Series V: Library and Cafeteria Workers--National Students' Strike of 1970, 1970-1971, inclusive
Scope and Contents note
This series includes materials from the Library and Cafeteria Workers strike committees, records from the faculty-student strike coordinating committee for the academic side of the university, the participating departments, the coordinating committees of the buildings which students seized and occupied, and finally, a collection of student analyses of the strike which were written for Professor Fleming's class in the Politics Department. For an analysis of these events which is based primarily upon the records of the Cafeteria and Library workers' union local, and upon oral histories, see Peter Miller's video "Violets on the Picket Line." The video, as well as a research paper, are available for use at the Public History Program office in the NYU Department of History, 19 University Place, Fifth floor. Both the video and the paper are scheduled for accession by the University Archives.