Series 7: Newspaper Clippings, 1832-1915, inclusive
Scope and Contents
The series is comprised of many loose clippings and one scrapbook. The scrapbook is Civil War themed and includes clippings concerning battles, naval ships and other weaponry, military maneuvers, political developments, cartoons, and individuals. The scrapbook also holds some ephemera. The loose clippings are principally from the mid-nineteenth century and concern Brooklyn ferries, docks and waterfront. There are also some clippings concerning the Pierreponts, including information about their property, biography, obituaries, and Henry's opposition to the consolidation of Brooklyn and New York City. Newspapers represented include, from Brooklyn, the Daily Advertiser, Daily Eagle, Daily Freeman, Daily Union, Evening Star, and Long Island Star, and from New York, the Dispatch, Enquirer, Herald, Times, and World.
The loose clippings are arranged in rough subject and chronological order.