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Real Brooklyn, a day in our lives photographs

Call Number



2003, inclusive


Callan, Tom
Caola, Donald H.
Bruchman, Bryan
Buckley, Brian
Clay, Scott Addison
Clovis, Donna
Castillo, Vanessa
Choi, Nancy
Berman, Michael Scott
Bernales, Cia
Beard, Scott
Benton, Barrett
Bojanov, Konstantin
Bristow, Beth
Blaney, Nathan
Blanton, Heather
Bach, Kim
Aronowitz, Avital
Arnett, Pat
Andino, Marvin
Barbour, Ian
Ballester, Margaret
Baldwin, Gordon
Bahchevanova, Svetlana
Positive Focus, Inc. (Brooklyn, New York, N.Y.) (Role: Donor)
Palmer, Lorrie (Role: Donor)
Alexander, Abolaji
Adler, Doris
Nialla, Sasha
Nutti, Sherri
Minsky, Tequila
Napier, Laura
Milis, Brenda
Miniter, Kelly
Meneses, Paul
Meswhiea, Camilla
McKeown, Bob
McKeown, Meredith
Markowitz, Marty
McFadden, Syreeta
Malvin, Robert
Manzino, Natalie
Lowell, Robert
Mahnken, Chris
Louissaint, Rich
Lloyd, Marcia
Link, Kevin
Levy, Serge J.F.
Larson, Megan
Larsen, Erika
LaFontaine, Ileana
Kwate, Naa Oyo A.
Kwan, Cathy
Kozak, Ken
Kronberg, Tatiana
Kohler, Richard
Knispel, Deborah
Klosterman, Doug
Kinley, Hassan
Kingslake, Steffie
Jefferson, Noel E.
Jones, Chris
Jopling, Jasmine J.
Kessler, Linda
Hoermann, Caroline
Huang, Hsiao Chun
Huggert, Travis
Inglis, Mark
Gunawan, Henry
Hankin, Hazel
Haselwood, Alicia J.
Hershkowitz, Deborah
Gans, Hank
Garber, Allison
Gentry, Paul
Guiliani, Crista
Fetkovich, Kristina
Ettin, Scott A.
Gallagher, David F.
Foy, Brien
Edelson, Julie
Ebenstein, Joanna
Epstein, Jill
Edorh, Cynthia
Dombrovksy-Sobel, Karen
Dollo, Phillipe
Dragani, Lisa Aileen
Dowling, Kerry
Conway, Corren
Cochran, Djamilla Rosa
Dobkin, Jacob
Dinges, Brion
Weinberg, Flo
Whiteman, Lisa
Walker, Shawn
Weinberg, Bob
Wood, Daryl J.
Wright, Mel
Williams, Brooke
Wolfe, Aaron
Zassenhaus, Michelle
Zeng, Eric
Yamada, Takeshi (1960-)
Zartarian, Martin
Setzen, Jon
Serrado, Sylvia
Smith, Alyce
Silva, Irene J.
Staffa, Adam
Spisak, Tara
Steciw, Kate
Stead Baigrie, Karen
Sutikno, Agus
Storace, Stephanie
Thompson, Walter
Svensson, Stefan
Tsai, Peihend
Thornton, Jay
Walker, Danette
Vinaixa, Inaki
Olear, Doug
Palmer, Lorrie
Parrot, Daniel
Pereira, Al
Quartin, Wayne
Regan, Bridget Walsh
Revilla, Vincente
Rich, Victoria
Ridgeway, Douglass
Robilotto, Pamela
Salaam, Bilal
Saunders, Jami
Savage, Ron
Scafati, Susan
Schaffer , Kate
Schuman, Aaron
Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.). Office of Brooklyn Borough President
Positive Focus, Inc. (Brooklyn, New York, N.Y.)


1.75 Linear Feet
in three manuscript boxes and one custom box

Language of Materials

English .


This collection contains black-and-white and color photographs that document Positive Focus, Inc.'s exhibition entitled Real Brooklyn: a day in our lives, which was held at Brooklyn's Borough Hall in September 2003. The exhibition was co-sponsored by Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz and (the website no longer exists as of 2015). The photographs depict residents of different Brooklyn neighborhoods. The artists themselves are a mixture of native New Yorkers and new residents, as well as both amateur and professional photographers.

Historical note

Positive Focus, Inc.'s exhibition entitled Real Brooklyn: a day in our lives, was held at Brooklyn's Borough Hall in September 2003. The exhibition was co-sponsored by Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz and (the website no longer exists as of 2015). The photographs depict residents of different Brooklyn neighborhoods. The artists themselves were a mixture of native New Yorkers and new residents, as well as both amateur and professional photographers.

Source: Kolben, Deborah. "Photo Exhbit Peeks into the Lives of Brooklynites." The Brooklyn Paper (Brooklyn, NY), July 21, 2003.

Scope and Contents

This collection contains black-and-white and color photographs that document Positive Focus, Inc.'s exhibition from 2003 entitled Real Brooklyn: a day in our lives. These photographs are housed in seventeen presentation books. Each presentation book is arranged alphabetically by the photographer's last name. There is an introduction page in each section with a short biography of each photographer and the titles of their photographs.

Book 1: Doris Adler (Kensington), Abolaji Alexander (Flatbush, Dumbo, Downtown), Marvin Andino (Midwood), Pat Arnett (Williamsburg, Bedford-Stuyvesant, Bushwick, Ridgewood), Avital Aronowitz (Williamsburg), Kim Bach (Starret City), Svetlana Bahchevanova (East New York), Karen Stead Baigrie (Boerum Hill, Park Slope)

Book 2: Gordon Baldwin (Boerum Hill, Brooklyn Heights), Margaret Ballester (Brooklyn Heights, Downtown), Ian Barbour (Plumb Beach, Sheepshead Bay), Scott Beard (New Utrecht, Carroll Gardens, Borough Park), Barrett Benton (Park Slope), Michael Scott Berman (New Lots, Prospect Park), Cia Bernales (DUMBO)

Book 3: Nathan Blaney (Bay Ridge), Heather Blanton (Gowanus, Park Slope), Konstantin Bojanov (East New York), Beth Bristow (DUMBO), Bryan Bruchman (Gowanus), Brian Buckley (Garritsen Beach), Tom Callan (Brooklyn Heights, DUMBO, Park Slope), Donald H. Caola (Bay Ridge, Flatbush)

Book 4: Vanessa Castillo (Borough Park), Nancy Choi (Williamsburg, Park Slope, Downtown Brooklyn), Scott Addison Clay (Windsor Heights, also known as Windsor Terrace), Djamilla Rosa Cochran (Park Slope, Mapleton, Red Hook), Donna Clovis (Brooklyn Heights), Corren Conway (Brooklyn Heights), Brion Dinges (Prospect Park, Park Slope), Jacob Dobkin (Red Hook)

Book 5: Phillipe Dollo (Vinegar Hill, DUMBO), Karen Dombrovksy-Sobel (DUMBO), Mariah Bowen Doren (Jamaica Bay), Kerry Dowling (Sea Gate, Prospect Heights, Park Slope), Lisa Aileen Dragani (Brighton Beach, Coney Island, Prospect Heights), Joanna Ebenstein (Fort Greene), Julie Edelson (Bensonhurst), Cynthia Edorh (Prospect Heights)

Book 6: Jill Epstein (Greenpoint), Scott A. Ettin (Red Hook), Krisitna Fetkovich (Bay Ridge), Brien Foy (Fort Greene Park, Clinton Hill), David F. Gallagher (Park Slope), Hank Gans (Cypress Hills, Downtown, Brooklyn Heights), Allison Garber (Coney Island, Brighton Beach, Midwood), Paul Gentry (Bushwick)

Book 7: Crista Guiliani (DUMBO), Marc Griffin (Rockaways), Henry Gunawan (Park Slope), Hazel Hankin (Park Slope), Alicia J. Haselwood (Borough Park), Deborah Hershkowitz (Red Hook), Caroline Hoermann (Brighton Beach), Hsiao Chun Huang and Eric Zeng (Sheepshead Bay)

Book 8: Travis Huggert (Clinton Hill), Mark Inglis (Boerum Hill, Kensington, Greenwood), Noel E. Jefferson (Park Slope), Chris Jones (Williamsburg), Jasmine J. Jopling (DUMBO), Linda Kessler (Crown Heights), Steffie Kingslake (Prospect Heights, Flatbush, Crown Heights), Hassan Kinley (Stuyvesant Heights, Clinton Hills)

Book 9: Doug Klosterman (Gowanus), Deborah Knispel (Canarsie, Sheepshead Bay), Richard Kohler (Sunset Park), Ken Kozak (Williamsburg), Tatiana Kornberg (Crown Heights East Newtah), Cathy Kwan (Sunset Park), Naa Oyo A. Kwate (Bedford Stuyvesant, Downtown, Boerum Hill), Ileana LaFontaine (Columbia Street Waterfront)

Book 10: Erika Larsen (Bay Ridge), Megan Larson (Downtown), Serge J.F. Levy (Prospect Heights, Midwood, Bushwick, Navy Yard, Williamsburg), Kevin Link (Sunset Park), Marcia Lloyd (Coney Island), Rich Louissaint (Flatbush), Robert Lowell (Bergen Beach, Mil Basin, Cobble Hill)

Book 11: Chris Mahnken (Park Slope, DUMBO, Brooklyn Heights), Natalie Manzino (Marine Park), Robert Malvin (Prospect Lefferts Gardens), Syreeta McFadden (Clinton Hill, Fort Greene), Bob McKeown (Prospect Park, Crown Heights), Meredith McKeown (Park Slope, Prospect Park South), Paul Meneses (Kensington), Camilla Meswhiea and Kate Steciw (Bushwick)

Book 12: Brenda Milis (Carroll Gardens), Kelly Miniter (Carroll Gardens, Cobble Hill), Tequila Minsky (Flatbush, Crown Heights), Laura Napier (Sunset Park), Sasha Nialla (Mapleton), Sherri Nutti (East Flatbush), Doug Olear (Williamsburg), Lorrie Palmer (Gravesend)

Book 13: Daniel Parrot (Prospect Park, Crown Heights), Al Pereira (Windsor Terrace), Wayne Quartin (Prospect Park), Bridget Walsh Regan (Homecrest, Park Slope, Crown Heights), Vincente Revilla (Coney Island, Sheepshead Bay), Victoria Rich (Flatlands), Douglass vmr Ridgeway (Park Slope)

Book 14: Pamela Robilotto (Cobble Hill), Bilal Salaam (Brownsville, Crown Heights), Jami Saunders (Park Slope, Windsor Terrace, Prospect Heights, Brooklyn Heights), Ron Savage (Greenpoint), Susan Scafati (Prospect Park), Kate Schaffer (Gowanus, Cobble Hill), Aaron Schuman (Brighton Beach), Sylvia Serrado (North Williamsburg), Jon Setzen (Park Slope)

Book 15: Irene J. Silva (Prospect Heights), Alyce Smith (Fort Hamilton), Tara Spisak (Ridegewood, Bushwick), Adam Staffa (Williamsburg), Stephanie Storace (Brooklyn Bridge Pier, Brooklyn Bridge), Agus Sutikno (Midwood), Stefan Svensson (Canarsie), Inaki Vinaixa (Williamsburg, Bushwick), Walter Thompson (Carroll Gardens)

Book 16: Jay Thornton (Williamsburg, New Utrecht), Peihend Tsai (Bedford Stuyvesent), Danette Walker (Gowanus), Shawn Walker (Clinton Hill), Flo and Bob Weinberg (Greenpoint), Lisa Whiteman (Prospect Heights, Williamsburg), Brooke Williams (Stuyvesant Heights), Aaron Wolfe (Downtown)

Book 17: Daryl J. Wood (Ocean Hill, Bedford Stuyvesant), Mel Wright (Greenpoint), Takeshi Yamada (Coney Island), Martin Zartarian (Prospect Heights), Michelle Zassenhaus (Dumbo, Vinegar Hill, Bay Ridge)



Palmer, Lorrie (Role: Donor)


Brooklyn Heights (New York, N.Y.); Brooklyn Park (New York, N.Y.); Columbia Heights (Brooklyn, N.Y.); Downtown Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.); Prospect Heights (New York, N.Y.); Coney Island (New York, N.Y.); Bay Ridge (New York, N.Y); Brooklyn Bridge (New York, N.Y.); DUMBO (New York, N.Y.); Bedford-Stuyvesant (New York, N.Y.); Canarsie (New York, N.Y.); Boerum Hill (New York, N.Y.); Crown Heights (New York, N.Y.); Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) |x Social conditions |y 21st century; Kensington (New York, N.Y.); Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) |x Buildings, structures, etc.; Park Slope (New York, N.Y.); Bushwick (New York, N.Y.); Brighton Beach (New York, N.Y.); Sunset Park (New York, N.Y.); Midwood (New York, N.Y.); New Utrecht (New York, N.Y.); Clinton Hill (New York, N.Y.); Cobble Hill (New York, N.Y.); Gravesend (New York, N.Y.); Red Hook (New York, N.Y.); Carroll Gardens (New York, N.Y.); Windsor Terrace (New York, N.Y.); Brownsville (New York, N.Y.); Gowanus (New York, N.Y.); Sheepshead Bay (New York, N.Y.); Williamsburg (New York, N.Y.); Fort Greene (New York, N.Y.); Bensonhurst (New York, N.Y.); Gerritsen Beach (New York, N.Y.); Flatbush (New York, N.Y.); Marine Park (New York, N.Y.); East New York (New York, N.Y.); Flatlands (New York, N.Y.); Mapleton (New York, N.Y.); Plumb Beach (New York, N.Y.); New Lots (New York, N.Y.); Stuyvesant Heights (New York, N.Y.); Borough Park (New York, N.Y.); Greenpoint (New York, N.Y.); Prospect Lefferts Gardens (Brooklyn, New York, N.Y.); Homecrest (New York, N.Y.); Sea Gate (New York, N.Y.); New York Naval Shipyard; Ridgewood (New York, N.Y.); East Flatbush (New York, N.Y.); East Newtah (New York, N.Y.); Mill Basin (New York, N.Y.); Vinegar Hill (New York, N.Y.); Bergen Beach (New York, N.Y.); Jamaica (New York, N.Y.)

Conditions Governing Access

Open to users without restriction.

Conditions Governing Use

The intellectual property rights for these photographs remain with the respective photographers. The photographs will enter the public domain 70 years after the death of the creator.

Preferred Citation

Identification of item, date (if known); Real Brooklyn, a day in our lives photographs, 2007.041, Box and Folder number; Brooklyn Historical Society.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Gift of Lorrie Palmer, 2007.

Related Materials

John Muir collection of the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn, 1880-1989 (1994.009)

Lucille Fornasieri Gold photographs, 1968-2008 (2008.013)

Anders Goldfarb photographs of Brooklyn neighborhoods, 2001-2009 (2013.017)

Brooklyn Neighborhoods and How They Grew exhibit photograph collection, 1865-1997 (V1974.034)

Raanan Geberer photographs of Brooklyn neighborhoods, 1988-1990 (V1991.118)

Collection processed by

Melissa Aaronberg

About this Guide

This finding aid was produced using ArchivesSpace on 2023-08-21 11:19:27 +0000.
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Language: Finding Aid written in English


Brooklyn Historical Society


Box: 4 of 4 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)
Box: 3 of 4 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)
Box: 2 of 4 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)
Box: 1 of 4 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)
Center for Brooklyn History
128 Pierrepont Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201