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Thomas William Edmondson Papers

Call Number



1885-1918, inclusive


Edmondson, Thomas William, 1869-1938


1.25 Linear Feet
in 2 manuscript boxes and on half-manuscript box

Language of Materials

Materials are in English.


Thomas William Edmondson was a professor of mathematics at New York University (NYU) and served the University as Secretary of the Executive Committee of the University Council (1900-1902), Secretary of the Faculty Committee of the University Council (1903-1933), acting dean of the Graduate School (1916-1921), and Chairman of the Washington Square Collegiate Division (1913). This collection consists of his correspondence with family and friends.


Thomas William Edmondson was born in Skipton-in-Craven, Yorkshire, England, on June 26, 1869. His parents, Sarah Dodgson and Thomas Edmonson, Sr., were middle-class tradespeople. Thomas Edmondson, Sr. had worked himself up through the printing apprentice system and was a master printer in Skipton. He owned a small business, Edmondson & Co., Printers and Stationers, and was very active in civil affairs and the Oddfellows Society. Thomas was one of eight children. He attended elementary school in Skipton. From 1879-1888, he was the recipient of a scholarship at the Skipton Endowed Grammar School. In June 1886, he took the London University matriculation examination. When his results were published, he was first on the Honors List. He took his B.A. at London University in 1888.

In 1887, Edmondson received the Ackroyd Scholarship, which enabled him to attend Pembroke College in Cambridge. The Ackroyd was a senior mathematical scholarship. He received his B.A. from Cambridge in 1891. After getting his degree, he continued at Cambridge as an assistant tutor in mathematics and physics at the University Correspondence College and pursued graduate studies in physics, chemistry, and botany.

During the summer of 1893, he immigrated to America. After a year in the United States, he was appointed to a Fellowship in Physics at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts. He was awarded the Ph.D. in 1896 as a result of study and research at Clark.

Following conferral of his degree, Edmondson was appointed Assistant Professor of Physics at NYU's University College, located on the Heights campus in the Bronx. In addition to his work in the Physics Department with Professor Daniel W. Hering, he also assisted Professor Pomeroy Ladue in the Mathematics Department. In 1903, Edmondson became an assistant professor of mathematics. Following Ladue's resignation in 1906, Edmondson was appointed head of the Mathematics Department.

Professor Edmondson also served NYU as an administrator. He was Secretary of the Faculty Committee of the University Council from 1903-1933 and served as Acting Dean of the Graduate School from 1916-1921. He was also chairman of the Washington Square Collegiate Division in 1913. On August 31, 1934, Edmondson's long service to the University formally ended with his retirement. He died on November 4, 1938.

Thomas W. Edmondson was married in 1896 to Minnie Ramsden. They had no children.


Edmondson's papers are arranged chronologically by correspondent.

Scope and Contents

The papers of Thomas William Edmondson consist primarily of correspondence with members of the Edmondson family who resided in Yorkshire, England. Some letters from friends and associates of Edmondson are also included.

The members of the Edmonson family appearing in the papers are the children and descendants of Thomas Edmondson (d. Nov. 17, 1917) and Sarah Dodgson. Their ages are unclear from the papers. The family members are listed below in alphabetical order.

Dick Edmondson, married to Billie Nottingham in 1904. One child, Mary, born in 1906.

George Edmondson, married to Frances in 1914.

Harry Edmondson, married to an unnamed widow in 1916. No children. His wife died in 1918.

Jack Edmondson, married to Mabel in 1894. Five children: Katie, Sallie, Tom, Leonard, and Jessie. He also adopted Mabel's niece, Dorothy.

Jim Edmonson, married to Bessie Dickinson in 1904. One child, Marjery, born ca. 1907.

Nan Edmondson, married to George Mattock in 1907. Two children, Mary and "Baby."

Sallie Edmondson, married to Jim Bargh in 1909. One child, Geoffrey, born in 1912. She separated from Bargh in 1916.

Thomas William Edmondson, married to Minnie Ramsden in 1896. No children.

Access Restrictions

Materials are open without restrictions.

Use Restrictions

Any rights (including copyright and related rights to publicity and privacy) held by the creator are maintained by New York University. Permission to publish or reproduce materials in this collection must be secured from New York University Archives, (212) 998-2646,

Preferred Citation note

Identification of item, date (if known); Thomas William Edmondson Papers; MC 17; box number; folder number; New York University Archives, New York University Libraries.

Location of Materials

Materials are stored offsite, and advance notice is required for use. Please request materials at least two business days prior to your research visit to coordinate access.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Materials found in collection; there is no documentation concerning the provenance of these materials.

Collection processed by

Barbara J. Balliet, January 1978. Electronic version prepared by Ashley Sena-Levine.

About this Guide

This finding aid was produced using ArchivesSpace on 2023-08-20 17:52:14 -0400.
Using Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language: Finding aid written in English

Processing Information

Processing information before 2019 is unavailable.

Revisions to this Guide

June 2019: Updated by Jacqueline Rider for compliance with DACS and ACM Required Elements for Archival Description


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