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The front cover of the album 'Orientreise, 1898'., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

The inside front cover of the album 'Orientreise, 1898'., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

A blank page in the album 'Orientreise, 1898'., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

A blank page in the album 'Orientreise, 1898'., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Two views of the Port of Genoa and the surrounding city., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a view of the Rock of Monaco. Bottom: French warships sailing near a French port., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: men, women, and children outside the bazaar in Tunis. Bottom: A view of men, women, and children at a marketplace in Bab Souika, Tunis., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a man next to two camels. Bottom: a view of the Parc du Belvédère in Tunis, with a mountain in the background., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a group of ships arriving to a port in Alexandria, with the guide book in the foreground. Bottom: a group of banana boats on the Nile River in El Mahmoudia, Alexandria., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: an empty field next to a river with mountains in the background in Cairo. Bottom: boats docked in a canal on the Nile River., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: people in the streets beside the Mausoleum of Mamluk Amir Janibak al-Ashrafi (foreground) and Funerary Khanqah of Mamluk Sultan Faraj ibn Barquq (background). Bottom: A shop with a printing press, near Bab Zuweila., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a farm with buildings on the horizon in Boulaq, Cairo. Bottom: a caravan., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a caravan on the Avenue of the Pyramids in Giza. Bottom: a canal and and fig trees., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: buildings on the bank of Roda Island, Cairo. Bottom: a farm in Heliopolis with donkeys and machinery., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: A group portrait of several men and a woman in front of the Cheops Pyramid and the Sphinx. Bottom: the Sphinx and the Great Pyramids., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a group of people climbing the Great Pyramids. Bottom: the town of Bedrachein on the Nile River., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a palm tree forest in Memphis. Bottom: a group of men traveling to the Pyramid of Djoser., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a crowd of people and donkeys in Saqqara. Bottom: a street scene beside Jaffa Gate including a photography studio and barbers., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a group portrait of two men and a woman posed outside a tent in Jericho. Bottom: a man posed by the cost of the Dead Sea., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: A group portrait of men and women on the coast of the Dead Sea. Bottom: a view of the River Jordan with a woman in the foreground., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a view of tents on the way from Jerusalem to Jericho. Bottom: a view of Beirut., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a boat sailing near the coast of Beirut. Bottom: a road in Mount Sannine near terraced farms., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a group of people congregated at the base of a terraced mountain town, Muallaqa (Zahle), on the way from Beirut to Damascus. Bottom: a train track in the Anti-Lebanon Mountains., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a man riding a camel in Muallaqa (Zahle). Bottom: a group of men gathered outside a building., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a man in the courtyard of the Umayyad Mosque. Bottom: an aerial view of Damascus., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: an aerial view of the Umayyad Mosque. Bottom: a fountain in the courtyard of a Christian house., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a bridge on the Barada River with the Tekkiye Mosque and Mount Hermon in the background. Bottom: a rooftop view of a city and a two-story arched dome., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a vignetted street scene featuring a mosque. Bottom: the Bosporus Sea with Uskudar, Istanbul in the background., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: ships sailing off the coast of Istanbul. Bottom: a view of the Rumelihisarı., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a view of the Rumelihisarı and adjacent buildings. Bottom: a ship sailing off the coast of Istanbul and the Dolmabahçe Palace (linked ref32)., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a view of Istanbul's coast including the Hagia Sophia and Topkapi Palace taken from the Bosphorus. Bottom: a cargo ship from Hamburg docked at a harbor in Piran., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a ship sailing out of a port. Bottom: a ship "Auguste-Victoria" sailing adjacent to smaller rowboats., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a view of the Acropolis. Bottom: ruins of an ancient temple at the Acropolis., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: view of Athens taken from the Acropolis. Bottom: a view of the Erechtheion., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a view of a Chania, Crete with mountains in the background. Bottom: the Port of Chania, Crete., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a boat docked at the Port of Chania, Crete. Bottom: passengers on the deck of the "Auguste-Victoria" ship., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Two views of ships. Top: a ship in the south bay of Sardinia. Bottom: ships in a port in the moonlight., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a view of Turkish forts. Bottom: a woman on a the deck of the "Auguste-Victoria" ship., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a view of three boats off the coast of Palermo near Mount Pellegrino. Bottom: a body of water with ships and a city in the distance, taken from the "Auguste-Victoria" ship., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Two views of the Villa Hanbury in La Mortola, Genoa., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a view of the Villa Hanbury in La Mortola. Bottom: a fountain in La Mortola (linked ref43)., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: foliage by a road. Bottom: a view of the mountainous coast in La Mortola., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

From the top right counter-clockwise: a group portrait of several men at the Palace of the Bey (Dar el Bey), Tunis; the courtyard at the Palace of the Bey (Dar el Bey), Tunis; a group of men at the foot of the Sphinx; a view of the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

From the top right counter-clockwise: men on the road in Saqqara, a group of men riding donkeys in Memphis, the village of Bedrechem, and a village in Saqqara., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

From the top right counter-clockwise: the facade of the Ayyubid Omar Mosque, Jerusalem; a caravan's arrival in Bethlehem; the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus; and a Bedouin hotel in Jericho., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

From the top right counter-clockwise: two views of a lunch spot on the way from Jerusalem to Jericho, the Acropolis, and ruins in Baalbek., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

From the top right counter-clockwise: a view of the Rumelihisarı; the Port of Chania, Crete; a view of the Villa Durazzo-Pallavicini in Genoa; and a view of the deck on the Auguste in Victoria., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a ship sailing. Bottom: a group portrait of two men and two women taken on a the "Auguste-Victoria.", 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a view of Mount Lycabettus, Athens. Bottom: a vingetted view of buildings and a mosque taken from the street., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

A blank page in the album 'Orientreise, 1898'., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

The inside back cover of the album 'Orientreise, 1898'., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

The back cover of the album 'Orientreise, 1898'., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Inhaltsverzeichnis (table of contents), accompanying the album 'Orientreise, 1898', page 1 of 3, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Inhaltsverzeichnis (table of contents), accompanying the album 'Orientreise, 1898', page 2 of 3, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Inhaltsverzeichnis (table of contents), accompanying the album 'Orientreise, 1898', page 3 of 3, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 1 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 2 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 3 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 4 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 5 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 6 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 7 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 8 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 9 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 10 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 11 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 12 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 13 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 14 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 15 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 16 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 17 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 18 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints
Akkasah: Photography Archive (NYU Abu Dhabi)
New York University Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi P.O. Box 129188