Series 3: Photographs
Scope and Contents
This series includes: contact sheets; negatives from photographers H. Roger Celestin, Paul Lewis and Kristen Elmquist; 8 1/2 x 11 color prints by H. Roger Celestin; and 4 x 5 color prints by Dwan Reece King, Kristin Elmquist, Paul Lewis and H. Roger Celestin. Detailed explanations of the photographers and numbering of this series is located in the "Photo Documentation and Description" folder in box 5. "Photo Interviews and Descriptions" in box 5 contains photographs interspersed with descriptions and biographical information on those pictured.
The photographs depict parade events, band rehearsals, costume making and many of the narrators from the oral history interviews in series 1. The individuals pictured include: Randy Brewster, Jackie Clavery, Daphne Weeks, Fuzzy Davis, Frankie and Claudette Wall Kenneth Antoine, Jeffrey Adolphus, Joyce Quamina, Michelle Quamina, Carlos Lezma, Cheryl Byron and Michael Roberts. The prints also depict the following groups and bands: Aquarium Productions, The Promise, St. Vincent, Casym Boys, T&T Garage Boys, JuJu Warriors Mas Camp, Savage, Pan Rebels, Rage, Pauline and Associates, Marge and Associates, Caribbean People's Organization, Utica Boys, Sesame Flyers, Hawks Fantasy Warrors, Amazonia, W. Millington Mas Productions, and Devils.