This series spans 1700 to circa 1920, though the bulk of the series dates from 1800 through the 1850s. The series includes invoices and accounts related to the estate of Jacob Ryerson; 38 deeds for properties sold for unpaid taxes 1841-1850; bills paid by Margaret Ryerson, 1833-1848; receipts of John, Phebe, Ann, and Jacob Ryerson; tax receipts for four lots on the Ryerson farm in the 7th ward of Brooklyn; tax receipts and assessments, 1835-1850; two account books, Wallabout 1815-1818 and John Ryerson, 1826-1829; receipts of the Ryerson estate, 1836-1849; old receipts of Martine and W.G., 1836-1850; a blueprint of a 1917 survey showing Rockaway Blvd., E. 98 St., and Church Ave. in Brooklyn; 12 wills, 1754-1821; five deeds, 1739-1824; miscellaneous papers, 1700-1830; a book of minutes of teacher meetings at Flatlands Neck Sabbath School, 1880-1911; genealogy notes on the Ryerson and Remsen families; the will of Hetty Ryerson, 1795, 1798, and 1803; John Ryerson's discharge from the British Army, 1777; miscellaneous clippings and pamphlets including several items regarding the World Home Supply Co. that was located in the Flatiron Building in Manhattan; and floor plans for the Ryerson family home on New Lots Road and floor plans for the old Remsen house, both located in Brooklyn. The floor plans were drawn by G.Y.S. Ryerson.
Additonally, there is one oversize deed between Abraham Willett and Rem Rapalye for property in the vicinity of Front Street, Ferry Street, and Jacob Street (Manhattan, near the Brooklyn Bridge landing), dated 1767. The deed is located in Oversize Box 23.