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Everett and Evelyn Ortner papers and photographs

Call Number



1873-2012, inclusive
; 1965-2008, bulk


Back to the City Conference
Brownstone Revival Committee
Ortner, Evelyn
Ortner, Everett


51.85 Linear Feet
in 79 boxes, 8 film canisters, 1 flat file drawer, and 1 personal computer


0.065 Megabytes
in 2 digital files.

Language of Materials

English .


The collection contains the papers and photographs of Everett and Evelyn Ortner, dating from 1873 to 2012. It documents the Ortner's personal and professional lives, especially their involvement in the historic preservation movement and Brooklyn cultural organizations. It includes the records of the Brownstone Revival Committee and Back to the City Conference. The collection's photographs extensively document 19th century buildings in Brooklyn and Manhattan, especially the Park Slope neighborhood of Brooklyn.

Biographical note

Everett H. Ortner was born in Lowell, Massachusetts, on August 25, 1919. When he was child his family relocated to Brooklyn, New York. He attended P.S. 99, Jamaica High School, and James Madison High School, from which he graduated in 1935. He attended the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, graduating with a bachelor's degree in 1939. He then entered the U.S. Army as an officer and trained at Fort Benning, Georgia. In 1945 he was deployed to the European theater of World War II, where he was wounded in action and taken prisoner. He received a Bronze Star Medal for his service in 1948. After the war he was employed as an editor at Popular Science magazine from 1952 until his retirement in 1985.

Evelyn F. Gelbman was born in Manhattan on July 4, 1924. She was raised in the north Bronx and attended Washington Irving High School, graduating in 1942. She then attended Hunter College, graduating in 1952. Later she studied design at Parsons School of Design and Pratt Institute, and historic preservation at Columbia University. She was employed as an interior designer from the 1950s to the 2000s, and was a design columnist for the Brooklyn Heights Press and Homeowners How To Handbook. She was also the Director of Facilities and Collections for the New York Chamber of Commerce and Industry from 1979 to 1984, where she curated the organization's archives and portrait collection.

The Ortners married in 1953. They lived in the Brooklyn Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn in the 1950s and early 1960s. In 1963 the couple purchased an 1882 four-story brownstone at 272 Berkeley Place in the Park Slope neighborhood of Brooklyn. This would be the catalyst for their involvement in the "Brownstone Revival" movement. The Ortners soon became active in a variety of community organizations. They lobbied local banks to provide mortgages to prospective Park Slope home-buyers at a time when lenders had "red-lined" the neighborhood. According to the Park Slope Civic Council, "they also encouraged the Brooklyn Union Gas Co. (now National Grid) to purchase and transform a dilapidated brownstone on Berkeley Place into a modern two-family home featuring a variety of gas appliances." These buildings became known as "Cinderella homes" and were used in advertising to entice new residents to the neighborhood. The couple were also a leading force in the designation of the Park Slope Historic District in 1973.

Starting in the 1960s, Everett was involved with the Park Slope Civic Council (as photographer and vice-president), the Park Slope Betterment Committee (founder), the Brownstone Revival Committee of New York (co-founder and president), the Back to the City Conference (co-founder and president), the Montauk Club (board member and president), the Brooklyn Historical Society/Long Island Historical Society (board member and vice-president), and Preservation Volunteers (co-founder with Evelyn). Evelyn was involved with the Brooklyn Academy of Music (board member), Brooklyn Museum (president of the Community Committee), the St. Ann Center for Restoration and the Arts (co-founder and chairman of the board), Brooklyn Stained Glass Conservation Center (vice-president and board member), the Long Island Historical Society (member), the Montauk Club (board member), the Victorian Society in America (New York Chapter, board member and secretary), the Fine Arts Federation of New York (board member), the Brooklyn Center for the Urban Environment (board member), Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn (board member), and Preservation Volunteers (co-founder with Everett).

The Ortners were the recipients of numerous awards and honors, including the Brooklyn Union Gas Company's Cinderella Award (1978), the Preservation League of New York State's Excellence in Historic Preservation Award (2002), and the New York Landmarks Conservancy's Lucy G. Moses Preservation Leadership Award (2005).

Evelyn Ortner died at 272 Berkeley Place on September 19, 2006 at age 82. Everett followed on May 22, 2012, at age 92.


Harris, Elizabeth A. "A Couple Who Gave Brownstones New Life," New York Times, June 4, 2012.

Hartocollis, Anemona. "Evelyn Ortner, 82, a Booster of Brooklyn Brownstones, Dies," New York Times, September 22, 2006.

Hevesi, Dennis. "Everett Ortner, Leader in Brooklyn Brownstones' Revival, Dies at 92," New York Times, May 26, 2012.

Park Slope Civic Council. "Remembering Everett Ortner," last modified July 13, 2012.

EGO school work, resumes, correspondence, and ephemera, 1945-1958; Everett and Evelyn Ortner papers and photographs, ARC.306, Box 1, Folder 2; Brooklyn Historical Society.

Who's Who - Biographical, 1984-2009; Everett and Evelyn Ortner papers and photographs, ARC.306, Box 19, Folder 4; Brooklyn Historical Society.

EHO curriculum vitae and award correspondence, 2006-2009; Everett and Evelyn Ortner papers and photographs, ARC.306, Box 19, Folder 21; Brooklyn Historical Society.

Scope and Contents

The collection contains the papers and photographs of Everett H. Ortner (EHO) and Evelyn G. Ortner (EGO), dating from 1873 to 2012. It documents the Ortners personal and professional lives, especially their involvement in the historic preservation movement and Brooklyn cultural organizations.

Series 1: Evelyn G. Ortner personal papers contains files relating to EGO's education, interior design career, employment at the New York Chamber of Commerce and Industry, curation of the Fulton Ferry Firehouse exhibit, and her role as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the St. Ann Center for Restoration and the Arts.

Series 2: Everett H. Ortner personal papers contains files documenting the early life, education, military career, and professional career of EHO.

Series 3: Everett and Evelyn Ortner personal papers documents the professional, social, and familial lives of the Ortners, dating from 1900 to 2010. It includes an assortment of correspondence, clippings, photographs, ephemera, memorabilia, digital files, and other materials.

Series 4: Brooklyn and Historic Preservation photographs contains photographs related to Brooklyn and historic preservation in a variety of formats, dating from circa 1880s to 2000. Formats include prints, slides, negatives, and glass plate negatives. The series includes original photograghs by EHO, copy photographs of historic images used by EHO in lectures, and a small amount of original photographs taken by other photographers.

Series 5: Brooklyn and Historic Preservation lectures contains files on Brooklyn and historic preservation lectures, dating from the 1970s to 2006. The lectures were primarily delivered by EHO. The files include lecture notes, slide lists, transcripts, clippings, photographs, flyers, and audio cassette recordings.

Series 6: Brooklyn and Historic Preservation general files is comprised of assorted files relating to Brooklyn (history and culture) and the historic preservation movement that were collected by the Ortners, dating from circa 1880 to 2008. The files include publications, typescripts, correspondence, photographs, posters, notes, and other materials.

Series 7: Brownstone Revival Comittee records contains files relating to the Brownstone Revival Committee (BRC) (later Brownstone Revival Coalition), dating from 1967 to 2008. It includes organizational records, lecture and workshop files, copies of the Brownstone calendar, and issues of the organization's publication, The Brownstoner.

Series 8: Back to the City Conference records contains records relating to the Back to the City Conference (BTTC), dating from 1973 to 1992. It includes the records of the organization (Board of Directors files) and files relating to individual conferences.

Series 9: Brownstones and Historic Preservation clippings contains clippings relating to brownstones and the historic preservation movement, including the Brownstone Revival Committee (BRC), Back to the City Conference (BTTC), and the Brooklyn Union Gas Company's Cinderella project, dating from 1966 to 1985.

Series 10: Brownstone correspondence consists of correspondence relating to brownstones and the urban historic preservation movement, especially in the Park Slope neigborhood of Brooklyn, dating from 1965 to 2005. It includes several organizations, such as the Park Slope Betterment Committee, the Brownstone Revival Committee, and the Back to the City Conference.

Series 11: Brooklyn Union Gas Company - Cinderella projects documents the Brooklyn Union Gas Company's Cinderella program. The series consists of publications, correspondence, films, histories on the program and the company, and ephemera, dating from 1968 to 2008.

Series 12: Historic District Designation Reports contains New York City Historic District Designation Reports (1969-1973) and one map of historic locations in the Greenpoint and Williamsburg neighborhoods of Brooklyn (2005).

Series 13: Brooklyn and Manhattan postcards contains Brooklyn and Manhattan postcards and a small amount of other postcards and tradecards (Rising Sun Stove Polish and Paine's Funiture Manufactory) collected by EHO, dating from 1873 to 2007.


Conditions Governing Access

Papers and photographs open to researchers without restriction. The collection's audiovisual and digital files are not currently accessible.

Conditions Governing Use

The rights to original photographs created by Everett Ortner are held by the Center for Brooklyn History. The copyright status all of other material has not been evaluated. While many items at the Center for Brooklyn History are unrestricted, we do not own reproduction rights to all materials. Be aware of the several kinds of rights that might apply: copyright, licensing and trademarks. The researcher assumes all responsibility for copyright questions.

Preferred Citation

Identification of item, date (if known); Everett and Evelyn Ortner papers and photographs, ARC.306, Box and Folder number; Brooklyn Public Library, Center for Brooklyn History.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Gift of the Estate of Everett and Evelyn Ortner, 2014.

Related Materials

Downtown Brooklyn Development Association records (1979.021)

Robert Vadheim Brooklyn neighborhood renewal and development collection (1987.002)

Robert Vadheim collection on the renovation of St. Ann and the Holy Trinity Church (1988.014)

Back to the City collection (1991.036)

Eastern Parkway Coalition records (2007.016)

H. Dickson McKenna collection (ARC.060)

Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce publications (ARC.165)

Brooklyn neighborhood associations and civic organizations publications (ARC.167)

Park Slope Civic Council (PSCC) records (BCMS.0083)

Other Finding Aids

Item-level description and digital versions of images from the collection are available for searching via the image database in the library under the object ID prefixes V1973.5, V1974.12, V1982.8, and V1991.136.

Collection processed by

John Zarrillo. Digital materials processed by Erica López in 2019.

About this Guide

This finding aid was produced using ArchivesSpace on 2024-07-16 15:46:29 +0000.
Using Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language: Finding aid written in English

Processing Information

The collection combines five accessions: 2014.003, V1973.005.1949, V1974.012, V1982.008, and V1991.136.

Some newspaper clippings and other fragile documents have been photocopied for preservation purposes. Approximately 0.5 linear feet of files (mostly relating to the Back to the City Conference) were found to be water damaged. These materials were treated by Mitra Library Conservation LLC. They were then processed by John Zarrillo and reintegrated into the collection in May 2017. These files are located in box 79.

A note on abbreviations: Everett and Evelyn Ortner fequently abbreviated their own names as "EvO". To avoid confusion, this finding aid refers to Everett H. Ortner as "EHO" and Evelyn G. Ortner as "EGO".

Born digital materials donated on one 3.5 inch floppy disk. The disk was imaged using BitCurator-2.0.14. No viruses or personally identifying information were found during imaging.

Additional materials were added to the collection in 2024 by Dee Bowers and filed under existing folder headings, except for the folder "Park Slope general" which was created at that time.

Revisions to this Guide

May 2017: Last updated by John Zarrillo
July 2019: Revised by Maggie Schreiner to include links to digitized AV material.
January 2021: Revised by Maggie Schreiner to reflect born digital materials
July 2024: Revised by Dee Bowers to reflect the incorporation of additional materials.


Brooklyn Historical Society

Series 1: Evelyn G. Ortner personal papers, 1911-2002, inclusive

Scope and Contents

The series contains records relating to Evelyn G. Ortner (EGO), dating from 1911 to 2002. It documents her education, interior design career, employment at the New York Chamber of Commerce and Industry, curation of the Fulton Ferry Firehouse exhibit, and her role as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the St. Ann Center for Restoration and the Arts. Additional files related to EGO's work as a board member and volunteer at other Brooklyn cultural institutions (Brooklyn Museum, Long Island Historical Society, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, etc.) can be found in Series 3: EHO and EGO personal and Series 6: Brooklyn and Historic Preservation general files.


The series is organized into five sub-series:

Sub-series 1.1: EGO school papers

Sub-series 1.2: Interior Design

Sub-series 1.3: New York Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Sub-series 1.4: Fulton Ferry Firehouse exhibit

Sub-series 1.5: St. Ann Center for Restoration and the Arts

Sub-series 1.1: EGO school papers, 1938-1978, inclusive


0.3 Linear Feet in six folders

Scope and Contents

The sub-series contains files relating to EGO's time as a student at Washington Irving High School, Hunter College, Parsons School of Design, Pratt Institute, and Columbia University, dating from 1938 to 1978. It includes course work, ephemera (commencement programs and song books), correspondence, transcripts, and administrative records. She studied romance languages at Hunter College, design at Parsons School of Design and Pratt Institute, and historic preservation at Columbia University.


Arranged chronologically.

EGO school documents, 1938-1942, inclusive

Box: 1, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)


Includes Washington Irving High School and PS 80 (Bronx)

EGO school work, resumes, correspondence, and ephemera, 1945-1958, inclusive

Box: 1, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)


Includes resumes

EGO Hunter College, 1952, inclusive

Box: 1, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

EGO Theory Visual Form class work, 1958, inclusive

Box: 1, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

EGO Columbia Graduate School, 1974-1978, inclusive

Box: 1, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

EGO Columbia paper, 1975-1976, inclusive

Box: 1, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

Sub-series 1.2: Interior Design, 1959-1993, inclusive


7 Linear Feet in twelve folders, four oversize folders, one slide box, and one small box

Scope and Contents

The sub-series contains records relating to EGO's career as an interior designer, dating from 1959 to 1993. It includes design plans, business correspondence, clippings, photographs, and samples of fabric, tile, and wood.

She authored two decorating columns, one titled "The Decorating Workshop" in the Brooklyn Heights Press from 1961 to 1962, and one titled "Decorating Your Home" in the Homeowners How To Handbook from 1976 to 1980. Clippings and typescripts of these articles are available in the sub-series.

Of note are files relating to the design of apartments at 116 Central Park South and 45 Gramercy Park North, and one box of fabric, tile, and wood samples for the apartment at 45 Gramercy Park North.


Arranged chronologically.

Joseph Freitag Interiors - Frigidaire Colonnade Kitchen (1 of 2), 1959, inclusive

Box: 1, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photographic prints and transparencies

Joseph Freitag Interiors - Frigidaire Colonnade Kitchen (2 of 2), 1959, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Oversize folder containing drawings and designs for the following: Dr. Rosa Lenz (15 West 12th Street), Miles Davis (230 East 125th Street), Mr. and Mrs. T. Newhouse, and the National Home Furnishings Show (Kitchen - Model House)

Joseph Freitag Interiors - 116 Central Park South (1 of 2), 1959-1962, inclusive

Box: 73, Folder: - (Material Type: Mixed Materials)


Includes photograph

Joseph Freitag Interiors - 116 Central Park South (2 of 2), 1959-1962, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Oversize folder containing blueprints and designs

Interior design negatives and slide, circa 1960s, inclusive

Box: 51, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Brooklyn Heights Press "The Decorating Workshop" articles and ideas (2 folders), 1961, inclusive

Box: 1, Folder: 8-9 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photographs, full issues of Brooklyn Heights Press, and lecture notecards

Brooklyn Heights Press - Full issues featuring EGO's "The Decorating Workshop" column, 1961-1962, inclusive

Box: 73, Folder: - (Material Type: Text)



Kitchens, etc. designed by EGO slides, 1963-1975, inclusive

Box: 67, Folder: 9-11 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Lindenauer Apartment - 45 Gramercy Park North (folders 1-4 of 5), 1974-1993, inclusive

Box: 2, Folder: 1-4 (Material Type: Text)


See also box 4, which contains samples of fabric, tile, and wood

Lindenauer Apartment - 45 Gramercy Park North (5 of 5), 1974-1993, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Oversize folder containing architectural drawings and wallpaper samples

Lindenauer Apartment - 45 Gramercy Park North - Fabric, tile, and wood samples, circa 1974-1985, inclusive

Box: 4, item: - (Material Type: Realia)

Homeowners How To Handbook articles by EGO (2 folders), 1976-1980, inclusive

Box: 39, Folder: 13-14 (Material Type: Text)

Sub-series 1.3: New York Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 1918-1985, inclusive


2.25 Linear Feet in fifteen folders and one oversize folder

Scope and Contents

The sub-series documents EGO's employment as Director of Facilities and Collections of the New York Chamber of Commerce and Industry, where she was employed from about 1979 to 1984. It includes correspondence, memoranda, reports, clippings, photographs, and ephemera dating from 1918 to 1985. EGO managed the sale of portions of the Chamber's art collection.


Arranged chronologically.

Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York - Bulletins and reports, 1918, 1932, 1947, inclusive

Box: 2, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

New York Chamber of Commerce - Civic Group Conference on Increased Subway Fare, 1947, inclusive

Box: 2, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

New York Chamber of Commerce organizational report and merger clipping, 1947, 1972, inclusive

Box: 2, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York - Tribute to John D. Rockefeller program and photographs, 1950, inclusive

Box: 2, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)

Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York - Miscellaneous (two folders), 1960s-1980s, inclusive

Box: 2, Folder: 9-10 (Material Type: Text)

New York Chamber of Commerce and Industry - 65 Liberty Street sale, 1966, 1984-1985, inclusive

Box: 3, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)

New York Chamber of Commerce ephemera, 1968-1980s, inclusive

Box: 3, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)

EGO Chamber of Commerce business cards, name plate, and badge, circa 1980, inclusive

Box: 3, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

New York Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Notes, correspondence, and clippings (2 folders), 1979-1981, inclusive

Box: 3, Folder: 4-5 (Material Type: Text)

New York Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 1979-1984, inclusive

Box: 3, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

New York Chamber of Commerce - A. Carmelita correspondence, 1980-1981, inclusive

Box: 3, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

New York Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Chamber orientation program and photographs of Pan Am Building and Manhattan waterfront, 1982, inclusive

Box: 72, Folder: - (Material Type: Mixed Materials)



New York Chamber of Commerce and Industry event and building photographs, 1982, inclusive

Box: 3, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)

New York Chamber of Commerce and Industry building - Great Hall photographs and negatives, circa 1982, inclusive

Box: 3, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Text)

Sub-series 1.4: Fulton Ferry Firehouse exhibit, 1911-1976, inclusive


2.9 Linear Feet in two folders and one oversize folder

Scope and Contents

The sub-series contains files relating to the Fulton Ferry Firehouse exhibit that was produced by EGO in 1976. It includes exhibition planning files, early 20th century city reports on the waterfront, copy prints of the waterfront, and ephemera, dating from 1911 to 1976. The copy prints were derived from negatives produced by the Department of Ports and Terminals from circa 1890 to 1913. Related copy prints, negatives, and slides can be found in Series 4: Brooklyn and Historic Preservation photographs.


Arranged chronologically.

Fulton Ferry Firehouse exhibit (1 of 2), 1911-1976, inclusive

Box: 3, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Text)

Fulton Ferry Firehouse exhibit (2 of 2), 1911-1976, inclusive

Box: 75, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Fulton Ferry Firehouse exhibit, 1975, inclusive

Box: 5, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)


Includes set of reproduction photographs of Fulton Ferry and Brooklyn waterfront

Sub-series 1.5: St. Ann Center for Restoration and the Arts, 1977-2002, inclusive


3.4 Linear Feet in ten folders, one oversize folder, and one audio cassette

Scope and Contents

The sub-series documents EGO's work as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the St. Ann Center for Restoration and the Arts. It includes Board of Directors files, ephemera, photographs, and clippings, dating from 1977 to 2002. Of note are reports and other files on the restoration of the Church of St. Ann and the Holy Trinity building and its stained glass windows.


Arranged chronologically.

Church of St. Ann and the Holy Trinity restoration and The St. Ann Center for Restoration and the Arts (1-3 of 4 folders), 1977-1999, inclusive

Box: 5, Folder: 2-4 (Material Type: Text)

Church of St. Ann and the Holy Trinity restoration and The St. Ann Center for Restoration and the Arts (4 of 4 folders), 1997, inclusive

Box: 75, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Oversize. Window restoration plans.

St. Ann Center for Restoration and the Arts - Board of Directors files (1-2 of 4 folders), 1980-1984, inclusive

Box: 5, Folder: 5-6 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photographs

St. Ann Center for Restoration and the Arts - Board of Directors files (3-4 of 4 folders), 1980-1984, inclusive

Box: 6, Folder: 1-2 (Material Type: Text)

St. Ann Center for Restoration and the Arts and the Brooklyn Stained Glass Conservation Center, 1980-2002, inclusive

Box: 6, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

The Arts at St. Ann's ephemera, 1983-1985, inclusive

Box: 23, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Text)

WOR interview with EGO on St. Ann's audio cassette, 1985, inclusive

Box: 52, Folder: - (Material Type: Audio)

St. Ann and the Holy Trinity - William Jay Bolton Community Award to EGO, 1998, inclusive

Box: 6, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photograph

Series 2: Everett H. Ortner personal papers, 1873, circa 1932-2007, inclusive

Scope and Contents

The series contains files documenting the early life, education, military career, and professional career of Everett H. Ortner (EHO), dating from 1873 to 2007. Additional files on EHO's personal life can be found in Series 3: EHO and EGO personal.


The series is organized into four sub-series:

Sub-series 2.1: EHO school and childhood papers

Sub-series 2.2: Army

Sub-series 2.3: Popular Science

Sub-series 2.4: Ortner family and genealogy

Sub-series 2.1: EHO school and childhood papers, circa 1932-2006, inclusive


5.7 Linear Feet in eight folders, two flat boxes, and one small box

Scope and Contents

The sub-series documents EHO's childhood and his education at James Madison High School, Jamaica High School, and the University of Arkansas, dating from circa 1932 to 2006. It contains yearbooks, course work, ephemera, correspondence, and memorabilia. It includes one letter from Bill Clinton congratulating the 2006 Distinguished Alumni of J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences (University of Arkansas).


Arranged chronologically.

EHO bar mitzvah speech and school memorabilia, circa 1932-1938, inclusive

Box: 12, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)


Includes college photographic identification booklets

EHO elementary school completion certificate, 1931, inclusive

Box: 76, Folder: - (Material Type: Text)



Jamaica High School Senior Yearbook, 1935, inclusive

Box: 12, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

EHO college papers, circa 1936-1939, inclusive

Box: 12, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

University of Arkansas correspondence, 1937-1938, inclusive

Box: 12, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

University of Arkansas Razorback (two yearbooks), 1938-1939, inclusive

Box: 12, Folder: 6-7 (Material Type: Text)

University of Arkansas diploma, 1939, inclusive

Box: 76, Folder: - (Material Type: Text)



James Madison High School - Class of 1935 - 60th reunion, 1995, inclusive

Box: 13, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)

James Madison High School - Class of 1935 - 60th reunion tote bag, 1995, inclusive

Box: 77, Folder: - (Material Type: Realia)

University of Arkansas, 2006, inclusive

Box: 13, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)


Includes letter from Bill Clinton

J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Alumnus award statue (University of Arkansas), 2006, inclusive

Box: 70, item: - (Material Type: Realia)

Sub-series 2.2: Army, 1941-2003, inclusive


4.6 Linear Feet in nine folders, three oversize folders, and one small box

Scope and Contents

The sub-series documents EHO's career in the United States Army, including his training at Fort Benning, service in World War II, his time as a prisoner of war in Germany, and his post-war service. It includes Army memoranda and special orders, reports, publications, correspondence (both military and personal), photographs, financial records, certificates, memorabilia (including his Bronze Star Medal), and ephemera, dating from 1941 to 2003. It also includes a report on his war experience written by a student.


Arranged chronologically.

Army - World War 2 mementos, 1940s, inclusive

Box: 6, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)


Includes Army patches, dog tags, and European coins and paper money

Army - World War 2, 1941-1945, inclusive

Box: 6, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

OCS 216, Fort Benning, Georgia group photograph and EHO cropped image, 1943, circa 2000s, inclusive

Box: 75, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Army records, 1943-1946, inclusive

Box: 6, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

Army - POW mementos, 1944-1946, inclusive

Box: 6, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)


Includes EHO's identification card, messages to family, postcards, menus from S.S. Argentina, and a photograph of a woman

Army - Claims, POW stuff, and GI schooling, 1942-1952, inclusive

Box: 7, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)

Bronze Star Medal certificate, 1948, inclusive

Box: 72, Folder: - (Material Type: Text)



Bronze Star Medal, service ribbon pin, and leather case, circa 1948, inclusive

Box: 69, item: - (Material Type: Realia)


Possibly a replacement medal from circa 1970s-2000s

Army - Post-war, 1956-2003, inclusive

Box: 7, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photograph of EHO at Fort Devens, Massachusetts (1960)

Army promotions, 1960-1984, inclusive

Box: 72, Folder: - (Material Type: Text)



Retirement Dinner in Honor of Colonel Leonard T. Scully, 1965, inclusive

Box: 7, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)


Includes poem by EHO

Lucky Strike and Army - "My Stamp Album" - EHO WWII, 2000s, inclusive

Box: 7, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

"Everett Ortner's World War Two Experiences" by Samantha Lindenauer, circa 2003, inclusive

Box: 7, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

Sub-series 2.3: Popular Science, 1873, 1959-1983, inclusive


0.3 Linear Feet in ten folders

Scope and Contents

The sub-series contains material relating to EHO's career as an editor and writer for Popular Science. It includes typescripts, photographs, correspondence, research files, clippings, and magazines, primarily dating from 1959 to 1983. It also includes an issue of The Popular Science Monthly from February 1873.


Arranged chronologically.

The Popular Science Monthly, 1873, inclusive

Box: 7, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

Chamonix with EGO, 1959, inclusive

Box: 7, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)


Contains letter, corrected typescript of articles, and photographs

Popular Science test car photographs, 1960s, inclusive

Box: 7, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)

Philippines Department of Trade - Photographs of EHO meeting, circa 1960s-1970s, inclusive

Box: 7, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Text)

Popular Science article on St. Peter's tomb - Typescripts and research, 1961-1968, inclusive

Box: 7, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photographs and programs for the dedication of the Apostolic Faith Mission (265 Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn)

Popular Science "Any Dope Could Drive a Model T" by EHO clippings and negative, 1963, inclusive

Box: 7, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Text)

Popular Science - Wernher von Braun typescript, 1963, inclusive

Box: 7, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Text)

Popular Science note, 1978, inclusive

Box: 7, Folder: 13 (Material Type: Text)

Popular Science magazines, 1980, 1983, inclusive

Box: 7, Folder: 14 (Material Type: Text)

Popular Science spring poetry contest, 1981, inclusive

Box: 7, Folder: 15 (Material Type: Text)

Sub-series 2.4: Ortner family and genealogy, 1953-2007, inclusive


0.2 Linear Feet in five folders

Scope and Contents

The sub-series contains files relating to EHO's family, especially his mother, Anna E. Ortner. It includes genealogical records, ephemera, and correspondence, dating from 1953 to 2007.


Arranged chronologically.

Poem from EHO to mother, 1953, inclusive

Box: 7, Folder: 16 (Material Type: Text)

Ortner genealogy, 1994-2007, inclusive

Box: 7, Folder: 17 (Material Type: Text)

Anne E. Ortner (EHO's mother), 1963-1999, inclusive

Box: 8, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)


Includes passport, death certificate, obituary, 1964 Worlds Fair tickets, The Green Point Savings Bank ephemera, and condolences

Harry Buegelesisen (EHO's uncle), 1982, inclusive

Box: 8, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)


Includes last will and testament

Sherry Ortner, 2004, inclusive

Box: 8, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

Series 3: Everett and Evelyn Ortner personal papers, 1900-2012, inclusive

Scope and Contents

The series documents the professional, social, and familial lives of the Ortners, dating from 1900 to 2012. It includes an assortment of correspondence, clippings, photographs, ephemera, memorabilia, digital files, and other materials. The Ortners' involvement in Brooklyn cultural affairs and the historic preservation movement are well represented throughout the series.


The series is organized into eight sub-series:

Sub-series 3.1: Personal papers, memorabilia, and photographs

Sub-series 3.2: Personal correspondence

Sub-series 3.3: Publicity

Sub-series 3.4: 272 Berkeley Place

Sub-series 3.5: Finances

Sub-series 3.6: Address books

Sub-series 3.7: Daily diaries

Sub-series 3.8: Desktop computer tower

Sub-series 3.1: Personal papers, memorabilia, and photographs, 1900-2010, inclusive


14.82 Linear Feet in six manuscript boxes, five flat boxes, two small boxes, and one oversize folder

Scope and Contents

The sub-series contains a variety of materials that document the professional, social, and familial lives of the Ortners, dating from 1900 to 2010. It includes correspondence, photographs, clippings, writings, ephemera, and memorabilia. The Ortners' roles in Brooklyn's cultural institutions and the historic preservation movement are well represented throughout the sub-series.


Arranged chronologically.

E + E memorabilia - Mostly Everett, 1900-2006, inclusive

Box: 16, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photographs (dating back to 1900), clippings, and ephemera

E + E pictures, 1915-2007, inclusive

Box: 16, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photographs of the Ortners and family, interior and exterior photographs of 272 Berkeley Place, family correspondence, and ephemera

E + E memorabilia, 1915-2008, inclusive

Box: 16, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)


Includes portrait of EHO's mother, Brownstone Revival Committee, Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn, Popular Science, EHO's writings, correspondence, clippings, and ephemera

EHO photographs, 1920s-2004, inclusive

Box: 16, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

EGO photographs, circa 1920s-2000s, inclusive

Box: 16, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

E + E memorabilia, 1939-2010, inclusive

Box: 16, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)


Includes Brownstone Revival Committee/Coalition, photographs, clippings, and ephemera

Love letters and cards, circa 1940s-1960s, inclusive

Box: 16, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Text)

EGO snapshots and photographs, circa 1940s-1986, inclusive

Box: 53, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Includes photographs of EGO, EHO, friends, parties, special events, pets, Prospect Park, Fulton Ferry/Brooklyn Bridge, and foreign travel. Polaroid photographs have been removed and filed separately for preservation purposes.

Assorted memorabilia, 1940s-1980s

Box: 16, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Text)


Includes EHO Army portrait, EGO identification cards, EHO business card, and travel ephemera

E + E memorabilia, 1940s-2009, inclusive

Box: 17, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photographs, Army portrait of EHO, interior photographs of 272 Berkeley Place, Brownstone Revival Committee, Back to the City, course on Brownstones taught by EHO at the New School, clippings, and ephemera

Miscellaneous memories - OP/LP, 1941-2005, inclusive

Box: 17, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)


Includes color transparencies of the interior of 116 Remsen Street (1963), photographs of EHO in the bath tub, a book titled Radio Talks on Mathematics (owned by EGO), a list of the Ortners' travels, correspondence, and clippings

E + E memorabilia, 1950-2009, inclusive

Box: 17, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photographs, poems, Popular Science, correspondence, clippings, and ephemera

Wedding invitations, 1953, inclusive

Box: 17, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

E + E memorabilia, 1953, 1993-2008, inclusive

Box: 17, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photographs, clippings, and EGO memorials

E + E memorabilia (2 folders), 1959-1976, inclusive

Box: 17, Folder: 6-7 (Material Type: Text)


Includes portraits of EGO, correspondence, clippings, and ephemera. Covers interior design, brownstones, Brooklyn Union Gas Company, Popular Science, and Long Island Historical Society.

Anne E. Ortner and dog photographs, 1960s, inclusive

Box: 17, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)

Greece photographs, circa 1960s, inclusive

Box: 39, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)

EHO portrait, circa 1960s, inclusive

Box: 72, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Unidentified Polaroids, circa 1960s, inclusive

Box: 68, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Contact sheets, 1968, inclusive

Box: 76, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



EGO resumes, 1960s-2000s, inclusive

Box: 17, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Text)

EGO business cards and driver's license, 1960s-2002, inclusive

Box: 18, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)

EGO early career photographs at 272 Berkeley Place, 1961-1971, inclusive

Box: 18, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)


Includes resume, clippings, and Park Slope walking tour flyer

E + E odds and ends, 1961-2004, inclusive

Box: 18, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)


Includes clippings, ephemera, a photograph of EGO, and invitation to the 100th anniversary of 272 Berkeley Place, and a note from Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz

Puerto Rico vacation medium format color negatives, 1962, inclusive

Box: 39, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)

Man with dogs photograph, 1966, inclusive

Box: 18, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

Victorian Society in America, 1966-1970, 2002, inclusive

Box: 18, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

Pet dog "Mara" and cat, 1966-1991, inclusive

Box: 18, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)


Includes dog licenses, name plate, and letter regarding dog biting a neighbor

E + E memorabilia, 1966-2006, inclusive

Box: 18, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photographs, Brooklyn Brownstone Conference, 1992 Brownstone calendar, clippings, and ephemera

Contact sheet: various objects, 1968, inclusive

Box: 72, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Mounted photograph #52: Young EHO sitting for a caricature, circa 1960s-1970s, inclusive

Box: 72, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Mounted photograph #54, circa 1960s-1970s, inclusive

Box: 72, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Oversize photographic prints, circa 1960s-1970s, inclusive

Box: 76, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Includes duplicate of mounted photograph #54

EHO portraits and biographical statements, 1970s-1980s, inclusive

Box: 18, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photographic prints and negatives

Dining with E + E, 1970s-2006, inclusive

Box: 18, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Text)

EGO odds and ends, 1970s-2006, inclusive

Box: 18, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Text)

A Centennial Celebration - Tolstoy's 'War and Peace' read in its entirety poster (WBAI 99.5), 1970, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


In Oversize Posters folder

EGO Polaroid snapshots, circa 1970, inclusive

Box: 68, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

EGO tribute file, 1970-2007, inclusive

Box: 18, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Text)


Includes obituaries, honors, photographs, clippings, mementos, and remembrances

EGO at Fulton Ferry Landing photograph by Jim Kallet, circa 1975, inclusive

Box: 72, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



EGO - Art Commission and Landmarks Comission applications, 1976-1984, inclusive

Box: 3, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Text)

E + E memorabilia, 1976-2010, inclusive

Box: 18, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photographs, Preservation Volunteers, Brownstone Revival Committee, Back to the City Conference, an interior design article by EGO, correspondence, clippings, and ephemera

EHO portraits - Matted Polaroids (three folders), 1977, inclusive

Box: 72, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



EGO personal miscellaneous, 1977-2003, inclusive

Box: 18, Folder: 13 (Material Type: Text)


Includes draft of speech delivered at Friends of BAM annual meeting and Long Island Historical Society Women's Committee files

Montauk Club, 1977, 2003-2004, inclusive

Box: 18, Folder: 14 (Material Type: Text)

Old/Classic photographs, 1979-1990, inclusive

Box: 39, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

Assorted Honors, 1979-2005, inclusive

Box: 72, Folder: - (Material Type: Text)


Oversize certificates from Brownstone Revivial Committee (BRC), Victorian Society in America, City of Louisville, and the Preservation League of New York State

8"x8" computer diskettes, 1980s, inclusive

Box: 51, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Computer Disks)

EHO face pasted on historic preservation cartoon, circa 1980s, inclusive

Box: 39, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

EHO, Howard Golden, and others photograph, circa 1980s, inclusive

Box: 18, Folder: 15 (Material Type: Text)

Overseas Press Club, 1981-1983, inclusive

Box: 19, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)

Ronald Reagan letter to EGO, 1982, inclusive

Box: 39, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

Award certificates, 1983-2002, inclusive

Box: 39, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)


Includes Long Island Historical Society, Brooklyn Historical Society, and Historic Districts Council

Brooklyn Borough President citations honoring EGO and EHO, 1983, 1995, 2006, inclusive

Box: 73, Folder: - (Material Type: Text)

Mauela at City Hall negatives and contact sheets, 1984, inclusive

Box: 39, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

Savables, 1984-2009, inclusive

Box: 19, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)


Includes clippings and correspondence

Who's Who - Biographical, 1984-2009, inclusive

Box: 19, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

Montauk Club stained glass dedication, 272 Berkeley Place parlor, EHO self-portraits, EGO portraits, 1985, inclusive

Box: 19, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)


Negatives and contact sheets

272 Berkeley Place 100th anniversary party photographs, 1986, inclusive

Box: 19, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

Park Slope Civic Council George Lougren Memorial Award - EHO, 1986, inclusive

Box: 39, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)

Brooklyn Brewery, 1987-2004, inclusive

Box: 19, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

EGO with statuary Polaroids, circa 1980s-1990s, inclusive

Box: 68, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Postcards, 1980-2000s, inclusive

Box: 19, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)


Includes images of Brooklyn Botanic Graden and the Montauk Club taken by EHO, cards featuring EGO, Municipal Art Society postcards (including an image of 226 Berkeley Place), and historic images of Brooklyn

Bill Clinton inauguration and election night party invitations, 1992-1993, inclusive

Box: 39, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Text)

Mayor David Dinkins - New-York Historical Society, 1993, inclusive

Box: 19, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)

St. Mary's Community Services - Preserving Community Art Award to EGO plaque, 1995, inclusive

Box: 74, item: - (Material Type: Realia)

Park Slope Civic Council Volunteer Award - EGO, 1996, inclusive

Box: 39, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Text)

Ortner caricatures by Sam Norkin, 1996, inclusive

Box: 76, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



"House of Ortner" dinner menus and hummus certificate, 1997-2005, inclusive

Box: 19, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Text)

Eggenhofer art sale, 1999, inclusive

Box: 19, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photographs

E + E memorabilia, 1999-2008, inclusive

Box: 19, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Text)


Includes Ortner party ephemera and photographs

Documents, 2000-2010, inclusive

Box: 19, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Text)


Includes correspondence, EHO biographical statement, EHO talk on Park Slope, statement on EHO by EGO, statements on the Berkeley Carroll plan, and poem

Postal cards, 2001, inclusive

Box: 19, Folder: 13 (Material Type: Text)

E + E anniversary dinners, 2001-2002, inclusive

Box: 19, Folder: 14 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photograph

Awards, 2002, inclusive

Box: 19, Folder: 15 (Material Type: Text)

Preservation League of New York State award, 2002, inclusive

Box: 19, Folder: 16 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photographs

Clippings and ephemera, 2004-2010, inclusive

Box: 19, Folder: 17 (Material Type: Text)


Includes correspondence, event invitations and programs, and photographs of an Ortner party

EHO birthday poem, 2005, inclusive

Box: 39, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Text)

BAM - EGO memorial service, 2006, inclusive

Box: 19, Folder: 18 (Material Type: Text)

Lucy G. Moses Award, 2006, inclusive

Box: 19, Folder: 19 (Material Type: Text)

Lucy G. Moses award statue, 2006, inclusive

Box: 71, item: - (Material Type: Realia)

EGO memorials and EHO letter to New York Times, 2006-2007, inclusive

Box: 19, Folder: 20 (Material Type: Text)

EHO curriculum vitae and award correspondence, 2006-2009, inclusive

Box: 19, Folder: 21 (Material Type: Text)

Evelyn Ortner Memorial Day proclamation, 2007, inclusive

Box: 76, Folder: - (Material Type: Text)



EGO memorabilia, 2009-2010, inclusive

Box: 19, Folder: 22 (Material Type: Text)

EHO oral history interview, 2010, inclusive

Box: 19, Folder: 23 (Material Type: Text)


Recorded in 2003

Miscellaneous, 1871, 1960-2000s, inclusive

Box: 19, Folder: 24 (Material Type: Text)


Includes proposal for a photographic survey of historic buildings, 1871 Report of the City Clerk of the City of Brooklyn (pages 350-351), poem by EHO (1960), 12th Street preschool negatives, and ephemera

Sub-series 3.2: Personal correspondence, 1939-2010, inclusive


1.2 Linear Feet in seventeen folders

Scope and Contents

The sub-series primarily consists of letters and cards written by the Ortners' friends and family, dating from 1939 to 2010. It also includes a small amount of clippings and ephemera, as well some outgoing correspondence written. Some notable correspondents include as President Jimmy Carter, President Bill Clinton, Mayor John V. Lindsay, State Senator William T. Conklin, and Borough President Sebastian Leone. Items of note include the Ortners' love letters and a draft letter to the Brooklyn Union Gas Company regarding the Cinderalla project.

Correspondence relating to brownstones and historic preservation can be found in Series 10: Brownstone correspondence.


Arranged chronologically.

Ortner family correspondence, 1939-1964, inclusive

Box: 79, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)

Special correspondence (letters), 1951-1993, inclusive

Box: 8, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)


Includes President Jimmy Carter, President Bill Clinton, and draft letter to Brooklyn Union Gas Company regarding Cinderella Award

Special correspondence (cards) (3 folders), 1951-1993, inclusive

Box: 8, Folder: 5-7 (Material Type: Text)

Special correspondence (ephemera), 1951-1993, inclusive

Box: 9, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)

E + E correspondence (3 folders), 1953-1983, inclusive

Box: 9, Folder: 2-4 (Material Type: Text)


Includes New York City Mayor John V. Lindsay, New York State Senator William T. Conklin, Brooklyn Borough President Sebastian Leone, and love letters from EHO to EGO

Sympathy cards for EGO's parents, 1969-1970, inclusive

Box: 9, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

EGO cards, 1983-1984, inclusive

Box: 9, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

EHO complaint letters, 1990-2004, inclusive

Box: 9, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

Correspondence, 1995-2005, inclusive

Box: 10, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)

Correspondence (2 folders), 1999-2009, inclusive

Box: 10, Folder: 2-3 (Material Type: Text)

EHO letters to New York Times, 2007-2008, inclusive

Box: 10, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

EHO e-mails, 2009-2010, inclusive

Box: 10, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

Sub-series 3.3: Publicity, 1969-2004, inclusive


0.75 Linear Feet in nine folders

Scope and Contents

The sub-series contains ephemera, clippings, correspondence, and clippings related to the Ortners' role in Brooklyn cultural organizations and the historic preservation movement, dating from 1969 to 2004. Major institutions represented in the sub-series include the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM), Brooklyn Museum, Long Island Historical Society, Back to the City Conference, Montauk Club, and Brownstone Revival Committee. EGO's career as an interior designer is also represented in the sub-series.


Arranged chronologically.

E + E publicity (2 folders), 1969-1979, inclusive

Box: 10, Folder: 6-7 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photographs, U.S. Congressman Fred Richmond, BAM, Brooklyn Museum, Long Island Historical Society, other cultural institutions, historic preservation, and interior design

EGO personal publicity (2 folders), 1970s, inclusive

Box: 11, Folder: 1-2 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photographs, ephemera, correspondence, and clippings. Covers cultural institutions (especially BAM), historic preservation, and interior design.

Publicity - Lectures and clippings, 1974-2004, inclusive

Box: 11, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)


Includes resumes

EHO publicity, 1976-1980s, inclusive

Box: 11, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

E + E publicity (2 folders), 1978-1981, inclusive

Box: 11, Folder: 5-6 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photographs, historic preservation, interior design, Back to the City, Montauk Club, Brooklyn Union Gas Company, Long Island Historical Society, New York Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and U.S. Congressman Fred Richmond

EGO publicity, 1979-1999, inclusive

Box: 12, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photograph

Sub-series 3.4: 272 Berkeley Place, circa 1905-2009, inclusive; 1954-2009, bulk


2 Linear Feet in ten folders and one flat box

Scope and Contents

The sub-series consists of files material related to the Ortner's home at 272 Berkeley Place in the Park Slope neighborhood of Brooklyn. It includes photographs, mortgages, a guest book, and other files, dating from circa 1905 to 2009. It also includes material related to Elsie Hincken, the first owner of the building. Additional photographs and other files related to the building can be found in Sub-series 3.1: Personal papers, memorabilia, and photographs, Series 4: Brooklyn and Historic Preservation photographs, and Series 12: Historic District Designation Reports.


Generally arranged chronologically.

Copy of On Liberty by John Stuart Mill owned by Elsie Hincken, circa 1905, inclusive

Box: 47, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Text)

Guest book, 1954-1986, inclusive

Box: 23, Folder: 13 (Material Type: Text)

272 Berkeley Place interior photograph?, circa 1960s, inclusive

Box: 72, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Williamsburgh Savings Bank - Mortgage, 1963-1978, inclusive

Box: 24, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)

272 Berkeley Place directions, circa 1968, inclusive

Box: 24, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)

272 Berkeley Place burglaries, 1979-1980, inclusive

Box: 24, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photographs and slides

Studio apartment advertisement, circa 1990s, inclusive

Box: 24, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

Bluestone sidewalks, 1993-1995, inclusive

Box: 24, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

272 Berkeley Place notes, 2000s, inclusive

Box: 24, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

272 Berkeley Place interior photographs by Madeleine Isom, 2002, inclusive

Box: 24, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

272 Berkeley Place interior photographs by Levi Stolove, circa 2006, inclusive

Box: 72, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Elsie Hincken - First owner of 272 Berkeley Place - Notes by EHO, 2007-2008, inclusive

Box: 24, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)

Sub-series 3.5: Finances, 1963-2008, inclusive


0.25 Linear Feet in three folders

Scope and Contents

The sub-series consist of the Ortners' expense journals and income tax returns, dating from 1963 to 2008.


Arranged chronologically.

Expense journals (three volumes), 1963-2001, inclusive

Box: 13, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

Income tax returns (two folders), 1996-2008, inclusive

Box: 13, Folder: 4-5 (Material Type: Text)

Sub-series 3.6: Address books, circa 1960s-2000s, inclusive


0.1 Linear Feet in one folder

Scope and Contents

The sub-series contains the Ortner's address books, dating from circa 1960s to 2000s.

Address books, circa 1960s-2000s, inclusive

Box: 13, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

Sub-series 3.7: Daily diaries, 1968-2009, inclusive


0.9 Linear Feet in three folders and one small box

Scope and Contents

The sub-series consists of daily diaries that track the day-to-day affairs of the Ortners, dating from 1968 to 2009.


Arranged chronologically.

Daily diaries and notes, 1968, 1974, inclusive

Box: 13, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

Daily diaries (2 folders), 1981-1985, inclusive

Box: 14, Folder: 1-2 (Material Type: Text)

Daily diaries (36 diaries), 1985-2009, inclusive

Box: 15, Folder: - (Material Type: Text)

Sub-series 3.8: Personal computer, 2000s-2012, inclusive


1.16 Linear Feet in one personal computer

Scope and Contents

The collection includes one personal computer that belonged to the Ortners from the 2000s to 2012.

Conditions Governing Access

This computer is currently unprocessed and unavailable to researchers.

Personal computer, 2000s-2012, inclusive

item: Personal computer (1 of 1), item: - (Material Type: Computer Disks)

Series 4: Brooklyn and Historic Preservation photographs, circa 1880s-2002, inclusive

Scope and Contents

The series contains photographs related to Brooklyn and historic preservation in a variety of formats, dating from circa 1880s to 2002. Formats include prints, slides, negatives, and glass plate negatives. The series includes original photograghs by EHO, copy photographs of historic images used by EHO in lectures, and a small amount of original photographs taken by other photographers.

Additional photographs taken by the Ortners can be found in Sub-series 3.1: Personal papers, memorabilia, and photographs.


The series is organized into three sub-series:

Sub-series 4.1: Brooklyn and Historic Preservation prints and negatives

Sub-series 4.2: Brooklyn, Historic Preservation, and personal negatives

Sub-series 4.3: Brooklyn and Historic Preservation slides

Sub-series 4.1: Brooklyn and Historic Preservation prints and negatives, circa 1880s-2002, inclusive


6.14 Linear Feet in one manuscript box, four flat boxes, two glass slide boxes, five folders, and three oversize folders

Scope and Contents

The sub-series contains original photograghs by EHO, copy photographs of historic images used by EHO in lectures, and a small amount of original photographs taken by other photographers. The photographs date from circa 1881 to 2002. The sub-series includes prints, negatives (mostly sized 4" x 5"), lithographic prints, two stereocards, four glass-plate negatives, and one glass lantern slide. They primarily document buildings in the Brooklyn neighborhoods of Park Slope, Flatbush, and Prospect Park South. It includes photographs related to the Brownstone Revival Comittee, the Back to the City Conference, and Brooklyn Union Gas Company's Cinderella projects. Of note are a set of interior and exterior photographs of Prospect Park's Litchfield Villa.


Arranged chronologically

View of St. Paul's Church and the Broadway Stages, N.Y. 1831, circa 1881, inclusive

Box: 72, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Olde New York photographs and research, circa 1880s-2002, inclusive

Box: 47, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Includes stereocards

Connecting New York and Brooklyn by the Electric Trolley. Finishing the Great Work at the New York Terminus of the Brooklyn Bridge., circa 1898, inclusive

Box: 75, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



"Bird's-eye View of the Greater New York" by Hughson Hawley print, circa 1900s, inclusive

Box: 76, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Ports and terminals glass-plate negatives, circa 1910s, inclusive

Box: Oversize Glass Negatives, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Includes the second 3rd Avenue Bridge (1868), Marginal Street at Pier 11 (1911), and St. George Ferry Terminal perspective drawing by Carrere and Hastings

Pier 4, E.R. and Canal Boat Basin - Panorama - Oversize glass-plate negative, circa 1910s, inclusive

Box: 77, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Nielsen's Havana cigar store (209 West 48th Street, New York) glass lantern slide, circa 1920s, inclusive

Box: Glass Slide box, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Panoramic View of the North Side of Forty-Second Street from Fifth to Lexington Avenues 1876, 1922, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Ports and terminals negatives and prints, 1942-circa 1970s, inclusive

Box: 47, Folder: 13 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Park Slope historical copy negatives (4"x5"), circa 1960s, inclusive

Box: 47, Folder: 14 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Unidentified street scene print, circa 1960s, inclusive

Box: 76, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Litchfield Villa prints on board (1 of 2), circa 1965, inclusive

Box: 47, Folder: 15 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Litchfield Villa prints on board (2 of 2), circa 1965, inclusive

Box: 48, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Litchfield Villa prints, circa 1965, inclusive

Box: 48, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Litchfield Villa contact sheets, circa 1965, inclusive

Box: 48, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Park Slope photographs, circa 1960s-1970s, inclusive

Box: 48, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Brownstone photographs, circa 1960s-1970s, inclusive

Box: 48, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Possibly used for Park Slope Historic District designation

Women in Victorian dress photographs, circa 1960s-1970s, inclusive

Box: 48, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Brownstones and other photographs, circa 1960s-1970s, inclusive

Box: 48, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Cranford Construction Company buildings in Park Slope copy negatives, circa 1960s-1970s, inclusive

Box: 48, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


V1991.136. Photographs taken by B. Hellmich in 1914-1915. Includes Flatbush Avenue and surrounding blocks in the Park Slope and Prospect Heights neighborhoods of Brooklyn. Copy prints created by EHO and owned by Roger Imperial.

Miscellaneous prints and contact sheets, circa 1966-1980s, inclusive

Box: 48, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Assorted 8"x10" prints, 1970s, inclusive

Box: 54, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Includes photographs of Brownstones, residents, community events, and the Brooklyn Union Gas Company's Cinderella projects

Historic waterfront copy prints, circa 1970s, inclusive

Box: 73, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Ports and terminals copy prints, circa 1970s, inclusive

Box: 73, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Mural color transparencies and print, circa 1970s, inclusive

Box: 48, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Mr. Hoecker in Winton #43 automobile in circa 1899 copy print, 1973, inclusive

Box: 48, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Park Slope Landmark photographs, circa 1973, inclusive

Box: 48, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Wooden houses photographs, 1975-1988, inclusive

Box: 48, Folder: 13 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

BRC and BTTC photographs, circa 1976-1994, inclusive

Box: 48, Folder: 14 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Includes Long Island Historical Society (1978), Trinity Church (1978), Carroll Gardens poster (1978), BRC workshop at Con Ed (1989), 39 White Street (Manhattan, 1989), Holdenstein lecture (1994), Workshop/exhibition room (1994)

EHO contact sheets returned by the Municipal Art Society of New York, 1979, inclusive

Box: 48, Folder: 15 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Includes R74

Grand Army Plaza aerial photograph by Jim Kalett, circa 1970s-1980s, inclusive

Box: 75, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Prospect Park South photographs, circa 1980s, inclusive

Box: 48, Folder: 16 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Flatbush walking tour photographs, 1987-1988, inclusive

Box: 51, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Aerial view contact sheet and negatives, 1988, inclusive

Box: 51, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Grand Army Plaza, Gowanus Canal, waterfront, and Park Slope

Grand Central Station with Brooklyn Botanic Garden photograph - Prints and negatives, 1989, inclusive

Box: 51, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Sub-series 4.2: Brooklyn, Historic Preservation, and personal negatives, 1972-1991, inclusive


0.7 Linear Feet in two photographic negative boxes

Scope and Contents

The sub-series contains 35mm negative strips taken by Everett Ortner, dating from 1972 to 1991. It includes snapshots and copy negatives of historic images taken by Ortner. The photographs document Brooklyn (especially buildings, landmarks, and festivals), Manhattan (buildings), friends, and travels. Some photographs were taken while Ortner was attending Back to the City conferences in St. Paul (MN) and Hartford (CT). Ortner was an amateur photographer and notes regarding the type of film and cameras he used are sometimes included in the file title of the negatives. Additional copies of some of these images can be found in Sub-series 4.3: Brooklyn and Historic Preservation slides. Of note are photographs of the removal of the "Herald of Peace" statue from the Soldiers' and Sailors' Arch in Grand Army Plaza.


Arranged chronologically

Clock Assembly, 8th Avenue and 7th Islands, plus superb picture of Montauk Club, 1972, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Berkeley Window Box Party and Arch (E72), 1972, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Festa - Greenpoint and passport photo copies (A72), 1972, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

272 Berkeley Place interior pix and classic head pix, 1972, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Brooklyn chewing gum and Lincoln Place Block Party (D72), 1972, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Princeton and Buegeleisen anniversary party (B72), 1972, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Harvey and Hazel 50th Anniversary and Triangle Parks publicity (C72), 1972, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Miscellaneous (I73), circa 1973, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Friends (?) and Grand Army Plaza (H73), circa 1973, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Portraits of EHO, EGO, G, and Mara (pets) (H73), 1973, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Shelter Island (A73), 1973, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Shelter Island (E73), 1973, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Brooklyn postcards (including Academy) (B73), 1973, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 13 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

234 Lincoln Place for Clem Labine (C73), 1973, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 14 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

House on Lincoln Place, 8th Avenue houses, and Keystone Everflash (D73), 1973, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 15 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Leica CL pix (F72), 1973, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 16 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Leica CL pix (G72), 1973, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 17 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

EGO in front of Adams Houses, Mara (pet dog), and Hoecker car in 1899 (K73), 1973, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 18 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Fire Island (F73), 1973, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 19 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Machu Picchu I (G73), 1973, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 20 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Machu Picchu II (L73), 1973, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 21 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Chicago (M73), 1973, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 22 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

House tour publicity - Model Geraldine Ventrice (M74), 1974, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 23 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Customs House 1 (Q74), 1974, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 24 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Customs House 2 (K74), 1974, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 25 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) / Triangle #2 (S74), 1974, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 26 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) party with Redgrove (J74), 1974, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 27 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Claire's 40 1 (A74), 1974, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 28 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Claire's 40 2 (B74), 1974, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 29 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Inca in the Window (E74), 1974, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 30 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Marshall's summer place (C74), 1974, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 31 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Marshall's summer place (D74), 1974, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Flatbush Avenue Festival (Beame (?) and EGO) (L74), 1974, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 33 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Brooklyn view from Williamsburgh Savings Bank tower and Van Cortlandt House, Philipse Manor (N74), 1974, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 34 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Sleepy Hollow (I74), 1974, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 35 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Hudson houses, Poughkeepsie, etc. (P74), 1974, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 36 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Flatbush houses, Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) painting, Customs House (O74), 1974, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 37 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Flatbush houses (Japanese and others) (H74), 1974, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 38 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Custom House, Battery Park (R74), 1974, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 39 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Hudson tours 1 (F74), 1974, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 40 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Hudson tours 2 (G74), 1974, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 41 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Montrose Morris and interior of his home / 8th Avenue and Montauk Club / Olmsted and Vaux plan for Prospect Park (H75), circa 1975, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 42 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Ports and Terminals copy negs, circa 1975, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 43 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Park Slope (Arch, park, Montauk Club details - Konica lens) (L75), 1975, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 44 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

St. Paul - Endicott Building (Cass Gilbert) (Ilford film) (A75), 1975, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 45 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

St. Paul (B75), 1975, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 46 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

St. Paul (C75), 1975, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 47 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Night shots of Manhattan from Brooklyn Heights (K75), 1975, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 48 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Customs House and Cavaglieri drawings (J75), 1975, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 49 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Hartford, Connecticut (D75), 1975, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 50 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Hartford, Connecticut (E75), 1975, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 51 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Villard Houses - Interior, 1975, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 52 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Chicago 1 (F75), 1975, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 53 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Chicago 2 (I75), 1975, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 54 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Chicago 3 (G75), 1975, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 55 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Greenpoint Festa, 1975, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 56 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Greenpoint Festa and Marshall's country place, 1975, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 57 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Marshall's country place A, 1975, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 58 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Marshall's country place B, 1975, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 59 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Gardiner Island and port copy negs, 1975, inclusive

Box: 49, Folder: 60 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Woolworth Building - Wemple (T75), 1975, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Minnesota, 1975, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

St. Paul, 1975, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

St. Paul, 1975, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

St. Paul, 1975, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

St. Paul, 1975, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

St. Paul and Boston, 1975, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Boston and Ellis Island, 1975, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Hallway details and Inca, 1975, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Museum Open House, 1975, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Museum Open House, 1975, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Minox EL pictures, 1976, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

EGO portraits, 1976, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 13 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

8th Avenue houses repairs (Einhorn and Surgon) and Views from Williamsburgh Savings Bank tower, 1976, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 14 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Job: 1006 - Roll No.: 1, 1976, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 15 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Job: 1006 - Roll No.: 2, 1976, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 16 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Job: 1006 - Roll No.: 2, 1976, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 17 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Museum Ball (Minox EL), 1976, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 18 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Red Groom's sculpture show at Marlborough Gallery, New York, 1976, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 19 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Greenpoint Festa, 1976, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 20 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Everett sail and Lower Manhattan, 1976, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 21 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Grand Army Plaza (Celestron 1250 mm lens), 1976, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 22 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Grand Army Plaza - Removing "Herald of Peace" from Quadriga, 1976, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 23 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Brooklyn Botanic Garden - Japanese Hill-and0Pond Garden, circa 1980s, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 24 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

EHO and two others, circa 1980s, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 25 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Home interior?, circa 1980s, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 26 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Cass Gilbert's Custom House, 1986, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 27 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Federal Hall, 1986, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 28 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Abraham Lincoln in Prospect Park / Litchfield / Landmarks hearings / Jewish cemetery in Manhattan / Bryce Canyon and more southwest, circa 1987, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 29 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Ladies Miles stuff, 1987, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 30 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Brooklyn Botanic Garden - Forsythia Day, 1987, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 31 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Majestic Theater under renovation - Fulton Street, 1987, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 32 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

359 Broadway (Brady Gallery) / College Place / American Express (Hubert Street) / Western Union (23rd Street and 5th Avenue) / LIRR doors / Mayor Koch election sign (2nd Avenue and 60th Street), 1987, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 33 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

On-off Broadway #1 (Ricoh FF-AF), 1987, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 34 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Mesa Verde and SoHo (one shot of [illegible] journalist at Montauk), 1987, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 35 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Flagpole at 42nd Street library / Shaving Jason and Argus in house / 5th Avenue and 42nd Street - northeast corner - Levi Morton house / Oriole and architectural ornamentation - where? / Art deco tower -? / Two bridges from Manhattan scenic, circa 1987, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 36 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Snapshots - Madison Square to Weehawken Street, circa 1987, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 37 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Washington plaque / Under bridge / 359 Broadway / 42nd Street, 1987, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 38 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Children's Aid stuff / Lincoln photo February 1960 by Brody / Harry and Hazel at Coney Island circa 1925? / All copy stuff, 1988, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 39 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Children's Aid stuff / Larry Rutyna (?) and brother, circa 1988, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 40 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Guastavino Houses - West 78th Street #1 and lower Manhattan from Fulton Landing on a clear day, 1988, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 41 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Guastavino Houses - West 78th Street #2 / North and South groups / North side: 121-136, six houses / South side: 118-134, nine houses, 1988, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 42 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Fourth Avenue and Flatbush area, 1988, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 43 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Indonesians at Hilary Beecher party, 1988, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 44 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

BRC Broadway tours with Joe Zito / To Mets game with Labines and Mav Shalls (?) / Queensboro Bridge approach / Montauk friends / Degas at Met Museum, 1988, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 45 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Constitutional Convention, Poughkeepsie, New York, 1988, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 46 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Wooden houses / Washington Avenue / Berkeley Place, 1988, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 47 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Navy Yard old officer's houses / Brooklyn Botanic Garden, 1989, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 48 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Brooklyn Botanic Garden photo in Grand Central, 1989, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 49 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Some India with Claire and EGO and Princes (?) party, 1989, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 50 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Old New York pix copied from slides, 1989, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 51 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Family party at Levins (?), 1990, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 52 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Vermont and Sumi modeling, 1990, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 53 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Montauk Club Man of the Year celebration, 1991, inclusive

Box: 50, Folder: 54 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Sub-series 4.3: Brooklyn and Historic Preservation slides, 1959-2005, inclusive


8 Linear Feet in thirteen slide boxes and one slide binder

Scope and Contents

The sub-series contains 35mm slides, mostly taken by Everett Ortner, dating from 1959 to 2005. The majority of the slides were used in lectures delivered by Ortner. Files related to these lectures can be found in Series 5: Brooklyn and Historic Preservation lectures. Geographically the slides cover Brooklyn (especially the neighborhood of Park Slope) and Manhattan. They predomidantly feature buildings, as well as festivals (especially the Atlantic Antic and the Giglio Feast of Williamsburg), landmarks, and the waterfront. The sub-series also includes numerous copy slides of historic Brooklyn images. In addition to lecture slides, the subseries contains a small amount of personal photographs.


Arranged alphabetically by title. Titles were derived from labels found on binders and other boxes that originally housed the slides.

Bay Ridge and Fort Hamilton, 1962-1963, 1977, inclusive

Box: Slides by Accession 1, Box: 2, item: V1982.8.1-11 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Grand Army Plaza, Prospect Park, 1967-1997, inclusive

Box: 55, Folder: 1-10 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Includes Prospect Park Zoo, Prospect Park West, and Pavilion Theater

Brooklyn Botanic Garden and Green-Wood Cemetery, 1970-1998, inclusive

Box: 55, Folder: 11-15 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Includes Weir-McGovern Greenhouse and Front Street Church/Rectory

Brooklyn Historic, 1969-1996, inclusive

Box: 56, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Includes copy slides of 19th and early 20th century images, Prospect Park, breweries, Flatbush Avenue, Williamsburgh Savings Bank tower (interiors, exteriors, and views from the tower), maps, Battle of Long Island, waterfront, Downtown Brooklyn, Myrtle Avenue elevated railroad, and New York Transit Museum

Brooklyn Historic 2, 1971-2001, inclusive

Box: 56, Folder: 2-9 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Includes copy slides of 19th and 20th century images (some of which were used in the 2005 and the 2007 Brownstone calendars)

Brooklyn Lecture, 1972-1988, inclusive

Box: 56, Folder: 10-14 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


See related lecture notes in Box 38

Brooklyn Neighborhoods, 1973-1988, inclusive

Box: 56, Folder: 14-21 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Includes Greenpoint, Ditmas Park, Brooklyn Heights, Fort Greene, Williamsburg, other neighborhoods, and Irish Fair in DUMBO (1981)

Brooklyn Neighborhoods 2, 1968-2001, inclusive

Box: 56, Folder: 22-24 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Includes Williamsburg Festa (Giglio Feast), Atlantic Antic, Greenpoint, Brooklyn Heights, other neighborhoods, and Macy's fireworks

Brooklyn Neighborhoods 2, 1968-2001, inclusive

Box: 57, Folder: 1-13 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Brooklyn Nostalgia and Mallification, 1974-2000, inclusive

Box: 57, Folder: 14-15 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Brooklyn Miscellaneous, 1972-2000, inclusive

Box: 57, Folder: 16-25 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Includes Williamsburg Festa (Giglio Feast), Atlantic Antic, Buryea House (East New York), Prospect Park Tennis House, Mermaid Parade, Navy Yard Officers' Houses, Sunset Park waterfront, Broadway elevated train, Clinton Hill, Park Slope, churches and cemeteries, and Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Brooklyn Miscellaneous, 1972-2000, inclusive

Box: 58, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Brooklyn Places and Institutions, 1973-1998, inclusive

Box: 58, Folder: 1-9 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Includes Grand Army Plaza, Prospect Park, Prospect Park West, Erie Basin, Coney Island amusements, Back to Brooklyn Festival, Long Island Historical Society, Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM), Brooklyn Post Office and other civic buildings, Wyckoff-Bennett Homestead, Brooklyn Bridge, Fulton Ferry, Brooklyn Heights Promenade (Esplanade), Verrazano Bridge, Jay Street Firehouse, and Sunset Park waterfront

Brooklyn Waterfront, 1980-1986, inclusive

Box: 58, Folder: 9-12 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Includes Sea Gate, Coney Island, Half Moon Hotel, New York Harbor, Brighton Beach, Bay Ridge, Sheepshead Bay, Manhattan Beach, Kingsborough Community College, Verrazano Bridge, Brooklyn Bridge, 45th Street docks, Italy-Brooklyn boat race, old Brooklyn warehouses, Brooklyn dry dock, Isbrandtsen Terminal, old C.G. Armory, Brooklyn Army Terminal, and docks

Broadway (Manhattan), 1976-1988, inclusive

Box: 58, Folder: 13-24 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Broadway (Manhattan), 1976-1988, inclusive

Box: 59, Folder: 1-4 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Brownstone Age, 1975-1990, inclusive

Box: 59, Folder: 4-7 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Brownstone Seminar #1, 1974-2001, inclusive

Box: 59, Folder: 8-9 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Brownstone Style Part 2, 1973-2000, inclusive

Box: 67, Folder: 11-12 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Includes Brooklyn Heights, Smith Street, Greenwich Village, Washington Square, St. Luke's Place, Central Park, Upper West Side, and Harlem. See related lecture notes in Box 37.

Ellis Island and other slides, 1975-1992, inclusive

Box: 59, Folder: 9-18 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Includes Sailors Snug Harbor, OP Sail (July 4, 1976), Statue of Liberty Fireworks (July 4, 1986), July 4th Fireworks (1990), and Tall Ships (1992)

FDNY Ladder 114 firehouse (Sunset Park), 1977

Box: Slides by Accession 1, Box: 2, item: V1982.8.20-22 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Fun, Townhouses, Odds and Ends, etc., 1967-2001, inclusive

Box: 59, Folder: 18-24 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Some of these slides were used for a slideshow at a Fisher fundraiser held on May 30, 2000. Includes images of buildings in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Doylestown (PA), Cleveland (OH), Buffalo (NY), Morgantown (WV), Deerfield (MA), West Point (NY), Detroit (MI), and New Harmony (IN). Also includes images of the Atlantic Antic, Williamsburg Festa (Giglio Feast), Coney Island Mermaid Parade, Ellis Island and the East River, Grand Army Plaza and Prospect Park, 272 Berkeley Place dining room, and foreign travel. See related lecture notes in Box 38.

Fun, Townhouses, Odds and Ends, etc., 1967-2001, inclusive

Box: 60, Folder: 1-2 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Inside a Brownstone, 1968-1980, inclusive

Box: 60, Folder: 2-9 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Long Island Historical Society - Miss Maud Dilliard in Children's History Room, 1963, inclusive

Box: Slides by Accession 1, Box: 2, item: V1982.8.23-26 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Manhattan above 14th Street, 1969-1981, inclusive

Box: 60, Folder: 10-23 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Manhattan above 14th Street 2, 1973-1991, inclusive

Box: 60, Folder: 24 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Manhattan above 14th Street 2, 1973-1991, inclusive

Box: 61, Folder: 1-10 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Manhattan - Canal Street to 14th Street, 1968-2000, inclusive

Box: 61, Folder: 10-22 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Manhattan Historical and Brownstone Stuff, 1971-2001, inclusive

Box: 61, Folder: 22-24 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Mostly copy slides of historical images. Some images used in Brownstone calendars. Some slides used in Midtown Manhattan presentation (July 1, 1980), and an index of those slides are available in box 38.

Manhattan Historical and Brownstone Stuff, 1971-2001, inclusive

Box: 62, Folder: 1-14 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Manhattan - Miscellaneous, 1969-2000, inclusive

Box: 62, Folder: 15-17 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Naked Ladies of Brooklyn, 1991, inclusive

Box: 62, Folder: 18-24 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Photographs of Brooklyn statuary and building ornamentation by John J. Gallagher. Presented by Gallagher at the Montauk Club on October 24, 1991. The photographs were originally taken from 1988-1989 (see Sub-series 4.1: Brooklyn and Historic Preservation prints and negatives). There are four series of numbered slides in the set: One numbered 1-120, which was missing slides 54-55, 108-109, and 111-112; one numbered 181-187; one numbered 37-54, of which the 49th slide was labeled "No Pix"; and one numbered 1-19, which was missing slide 3. Also included were numerous unnumbered slides mixed among some of the numbered sets. It is probable that the numbers on certain slide pages had worn off prior to donation. In addition to the slides, there are prints and negatives of the images available in Box 38.

Naked Ladies of Brooklyn, 1991, inclusive

Box: 63, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

New York Historical, 1969-2005, inclusive

Box: 63, Folder: 2-11 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Mostly copy slides of historical Mahattan images, with a few contemporary Brooklyn building photographs. The first 20 slides were labeled "BRC 2005 Catalogue Dupes."

New York Miscellaneous, 1976-1998, inclusive

Box: 63, Folder: 11-23 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


A mix of copy slides of historical Manhattan images and contemporary Manhattan photographs.

Olde New York, 1977-1978, inclusive

Box: 63, Folder: 24 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


A mix of copy slides of historical images and lecture slides

Olde New York, 1977-1988, inclusive

Box: 64, Folder: 1-2 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Park Slope 1, 1967-2000s, inclusive

Box: 64, Folder: 2-10 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Includes photographs of the interior of 272 Berkeley Place (2000s). Primarily building exteriors, with some photographs of community activities (Christmas corralling, Montauk Club tour, street fairs).

Park Slope 2, 1967-2000, inclusive

Box: 64, Folder: 10-22 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Primarily building exteriors, with some photographs of community activities (Christmas corralling, Prospect Park Turkey Trot, Berkeley Place Festival, street fairs).

Park Slope Landmarks, 1971-1997, inclusive

Box: 64, Folder: 22-24 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


A mix of copy slides of historical images and contemporary photographs. See related lecture notes in Box 37.

Park Slope Landmarks, 1971-1997, inclusive

Box: 65, Folder: 1-3 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

More Park Slope, 1969-1985, inclusive

Box: 65, Folder: 4-6 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


A mix of copy slides of historical images and contemporary photographs (building exteriors and Berkeley Place Festival /Block Party)

Personal, 1959-2000s, inclusive

Box: 65, Folder: 7-17 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Includes photographs of vacations, home (272 Berkeley Place), friends, events, and portraits of the Ortners. Photographs of Paris taken by EGO (1982)

Personal - Miscellaneous, 1959-2002, inclusive

Box: 65, Folder: 17-22 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Consists of photographs of vacations, home (272 Berkeley Place), friends, events, and portraits of the Ortners. Includes 110 Instamatic (12mm x 16mm) slides.

Prospect Lefferts Gardens, 1977, inclusive

Box: Slides by Accession 1, Box: 2, item: V1982.8.12-19 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Row House Styles - John J. Gallagher, circa 1960s-1990, inclusive

Box: 65, Folder: 23-24 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Slides for a lecture presented by John J. Gallagher in 1988. Includes images of Brooklyn building exteriors. Related lecture notes are located in box 38.

Row-House Styles - John J. Gallagher, circa 1960s-1990, inclusive

Box: 66, Folder: 1-7 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Row-House photographs - John J. Gallagher, circa 1960s-1991, inclusive

Box: 66, Folder: 8-21 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Socrates Sculpture Park and Shea Stadium, Queens, 1986-1988, inclusive

Box: 66, Folder: 21-23 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Statue of Liberty restoration, 1984, inclusive

Box: 67, Folder: 13-15 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Townhouses Around the World, 1975-2001, inclusive

Box: 66, Folder: 24 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Lecture by EHO. See related lecture notes in Box 38.

Townhouses Around the World, 1975-2001, inclusive

Box: 67, Folder: 1-2 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Transportation, 1976-1989, inclusive

Box: 67, Folder: 3-4 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Mostly copy slides of historic images. Includes subways, ports, railroads, ferries, etc.

Victorian Interiors, 1975-circa 1990s, inclusive

Box: 67, Folder: 4-6 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Mostly copy slides of historic images. Related lecture notes are located in box 38.

U.S. Bicentennial, 1976, inclusive

Box: 67, Folder: 7-9 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Series 5: Brooklyn and Historic Preservation lectures, 1970s-2006, inclusive


4.5 Linear Feet in one manuscript box, four folders, one oversize folder, three audiocassettes, and one VHS tape

Scope and Contents

The series contains files on Brooklyn and historic preservation lectures, dating from the 1970s to 2006. The lectures were primarily delivered by EHO. The files include lecture notes, slide lists, transcripts, clippings, photographs, flyers, audio cassette recordings, and one VHS tape.

Related slides can be found in Sub-series 4.3: Brooklyn and Historic Preservation slides.

Additional lectures delivered by EHO can be found in Sub-series 3.1: Personal papers, memorabilia, and photographs, Sub-series 3.3: Publicity, and Sub-series 7.2: Brownstone Revival Committee lectures, seminars, and workshops.


Arranged chronologically.

History and Architecture of Park Slope lecture and slideshow by EGO flyers, circa 1970s-1980s, inclusive

Box: 76, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Park Slope lectures and walking tours, 1970s-2000

Box: 37, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

Park Slope Landmarks - History and Architecture lecture notes, circa 1972-1997, inclusive

Box: 37, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)


Related slides available in boxes 64 and 65

EHO Urban Land Institute talk, 1973, inclusive

Box: 39, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Text)


Includes Brooklyn Union Gas Company, BRC, and portraits of EHO and Fred H.J. Rider

Brownstone Style lecture notes, 1973-2000, inclusive

Box: 37, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)


Related slides available in box 67

Lectures and articles (1 of 2), 1975-1993, inclusive

Box: 38, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)


Includes Back to the City Conference and Long Island Historical Society

Lectures and articles (2 of 2), 1975-1993, inclusive

Box: 38, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)

Midtown Manhattan lecture slide index, 1980, inclusive

Box: 38, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)


Related slides available in "Manhattan Historical and Brownstone stuff, 1971-2001" file

History of Brooklyn at Montauk Club audio cassette, 1981, inclusive

Box: 52, Cassette: - (Material Type: Audio)

Row-House Style lecture by John J. Gallagher slide index and notes, 1985-1988, inclusive

Box: 38, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)


Related slides available in boxes 65 and 66

Brooklyn Lecture notes, circa 1988, inclusive

Box: 38, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)


Related slides available in box 56.

Naked Ladies of Brooklyn lecture by John J. Gallagher, 1988-1991, inclusive

Box: 38, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)


Held at the Montauk Club on October 24, 1991. Includes flyers and prints/negatives of Brooklyn statuary and building ornamentation. Related slides available in boxes 62 and 63.

Brooklyn lecture notes, 1990s, inclusive

Box: 38, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

Victorian Interiors lecture by EGO notes, circa 1990s, inclusive

Box: 38, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)


Related slides available in box 67

July 4th orations by EHO, 1990-2003, inclusive

Box: 38, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Text)

Broadway-Flushing Homeowners' Association lecture - EHO, Frank Newton, and Marty Gallant (VHS tape), 1993, inclusive

Box: 78, Cassette: 5 (Material Type: Moving Images)


Related ephemera also available in box 78

Brownstone Basics #1 lecture, 2000s, inclusive

Box: 38, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Text)


Related slides available in "Olde New York, 1977-1988" (boxes 63 and 64)

Olde New York slide indexes, circa 2000s, inclusive

Box: 38, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Text)


Related slides available in boxes 63 and 64

EHO talks, 2000, inclusive

Box: 38, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Text)

Fun, Townhouses, Odds and Ends, etc. slide indexes and ephemera, 2000, inclusive

Box: 38, Folder: 13 (Material Type: Text)


Related slides available in boxes 59 and 60

Brownstone #1 audio cassette, circa 2000, inclusive

Box: 52, Cassette: - (Material Type: Audio)

Brownstone #2 audio cassette, circa 2000, inclusive

Box: 52, Cassette: - (Material Type: Audio)

Townhouses Around the World lecture notes, circa 2001, inclusive

Box: 38, Folder: 14 (Material Type: Text)


Related slides available in boxes 66 and 67

Brooklyn Nostalgia and Mallification slide indexes, 2004, inclusive

Box: 38, Folder: 15 (Material Type: Text)


Precede to Olde New York lecture. Related slides available in box 57.

EHO lecture at The General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, 2005-2006, inclusive

Box: 38, Folder: 16 (Material Type: Text)

Series 6: Brooklyn and Historic Preservation general files, circa 1880-2008, inclusive


22.45 Linear Feet in eleven manuscript boxes, five flat boxes, two small boxes, two film canisters, and one oversize folder

Scope and Contents

This series is comprised of assorted files relating to Brooklyn (history and culture) and the historic preservation movement that were collected by the Ortners, dating from circa 1880 to 2008. The files include publications, typescripts, correspondence, photographs, posters, 16mm films, VHS tapes, notes, and other materials. It contains a small of amount of historical memorabilia, including an engraving print of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, a Brooklyn Young Republicans ribbon, and a menu from Trommer's restaurant. Architectural drawings for buildings on the south side of Ninth Street (east of Eighth Avenue) in the Park Slope neighborhood of Brooklyn are also available in the series.

The series documents several Brooklyn organizations, including the Park Slope Betterment Committee, Park Slope Block Association, Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM), Brooklyn Museum, Long Island Historical Society/Brooklyn Historical Society (LIHS/BHS), Brownstone Revival Committee/Coalition, Brooklyn Union Gas Company's Cinderella projects, and Preservation Volunteers. Of particular note are the files relating to the Park Slope Betterment Committee, which was established in the mid-1960s and was a precursor to the Park Slope Civic Council. The efforts of these groups led to landmarking of the Park Slope neighborhood of Brooklyn. Also of note are files relating to the Board of Directors of both BAM and LIHS/BHS.

The series contains two 16mm films: a WCBS-TV Eye on New York segment titled "So You Want To Own A Brownstone" and a film titled Brooklyn Bridge.


The series contains an assortment of unorganized files that were arranged chronologically by the processing archivist.

First Place Methodist Episcopal Church engraving print, circa 1880, inclusive

Box: 39, Folder: 15 (Material Type: Text)

Brooklyn Young Republican Club ribbon, 1885, inclusive

Box: 39, Folder: 16 (Material Type: Realia)

Elevation and sections of seven four story and cellar brick houses on the south side of Ninth Street, 237' - 10 1/2" east of Eighth Avenue - Charles Hart, owner and Thomas F. Carroll, architect, circa 1890s, inclusive

Box: 75, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Oversize architectural drawings

New England Society in Brooklyn, 1904-1911, inclusive

Box: 40, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)

New York City research (1 of 3), 1911-1980s, inclusive

Box: 40, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)

New York City research (2 of 3), 1911-1980s, inclusive

Box: 40, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

New York City research (3 of 3), 1911-1980s, inclusive

Box: 72, Folder: - (Material Type: Text)


Oversize. Includes "South Brooklyn and Gowanus in History" by Charles M. Higgins.

Trommer's menu, 1920s, inclusive

Box: 77, Folder: - (Material Type: Text)


Located at Bushwick Avenue and Conway Street

Brooklyn Bridge (Brooklyn Museum), 1958, 1983, inclusive

Box: 40, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

"How They Brought Brooklyn Chewing Gum to the Brownstone Ball" typescript by EHO, 1960s, inclusive

Box: 40, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

Park Slope map, 1960s, inclusive

Box: 40, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

Prospect Park, 1964-1976, inclusive

Box: 40, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

Long Island Historical Society - Prospect Park Centennial, 1965, inclusive

Box: 40, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)

Park Slope Civic Council brochure, circa 1965, inclusive

Box: 75, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Park Slope Civic Council releases and ephemera, circa 1960s-1970s, inclusive

Box: 40, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photographs of Frederick W. Richmond

Prospect Park Centennial medal, 1966, inclusive

Box: 69, item: - (Material Type: Realia)

Park Slope Block Association - Preservation, 1966-1967, inclusive

Box: 40, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Text)

Park Slope Betterment Committee, 1966-1970, inclusive

Box: 40, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Text)

Park Slope general, circa 1970s, inclusive

Box: 40, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Park Slope Betterment Committee, 1966-1974, inclusive

Box: 41, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)

Flatbush Avenue Improvement Committee, 1966-1974, inclusive

Box: 41, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)

House Tours (1 of 2), 1966-1986, inclusive

Box: 41, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)


Includes Brooklyn neighborhoods of Park Slope, Carroll Gardens, Fort Greene, Clinton Hill, Prospect Lefferts Gardens, Prospect Heights, and Hoboken, New Jersey.

House Tours (2 of 2), 1966-1986, inclusive

Box: 76, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Up to the minute map of Grand Army Plaza area the scenic hub and cultural centre of Brooklyn, 1967, inclusive

Box: 76, Folder: - (Material Type: Maps)



Bankers Party, 1967-1970, inclusive

Box: 41, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

Park Slope Betterment Committee book, 1967-1971, inclusive

Box: 41, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

WCBS-TV News Eye on New York - "So You Want To Own A Brownstone" film, 1968, inclusive

bin: 2014.003.06.1, reel: - (Material Type: Moving Images)

Park Slope Betterment Committee - Finances, 1968-1969, inclusive

Box: 41, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

Clipping on the Park Slope North Improvement Project with photographs by EHO, 1969, inclusive

Box: 75, Folder: - (Material Type: Text)



Landmark Preservation by John S. Pyke Jr., 1969, inclusive

Box: 41, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

Park Slope Betterment Committee, 1969-2007, inclusive

Box: 41, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)

Secession, 1969, inclusive

Box: 41, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Text)

Park Slope Betterment Committee - Prospect Place project (1 of 2), 1969-1970, inclusive

Box: 41, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photographs documenting brownstones on Prospect Place by James Kalett

Park Slope Betterment Committee - Prospect Place project (2 of 2), 1969-1970, inclusive

Box: 76, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Photographs documenting brownstones on Prospect Place by James Kalett in an oversize folder.

Downtown Brooklyn Development Committee, 1969-1971, inclusive

Box: 41, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Text)

Brownstone Archival, 1969-1978, inclusive

Box: 41, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Text)


Includes Brooklyn Union Gas Company, Cinderella II, Victorian Society in America, Park Slope Betterment Committee, and Brownstone Revival Committee

Master Plan - Brownstone Reference, 1969-1982, inclusive

Box: 41, Folder: 13 (Material Type: Text)

Carroll Gardens architectural preservation poster, circa 1960s-1970s, inclusive

Box: 76, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


Oversize. In Italian and English.

Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) ephemera, 1970s, inclusive

Box: 42, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)

Fort Greene, 1970s, inclusive

Box: 42, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)

Brooklyn Bridge film (two reels), circa 1970s, inclusive

reel: 2014.003.06.2a,b, reel: - (Material Type: Moving Images)

The Old-House Journal binder, circa 1970s

Box: 77, Folder: - (Material Type: Realia)

The Victorian Society in America, 1970s, inclusive

Box: 42, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

Brooklyn and Manhattan walking tours (2 folders), 1970s-1980s, inclusive

Box: 42, Folder: 4-5 (Material Type: Text)

Brooklyn history, 1970s-1999, inclusive

Box: 42, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)


Includes Brooklyn Borough President Howard Golden, New York City Mayor David Dinkins, Long Island Historical Society/Brooklyn Historical Society, Battle of Long Island, Civil War, and Gateway National Recreation Area

Bedford Stuyvesant Beautification Association - Save Our Magnolia ephemera, 1970, inclusive

Box: 72, Folder: - (Material Type: Text)



Pasadena, 1970, inclusive

Box: 42, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

Berkeley Place Block Festival poster, circa 1970, inclusive

Box: 76, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Swiss article, circa 1970, inclusive

Box: 42, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)

New York Times letters, 1970-1974, inclusive

Box: 42, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Text)

Air Conditioning, 1971, inclusive

Box: 42, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Text)

Brownstone Surveys, 1971, inclusive

Box: 42, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Text)

Eliot Janeway interview, 1971, inclusive

Box: 42, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Text)

Historic Park Slope poster, 1971, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


In Oversize Posters folder

Park Slope rezoning, 1971, inclusive

Box: 42, Folder: 13 (Material Type: Text)

Wall Street Journal - Park Slope, 1971, inclusive

Box: 42, Folder: 14 (Material Type: Text)

Brooklyn Brownstone Conference plaques, 1972, inclusive

Box: 42, Folder: 15 (Material Type: Text)

Brownstone Architecture, 1972-1974, inclusive

Box: 42, Folder: 16 (Material Type: Text)

Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM), 1972-2001, inclusive

Box: 43, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)

Boerum Hill, 1973-1977, inclusive

Box: 43, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)

London - Preservation, 1974, inclusive

Box: 43, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

Fulton Ferry Brooklyn (South Street Reporter), 1974-1975, inclusive

Box: 43, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

Brooklyn history, 1917, 1970-1997, inclusive

Box: 43, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

Scope and Contents

The 1917 item is a New York State history pamphlet on Bedford Corners.

Brownstone neighborhoods - Jerome Krase, 1975, inclusive

Box: 43, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

"By Bernstein" program/poster - The Chelsea Theater Center of Brooklyn (BAM), 1975, inclusive

Box: 74, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Municipal Art Society and NYCOC articles by EHO, 1975, circa 1984, inclusive

Box: 72, Folder: - (Material Type: Text)


Oversize. Includes two typescripts.

Long Island Historical Society building report by Lori Zabar, circa 1975, inclusive

Box: 43, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

Magnolia Tree Earth Center, 1975-1976, inclusive

Box: 43, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)

Grand Army Plaza Quadriga, 1975-1978, inclusive

Box: 43, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Text)


Includes contact sheet of photographs of the return of statue to the memorial arch

Brownstone Course, 1975-1982, inclusive

Box: 43, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Text)

Long Island Historical Society/Brooklyn Historical Society, 1975-1990, inclusive

Box: 43, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Text)


Includes Board of Directors and Library Committee files

Bicentennial, 1976, inclusive

Box: 43, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Text)

Brooklyn Bicentennial Commission - Prison-Ship Martyrs medal, 1976, inclusive

Box: 69, item: - (Material Type: Realia)

Brooklyn Brownstone Bank, 1976, inclusive

Box: 43, Folder: 13 (Material Type: Text)

Building the Brooklyn Bridge: The Original Drawings exhibition poster (Whitney Museum of Art, Downtown Branch), 1976, inclusive

Box: 76, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Reprint of Lectures on Ventilation: Being a Course Delivered in the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia during the winter of 1866-67, 1976, inclusive

Box: 51, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

Battle of Long Island - Bicentennial project, circa 1976, inclusive

Box: 43, Folder: 14 (Material Type: Text)

Battle of Long Island screenplay, circa 1976, inclusive

Box: 43, Folder: 15 (Material Type: Text)

Breweries - The Phoenix clipping, 1977, inclusive

Box: 72, Folder: - (Material Type: Text)



Robert Bidne exhibition poster (FAR Gallery), 1977, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


In Oversize Posters folder

Cultural ephemera, 1977-1984, inclusive

Box: 44, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)


Includes Montauk Club, Congregation Beth Elohim, Atlantic Antic, Chelsea Theater Center, Henry Street Settlement's New Federal Theater, and Prospect Park Environmental Center

If Stoops Could Speak; A History of First Street - First Street Block Association (Park Slope), 1978, inclusive

Box: 44, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)

Old Brooklyn in Early Photographs 1865-1929 exhibition poster (Long Island Historical Society), 1978, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


In Oversize Posters folder

Landmarks Preservation Commission, 1978-1984, inclusive

Box: 3, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Text)

Spencer Mews: adapting an abandoned church for residential and commercial use poster (Preservation Bulletin Number Five), 1979, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


In Oversize Posters folder

Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM), 1979-1983, inclusive

Box: 44, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)


Includes program signed by Count Basie

Brooklyn Museum ephemera, 1979-1985, inclusive

Box: 44, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

City People posters (summer and winter), circa 1970s-1980s, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


In Oversize Posters folder

Cities are Neighborhoods / Neighborhoods are People / Conserve the Neighborhoods poster, circa 1970s-1980s, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


In Oversize Posters folder

Triangle Parks Committee - Auction and Art Show posters, circa 1970s-1980s, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


In Oversize Posters folder

Litchfield Villa and Prospect Park, 1980s, inclusive

Box: 44, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

Park Slope - Walking tour guide, circa 1980s, inclusive

Box: 44, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) ephemera (3 folders), 1980s, inclusive

Box: 44, Folder: 7-9 (Material Type: Text)

Long Island Historical Society - Centennial anniversary celebration, 1980, inclusive

Box: 44, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Text)

Manhattan Skyline by Tony Graham poster, 1980, inclusive

Box: 76, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Preservation: Reusing America's Energy poster (National Trust Historic Preservation), 1980, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


In Oversize Posters folder

Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) poster, circa 1981, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


In Oversize Posters folder

Brooklyn Before the Bridge - American paintings from the Long Island Historical Society poster (Brooklyn Museum), 1982, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


In Oversize Posters folder

Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) 120 Benefit report, circa 1982, inclusive

Box: 44, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Text)

Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) Local Development Corporation - The Lafayette renovation, 1982-1984, inclusive

Box: 44, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Text)

Brooklyn Botanic Garden, 1982-1987, inclusive

Box: 44, Folder: 13 (Material Type: Text)

"Bird's-Eye View of the Great Suspension Bridge" lithograph poster, circa 1983, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


In Oversize Posters folder

Brooklyn Bridge Centennial (1 of 2), 1983, inclusive

Box: 45, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)

Brooklyn Bridge Centennial (2 of 2), 1983, inclusive

Box: 75, Folder: - (Material Type: Realia)


Oversize. Includes Nathan's Famous calendar, wacky hat, issue of The Phoenix, and reissue of New York Times issue.

Brooklyn Bridge centennial pennants, 1983, inclusive

Box: 75, Folder: - (Material Type: Realia)



Brooklyn Bridge centennial medal, 1983, inclusive

Box: 69, item: - (Material Type: Realia)

Brooklyn Bridge ceramic dish, circa 1983, inclusive

Box: 69, item: - (Material Type: Realia)

Views of the Brooklyn Bridge poster, circa 1983, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


In Oversize Posters folder

Brownstone News - Annual Brownstone Fair advertisement in The Phoenix, 1983, inclusive

Box: 72, Folder: - (Material Type: Text)



Coney Island - Geo clipping, 1983, inclusive

Box: 45, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)

I Love New York - Brooklyn - Travel Guide poster, circa 1983, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


In Oversize Posters folder

"In Transit: Two Centuries of Commuting in Brooklyn" - Long Island Historical Society ephemera, 1983, inclusive

Box: 76, Folder: - (Material Type: Text)



South Street Seaport poster, 1983, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


In Oversize Posters folder

Weeksville: Now and Then, 1983, inclusive

Box: 45, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

Statue of Liberty restoration (2 folders), 1983-1984, inclusive

Box: 45, Folder: 4-5 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photographs. Related slides available in box 67.

Brooklyn Botanic Garden ephemera, 1983-1985, inclusive

Box: 45, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

Brooklyn Museum - The Great East River Bridge exhibition, 1983-1985, inclusive

Box: 45, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

Long Island Historical Society - Name change (2 folders), 1983-1985, inclusive

Box: 45, Folder: 8-9 (Material Type: Text)


Includes Architectural and Engineering Museum Planning Study

Downtown Brooklyn, 1983-1989, inclusive

Box: 45, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Text)

Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) - Next Wave Festival program, 1984, inclusive

Box: 75, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Brooklyn's City Hall exhibition poster (Municipal Arts Society), 1984, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


In Oversize Posters folder

Brownstone stuff, 1984-1993, inclusive

Box: 46, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)


Includes clippings, ephemera, and testimony of EHO as Chairman of the Brownstone Revival Committee of New York concerning the Intro. #672 before the City Council (May 17, 1991)

From Brooklyn to the Sea: Ships, Seafarers and New York Harbor exhibition poster (Museum of the Borough of Brooklyn, Brooklyn College), 1985, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


In Oversize Posters folder

Human Proportion - The building of New York's Upper West Side by John J. Gallagher - edited typescript, 1985, inclusive

Box: 46, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)

New York State Constitutional Bicentennial, 1988, inclusive

Box: 46, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

NYC 1898 Consolidation, 1988-1998, inclusive

Box: 46, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

Brooklyn Borough Hall Restoration posters, 1989, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


In Oversize Posters folder

Manhattan Municipal Building Seventy-Fifth Anniversary 1914-1989 poster, 1989, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


In Oversize Posters folder

Brooklyn clippings, 1990s, inclusive

Box: 46, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

Brooklyn Clubs - Research by EHO, 1990s, inclusive

Box: 46, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

359 Broadway, 1990s, inclusive

Box: 46, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

Brooklyn poster by Warren Linn (The New Yorker parody), circa 1990s, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


In Oversize Posters folder

Film on Brooklyn: Restoration of Bedford Stuyvesant (VHS tape), circa 1990s, inclusive

Box: 78, Cassette: 1 (Material Type: Moving Images)

Existence and Location of Copies

This film has been digitized and is available on the Center for Brooklyn History's Internet Archive account.

Film on Brooklyn: Downtown Brooklyn (VHS tape), circa 1990s, inclusive

Box: 78, Cassette: 1 (Material Type: Moving Images)

Existence and Location of Copies

This film has been digitized and is available on the Center for Brooklyn History's Internet Archive account.

Film on Brooklyn: Rebirth of Atlantic Avenue (VHS tape), circa 1990s, inclusive

Box: 78, Cassette: 1 (Material Type: Moving Images)

Existence and Location of Copies

This film has been digitized and is available on the Center for Brooklyn History's Internet Archive account.

Film on Brooklyn: Partnership in Prospect Heights (VHS tape), circa 1990s, inclusive

Box: 78, Cassette: 1 (Material Type: Moving Images)

Existence and Location of Copies

This film has been digitized and is available on the Center for Brooklyn History's Internet Archive account.

Film on Brownstone Brooklyn: The Brownstones of Brooklyn (VHS tape), circa 1990s, inclusive

Box: 78, Cassette: 2 (Material Type: Moving Images)

Existence and Location of Copies

This film has been digitized and is available on the Center for Brooklyn History's Internet Archive account.

Film on Brownstone Brooklyn: Cinderella of Berkeley Place (VHS tape), circa 1990s, inclusive

Box: 78, Cassette: 2 (Material Type: Moving Images)

Existence and Location of Copies

This film has been digitized and is available on the Center for Brooklyn History's Internet Archive account.

Film on Brownstone Brooklyn: My, My Brooklyn (VHS tape), circa 1990s, inclusive

Box: 78, Cassette: 2 (Material Type: Moving Images)

Existence and Location of Copies

This film has been digitized and is available on the Center for Brooklyn History's Internet Archive account.

Film on Brownstone Brooklyn: Brooklyn, USA -- the Rebirth of an American City (VHS tape), circa 1990s, inclusive

Box: 78, Cassette: 2 (Material Type: Moving Images)

Existence and Location of Copies

This film has been digitized and is available on the Center for Brooklyn History's Internet Archive account.

The Battle of Long Island (VHS tape), circa 1990s, inclusive

Box: 78, Cassette: 3 (Material Type: Moving Images)

Pirnie (VHS tape), circa 1990s, inclusive

Box: 78, Cassette: 4 (Material Type: Moving Images)


In a case labeled "The Brownstones of Brooklyn" -- it is unclear whether the case relates to the tape

Flatbush: Architecture and Urban Development from Dutch Settlement to Commercial Strip, 1990, inclusive

Box: 46, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)

You Gotta Have Park! poster (Prospect Park), 1990, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


In Oversize Posters folder

Episcopal Church of St. Luke and St. Matthew - Sesquicentennial celebration, 1991, inclusive

Box: 46, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Text)

Great New York State Wine and Food Festival poster (Fulton Ferry Landing), 1992, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


In Oversize Posters folder

"Living in the City" by EHO typescript, 1992, inclusive

Box: 46, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Text)

Civil War - Brooklyn, 1993, inclusive

Box: 46, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Text)

Park Slope: Northern Exposure - 34th Annual House Tour poster, 1993, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


In Oversize Posters folder

Brooklyn Celebrates - 30th Anniversary of the Landmarks Preservation Law poster, 1995, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


In Oversize Posters folder

Green-Wood Cemetery, 1995, inclusive

Box: 46, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Text)

BAM fundraising correspondence, 1996, inclusive

Box: 46, Folder: 13 (Material Type: Text)

"The Glory that was Brooklyn Beer" by EHO typescript and research, 1996, inclusive

Box: 46, Folder: 14 (Material Type: Text)


Includes Brooklyn Brewery ephemera

EHO lectures and other Brownstone events, 1996-2005, inclusive

Box: 47, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)

New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission - Rowhouse Manual, circa 2000, inclusive

Box: 47, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)

"Volunteers At Work" - Preserving America's Historic Sites - Preservation Volunteers (VHS tapes - 2 copies), 2002, inclusive

Box: 78, Cassette: 6-7 (Material Type: Moving Images)

"Volunteers At Work" - Preserving America's Historic Sites - Preservation Volunteers (VHS tapes - PAL format), 2002, inclusive

Box: 78, Cassette: 8 (Material Type: Moving Images)

WNYC "Brooklyn Brownstones" program audio cassettes (two copies), 2002, inclusive

Box: 52, Folder: - (Material Type: Audio)


Profile of EHO

WNYC "Brooklyn Brownstones" program print outs, 2002, inclusive

Box: 47, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

Charles Lockwood correspondence, 2003, inclusive

Box: 47, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

Leffert's House (VHS tape), 2003, inclusive

Box: 78, Cassette: 9 (Material Type: Moving Images)

Brownstones, 2003-2010, inclusive

Box: 47, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)


Includes Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn, Preservation Volunteers, Brownstoner bibliography, advertisement for EHO talk "Brownstones and the Brownstone Age," Brownstone Revival Coalition press releases, and Park Slope walking tour

Preservation Volunteers - Reports and photographs, 2004, inclusive

Box: 47, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

"Don't Tell Mayor Brooklyn Bloomberg About the Brownstone Bargain: Low, Low Real Estate Taxes" by EHO, 2005, inclusive

Box: 47, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

Robert Furman - Before Brooklyn and After sample chapters, 2006, inclusive

Box: 47, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)

"Brownstone violation" clipping, 2007, inclusive

Box: 51, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

Open House New York, 2007, inclusive

Box: 47, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Text)

Park Slope Civic Council - Civic News, 2008, inclusive

Box: 47, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Text)

Series 7: Brownstone Revival Comittee records, 1967-2008, inclusive

Scope and Contents

The series contains files relating to the Brownstone Revival Committee (BRC) (later Brownstone Revival Coalition), dating from 1967 to 2008. It includes organizational records, lecture and workshop files, copies of the Brownstone calendar, and issues of the organization's publication, The Brownstoner.

Additional files related to the BRC can be found in Series 3: Everett and Evelyn Ortner personal papers, Series 5: Brooklyn and Historic Preservation lectures, Series 6: Brooklyn and Historic Preservation general files, Series 8: Back to the City Conference, Series 9: Brownstones and Historic Preservation clippings, and Series 10: Brownstone correspondence.


The series is organized into five sub-series:

Sub-series 7.1: Brownstone Revival Committee administrative records

Sub-series 7.2: Brownstone Revival Committee lectures, seminars, and workshops

Sub-series 7.3: The Brownstoner

Sub-series 7.4: Brownstone calendars and photographs

Sub-series 7.5: H. Dickson McKenna files

Sub-series 7.1: Brownstone Revival Committee administrative records, 1967-2008, inclusive


5.85 Linear Feet in two manuscript boxes, four folders, and two oversize folder

Scope and Contents

The sub-series contains administrative records of the Brownstone Revival Committee (BRC) (later the Brownstone Revival Coalition), dating from 1967 to 2008. They include Board of Directors files, correspondence, reports, financial records, photographs, home-buyer's guides, one scrapbook, and ephemera.

The BRC organized the first Back to the City conference in 1974, and some files related to that conference are found in this sub-series.


Arranged chronologically.

BRC Historic, 1967-2004, inclusive

Box: 26, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Text)


Includes 1979-1986 board meeting minutes

Home-Buyer's Guide to New York City Brownstone Neighborhoods, 1969, inclusive

Box: 26, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Text)

BRC - General I, 1969-1975, inclusive

Box: 26, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Text)

BRC - General II, 1968-1974, inclusive

Box: 27, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)

BRC - General III, 1970-1986, inclusive

Box: 27, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)

BRC "Gems", 1970s-1998, inclusive

Box: 27, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)


Includes Park Slope walking tour, Gowanus typescript by John Muir, lists of recommended professionals and craftpersons, and other documents

BRC vs. IRS, 1970-1971, inclusive

Box: 27, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

Brownstone Surveys, 1971-2002, inclusive

Box: 27, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

Back to the City tour, 1974, inclusive

Box: 27, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

BRC - Publicity, 1974-1976, inclusive

Box: 27, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)


Includes Back to the City

BRC bank, mortgages, and bankers, 1975-1976, inclusive

Box: 27, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)

BRC board meetings, 1977-1983, inclusive

Box: 27, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Text)


Includes financial records

BRC Guide to New York City's Fine Old Neighborhoods (fourth edition), 1979, inclusive

Box: 28, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)

Brownstone Revival Committee scrapbook, 1979-1980, inclusive

Box: 77, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

Brownstone Revival Committee and Brownstone Fairs, 1980-1987, inclusive

Box: 28, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photograph of Brooklyn Borough President Sebastian Leone and Brooklyn Union Gas Company President Eugene Luntey with Brownstone billboard

Reverse Mortgages, 1982-1994, inclusive

Box: 28, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)


Includes Ortners' reverse mortgage application for 272 Berkeley Place and issues of the Brownstoner (Spring and Winter 1989, Spring 1990, and Fall 1993)

Brownstone Revival Coalition of New York, 1982-2007, inclusive

Box: 28, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

Brooklyn Brownstone Fair posters, 1986, inclusive

Box: 75, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



BRC brochure layout, 1986, inclusive

Box: 75, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



BRC correspondence, 1986-2000, inclusive

Box: 28, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

Brownstoner Ad appeal/rates, 1986-2004, inclusive

Box: 28, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

Brownstone Awards, 1989-1993, inclusive

Box: 28, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

BRC membership forms, circa 1990s, inclusive

Box: 28, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)

Grants, 1990-1996, inclusive

Box: 28, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Text)

BRC miscellaneous, 1995-1998, inclusive

Box: 28, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Text)

BRC Board of Directors, 1996-1997, inclusive

Box: 28, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Text)

BRC brochure, 1996-2001, inclusive

Box: 28, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Text)

BRC bills, 1996-2003, inclusive

Box: 29, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)

BRC board meetings and mailing lists, 2008, inclusive

Box: 29, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)

Sub-series 7.2: Brownstone Revival Committee lectures, seminars, and workshops, 1970-2004, inclusive


0.65 Linear Feet in twelve folders

Scope and Contents

The sub-series contains files relating the lectures, workshops, and seminars produced by the Brownstone Revival Comittee (later the Brownstone Revival Coalition), dating from 1970 to 2004. It includes correspondence, flyers, programs, lecture notes, slide lists, and photographs.

Additional lectures delivered by EHO, some of which may have been produced by the Brownstone Revival Committee, can be found in Sub-series 3.1: Personal papers, memorabilia, and photographs, Sub-series 3.3: Publicity, and Series 5: Brooklyn and Historic Preservation lectures. Slides were used by EHO in his lectures can be found in Sub-series 4.3: Brooklyn and Historic Preservation slides.


Arranged chronologically.

BRC lectures, 1970-1974, inclusive

Box: 25, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

BRC lecture notes and slide lists (2 folders), 1970s-2004, inclusive

Box: 25, Folder: 7-8 (Material Type: Text)

BRC lecture, "A New Skyline for Brownstone Brooklyn?", 1990-2002, inclusive

Box: 26, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)
item: digital files (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

Conditions Governing Access

Access to digital materials is available onsite at the Othmer Library. Requests to access digital materials must be made at least 2 days in advance by emailing

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

Donated on one 3.5 inch floppy disk, containing two digital files in .dat and .doc formats. Digital ID arc_306_media_001.

BRC seminars, 1996, inclusive

Box: 26, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)

BRC fall seminars, 1998, inclusive

Box: 26, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

BRC workshops, 1980-2001, inclusive

Box: 26, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

BRC workshop, 1990, inclusive

Box: 26, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photographs

BRC workshop, 1991, inclusive

Box: 26, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

BRC workshop, 1992, inclusive

Box: 26, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

BRC workshop, 1994, inclusive

Box: 26, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)

BRC workshop, 2001, inclusive

Box: 26, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Text)

Sub-series 7.3: The Brownstoner, 1968-2005, inclusive


0.25 Linear Feet in three folders

Scope and Contents

The sub-series contains issues of The Brownstoner, the newsletter for the Brownstone Revival Committee (later the Brownstone Revival Coalition), dating from 1968 to 2005. The newsletter includes articles on historic home renovation, state and local legislation concerning historic homes and home buying, finances (mortgages, insurance, etc.), cultural events, street beautification, walking tours and lectures, landmarking, and gentrification.


Arranged chronologically.

The Brownstoner, 1968-1970, inclusive

Box: 20, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)

The Brownstoner, 1971-1972, inclusive

Box: 20, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)

The Brownstoner, 1973-1974, inclusive

Box: 20, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

The Brownstoner, 1975-1976, inclusive

Box: 20, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

The Brownstoner, 1977-1978, inclusive

Box: 20, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

The Brownstoner, 1979-1980, inclusive

Box: 21, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)

The Brownstoner, 1981-1982, inclusive

Box: 21, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)

The Brownstoner, 1983-1985, inclusive

Box: 21, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

The Brownstoner, 1986-1987, inclusive

Box: 21, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

The Brownstoner, 1988-1989, inclusive

Box: 21, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

The Brownstoner, 1990-1992, inclusive

Box: 22, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)

The Brownstoner, 1993-1997, inclusive

Box: 22, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)

The Brownstoner, 1998-2005, inclusive

Box: 22, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

Sub-series 7.4: Brownstone calendars and photographs, 1985-2006, inclusive


0.65 Linear Feet in thirteen folders

Scope and Contents

The sub-series consists of calendars produced by the Brownstone Revival Committee (later the Brownstone Revival Coalition) and copy photographs (prints, negatives, and contact sheets) that were featured in the calendars, dating from 1985 to 2006. The calendars include images of 19th century New York (primarily Manhattan) and advertisements for businesses related to brownstones and historic home renovation. The photographs portion of the sub-series includes some images that were not used in the calendars. The sub-series does not include calendars for the following years: 1986, 1987, and 2003.

Additional copy slides of images used in the calendar can be found in Sub-series 4.3: Brooklyn and Historic Preservation slides.


The sub-series is subdivided into calendars and photographs. Each section is arranged chronologically.

Brownstone calendars, 1985, 1988-1997

Box: 22, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

Brownstone calendars, 1998-2002, 2004-2006, inclusive

Box: 22, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

Brownstone calendar - Prints and negatives, circa 1980s-1990s, inclusive

Box: 23, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)


Includes photograph of EGO and Clem Labine

Brownstone calendar - Negatives and contact sheets, 1988, inclusive

Box: 23, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)

Brownstone calendar - Prints and negatives, 1990, inclusive

Box: 23, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

Brownstone calendar - Prints, 1991, inclusive

Box: 23, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

Brownstone calendar - Pix not used, 1991, inclusive

Box: 23, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

Brownstone calendar - Negatives, 1991-1992, inclusive

Box: 23, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

Brownstone calendar - Prints and negatives, 1994-1995, inclusive

Box: 23, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

Brownstone calendar - Prints and negatives, 1998-1999, inclusive

Box: 23, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)

Brownstone calendar - Prints, negatives, and captions, 2002, inclusive

Box: 23, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Text)

Brownstone calendar - Negatives, 2003, inclusive

Box: 23, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Text)

Brownstone calendar - Prints, 2000s, inclusive

Box: 23, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Text)

Sub-series 7.5: H. Dickson McKenna files, 1972-1994, inclusive


1.8 Linear Feet in three folders and one oversize folder

Scope and Contents

The sub-series contains the Brownstone Revival Committee (BRC) and Back to the City Conference records of H. Dickson McKenna, dating from 1972 to 1994. McKenna was an organizer and speaker at the first Back to the City Conference in 1974, and served as the Treasurer and board member of the BRC in the 1980s and 1990s.


Arranged chronologically.

H. Dickson McKenna's Back to the City file, 1972-1974, inclusive

Box: 29, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

H. Dickson McKenna's BRC board files, 1981-1982, inclusive

Box: 29, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

H. Dickson McKenna's BRC board files, 1985-1994, inclusive

Box: 29, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

H. Dickson McKenn'as BRC financial records, 1984-1992, inclusive

Box: 72, Folder: - (Material Type: Text)



Series 8: Back to the City Conference records, 1973-1992, inclusive

Scope and Contents

The series contains records relating to the Back to the City Conference (BTTC), dating from 1973 to 1992. It includes the records of the organization (Board of Directors files) and files relating to individual conferences.

Additional BTTC files can be found in Series 7: Brownstone Revival Comittee, Series 9: Brownstones and Historic Preservation clippings, and Series 10: Brownstone correspondence.


The series in divided into two sub-series:

Sub-series 8.1: Back to the City Conference administrative records

Sub-series 8.2: Back to the City Conference - Annual conferences

Sub-series 8.1: Back to the City Conference administrative records, 1973-1992, inclusive


5.1 Linear Feet in four manuscript boxes, one small box, and one oversize folder

Scope and Contents

The sub-series contains administrative records of the Back to the City Conference (BTTC), dating from 1973 to 1992. It includes Board of Directors files, financial records, correspondence, newsletters, and ephemera. It also includes files on conferences and other events where EHO represented BTTC.


Arranged chronologically.

Back to the City seal, 1970s, inclusive

Box: 69, item: - (Material Type: Realia)

BRC foundation appeal, 1970s, inclusive

Box: 29, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

BTTC stationery, 1970s, inclusive

Box: 29, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1973-1975, inclusive

Box: 29, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)

BTTC proceedings matters, 1974-1975, inclusive

Box: 29, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Text)

BTTC leaflet, 1975, inclusive

Box: 29, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Text)

National Trust for Historic Preservation and Rider 8, 1975, inclusive

Box: 29, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Text)

BTTC corporate matters and contracts, 1975-1976, inclusive

Box: 29, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Text)

Documents / Articles, 1975-1976, inclusive

Box: 29, Folder: 13 (Material Type: Text)

BTTC Board of Directors and Advisory Board correspondence, 1975-1978, inclusive

Box: 29, Folder: 14 (Material Type: Text)

BTTC Board of Directors meetings, 1975-1983, inclusive

Box: 29, Folder: 15 (Material Type: Text)

BTTC Board of Directors minutes and by-laws, 1975-1980, inclusive

Box: 30, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)

National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1975-1979, inclusive

Box: 30, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)

BTTC contacts, 1975-1980, inclusive

Box: 30, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

BTTC and BRC correspondence, 1975-1986, inclusive

Box: 30, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

Correspondence to/from preservation organizations, 1975-1986, inclusive

Box: 30, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

BTTC check book and finances, 1975-1992, inclusive

Box: 30, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

Administrative Code J-51, 1976, inclusive

Box: 30, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

International Downtown Executives Association Mid-Year Conference - Little Rock, Arkansas, 1976, inclusive

Box: 30, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)


EHO led BTTC panel

BTTC News Reports and literature, 1976-1980, inclusive

Box: 30, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Text)

BTTC general files, 1976-1985, inclusive

Box: 79, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

American Institute of Architects - Preservation of Historic Resources conference - Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1977, inclusive

Box: 30, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Text)


EHO spoke at conference

Richard Crissman correspondence, 1977, inclusive

Box: 30, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Text)

City Living '78 poster, 1978, inclusive

cabinet: Flat file A, Drawer: 1 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


In Oversize Posters folder

Old House Workshop - Buffalo, New York, 1978, inclusive

Box: 31, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)


EHO presented for Back to the City

Housing for the Elderly conference - Detroit, Michigan, 1978, inclusive

Box: 31, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)


EHO delivered keynote address

Preservation Action, 1978-1981, inclusive

Box: 31, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

Columbia proposal, 1979, inclusive

Box: 31, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

BTTC Board of Directors, 1979-1986, inclusive

Box: 31, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

EHO Westover School talk, 1980, inclusive

Box: 31, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

Urban Visitors Network, 1981, inclusive

Box: 31, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

BTTC financial records, 1981-1982, inclusive

Box: 31, Folder: 8 (Material Type: Text)

BTTC miscellaneous, 1982, inclusive

Box: 31, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Text)

BTTC Board of Directors meetings, 1982-1983, inclusive

Box: 79, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Mixed Materials)

The Townscape Institute, 1983, inclusive

Box: 31, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Text)

Sub-series 8.2: Back to the City Conference - Annual conferences, 1974-1986, inclusive


2 Linear Feet in four manuscript boxes and two folders

Scope and Contents

The sub-series contains files on the annual Back to the City Conferences, dating from 1974 to 1986. The files document the organizing and logistics of each conference, and include correspondence, programs, brochures, posters, financial records, press releases, photographs, and ephemera relating to the cities in which the conferences were hosted.


Arranged chronologically by the date of each conference. The first file in the sub-series contains participant lists from each conference.

BTTC Conference participant lists, 1974-1984, inclusive

Box: 31, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Text)

Back to the City Conference - New York, New York, 1974, inclusive

Box: 32, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)

Back to the City Conference - New York, New York press kit, 1974, inclusive

Box: 32, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)

Back to the City Conference - St. Paul, Minnesota, 1975, inclusive

Box: 32, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

Back to the City Conference - Washington D.C., 1976, inclusive

Box: 32, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

Back to the City Conference - San Antonio, Texas, 1977, inclusive

Box: 32, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

Back to the City Conference - Hartford, Connecticut (2 folders), 1978, inclusive

Box: 33, Folder: 1-2 (Material Type: Text)


Includes Connecticut Governor Ella Grasso and Hartford Mayor George A. Athanson

Back to the City Conference - Louisville, Kentucky (2 folders), 1979, inclusive

Box: 33, Folder: 3-4 (Material Type: Text)


Includes Louisville Mayor William B. Stansbury

Back to the City Conference - Wilmington, Delaware, 1980, inclusive

Box: 33, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

Back to the City Conference - Milwaukee, Wisconsin (2 folders), 1981, inclusive

Box: 34, Folder: 1-2 (Material Type: Text)

Back to the City Conference - Milwaukee, Wisconsin - EHO speech, 1981

Box: 79, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)

Back to the City Conference - Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania / Mauch Chunk (2 folders), 1982, inclusive

Box: 34, Folder: 3-4 (Material Type: Text)

Back to the City Conference - Brooklyn, New York, 1983, inclusive

Box: 34, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

Back to the City Conference - Brooklyn, New York, 1983

Box: 79, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

Back to the City Conference - Miami Beach, Florida, 1984, inclusive

Box: 34, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

Back to the City Conference - Cleveland, Ohio, 1985, inclusive

Box: 35, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)

Back to the City Conference - Cleveland, Ohio (2 folders), 1985

Box: 79, Folder: 5-6 (Material Type: Text)

Back to the City Conference - Fort Wayne, Indiana, 1986

Box: 79, Folder: 7 (Material Type: Text)

Series 9: Brownstones and Historic Preservation clippings, 1966-1985, inclusive


2.3 Linear Feet in three manuscript boxes and one oversize folder

Scope and Contents

The series contains clippings relating to brownstones and the historic preservation movement, including the Brownstone Revival Committee (BRC), Back to the City Conference (BTTC), and the Brooklyn Union Gas Company's Cinderella project, dating from 1966 to 1985.


Arranged chronologically.

Brownstone clippings and ephemera (4 folders), 1966-1982, inclusive

Box: 35, Folder: 2-5 (Material Type: Text)


Includes BRC, BTTC, Brooklyn Union Gas Company - Cinderella projects, and Brooklyn Museum

EHO stuff - Book (BTTC clippings), 1968-1984, inclusive

Box: 35, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

Historic Preservation articles, 1970s, 2002-2004, inclusive

Box: 36, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)

BTTC / BRC clippings (1-3 of 4 folders), 1974-1979, inclusive

Box: 36, Folder: 2-4 (Material Type: Text)


Includes some correspondence and ephemera

BTTC / BRC clippings (4 of 4), 1974-1979, inclusive

Box: 73, Folder: - (Material Type: Text)



Housing and BTTC clippings, 1975-1982, inclusive

Box: 36, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

Housing clippings, 1979

Box: 36, Folder: 6 (Material Type: Text)

Housing clippings (3 folders), 1979-1981, 2004, inclusive

Box: 37, Folder: 1-3 (Material Type: Text)

BTTC / BRC clippings, 1984-1985, inclusive

Box: 37, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

Series 10: Brownstone correspondence, 1965-2005, inclusive


0.4 Linear Feet in five folders

Scope and Contents

The series consists of correspondence relating to brownstones and the urban historic preservation movement, especially in the Park Slope neigborhood of Brooklyn, dating from 1965 to 2005. It includes several organizations, such as the Park Slope Betterment Committee, the Brownstone Revival Committee, and the Back to the City Conference. It also includes several local politicians, such as U.S. Congressman Fred Richmond, U.S. Congresswoman Yvonne B. Burke, U.S. Congressman Leo C. Zefferetti, Mayor Edward I. Koch, and Borough President Howard Golden.

Of note are letters urging local banks to extend mortgage loans to homebuyers in the previously "red-lined" neighborhood of Park Slope in the 1960s.


Arranged chronologically.

Brownstone correspondence, 1965-1969, inclusive

Box: 14, Folder: 3 (Material Type: Text)


Includes Park Slope Betterment Committee

Brownstone correspondence, 1969-1971, inclusive

Box: 14, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)


Includes Park Slope Betterment Committee

Brownstone correspondence, 1971-1978, inclusive

Box: 14, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)


Includes Park Slope Betterment Committee, Brownstone Revival Committee, Back to the City, U.S. Congressman Fred Richmond, and U.S. Congresswoman Yvonne B. Burke

Brownstone correspondence, 1978-1985, inclusive

Box: 16, Folder: 1 (Material Type: Text)


Includes Brownstone Revival Committee, New York City Mayor Edward I. Koch, Brooklyn Borough President Howard Golden, and U.S. Congressman Leo C. Zeferetti

Brownstone correspondence and clippings, 2000-2005, inclusive

Box: 16, Folder: 2 (Material Type: Text)

Series 11: Brooklyn Union Gas Company - Cinderella projects, 1967-2008, inclusive


10 Linear Feet in nine folders, oversize folders, and five film canisters

Scope and Contents

The series documents the Brooklyn Union Gas Company's Cinderella projects. Starting in the 1960s, the company purchased and refurbished abandoned brownstones in the Park Slope neighborhood of Brooklyn in order to attract new residents to the neighborhood. EGO designed and furnished the interiors of the first Cinderella home at 211 Berkeley Place in 1968, and EHO was vocal proponent of the program. In 1978 the Ortners recieved the company's Cinderella Award, and were featured in Brooklyn Union Gas Company advertisements.

The series consists of publications, correspondence, films, histories on the program and the company, and ephemera, dating from 1968 to 2008. Of note are three 16mm films produced by the company to promote the program in the 1970s.


Arranged chronologically.

Brooklyn Union Gas Company annual report, 1967, inclusive

Box: 24, Folder: 9 (Material Type: Text)

211 Berkeley Place clippings and correspondence to EGO, 1968, inclusive

Box: 24, Folder: 10 (Material Type: Text)

Brooklyn Union, Cinderella, and the Ortners, 1970s-1999, inclusive

Box: 24, Folder: 11 (Material Type: Text)

Brooklyn Union Gas Company, 1970-1976, inclusive

Box: 24, Folder: 12 (Material Type: Text)

Brooklyn Union Gas Company - Brownstones of Brooklyn films (3 copies), 1972, inclusive

bin: 2014.003.11.1-3, reel: - (Material Type: Moving Images)

Brooklyn Union Gas Company - Cinderella of Berkeley Place (?) film, circa 1972, inclusive

reel: 2014.003.11.4, reel: - (Material Type: Moving Images)

Brooklyn Union Gas Company - Cinderella of Prospect Place film, circa 1972, inclusive

bin: 2014.003.11.5, reel: - (Material Type: Moving Images)

Brooklyn Union - Costumes, 1972-1973, inclusive

Box: 24, Folder: 13 (Material Type: Text)

Brooklyn Union Gas - Cinderella contact sheet, 1976, inclusive

Box: 24, Folder: 14 (Material Type: Text)

Brooklyn Union Gas Company - Cinderella project newspaper advertisements, 1976-1977, inclusive

Box: 75, Folder: - (Material Type: Text)



Brooklyn Union Gas Company - Ortners/Cinderella award winners posters, 1978, inclusive

Box: 76, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)



Brooklyn Union, 1997-1998, inclusive

Box: 24, Folder: 15 (Material Type: Text)

Typescripts on Brooklyn Union Gas Company, Keyspan, and National Grid by EHO, 2006, inclusive

Box: 24, Folder: 16 (Material Type: Text)

Brooklyn Union Gas Company's Cinderella Projects by Elizabeth Soloman, 2008, inclusive

Box: 24, Folder: 17 (Material Type: Text)


Includes edits by EHO

Series 12: Historic District Designation Reports, 1969-1973, 2005, inclusive


0.3 Linear Feet in nine folders

Scope and Contents

The series contains New York City Historic District Designation Reports (1969-1973) and one map of historic locations in the Greenpoint and Williamsburg neighborhoods of Brooklyn (2005). The Ortners were key proponents of the landmarking of the Park Slope neighborhood of Brooklyn, and their photographs of Park Slope buildings were used to support the establishment of the historic district. The series also includes negatives and contact sheets of 272-276 Berkeley Place.


Arranged alphabetically.

Carroll Gardens Historic Designation Report, 1973, inclusive

Box: 24, Folder: 18 (Material Type: Text)

Cobble Hill Historic Designation Report, 1969, inclusive

Box: 24, Folder: 19 (Material Type: Text)

Greenpoint - Williamsburg Historic Resources Map, 2005, inclusive

Box: 24, Folder: 20 (Material Type: Text)

Greenwich Village Historic Designation Report, 1969, inclusive

Box: 24, Folder: 21 (Material Type: Text)

Park Slope Historic Designation Reports (3 folders), 1973

Box: 25, Folder: 1-3 (Material Type: Text)


Includes negatives and contact sheets of 272-276 Berkeley Place and other related materials.

Stuyvesant Heights Historic Designation Report, 1971, inclusive

Box: 25, Folder: 4 (Material Type: Text)

Upper West Side Historic Designation Reports, 1973, inclusive

Box: 25, Folder: 5 (Material Type: Text)

Series 13: Brooklyn and Manhattan postcards, 1873-2007, inclusive

Box: 52, Folder: - (Material Type: Graphic Materials)


0.7 Linear Feet in one small box

Scope and Contents

The series contains Brooklyn and Manhattan postcards and a small amount of other postcards and tradecards (Rising Sun Stove Polish and Paine's Funiture Manufactory) collected by Everett Ortner, dating from 1873 to 2007.


The series is divided into Brooklyn postcards, Manhattan postcards, and other postcards.

Center for Brooklyn History
128 Pierrepont Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201