.

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The Evening Crush at a Stairway Leading to the Brooklyn Bridge. Once A Week, 1890-01-28

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An Excursion Steamer. Drawn by Charles Kendrick. Harper's Weekly, 1877-09-15

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Farrington Crossing the Span. Harper's New Monthly, 1883

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The First Passenger Across the East River Bridge.—Testing the Temporary Cable, 1876-08-25

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A Flirt's Daring Trick. National Police Gazette, 1883-05-12

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The Great Bridge – Fire-works and Illumination, from the Brooklyn Side. Drawn by Charles Graham. Harper's Weekly, 1883-06-02

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The Great East River Suspension Bridge. Connecting the Cities of New York and Brooklyn. Reprinted from color lithograph by Currier & Ives. From a 1968 calendar published by the Travelers Insurance Companies, Hartford, CT, 1968

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The Great Suspension Bridge Between New York and Brooklyn. Scientific American, 1878-11-09

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The Grip on the Brooklyn Bridge—a Moment of Danger. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly, 1890-03-08

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Inside views of the East River Bridge Caisson, Brooklyn NY. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1870-10-15

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The Jam at the Entrance to the Brooklyn Bridge. Drawing by T. de Thulstrup. Harper's Weekly, 1885-08-29

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Method of Constructing the Floor of the East River Bridge Harper's Weekly, 1881-04-23

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Most densely-traveled spot of the face of the globe. Manhattan End of Brooklyn Bridge, on the acre's area, 150,000,000 passengers gather yearly. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly, 1903-08-20

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New Cable Driving Plant of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge. Scientific American, 1888-07-21

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New East River After the Fire. Scientific American, 1902

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The New Suspension Bridge between New York and Brooklyn USA. The Graphic, 1883-06-02

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The New Terminal in Brooklyn of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge [2 copies; 1 color]. Harper's Weekly, 1895

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New York and the Brooklyn Bridge – "On se fait a tout avec le temps,(One gets accustomed to everything in time,") is a true proverb. No doubt the old Egyptians hardly glanced at their gigantic Pyramids…", 1900

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The New York and Brooklyn Suspension-Bridge - Brooklyn Entrance Harper's Weekly [2 copies], 1883-05-26

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New York and Brooklyn Suspension Bridge., 1880

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The New York End of the Brooklyn Bridge on a Winter Day. Harper's Weekly, 1892-02-20

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New York Harbor, as Seen from the Brooklyn Tower of the Suspension Bridge. Harper's Weekly, 1873 November 1

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The New York Terminal of the Brooklyn Bridge, Now under Construction. Harper's Weekly, undated.

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New York's Workers as They Are, and Not as Jeff Davis Saw Them. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly, 1909

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Old and New - the Two Bridges Connecting New York and Brooklyn. Harper's Weekley , 1901

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Our Artist in America: New York City People Going Home. The Illustrated London News, undated.

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The Present Condition of the Anchorage of the East River Bridge. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1873-08-30

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Present Condition of the New East River Bridge Scientific American, 1902-07-26

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A Promenade in Mid-Air: Crossing the Footway of the New York and Brooklyn Suspension Bridge. The Pictorial World, .

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Promenade, Railway, and Roadway of the Brooklyn Bridge. Scientific American, 1883-06-02

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The Proposed Extension of the East River Bridge. Harper's Weekly, 1886

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The Proposed Terminal of the East River Bridge in Brooklyn. Harper's Weekly, 1893-03-11

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R.G. Odlum springt am 19 Mai 1885 von der East River Brucke in den Fluss [R.G. Odlum jumps from the East River Bridge into the river, May 19 1885]. Frank Leslie's Illustrierte Zeitung, 1885

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Rapid Transit in New York – The Crush at the Brooklyn Bridge. Drawn by Arthur Lewis. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly, 1904-09-15

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A Runaway on the Brooklyn Side of the East River Bridge [2 copies; 1 color], Undated

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Section of Bridge, Showing Foot, Rail and Carriage Ways; Bridge Approaches. Stiles, History of Kings County, 1884

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Shoveling Snow from the East River Bridge, New York City. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1885-01-10

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Sinking the Brooklyn Caisson for East River Bridge No. 3 Scientific American, 1902-05-31

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The Tragedy on the Brooklyn Bridge, May 30. Drawn by C.Graham and W.A. Rogers. Harper's Weekly, 1883-06-09

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"Under the Towers" from the water-color painting by F. Hopkinson Smith. Harper's Weekly, 1882-02-18

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Unglück auf der East-River Bruecke. Der Bruch eines Drahtseiles verursacht den Tod zweier Arbeiter [Misfortune on the East River Bridge. The breakage of a wire rope causes the death of two workers]. Frank Leslie's Illustrierte Zeitung, undated.

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View of Caisson and Plant for New East River Bridge Scientific American, 1897-08-07

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View showing the proposed improvement at the New York terminus of the Brooklyn Bridge. Scientific American, 1884-04-12

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Washington A. Roebling, the Invalid Engineer in Chief of the Brooklyn Bridge, Watching the Progress of the Structure from his Sick Room on Brooklyn Heights. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1884-05-26

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Welcoming Admiral Dewey—Pyrotechnic Display in the Harbor and Rivers, Illumination of the Brooklyn Bridge at Night. Drawn from Life by G.W. Peters. Harper's Weekly, undated.

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Center for Brooklyn History
128 Pierrepont Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201