Mrs. Milan Hulbert collection of colonial British America and early United States of America papers
Call Number
Language of Materials
The Hulbert collection (1698-1846) consists principally of late eighteenth century documents related to colonial British America. The collection also includes documents from the American Revolution and early national period. The collection holds papers related to the British military presence in North America, including statistical reports (i.e., returns) for troops for several months in 1760 and documents compiled by Frederick de Deimar in connection with the Corps of Hussars (1779-1781) he raised for the British during the American Revolution. Non-military matters include correspondence, chiefly from Goldsbrow Banyar, Register of Prerogative Court and deputy to George Clark, Secretary of the Colony of New York, concerning a dispute among colonial New York officials over their respective rights to collect and receive patent and other fees (1766-1770). There are papers concerning the Bahamas (1795-1796), including correspondence, principally to and from colonial agent George Chalmers, and minutes of the Legislative Council. Among the other documents in the collection are land grants and indentures, a will, court filings, and other documents from New York State, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Florida. Several of these documents still have a large wax seal tied to them.
The collection is arranged with non-military matters preceding military matters. Folders of non-military matter are arranged by corporate entity (state, colony, etc.). Folders of military records are arranged in rough chronological order. Oversize items are in separate flat boxes.
Scope and Contents
The Hulbert collection consists principally of late eighteenth century documents related to colonial British America. The collection also includes documents from the American Revolution and early national period.
Four significant subjects stand out in the collection. The first concerns a dispute among colonial New York officials over their respective rights to collect and receive patent and other fees (1766-1770). This material includes extensive correspondence, petitions and other documents, especially from Goldsbrow Banyar, Register of Prerogative Court and deputy to George Clark, Secretary of the Colony of New York. A second substantive set of papers concerns the Bahamas (1795-1796) and includes correspondence, principally to and from colonial agent George Chalmers, requesting more troops in war with Spain; resolutions of the Colonial House of Assembly; and minutes of the Legislative Council. A third set includes Captain Frederick de Deimar's post-war efforts to be reimbursed by the British government for expenditures related to the troop of Hussars he raised in America during the Revolution; Diemar's collected documents include enlistment and other certifications, correspondence, receipts, and rolls of the soldiers, clothing and equipment. A fourth set includes several monthly military returns (i.e., statistical reports) concerning the British forces in North America during the French and Indian War in 1760.
In addition to these subjects, the collection includes various other British colonial military papers, including naval orders, reports of promotions, Order in Council concerning troops in Newfoundland (1698), and an act punishing those assisting Royal Navy deserters (1760). Other than military matters, the collection includes land grants and indentures, a will, court filings, and other documents from New York State, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Florida. Several of these legal documents, which primarily concern property matters of various types, including enslaved African-Americans in Virginia, still have a large wax seal tied to them.
Conditions Governing Access
Open to researchers without restriction.
Conditions Governing Use
The material is in the public domain.
Preferred Citation
Identification of item, date (if known); Mrs. Milan Hulbert collection of colonial British America and early United States of America papers, ARC.278, Box and Folder number; Brooklyn Historical Society.
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Gift of Mrs. Milan Hulbert, 1866. Mrs. Hulbert was the wife of a director of the Long Island Historical Society (now the Brooklyn Historical Society).
About this Guide
Processing Information
The collection, other than the box of oversize legal documents, was processed and initially described in 2005 in summary fashion by Heather Davis. A separate, detailed inventory of the military returns was prepared in March 2008. The legal documents were minimally processed as a separate collection by Nick Pavlik in October 2011. In December 2011, Larry Weimer combined the accessions and multiple descriptions into one collection, reflecting the original 1866 donation, and made some changes in both arrangement and description.
The collection is comprised of four accessions: 1974.039, 1974.041, 1974.042, and 1974.043.
Sponsor Note
View Inventory
New York: Patent Fee Dispute (15 total folders), 1766-1770, inclusive
New York: Patent Fee Dispute (oversize), 1766-1770, inclusive
New York: Notarized Testimonies (3), 1765, 1812, inclusive
New York: Land Grants (with fragile seals), 1786, 1792, inclusive
1) Land grant to Jacob Walton in Township 18, Washington and Montgomery counties (1786). 2) Land grant to Joseph Moroney in Pompey Township, Montgomery County (1792).
New York: Miscellaneous, 1745, 1822-circa 1832, inclusive
Includes two items of correspondence concerning the conveyance of an African-American slave from New York to his owner in Philadelphia (1745); three printed documents concerning politics (an Andrew Jackson 1832 campaign poster from Suffolk County, an 1822 parody of state officials, and an undated elector ballot); and an undated portion of a state assemby bill concerning Kings County.
Rhode Island: Legal Matters, 1752-1766, inclusive
Includes a County Clerk's 1752 transcription from the records of a 1722 will; print of appellant's case in Brown vs. Allen and Cheever (1738); and documents related to various cases, including Whitman vs. Whitman (circa 1751) and Freebody vs. Brenton (1765).
South Carolina: Payment to General Assemblyman Robert Lark, 1777, inclusive
South Carolina: Land Indenture, Purchase (2), 1777, 1787, inclusive
Virginia: Baptismal Statement, 1746, inclusive
Bahamas: Minutes of Legislative Council, 1795-1796, inclusive
Virginia: Legal Matters, 1740-1766
Includes four printed documents: Respondent's case in Rogers vs. Spalding (1740), Appellant's case in King vs. Lewis and Burwell (1754), and both cases in Corbin vs. Lomax (1766).
Virginia: Legal Matters (oversize, with fragile seals), 1746-1777, inclusive
Includes Lilly vs. Tabb dispute over slaves (1746); Lookright vs. Thomas Mann Randolph (1749); Corbin vs. Lomax (1764); Lee vs. Hunter (1777).
West Florida: Land Grants, Petitions, 1770-1781, inclusive
Includes land grants (1770, 1772) and affidavits concerning protection from Indians at Natchez (1779-1781).
Bahamas: Colonial Agent Correspondence, 1795-1796, inclusive
England: Miscellaneous, 1764-1846, inclusive
Includes an order to assess land taxes in Bristol County (1764); notes of a debate, apparently in a Committee of British lords, concerning the rights and relationship of Parliament to the American colonies (1766); invoices for shipments (1766, 1808); correspondence (1772, 1790); an appendix from printed material of a map of Lord Viscount Nelson's naval action at Castle Bokier (1798); broadside "Letter from the Queen to the King" identifying grievances (1820); and printed "Report from the Committee on the Dublin and Kingstown Extensio Railway Bill" (1846).
British Military Records: Correspondence, Orders, etc., 1698, 1744, 1756, inclusive
British Military Records: Correspondence, Orders, etc., 1760-1767, inclusive
British Military Records: Monthly Return of His Majesty's Forces Under the Command of His Excellency Major General Amherst (6 returns: Jan-May, Aug), 1760, inclusive
British Military Records: Monthly Return of His Majesty's Forces in North America (3 returns: Sep-Nov), 1760, inclusive
British Military Records: Monthly Return of the 22nd, Eight Companies of the 40th, and 45th Regiments, Company of Artillery and Proventials, Louisbourg, June 1760, inclusive
British Military Records: Monthly Return of the 45th Regiment, Two Companies of Artillery and Provential Regiment, Louisbourg, Sept 1760, inclusive
British Military Records: Correspondence, Orders, etc., 1777, inclusive
British Military Records: Return of the 1st Battalion Marines, Halifax (April), 1776, inclusive
British Military Records: Correspondence, Orders, etc., 1780-1781, inclusive
British Military Records: Regimental Pay Orders, 1787-1788, inclusive
British Military Records: Correspondence, 1790, inclusive
Corps of Hussars: Enlistment Certifications, 1779-1781, inclusive
Corps of Hussars: Correspondence, etc., 1779-1791, inclusive
Corps of Hussars: General Roll taken from Muster Rolls, May 1781, inclusive
Corps of Hussars: Account of the Corps of Hussars Raised in North America . . . in the Year 1779, 1780, and 1781 . . ., circa 1781, inclusive
Includes a comprehensive accounting of men who served and their clothing and equipment. The oversize item is in several fragments.